Trend Forecasting Book for Spring 2013

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H a r m o n i z e Azure



Backcast color and style 2011

Organic colors were huge in 2011. It was all about using natural organisms to help perserve our earth and the impending end many thought coming due to the Aztec calendar. They created vivid, intense and pure color to lighten spirits. Runway examples to the right show popular fabric treatments such as satin sheen, sheer and soft volume. Bright, even clashing hues were used to create interest. The explosion of color was so unpredictable that it was a welcomed change. People embraced positive change in light of the negative economy around them. Embroidery, pleating and prints are displayed to the right. Vintage colors, slightly faded from age gave 2011 a soft edge. Inspiration was taken from vintage finds because of the sense of comfort and nostalgia of times when a better future was on the horizon. Lace, feathers and sequins are examples to the right of fabric treatment.

Backcast color and style 2012

In contrast from the previous year, 2012 used selective color in combination with neutral tones. This technic provided a very clean and pure look.The pop of color allowed for unique interest on the most basic garments. To the left are examples of perforated mesh, neoprene effects and plaid, all very popular during 2012. People started realizing our green world was rapidly being replaced by cold greys of our industrial world and rusting metal. In light of the world around them, people wore the browns greys and oranges they saw around them. To the left are examples of organza sheer, tweed and light suede. The final trend was all about soft, sun-faded color and water color. Both effects leave an abstract image almost like a dream bringing back times of old. Shown to the left are examples of synthetic jackets, broderie anaglaise, and colored leather.




With fear constantly surrounding the fate of the world, the human race will stop, and for the first time in centuries, truly appreciate the land that surrounds them. All aspects of life will gain new enjoyment, even those once looked poorly upon. Women will no longer use heavy makeup or clothing to cover imperfections; those characteristics will now be embraced in a new light of beauty. Our once robotic world that had near forgotten the feel of true human connection and love will once more reconnect to genuine life. The local traditions and crafts that had almost vanished will be reestablished and thrive. People will reconnect with love, not the crude lust our world now knows, but the sincere, self-sacrificing, all-accepting love that has been lost to the world for decades. The world will get a second chance at life, real life.















Intrinsic Ethereal


Azure is a land of beauty. Grown in a fear of waning exsistance, the people here see beauty in everything. Surrounded by calm, soothing shades of blues and beiges, the people here are able to rest and appreciate life. Even things once considered imperfections will reveal their true splendor hidden deep within. There is no need to hide anymore; women bare their true beauty to the world, unmasked by harsh makeup or heavy material. Azure is a garden of peace, joy and truth. beryl.





enter a world where all things are beautiful, even those once thought ugly.


reconnect with our roots that were almost all but forgotten in this technologic world.


rediscover real, selfless love in a world surrounded by pleasure and beauty.

Azure street style

The Look:




Made primarily from simple shirt dresses cinched at the waist, an azure styled women retains her feminine figure without effort. Flat shoes with character tell their own story in each outfit. Lightweight cottons such as cambric, challis and etamine are perfect for these looks. They allow for comfort and movement in the garment while still enabling the woman to show the world her true figure without shame or doubts.



Humans will once more reconnect with their intrinsic nature. They will see the dead, cold technological world around them and realize what they had lost, their roots. They will remember the beginning with an intoxicating nostalgia and make every effort to bring it back. They will surround themselves with soft earth hues and all natural textiles adorning their bodies in loose silhouettes and hand crafted accessories. husk.




Intrinsic street style

The Look:

cotton/hemp blend hemp/silk blend


The intrinsic woman is all about getting back to the real world. She dresses herself in all natural fabrics such as cotton, silk, hemp and leather all purchased from small local boutiques and family owned farms. Her garments hang loose around her frame but the real instrisic style comes from the hand-crafted accessories she adorns herself with (many she made). This woman is in touch with the earth and her roots.



This ethereal escape holds more beauty than any eye can see. It is where love, pure love, lives. It is driven by the want of a better future for our world. Men and women truly appreciate one another here and together enjoy the best luxuries of life. They experience love the way it was meant to be, with humble and eternal care for each other. Women here are entwined in the finest materials of subtle pink and red hues. They drape these luscious fabrics around their figure allowing for a loose, care-free silhouette. roseate.




Ethereal street style

The Look:



satin silk

An ethereal woman understands more than just physical beauty. She sees the beauty in souls; that authentic, kind and compassionate beauty that most people can’t. Beauty so beyond words that the only way she can express it is through dress. Hence why this women adorns herself in only the most beautiful chiffons, voiles, and silks. Her style is flawless. Airy, flowing dresses and blouses matched with ornately crafted accessories.


H a r m o n i z e

Images sources: WGSN, Tumblr, We Heart It, The Sartorialist, Pinterest

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