Allegany County Community Source 9-16-2022

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“Whoever owns this park went to a lot of trouble, time and effort and a lot of money to clean up an area that was trashy for the neighborhood, but it is having an inverse effect. Maybe he can talk to his neighbors about the use of the park,” he said.

Angelica Civil War reenactment canceled over gun law


But Hawley said that wasn’t the concern she came to talk about. She

File photo

SportsFriendshipBelfastWellsville,changes&Scio/FallSchedule PAGE 5, 6 & 7 Allegany peopletheAssociationCountyforBlindhelpssee PAGE 2

WELLSVILLE — Vil lage trustees on Monday evening heard from two women who are not happy with the streets and parks in the village.

FREEallegany countycommunity2022 16 SEPTEMBER Alfred • Allentown • Alma • Andover • Angelica • Belfast • Belmont • Bolivar • Caneadea • Ceres • Cuba • Filmore • Friendship • Genesee Houghton • little genesee • portville • richburg • Rushford • Scio • shinglehouse • Ulysses • Wellsville • west clarksville • Whitesville

“Unfortunately that requires significant lead time for infrastructure to be put in place, time we don’t have for this

No carve-outs in the law appear to exist for ceremonial purposes — such as honor guards on Memorial Day or Veterans Day — or demonstrations and activities like Civil War changetooersproperty,ablethatreenactments.Apostercommentedtheeventmightbetomovetoprivatebutorganizsaidthattimewasshorttoorganizeaofvenue.

“The new firearms law passed by the State of New York and effective September 1st changed more than the handgun requirements,”permitorga nizers stated. “Also added are prohibitions against possession of many types of firearms in ‘sensitive locations’ which include streets, sidewalks, parks and most public locations.”

peace officers, licensed security guards, active duty military personnel, individuals engaging in hunting activity, per sons operating pro grams in their homes that would otherwise be considered a sen sitive location, and government employees involved in natural resource protection.

she said. “Something has to be done. These people are taking over the village. It is not the way the village should be.”Mayor Randy Shay ler acknowledged her concern. After a brief discussion in which he commiserated with Hawley, he explained that the pocket park in question is privately owned and the village can do nothing about it, unless a formal com plaint is Shaylermade.went on to

Wellsville residents express safety concerns to trustees

Union Army reenactors fire during a previous Angelica Civil War Weekend event as a Confederate reenactor pretends to be a casualty.


Safety Concerns continued on PAGE 4 Civil War continued on PAGE 2

express his chagrin that the pocket park is being inhabited by people who fail to respect others.

Officials with the event, which was set for Sept. 23-25, posted on Facebook that partici pants could face felonies for participation due to classifications of “sen sitive areas” in the new law.

arrest. So the event is canceled this year. If the law is modified or overturned we hope to return in the future.”

ANGELICA — Less than a month before the streets of Angelica were to fill with men in blue and gray, the 19th Angelica Civil War Re enactment was canceled over the state’s new gun law.

The Allegheny High lands Council of Scouts BSA, which hosts a cam pout during the event — the reenactment was created as a Scouts BSA program 20 years ago — has offered refunds to the scouts and families who had registered for theStateevent.Sen. George Borrello, R-Sunset Bay, decried the cancelation, noting he voted against the package of gun laws that caused the cancel ation.

The post indicated that reenactors could face a class E felony for participating.

Under the law, which went into effect Sept. 1, sensitive areas include all public parks with few exceptions, and all private proper ty without retiredexistpermission.expressedExemptionsforcurrentandlawenforcement,

year’s event,” a re sponse post stated.

“Black powder weapons are not except ed from this ban,” the group stated. “After ob taining a legal opinion, it was determined that we could not continue with holding the event this year. Participants could be subject to

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referred to a previous meeting when the planned demolition of six abandoned and con demned buildings and turning the properties into pocket parks was discussed.

“Are you going to police these parks?” she asked.Shayler said that it was a moot point at this time because the pocket park initiative was abandoned. The vil

“Some of these peo ple are very belligerent,”

Cassie Hawley expressed her concern over the men occupying the pocket park along her South Broad/State Street walking route, saying their behavior is rude and obnoxious.

“We can put the visually handicapped in touch with people and agencies who can make their lives easier,” Kirsch said.

The association was incorporated in 1979.

continued from PAGE 1

“This law does nothing to protect New Yorkers from the scourge of gun violence that’s swept across our state since the majority in the Legislature and former Gov. Cuomo ended cash bail for most criminal offenses,” Borrello said. “Rather, it is aimed squarely at punishing law-aiding gun owners. Here is theAproof.”request for com ment to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s press office was not returned.


The association also

But for those who haven’t looked for it yet, the association held an information al fair Monday to let people know what is available from them in general and locally to help them see and live.

ca. Now, due to Gov. Hochul’s misnamed, misguided and uncon stitutional ‘Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ the reenactment is canceled.

Through a grant the as sociation is able to offer the program allowing people to borrow items that enhance and en large printed materials — and keep them for as long as they need them.

September 16, 20222 allegany county Community Source ALLEGANY COUNTY OFFICE FOR THE AGING SR. NUTRITION PROGRAM 585-268-9390 •(TOLL FREE) 1-866-268-9390 FRIDAY 9/16 Fresh Spinach,Orange,NavelChili,Cornbread,PumpkinBar MONDAY 9/19 Pineapple, Meatloaf w/Gravy, Sour Cream & Chive Mashed Potatoes, Corn, WG Roll, Carrot Raisin Bread w/Frosting TUESDAY 9/20 Tossed Salad w/ Italian WarmedFrenchStuffedDressing,Shells,GreenBeans,WGRollw/Butter,AppleSlices WEDNESDAY 9/21 Tropical Fruit, Breaded Fish w/ Tartar Sauce, Baked Potato w/ Sour Cream, WG Roll, Pumpkin Bread w/ Cream Cheese Frosting

“This is what hap pens when you draft legislation designed to punish people you perceive as your enemies without thinking of the conse quences,” Borrello said in a statement. “It’s symbolic of the total dysfunction one-par ty rule has created in Albany. For nearly 20 years the Angelica Civil War Reenactment has entertained and ed ucated school children and adults about the pivotal role our region had in preserving the Union and ending slavery.

Pete Andolina of Alpha Sensory dis played the very latest in low-vision technolo gy with items designed to enhance activities from attending a play, concert, or sporting event to reading signs, books, and other print ed Demonstratingmaterials. a pair of goggles he explained they will allow people to see what is happening on a stage or sports field.

Several two-hourparticipatedorganizationsintheeventinclud ing the Office for the Aging, Jones Memorial Hospital, David A. Howe Library, United Way, VNA, NY Con nects and vendors like ALPHA Sensory and Low Vison specialist Dr. John Rundquist,

Allegany County Association for the Blind helps people see

Fruited ChickenSeasonedGelatin,Bakedw/GravyoverBrownRice,BrusselSprouts,HarvardBeets,RyeBread,CitrusAngelCake

Anyone looking for the Allegany County Association for the Blind and HandicappedVisuallycanfind it two doors down from its former location at 26 Jefferson St.

Kitty Kirsch demonstrates items the Allegany County Office for the Blind and Visually Handicapped has for loan at their office.

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He also offered hand held devices which will read handheld, printed materials.Rundquist, who evaluates individuals who have been re ferred to him, helps those with vision loss who cannot be helped through treatment,glasses,orsurgery.

Photo by Kathryn Ross

At the David A. Howe Library display table library director Nik Gunning explained that the library has audio tapes and large print books available as well as a machine which enlarges printed materials.

“Every year the event draws hundreds of Civil War reenac tors and thousands of spectators to Angeli

has several devices to share or purchase, in cluding implements for cooking, watching, lis tening to books, house keeping and dressing that make daily life for the blind or visually impaired easier.

The office for the Al legany County Associa tion for the Blind or Vi sually Handicapped is open Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at its Jefferson Street office; (585) 5932023 or blind4@verizon. net

Civil War

who makes monthly visits to the associa tion’s office.

Kitty Kirsh, spokes person for the Asso ciation for the Blind, explained that the fair was being held to ac quaint the public with the services offered at the“Weoffice.have a lot of new items and pro grams that we are able to offer,” she said.

One of those new services is a loan pro gram that allows blind or visually impaired to borrow items such as electronic devices to help them see and live a more normal life.


He displayed items as simple as a telescopic lens embedded in the glasses lens that will help with seeing objects in the distance.


The association cannot only put those with visual problems in touch with the many services offered by agencies throughout the county it can also help those wanting to obtain a Guiding Eyes canine.

September 16, 2022 3allegany county Community Source

The fire department had two requests, the first for a pulled pork dinner drive-thru at the Dyke Street Engine Co. on Oct. 8, and the second for the annual Holiday Extravaganza craft show at the Main Street headquarters on Nov. 26.

Due to the fact that the tree is privately owned, Shayler said the village can do little about it or the sidewalk except send a strongly worded letter to the landowner asking him to remove the tree and fix the Thesidewalk.boardalso received two letters of concern, one from Daniel Sheridan, who complained that the decorative crosswalks on Main Street are dan gerous and that he has fallen twice on them due to their uneven footing.

The board also heard a request to remove no parking signs in front of a residence on Broad Street. The board will take the matter up with Police Chief Tim O’Grady before address ing the signs.

The second request came from the Chamber of Commerce to hold a Brew Fest in Island Park on Oct. 1.

Before leaving the meeting Hawley said that the properties in question are health and safety hazards and that the village should look into the matter before something terrible hap pens.

A privately owned pocket park on State Street in Wellsville where walkers are allegedly harassed.

“It is a dangerous sit uation if a tree limb was to fall while the children are there,” she said.

lage’s request for grant funding was turned down, he said.

It was pointed out that the crosswalksdecorativewerepart of the Main Street Beauti fication Project and that the plans were designed and approved by the state Department of Transportation. Due to the fact that Sheridan’s

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complaint has been the only one received by the village, the matter was dismissed.

Before adjourning, the board approved four event requests, the first for the Headstart Program to canvas vil lage neighborhoods to inform families about its services.

Photo by Kathryn Ross

He went on to say that the village still wants to pursue the idea and will be looking for alternate funding sources. He also said the village would like to pursue the demolition of buildings on the six sites, but they are pri vately owned.

She went on to say that the tree, located on private property, is hollow and in danger of coming down itself during a heavy wind storm or snowfall.

September 16, 20224 allegany county ➡Safety Concerns continued from PAGE 1

“I don’t think she was satisfied,” Shayler commented after Haw ley left the meeting.

Sally Dannheim is also worried about safety. She is concerned about an unhealthy tree and sidewalkdeterioratedatthecorner of Grover Street and North MainSheStreet.saidtree limbs are falling on the side walk, which is frequent ly used by children from local daycare facilities on their daily walks.

September 16, 2022 5allegany county Community Source GeneralCrandall,HeideM.D.Surgery 46 Martin Street Wellsville, New York 14895 Phone: (585)593-9497 Fax: (585)596-4048 2351 Stannards Road Wellsville, NY 800-243-1280585-593-128014895 Propane • Heating Oil • Diesel 132 North Main Street, Wellsville, NY 585.593.1400 “100 Years of Business!” WELLSVILLETECHNOLOGIES.COM585.216.3213GlenHoehn 585.794.0872Owner Wellsville Location 4269 Bolivar Road Wellsville, NY 14895 TireCook’s&AutoCenter Rt. 417 E. Andover Rd Wellsville, NY 585.593.1647585.593.413014895or CIMINO AUTO PARTS 3456 Riverside Drive Wellsville, NY 14895 (585) 593-3200 Fax: (585) 593-3201

To register and re ceive the latest updates on this year’s Southern Tier Walk to End Alzhei mer’s, visit

southerntier or WNYwalk.

Southern Tier Walk to End Alzheimer’s set for Oct. 8

CUBA — The Alzhei mer’s Association, West ern New York Chapter, is inviting Allegany and Cattaraugus County residents to join the fight to end Alzheimer’s

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is a fam ily-friendly event that includes music, a chil dren’s area, raffles and food. Jessica Kramer, co-chair of the Southern Tier Walk to End Alzhei mer’s planning commit tee, shares, “As a social worker in a long-term care facility, I see first hand how disease.”tobeautifulwithhopeAlzheimer’sdebilitatingcanbe.IeveryonewalksusthroughthevillageofCubasupportanendtothis

The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and re search. Since 1989, the Alzheimer’s Associa tion mobilized millions of Americans in the Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk®; now the Alzheimer’s Association is continuing to lead the way with Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Visit alz. org or call (800) 272-3900.

begin at 10 a.m., with the Walk commencing at 11 a.m.On Walk day, partic ipants come together to honor those affected by Alzheimer’s and raise funds that ensure the programs and services provided by the Alz heimer’s Association are free to all who need them. In addition, partic ipants honor those affect ed by Alzheimer’s with the poignant Promise Garden ceremony, with the colors of the Promise Garden flowers repre senting people’s con nection to Alzheimer’s

More than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s dis ease – a leading cause of death in the United States. Additionally, more than 11 million family members and friends provide care to people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. In New York alone, there are more than 410,000 people liv ing with the disease and 580,000 caregivers.

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by participating in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Oct.

– their personal reasons to end the disease.

September 16, 20226 allegany county Community Source

The event, to be held at Chamberlain Park, will have registration

blades: Changing wiper blades is another simple DIY task that doesn’t require any special tools. Streaking is a telltale sign blades should be replaced, and some blades even start to come apart after exces sive wear and tear.

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September 16, 2022 7allegany county Community Source automotive

auto, cloth, loaded, blue, 39k 0% APR0% APR FINANCE FOR 2022 RAM 1500 BIG HORN 7543 Airport Road, Hornell, NY • 607.324.1155 GaryPresidentHarwood, Larry Gardner, Sales Associate Aaron Eicher, Doug Drake, John Foxwell, Sales Associate RichieManagerGeneralBurch, Plus $500 Bonus Cash. Only available on select models and trims. Residency restrictions apply. May need to finance through specific financial institution. Not all customers will qualify. Tax, title and license fees may apply. See dealer for complete details. Must take retail delivery by 10/03/2022. PRE-OWNED VEHICLES • LOT IS ALWAYS OVERFLOWING View our full inventory at 2018 Chrysler 300 Touring AWD, V6, auto, cloth, loaded, maroon, 36k 2022 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4 4 cyl., auto, leather, loaded, blue, 3k 2022 Jeep Gladiator Sport 4x4 V6, auto., cloth, loaded, green, 6k 2022 Jeep Wagoneer Series III 4x4 5.7 Hemi, auto., leather, loaded, silver, 5k 2021 Dodge Durango GT AWD V6, auto., suede, loaded, black, 31k 2021 Jeep Cherokee Limited 4x4 V6, auto., leather, loaded, blue, 21k 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Limited V6, auto., leather, loaded,

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2020 Ram 1500

2020 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4

2. Change wiper

36k 2022 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4 4 cyl., auto, leather, loaded,

4. Tire inflation: Drivers can save on that costly fuel by keeping their tires properly inflated at all times. Poorly

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2020 Jeep

The time it takes to perform this task could depend on how long it takes to remove the old blades, which can take time until DIYers get a handle on how to quickly remove them.

inflated tires make the engine work harder to get the ve hicle down the road, and that extra work wastes fuel. A porta ble tire inflator can read the pressure in each tire and drivers can then inflate the tires to the PSI rec ommended in their owner’s manual. A quality tire inflator

2020 GMC

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FINANCE Crew Cab 4x4 5’7” Box 0% APR0% APR FINANCE FOR 2022 RAM 1500 BIG HORN 7543 Airport Road, Hornell, NY • 607.324.1155 GaryPresidentHarwood, Larry Gardner, Sales Associate Aaron Eicher, Sales Associate Doug Drake, Sales Associate John Foxwell, Sales Associate RichieManagerGeneralBurch, Plus $500 Bonus Cash. Only available on select models and trims. Residency restrictions apply. May need to finance through specific financial institution. Not all customers will qualify. Tax, title and license fees may apply. See dealer for complete details. Must take retail delivery by 10/03/2022. PRE-OWNED VEHICLES • LOT IS ALWAYS OVERFLOWING View our full inventory at Chrysler 300 Touring AWD, V6, auto, cloth, loaded, maroon, 36k 2022 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4 4 cyl., auto, leather, loaded, blue, 3k Gladiator Sport 4x4 V6, auto., cloth, loaded, green, 6k 2022 Jeep Wagoneer Series III 4x4 5.7 Hemi, auto., leather, loaded, silver, 5k Dodge Durango GT AWD V6, auto., suede, loaded, black, 31k loaded,

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2021 Ram 1500

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8k 2021 Ram 1500 Big Horn Crew 4x4 5.7 Hemi,

The cost of own ing a vehicle has risen dramatically in recent years. Though prices at the gas pump have done much to stretch drivers’ budgets, supply shortages related to the COVID-19 pandemic hit motorists’ bottom lines even before the average gallon of gas unimaginablereachedlevelsin mid-2022. Though it’s certainly not an inex pensive time to own a vehicle, drivers can take solace knowing that these four basic vehicle maintenance tasks can be performed at home and save them money.

2020 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4 4 cyl., auto,

1. Change air filter: Among the sim plest DIY maintenancevehicletasks, changing the air fil ter on a car or truck requires no special tools. Changing an air filter can be done in as little as 10 minutes, though novices might need more time until they get a feel for what’s under the hood. Vehicle own ers’ manuals can indicate where the air filter is and how frequently it should be replaced.

2020 Ram

2020 Jeep

16k 2021 Ram 1500 Laramie

2020 Jeep

2021 Ram 1500

2020 GMC 1500

can be purchased for less than $100.

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Novices may be over come by nerves when attempting these jobs for the first time, but online tutorials can help them get a handle on any task that stretches their abilities to the limit. If the task seems too tall to tackle at home, take the car to a trusted mechan ic or dealership. maroon, blue, white, auto, leather, loaded, maroon, auto, cloth, loaded, white, 16k auto, leather, loaded, white, 18k leather, loaded, white, 46k auto., cloth, loaded, white, 8k auto, leather, loaded, white, 13k Cherokee Limited 4x4 V6, auto., leather, loaded,maroon, 32k Compass Latitude 4x4 4 cyl., auto, cloth, loaded, red, 32k Compass Latitude 4x4 4 cyl., auto., cloth, loaded, white, 12k Gladiator Rubicon 4x4 V6, auto, leather, loaded, silver, 28k Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4 V6, auto, leather, loaded, blue, 18k 1500 Bighorn Crew 4x4 5.7 Hemi, white, maroon, loaded, white, Crew 4x4 5.7 Hemi, auto, leather, loaded, white, 18k Explorer XLT 4x4 4 cyl., auto, leather, loaded, white, 46k 1500 Sierra Crew Cab 4x4 V8, auto., cloth, loaded, white, 8k Cherokee Limited 4x4 V6, auto, leather, loaded, white, 13k Cherokee Limited 4x4 V6, auto., leather, loaded,maroon, 32k Compass Latitude 4x4 4 cyl., auto, cloth, loaded, red, 32k Latitude 4x4 4 cyl., auto., cloth, loaded, white, 12k Rubicon 4x4 V6, auto, leather, loaded, silver, 28k V6, auto, leather, loaded, blue, 18k Crew Hemi, auto, cloth, loaded, blue, 39k blue, 21k Grand Cherokee L Limited V6, auto., leather, loaded, white, 10k Cherokee Ltd. 4x4 V6, auto, leather, loaded, maroon, 8k Big Horn Crew 4x4 5.7 Hemi, auto, cloth, loaded, white, 16k Laramie Crew 4x4 5.7 Hemi, auto, leather, loaded, white, 18k XLT 4x4 4 cyl., auto, leather, loaded, white, 46k Sierra Crew Cab 4x4 V8, auto., cloth, loaded, white, 8k Cherokee Limited 4x4 V6, auto, leather, loaded, white, 13k Cherokee Limited 4x4 V6, auto., leather, loaded,maroon, 32k Compass Latitude 4x4 4 cyl., auto, cloth, loaded, red, 32k Compass Latitude 4x4 4 cyl., auto., cloth, loaded, white, 12k Gladiator Rubicon 4x4 V6, auto, leather, loaded, silver, 28k Cherokee Limited 4x4 V6, auto, leather, loaded, blue, 18k Bighorn Crew 4x4 5.7 Hemi, auto, cloth, loaded, blue, 39k

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Ford Explorer


2020 Jeep

4 basic vehicle maintenance jobs many DIY novices can perform at home

2020 Jeep Compass

2020 Jeep

2020 Ram 1500 Bighorn

4x4 5.7

2020 Jeep Grand

3. Oil change: Accord ing to, the average cost of a top service oil change at six nation wide franchises ex ceeded $75 in May 2022. But this rela tively simple task can be performed at home rather easily. Drivers will need to invest in a ratchet, oil filter wrench, oil pan, and funnel, but that’s all they need to change their own vehicle oil. A jack will be necessary as well, but most new vehicles already come with a jack.

2020 Jeep

2021 Ram 1500 Laramie Crew 4x4 5.7 Hemi,

8k 2021 Ram 1500 Big Horn Crew 4x4 5.7 Hemi, auto, cloth,

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The state’s previous COVID-19 emergency was declared over by then-Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo in June 2021 — an event marked with a fireworks celebration.

“I knew in order to get children back to school in late December, early January, I had to amass a large number of test kits and vaccine sites,” Hochul said Mon day. “All those powers were necessary at the time.”She said the state has been adhering to “nor mal procurement rules for some time now.”



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The emergency decla ration had been in effect to expedite the acqui sition of tests, quickly return the results of the tests, and to expand access to vaccinations.

Hochul had said she would wait to see if coronavirus numbers

While the governor had been tipping her hand that the procedural emergency declaration could lapse, she was also facing escalat ing criticism in recent weeks over a multi-mil lion-dollar contract her administration granted to a campaign donor for COVID tests. Last week, following reporting from the Times Union, Repub

“At the very least, the public deserves a hear ing to address how this deal was arranged, why it lacked a formal con tract and the seemingly questionable timing of relevant communica tions,” Assembly Minori ty Leader Will Barclay said in a statement last week.

The governor’s decision comes just days after last week’s decision that masks would no longer be required on public transportation and a new “bivalent” COVID-19 booster would be available.

ALBANY (TNS) — Gov. Kathy Hochul let her COVID-19 state of emergency lapse on Monday as cases of the virus continue to remain relatively low and criti cism from her Republi can opponents mounts.

“We’re in a different place now,” Hochul said Monday in Manhattan.

Barclay, on Monday, attributed the end of the emergency declaration to “continued pressure from Republicans, public pushback in nearly every sector of the state and well-deserved criticism from good government groups and the media,” factors he described as leading to the governor to “no longer be able to skirt important checks and balances built into normal state operations through her emergency powers.”Republican guberna torial nominee U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin has deployed the test kit procurement as a central campaign issue.

Midnight on Monday will mark the first time without the COVID-19 emergency since the omicron strain of the coronavirus took over New York in late No vember 2021.

The state remains un der other polio—emergencyhealth-relateddeclarationsduetomonkeypox,andhealthcare

didn’t show a surge after children returned to school earlier this month, as well as the Labor Day holiday weekend, to as sess whether she would extend the wereslightlybersthemdownward,areassociatedlastnottionmonth.declarationemergencyanotherWhilethecollecofCOVID-19dataisasrigorousasitwasyear,hospitalizationswiththevirusgenerallyheadingwhichbringsonparwithnumfromFebruaryandhigherthantheyoneyearago.

Hochul lets New York’s COVID state of emergency expire

to write a new chapter,” Cuomo said last sum mer. “It doesn’t mean there’s not challenges for the new chapter, but the emergency is over.”

“We’re now starting

health Wellness

September 16, 202210 allegany county Community Source

“I want to make sure New Yorkers know that if circumstances change, I’ll make sure I have all of the tools necessary to protect their health,” Hochul said.

lican lawmakers request ed budget hearings and an investigation by the attorney general’s office into the contract.

Hochul’s declaration was far less grand. It came in comments to a reporter following an unrelated news event. She also highlighted her desire to reserve the right to bring back the state of emergency if needed.

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