Chautauqua County Community Source 9/9/22

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Fredonia Opera House Presents An Evening of Piano & Viola with David & Ann Rose

FREDONIA, N.Y., – The 1891 Fredonia Opera House Performing Arts Center presents Fredonia musicians and educators David & Ann Rose in concert on Fri., Sept. 9, at 7:30 p.m. David Rose has served as a titled player of numerous orchestras, including Asso ciate Principal of the Van couver Symphony, Principal Viola of the Kitchener-Wa terloo Symphony, and Act ing Assistant Principal of the San Francisco Symphony Also active as a baroque performer, he was a mem ber of the Pacific Baroque orchestra, and has toured and recorded with Toron to’s Tafelmusik. For many years, he was a member of the International Baroque Soloists of the Opera House’s Bach & Beyond Baroque Mu sicRoseFestival.studied viola at the University of British Colum bia, and Indiana University (Bloomington). His main teachers included Gerald Stanick, Atar Arad and Stan ley Ritchie. He serves as as sociate professor of Viola and head of strings at the State University of New York at Fredonia, and teaches in the summer at the Rocky Ridge Young Artists Seminar in the Colorado Rockies, as well as at the Fredonia Summer StringMostFestival.recently, he pre sented masterclasses at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and the Eastman School of Music. He has been presenting performances of all six Bach Cello Suites, having recorded them this past Spring, and most re cently performed all six for the American Viola Society Festival.AnnPark-Rose was born in South Korea and began studying piano at the age of 5. She has been improvising and composing since child hood and has pursued these passions into three music degrees, at Wilfred Laurier University and at SUNY Fre donia.Deeply involved with im prov throughout her life, Park-Rose participated in the Music for People workshop for many years under the tu telage of Grammy Winner David Darling. She is very engaged with the improv scene in western New York and beyond, lecturing on the topic, and improvising regu larly with dance groups, the Improv Collective at SUNY Fredonia, and as a soloist. She is the winner of nu merous competitions and awards, including most re cently a full scholarship to the Golandsky Summer In stitute at Princeton Univer sity, where she studied the Taubman approach to the piano.Asa pianist, she has ap peared with the Canadian Chamber Ensemble, and has appeared on CBC television. Her music has been per formed and recorded by art ists in Canada, the U.S. and Europe.Sheearned a Master’s de gree in piano performance at the SUNY Fredonia School of Music under Fr. Sean Dug gan, and holds two bachelor’s degrees in Music Composi tion and Music Education. She has published music for solo viola through the Amer ican Viola Society and re cently returned from a Euro pean tour with her duo piano partner Jiri Pazour, playing improvised music for two pianos. This tour led to a CD recording entitled “Bridge Across the Ocean.” She is a general music teacher and chorus director at Sinclair ville Elementary School. Tickets are $15, $13 (Op era House Members) and $10 (Students). A special two-concert ticket is avail able for $26 which also in cludes a ticket to An Evening of Cello & Violin with Jolyon Pegis and Maria Schleuning on Oct. 28. Tickets may be purchased in person at the Opera House Box Office or by phone at 716-679-1891, Tuesday through Friday, 124:30 p.m. They also may be purchased anytime online at Opera House Performing Arts Cen ter is a visitcompletedowntownItmingandaccessnityfor“presentartsnot-for-profitmember-supportedperformingcenterwithamissiontotheperformingartsthebenefitofourcommuandregion…providingtoartisticdiversity…highqualityprogramatanaffordableprice.”islocatedinVillageHallinFredonia.Forascheduleofevents,

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David & Ann Rose

2 SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 10378 Bennett Rd. Rt 60 • Fredonia, NY 1 0 3 7 8 B e n n e ttR d R t 6 0 • Fr edoni a , N Y 716-672-4365 • 716-672-4367 Visit out website at Your 1 0 3 7 8 B e n n e ttR d R t 6 0 • Fr edoni a , N Y 716-672-4365 • 716-672-4367 Visit out website at Shop Monday - Saturday 9am-5pmWeServiceWhatWeSell!! Great Products... Great Prices at 2022 Schedule: Sat. 9/3 @7pm Home vs. Akron Fri. 9/9 @ 7pm Away vs. AwayFri.Allegany-Limestone9/16@7pmvs.TonawandaFri9/23@7pmHomevs.SalamancaFri.9/30@7pm Home vs. Silver Creek/Forestville Fri 10/7 @7pm Away vs. Southwestern Fri. 10/14 @7pm Away vs. Chautauqua Westfield/BroctonLake/Fri.10/21@7pmHomevs.Dunkirk HIGHFOOTBALLSCHOOLFredonia Have Hillbillies!Season,Greata Windows & Siding 156 Newton St., Fredonia • 673-1799 Call Today HOME BASE Products To Keep Everyone Safe and Healthy Showroom Open by Appointment Only 716-672-4050 Top Soil, Mulch, StumpStone BrushHeavyLandLandDrainageExcavationGrindingGradingClearingandLightChoppingHydroSeeding BeachLandscapingPondsDrivewaysSiteWorkDemolitionCleanUpErosionControlSurgeRock-InstallationGrapeVineyardRemovalFully Insured Commercial & Residential CLEANING, SERVICE AND INSTALLATION FURNACES, BOILERS, AIR CONDITIONERS, HOT WATER TANKS, DUCT WORK, SPLIT SYSTEM, AND GAS LINES Services: OIL, PROPANE AND NATURAL GAS 716-296-1022 534 Maple Ave. Cherry Creek, NY 14723 Audubon Presents Accessible Bird Days, September 20 and 24

Jamestown, N.Y. – Have you ever been curious about the birds you see or hear? To learn about them, you can visit Audubon Community Nature Center (ACNC) on Tues day or Saturday, September 20 or 24, 10 a.m. to noon, for an “accessible birding” open house andWhetherouting. you are new to bir ding or are looking to expand your knowledge, come expe rience and enjoy all that birds have to offer. Both days will include in door and outdoor options for hands-on exploration and the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance from an ACNCLearneducator.about bird adapta tions by interacting with real bird artifacts such as wings, talons, skulls, and nests. Head outside to explore birds by sight and sound as you pass through ponds and wetlands on a short, flatFromtrail. the paved trail and Blue Heron Overlook you can view local bird residents as well as those passing through on their way south. Bring your own binoculars or borrow a pair from Audu bon.To help you find and identify birds along the trail, on Satur day there will be two guided walks, at 10:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. The first walk will focus on birding by sight, while the second will focus on birding by sound.Outdoor portions of this pro gram will be available in all but the most inclement weather. This program is free for both children and adults. Reserva tions are appreciated and can be made by calling (716) 569-2345 or through the Programs and Events page at AudubonCNC. org. Walk-ins welcome. Audubon Community Na ture Center is located at 1600 Riverside Road, one-quarter mile east of Route 62 between Jamestown, N.Y., and Warren, Pa. You can visit the nearly 600-acre nature preserve and visit with Audubon's three live birds of prey, enjoy the na tive tree arboretum, gardens, picnic areas and natural play space and hike the six miles of trails dawn until dusk daily for free.The three-story Nature Cen ter building houses interactive displays, a collection of live animals including the Hellben der exhibit and the Blue Heron Gift Shop. Visitors are welcome Mondays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., and Sun days, 1 – 4:30 p.m. Nature Cen ter members and SNAP/EBT cardholders have free building admission daily. Building admission is also free every Sunday for non-Nature Center members.Tolearn more about Audu bon and its many programs, call (716) 569-2345, find Au dubon Community Nature Center on Facebook, or visit, where you will find the most up-to-date COVID-19 Notice at the top of theAudubonpage. Community Na ture Center builds and nur tures connections between people and nature by providing positive outdoor experiences, opportunities to learn about and understand the natural world, and knowledge to act in environmentally responsible ways.

SERVICES WINTER STORAGE AVAILABLE: Large garage available for storage of your car or boat.

“The new PaintCare program helps our com munity reduce waste, increase recycling, and minimize governmental costs to handle and dis pose of leftover paint,” said Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel. “We applaud the local bu sinesses that have joined with PaintCare to make it easy for residents and bu sinesses to recycle paint all year long.” New York’s paint re cycling program comes in the wake of a paint stewardship law that was passed by the State Legis lature in 2019. The law ensures that everyone who produces, sells, and uses paint works together to minimize, reuse, and recycle unwanted paint.

A recipe for safer home cooking

• Keep a watch on foods, as walking away from something cooking on the stove or going out side while the oven is on is risky. Do not leave cooking food unat tended for an extended period of time. It only takes a minute for something to catch on fire.

• Clean cooking surfaces to prevent the buildup of grease, which can catch fire. • Turn pan and pot handles inward on stoves or counters to prevent food spills. • Always defrost foods in the microwave or overnight in the refrigerator to reduce the chances that pathogens may develop.

• Prepare raw meats, poultry and seafood away from fresh produce to avoid cross-contami nation. Utilize separate cutting boards and knives, and use warm, soapy water to wash away bacteria from surfaces. • Wash hands before and after handling ingredients. • Keep pets and children out of the kitchen or away from any inuse appliances, including outdoor grills.•Invest in a food thermometer to ensure that food is properly cooked to the right temperature to reduce risk of foodborne illnesses. Kitchens are popular gathering spaces, and various measures can make home cooking more safe.

For Your Senior Housing Needs ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

Custom Embroidery & Imprinted Apparel Servicing All Your Needs


Making meals together in the kitchen can be an enjoyable ac tivity for couples and families. Preparing food at home enables anyone to customize ingredients to fit with their specific diets and tastes.The kitchen may be one of the most popular rooms in the home to gather, but it also can be among the most dangerous. Even modest meals can put individuals at risk.

SINCLAIRVILLE, N.Y., - The Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene (CC DMH) had the oppor tunity to partner with Chautauqua Opportu nities, Inc. (COI), the Child Care Council for Chautauqua County, for this fall’s Head Start fa culty and staff training at Park United Methodist Church in Sinclairville, N.Y.Rachel Ludwig of CC DMH and Tapestry Resi lience Initiative shared strategies for family en gagement for faculty and staff. Ludwig’s presen tation included content from ZeroToThree’s Pre venting Child Abuse and Neglect, Breathe For Change Social Emotio nal Facilitation and the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning curri culums.

Carrying full line of Lacrosse boots. Full line of Muck Boots for women, men, and children.

PaintCare has launched successful programs across the country fol lowing passage of simi lar laws in California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Colum bia, Maine, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Oregon, Vermont, and Washing ton.“We’re glad to expand our paint stewardship program into Chau tauqua County so that households, businesses, and schools can easily dis pose of paint responsibly and sustainably,” said Andrew Radin, Paint Care’s New York State Program Manager. “We’re grateful for the important role that our partners in Chautauqua County play in making sure this initiative is suc cessful. We look forward to adding new sites in the coming months as we roll the program out across the Howstate.”ItWorksPaintCare makes it convenient to recycle leftover paint by establi shing drop-off sites at paint and hardware re tailers near requestorwithtions,gallons$1.95gallononepint$0.45forbyfeeeducation.processing,lection,’swithinPaintsealers,,onlinebylocationsneighborhoods.residentialTheseareeasytofindvisitingPaintCare’ssitelocatoratorcallingPaintCare’snumberat(855)MostPaintCaresitesbothlatex-andarchitectupaintproducts,inpaints,stains,andvarnishes.mustbedroppedoffitsoriginalcontaineritsoriginalmanulabel.AfulllistproductsacceptedbyprogramisavailablePaintCare’swebsiteatAllsitesacceptuptogallonsofpaintfromcustomer,andsomemayacceptmore.planningtodroppaintareencouragedcallaheadtoensuresitecanaccepttheandtypeofpaintwanttorecycleandhoursofoperaThereisnocosttoreandbusinessesdroppingofftheirpaintforrecyAsmallfeeontheofnewpaint—calledPaintCarefee—fundsaspectsoftheproincludingpaintcoltransportation,andpublicThePaintCareinNewYorkvariescontainersize:$0.00halfpintorsmaller;forlargerthanhalfuptosmallerthangallon;$0.95foroneuptotwogallons;forlargerthantwouptofivegallons.Businesses,organizaandhouseholds100gallonsofpaintmoretorecyclemayafreepickupat their location. Some res trictions apply. More in formation and a request form can be found on PaintCare’s website lumbia.andbynishofthanpublicdisposal,forleftoverupfacturers,createdApaintversinessesforeasymittedPaintCareformationnew-york/,materialvingprogram,paint“highest,CarepaintpercentestimatedsoldlionInofthanpectedorg/lvp-request/,36.6milgallonsofpaintareannually,anditisthatabout10ofhouseholdgoesunused.Painthelpsensurethebestuse”forcollectedintheincludinggiawaygoodqualityas-is,recyclingorputtingittoanobeneficialuse.MostthepaintPaintCareislatex-basedcanberemixedintocontentpaintprocessors.Todate,hasprocessedthan50milliongalofpaintnationallysavedstateandlocalmillionsofVisithttps://www.formoreinabouttheprogram.AboutPaintCarePaintCareiscomtomakingitandconvenienthouseholdsandbutorecycleleftopaintinstateswithstewardshiplaws.nonprofitorganizationbypaintmanuPaintCaresetsdrop-offlocationsforpaint,arrangesrecyclingandproperandconductseducation.More50milliongallonspaint,stain,andvarhavebeenmanagedPaintCarein10statestheDistrictofCo

CLASSIFIEDS Submit news, announcements,photos,

TONY’S SHOE REPAIR AND SALES 12 N. PORTAGE ST. WESTFIELD, NY littleshoe@fairpoint.14787net716-326-2040 Recycling Program


MAYVILLE, N.Y.,The Chautauqua County Department of Public Facilities is pleased to announce a new paint re cycling program that al lows households and bu sinesses in Chautauqua County to recycle leftover paint, stain, and varnish conveniently and sustai nably.PaintCare, a nonpro fit stewardship program created by the paint in dustry, provides sites in Chautauqua County where households and businesses can recycle unwanted paint all year round. Local drop-off lo cations can be found by visiting withthsStatesitesmoreCarestewardshipthatleftoverciationAmericanindustrytionamanagedlargerveryjoinsPAINT09.callingorg/lvp-request/https://www.paintcare.lumerequest100andsinesses,emptyleaking,aerosolswouldandtheybusinesscallmendedlonssitesorg/drop-off-siteswww.paintcare..Allacceptupto5galpervisit.Itisrecomthatresidentsaheadtoconfirmhoursandaskifcanacceptthetypeamountofpainttheyliketorecycle.Sitesdonotaccept(spraypaint),unlabeled,orcontainers.Buorganizations,householdswithgallonsormorecanafreelargevopickupbyvisitingorbyPaintCareat(855)ChautauquaCountyanewpaintrecoeffortthatispartofastatewideprogrambyPaintCare,nonprofitorganizacreatedbythepaintthroughtheCoatingsAsso(ACA)tomanagepaintinstateshaveenactedpaintlaws.Paintplanstoexpandtothan250drop-offacrossNewYorkinthecomingmonthroughpartnershipspaintretailstores.

Photo Pictured above, a veterinarian administering a vaccination.

LincolnHousingArms 430 Main Street, Dunkirk,

• Keep flammable items away from open flames. Wear short or close-fitting sleeves when cooking, as loose clothing can catch fire. Make sure curtains, pot holders and towels are away from hot surfaces. • Remember that hot items re main hot for some time. Use oven mitts or pot holders when hand ling hot cookware. • Sharpen knives, as sharp kni ves cut more easily, thus reducing risk for injuries.

According to the National Electro nic Injury Surveillance System, a database of emergency room vi sits and the injuries that preceded them, finger lacerations and fin ger avulsions from knives, upper torso burns and lacerations from drinking glasses and bottles/jars are the most common injuries. Hand burns from cookware and ovens also cause a high number of injuries.Cutsand burns may cause ins tantly recognizable injuries, but bacteria can be even more harm ful, even if it’s not as noticeable. According to the food and beve rage news site FoodBeast, the ave rage cutting board is home to 200 percent more fecal bacteria than the average toilet seat! With so many potential threats lurking, cooks must be especially vigilant when preparing meals at home. These strategies can make cooking in the kitchen more safe.

Repair or Replace Zippers, Shoes, Boots, Heels, Baseball Gloves, Even Your Boat–Cover Repairs! County Announces New Paint

New Statewide Program Rolling Out in Chautauqua County Makes it Easy, Safe, and Convenient to Recycle Leftover Paint

MAYVILLE, N.Y., - The Chautauqua County Depart ment of Health and Human Services (CCDHHS) Division of Public Health has announced a free rabies vaccination clinic. The clinic will be held on Satur day, September 24, 2022 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Town of Carroll Town Hall at 5 W. Main St. in Frewsburg, N.Y. This clinic will be a drive-in clinic and animals must be pre-registered to receive vaccinations. Vaccinations will be provided free of charge to all dogs, cats, and domesticated ferrets three months of age and older.The Town of Carroll, along with the Chautauqua County Division of Public Health will co-sponsor the clinic. Dr. Mary Fales will be the attending vete rinarian. To pre-register online for the Town of Carroll clinic vi sit: vehiclesPetshedenterguaranteed.maywhenconfirmationcanavailableyourattendIftersospotsThere,petownersshouldpre-regisonlineassoonaspossible.youregisterbutdecidenottotheevent,pleasecancelappointmentsothespotisforanotherpet.Youcancelappointmentsviatheemailyoureceiveyouregister.Walk-insbeaccepted,butarenotAttheclinic,vehicleswillandfollowtheestablitrafficpatternon-site.ownerswillstayintheirwiththeirpets,un less otherwise instructed. Pet owners must bring previous rabies vaccination records for each animal receiving a shot to ensure proper and effective vaccination; clinic staff will confirm previous rabies vacci nation records. All dogs must be on a leash. All cats must be in a carrier. Animal handlers will transport animals from the vehicle to the veterinarian for vaccination.NewYork State Public Health Law requires each dog, cat, and domesticated ferret over the age of four months be vaccinated against rabies. County residents are encouraged to be responsible pet owners by having their pets vaccinated.Rabiesis a very serious di sease of warm-blooded animals caused by a virus. Raccoons, bats, skunks, and foxes are common disease carriers. The virus is transmitted to humans and animals through saliva and can enter the body through a bite, scratch, or open cut. The rabies virus infects the central nervous system and can cause brain swelling and ultimately death within days of the onset of symptoms.Formoreinformation about the clinic and rabies in general, visit 4481.ofventionronmental-health/rabies-pre 400.00 for cars for season. Boats to be determined by size! October 1st to April 30th 2023. Call 716 907 5300! DFSC 9.2.22

According to its we bsite, Thatchildrensharedarecreativetrulymilyto“Itself-care,”onandthelocalrences,Attendeesvers,ren,,https://eclkc.ohs.HeadStartchildrenattheofmeaningfulenTheeducationsupportedevibestpractofosterpositivegoal-orientedrelaamongchildfamilies,caregiandprogramstaff.receivedrefeworkbooks,andresourcesrelatedtotopicscovered.“SomeoftheresourcesdiscussionsfocusedtheimportanceofsaidLudwig.mayseemoff-trackdothisaspartoffaengagement–but–beingself–aware,andreflectivepartoftakingonthegoalofsupportingandfamilies.allrelatesdirectlyto family engagement.” Sue Marker, Beth Faulkner, and Rebecca Reed of COI assisted through Ludwig’s pre sentation. The Child Care Resource & Refer ral (CCR&R) is a resource hub for families, child care professionals, and communities. CCR&Rs increase access to high-quality, affordable child care by providing many different services, from training like today to help families find child care; providing support, education, and resources to child care providers; to gathering research on child care needs and trends to inform commu nity members and policy makers.Thegoal of the Tapestry Resilience Initiative is to provide safe and enga ging servicestrauma-informedtopreventmen tal, emotional, and beha vioral disorders; identify and address concerns as early as possible; and strengthen the existing collaboration among community groups and forge effective coordina tion to provide the nee ded supports and services for children, youth, and their families. This col laboration with COI is an excellent example of this coordination.Tolearnmore about the Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene or Tapestry Re silience Initiative,, 366-1613

3SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 DHHS ANNOUNCES AN IMMUNIZATIONANIMALUPCOMINGRABIESCLINICDrive-inRabiesImmunizationClinicScheduledforSeptember24inCarrollPre-RegistrationforDrive-inRabiesClinicsisRequired

Visit the Village of Fredonia during the Red, White and Blues Festival to get a taste of one of the best small towns in Western New York! Join us for this rocking 2 day music fes tival celebrating the local Red & White wine industry from the surrounding area and hear some awesome “BLUES” style music.The2022

The Dunkirk and Fredonia Community Chambers of Com merce proudly present Hops and Pops, a great evening of beer and wine tastings, to be held Thursday, September 15 at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 30 Lake Shore Drive East in Dunkirk. Enjoy local wines, beers and appetizers! Samples will be available, and you can purchase by the bottle or the case while you are there. Participating beverage producers in clude 21 Brix Winery, Ellicottville Brewing Company, Johnson Estate Winery, Liberty Vineyards, Merritt Estate Winery, Steelbound, and Woodbury Vineyards. Additional wineries and breweries may still be added. In addition, there will be five $100 prize drawings throughout the evening for a total of $500 – plus additional raffles and giveaways. The cost is $15 per person or two for $25. Proceeds help support the scholarship funds for the Dunkirk and Fredo nia Community Chambers of Commerce. Hops and Pops is sponsored by Brooks-TLC Hospital System, Farrell Roofing, Jamestown Community College, LaBella Associates, and National Grid. Buy tickets through the Chamber’s web cal endar or call the Chamber at (716) 366-6200 or (716) 484-1101 for the ticket location nearest to you.

R,W & B festivities start on Friday, September 9 and continues throughout the day on Saturday, September 10, 2022. Pick up a brochure with a map of all the venues for both days (9/9-10) at parti cipating bars/restaurants or at the Festivals Fredonia table.

Cornell Cooperative Extension Chautauqua County’s Agricultural Program is excited to announce the fall 2022 LEAF workshops. The LEAF (Learn. Empower. Achieve. Farm.) Series is open to beginning farmers, established farms looking to diversify and grow, agriculture enthusiasts, homesteaders, and EVE RYONE in between! A variety of LEAF workshop will be held this fall at the Jamestown Community College Car nahan Center, 525 Falconer Street; Jamestown, NY. Workshops are just $5-$15 per person and early regis tration is requested.


Around Town Hops and Pops September 15

Chautauqua announces fall LEAF Workshops

The Forestville Fall Festival will be held on October 1st & 2nd at the Forestville High School. There will be a craft show both days,produce & food vendors. There will be a chili cook-off on Saturday. Enter your chili before 12 noon in a minimum 5 quart crockpot. The Catholic Church will have a pork dinner from 12 – 6 on Saturday and there will be a Meat Party at the Ameri can Legion at 7pm. The Forestville Fire Department will have a chicken barbecue on Sunday from 12 pm – until sold out. There will be a parade on Sunday @ 1 pm – line up at 12:30 at Legion Hall. Decorate your bike contest for parade and dress up your pet contest. Applications for vendors are still available . For in formation, call Carol at 716-965-2675 or 716965-4262.

Activities include: 5K Walk – Free T-Shirts to the first 100 walkers, Wellness and Cancer Screenings, Physician Meet and Greet, Healthy Cooking Demos, Healthy Snacks, WDOE Radio Live Broadcast, Magician with balloon animals, Pick-A-Prize Basket Raffle, Grand Raffle in cluding $1,500 worth of fabulous prizes (compliments of Fredonia Walmart) - 55” Smart TV, Apple Watch, Apple iPad, Apple Air Pods, Nintendo Switch and a 5 Burner Gas Grill (compliments of Home Depot). Registration is requested for those who wish to walk. You may register online at: https://events.ahn. org/gnVXOZTheeventwill be held rain or shine! In case of rain, the walk will be held indoors at Westfield Academy and Central School and other activities will be held in side the hospital.

Herbs, Bread, Animals, and More. CCE

Or mail

4 SEPTEMBER 9, 2022

Forestville Fall Festival

AHN Westfield Celebrates 80 Years of Stepping Up for Our Community AHN Westfield Memorial along with Westfield Memorial Hospital Foundation are hosting a FREE community health and wellness event in recognition of the hospital’s 80th birthday! The event is Saturday, September 10 from 9am-Noon at the hospital at 18 East Main Street, Westfield. All are welcome to attend.

What do rabbits, bats, and bears have in common? Join the 3 to 8-year olds and their favorite adults who come to Little Explorers at Audubon Community Nature Center (ACNC) on Saturday, September 10, 2022, 10 – 11:30 a.m., and learn about Experience“Mammals.”ahands-on exploration of mammal artifacts to figure out what makes mammals different from other ani mals like reptiles or fish. After a short indoor lesson where you can learn more about local mammals and the adaptations that help them survive, head outside on a guided exploration through Audubon’s for ests and wetlands to look for evidence of those mammals. A snack is provided after the hike, and a craft is offered if there is time. This program takes place rain or shine, so dress for the weather. The fee for the program is $8 for adults, $6 for children ages 3 - 8 and Nature Center members. Enrollment is limited to 15 children, 30 participants total. Make reservations by Thursday, September 8, 2022, by calling (716) 569-2345 during business hours or by going to and clicking through “Upcoming Pro grams.”

Please send you resume to: them to:

Music Friday,Line-upSeptember 9th 4:30 PM Midnight Recovery –64 on the Rocks 6:00 PM Grosh – Fredonia Memorial American Legion Post 59 8:00 PM Dr. Z and The Blues Remedy – Fredonia Beaver Saturday,Club September 10th 12:00 PM Growlers Blues Band – Barker Commons Gazebo 1:00 PM Beer Crate Blues Band – Heenan’s Irish Pub 2:00 PM Jammin’ Gypsies –Coughlan’s Pub 3:00 PM MAIN EVENT – The Cold Stares from Evansville, IN – Barker Commons Gazebo 5:00 PM Willie May – Fred’s 5:30pm Mo Porter Party Band – 64 On The Rocks 6:00 PM JT Blues Band – Mul doons / Tully’s Pub 7:00 PM Shaky Ray Blues Band – Domus Fare 7:30 PM Mark Winsick Band – Downtown Brew 8:00 PM Two Towns – Old Main Inn 9:00 PM Jony James Band –EBC West 9:30 PM Krossbones – 64 On The 10:00RocksPMSilver X-treme – Va lentine’s Place

Drivers Wanted One Year Experience, CDL, Class B license, Tank Endorsement and HAZMAT.

Audubon Little Explorers Learn About Mammals

SeptFriday,9th Saturday,Sept10th10toAM 4 PM At The Leon Fire Hall Bag Sale Saturday at Noon


with additional resource material. The workshop will be taught by Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Team Leader and Farm Business Mana gement Specialist from the Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program with Cornell Coo perative Extension. Small Scale Composting Thursday, September 22, 2022, perativeProgramLivestock,SouthwestmentFarmley-Stoll,willadventures.yourtalwalksion-basedofficedersusuallyanotherare2022,BeginningandthroughPh.Dcussed.anequineDiscussiontionseuthanasia,choicesendnar,ourtoyetdecisions2022,betingsimplerichment.managementcomposting,anSteveJoin$5/person6:00pm-8:00pmMasterGardenerReestolearnaboutoverviewofsmall-scalewaste-streamandsoilenAvarietyoftocomplexcomposmethodsandgoalswilldiscussed.EquineEndofLifeTuesday,September27,6:00pm-8:00pm$5/personPreparingforend-of-lifeischallengingcriticallyimportantensurehumanecareofhorses.Inthissemiwewilldiscussequineoflifeconsiderations,forhumaneequineandviableopforcarcassdisposal.ofplanningforcareupondeathofownerwillalsobedisKarinD.Bump,PASwillleadusacompassionatecompletediscussion.BusinessPlanningforFarmersWednesday,October5,6:00pm-8:00pm$5/personBusinessplansforfarmsoftenviewedasyetchoretodoandresultindustybintakingupspaceontheshelf.ThisdiscusworkshopwillyouthroughthemenexerciseofplanningfutureagricultureThisworkshopbeledbyKatelynWalTeamLeaderandBusinessManageSpecialistfromtheNewYorkDairy,andFieldCropswithCornellCooExtension.

Training in Safe Handling of Firearms and Hunting Ethics Required before Purchasing a Hunting License

DEC Encourages New Hunters and Trappers to Register for Hunting and Trapping Education Courses

The September 30, 2022 edition of the Erie Catta raugus Chautauqua Community Source will include a special page dedicated to the Forestville Fall Festival and all of it’s events and activities.

Leon Firemen’s Auxiliary Fall Rummage Sale

The New York State Department of Environ mental Conservation (DEC) today reminded all new hunters and trappers planning to go afield this season that they must first complete a manda tory hunter, bowhunter, or trapper education course before obtaining the appropriate sport ing license or hunting privilege. In-person, in structor-led hunter edu cation courses are being offered throughout New York during September and October. Bowhunter education, trapper ed ucation, and waterfowl hunter education courses are also available, and all in-person courses are free and offer hands-on expe rience.“DEC’s Hunter Educa tion Program has a long and proud tradition of training new hunters and trappers annually, creat ing safe hunting opportu nities for more than half a million New York sports men and sportswomen,” said Commissioner Seg gos. “Since 1949, DEC works closely with certi fied volunteer instructors to teach new outdoor en thusiasts how to be safe, responsible, and ethical hunters and trappers. As a result, hunting con tinues to be a safe and enjoyable sport and we thank the dedicated vol unteer instructors who provide their expertise and support to deliver this important program. I encourage all prospec tive hunters and trappers to sign up for one of the dozens of courses offered across New York State.” With hunting licenses now on sale, first-time hunters and trappers are encouraged to sign up for certification courses soon to reserve a spot, as these courses can fill quickly. Each year, thousands of New Yorkers take DEC’s hunter and trapper edu cation courses. DEC’s on line registration system makes it easy to view a list of all available courses. To locate a hunter or trapper education course, visit DEC’s website or contact a local DEC office for assis tance.All in-person courses require students to re view course materials and complete homework prior to attending the class room and field session. The homework portion of the course introduces the subject and enhances understanding of the course material. Proof of the completed home work is required to attend the in-person part of the course. Students should register for the course well in advance of the course date to allow time to complete the home work requirement, which takes approximately three hours. All in-per son courses will require successful completion of an in-person field day to earn certification for the course.Thehomework materi als can be found on DEC’s website. Students may also follow the guidelines listed in the course an nouncement when reg istering for a course. For those with restricted ac cess to the internet, course manuals, and homework sheets are always avail able from DEC wildlife offices and Hunter Educa tion Program instructors. Education Courses Pro duce Hunter Safety Re sultsNew York’s hunter edu cation courses are highly effective in fostering safe hunters. Approximately 500,000 licensed hunt ers spend an estimated 10 to 15 million days afield each year. Reports on the number of hunting-re lated shooting incidents indicate that the 2021 hunting seasons in New York were the safest ever, with the lowest num ber of hunting-related shooting incidents since record-keeping began. DEC Environmental Con servation Police Officers investigated nine hunt ing-related shooting inci dents in 2021, including one fatality, the lowest number on record since DEC began

Red , White & Blues Festival This Weekend

5SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 MAIN Wine & Spirits 159 E. Fourth St., Dunkirk • (716) 366-4311 Here’s to a GreatMarauders!DunkirkSeason,Have Marauders!Season,Greata 2022 Schedule: Thur. 9/1 @6:30pm Dunkirk 20 - Lake Shore 26 Fri. 9/9 @ 7pm Home vs. Olean Fri. 9/16 @7pm Away vs. East Aurora/Holland Fri 9/23 @7pm Home vs. Marydale Fri. 9/30 @7pm Away vs. Albion Fri 10/7 @7pm Home vs. HomeFalconer/MapleCassadaga/GroveFri.10/14@7pmvs.CheektowagaFri.10/21@7pmAwayvs.Fredonia HIGHFOOTBALLSCHOOLDunkirk One Temple Square Fredonia, NY, 1-800-662-1220716-827-090614063TTYRelay: Call Today for More Information SECURITYONSITEdisabledImmediatelyAvailableforperson’sand/oraged62yearsorolder Income*ApplicantMustMeetLevelStandards ONE TEMPLE SQUARE APARTMENTS

Jamestown Coin Club Show, Sunday, September 11, at Celoron Legion

JAMESTOWN, N.Y.,If you have coins you want to sell, trade or have appraised, or if you would like to expand your collection, the James town Coin Club Fall Show is where you want to be on Sun day, September 11. The 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. event is at the Celoron Ame rican Legion – Herman Kent Post 777 on Jackson Avenue, just off Fairmount Avenue, in Jamestown/West Ellicott, N.Y.Coin dealers from western New York and northwest Pennsylvania will be buying, selling, and offering free ap praisals of United States, an cient, and foreign coins. Coin supplies will be available for purchase.Admission is free. Except for December, the Ja mestown Coin Club meets re gularly on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the American Legion Herman Kent Post. Doors open at 6 p.m. and mee tings begin at 7 p.m. These monthly get-to gethers include door prizes and raffles and are highlighted by an auction of coins sub mitted by members. Annual membership is $10. Guests are welcome to participate at no charge.InMarch 2023 the James town Coin Club plans to spon sor the PenNY Coin Show in conjunction with the Corry (Pennsylvania) Coin Club, also at the Legion. For more information, call (716) 720-1591.


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