Midyear Review

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STATEMENT OF INTENT I am interested in design that enables sustainable living.

to be enormously influential. Introducing sustainable,

I have been narrowing my education down to suit this

recyclable products into the market can change trends

passion for years. Since I’ve been studying in Glasgow,

in use, consumption and waste.

I have developed have a broad understanding of usercentric design, which has made an enormous difference

I am applying to the Rhode Island School of Design

to way I approach problems.

(RISD) to become a more rounded designer, with deeper understanding of materials and processes. It

I grew up in a very creative atmosphere, and was

is one thing to propose a design, but without an in-

encouraged by my parents to pursue my interest in

depth knowledge of how things are actually made, it

design and the arts. I studied Andy Goldsworthy as

is easy to lose your grip on what is possible. I would

part of my History of Art A-Level and have continued

like to learn another approach to problem solving and

to investigate his work. His attitude to nature is very

I hope that a semester at RISD can open my eyes to

inspiring, the materials he uses are entirely appropriate

another side of design. I believe my strengths are in

to their surroundings. This is an idea I try to bare in

my concepts, and I look forward to developing three-

mind when I am designing, particularly in my choice of

dimensional making skills to a similar level. I hope


that after my time at RISD I will be able to confidently combine technical, ethical and ecological issues in my

Studying product design has taught me that it is not just


about objects, but about the entire life-cycle of the things we interact day to day. The things I observe in everyday

I am an enthusiastic student, my time at the Glasgow

life inspire me to think how things could be different. I

School of Art has taught me to be more practical and

see an opportunity for good design to enhance every

innovative. Now my approach to problem solving is

area of our lives and I want to be part of the projects that

far more rational and thoroughly considered. I look

make those changes.

forward to studying at RISD and developing into a more professional designer. I think I will bring a good

This is a very interesting time to be studying design,

philosophy to the class, and I will adapt to the RISD

as the role of the designer is taking on a whole new

way of working very confidently. I am a hard working

responsibility. The implications of modern living on the

student, keen to excel in this degree, and I will make

environment should be responded to by good design. In

the most this opportunity and be a better designer

today’s consumer culture, design has the potential

because of it.

TNETNI FO TNEMETATS ,elbaniatsus gnicudortnI .laitneuflni ylsuomrone eb ot sdnert egnahc nac tekram eht otni stcudorp elbalcycer .etsaw dna noitpmusnoc ,esu ni ngiseD fo loohcS dnalsI edohR eht ot gniylppa ma I htiw ,rengised dednuor erom a emoceb ot )DSIR( tI .sessecorp dna slairetam fo gnidnatsrednu repeed -ni na tuohtiw tub ,ngised a esoporp ot gniht eno si ti ,edam yllautca era sgniht woh fo egdelwonk htped dluow I .elbissop si tahw no pirg ruoy esol ot ysae si dna gnivlos melborp ot hcaorppa rehtona nrael ot ekil ot seye ym nepo nac DSIR ta retsemes a taht epoh I ni era shtgnerts ym eveileb I .ngised fo edis rehtona -eerht gnipoleved ot drawrof kool I dna ,stpecnoc ym epoh I .level ralimis a ot slliks gnikam lanoisnemid yltnedfinoc ot elba eb lliw I DSIR ta emit ym retfa taht ym ni seussi lacigoloce dna lacihte ,lacinhcet enibmoc .stcudorp wogsalG eht ta emit ym ,tneduts citsaisuhtne na ma I dna lacitcarp erom eb ot em thguat sah trA fo loohcS si gnivlos melborp ot hcaorppa ym woN .evitavonni kool I .deredisnoc ylhguoroht dna lanoitar erom raf a otni gnipoleved dna DSIR ta gniyduts ot drawrof doog a gnirb lliw I kniht I .rengised lanoisseforp erom DSIR eht ot tpada lliw I dna ,ssalc eht ot yhposolihp gnikrow drah a ma I .yltnedfinoc yrev gnikrow fo yaw ekam lliw I dna ,eerged siht ni lecxe ot neek ,tneduts rengised retteb a eb dna ytinutroppo siht tsom eht .ti fo esuaceb

.gnivil elbaniatsus selbane taht ngised ni detseretni ma I siht tius ot nwod noitacude ym gniworran neeb evah I ,wogsalG ni gniyduts neeb ev’I ecniS .sraey rof noissap -resu fo gnidnatsrednu daorb a evah depoleved evah I ecnereffid suomrone na edam sah hcihw ,ngised cirtnec .smelborp hcaorppa I yaw ot saw dna ,erehpsomta evitaerc yrev a ni pu werg I ni tseretni ym eusrup ot stnerap ym yb degaruocne sa yhtrowsdloG ydnA deiduts I .stra eht dna ngised deunitnoc evah dna leveL-A trA fo yrotsiH ym fo trap yrev si erutan ot edutitta siH .krow sih etagitsevni ot etairporppa yleritne era sesu eh slairetam eht ,gniripsni ni erab ot yrt I aedi na si sihT .sgnidnuorrus rieht ot fo eciohc ym ni ylralucitrap ,gningised ma I nehw dnim .slairetam tsuj ton si ti taht em thguat sah ngised tcudorp gniydutS sgniht eht fo elcyc-efil eritne eht tuoba tub ,stcejbo tuoba yadyreve ni evresbo I sgniht ehT .yad ot yad tcaretni ew I .tnereffid eb dluoc sgniht woh kniht ot em eripsni efil yreve ecnahne ot ngised doog rof ytinutroppo na ees taht stcejorp eht fo trap eb ot tnaw I dna sevil ruo fo aera .segnahc esoht ekam ,ngised gniyduts eb ot emit gnitseretni yrev a si sihT wen elohw a no gnikat si rengised eht fo elor eht sa eht no gnivil nredom fo snoitacilpmi ehT .ytilibisnopser nI .ngised doog yb ot dednopser eb dluohs tnemnorivne laitnetop eht sah ngised ,erutluc remusnoc s’yadot

Project title: Client: Stuart Bailey and Mark Hale Date: 30/09/08 – 31/09/08 Duration: 3 weeks Brief: Your task is to design a product that provides a time specific stimulus appropriate to the needs and requirements of your defined user. Type: Individual project Aims: The outcome of this project has to be specific to a user. I have aimed to keep the user at the centre of the design process throughout the project. I set out to solve the problem of daily medication when you have a very active lifestyle.

:eltit tcejorP elaH kraM dna yeliaB trautS :tneilC 80/90/13 – 80/90/03 :etaD skeew 3 :noitaruD sedivorp taht tcudorp a ngised ot si ksat ruoY :feirB dna sdeen eht ot etairporppa sulumits cfiiceps emit a .resu denfied ruoy fo stnemeriuqer tcejorp laudividnI :epyT a ot cfiiceps eb ot sah tcejorp siht fo emoctuo ehT :smiA eht fo ertnec eht ta resu eht peek ot demia evah I .resu evlos ot tuo tes I .tcejorp eht tuohguorht ssecorp ngised yrev a evah uoy nehw noitacidem yliad fo melborp eht .elytsefil evitca

USER CONTEXT Rock climbing. White water rafting. Gardening. Skiing.

Has to take a dose of warfarin twice a day to prevent potentially fatal blood clots. Has to fit her medication into her active life. Can’t take her dose every 12 hours, must give her body a break from the medication.

fo esod a ekat ot saH yad a eciwt nirafraw yllaitnetop tneverp ot .stolc doolb lataf reh tif ot saH reh otni noitacidem .efil evitca esod reh ekat t’naC tsum ,sruoh 21 yreve kaerb a ydob reh evig .noitacidem eht morf

TXETNOC RESU .gnibmilc kcoR retaw etihW .gnitfar .gninedraG .gniikS

Product in Environment




Alarmed pill container that tells you what pills to take and when to take them, you’ll never miss a dose again.

tnemnorivnE ni tcudorP



llip demralA sllet taht reniatnoc ot sllip tahw uoy ot nehw dna ekat ll’uoy ,meht ekat esod a ssim reven .niaga


Technical drawings of one idea.

Cardboard sketch model.

draobdraC .ledom hcteks

fo sgniward lacinhceT .aedi eno

A selection of development drawings, demonstrating the different forms I considered.

tnempoleved fo noitceles A eht gnitartsnomed ,sgniward .deredisnoc I smrof tnereffid

EASY-PILL Screw Mouthpiece Fits into the Pills are neck of a SIGG released with bottle. water here.

Pills are released into the mouthpiece at the push of a button. The colour of the button corresponds with that of the pill.

LLIP-YSAE eceiphtuoM wercS era slliP eht otni stiF htiw desaeler GGIS a fo kcen .ereh retaw .elttob

era slliP eht otni desaeler eht ta eceiphtuom .nottub a fo hsup fo ruoloc ehT nottub eht htiw sdnopserroc .llip eht fo taht

STORYBOARD EasyPill screws onto your SIGG bottle, and releases your medication into the mouthpiece at the push of a button enabling you to take your pills with water. The alarm tells you exactly when to take your pills.

Push button to dispense pill into mouthpiece...

Alarm goes off...

Remove Lid... Swallow pill with water...

3 buttons, Colour-coordinated to 3 different strength of pills.

DRAOBYROTS llip esnepsid ot nottub hsuP ...eceiphtuom otni

dna ,elttob GGIS ruoy otno swercs lliPysaE eceiphtuom eht otni noitacidem ruoy sesaeler ot uoy gnilbane nottub a fo hsup eht ta mrala ehT .retaw htiw sllip ruoy ekat .sllip ruoy ekat ot nehw yltcaxe uoy sllet

...ffo seog mralA

...diL evomeR ,snottub 3 detanidrooc-ruoloC tnereffid 3 ot .sllip fo htgnerts

htiw llip wollawS ...retaw

Easy as 1 2 3

Press the button

to release the pill

and drink.

3 2 1 sa ysaE

.knird dna

llip eht esaeler ot

nottub eht sserP

Rhino model of an early design for the ‘Alarm Clock Project’.

.’tcejorP kcolC mralA‘ eht rof ngised ylrae na fo ledom onihR

Project Title:Time Client: Liliana Rodriquez Date: 13/10/08 -17/10/08 Duration: 1 week. Brief: The project aims to develop student ability to design customer experience design and to communicate an Interaction designproject. It also intends to encourage students to explore and acquire knowledge about current technology. Type: Group Project. Aims: Our biggest challenge was illustrating that the ‘exo-tech’ jacket made Angus move faster than the rest of the world. I worked as a cameraman on this project and learned about editing in iMovie and Windows Movie Maker.

emiT:eltiT tcejorP zeuqirdoR anailiL :tneilC 80/01/71- 80/01/31 :etaD .keew 1 :noitaruD ot ytiliba tneduts poleved ot smia tcejorp ehT :feirB etacinummoc ot dna ngised ecneirepxe remotsuc ngised egaruocne ot sdnetni osla tI .tcejorpngised noitcaretnI na tnerruc tuoba egdelwonk eriuqca dna erolpxe ot stneduts .ygolonhcet .tcejorP puorG :epyT eht taht gnitartsulli saw egnellahc tseggib ruO :smiA tser eht naht retsaf evom sugnA edam tekcaj ’hcet-oxe‘ tcejorp siht no namaremac a sa dekrow I .dlrow eht fo eivoM swodniW dna eivoMi ni gnitide tuoba denrael dna .rekaM


Screen Shots


stohS neercS

Double Click Box To Play Video

oediV yalP oT xoB kcilC elbuoD

Project Tile: Skills Development Scotland Client: Skills Development Scotland and Careers Scotland Date: 17/11/08 - 12/12/08 Duration: 3 weeks. Brief: Skills Development Scotland (SDS) brings together four partner organisations with a shared vision to enable positive change in Scotland’s skills performance. One of these four partner organisations tasked with improving Scotland’s skills is Careers Scotland. Investigate and critique this service. Type: Group project Aims: During this project I gained experience in usercentric design, and a better understanding of the potential of service design.

dnaltocS tnempoleveD sllikS :eliT tcejorP sreeraC dna dnaltocS tnempoleveD sllikS :tneilC dnaltocS 80/21/21 - 80/11/71 :etaD .skeew 3 :noitaruD sgnirb )SDS( dnaltocS tnempoleveD sllikS :feirB derahs a htiw snoitasinagro rentrap ruof rehtegot slliks s’dnaltocS ni egnahc evitisop elbane ot noisiv snoitasinagro rentrap ruof eseht fo enO .ecnamrofrep sreeraC si slliks s’dnaltocS gnivorpmi htiw deksat .ecivres siht euqitirc dna etagitsevnI .dnaltocS tcejorp puorG :epyT -resu ni ecneirepxe deniag I tcejorp siht gniruD :smiA eht fo gnidnatsrednu retteb a dna ,ngised cirtnec .ngised ecivres fo laitnetop

Research This was a group project between 2nd and 3rd year Product Design. Initially we were split into groups to investigate a college around the Glasgow area. I went to Langside College to investigate the on-site careers service. As a group, our approach was to interview: -people who use the service, to see how they felt it worked. -people who didn’t use the service, to see why not. -the service providers, to see what they think they are delivering to their users. Personally, I interviewed a member of staff at the Careers Scotland office, a short walk from the college campus. The aim of this interview was to see how the staff saw the service they provide, so we could later compare this to what the service users said. As we had expected, what the company felt they were providing, and what the users felt they were receiving did not quite match up. During the trip to London, I visited Live/Work, who told me about user centric design, and taught me the benefit of face to face interviews. This was the key focus in our research, and helped us critique the service in a way that considered everyone involved.

hcraeseR .ngiseD tcudorP raey dr3 dna dn2 neewteb tcejorp puorg a saw sihT eht dnuora egelloc a etagitsevni ot spuorg otni tilps erew ew yllaitinI etis-no eht etagitsevni ot egelloC edisgnaL ot tnew I .aera wogsalG .ecivres sreerac :weivretni ot saw hcaorppa ruo ,puorg a sA .dekrow ti tlef yeht woh ees ot ,ecivres eht esu ohw elpoep.ton yhw ees ot ,ecivres eht esu t’ndid ohw elpoeprieht ot gnireviled era yeht kniht yeht tahw ees ot ,sredivorp ecivres eht.sresu dnaltocS sreeraC eht ta ffats fo rebmem a deweivretni I ,yllanosreP weivretni siht fo mia ehT .supmac egelloc eht morf klaw trohs a ,ecfifo retal dluoc ew os ,edivorp yeht ecivres eht was ffats eht woh ees ot saw .dias sresu ecivres eht tahw ot siht erapmoc dna ,gnidivorp erew yeht tlef ynapmoc eht tahw ,detcepxe dah ew sA .pu hctam etiuq ton did gniviecer erew yeht tlef sresu eht tahw resu tuoba em dlot ohw ,kroW/eviL detisiv I ,nodnoL ot pirt eht gniruD sihT .sweivretni ecaf ot ecaf fo tfieneb eht em thguat dna ,ngised cirtnec ni ecivres eht euqitirc su depleh dna ,hcraeser ruo ni sucof yek eht saw .devlovni enoyreve deredisnoc taht yaw a

Results As a yeargroup, we compared the information gathered from all 8 colleges, to identify where problems were reoccuring. We also came up with 8 fictional ‘user scenarios’ to explain different problem areas within the system. When it came to finally presenting the information, we split into groups: - Introduction. - User scenario group. - Opportunities. - Graphics. Initially I was helping with the user scenarios, and when that work was finished I formatted the graphics for the final presentation to the Skills Development Scotland staff. I learned a great deal about using InDesign, a programme I was fairly unfamiliar with prior to this project. When we presented for a second time at the Skills Development Scotland headquarters, I edited down the 2nd year presentation to collaborate with the 3rd year work. This project required a great deal of organisation, as there were 24 of us working on one presentation. I learned to delegate and organise the group to ensure we were all working towards the same goal.

stluseR 8 lla morf derehtag noitamrofni eht derapmoc ew ,puorgraey a sA pu emac osla eW .gniruccoer erew smelborp erehw yfitnedi ot ,segelloc nihtiw saera melborp tnereffid nialpxe ot ’soiranecs resu‘ lanoitcfi 8 htiw .metsys eht :spuorg otni tilps ew ,noitamrofni eht gnitneserp yllanfi ot emac ti nehW .noitcudortnI .puorg oiranecs resU .seitinutroppO .scihparG krow taht nehw dna ,soiranecs resu eht htiw gnipleh saw I yllaitinI eht ot noitatneserp lanfi eht rof scihparg eht dettamrof I dehsinfi saw gnisu tuoba laed taerg a denrael I .ffats dnaltocS tnempoleveD sllikS .tcejorp siht ot roirp htiw railimafnu ylriaf saw I emmargorp a ,ngiseDnI tnempoleveD sllikS eht ta emit dnoces a rof detneserp ew nehW ot noitatneserp raey dn2 eht nwod detide I ,sretrauqdaeh dnaltocS .krow raey dr3 eht htiw etaroballoc fo 42 erew ereht sa ,noitasinagro fo laed taerg a deriuqer tcejorp sihT eht esinagro dna etageled ot denrael I .noitatneserp eno no gnikrow su .laog emas eht sdrawot gnikrow lla erew ew erusne ot puorg

I shared a computer during the Flash workshops. Harriet Roth and I collaborated to make this video. I feel I have got to grips with the basic rules of Flash to the point where I would feel confident creating a simple animation.

Double Click To Play The Video

eht gnirud retupmoc a derahs I I dna htoR teirraH .spohskrow hsalF leef I .oediv siht ekam ot detaroballoc selur cisab eht htiw spirg ot tog evah I leef dluow I erehw tniop eht ot hsalF fo .noitamina elpmis a gnitaerc tnedfinoc

oediV ehT yalP oT kcilC elbuoD

Project title: Make it Work Client: Dan Smith and Ben Craven Date: 05/01/09 - 26/01/09 Duration: 3 Weeks Brief: Identify a socondary function of an everyday object and exploit it. Type: Individual project. Aims: I wanted to create something mechanical, that made clear to the onlooker exactly what was happening and how the end result (a photograph) was achieved. My starting point was a camera and a cable release, and the challenge I set myself was triggering the cable release using existing everyday objects.

kroW ti ekaM :eltit tcejorP nevarC neB dna htimS naD :tneilC 90/10/62 - 90/10/50 :etaD skeeW 3 :noitaruD na fo noitcnuf yradnocos a yfitnedI :feirB .ti tiolpxe dna tcejbo yadyreve .tcejorp laudividnI :epyT ,lacinahcem gnihtemos etaerc ot detnaw I :smiA saw tahw yltcaxe rekoolno eht ot raelc edam taht )hpargotohp a( tluser dne eht woh dna gnineppah aremac a saw tniop gnitrats yM .deveihca saw tes I egnellahc eht dna ,esaeler elbac a dna gnisu esaeler elbac eht gnireggirt saw flesym .stcejbo yadyreve gnitsixe

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oediV yalP oT xoB ehT kcilC elbuoD

Examples of the photographs taken by my machine.

.enihcam ym yb nekat shpargotohp eht fo selpmaxE

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