Welcome to the fourth issue of Four Winds magazine! I’m so excited about this edition - for many reasons. First, I’ve finally managed to pin down my boss for an interview! This doesn’t sound like everybody’s idea of fun, but turn to p54 and you’ll get an idea for how the company works, and why I’m so proud to be a part of it – in short, we’re social, political, ethical AND spiritual! (Tip: if you’ve ever wondered why I call myself The Tower, this is the place to find out). This edition is crammed with fantastic articles from new writers, and we’re very lucky to have Sally Morningstar on board, sharing her fears, and her hopes, for mankind as a whole at this most pivotal of times. Plus, we have our usual columns: Vanda Lloyd on being a Priestess of the Goddess, Max Goodwin on Men’s Mysteries, Peter Wood on Magickal Theory, moon horoscopes for May & June with Janetta Morton, and Danu Forest covers not one, but two Celtic festivals in her regular slot on the Wheel of the Year: Beltane, the Celtic fertility festival, and Litha – Midsummer. Don’t miss pages 21-26 for a stunning display of how recycled or ‘upcycled’ fabrics can become stunning one-off garments, courtesy of alternative business, The Watchers. As always, nothing you see within these pages could have been created without the talent and dedication of my regular contributors, new writers, artists, photographers, graphic designers and others who are involved. I thanks them, and you as readers, from the bottom of my heart. Have a fantastic couple of months. Happy reading!
The Tower ~ Editor
Four Winds Magazine
Based in Glastonbury, Four Winds is a not-for-profit enterprise that aims to become a handbook for down-to-Earth spirituality. We focus on issues that are Social, Political, Spiritual and Ethical, and we are an inclusive magazine – accepting of all faiths and walks of life. To subscribe, visit fourwindsmagazine.co.uk To advertise, visit fourwindsmagazine.co.uk The Tower is a Hedgewitch living on the mystical Isle of Avalon, or sometimes Glastonbury. She is part 16 of the Court Arcana – The Tower – editor of Four Winds magazine, and social secretary to some extremely busy and disorganised wizards. As the saying goes: behind every great man is a woman with a sharpened stick. With many thanks to Lisa Iris for her fantastic zodiac artwork. www.lisairis.bizland.com
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For the latest news and reviews, go to our blog: fourwindsmagazine.blogspot.com
1 year’s subscription (6 issues) is just £15. Visit the website or send a cheque payable to Four Winds to 59B Hill Head, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8AW.
All words and artistic works within Four Winds have been submitted by the writer/owner of said work. All rights remain the property of the original author and no intellectual property infringement is intended.
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Contents east 6 8 11 12 14
air ♦ intellect ♦ spring ♦ sunrise ♦ god
The Moon, Astrology, and You
New EU Laws Discriminate Against the Ancient Practice of Herbal Medicine - Alison Mayer examines the ban that could affect us all Energy Work - Simon Bastian explores the significance of energy in the ancient Chinese practice of Qi Gong Men’s Mysteries - In this issue, Max looks at the mythological Rise and Fall of the Divine Male What Do Angels Look Like? - Mark Norman myth-busts this topic in his regular feature on Angels What is Theta Healing? - Practitioner Lorena Granata introduces this relatively new healing modality
fire ♦ body ♦ summer ♦ noon ♦ god
15 16 17 21
Artist’s Profile - Alison Jones explains the processes behind her art, in particular, this issue’s cover - Winter Sleeping The Blacksmith’s Arte - Steve Madog tells of setting up a forge in Glastonbury, where he teaches the art of making magickal tools A Passion for Firewalking - What could be more apt than a firewalk at Beltane? Here, Lisa Connolly explains their significance Eco fashion has never been so inspiring! In this issue, our fashion pages feature unique clothing by The Watchers. Affordable, stylish, bespoke or off-the-rail … and eco-friendly? We could hardly believe it, either. See for yourself on pages 21-26!
34 36 38
40 42 44
Features Your accurate horoscopes for May and June courtesy of astrologer Janetta Morton
Four Winds has joined forces with
The Ministry of Witchcraft to bring you the latest news and events from the alternative scene. Find out more about The Ministry and keep up-todate with events on pages
28 & 29 What is The Court Arcana? Exclusive interview with Dr David Lake, founder of The Court Arcana. David talks about his primary campaign - to rid the UK of its heroin problem.
water ♦ emotions ♦ autumn ♦ twilight ♦ goddess
Basic Spellcraft - In Peter Wood’s latest instalment of Magickal Theory, he looks at the basics of successful spellcraft The World of Animal Communication - Demelda Penkitty describes her abilities to psychically talk to animals Personal Power with the Sassy Sorceress - yet another fantastic column on personal empowerment through Gypsy Witchery! Earth Energies - Ceri Norman gives us her view on the magical, mystical Glastonbury Tor in her regular column Where is the Goddess? - Priestess of Avalon Vanda Lloyd explains how to find Her in her regular column on Goddess energy What’s Love Got to Do with It? - Rehana Moughal tackles the
What to Grow Now Seasonal gardening advice from our very own, in-house garden wizard - Jim Common.
earth ♦ spirit ♦ winter ♦ midnight ♦ goddess
46 48 50 54 56
The Greater Good - Sally Morningstar presents us with a choice in her article - evolution or extinction. Which will you choose? The Wheel of the Year - Danu Forest explains the Celtic festivals of Beltane and Litha in history and in contemporary celebration Piecing Together the World - Part one of our feature on Tarot as a guide to the forces of the Universe, with Laura Taylor A Timely Warning - In part two of our Tarot feature, Graham Robertson recalls his most memorable Tarot experience Doctor, Doctor - Occult Consultant Jamie Alexzander solves reader problems with a little Hoodoo know-how
Eco Fashion
21 5
New EU laws discriminate against the ANCIENT practice of
herbal medicine
New EU licensing rules will ban the sale of herbal remedies from unlicensed retailers and herbalists from May 1st 2011. The EU directive that comes into effect from this date plans to regulate the sale of these herbal products so that they can only be retailed through licensed outlets. The aim is to safeguard consumers from any negative side effects caused by taking herbal medicines incorrectly or without supervision from a registered herbalist.
law are not derived from the ideal behind it, but from its methodology and deliverance. In reality, its construction is grossly flawed and its deliverance is ill-conceived. The regulation will damage two main categories of business, based firstly on size and revenue and secondly on medicinal origin – in essence, small businesses and non-European herbalists will suffer dramatically.
need, or we will be forced to seek unlicensed products online, from retailers not issuing usage information.
Is this really about quality of
regulation or about generating revenue?
If securing such licensing is so expensive, then surely it would guarantee quality products? Yet the depth of a company's pockets does This discriminates against non-European not necessarily reflect its knowledge of herbal medicine or herbal traditions by implying that the quality of manufacture. All this standards outside the EU may be lower begs the question: is this really about quality of regulation or than those within it about generating revenue?
The ban, imposed by the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD), will require the sale of herbs that are claiming to have medicinal value to only be sold through licensed retailers, which will also affect labelling and information provided with products regarding their medicinal uses. Consumers will still be able to buy herbs from shops or online retailers provided that the outlet is not making medicinal claims relating to the use of that herbal product.
All this sounds like a good thing for the consumer - ensuring that we can have confidence that the information given by retailers will be based not on whether they happen to 'know their stuff’, but on the licence requirement that retailers are accurately knowledgeable about the products they are selling and the information supplied with them. So what's the problem? The issues and concerns arising from this new
This law will in effect drive many small companies out of business,
mainly due to the cost of obtaining such licences through extensive testing. The cost of these licences is estimated by some to be between £80,000 and £120,000 per herb. Small business, understandably, cannot afford the outlay required for such a licence, and this will leave the sale of these products to be monopolised by large national and corporate companies. The question then is, how will this cost affect the price of products to the consumer? It seems a certainty that larger companies that do invest in licences will be forced to reflect such huge outlays in the price of products. Such a price increase to the consumer could have a knock-on affect on our health – either we will not be able to afford the herbs we
Discrimination against
ancient traditions
The new regulation also requires medicinal herbs to have at least 15 years of usage within the EU, supposedly as a foundation for establishing proof of traditional usage. This discriminates against non-European herbal traditions by implying that standards outside the EU may be lower than those within it. This provision seriously disadvantages traditional Chinese medicine, as well as South East Asian, Tibetan, Amazonian and Southern African traditions, to name a few. These traditions are often the oldest and most developed botanically-based healthcare traditions in the world. Chinese 6
With herbal health centres, herbalists, retailers and consumers set to suffer, who will really benefit when the ban on unlicensed herbal products kicks in this May?
Medicine, for example, dates back to around 6000 BC, and although it is unlicensed in the UK and EU, clinics are already currently regulated by the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Certificate, which certifies the manufacturing processes of all such products available on the UK high street. The GMP is certified by the Chinese government body The SFDA, and ensures that each manufacturer is assessed and rewarded for good manufacturing practice.
What can we do? The only way this regulation can be opposed is if you, the great British public, let your voices be heard. The European Referendum Initiative for Natural Remedies is a campaign which aims to guarantee free access to scientifically assessed natural health remedies for all European Union Citizens. They intend to hold
the referendum in all 27 member states, and demand that the European Union hold such a referendum without delay. To achieve this, the campaign needs one million signatures on the petition.
Some of the herbs affected by this ban and their reputed properties are as follows: Cascara bark – stimulates a sluggish bowl
The European Referendum Initiative claims that: 'Draconian laws, intended to ban information on many natural health remedies and their uses, are increasingly being introduced throughout Europe under the guise of the "protection of public health."'
Pau D’Arco – anti-inflammatory Ashwagandha – anti-inflammatory Skullcap - for headaches, pain relief and anxiety Meadowsweet – treats acidity of the stomach and headaches Horny Goat Weed – enhances libido
Access to traditional herbal remedies is a fundamental human right, and such medicine is growing in popularity as an alternative to symptom-treating Western medicine. Many now believe that herbal remedies not only treat some illnesses, but help to
prevent them. In order to preserve Britain's ancient herblore and the freedom to utilise herbal wisdom from across the globe, we must be heard.♦ Alison Mayer © 2011
To sign the petition, visit: www.eu-referendum.org
and click on 'REFERENDUM FOR NATURAL REMEDIES' CAMPAIGN,’ where you can sign the petition online or download a copy of the petition form. Alison Mayer is Campaigns Manager for The Ministry of Witchcraft www.theministryofwitchcraft.com
Visit their Campaigns page for more info and links.
To learn more about The Ministry of Witchcraft, see page 27.
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
The Chinese discipline of Qi Gong is gaining
popularity in the UK. Qi Gong teacher Simon Bastian explains its significance now, as we begin to truly realise our natures as energetic beings.
Energy Work Qi Gong (pronounced Chee Gung) translates as Energy Work, and is a Chinese form of exercise. A dictionary definition of energy, the one that science likes to adhere to, is simply ‘the capacity to do work’. It is understandable that scientists in our culture are cautious of any interpretation of energy that deviates from their own. Precision in terms is essential, and the general decline in standards of literacy in favour of ‘freedom of expression’ leads to unclear thinking. We can’t, after all, express ourselves and manifest our aims without the underlying structure of a functional grammar. On the other hand, the Western scientific community can no longer substantiate an argument against the holistic view of energy. We are all fundamentally, and at the core particle/wave function level, composed energetically, as is
everything around us. So the ‘New Age’ use of the word may sometimes jar, but I have to subscribe to its use in describing what are after all abstract states. An alternative term would only similarly be subject to criticism, so when I refer to 'Qi' I am talking about energy in the 'New Age' sense – the energy that forms all living things.
So as Qi Gong was promoted, some Chinese scientists tried to placate Western analysts by suggesting that Qi was a metaphor. Naturally, actual physical structures cannot be found that correlate to such models as the Qi Meridians, although there has been a great deal of research into measuring energy fields in and around the human body, from the images of an aura captured by the
Of course, the whole arena of complementary therapy and psycho-spiritual We are all fundamentally, and at the core exercise is open to particle/wave function level, composed accusations of pseudoscience and energetically, as is everything around us magickal thinking (as the term is unfortunately Russian scientist Semyon Davidich applied in its derogatory sense). The Kirlian in the 1920s, a method essential question, though, should subsequently named Kirlian be whether a practice contributes to photography, to the documentation overall wellbeing. There have been of energy points in the 1990s that attempts to place the concept of Qi related to known acupuncture on an ‘acceptable’ basis. In the points, using a device known as the 1980s the Chinese SQUID (superconducting quantum government was keen to interference device), an extremely Qi Gong is one aspect of promote Chinese heritage, sensitive magnetometer used to Traditional Chinese Medicine, and twenty years earlier, measure weak magnetic fields. This and is a form of exercise that responding to a World Health has led some researchers to equate Organisation directive, had combines deep, relaxed breathing Qi with the idea of a quantum field created TCM, Traditional with both still postures and effect. Chinese Medicine. Perhaps a movement to create a general The respected martial artist Tim better translation would be feeling of wellbeing. It works Traditional Communist Cartmell thinks Intention, or ‘Yi’, is with the concept of energy more essential, and that it is really Medicine, as the components not that important whether Qi exists were arbitrarily selected by a channels, the Meridians, in the or not. ‘Where the mind goes, Qi group of committee body, and also with various physicians. TCM is not the flows’ is another of those ubiquitous energy centres, some of which Chinese sayings. Although Qi is most totality it appears to be, but a are similar to the Chakras in popularly related to the breath, it fragment. Consider the size of yoga. Because of its range and can be interpreted as life force, the country. Different forms variety, no matter what your age mental focus or in terms of an of medicine evolved over the electrochemical effect. I tend centuries in each village and or current condition of health toward an explanation in terms of province, and they are largely there are Qi Gong exercises omitted from TCM.
suitable for you.
vitality, which is something most people can relate to.
History, Styles and Effects The origins of Qi Gong may extend as far back as around 2700 B.C., and Huang Ti, the legendary Yellow Emperor who was said to have practiced Dao Yin, a form of exercise which translates as ‘guiding (or leading) energy’. The exercises could have come from ancient shamanic rites and magical dance patterns. In the 2nd century A.D. Hua T’o produced the ‘Movement of the Five Animals’ Set, or ‘Five Animal Frolics’. Ko Hung the alchemist had an 18 movement form, and Da Mo or Bodhidharma as he was originally known before he arrived in China, developed a set of exercises for the monks of the Shaolin Temple to strengthen their bodies so they could remain seated in meditation for longer periods of time. These were collected as the famous Tendon Changing and Marrow Cleansing Classics (Yi Chin Ching and Hsi Sui Ching). During the boom in interest in Qi Gong in the 1980s, the Falun Gong movement emerged, extolling a synthesis of Buddhist and Taoist principles. The vast number of practitioners in this school (estimated at 70 million by the end of the 1990s) attracted the attention of the authorities. After peaceful protests against unfair media coverage, Falun Gong was banned by the Communist Party in 1999. It is worth considering that many cultures throughout the ages have had a concept of internal energy, or life force. It’s even there in our modern rendering of heroic myth, ‘Star Wars.’ To the Hindus, it was Prana, or the Serpent Power, Kundalini. The Qabalists have Chiah. Aristotle and Hippocrates thought of pneuma, or breath, as the spirit of life. George Stahl, court physician to Frederick William I of Prussia, conceived of the anima as life force. Then there is Hans Driesch’s Vitalist
outs, sports and aerobics, Qi Gong theory, the elan vital, Carl usually works in a subtle and Reichenbach’s Odic force, Franz seemingly indirect way of improving Anton Mesmer’s ‘animal magnetism’, Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone Energy, the Where Western exercise tends to exert stress ideas of Vril and the upon the muscular and circulatory/respiratory Norse Aethm, and Native American systems … Qi Gong usually works in a subtle Indian and and seemingly indirect way of improving Shamanic equivalents. physical function physical function by such means as adjusting structural alignment and taking into account the whole pattern of individual constitution, strengths, weaknesses and tendencies. So there is a more gradual improvement in wellbeing, as the body adjusts itself from old habitual patterns, and there is the benefit that the exercises can be continued well into old age, unlike the more strenuous popular forms of physical activity. Instead of exerting muscular contraction, the emphasis is upon muscular relaxation. It might seem paradoxical but a feeling of strength is not what is aimed for in Qi exercise, rather a whole body sensation of loose effortless power, or connectedness. Simon practicing Qi Gong
There are innumerable styles and forms of Qi Gong. Some work very closely with the medical models of the meridians, yin/yang polarity and the Wu Xing or Five Element theory. Others are gentle stretching exercises that work the muscles and joints. There are exercises that can be prescribed for specific ailments, and others designed for the development of martial art ability. Then there are Buddhist and Confucian styles as well as the Taoist ones. Where Western exercise tends to exert stress upon the muscular and circulatory/respiratory systems, such as jogging, gymnasium work-
The general effect of Qi Gong exercise is benefit to the cardiovascular, lymphatic and nervous systems, and increased muscular and tendon strength. There is also evidence that it works at a very deep level to enhance the immune system and improve cellular and bone health. The hyperbole found in some Chinese produced books on the subject may be the result of mistranslation or due to an over-zealous desire to impress. Sometimes the claims are quite entertaining and belong more to the world of Chinese theatre, such as masters emitting light 9
from their hands; that would they relate to the three powers (san certainly be a useful ability for the cai) of Heaven, Mankind and Earth, times I’ve come back from the pub and the three treasures (san bao) of on a moonless night and struggled Essence, Spirit and Qi. Heaven to fit the door key in the lock! I have (Ch’ien) is Yang energy , Earth (K’un) not yet is Yin (as in mastered this Mother Earth), Shen, our Spirit, power, however. and we are balanced in interpenetrates the physical The foundation between (Jen, of Taoist Qi body; it is within us and also human). Our Gong is simple. Jing, or essence, To summarise: it surrounds us, corresponding is stored in the entails Sitting, kidneys and to the idea of an aura Standing and relates to the Walking. pre-birth experience – the Waters of Admittedly there is some Life when we were suspended in the elaboration upon these acts, but amniotic fluid. Our postnatal they are the natural basis for Taoist acquired energy, which we can build energy exercise. It could be said up, is Qi. Shen, our Spirit,
interpenetrates the physical body; it is within us and also surrounds us, corresponding to the idea of an aura. Prenatal Energy is the spark of life, our essential inheritance. Postnatal Energy is the form of vitality that we acquire and control in our daily activity, including our connection with others and the environment. The only way to experience the effectiveness of Qi Gong is to do it, balancing theory with practice. Thinking too much blocks the Qi! When we become truly involved, we forget ourselves and find spontaneous action and effortless activity, Wu Wei.♦ Simon Bastian © 2011
Extract from Simon's upcoming book on Taoist Qi Gong.
Simon is a Qi Gong instructor whose training has included the Yuan Qi lineage of Mt. Emei from Sifu John Barber. He is a member of the British Taoist Association. He runs classes in the Somerset area. s.bastian@hotmail.co.uk
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Men’s Corner In all cultures and religions across time, there was and is a constant theme of the rise and the fall. This is seen in agriculture, as the wheel turns and all things die and are resurrected in a new form. Early man witnessed this and began to worship Godforms that governed the cyclical nature of plants and animals. Man also saw how the sun and moon rose across the sky and then fell, only to return again the next day. Godforms were worshiped to make sure these cycles continued and were honoured.
In each issue, wizard and men’s group leader Max
Goodwin will be focusing on the masculine divine,
men’s interestes and men’s mysteries. In this issue, Max explores a mythological tale present across cultures in
which the Wheel of the Year turns with the rise and fall of the Divine Male.
One of the most famous of these deities was Jesus, the son of God who was born to a human woman, who grew into the saviour of man and was killed only to be resurrected and live as a divine avatar. Jesus is not the only male deity that follows this process; there are many male deities that fall into the underworld and are reborn either as saviours or as divine avatars. Egyptian God Osiris was killed by his brother Seth and returned back to life by Isis and Nut, thus symbolising the Nile’s cyclical flooding; Adonis of Greece who fell in love with the Aphrodite and Persephone and was killed by a boar (a god in disguise) was also resurrected, and was then instructed by Zeus to spend six months with each Goddess, moving from the underworld to the world of man and back again. This tale mirrors the ancient Celtic tale of the Winter King and Summer King, in which Gwyn and Gwythy fight for the Goddess Creiddylad. Each is defeated by the other once a year and reigns as king of the season. This cycle only ceased when, according to Arthurian legend,
Arthur entreated peace between the brothers in order to enlist Gwyn ap Nudd to hunt the great Boar Twrch Trwyth. There are many other examples of this motif. J Frazier wrote in The Golden Bough of the sacrificial priest kings of Nemi, who were killed by the succeeding priest king who was allowed to be of any class – even a slave could the rise to be the highest order – signifying the cyclical nature of culture. When we take this and relate it to our own lives, we can draw upon the symbolism in a number of ways: the rise and fall of the Godforms shows that in order to attain a higher understanding of our own divine, wizard or higher self, we must let go of, (kill or sacrifice) the old self. This ancient type of belief system may seem outmoded now that we understand or believe in science. It is worth remembering, however, that just as the moon and sun rise
and fall, we in our natures have high times and low times. Nothing remains in a constant state; even the sturdiest of structures are in a state of flux. One of the recurring themes of these divine stories is that the cyclical male has a feminine partner in which he finds salvation or resurrection. He, is the everlasting Goddess’ Consort, who travels to the underworld and back again. This suggests that as men, we also have a deep cycle of death and rebirth in our make-up, and we should remember that in order to aid us in those times in which nothing seems to be going right. Know that in such times, the sun shall soon rise and light return – such is refelcted in our natures as men.♦ Blessed Be! Max Goodwin © 2011
Max is a Wizard and Vortex Healer. He is a custodian of Glastonbury White Spring and runs Wizard Wellbeing alongside his partner Lisa, Janetta Morton and Peter Wood. www.wizardwellbeing.co.uk
What do Angels look like? The ‘New Age,’ our perception of angels is dramatically different from how these powerful beings were once viewed. How have we now come to a conclusion on what angels look like? In-house Angel expert Mark Norman myth-busts.
If you’ve been watching TV recently, you may have seen an advert for men’s deodorant which depicts angels falling to Earth, lured by the scent of the product. The image of a statuesque humanoid with feathery wings and a halo that they portray is the one that most readily springs to mind in modern Western European culture when we think of angels. The media is a powerful shaper of perceptions, and in any case, myths and stories evolve, as we do, over time. With this in mind, I would explore in this issue of Four Winds what angels actually look like. My first port of call is usually Thomas Aquinas, the 13th century Dominican Friar and Theologian. In addressing this question, he starts by asking: 'Are Angels completely without bodies?' In short the answer he comes to is no. I would suggest reading his Summa Theologica, vol 9: Angels, if you want to understand more of his reasoning behind this.
honours them as such, washing their feet and providing a feast for them under the great trees of Mamre. There is nothing about these men
angels is drawn from the events in Mamre. The collection of Jewish mystical writings, The Talmud, describes angels' essence of as being Fire. Fire, light and heat tend to be a common theme when describing or picturing angels, such as when when Moses encounters the burning bush in Exodus 3:2: “There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush...” This would appear to be an extraordinary fire, as “...Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.” This encounter and that of Abraham above suggests to me that whenever an angel appears to someone, there is something unusual about the encounter, even if on the surface, the angel appears as a normal man. So, if you ever meet an unusual stranger with something about him or her that you can't quite put your finger on – remember, you could be face to face with an angel!
In the Islamic writings of the Angels as we know them are Hadith, smokeless fire is recorded mainly in the associated with the Djinn, Abrahamic texts, and I usually while Angels are associated turn to the Judaic, Christian and with light (for more Islamic texts after Aquinas. Return of Spring (1886) - William-Adolphe Bouguereau information about the Djinn These works give a variety of (1825-1905) see Rehana Moughal’s different answers depending on fantastic article on p25 of Four the time they were written and how that indicates physically that they Winds, issue 2). Light, whether in Angelology was perceived at the are anything other than men. the form of a cloud, pillar or orb, is a time. Abraham still recognises them for common association for an angel in who they are and this is confirmed One of the first encounters with the New Age metaphysical as the Lord speaks to him at the angels is recorded in Genesis 18:2. movement. In fact, Angels have time. It is thought by many that the Abraham sees three men standing become so popular a topic that their reference in the New Testament nearby, as he rests in the entrance literary domain has stretched to book of Hebrews 13:2 to the to his tent, sheltering from the heat over a shelf in well known high entertainment of strangers and of the sun. Instantly, he recognises street stationers, newsagents and them as being from the Lord and 12
bookstores, where once they would not have received nearly so much airspace! There are commonly thought to be nine groupings (choirs) of angels, but not all of them are differentiated in terms of their appearance. The choir closest to God contains the Seraphim or ‘Burning ones’. In Isaiah 6:2-3, we find that each Seraphim has six wings, two wings to cover their faces, two to cover their feet, and two to fly with. The next highest choir are the Cherubim, but do not be mistaken; these are not the childlike winged creatures that became so popular in Italian Renaissance artwork. The artist Donatello is often credited with the resurgence of the image of a child angel, which was previously depicted to mark9 the burial of children in the second and third centuries CE. Cherubim are fiery beings, too. In Genesis 3:24, the Lord “...placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth...” Many people have taken this passage to mean that the Cherubim carry flaming swords. It would seem to me, however, that the 'sword' is actually a Seraph, given the relation of the Seraphim to fire and the fact that Archangel Michael is thought to be a Seraph and carries his own sword of flame. Cherubim are described as having wings in the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:20) and the Temple of Solomon (1 Kings 6:24). It falls however to Ezekiel 10:21 to describe
this type of angel in detail: 'Each had four faces and four wings, and under their wings were what looked like the hands of a man.' In Ezekiel
10:14, we learn that 'Each of the cherubim had four faces: One face was that of a cherub, the second the face of a man, the third the face of a lion and the fourth the face of an eagle.' Ezekiel also mentions the Whirling Wheels in the section linking the above passages. These are thought to be another choir, the Thrones. These angels had eyes covering their bodies, just as the bodies, wings and hands of the Cherubim were covered in eyes (Ezekiel 10:12). Thrones appear again in the New Testament book of Daniel 7:9 as '...flaming with fire...'
Many depictions of angels show them carrying musical instruments, but this imagery nothing more than artistic licence, and doesn’t actually refer to scripture. Revelation 8:2-11:15 is the only section to mention angels with trumpets, while harps seem to the preserve of Christian saints (Revelation 14:2-5 is thought to refer to this). Images of fallen angels tend to be serpentine, evoking Satan and the Devil, and the snake in the Garden of Eden that tempted Eve. Sometimes, they take the form of a dragon, as in the battle at the end of times where Archangel Michael is seen to be fighting the devil within Revelation 12:3-17. This is a far cry from the image of the 'fallen angel' depicted on television. Despite all evidence, it seems mankind is determined to attribute human perceptions of beauty to beings that are bizarre if not frightening in appearance. Perhaps it doesn't matter what angels look like, because the ever-changing image of the angel conveys something far more important about society – a long-held belief by the majority of humankind that a powerful and often benevolent energy from beyond our realm of perception is watching and guiding us. Sometimes, they even make an appearance on Earth, in order to have a hand in human affairs. How you see them is up to you. Love and light, Mark.♦ Mark Norman © 2011
Mark is an Angelologist who has been working with Angels for most of his life. His first recalled
Angel experience was when he was about 6 years old and an Angel helped him so he could help
others. If you have a question for Mark you can email it to editor@fourwindsmagazine.co.uk and we'll pass it on.
Artwork By Pvasiliadis (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia
“Nothing in this universe exists in its merely physical aspect; everything is energy – and we are energy beings …”
What is Theta Healing?
Practitioner and Teacher Lorena Granata gives us a brief lesson on this newly popular healing modality
In 1992, I was given my medicine name ‘Earth Singing Heart’ during my apprenticeship with Duncan Wordley, founder of Medicine Wheel Shamanism. Living close to nature in North Wales, I began my journey to self-healing and spiritual nurturing with Native American Indian teachings and ceremony. After many years of experience in both body and energy work developed whilst working and training in the UK, India and Thailand, when my children left home I found myself free to travel and continue my spiritual growth and healing in India. It was during this period that I first heard about Theta Healing. I was always aware of the power of thoughts. Nothing in this universe exists in its merely physical aspect; everything is energy – and we are energy beings. The more I learned, the more I found the Theta Healing technique fascinating. It uses our natural intuition and the highest healing vibration of unconditional love to find and remove the hidden thoughts and beliefs held in the subconscious mind, which hold us back from living the life we want to live. Our bodies, words, thoughts and emotions are all energy, constantly being projected out into the cosmic ocean of energy and, in turn, affect everything. Two years ago I decided to move to London to live near my children and grandchildren. Only a few weeks later, in an extraordinarily synchronised way, I was fortunate to meet Vianna Stibal, the founder of Theta Healing, and hear her give a talk about how she had discovered the Theta Healing following a
diagnosis of cancer. Everything she tried, both conventional and alternative, failed, until she employed a simple technique that she used in her work as an intuitive reader and healer: ‘to go up above [her]self, connect to the Creator and command and receive instant healing’ – emotional or physical. The cancer destroying the right femur in her leg was instantaneously healed. Theta Healing is not based on any religion. 'Creator' is a name given to the energy permeating throughout every living thing. Some may call this 'God,' 'Divine Love,' 'Universal Intelligence' and so on. Vianna established that the technique she used tapped into the Theta brain wave, a deep, subconscious state of relaxation, also reached in hypnosis, deep sleep or yogi-level meditation. In her talk she explained how limiting beliefs stored in the subconscious create disharmony in the body, mind and spirit, resulting in dis-ease. She also spoke about how some people have never experienced the energy of certain feelings in their lives, perhaps due to being neglected or traumatised as children, therefore rendering them unable to develop these feelings. Sometimes we lose them somewhere in the drama of this existence. In order to bring, for example, joy or love into our lives, we have to experience them first and know what they feel like. If these feelings are missing, they can be downloaded from the Creator through Theta Healing and integrated into the individual. All this intrigued me immensely and I decided to investigate and try to find evidence to support Vianna's
claims for myself. Since that time, I have studyied and experienced Theta Healing and seen the amazing results in my own health and life and in the lives of others. I have now trained as a Theta Healing practitioner and teacher and have seen the dramatic effect Theta Healing has upon the abilities of the intuitive person, easily creating physical wellbeing and greater spiritual awareness. In Theta Healing, the practitioner works energetically with the client to find out if they have certain longheld beliefs, or have not experienced specific feelings. They then ask for the clients verbal permission to connect with the Creator of All That Is. Using the command process, they witness the removal of unwanted beliefs and the energy of the desired feelings being downloaded from the Creator and flowing through every cell of the person’s body. In belief and feeling work, we are actually training our cells to live without certain feelings, such as depression. This gives us the ability to literally change our minds; to reset the receptors for depression or other unwanted feelings and to open new receptors that can be recreated in a Theta wave. As quickly as a belief or thought can enter our minds, so it can also be removed. Once this has happened, the person is better-equipped to create life changes. I am passionate and committed to teaching and helping to empower others to recreate their realities, making it easy to live happy lives with complete wellbeing and abundance.♦ Lorena Granata © 2011
Lorena is a qualified Theta Healing DNA Advanced Teacher and Intuitive Anatomy
Practitioner. She currently lives in London and works throughout the UK and abroad. 14
Artist’s Profile - Alison Jones In each issue, our cover artists will have the opportunity to introduce themselves here. In this issue, we’ve been
fortunate enough to secure Alison Jones’ coveted fantasy artwork once more. Alison was inspired last Beltane to
produce this piece, and here she shares the story of how it came into being.
“Winter Sleeping” May 2010 This painting was the result of a beginning, which I thought I was orchestrating, to an end result of something which was far from my original intention. However, I was happy with the intervention, from wherever it came! More and more these days, my work seems to be a “channeling” rather than something completely informed by my original idea. This can be quite novel, and the work evolves almost without my input, except for the hand holding the brush! I am comfortable to continue exploring this mode of working, knowing that intuition can be a powerful force for creative ideas. The same forces took over when I painted the Maori image – it became a representation of my friend’s story, and any message conveyed, usually unknown to me until explained by the subject, is an intensely personal one. I am doing it for them, not for myself. I love working like this – it is truly painting from the Source. I am happy to undertake commissions for this kind of work. Please feel free to email me with a subject which may be dear to your heart, and we’ll take it from there …
The Blacksmith’s Arte
Steve Madog introduces his new Glastonbury
forge, and reveals the call that led him to build it on the mystical Isle of Avalon
I first visited Glastonbury fourteen years ago after making contact with the original proprietors of one of the town's most established pagan retailers. Before this, I had been working as an apprentice to the Raven Armoury and was looking to start something of my own. We had discussed the idea of supplying his shop and other pagan organisations and groups with swords and other magickal tools. On that trip I was accompanied by an old friend and we both decided to drink from the Red Spring. This, I believe, started the cycle of three coincidental visits to Glastonbury over the next decade or more, but I never truly understood or experienced my deep connection to this place until Samhain 2010 (October 31st). In the meantime, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with some of the most wonderful and knowledgeable tutors one could wish for. With the generosity and support of a coven I had joined, I built a forge in Norfolk.
I had spoken to many pagans, witches and occultists over the years and we all agreed that there was, to quote a friend, 'a lack of quality magickal ephemera' on the market, and that Glastonbury was the place to find such unique things. I spent the whole of 2009 making as many examples of my work as possible in the hope of finding a demand for them in Glastonbury – a place I felt to be a hub of magickal supplies in the UK – but nothing seemed to come together until the end of 2010 when I was invited to exhibit and talk about my work at the monthly Glastonbury Mystic & Earth Spirit Fayre. It is a long journey from Norfolk to Glastonbury but it's proving to be the beginning of new and exciting opportunities – and this place has ways of pulling you in when you least expect it! Through the Mystic & Earth Spirit Fayre I have had the privilege of meeting new friends who are parting the seas to secure my
ongoing presence here in Glastonbury. By popular demand I find myself in the position of being able to offer workshops on my favourite occupation of making magickal tools for witches, occultists, Wiccans, pagans and anyone interested in focusing such magickal forces through a tool of their own making (see the website: www.cunningcrafts.co.uk for details). At Imbolc 2011 I found myself building a forge in Glastonbury at long last, in the company of good friends, including the editor of this very magazine! A prodigious time for forge workers, Imbolc is the time of the goddess Brigid – also known as Breed, Bride, or Fraidd in Wales – one of the Blacksmith’s patrons. She is the goddess of all things relative to higher dimensions such as highrising flames, highlands, hill-forts and upland areas, and also of activities and states perceived as lofty and elevated, such as wisdom, excellence, perfection, intelligence,
When making a magickal tool of any
description, description, remember that you are the remember that you are the most important tool you will ever have, and most important tool you will that should always be your starting point ever have, and that should The other well-known blacksmith in always be your starting point. As a teacher at my magickal tool the Eastern Hebraic mystery Respect what you can learn from making workshops, I would like to traditions is Tubal Cain. It is not clear others but always look for that convey all I have learned as a why he has a double-barrelled which grants you the most potential swordsmith, artist, blacksmith and name. Gordon Wenham suggests in this life, and maybe those to witch. My path, though some may that the name ‘Cain’ means ‘smith’ come. The magickal side of the see it as erratic, is in fact the way of (which would anticipate the remarks sword-maker and blacksmith seems the cunningfolk – traditional about his metal-working skill), or to have firmly fixed me in witchcraft. For us it is the journey that he is called ‘Tubal Cain’ in order Glastonbury and due to the strength that teaches us, as we move through to distinguish him from the other of the combined forces with which I Tubal, the son of Japheth. work I can only presume that another level of evolution Genesis 4:22 says that Tubal-Cain and practical magick is on the was the ‘forger of all instruments of horizon. I have recently made bronze and iron’ or an ‘instructer of contact with the land in every artificer in brass and iron.’ T. Somerset and know that its C. Mitchell suggests that he source is too powerful to be ‘discovered the possibilities of cold ignored; as Uryenes says in forging native copper and meteoric Excalibur: “so strong it is, its iron.’ Tubal-Cain has even been source must be Uther described as the first chemist. Pendragon’s.” All these entities have epitomised In Britain we have a number the ancient tradition of forging not of traditional crafts calling to only metals, tools and weapons for be heard. The legendary men and Gods, but also the Wayland The Smith, powerful and shamanic act of blacksmith god of Northern forging ourselves with the fires in Europe in Germanic the head granted by the Horned mythology, is present at the god, known by names such as moment. In Old Norse Herne-Beli and Cernunnos, the sources, such as Völundr, he Witch Master of old, and appears in the Poetic Edda in Prometheus. a poem called Völundarkviða I have been moved in many ways by and also in the Þiðrekssaga. the interest shown in my work, He is the maker of magickal especially by those people who have swords. In the Robin of come and heard me talk and whose Sherwood series, in the enthusiasm to want to forge their episode 'The Swords of Steel Wand, Oil/Charcoal burner on tripod, and letter own tools leaves me in no doubt Wayland' he features as the opener, by Cunning Crafts. Prices from £10. For details that these workshops are needed creator of swords such as on making your own magickal tools, visit the website. and will be enjoyed by many. I am, Morax, Solas, Orias, Elidor, to say the least, overjoyed at the Beleth, Flauros and Albion, the experiences that give us an entirely prospect of being able to offer this sword of Robin Hood. In Mary different world-view and opportunity to all those who come Stewart's Arthurian Legend, he is perspective. This path has taken along, seeking the fire that has for the creator of Caliburn, the sword of some getting used to, and is often so long quietly smouldered and sent Macsen, Merlin, and Arthur. referred to as the crooked or bent forth its smoke in quiet temptation, path. The threads of fate and The ancient Cymric Gods seem to surrounding this ancient homeland wisdom that have been given to me have been a little neglected of late. in a mist of deserve equal respect, despite the They made a great effort to drag me enchantment.♦ fact that they come from spirits, and off one Sunday morning for a quiet not books. Steve Madog © word. It is they who gave me my 2011 forging signature. When making a magickal tool of any poetic eloquence, craftsmanship, healing ability, druidic knowledge and skill in warfare. I find it reassuring that her presence has had such an impact on what I wish to achieve in Glastonbury, and beyond.
For more info on magickal tool making workshops, visit: www.cunningcrafts.co.uk
A passion for Fire is passion, the spirit within, the midday sun at its full power. This potent magical element occurs naturally. It's alive; a moving, breathing entity that can create and destroy. The smallest spark can produce the largest forest fire. It warms us and it nurtures the spirit; it gathers us together in nature, to share stories and song. Fire is the light that can guide us from the deepest darkness. It inspires, enlivens and empowers the spirit. Fire has taken me on a journey beyond the hearth. The home fires where I grew up were largely electric. Central heating was the fashion, and many homes no longer had a hearth with an open fire. People didn’t gather around fires outside in their communities. So I had too few experiences with the open flame. On bonfire night, we would find whatever we could to burn, pile it all together and set it alight, but even those nights were missing the elders of the community. Sometimes the black smoke would be choking; not the most mindful of fires, yet they still held a certain tribal purpose as all of our friends gathered together. When we had power cuts, the community would light candles, and we would go outside with our naked flames and meet in the candlelight. Those exciting times stand out in my memory as monuments of a past largely devoid of natural flame. I feel that many of us in the cities lost our
sacred connection to fire during the 70s and 80s in our modern, centrally heated houses.
find how it could be done. I didn’t need to look far, and in September 1999, I took a Firewalking Instructor and Transformation Leadership course with Sundoor School of Firewalking.
As an adult, I wanted to play with this potent element and I learnt how to fire-dance. Using fire poi: chains with a ball of fire on the end, I would spin It was the most incredible, lifeand turn, making the flame spiral and changing thing I could have done for twist myself, and it around my me a I was once asked, ‘what would you gave body. I phenomenal learnt the connection with do if you had no limitations – power of fire. I was now nothing at all to hold you back?’ alive with the the fire as it roared power of the around my head, and I learnt respect flame to transmute, to transform, to for this awesome force when the create and nurture our spirits. I have chains twisted together and the fire since walked across the fire over 100 set light to my clothing. I worshipped times, and have taken over 1,500 the fire through the dance, feeling people across the red hot coals. It has that there was no-one to dance for; it been an honour to work with the was just me and the flame. This dance flame. inspired me to go deeper. I have spoken with salamanders, I was once asked, what would you do connected the Elemental King of fire if you had no limitations – nothing at Djinn, I have seen disaster and all to hold you back? It was a worked with young people who have powerful question posed at a turning tragically lost family members to the point in my life and one that is worth fire. I have burnt my feet badly, I have asking yourself often. I answered, ‘I seen others who have burnt their would teach people to walk across feet. It is rare that people have any fire.’ I didn’t even know I wanted it injury from a firewalk, but it is until I was asked. Within two weeks, I certainly possible, and if you do not came across a firewalk. It was held in take that possibility into account then an unusual place, as if it was placed you have no business firewalking. directly in my path. I walked across Burns can happen, and that is what those burning coals for the first time makes it so magickal when we walk in 1999, the day before the solar across unharmed. That is why the risk eclipse. This reinforced my passion to you choose to take when you firewalk teach firewalking, and so I set out to is not to be underestimated, and that 18
Lisa Connolly shares her
Firewalking is what makes that first step into the flames such a powerful, life-affirming process. Equally powerful are those who come along to a workshop and decide to not walk. The firewalk is always optional, and to choose not to firewalk after all the build up is an affirmation of our own true power to decide, and I celebrate this. All peoples throughout time and across religions have used firewalking as a powerful metaphor. Vikings would walk on hot metal chains to show physical fortitude. Kalahari Kung Bushmen walk on hot coals for the healing of their community. Hawaiian Kahuna priests walk the lava flows, and Fijians still to this day dance on hot coals, as a rite of passage. A Roman Catholic ritual still performed every May in Greece in which a dance with the fire expresses faith in the saints and in God. There are few beliefs more deeply ingrained in the human experience than the knowledge that fire burns. Each of us in our own lives has proven it time and time again. Fire burns, beyond doubt. And yet for thousands of years people have practiced walking and dancing barefoot on hot coals, and for the most part, have done so without being burned.
experience of a passion for this element that has spanned a lifetime
If you could, for just one night, walk across hot coals unharmed – what would that say about reality and your role in its creation? What are your limitations, really? What other possibilities remain untapped, unrealised? This connection with the fire has drawn me to be working with a conscious flame that has been alight for over 6 years. This flame has been held at shrines and lit from candle to candle. This is the Brigid flame, so called because it is Brigid that holds the flame of divine love. I keep this flame at my home and at The White Spring in Glastonbury. I feel blessed to be one of the keepers of the flame; it is an awesome responsibility, as the flame must not go out. It has brought me to a heartfelt communion with the fire and a remembrance of its importance to us in this world. We use the Brigid flame whenever we can to light the fires that are intended for firewalking. This lends a powerful consciousness to our firewalks and a particular nurturing focus to the fire itself. The flame burns in my house as a constant reminder of this sacred communion. It is an honour to teach the art of firewalking. As people arrive at a Wizard Firewalk some are frightened,
some are exhilarated by the thought of breaking illusions, some are excited to be a part of the magick. I love to witness the changes in the firewalkers as they pass through the fire. It's thrilling to be a part of the magic that unfolds. As they pass over the red-hot coals burning at over 1200 degrees Fahrenheit, you see the old conditioning and limiting beliefs burning off, leaving behind the true qualities of the self, confident, pure and powerful. It is a truly wondrous alchemy. My gratitude goes to the fire, to Djinn, the Elemental King and the salamanders, to Brigid for the flame she too holds, to myself for having the passion and integrity needed to do what I do, and to each wonderful and empowered person who has been inspired to join me for just a few steps on this fiery path. If you feel so inspired, I invite you to experience for yourself the transformational power of the firewalk ritual. Give yourself the opportunity to affirm your own power and magick, and to rekindle your heart’s desire. Together we can walk in the steps of the ancients over the glowing threshold, affirming a bright new future.♦ Lisa Connolly © 2011
Lisa is a wizard and Vortex Healer. She hosts firewalks of for everything from personal growth to corporate team-building. www.wizardwellbeing.co.uk
Artwork by Lukas Riebling
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Bi monthly craft fair. Open 10am - 4pm Dates for 2011: June 4th, Aug 6th, Oct 1st & Dec 3rd We have a variety of crafters and traders showcasing handmade items, wonderful gifts, books, art, magazines and Pagan supplies. There are also Therapists offering taster sessions, card and palm readers, refreshments, a 'read it swap it' section and also a tombolla to raise money for local animal rescue. We have limited space for new traders so if you think you might like to showcase your work or your services at Magic Market Place please get in touch. Reasonable rates. We can display your work for you for a fee so you don't always need to be with us at every date to sell your items.
Revue Studios (above Varsity Bar), Wind Street, Swansea SA1 1DW
Four Winds is proud to feature beautiful clothing by The Watchers – a brand of unique handmade clothing inspired by the balance of nature and the elements, light and dark, ego and alter ego. The Watchers is all about freedom of expression and the knowledge that the true power of fantasy is that it releases us from the bonds of reality. Reasonable prices for oneoff and off-the-rail garments. www.thewatchers.co.uk www.serpentrainbow.com
pure silk slip dress ÂŁ35.00 one off
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Skirt created from ‘upcycled’ ball gown. £35
peacock dress £195 one off
v neck jumper £45 one off Skirt £20
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Celebrating the Divine Male
Herotica Featuring original artwork by Lynn Bastian
Candles, wall hangings, greetings cards, natural soaps, prints & original artwork 7 Market Place ▪ Glastonbury ▪ Somerset ▪ BA6 9HW ▪ 01458 831457
Presenting . . .
The Ministry of Witchcraft The Divine Spark Lies Within...
♦ Online Shop One Stop Magic Shop for all your pagan & witchcraft needs ♦ UK Moot List List of up to date Moots right across the UK ♦ UK Moot Talks List of Moot talks at specific locations and dates ♦ Global and UK Events Diary Two separate, complete event diaries ♦ UK Coven Database Find a Coven in your area ♦ Campaigns & Good Causes Get involved and make a difference! ♦ The Complete Totally Free Online Pagan Community Create and customise a profile, join groups, plan events, keep updated with UK events activity, message, broadcast and IM, share photos, get talking in the forum and chat rooms ♦ And much more!
I founded The Ministry of Witchcraft in December 2009. I have been a pagan for as far back as I can remember, and have been involved in many aspects of modern paganism, from running moots and a coven, to having my own pagan business. The more I became involved in the pagan scene and the more people I met who followed a similar path, the more I found a need for a UK-wide online social network and pagan organisation that also worked as an up-to-date
information resource. With the growth of social networking, especially from sites such as Facebook, people of all interests desire instant interaction and a sense of community. Involvement in one's spiritual community, however small, is so important. I believe that pagans, like everyone, want their opinions heard and want to have an active input in their community. The Ministry has grown month on month and we now have hundreds of members across the UK – and we're still growing! We aim to provide a modern, user friendly, adaptable and ever-evolving website and organisation. The site features an online social network, online chat, groups, UK Covens Database, UK Moots Database, campaigns, UK and global events, an Agony Witch page, forums, blogs, an online Book of Shadows and much more. MoW is run and organised by a committee of members who have a large active role within the Ministry and help run every aspect of the organisation. Having said that, the true heart of our organisation is our members. We want, and actively seek, the input of all our members on developing the organisation into something that is truly needed and works for them. It is members' input that forms the basis of any changes and implementations made as we continue to grow and change. Coming soon to MOW is a new feature called The Pagan Way. We have dedicated a section of the site to information to help you walk the pagan way with a little more ease, and
this includes info on what, where and how you can recycle, the best places in the UK to buy organic food and UK food that has a low carbon footprint, hints and tips on how you can reduce your carbon footprint and recipe ideas for if you are, or want to go, veggie. The Ministry of Witchcraft also retails pagan and witchcraft products. Revenue from the sale of all our online goods helps fund the organisation, and as we grow we will have a larger active role in heading campaigns to help make a difference to pagans living within the UK. And, because of our retail site, we are able to keep membership to The Ministry of Witchcraft absolutely free. With that said, you do not have to be a member to shop with us, or shop with us to become a member! The Ministry of Witchcraft is here to provide an effective and friendly focal point for the UK pagan community. We are here for our members, and will adapt and change to ensure that the MoW offers pagans in the UK what they really want from a UK pagan organisation. The Ministry of Witchcraft operates in a nonprejudicial and ethical manner in all its dealings and provides an organisation in which pagans can meet other pagans or like-minded people. We are a non-profit organisation and we are completely run by volunteers.♦ BB Mark Black Founder of The Ministry of Witchcraft
www.theministryofwitchcraft.com www.magicspirit.co.uk
Gaia's Grove Druid Festival
WasPsi Meeting
Myddle Earth Summer Camp 2011
Beltane - Sunday 1st May – 12 noon Litha - Tuesday 21st June – 6.00 pm Location: The Rabbit Run, Baycliff, near Ulverston, Cumbria Gaia’s Grove celebrates the eight festivals of the Druid Calendar on the shores of Morecambe Bay at their Beach Hut, the Rabbit Run. All are welcome including children - the cost is a plate of food. Contact: Sarah or Roy on 01229 832911 or mobile 07988 878862
8th May & 1th June - 7.45 pm Location: The Orwell by Wigan Pier, 4 Wallgate, Wigan, Greater Manchester, WN3 4EU WasPsi is an active lecture and investigation group based in Wigan. Monthly lectures followed by a lively discussion programme, and also ongoing investigations into all areas of paranormal interest. Contact Ian on 01942 214572 or email ian.hawthorne1@virgin.net
7th – 29th May 2011 Location: Ammanford, Carmarthenshire Activities to include: Opening and closing ritual, You Ask the Question: panel of experts in Wicca, Norse, Shamanic, Egyptian and Eclectic Paganism. Chanting, Tarot Readings, Reiki, Meditation and Visualisation, Shamanic Sweat lodge, Workshops, & much, much more. Pre-book only. Email: pfsouthwales@googlemail.com Tel: Bee 07906 098284
New/Full Moon Meditations
Earth Wisdom Event
Minor Arcana Workshop
Tuesday 3rd May, Tuesday 17th May, Wednesday 1st June, Wednesday 15th June - 7.00pm - 8.00pm Location: Pure Holistics, 46 Station Rd, Cheadle Hulme SK8 7AB Jill Waters will be offering Planetary Grid Transmissions every New and Full Moon. These regular transmissions shower amplified infusions of light to assist in personal transformation. Contact Jill: 07796 600154 or Katie: 07854 724225.
The Goddess Workshop
Friday 20th May 2011 – 7.30 pm Wednesday 1st June 2011 – 10.00 am Location: The Barn, Berkeley Drive Location: Carr Head Adult Education (Cuerden Valley), Bamber Bridge Centre, Poulton le Fylde, Lancashire Preston, Lancashire PR5 6BY A superb one day course with instruction A public talk by Dr. Patrick and hands on practice. Build upon your MacManaway, internationally consulting existing skills as a Tarot reader. This is a holistic therapist specialising in work workshop, not just a talk so you will with landscape, geopathic stress and learn by doing as well as by listening! earth acupuncture. Patrick brings a Cost: £30 (includes lunch and holistic perspective to enhancing the workbook).Contact Kathy Rowanhealth and vitality of landscape and of Drewitt. Places are allocated on a first our relation with place. come, first served basis. Email: Entrance fee on door: £5 kathyrowan18@hotmail.com.
Earth Wisdom Event
Pendle Witch Camp 2011
Thursday 12th May 21st and 22nd May 2011 – 10.00 am 17th to – 20th June 2011 Location: Blackburn, Lancashire Location: The Pottery, Witton Park Pendle, Lancashire An Introduction to The Goddess Wheel (between Hoghton and Blackburn), Tickets are now on sale for the 7th and how to work with Goddess Energy. Earth Energies and the Spirit of Place Annual Pendle Witch Camp on 17th This workshop is designed for women Weekend Foundation Course 20th June, at a discounted price of £28, who want to understand their female Learn about the Spirit of Place, the until midnight Beltane, 2011 from the energy and for men who want to Nature of Earth Energies, dowsing website. Workshops with Tania Ahsan, understand the females around them! techniques , how to read the energetic Runic John, Mogg Morgan, Darren (This is a full workshop, not to be taken pattern and flow in a landscape, and how Deojee and Jools. Music from Celtic as individual sessions.) Booking essential. to live, work and play in relation to place. Cross & Ghost Song, as well as a Drum Cost £80 Course fee £139 (£50 deposit required to Workshop with David Tighe. Story-Telling Contact Jayne – 01254 725453 secure a place). with Ursula Holden-Gill, Jos Wilson, Email: mail@jaynejohnson.co.uk Email: joannedanby@hotmail.com Jennie Cobban
Derbyshire Pagans (Chesterfield) Hasfest II 3th – 15th May 2011 Location: The New Inn, 229 Mansfield Road, Hasland, Chesterfield, S41 0JJ Free camping but VERY limited places (please get in touch ASAP). Free stalls. Free Workshops. Free entertainment. Burning Man. Lots and lots of DRUMMING! Contact Gwen - Email: Gxxxred7@aol.com, Tel: 07878 961646 Please get in touch for event TIME, details and directions
Elemental Beings Workshop
Stonehenge Private Access
Thursday 26th May, Thursday 30th June Sunday 26th June 2011 - 4am This is the second year this event has 7.00pm - 9.00pm been organised. There will be open Location: Pure Holistics, 46 Station Road, access to the Stones, without them being Cheadle Hulme SK8 7AB open to the public. The ritual is usually Workshop 4: How to cast a Fairy Circle. organised for sunrise - last year this Guided meditations to connect with the occurred at approx. 4 am. See the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Cost: £10.00 per person. Contact Jill: Facebook group closer to the time for 07796 600154 or Katie: 07854 724225 further information. A car convoy from Solihull in Birmingham will be available. Email: info@purembs.com Please note: numbers are limited – so it’s first come first served.
For more events, visit www.theministryofwitchcraft.com
May & June Events
Moon Cycles, the Zodiac and You Ever wondered how the moon affects your behaviour? Discover the connection between the moon, the planets of the zodiac and you with our regular column from Wizard Wellbeing astrologer Janetta Morton. It’s your horoscopes - but with a twist!
The moon moves through all twelve signs of the zodiac each month and takes about two and a half days to complete its journey through each sign. Each month, the moon meets the sun and forms an exact conjunction, the new moon point, and each month the moon opposes the sun and forms an exact opposition, the full moon point. As it moves around the zodiac, the moon pulls at the patterns or geometry at work between the other planets; the moon reflects the sun’s light to us in an ever-changing flux that we feel deep inside our beings. There are always two pairs of eclipses every year, solar eclipses at the new moon and lunar eclipses at the full moon. Both the lunar eclipse that occurred at sunrise last winter solstice, and the lunar eclipse that will occur on June 15th at sunset just before this year’s summer solstice, are aligned with the galactic centre. We now have a chance to clear ourselves of karmic ancestral patterning that is keeping us from shining our true light in the world. During March and April we all had the chance to take a long hard look at what deep patterns were keeping us trapped in negative dynamics. World events have helped us all to see that we are one human family, that nature is more powerful than us, and that those who are pushed to the limit will fight for the freedom to gather and be heard. As we approach the lunar eclipse on June 15th, the planets combine with the lunar cycles to create more and more opportunity to act, express and get creative with the personal power deep inside us.
Moon Phases for May & June 3rd May – new moon, 12 degrees, 13 minutes. Taurus
17th May – full moon, 26 degrees, 18 minutes. Scorpio
1st June – new moon, partial solar eclipse, 11 degrees 2 minutes. Gemini 15th June – full moon, lunar eclipse, 24 degrees 33. Sagittarius
Summer Solstice (the moment the sun moves into Cancer): 21st June, 6.16pm
Reader Offer
10 % off your very own astrological reading -
find out what the Summer has in store for you! If you would like a personal and in-depth astrology reading or a mythic tarot reading please contact Janetta by email or on
07930576733. You will need to give your date, time, and place of birth. Janetta is offering an introductory 10% discount offer on all personal astrology during May and June.
Wizard Wellbeing
janettaastro@yahoo.com ♦ www.wizardwellbeing.co.uk 30
Taurus 20 April - 20 May Events around the new moon in your sign on the 3rd should mark the end of any lingering frustrations. Mars fuels all your actions once he enters your sign on the 11th. Go with what is rather than wishing for what once was. Your ruler, charming Venus, enters your sign along with Mercury on the 16th, and the full moon on the 17th is in your opposite sign of Scorpio. This could be your best chance for quite some time to speak out and get more of what you really want. But do you know what that actually is? Frame your answer by the new moon solar eclipse on the 1st June and seed your intent. A flowering and a few new questions will probably be visible by the lunar eclipse on the 15th.
Gemini 21 May - 20 June Are you feeling a bit out of breath, Gemini? Worried about your ability to cope? The new moon on the 3rd offers an opportunity to release any fears you have about your resources and go with what you actually have. Take mental space, stop running through the options for a moment and breathe out! Let your hair down around the full moon on the 17th. The new moon solar eclipse on 1st June is in your sign. You can only take full advantage of the opportunity June should bring if you stay calm! Playful Venus is in your sign at the Lunar Eclipse across your axis on the 15th, and this could be the beginning of something very, very good in your life. Remember, how you see the world is how YOU really are.
Cancer 21 June - 22 July You still find yourself in a high profile position as May begins. The new moon on the 3rd is a good time to decide which idea, path or career tactic to follow. Choosing a crack team to work with now will greatly enhance the creative potency of the full moon on the 17th. A bit of rest and light-hearted fun is also necessary! A powerful awakening of hidden potential and what blocks you is likely at the solar eclipse new moon on the 1st June. As long as you remember to be playful, what is revealed at the full moon lunar eclipse on the 15th can only be liberating. The sun illuminates your sign on the 21st and much that has been confusing you emotionally should suddenly become clear.
Leo 23 July - 22 August Learning curve or what! The speed of recent events may leave you feeling a bit ungrounded. The sun is right at the top of your map at the new moon on the 3rd, and it’s time to set intent. Focus on shining your light to a wider audience. Deep issues that stop you receiving the love and nourishment you need to sustain momentum could erupt at the full moon on the 17th. Don’t be too proud to ask for help if you need it. Pull together with those whose vision matches yours at the new moon solar eclipse on the 1st June. Share your pain and your inspiration with those who have proved their worth. If you do, the lunar eclipse at the full moon on the 15th will bear fantastic fruit.
Virgo 23 August - 22 September Intense feelings may have stretched you to the limit recently. Recognising and honouring your deepest needs is essential now. The new moon on the 3rd encourages you to let go of self-limiting ideas and make change happen. Vibrant Mars, alluring Venus and your ruler, Mercury, the communicator, shift into earthy Taurus in the run up to the full moon on the 17th. Use your practical mind and prepare your home ground. Set intent to manifest your highest aspirations at the new moon solar eclipse on the 1st June and watch events unfold around the full moon lunar eclipse o the 15th. Once Mars crosses the top on your map at the summer solstice, goals should be reached with ease and at a pace that should astound you!
Libra 23 September - 22 October Asserting your right to be yourself is not a sign of incipient selfishness. A balance needed redressing. Follow your gut instincts at the new moon on the 3rd May. Your ruler, fair Venus, and a whole line of planets, urge you to unwrap the sensual siren and dive deep as the full moon on the 17th approaches. What richness of experience is on offer now! The new moon solar eclipse on the 1st of June could precipitate a call to adventure. Be bold, play with ideas, and you could learn a huge amount about how to maximise your resources and your potential. The full moon lunar eclipse on the 15th should bring you closer than ever to showing the world how skilled and versatile you really are.
Scorpio 23 October - 21 November Phew! All this hard work, and where's the pay off? Make a firm decision to clear all obstacles to harmony and happiness in your closest relationships at the new moon in your opposite sign of Taurus on the 3rd. Your ruler, Mars, also enters Taurus on the 11th, followed by Venus and Mercury on the 16th . Clearing the air and being heard (without a fight) is at last possible; others are finally on side and real change begins. Scry out the mindset underneath lurking fears at the new moon solar eclipse on the 1st June. Set out to change it and the lunar eclipse on the 15th should offer a deep and immensely satisfying level of connection with those you love the most.
Sagittarius 22 November – 21 December Your creative juices are flowing freely as May begins. The new moon on the 3rd is a great time to commit once and for all to the reality of plans that are already in motion. Work and play hard and by the Full Moon on the 17th Venus should bring helpful friends and the joy of real results. New bonds you form around the new moon solar eclipse on the 1st June could inspire you. People and circumstances that have impeded progress can be left behind. The full moon eclipse on the 15th should point out the obvious path ahead. Once Mars moves into your opposite sign of Gemini at the summer solstice on the 21st, you should get the extra charge you need to forge on into your future.
Capricorn 22 December - 19 January Your reputation for hard work has been put to the test, but the pressure should begin to ease during May. The new moon on the 3rd hints at a need to dedicate more time to creativity. Playful Venus and energetic Mars encourage you to get out there and shine, and the full moon on the 17th brings out your best self. Deep under the surface, a massive transformation is rumbling. Cracks are appearing in outmoded strategies. Between the new moon solar eclipse on 1st June and full moon lunar eclipse on the 15th, a seismic shift could occur that will liberate you from carrying unnecessary baggage into the future. The sun moving into Cancer at the solstice should illuminate the positive potential knock-on effect in all your relationships.
Aquarius 20 January – 18 February After all that activity, the new moon on the 3rd of May could find you needing to take time out to process what just happened! After the 11th, as Mars enters the very lowest part of your map and Venus joins in, you will probably want to get creative at home. Venus should bring the party right into your home around the full moon on the 17th. Enjoy the simple pleasures of family and nature. At the new moon eclipse on the 1st June, the next phase of busy, exciting, creative fun begins. You should reap the rewards of your efforts around the full moon lunar eclipse on the 15th. Enjoy, but remember, the solstice is likely to remind you of where healing is still needed.
Pisces 19 February - 20 March You have been pushing through and your resources have been tested to the limit on an inner and an outer level. The new moon on the 3rd May is time to honour those who have supported your journey. As the full moon on the 17th approaches, you might want to get out into the garden or the woods with friends and celebrate the profound healing that is occurring for those you love, including yourself! Look deep inside at the new moon solar eclipse on the 1st. A fresh perspective on where you came from and where you're headed is needed. If you succeed, the transformative potential of the full moon lunar eclipse on the 15th can be harnessed. Creativity can then truly flow at the summer solstice.
Aries 21 March - 19 April The impressive array of planets in your sign, including your ruler, impulsive Mars, may have you all fired up. The new moon on the 3rd urges you to take stock of your resources, physically and financially. Dreams of a better future are exciting, but when Mars moves into Taurus on the 11th you might want to dedicate yourself to one solid project. Venus and Mercury encourage you to over-spend and you are spoilt for choice around the full moon on the 17th. Follow your passion, dedicate resources and speak your truth before the solar eclipse at the new moon on the 1st June. If you lay the groundwork, you can fully embrace the huge changes on offer on all levels during the lead up to summer solstice.
Magickal Theory with
Peter Wood Basic Spellcraft
What is a spell? What does spellcraft entail? How does it all work? Peter’s famously frank magickal lessons may give a new perspective to the topic, for beginners and adepts alike
Spellcasting is an interesting subject. Whenever I teach a workshop on this particular form of magick, I always ask those in the room, 'who has cast a spell before?' Usually a few hands go up, however most people find themselves suddenly uncertain – they haven't really thought about what a spell is, and what it entails. A spell, in essence, is any form of practical application or addition to a hope or prayer. So what's the difference between a spell and a prayer? A prayer might involve taking a few minutes out of the day to focus on a hope or wish, which is directed at a particular deity, saint, Church or other entity. With a spell, you give that same hope or wish a lot more emphasis.
friend of mine proudly told me recently that she'd performed such a spell. She needed to move house, and therefore required a bigger mortgage. I asked her what she'd done. She talked about lighting candles, making offerings and so on. My response was, 'That's great, but have you actually had a meeting with your bank manager?' I wanted to know if she had physically done anything to facilitate getting a bigger mortgage, other than the spell. She had not. She had sat back and waited for the Universe to provide what she needed, on the basis of her candles and offerings. This really illustrates the importance of balancing the spiritual with the mental and the physical.
It's important that spells always have the
It's important that three components of our dimensional spells always have the three components of reality. They should always have a our dimensional reality. They should physical, mental and spiritual component always have a physical, mental and spiritual Spellcraft should be a craft, and component. Often we forget to something that one enjoys doing. balance all three. It's not about You should actually enjoy, at least spending five minutes on the on some level, the process of physical aspect, five minutes on the making and performing your spell. mental aspect and so on! Rather, as You are, after all, creating human beings, we live mentally and something, in the same way as you physically, and aspire spiritually, and might cook a meal (and of course, spellcraft should be a reflection of kitchen witchcraft is a fantastic this. element of spellcraft). Take a Let's look at a common example of homecooked Valentine's Day dinner, spellcasting – the prosperity spell. A for example. The intention behind
cooking such a meal is not only that our partner is well-fed, or gets his or her five-a-day! The intention for the dinner, the emotional entanglements behind it and the sense of love that you want your partner to experience, both during and after the meal, are all components of the spellcraft that goes into making the meal. Magick should be based on the same sort of concept, and given the same sort of emphasis. Most forget that when they perform a spell, the spell continues, and therefore the more emphasis and effort one puts into creating a spell, and sustaining it, the more power it has. For example, let's compare a spell with an advertising strategy. If you were to run an advert in your local paper for one day, a few people would see it, but in general, its effects would be minimal. Whereas, if you put a lot of time into preparing your campaign, researching and understanding it, and fully investing in it, then once launched, your campaign would be much better received. The most powerful spells are the ones that run over a period of time, as this means the spell gets a chance to grow. The more momentum you build up, by continually applying pressure, through effort (as in pushing the pedals on a bike) – the more power and strength it will have. So how do we do this? Close your eyes for a moments, and try to fully 34
understand the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of what you are asking. Spells are also much easier when you apply or include within them certain types of symbolic association. For example, Voodoo dolls, or from the European perspective, poppets – physically tangible symbols of a human being – are used to represent a particular person. These are used in healing, not only in hexing. Let us focus for a moment on the healing aspect of spellwork with such a doll or poppet. Imagine that someone you know has cancer or a tumour, and you want to work a spellcraft to help doctors get rid of it. Of course, it isn't possible to energetically remove such a growth from someone's body, but you can facilitate its removal to be more efficient – the idea being to work with the surgeons as they endeavour to remove the tumour. Firstly, observe the astrological time of the surgery date, so that you know when best to work your spell. Use pins to focus intent or cut away the 'tumour' from the doll carefully and stitch it back up again. In doing so, you will be energetically cutting those ties and depowering the tumour that needs to be removed, and symbolically performing a successful operation. What is most commonly forgotten, perhaps because it isn't talked about enough, is what happens after the spell. What are the consequences of the spell? In this instance, we have removed the tumour and energetically depowered it. If you've depowered something, that energy has to go somewhere. If you've removed something, that thing also has to go somewhere. In our society, when we have things we don't want, we put them into the garbage, or down the toilet. In doing this, we've not really understood or given thought to where our unwanted
things are going. Magickally, the same rule applies, but we forget about it. We don't necessarily have magick dustbins set up, so when our spells have had an effect, through changing, manipulating, or facilitating something to happen easier, we really must anticipate and understand where that energy has gone, or what that energy has displaced. Displacement within spellcraft is the most important thing to understand. Imagine a bathtub. You've filled the bathtub up to midway. As you get in (rubber duck and loofah in hand), a considerable amount of water is displaced. For as long as you are in that bath, you are keeping the water levels higher. The minute you get out of that bath, not only will the water level drop, but you will also carry some of that water away on your physical person. Such is the case in spellcraft. So if you start working magick with, on, or for someone or something, you have placed yourself in that bathtub. You have suddenly increased the energy of that situation by placing yourself within it, even if it's just for a few minutes. Which means when you leave, you are taking both a lot of the energy you put in, and some of the energy of the situation, which you will have assimilated. This is what I mean when I refer to energetic displacement. If you are mindful of this, it is possible to transfer energy to the situation more successfully, so that when you withdraw, the energy remains. This also has ramifications, in that if you get back in again, the energy, just as if it were bathwater, will overflow. Getting back to the spell to remove the tumour. We've removed this potentially negative energy – so what do we do with it? Where do we put it? There are various options. Some would choose to keep such a
The golden rules of any spell are as follows: Understand its spiritual, mental, and physical components Understand what effects you desire and how those changes may affect other things If you are rejecting or manipulating positivity or negativity, understand where the energy comes from and decide where it needs to go thing, for curses on another day. There are those of us that would wish to bury it, and never let it be touched again. The most intelligent way to deal with it is to allow it to become neutral. This means allowing the Earth or the Universe around you to absorb the energy back into itself, dissipating it. We could bury it in the ground with this intention. Or we could place the energetically charged symbol of the tumour (a bit of stuffing removed from your doll, for example) in a bowl of salt, and place it in a river or sea to be reabsorbed and neutralised. (For such reasons, it is always best to use natural and biodegradable ingredients in one's spellcraft, and take care not to harm wildlife). We could even flush it down the toilet (provided it is not large enough to form a blockage!). It sounds simple, and it is. If we forget to take care of energy displacement, however, the effects can be rather like forgetting to take the rubbish out several weeks in a row – a pile up in the bins, which makes emptying them harder, and life in general rather unpleasant. And as magickal practitioners, surely our aim is that life progress a little more smoothly than it might? ♦ Peter Wood © 2011
Peter is a woodland and garden wizard with a finger in many juicy pies. He teaches witchcraft and magic on an individual level as well as in groups, at fairs and so on. He is a priest and
practitioner for many covens and magickal groups all over the world, and he is a member of the Court Arcana – you guessed it – 1. The Magician.
The World of
Communication Demelda Penkitty shares a glimpse into her abilities – skills that allow her to tell us
what’s going on with our beloved pets Animals have always been a huge part of my life. According to my parents the first word I said wasn't 'mummy' or 'daddy' but 'dog' – which, given that I didn't actually have a dog at that time – is pretty interesting! By the time I was eight years old, I did indeed have my very own dog, a Labrador cross from the local animal rescue centre and the rest, as they say, is history. Looking back on those times, I can see that my relationship with my best friend Rusty was rather different from that of other children and their pets. As an only child, I spent a lot of time with him, and I now realise just how much we did communicate. I just wasn't aware of it being anything unusual. I thought everyone talked to animals in the same way as people talked to each other.
work either with the actual animal or from a photograph which helps me to form a connection to the animal. It is important to stress that I am not in any way special and that you too can speak with your pets or any animal, you just need to have an open mind, love in your heart and a little patience.
I do a lot of work with rescue animals, particularly rehabilitation work with distressed dogs. I recently went out to visit an eight year old Border Collie who had lived with her family for only a short time. They felt she had settled in well but were confused by bouts of what they could only describe to me as extreme sadness. In talking with the dog I later went on to work with animals of she was able to tell me that she had all kinds, and even worked with wild lived with the same person since she had animals as a volunteer at Bristol Zoo for been a tiny seven week old puppy. Her a while, eventually developing my skills previous owner had been a lovely lady in animal training and welfare. During all who she had loved very much, and sadly that time I continued to 'talk' to the when the old lady passed over, the dog animals but in the main kept it between had been moved around for a short time them and me, as by now I knew that it before arriving in her present home. wasn't something everyone did and Although she was really happy in this didn't want people to think I was new home, she was still grieving for her bonkers! old mistress and was also unsure if she It later transpired that I could also would now be allowed to stay where she contact the spirit world and I began was. I was able to give her grief a voice developing my spiritual growth. I now and also reassure her that her new have no problem telling people what I home was to be hers forever. Her new do! Although dogs and cats make up the guardians were able to understand her majority of my work, I can speak with all sadness and allow her the space to creatures, and it is possible for us to grieve for her old life. I was able to give converse with any creature, from a polar her some healing, lifting a great weight bear to a butterfly. Different people from her heart chakra, and promising to work in different ways, but I help further with distance healing in the
following week. Progress was immediately visible and the subsequent updates have been extremely positive. Now the collie is a much happier, more lively dog who continues to improve. Animal Communication gives owners a chance to ask their pets all sorts of questions, from everyday things like whether they are happy with their food, whether they like their new bed, and what their favourite toy is, to more useful information such as the exact location of a pain or how and when the animal is ready to pass over. It can be extremely valuable in finding lost animals too, because if one can link with the animal through a photograph, then he/she can often be located by his or her own description of the current location. Lost animals can even be guided to a place of safety. Am I always right? No. Sometimes I make mistakes when I'm trying to work out exactly what the animal is telling me, but the mistakes are always in my interpretation, not what the animal is telling me and we always get there in the end! I love what I do and enjoy showing others that they can learn to communicate with animals too.♦ Demelda Penkitty © 2011
Demelda is an Animal Communicator, Healer and Behaviour Consultant who also runs Magic Market Place Events. She is based in Swansea. For further information or to make an appointment please contact her on: 07539957785 "Ollie" ©Marisa Rothmann. www.marisarothmannportraits.com
Gypsy Witchery with
The Sassy Sorceress Do you ever feel as if life is giving you a bit of a rough ride? Are you feeling overwhelmed by other people? You are probably suffering from a lack of personal
power. The good news? Follow these simple tips and tricks and you’ll take your power back in no time. Energy Imbalance Your solar plexus (third) chakra, found just above the navel or in your upper belly, is the place to start looking for imbalances in power issues. A good healthy solar plexus will give you confidence, self-worth and the ability to bounce back, however if the chakra is weakened or becomes unbalanced, you experience physical symptoms such as digestive problems, gallstones and indigestion. What happens spiritually is that you feel like a victim, unable to say ‘no’ or stand up for yourself.
Relight Your Fire There are many ways of recharging your personal power so you have the strength you need to get the best out of your life. Different things work for different people, so make sure you try a few things until you know what works best for you. For many people it’s as simple as avoiding caffeine. Dehydration can also make your thinking confused and unclear. Whenever you’re in doubt, take lots of deep breaths, open the windows wherever you are and get a good lungful of fresh air. Better yet, step outside and take five minutes to relax. Something as simple as fresh air can work wonders to help clear your head.
Lisa Clark is a UK based author,
journalist, life-coach and creatrix of: www.thesassysorceress.com, home to the hugely successful Sassy Sessions, e-courses and
sweet-smelling hand-blended oils and scents. Her new book,
, hits bookstores in 2011.
Positive Statements Write down any negative or worrying thoughts that are bothering you, as seeing them down on paper often makes the difference between realising whether your fears are rational or not. Turn your ‘fear’ thoughts into positive statements of intent and say them out loud at least three times a day:
Image: scottchan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Use rose petals as part of a Rock Your Confidence incense - recipe overleaf 38
Meditation for Power
Red jasper – good for helping female power, you can carry it with you or keep it at work.
If your mind is scattered and you can’t find a confident voice within you, then you should definitely have a go at this simple meditation. Sit or lie down and close your eyes. Place the palm of one hand on your forehead and the other on your solar plexus. Imagine your two hands linking your mind with your solar plexus and wait for any thoughts or feelings to come up. You may find some upset or issues slowly coming to light. If this happens, mentally note them down, and resolve to put your own needs first, and make yourself a priority.
Orange carnelian - carry it when you need to make a stand, to run a successful business and whenever you are striking out for some increased independence.
Yellow jasper – Gives you power to stand up to bullying, resist gossip and to respond to bitchiness coolly and calmly.
Put your inner power back on course by…
Wearing yellow: This is the colour
Use your anger Anger is a totally natural response when your needs aren’t being fulfilled or if your rights to a happy, stimulating life aren’t being met. Getting angry gets things done. But if you aren’t assertive with your anger, it can lead to ineffectual behaviour – either becoming a bully or blowing up without any thought of why or how. If you never express your anger you might resort to manipulation to get your needs met (while secretly simmering with resentment.)
Rock your confidence Create a yummy bravado-boosting incense blend with: - frankincense
When you're ready, blow out the candle and relight it every day for 10 minutes until it burns out. Use those 10 minutes to conjure up your warm inner glow, and know that you're truly amazing and capable of absolutely anything - go you!
The Power Oil This aromatherapy treatment can be used to dispel sorrow and to make someone happy and powerful again. It is perfect to use in a diffuser, on a cotton ball or as a massage oil. Caution: do not use if you’re pregnant, on children, or on any person with high blood pressure or epilepsy. In 20 ml almond carrier oil add:
- benzoin - dragon’s blood - orange peel - rose petals Now, choose a time just before the full moon, form your Magick circle in whatever way works for you, burn the incense and be very still. Imagine a warm ball of sass-filled bravado within you, gathering behind your navel and gradually spreading outwards so the whole of your body feels positively warm and glowing.
5 drops Bergamot oil. 3 drops Melissa oil. 3 drops Lavender oil. 2 drops Frankincense oil. 2 drops Rose oil. 2 drops Orange oil. 2 drops Mandarin oil. 2 drops Rosemary oil. 1 drop Thyme oil. Voila - instant power perk-up!
Power stones
of the solar plexus. This cheerful colour will no doubt help you feel more confident and light-hearted.
Qi Gong exercise: Do this every night before you go to bed. Stand in front of the mirror and visualise pulling out any negative energy that has accumulated in your solar plexus area. Pull it out and waft it away. Imagine a black cloud of dense energy is leaving you. When you’re finished, briefly check out your whole aura, cleaning any stuck energy from other bits of your body until you feel calm, relaxed and grounded.
Learn to laugh at life: If you can poke fun at whatever it is that’s making you upset or angry, then you will have reclaimed your power. Also, don’t take yourself too seriously. If you can have a laugh at your own shortcomings, that will be a good natural boost to your selfesteem.
Exercise: Get a DVD for something like Tao Bo or boxercise, or take a class, and start practicing your moves. Actually becoming physically stronger and more confident can be a very effective way of getting your power back if you are physically afraid of a situation or person.♦
Use these stones to channel your inner-oomph!
Light a golden yellow candle and say: Lisa Clark © 2011
The Magical Mystery Tor Rising high from the flat marshlands of Somerset, the distinctive, curved shape of Glastonbury Tor has been an icon for travellers for generations, a rewarding sign that their long pilgrimage is nearing its end. The 518 foot or 158 metre high Tor is visible for miles around, and casts its shadow and its energies across the landscape. Once seen, it is rarely forgotten. I can still clearly recall the very first time I saw the Tor, rising from the mists. The image and the powerful sense of sacredness is carved into my mind forever, and the Tor affects many others in this way.
Around Glastonbury there are said to be figures in the landscape (such as the Glastonbury Zodiac) and the Tor is a vital aspect of both the form of the Mother Goddess and the Ancient Crone. For both of these Goddess forms, the Tor represents their nourishing aspects, as indeed Mother Earth nourishes all her creations. For the Mother Goddess, the Tor is her left breast, from where the calcium rich waters of the white spring flow, while for the Crone, the Tor is the cauldron in
which she brews her potions, such as the awen potion of inspiration.
rather like those at nearby Wookey Hole or Cheddar Gorge.
Tor is a West Country word, from Despite its unusual geology, the the Celtic for a ‘rocky hill’ or ‘rocky graduated pattern on the sides of peak.’ Glastonbury Tor is an the Tor is not natural; its sides have elongated natural hill, consisting of been deliberately and painstakingly layers of Jurassic sandstone. It has a carved and shaped by the hands of hard cap of Midford Sandstone, and man. Such a task must have taken a it has been the hardness and great deal of labour and time to resistance to erosion of this stone complete, so whoever did it must that has helped to preserve the have had a very good reason. Noprominence of the Tor through time. one seems to be exactly sure what The underlying rock of the Tor has purpose the steps or levels of the also been reinforced and hardened Tor serve. There have been many over the years by the iron found in theories offered, from Mediaeval the red waters of the Chalice Well Agricultural terraces to magical spring. This is why the Tor stands processional pathways. Personally, I proudly in a level landscape which, do not favour the agricultural idea. If with its softer foundation of sandstone, has been Christian and Pagan folklore mentions eroded away.
tunnels or caverns under the Tor, from Beneath the Tor, there could well be ancient which mortal men return insensible or caves. Christian and Pagan folklore mentions tunnels touched by something mystical or caverns under the Tor, from which mortal men return that were the case, the terraces insensible or touched by something would be concentrated on the south mystical. The geology is certainly side of the Tor where the sun shines right for the formation of caves, and for longer, thereby promoting better if they do exist they would look 40
"The curious thing about Glastonbury ... is that all its legends and fancies can be refuted, yet always something is left over, a trailing loose end that trips the critic." Geoffrey Ashe, The Landscape of King Arthur
growth. In reality the terraces are evenly spread around all of the Tor. The purpose of shaping the Tor in this way could also have been to create defensive ramparts, but again, there are flaws in this theory, especially when the design of the Tor is compared with other defensive ramparts in the area. One of the most popular ideas, especially in the New Age community, is that the seven symmetrical terraces are the outline of an ancient processional way or Labyrinth. This idea was first suggested by Geoffrey Russell in 1968 when he pointed out the similarity between the design on the Tor and the classic Cretan style, seven tier Labyrinth that is found all over the ancient world. This would mean that the Tor could have been shaped as far back as the Neolithic era. By the fifth century there was a fort erected on the Tor and in 2002 the Glastonbury Antiquarian Society
declared that they had discovered the foundations of what could once have been an even earlier circular temple, perhaps connected with the ring of stone circles that many people feel or psychically sense to have once stood on the Tor. Years later, when the Christians reached Glastonbury they sought to stamp their own mark on the Tor and built a Church dedicated to St Michael, the Dragonslayer, upon its summit. From certain angles, the Tor resembles the form of a sleeping dragon and it seems the creature was less than impressed with the arrangement, because in 1275, an earthquake destroyed most of the church. A second church was built, but that too fell in time. All that remains today is the shell of the tower. The Tor is not just a visible focus, but a spiritual one, and it features heavily in many myths. In Arthurian lore, Melwas kidnapped Queen Guinevere and held her prisoner in his castle on the Tor. King Arthur
besieged the fort determined to get his wife back, but to no avail. St. Gildas then intervened, brokering peace between Melwas and Arthur and securing Guinevere’s return (The Dialogue of Melwas and Gwenhwyfar). Even today strange events and phenomena have been recorded by eyewitnesses on the Tor, from strange lights and UFOs, to intense visions. The Tor is said to be a place where many energy lines cross, such as the Michael and Mary lines of Broadhurst and Miller. To see or to climb the Tor affects everyone in a unique way. The journey from base to summit is an interesting one and in many ways a transformative one, to ascend the Tor is to undertake a pilgrimage to a place where the earth and sky seem to meet, the ancient and modern seem to merge and where we can cross between this world and the Otherworld. Bright blessings.♦ Ceri Norman (ARR) © 2010-11
Ceri Norman is a Priestess of Brighid and perpetual student of the Earth’s mysteries. Her first novel –
, a fantastic supernatural thriller, is out now.
We are often told that the Goddess is ‘within us.’ But what does this really mean? And how do we access Her energy when we feel furthest from Her? Here, priestess of Avalon Vanda Lloyd takes us on a journey to discover the Goddess, no matter where we find ourselves.
I moved to Somerset about 18 months ago and now live within the energies of the ancient Isle of Avalon. Here, it's easy to find the Goddess; Her energy is all around – her image can be found throughout Glastonbury town, and her presence is palpable on the surrounding levels. She can be seen even in the contours of the landscape – in the shape of the Tor, Chalice Hill, Wearyall Hill, Bride's mound, and Windmill Hill. Her power is in the magical red and white waters of Chalice Well and the White Spring, that carry iron and calcium respectively. I am a Priestess of Avalon and the Goddess, but this doesn't mean that I only experience the Goddess when I am in Glastonbury. Avalon is wherever you are; wherever you want it to be. Avalon is an ‘otherworldly’ place, it is everywhere. In the middle of the city, or standing by a lone tree in a shopping centre, you may feel Her heartbeat through your feet. Or, you
may find her in a city park, as you walk on the grass, or along a river. In fact, the Goddess is in your home, in offices blocks, in the middle of stone circles, and out on the moors. The Goddess is everywhere! Here's the secret: She is wherever you are, and wherever you want Her to be. She is in you. She is you and you are Her. If you're still not convinced that the Goddess is everywhere, look to the physical landscape around you, at the shape of the hills, the valleys, the rivers, the lakes and even the seashore if you live on the coast. If you are in a city or town, take note of nearby place names, as they usually give a clue to what used to be there before, for example 'grove' or 'low' often denote places where there once was a burial place. Look closely at the buildings nearby, and how they are shaped. One of the most distinctively shapes examples of architecture that comes to mind is the Crescent in Bath, and also the smaller one in Buxton, Derbyshire, both spa towns. Look for old wells;
some will be neglected, and some will be in use and cared for. All these are places of the Goddess, and though they may have become hidden through time, some are still prominent, just like the Goddess Herself. Observe your surroundings when you walk or drive in a car, the places you are passing through, and wherever you go, take time to listen, to look, to just be. Never think that there is nothing to represent the Goddess where you are; there is always something. We simply need to take time to open up our awareness, and this comes with practice. Of course, it is easier to do this when surrounded by rolling fields or when walking in the countryside, but it can, with practice, be done just as well in the city or inside a building.
Connecting with the Goddess The Goddess is always with you, even if you can't seem to feel her presence. Take a moment each day if you can, and, sitting or standing,
close your eyes and connect to the Earth by visualising a thread from your heart travelling down through your feet into the ground below you, all the way to the centre of the Earth. Then bring that thread back up through the ground, through your feet and back into your heart. Next, send that thread upwards through your head and out into the sky, past the sun and moon and towards the furthest star, connect with that sky energy, then bring that thread back down and into your heart. There the two energies connect, grounding and centring you. If you desire, follow this exercise with some quiet time, just sitting, listening, experiencing; write down any thoughts that may come to you, without thinking about them, if you wish. This exercise can take a few minutes or it can take
longer, depending on you and how much time you have. Another method of connecting with the Goddess uses a candle flame to focus intention. Light a candle of any sort, and then look to the flame. Note how it changes shape, how it smells, and let your focus stay on the candle. See where it takes you. You may be thinking to yourself, ‘That's all very well, Vanda, but when do I have time for this?’ You do have time to connect with Goddess energy. It takes only a few moments, and can be done in your lunch break, when you wake up in the morning, or just before bed. You can even connect with the Goddess while waiting to meet a friend, or while you're in the supermarket queue. Time is what you make it, so take this time for you!
The Goddess is everywhere. Yes, I may love living in Glastonbury, where I am able to visit the Goddess Temple when I wish, to sit and connect with Her energy. I am equally blessed to be able to walk the Somerset levels, to walk the Tor and Wearyall Hill. I always remember, however, that the Goddess is with me when I visit other places. Glastonbury acts as a focus, just as we can use a candle flame to focus on the presence of the Goddess. It is the effort of making that time to connect, to find that moment for ourselves, that enables us to discover the Goddess within. Remember, you just have to close your eyes … a moment is all it takes. Blessed Be.♦ Vanda Lloyd © 2011
Meditation to Connect with the Goddess Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a field full of Spring flowers, with grass just beginning to grow again with vigour. Trees edge the field, and their leaves are starting to unfurl on the branches. Hawthorn flowers are starting to cover the hedgerows with white blossom. Birds are singing and crows are cawing as they fly by. Feel the breeze on your face, feel the Earth beneath your feet, soft with recent rain, and smell the scents on the air. The fire of the sun is beginning to warm the land again, and water trickles gently in a river at the edge of the field. This is the Goddess, this is Her touch, and you can be anywhere when you experience Her.
Artwork by Guido Gerding
Vanda is author of poetry series ,
which includes
and the
Sabbat Calendar. She
creates bespoke poems which are
professionally mounted and make fantastic gifts for loved ones.
got to do with it?
We may think we know all we want to about arranged marriages, but is there more to the story? Rehana
Moughal investigates the effects of ancient traditions on the lives of modern Muslim couples.
“They met for the first time on the day of their wedding, and following that, my grandmother experienced probably the biggest transition in her life ‌ â€?
I have always been a great believer in love. Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you how much I love love. I am a Muslim, but I have never been told by my parents who I could and could not date in terms of culture, religion or origin. I am one of the lucky ones. For those outside of Islamic tradition looking in, it is a common assumption that marriage is arranged by one's parents, therefore negating the possibility of a loving union being formed On delving further into this subject, I have found that it is not only an outsiders' assumption but also one that, surprisingly, is frequently
commented on by Muslim men and women. On the topic of love, one question keeps cropping up from young Islamic people: can a marriage based on a love-match be acceptable within Islamic faith? Although arranged marriages do not usually come about initially because two people are in love, that doesn't mean that such marriages are completely loveless, and most are successful. Arranged marriages are commonplace in India, Japan, Iran and Iraq, amongst other countries, and not all arranged marriages are forced, as many would believe. Most arranged marriages even involve a dating period in which the two
people are to meet and get to know each other. In Islam, such 'dating' takes place over supervised periods of about 15 minutes, depending on the families involved. Couples may then be married within months. The match itself is often agreed by both sets of parents before the meeting, by months or even years in some cases. Sometimes, the match is made when the potential bride and groom are very young. Either party can refuse the match, leaving the family to find a more suitable future spouse for the son or daughter in question. This leeway is especially common in arranged marriage practices within Islam.
By Yogita (Wedding) [CC-BY-3.0 (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
marriage is not the only option for My grandmother and grandfather couples, and neither is it taught that were born in an era when an we cannot marry who we choose or arranged marriage in their culture be in love with our spouses. In fact, was the norm. They met for the first the time on the day of their When ancient traditions are still in Qur’an mentions wedding, and following place today, and in some cases are love many that, my seen as the only option for Muslim times, for grandmother example: experienced families, they can cause conflict probably the “It is He biggest who created from a single person, transition in her life as she moved and made his mate of like nature in from Iran to Uganda, where she order that he might dwell with her – knew no-one. Despite this rather in love.” daunting start, their marriage was Chapter 7 verse 189 – Qur’an successful and my grandparents spent some fifty-five years together. Despite the emphasis the Qu’ran They had five boys, and stood by places on love, confusion is rife. This each other through thick and thin. is where tradition and culture take This fantastic example of an arranged marriage does not represent everyone. When ancient traditions are still in place today, and in some cases are seen as the only option for Muslim families, they can cause conflict. Arranged marriages have engendered much debate within the European Court of Human Rights, but again, very few arranged marriages are forced. Four out of five of my grandparents' sons were married and three of these marriages were arranged, and have been very happy. One son, however, broke away from the traditions of his upbringing and married a British Methodist woman. That was my father. My mother converted to Islam and their marriage is 28 years strong. Marriage should never be devoid of love, in my opinion. Yet young Muslims in chat rooms, online Islamic support networks and religious sites are asking about love and marriage, and whether they are allowed to marry for love, or love the person that they marry. In the teachings of Islam, arranged
over the teachings of religion. The purpose of arranged marriages is to find a two people who are compatible, both socially and economically, in order to establish strong, long-lasting companionship. Love is something that doesn't really come into decisions about whether the son of one family is a suitable match for the daughter of another (and vice versa). The tradition of arranged marriage is something that has been going on for centuries, not only in Middle Eastern countries, but even in Britain, within aristocratic families and of course, the Royal family. A traditional Muslim wedding is indeed a family affair. Once the match is made, it is not merely a private partnership that involves two people; it involves the entire family. As tradition goes, in Indian culture, when a woman marries, she doesn’t just take on the husband but his entire family. Based on a series of symbolic actions that depict the traditions of marriage, the weddings last for about three weeks and are extravagant occasions involving all
of the family on both sides (which are usually an extremely large number of people). I find the most interesting parts of the wedding activities to be those that symbolise certain important issues in arranged marriages. In one common ritual, the groom’s sisters-in-law steal the shoes of the groom and sometimes cover them in oil, only to return them after payment. Some say that the implication of covering the shoes in oil is that the groom cannot run away! Another tradition in Ioccurs at the end of the wedding as the bride makes her way out with her husband; her sisters will stop the groom and will not let him pass with her unless he pays them. Traditions can change according to what part of India the families are from but most are similar. So what's love got to do with it? Not a lot in terms of traditional culture, yet I find the Qur’an is an old romantic when it comes to love. Adam would never have walked in the Garden of Eden without Eve. An arranged marriage is not a secretive affair, it can’t be, with all those family members around! Rarely is it something that young girls are forced into. The practices involved, although they do not place much emphasis on the importance of love, do also allow love matches to be made. The ideal is that such feelings, if they are not present to begin with, develop over time. Relationships are what we make them, and arranged marriages are no different. At the very least, they can teach mutual respect, companionship, and lifelong cooperation. At best, they can become partnerships based on mutual love and respect; a union which is blessed and approved by the whole family.♦ Rehana Moughal © 2011
British born Rehana Moughal is of Indo-Persian descent and has a growing interest in Islamic culture and tradition, particularly the role of women in Islam. She is currently researching a book that looks into the life of Muslim women in a Westernised society.
For the Highest Good Many people will be familiar with the term 'for the highest good.' In this article,
Sally Morningstar explores the meaning behind those words and shares the huge significance she feels they hold for the world today.
Evolution or Extinction? According to current records 95-99% of all species that have ever existed on the planet are now extinct. As a result of the choices made by the ancestry of all life extant today, we and other species have the gift of existence, but it is a fine balance, continually being re-evaluated by life’s natural forces. Extinction is a natural part of life's processes. In the last 500 million years there have been 5 mass extinction events. One that we are all aware of happened at the end of the Permian and the beginning of the Triassic Period, around 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs – the superior species of the time – were wiped out. Extinction numbers are escalating rapidly today – human behaviours are threatening not only cultural and ethnic biodiversity, but also ecosystems, environments and the survival of entire species. As
recently as March 7th 2011, an article in The Independent asked, “is humanity going to be the sixth, next extinction event?”
engagement and tireless dedication, to free the Earth from those who weave webs of destruction and abuse. This means not ignoring the state of the world, or resigning to the seemingly unstoppable annihilation of earth, sea and sky, but by finding out why it is happening, what/who is causing it, and then doing something about it.
This is why the Highest Good is so very important at this time. The Kogi people of the Sierra Nevada in Columbia are telling us (their younger brothers and sisters) that the heart of the world is dying – and unless we do something the world will come to We have an end.
If we act well the World can go on
the means to conserve, to
sustain, to repair and encourage for the
highest good of all life, but it requires our direct involvement, our engagement and
The Highest Good will ultimately prevail – be that with or without us. Humanity has abused so much of the Planet that we must now take responsibility for positively guiding and assisting the Earth's transitions and adaptations that are happening directly as a result of human interference. WE – the people of Earth – are the ones to do it. And that means more than the few who are doing their best to make a difference. It means everyone – rich and poor, those who have and those who have not, the global population and individuals alike, working together as one species – Humanity. The Earth must be treated as a sovereign entity, and mankind her caretakers. We have the means to conserve, to sustain, to repair and encourage for the highest good of all life, but it requires our direct involvement, our
tireless dedication
This could mean dramatically changing our eating habits, where we shop, what and who we support. Everyone must be prepared to change, to give up, to evolve and to oppose or stop anything that does not serve the Highest Good because nothing comes cheap! Everything comes at a cost; whether that is habitat loss, deforestation, pollution, or animal or human exploitation. These are just a few examples of the price we pay for not aspiring to the Highest Good, for everyone, and everything, on the planet. We have to know about those things that are obscured from our view. We have to begin with a change of heart, a change of vision, and evolve from the inside out, for only then can the externals really change.
The Politics of Survival Politics is at work in food, agriculture, medicine, land, people… 46
Developing the Highest Good
in fact pretty much everything these days. The word itself derives from ‘polis’ (city) however, I have yet to find a city that is thriving and pulsing with Nature Consider why you are here on this Earth and look and life. For the most part cities (and politics) are closely at what events and circumstances have led you choked by poisons and pollution (on both the to the point you are at today, for these are your physical and subtle planes) and this so called ‘civilized life’ is then overseen by its very polluters! teachers and guides. View your soul as your best and The system is faulty. My view is that we are now closest friend and listen more closely to its guidance. experiencing a ‘debt,’ because we are taking from Creation what is not ours to take. We owe the Affirm on a daily basis that you are purifying your life Earth far more than we are giving back. We are for the Highest Good of all by saying something like “Of experiencing 'lack' because as consumers we are my own free will, on all levels and in all ways, I align always hungry for more. We are experiencing crises my thoughts, words and deeds with the Highest Good all over the world because the world IS in crisis! Our of All.” future is unsustainable if we carry on as we are and there will be little point in crying out for water Do something for the good of Creation at least once a when all the wells are empty. week such as picking up rubbish, donating either time On a practical level, the Earth’s future lies in not or money to a worthy cause, planting a tree, or being only planting trees, growing sustainable crops, generous. preserving bio and cultural diversity, cleaning up Do not allow yourself to be drawn into dramas and pollution, sharing resources, caring for each other, and being generous and kind to Creation, but also negative thinking – always stay positive and in raising human consciousness. Without the constructive, for this is part of holding onto the people of Earth working together for the highest Highest Good. good, to make this man-made crisis pass as gracefully and easily as possible, we are in for a Sort out your material life so that it serves Creation very bumpy, unpredictable ride. To ignore it is (and you) well. Go through everything you buy and foolish, to complain about it is a waste of valuable research ingredients, their sources, and the companies’ time, to do nothing about it is irresponsible, to do environmental and welfare policies. You may be the wrong things about it is equally irresponsible. surprised and shocked by what you discover. Stop We can each listen for the part we are here to play, buying/using those things that are unethical or the solution we are here to bring; the gifts we are unsustainable, and change to others that are. here to share – for therein lies hope for a beneficial future for those generations yet to come. This is Be Divine; see the Divine in others and all life. Strive to part of what I do – I can teach others how to serve the Divine in all that you do. discover their true purpose. It really is our choice – yours and mine –evolution, or an escalation of the planet's next mass extinction event? We decide.♦ Sally Morningstar © 2011
Sally Morningstar is a Life & Soul Coach, and teacher of wild
foods and natural living skills, based upon the right
relationship with Nature (both wild and human). She is also a
writer, photographer and musician.
For details of courses and training opportunities please go to www.sallymorningstar.com
The Wheel
Beltane May 1st Beltane, the first of May, marks the beginning of the most fertile season of the land. The name means ‘the goodly fire,’ or ‘the fire of Bel,’ and the festival is one of outdoor revelry, when people gather from far and wide to spend the night outdoors in the company of nature spirits and faeries, who also celebrate this time by processing across the land in faerie rades, blessing lovers and playing tricks on the pompous or unwary. The God Bel, Belinus, Belli or Bile (pronounced Billy) is one of the most ancient in the Celtic pantheon – a God of the sun, but also of warfare and death. One of the major clues to his nature can be found in Ireland, where there still remain certain trees of particular importance or antiquity known as ‘Bile trees’. A Bile tree, often oak, is a sacred tree which was once the central or most sacred tree in a sacred grove. Fatherly Bel is most often partnered with the primal Mother Goddess of the Celts, Danu, or Don of the Welsh. His connection with the tree reveals that he rules over the upper lower and middle world. In Roman times he was known as Apollo Belenus, and many of his shrines remained in use throughout the Roman presence in the Celtic diaspora. Bel’s partnership with the Goddess Danu can be traced all across the continent, particularly in France, Austria and Italy as well in Ireland and Wales, and some scholars believe he can be traced back to the Phoenician God Baal which means ‘Lord.' The Goddess Danu is thought to have been worshipped even further afield, for longer, and can be traced throughout Europe into India
where she is mentioned in the Vedas, which date back to the bronze age and are based on oral knowledge that is probably far older. Danu means both 'knowledge,' and 'river' (the river Danube is named after her) or 'moist earth.' Known as a Goddess of the primal birth waters, she represents the attaining of wisdom through knowledge and skill, and she is the primary mother Goddess of the Tuatha De Dannan. This fair race reputedly arrived in Ireland on the first of May, and honoured their father Bel by burning their ships at dawn, thereby creating the first sacred Beltane fires. Later the Druids would re-enact this by lighting Beltane fires across the land, over which men and women would jump to ensure their fertility. As at Samhain (October 31st), all fires in the household would be extinguished, to be re-lit with flames from the sacred Bel-fire, which would bring blessings into the home. Sometimes two Bel-fires would be lit, and the cattle would be driven between them to ensure their fertility also. It is also said that at Beltane, Gwyn ap Nudd, the Winter King and Underworld Lord of the faeries of Glastonbury Tor, battles Gwythr ap Greidawl, the Summer King, over the hand of the maiden Goddess Creiddylad. The tale of Gwyn and Gwythr predates Arthur by centuries, is one of many versions of the sacred and ritualised struggle between Winter and Summer, perhaps once embodied in fiery Bel himself as both lord of the sun, and lord of death, seeking sacred union with the Goddess of the waters –
creating life itself. The Goddess Creiddylad, daughter of the Sea god Lir is largely forgotten but Her role as the royal maiden who is fought over by the Summer and Winter reveals her to be a Goddess of fertility and the land, over which the dual forces of life and death eternally struggle. Creiddylad, like Blodeuwedd, is a flower maiden, a lover goddess, who quickens life in all she touches, a Goddess of blossom and nectar. Without her all becomes barren as She retreats to the underworld in the Winter months, Her return at Beltane restoring the fecundity of the earth itself. A sexual Goddess, much of Her tales are forgotten as are the deeply sexual aspects of Beltane itself, and in recent centuries, She has been honoured for Her virginity, not Her sexuality. Traces of the old ways remain, in the symbolism of the phallic Maypole for example, and in the sacredness of the May blossom, the hawthorn, at this time. Both Creiddylad and hawthorns are associated with sacred sexuality, and like them both, the energies of the earth rise in passion at Beltane. Once men and women went ‘a-maying’ at Beltane, to make love beneath the stars, and the children of such unions were considered to be especially blessed. This Beltane, seek the blessing of the God and Goddess, and honour the wisdom of the heart yourself. Looking out for the faeries at twilight, honour all the love in your life, in whatever form it takes, this is the key to true fertility on all levels. To have a heart filled with love is a worthy quest indeed, and makes kings and queens of us all.
Danu Forest has been a witch, Celtic shaman and priestess for over 20 years. She lives in
Glastonbury and among her many published works is
published by Wooden Books For more info and details on workshops and courses go to: www.danuforest.co.uk
of the Year As the year turns towards its height, the days lengthen and the time of growth across the land becomes fully established. Gardens and fields begin to swell with flourishing life. Flowers are reaching their peak season and the crops are steadily maturing beneath the sun. It is a time when the year is becoming confidently mature, and our lives, with luck, will be following suit. Plans germinating at Winter and the new developments of Spring will now be fully underway, and our psychic, inner lives as well as our outer manifestations will be engaging with ‘the clear light of day.’ It is a time of empowerment, manifestation, and the gaining of experience. At the Summer Solstice, the sun is at its northernmost point in the sky. This is the longest day of the year, and the Sun God is at the height of His powers. Called Alban Hefin ‘the light of Summer,’ by the druids, Bel, and the Mabon-child who rises and falls through Winter and Summer, as well as The Oak King, are honoured at this time. Pushing back the powers of winter and darkness, the sun God is now completely victorious, yet this is a paradoxical time, as in His victory lies the inevitability of His downfall; the days grow shorter from this point, although thoughts of Winter are still far ahead. This is the challenge of being in one’s prime, of gaining new strength … the gifts of achievements and power must ultimately be surrendered and offered back in their due time. This makes the peak moment even sweeter. Alban Hefin is a time of celebration and fiery solar energy, its power is immense, but its glory is short lived and must be fully embraced. A time of manifestation and exuberance, the Summer Solstice has been celebrated at sacred sites all across Britain since the Neolithic era and perhaps before, and many Danu Forest © 2011
stone circles and avenues are aligned with the Solstice sunrise. One such place is Stonehenge, and many druids today still gather to watch the sun rise over the ‘hele stone’ at the solstice, while others gather on top of Glastonbury Tor to honour the sun at this sacred time. Often this is after an all-night vigil, at which time the Solstice as the half point of the solar year is meditated upon, and the energy of the turning year is used to help in magic and the slow acquiring of wisdom. Now at the height of His powers, the sun God may grant us many gifts and empower our actions, if we align to His rhythm. The sun is not always male in the Celtic tradition. In Ireland, the solstice marks a time when the faery queen and Celtic solar Goddess, Aine, is traditionally honoured by parading bunches of burning hay called Cliars around the fields and cattle, ensuring their fertility. In Britain, as at Beltane, twin bonfires of oak were burned at the Summer Solstice, and cattle were driven between the two to insure their health and fertility. Men and women would dance around these fires or sometimes leap over the flames to receive blessings. In some parts of Cornwall and Wales the Summer Solstice is still celebrated by wearing garlands of flowers and dancing around these solstice fires, with young men and women twirling flaming torches over their heads to form living sun wheels. Once the men also traditionally performed feats of daring and prowess at this time, embracing and embodying the bold and masculine solar energy. The summer solstice is of course an excellent time to meditate on the nature of the sun, and align with powerful solar energies. In practice, the sun transcends masculinity or femininity, but is a prime enlivening force – one half of the cosmic dance of creation itself. Many believe the
Litha June 21st sun is inhabited by great swathes of powerful solar spirits, instead of one single consciousness, but this is a matter of interpretation, as many entities, including ourselves, may be seen to be made up of many parts. However, honouring and attuning to our great sun is an ancient practice, a sacred task performed in every culture around the world. At the Solstice, greet the sunrise, and standing tall, raise your arms in salutation and welcome. This will also open up your chest area. Breathe deeply and visualise the rays of the sun like warm golden arrows penetrating your core, deep into your heart. Feel this power loosening your tensions and removing your fears and uncertainties. Then, feel it filling you with strength, health, confidence and positive, exuberant energy. Feel yourself grow, within and without, and like the sun God himself, ride this energy rather than try to hold onto it. Feel it strengthen your heart, let the fiery energy lend you greater nobility of purpose, rather than aggression, and see if you can sense anything that creation would like you to do for it at this time with the heroic energy you have received. Feel pride in your abilities and worthiness. Then take a moment to honour all the things in your life that are now at their height, such as the blessings of seeing your plans and hopes coming into manifestation. Feel the preciousness of all that is temporary, and will in time fall away, to rise again another year. Honour the knowledge that here and now, there is sunlight and power and vigorous beauty. Feel the sunshine on your skin, and absorb as much of it as you can. The sun God teaches that life is all about rising and falling, to rise again – try to follow his example, and surrender to the process with joy.♦
The first part in our feature on the Major Arcana of the Tarot ... For centuries, the Tarot has fascinated, delighted and terrified us. So what is it that makes the Tarot so perpetually intriguing? It is probably the most popular divinatory tool today, and is readily available, but this wasn't always the case. Tarot originates from Italy, where it became popular in the 15th century, probably for entertainment. Only the wealthy could afford Tarot cards, and it is even said that the original images featured on a set of full sized tapestries. One of the first decks was reputedly commissioned by the Visconti family, rulers of Milan, and this deck is the oldest surviving example known today. Reproductions of the Visconti Tarot are available now and many modern sets draw their imagery from this deck.
together the
Many of us are familiar with the Tarot, but often we
forget how versatile this tool really is. Here, clairvoyant
and Tarot reader Laura Taylor gives a brief introduction to this vast subject, and describes how use the Tarot in
divination, magick, visualisation and in understanding the self.
In the middle ages the Church condemned Tarot as a tool of the devil. The fear that Tarot is somehow evil sadly lingers on, and it is sometimes known as 'The Devil's Picture Book.' The Tarot does not contain evil in its imagery, but allegorical characters that represent the journey of life, and the events therein. The Death card is still looked on as an ill omen when it in fact represents necessary change and moving forward – something that we all experience at various points in our lives, such as when relationships end, jobs change, and so on. The saying 'as one doors closes, another opens,' is apt indeed for the Death card, but it's more than that. It represents the limitless possibilities for something new to follow as one chapter of life ends. In my experience as a clairvoyant Tarot reader, I have have dispelled many myths surrounding the cards, such as the belief that they are evil and contain no positive messages. Tarot's association with witches and witchcraft also carries negative connotations, due to their demonisation in our culture. In a reading, the cards offer options, and guidance on the path chosen. It's very rare to have a bad Tarot reading – and if you have found yourself in this situation, you have probably simply picked a bad
"The World" from Shadowscapes Tarot, ŠStephanie Pui-Mun Law. http://www.shadowscapes.com
reader. During a reading, you may be advised on impending change, progression, how to break old habits, and even the negative situations of the past, but you should never have a bad reading. I have never given a negative reading in my career. Tarot will always be shrouded in mystery, and even acceptance does not necessarily mean understanding. Ignorance breeds ignorance, and one person's bad experience with a reader can give the cards a bad reputation.
A Language of Archetypes The Major Arcana contains twentytwo cards featuring archetypes of the most ancient and universally accepted nature. The cards depict a journey, with the Fool at the beginning, and the World at the end. Everything in between is progress. Even if one has no desire to work with the Tarot, the energies depicted within the deck are such that can be called upon to guide or teach us is a particular situation, and are even powerful enough to shift our entire world-view and send us careering in a different direction. Working with a particular card or drawing a card in a reading is a way for a certain archetypal energy to be recognised and become manifest; in the case of the Tarot, that The recognition is visual.
auspicious card to be drawn if you feel staid and need to take a few more risks in life. Sometimes the Fool is depicted at the edge of a cliff, about to fall, and sometimes, he leaps willingly; the imagery is dependant on the set. Unfortunately, the Fool card does not represent the outcome of the 'leap of faith,' only the transition. It is a pivotal card to draw, and at some point we all find ourselves on the edge of the cliff. Whether we choose to leap or not is simply personal. Some spend years on the edge of the precipice, and it's worth remembering that change is often for the better. Working with these archetypes can be done not only through divination but in spellcraft, visualisation, meditation and many other spiritual practices, and can help in drawing on strengths that we need or would like to possess, as a way of forging the self. For example, the Sun card can be used to increase positivity, happiness, success, joy, abundance of the good things in life, and so on. To tap into these energies, you could simply spend a few minutes a day focusing on this card. In this way, you would be using the card a tool to enable you to focus more easily on the things that it represents to you. The more you
cards depict a journey, with
Of the energies represented the Fool at the beginning, and the by the Tarot, the Fool is one World at the end. Everything in that most can relate to. The Fool is the first card of the between is progress Major Arcana. Its number is not traditionally one, but zero. connect with the card and the In numerological terms, zero or 'o' is imagery depicted on it, the more representative of limitless positivity it will draw to you, acting possibilities. This energy can be used as a magnet for the things you to your advantage, but that remains desire. In doing a candle spell, or up to you. It marks the start of a making an amulet or charm, you new journey – new beginnings. It could place an appropriate card on can also represent jumping into your altar as you work, giving your something wholeheartedly, without spell a little extra energetic kick. As considering the consequences. withs the former exercise, this adds Often depicted with a small dog focus. snapping at his heels, attempting to Using Tarot warn him of the cliff before him, the Fool can warn of a foolish or The Tarot is used as a divinatory tool impulsive act, or of naivety. It's an because it taps into innate psychic
abilities of all our subconscious minds, and it can therefore be used by anyone. Choosing your Tarot or divinatory cards (indeed, cartomancy can be done with a simple deck of playing cards, and there are many other oracle cards available) from the endless sets out there is entirely personal, and the imagery of each set varies dramatically. You are the one who will be working with the cards, so choose whatever speaks to you, and not necessarily what you have been recommended, or the best-selling deck in your local esoteric shop. The imagery that reverberates with you will be the easiest for you to work with and connect with. Smudge (pass through incense or sage smoke) your deck of cards when you bring it home to cleanse of any unwanted energies. Individual readers perceive the cards differently, but the clues for the basic meaning are in the imagery; for example, is the figure depicted happy or unhappy? Building up these pictorial references is a good way to remember the deck. I would recommend jotting down your initial reactions to each card before crossreferencing what you've picked up with the information contained in the companion book to your cards. The basic procedure when performing a reading is to shuffle the cards to cleanse them of any residual energies, and then to ask the question. When you feel the urge to stop shuffling, draw your cards. A basic three cards spread typically shows the past, present and future of the situation in question. Often cards feel different for each querent, and carry different meaning in each reading. I am a clairvoyant-medium, and I have been connecting with spirit since the age of ten. I purchased my first Tarot deck at seventeen and I have been reading ever since. I like to see my relationship with the Tarot as one of teamwork. When I perform a reading, my clairvoyance does take over the majority of the reading, but the Tarot gives me a doorway into the querent's life, showing me situations, events and 51
changes. I may find that a particular image in the Tarot is calling to me, and by focusing on that image, I am enabled to receive a more accurate and clear understanding of the situation. Successful Tarot reading is all about using your whole body. It's about using your senses. Note how you feel as you look at the spread, and whether you are drawn to one card in particular. Work to combine your intuition, gut feelings, any images that come clairvoyantly, or any other sensations that arise to decipher the most complete message. It is not simply about reading the accepted meanings of the cards before you from a book. In reading Tarot, we use the scientific side of our brains in attempting to rationalise the images and how they connect. When using the psychic mind, the other side of the brain is engaged to interpret feelings, emotions, sensations, any psychic impressions that may be experienced, and also in translating these messages into a form that the querent, or indeed oneself, can
Tarot Correspondences for magick, meditation and working with archetypes 0. The Fool ~ new projects, conquering fears I. The Magician ~ organisation, control II. High Priestess ~ divination, women's mysteries, developing psychic abilities III. The Empress ~ fertility, abundance, women's issues IV. The Emperor ~ business, assertion V. The Hierophant ~ inner knowledge, connection to the Divine VI. The Lovers ~ union, romance, relationships and their endings VII. The Chariot ~ perseverance, control VIII. Strength ~ endurance, strength of character IX. Hermit ~ introspection, wisdom X. Wheel of Fortune ~ money, luck, bringing about change XI. Justice ~ legal matters, balance
allegorical tool that has been used with great success for centuries. There is nothing evil, negative or sinister in this system, but it is shrouded in mystery, and I believe it always will be. It uses imagery that Western society has associated with dark forces for perhaps longer than the tarot has been in existence, such as Death, and the Devil. These cards in particular depict challenges in human existence, The Norns and the Web of Wyrd © Yuri Leitch. and things www.yurileitch.co.uk. that humanity comprehend. fears greatly: change, endings and There is nothing to fear when using enslavement to our own fears. In the Tarot; it is a divinatory and
XII. Hanged Man ~ patience, foresight, gaining new perspectives XIII. Death ~ change, endings engendering new beginnings XIV. Temperance ~ harmony, cooperation XV. The Devil ~ breaking habits, restrictions XVI. The Tower ~ truth, sweeping change XVII. The Star ~ hope, inspiration, protection XVIII. The Moon ~ dreams, psychic illusions, imagination XIX. The Sun ~ abundance, uplifting moods, success XX. Judgement ~ rebirth, awakening, mental clarity XXI. The World ~ completion of projects, fulfilment, accomplishment
the Devil card, the figures that appear trapped are in fact free to go whenever they choose – it is their choice to stay in the shackles. And so, the Devil card does not represent negative forces; instead it offers freedom from the traps that we set for ourselves. Tarot reading is a journey into the self; it holds up mirrors, sometimes pleasant, sometimes painful, sometimes challenging, to one's present situation. It is also a key to overcoming the challenges we face. Whether you are at the very beginning of your spiritual journey, and like the Fool, full of promise, or further along on your path, remember that at the completion of each chapter, as we reach the World card, a new beginning awaits, as does a leap into the unknown.♦ Laura Taylor © 2011
Laura is a clairvoyant-medium, witch and priestess. She
conducts readings over the phone as well as in person.
Laurataylor.psychic@gmail.com 52
A Timely Warning
In the second part of our feature in the Tarot, Graham Robertson shares his experience of a reading taken over by a life-saving message from spirit
I started reading Tarot cards in 1986 when I took an interest in paganism and witchcraft. At first I read all the books I could find, then I wrote out all the meanings for each card that I thought were relevant at the time. This was my method of remembering meanings, and I also taught myself several layouts that I still use to this day. At first I read the cards for friends and acquaintances, and I was very popular at parties! You can always tell when someone is new to reading the cards because they take them everywhere.
I was doing a midweek show in a hotel in Rugby, and I had performed about ten readings and was getting tired. It is when one is tired that the most amazing clairvoyance sometimes happens. A lady with two small children who were crying sat in front of me. I was on autopilot after the long day. I asked her name and set up a new tape in my recorder, then laid out a Celtic cross on the table and started my introduction to the reading and then suddenly, I stopped.
I raised my eyes and looked at her properly, and then I switched off the During some upheavals in my life at tape recorder and erased the the end of the decade, I found introduction before saying, 'Sorry. I myself without any work, and a can’t do a close friend reading for encouraged I raised my eyes and looked at her you. But I do me to advertise and properly, and then I switched off have a message look for work as a Tarot the tape recorder and erased the that I must give you: do reader. This introduction before saying, ‘Sorry. I not go was all very daunting at cannot do a reading for you ...’ home. Take your the time, but children and soon some run for your life. Do not stay with a quite magickal things began to friend or a relative. Go to the happen. One of my first clients opposite end of the country if you worked in an office with about 60 need to, but go and go now!' other girls and over the course of a couple of months I had read for She then told me that the previous nearly all of them and all their evening her husband had put a friends. This was in my home town shotgun to her throat and told her of Hemel Hempstead. It seemed that he would kill her and the that I was not reading the cards at children before turning the gun on all, I was in fact doing it himself if ever she left him. ‘clairvoyantly’ because the I have done hundreds, maybe a information just came out of my thousand readings for people, but mouth without me thinking about it. some just stay clear in my mind I would just sit and talk and be forever and that one certainly does. completely candid (I think I still may The woman left after her reading be) with details of peoples lives that and I got on with another reading I shouldn't have known at all. I straight after. I don’t know who she enjoyed my new-found fame and was or what happened to her, but I started working with a group in the always ask myself the same Midlands, and it is here in 1992 that question: why did she come to me? I something very strange happened to don’t know why I said what I said or me. where the words came from; I was
From top: The Devil, The Tower, and Death, three of the most feared cards that can be drawn during a Tarot reading, yet within them is the power for release and transofrmation. Tarot Table © Yuri Leitch. www.yurileitch.co.uk.
in a sort of trance and it was all very surreal. Only recently did the answer finally come to me. We all have a spirit guide and it was her spirit guide that came to commune with mine. I was just a tool – a mouthpiece. Spirit Guides are here to protect and to guide us and the people who come into all our lives will have a purpose, a lesson to impart or sometimes just a timely warning to give. Lady, whoever you are, I send you love.♦ Graham Robertson © 2011
Graham runs the Glastonbury based Mystic & Earth Spirt Fayre, which showcases a variety of traders and psychics, and offer workshops and talks. www.glastonburyfayres.co.uk
What is the Court Arcana? We’ve finally managed to pin down the founder of The Court Arcana for an interview. Arcana IV, The Emperor, otherwise known as Dr David Lake
discusses The Court, some of its members, and his plans to help revolutionise drug treatment in the UK.
David, in brief, what is the Court Arcana? DL It's a group, I suppose, of co-operative eccentrics. It's based in Glastonbury, although a fair number of us are situated in all sorts of different places, pursuing all sorts of different types of projects. I suppose mutual admiration is what keeps us together, and in terms of cooperating it's ad-hoc and informal. Each of us, when we want to get something done, has a group to call on for help and support. Can you tell us a little bit about your background
and what prompted you to start such an enterprise?
DL I first looked into the effects of heroin in the UK quite some time ago, and it seemed to me that the problem was large and unsolvable. It's pretty well understood that methadone is the only answer, but by talking to some friends in Glastonbury, I found out that this wasn't the case – there was an awful lot more to the story. It was that first instance of asking for help that brought to life the idea that if you can talk about seemingly unsolvable problems, interesting things can happen. Each member's role is twofold – it's business-based
and based on a Tarot card. What is the purpose of this and how does it affect the roles?
DL The concept of having an abstract measure, a budget if you like, against which a person's actions, ambitions and aspirations can be measured, is sometimes, but not always, helpful. If people approach and are very obviously keen on one particular thing to be done in one particular way, it's surprising how often the Tarot can give insight, even if at first it only conveys how I think about them. It's in the spirit, I suppose, of playing a role – in theatre, for example, everybody that plays Hamlet will interpret his character in a different way, and it's the interpretation that's interesting, as opposed to the role itself. What are your personal objectives in the role of
Arcana 4, The Emperor?
DL I'm coming to the end of one of my own projects, this is the Naltraxone-heroin thing of course. I didn't really want to spend the rest of my life doing that, and yet there remain issues – I haven't really finished what I set out to do in that regard. Not only are there people who still need my help and support; but also, I haven't finished telling people what I think needs to happen in terms of the UK’s drug problem. Eventually, I hope, my role will be simply helping others in what they are doing. Where have you reached with the naltrexone-
heroin campaign?
DL We've discovered that Naltrexone as a solution to heroin addiction is workable, and I never really thought it would be. It does provide a better solution than methadone because it is a genuine solution; it's not a case of holding somebody on something unpleasant, more or less forever. Visiting Dr O'Neil in Perth was for me life-changing, as he is doing over there what we should be doing more of in the UK. The [naltrexone] implants that we use in the UK last 3 months, whereas Dr O'Neil's last 9 months, and therefore the patient needs a third of the operations to achieve the same level of protection. 9 months is an incredibly long time to remain heroin-free, but I hope one day to invest in the development of 27-month chips. Can you tell us more about the Naltrexone implant
and how it works?
DL Certainly! Naltrexone is an absolute antagonist for heroin, and opiates more generally. If you have the chemical in your body, you may try to take heroin either by smoking or injecting it, but it will be as if you are smoking tobacco or injecting water. The 'high' that heroin addicts are looking for is just not there. The difficulty with it as a tablet is that people simply won't take it. On the other hand, the implant slowly dissolves, as it's made of biodegradable plastic, delivering a sufficient level of naltrexone in the bloodstream to afford protection. As I said, they last 9 months, and we'd like them to last a lot longer, but 9 months is still an incredibly long time to be completely free of the ability 54
to use heroin. Each implant is about the size of a third of a pencil, and is inserted underneath the skin of the abdomen. A good way to find out more about it is simply to look it up online; there are forums on Facebook and so on. Most Doctors haven't heard of it. I speak to a lot of pharmacists who distribute methadone, and they haven't heard of it either. The issue is one of public awareness, but it is out there to be discovered. We're currently putting together a film based on peoples' experiences whilst on it. What makes Dr O'Neil's methods so much better
than those used in the UK?
DL The top detox clinic in the UK really is very good, but they can't get people off heroin anywhere near as quickly as Dr O'Neil. I was surprised to find when I went to Australia just how quickly a heroin addict (but not a methadone addict) could be taken off heroin and given the implant – in most cases of addiction, even severe ones, the implant can be administered to addicts on the day they arrive at the clinic. This is astonishing, because you'd expect a severe reaction to be caused by the mixture of naltrexone and heroin. In your opinion, why is methadone an insufficient
solution to heroin addiction?
DL Because addicts have to take it daily, and in order to take it daily, the prescription has to be redeemed at one particular chemist. On the streets it's called 'liquid handcuffs' because it effectively ties you to one place for a very long time. Often, addicts will be drinking methadone daily in very large doses, sometimes up to 100ml a day, which of course makes it impossible to drive, difficult to hold down a job, and so on. Really, it's using another kind of synthetic opiate to manage a much more dangerous opiate – heroin. There are other sideeffects that I don't like – the fact that it's even more difficult to get off methadone because the withdrawal is worse, for example. Methadone is not good for teeth and bones, and we will hopefully be interviewing a public health dentist in Bristol for the film. She has seen an awful lot of people on methadone for a period of time simply lose all their teeth. Surely this level of ingestion simply can't be good for internal organs either, but it's not often spoken about. I suppose the worst thing for me
is that methadone stops people from having the freedom to conduct their daily lives. In comparison, what side-effects can be expected
from the Naltrexone implant?
DL That's a very good question, and one that we're struggling with, because we can't find any. No-one has been allergic to it so far, but we're bound to find someone eventually! It seems to have very mild mood affecting capability, and in those who are suffering longterm mental health effects from prolonged drugs use and are struggling with daily life, it can produce a mild calming effect. Ideally, how would you see drug treatment in the
UK changing over the next few years?
DL I would certainly hope to see a new, large-scale clinic that could get people who had been on methadone for a long time, say a period of five years or more, off methadone for good, very quickly. I would certainly like to see methadone being prescribed and administered in the way that it it supposed to have been – that is, as a slowly reduced dose, rather than addicts remaining on a high dose for a long time. I think that O'Neil's methods in Australia would be useful in reducing the length of time and discomfort of heroin withdrawal. Ideally, such a clinic would operate as informally as the one in Australia, whereby people could decide that they want to be off heroin, could arrive at the clinic without a prior appointment, and be heroin-free the very same day. Where do you see the Court Arcana going in the
DL My guess is that it will always be based in Glastonbury, because unusual thinking seems to be encouraged there. So if the Court became a sort of ideasfocusing house, or a film production company for bringing Glastonbury thinking to a wider audience, that would seem to be a useful way to spend my time. Beyond that, we have a heavy musical talent in the Court, and a range of other areas where I think our time, effort and energy is very well spent. Each one of those I hope will give rise to a clever crusade to try to improve things in the UK, which as we know, is not yet utterly perfect.♦
Dr George O'Neil invented the naltrexone implant, and founded Fresh Start, a not-for-
profit charity and addiction clinic in Perth, Australia. They have treated over 7000 people for addiction since 1996. www.freshstart.org.au
Find out more about The Court Arcana at www.courtofarcana.co.uk
Hi Jamie, This might sound stupid but I think that my car is cursed. Let me tell you why. I bought this car after my previous car was written off, and I’ve had nothing but trouble since. The car itself is in full working order and has just passed its MOT. The problems arise when I’m driving it. I’ve had the car for just 5 months now, but I’ve been hit four times, and five times I’ve narrowly avoided fatal collisions from other drivers. What can I do? N. Hi N., Seems you’ve really had a time of it with this vehicle! What you need is a trick (the hoodoo name for a spell) for safety while travelling. Take a white cloth roughly 7 inches by 7 inches in size and set it on a clean surface. On this cloth place a small pile of comfrey root. Comfrey is traditionally employed for its ability to protect travellers. Circle this pile with rock salt and say: “I pray to the spirits of salt and comfrey to protect me wherever I go.” Next, have a look for a prayer to Saint
Christopher, patron saint of travellers. There are loads out there – I simply look online for one that suits. Anoint a white candle with olive oil whilst incanting the prayer. When the candle has burnt out, place the remains on the pile of comfrey. Gather the corners of the cloth up and tie it tight with red string. If you like, you can sew a St Christopher medal, available from most catholic supply shops, to the bag. Hang this little bag from the rear-view mirror of your car, and once a week dab it with a little olive oil to keep it working at full strength. You may also want to put a small “Car statue” of this saint on the dash board or maybe stick a prayer card there instead. Dear Jamie, I really like this guy at work but he’s very shy. I don’t want to make all the moves because
in case I scare him off. How can I make him approach me? I work in an office and he’s in the next room over. I think he likes me, so how do I get him to notice me more? K. Dear K., Here is a chance for you to employ one of the oldest hoodoo tricks in the book! Take a vanilla pod and make an incision in it. Place this pod in a small jar of sugar and allow the vanilla to infuse for a week or so. Whilst at work, make him a cup of coffee and stir in one teaspoon of the sugar. Now the next bit isn’t so sweet, but it’s said to have great effect! Take a nail file and file your nail over the cup. A few strokes worth of nail powder should be enough. Stir the coffee and take it to him. It is said one sip of a brew prepared in this manner makes a man fascinated by you!
Doctor, Doctor Hoodoo & Magickal Problem Solving with our very own Root Doctor Jamie Alexzander, joint-owner of Glastonbury’s Occult Consultancy, will be offering sound problem solving advice from the Hoodoo tradition. Hoodoo is a folk magic system born out of an amalgamation of African, European and Native American traditions. It is not to be confused with Voodoo, which is a religion and not a folk magic practice.
Dear Jamie, I need a job! I know there’s a recession on but I can’t find any work! I’m getting desperate now, as I have depleted my savings and I just need to get back on my feet. What can I do? Cheers, M. Dear M.,
with a pestle and mortar or similar, mix with a pinch of powdered cinnamon, a pinch of iron filings and a pinch of sugar. Put this dust in your shoes and it is said you’ll be lead to work! Good luck! Hi Jamie, My husband and I just bought a house but there is something really wrong with it. The house has a really long history and I think a lot of negative things have left an imprint on it. The whole place seems very unwelcoming and we get eerie feelings in certain rooms. I don’t think it's haunted, I just think it needs to be cleansed. I know hoodoo is very effective so I thought I’d write and ask. I hope to see the answer in the next edition!
On the Occult consultancy website site we have a range of products called Master blends, and I think the steady work one is for you! Have a read through and see what you think. Failing that, you need to make a work charm. Go to C. a good herbalist Hi C., and buy Steady Work Oil is available from a bag of www.theoccultconsultancy.com Looks to me like you have some work on your hands and you are gravel going to need to stock up on root. Gravel root is the favoured some items. You’ll need some herb for steady work, steady money camphor, some charcoal disks, some and getting a job. Put some of this Van Van oil, a bottle of Florida water root in a little green bag and carry it cologne, rock salt, a pack of white with you whilst looking for work. emergency candles and a bucket of You can also brew it up in boiling hot water. You might want to get a water and add it to bath before tray to carry everything bar the looking for work. Another great trick bucket of water. Start at the back of is to powder a pinch or two to dust the house. Light a charcoal disc in a
heat proof dish, and when it turns grey, sprinkle on the camphor to burn and release the smoke. As you go from room to room, liberally sprinkle the Florida water and in each corner of each room. Then place a small pile of salt in the corners. When you have dressed each room, anoint one of the candles with the Van Van oil and allow it to burn. When you have finished put a few drops of Van Van oil along with some salt and a dash of Florida water in the bucket of water and wash down the front and back doorstep. Pour the leftover water in the gutter or down a drain. Blow out the candles and each day burn one of them down completely. This should clear the house out of any old negativity and allow you to make it your home! Another great tip is to place a line of salt over the front and back doorstep to stop anything Florida Water is unwanted traditionally used in getting in. Hoodoo cleansing rituals.
Cleansing is really important, as every day we pick up spiritual grime and it's always a good idea to purify and cleanse with a spiritual bath at least once a month. I perform this bath
once a week! Draw a bath and add three cups of salt. Next take a clean flannel, and in the
centre pile hyssop, rue and lemongrass. Sprinkle this pile with a little van van oil and some
camphor oil if you can get it. Tie the corners up to make a kind of giant tea bag, and throw it in the bath to stew! Soak yourself in the bath, pouring the water over your head. You may
wish to incant psalm 51, the psalm used for purifying, at this point. When you leave the bath, pat yourself dry. It always reinforces it if you rub yourself down then with Florida water cologne.♦
Jamie Alexzander © 2011
This year, we’re really starting to feel the heat! The sun is shining, the soil is warm, and it feels more like Summer than Spring. Bluebell s blanket the forest floors across the country and the magnificent scents and colours of wis teria flavour the urban landscape. Wildlife now has young to tend to, and gardeners should take care not to disturb birds' nests in hedges and trees.
The Uncommon Gardener Spring into Summer
This good Spring weather means that crops some and plants will grow well. Seedlings are spr outing, but so are those weeds! Hoeing the weeds now, whilst they're small, is a much easier way to be rid of them than allowing them to grow, establish and • Runner Beans Ÿ Cauliflowers multiply! It's best to hoe on a dry day so • Beetroot that the weeds that are lifted get cooked • Lettuces by the sun. Don't forget to sharpen your • Broccoli • Peas hoe regularly before you use it. If the • Cabbage weather is dry it is important to keep • Sweetcorn surface of the soil fine by hoeing There are many more in the list but always explore yo regularly. This will ensure that water ur local garden centre, and follow the guidelines on the back of the seed pack. soaks in and helps prevent water from If you don’t have a garde evaporating away. n, but you do have a windo wsill, you can grow tomatoes, cucumbers, he rbs, salads such as rocket When sowing seeds in dry weather, it is , an d other goodies indoors. Sow your seeds in a long container, and on good to water the soil thoroughly ce they’ve reached aroun 2 inches in height, divide d them into their own pots. before sowing and then water as Feed and water well. Organic plant feed is availab le from garden centres, an normal when the seeds are in. d tomatoes will need their own potassium and nit rog en rich feed. Find a sunny Although the weather can be dry, keep window for your plants, and remember tha t most herbs prefer a bit some fleece handy in May on the off of shade. Happy growing! chance that we have one last frost. If forecasts don't predict rain for a while, be sure to keep watering, as it doesn't take long for of these predators into young or potted plants to wither and die. Mulch is your garden, and build up your defences. Butterflies are another way to keep moisture in the soil, and it also out and flying around now, and although beautiful they keeps weed growth down. It is best to weed a bed before can be malicious to plants! Many of our native butterflies mulching, ensuring the weeds don't stand a chance of are under threat, so it's up to you whether you wish to growing through. Try also laying mulch whilst the soil is check the underside of tender leaves, especially wet, so that it has moisture to lock in. A layer of mulch is cabbages, for yellow or white eggs, and wipe them away a good habitat for creatures that are beneficial to the before caterpillars hatch and eat everything – or whether garden, and can help keep the pest population down. you want to turn a blind eye. I like to plant extra, so that Apologies to Buddhists, but pests are everywhere this the pests are spread across more leaves, thereby working time of year, and it's time to roll your sleeves up and with, and not against nature. Aphids will be making an decide who lives and who dies – will it be the slug or the appearance in your garden too. There are many ways to lettuce? Slugs are a gardener's worst enemy. I have spent get rid of aphids, but my favourite is the introduction of a hours planting out lines of seedlings, to find nothing but hungry ladybird. suspicious shiny trails in their place the next morning! Keep looking after your vegetable seedlings and knock of Slug pellets work well but I urge you to use wildlife any slugs or catarpillars. Keep watering any new shoots friendly pellets as birds can be poisoned by the dead on dry days. slugs, and cats poisoned by birds, and so on. Luckily, there are lots of creature that like to eat slugs, such as Have a great couple of months and enjoy the weather!♦ hedgehogs, badgers, frogs, beetles, centipedes, slow Jim Common © 2011 worms, nearly all birds and even foxes. Try attracting
What to plant now:
Jim runs Arcana Gardens, a Glastonbury-based gardening firm, with Woodland Wizard Peter Wood. His interests are Earth Magic, bushcraft, and conservational & organic gardening. www.arcanagardens.co.uk
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