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Top Tips for De-stressing today
The demands of building and running a business make entrepreneurship an already stressful lift; add “black womanhood” to that and you get double or even triple the stress.
Superwoman Syndrome - managing multiple roles at the same time of living up to the expectation of being strong - all while taking on the weight of the world. To add, we traditionally haven’t been afforded the time, space, or means to breathe, relax, or give ourselves half of what we so generously give to others.
In more recent times, we have sought to make self-care a priority, but the demands of being a good mate/partner, sister, or friend, trying to excel in your career and serve the community haven’t exactly changed. With this being a reality, it is still tough for us black women to consider elevating ourselves above the other areas of life that pull for our time, energy, and attention.
When it comes entrepreneurship, the entry point into the biz, for many of us black women, is by way of a fragile financial foundation. We generally enter into it after a lay-off, as a result of feeling undervalued in the traditional workforce, and/ or because of the need for additional income. Because business alone is financially taxing, entering with a less than strong financial foundation only adds more stress to the plate.
Couple a black woman’s “blackness” with her entrepreneurship and marry that with the historical and cultural expectation that we are to be strong at all cost and by all means, it’s no wonder we feel weighed down and are screaming, gasping and begging for air.
BUT, if you ask me the real issue is not that we’re stressed, the real problem is that we are left to manage multiple “stressors” usually at play all at once, without the proper tools, resources, and support necessary to do so.
This - being over-stressed and not having proper tools to cope - is what has led black women in business, and in general, to experience anxiety and depression at growing rates. It also puts us at greater risk for heart disease and causes us to be plagued by sleeplessness, weight issues, and hormonal challenges.
As a black female entrepreneur, who is also a meditation and mindfulness coach, I know the pains of carrying a full plate. I also know the mental and emotional freedoms that can be experienced when you’re equipped with proper tools to destress.
My passion is to help black women in business, such as yourself, have an encounter with such freedoms. Why? Because I truly believe that the thriving black female entrepreneur is paramount to the health and growth of the black family and community.
That said, I’m sharing two of my fave stress-relieving practices to help you stress less and breathe easy. I’m also including a link to 3 Relaxation Techniques for Less Stress, More Peace, and Productivity that have been very helpful for me. These techniques/practices are perfect for incorporating into your daily self-care routine and especially when you’re in the middle of a “stress” swell. Give them a try and don’t forget to pass them along to another black woman in business who could benefit as well.

Most stress is caused by NOT being present and so training the brain to focus on presence works wonders for stress reduction.
When it comes to your thoughts, what you should know is that you are NOT your thoughts, nor are you your brain. What this means is that you have the ability to step outside of your brain to observe and listen to it. Instead of thinking your thoughts control you, when you begin to watch them, you’ll soon realize that you can actually separate yourself from them.
If you have never been a watchful observer of your thoughts, here’s how to get started:
• Take 5-10 minutes each day to sit in stillness.
• Find a comfortable place to sit with your legs crossed - in a meditative pose - or you can simply sit however feels most comfortable. As you sit, relax your body and close your eyes. With your eyes closed, begin to hear to the thoughts that are going through your head. Listen for what you say to yourself and even the thoughts or narratives that you find yourself getting entangled in.
• The goal with this exercise is not to change or judge your thoughts (or anything you found yourself thinking about) but simply to observe them.
• When the time is up, take a take in a few deep inhales and exhales (I like to do this five times in a row) to release any tension you feel in your mind or body.
Finally, take a moment to express gratitude toward yourself for reserving time to sit and be sure to make it a habit to watch your thoughts a few times a week.
Sometimes when you’re really stressed it’s because you have a million and one things, thoughts, and ideas that you’re holding in your head. When you’re brain is overloaded, it’s always a good idea to do a brain dump to help free some mental space and release stress and tension. I recommend doing this a few times a week and every night if you feel led.
To “dump the junk,” you simply need to make a 15-minute date with yourself. In that 15 minutes write down every thought, worry, or stressor that’s bothering you. Write down both large and small stressors. When time is up, look at the list and take note of how many of the things listed actually need your time, effort, and attention right now? For the things that need your time, write those out on a separate paper, and make a plan to address those things. As for the rest? Trash them. Literally, ball up the paper and throw it away.
As you implement these stress relieving hacks, you’ll be well on your way to better managing your stress. And again, if you’d like additional tools to try out these 3 Relaxation Techniques for Less Stress, More Peace, and Productivity.
Here’s to stressing less and MORE LIFE!
For more info www.facebook.com/thepreciousiam