Chautauqua County Community Source 9/16/22

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A news conference will be held at 4 p.m. on Tues day, September 20, to an nounce a major new ini tiative for the MHA and Chautauqua County. It will be at the Jamestown facility, Door 14 in the rear

of the Gateway Center, 31 Water Street, and followed by an open house until 6:30 p.m.The

The next Recovery Luncheon is Wednesday, September 21, 1 p.m., in Ja

Health As sociation in Chautauqua County is a peer recovery center offering support groups and individual coa ching for people looking to improve their lives, deepen wellness, thrive in reco very, or support those on a recovery path. Peers use their personal stories to help people find recovery in their own lives in their ownAnyoneway.

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Dunkirk at Grace Lutheran Church, 601 Eagle Street.

As part of the luncheon, announcements were made about a number of upco ming events.


Dunkirk MHA Open House is Wednesday, September 28, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., at the MHA offices in

Prevention Works Lead Coach at MHA Recovery Luncheon

with questions or in need of services for themselves or a family member is welcome to call or stop in at the Jamestown facility at Door 14 in the rear of the Gateway Center, 31 Water Street. Hours are Monday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hours for the MHA at Grace Lutheran Church, 601 Eagle Street in Dunkirk are Tuesdays – 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays – 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Fridays – 10 a.m. to 2 Top.m.learn

more about the Mental Health Associa tion, call (716) 661-9044 or visit MHAChautau or’srecentnewsletter,

At the August Recovery Luncheon, Prevention Works Lead Prevention Coach Tracy Jespersen described the Triple P parenting classes she offers on Friday mornings at the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County.

JAMESTOWN, N.Y. Prevention Works Lead Prevention Coach Tracy Jespersen was the special guest at the August re covery luncheon of their community partner, the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County (MHA).After being introduced by Executive Director Steven Cobb, Jespersen described the Positive Pa renting Program (Triple P) class she offers every Fri day, 10 a.m. to noon, at the MHA in Jamestown. This evidence-based program, supported by more than 35 years of ongoing research, gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent pro blems

talk, discussion and Q&A. Hawkeye’s books include Buddhist Boot Camp, The Opposite of Namaste, and Faithfully Religionless.


Bestselling author Tim ber Hawkeye will be at the MHA in Jamestown on Tuesday, September 27, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to the free book

Tripledeveloping.PPPassists parents of children ages birth to 8 to develop parenting plans to manage behavioral issues, like tantrums and figh ting, and to develop skills like eating independently, toilet training and staying in bed at night. Because the program consists of four different classes that can be taken in any order, anyone interested can walk in on a Friday and begin the classes.Like all MHA services, these classes are free.

The ARC is a feder al-state partnership that invests in projects de signed to support eco nomic development in 423 counties across the 13 Ap palachian states, encom passing more than 25 mil lion Americans. In Fiscal Year 2021, ARC supported 465 projects totaling over $163 million in federal investment. This federal investment helped attract over $1 billion in local, state, and private funding that resulted in the cre ation or retention of over 20,000 jobs in Appalachia.


workforce.“Western New York is on the frontlines of the opioid crisis, and this funding will tackle the heart of this epidemic in Chautau qua County by expanding access to care, giving peo ple the support they need to get back on their feet, and saving lives,” said Sen ator Schumer. “We need an all-of-the-above ap proach: more interdiction, prevention, treatment and recovery, to fight the flow of drugs, and more effec tively assist those who are

have been leading advo cates for the Appalachian Regional Commission. In the Bipartisan Infrastruc ture Investment and Jobs Act, Schumer and Gilli brand delivered a historic $1 billion for the Appala chian Regional Commis sion (ARC) over the next 5 years. Earlier this year, Senator Gillibrand joined six of her Senate col leagues in calling for $235 million in federal fund ing for the Appalachian Regional Commission to support initiatives that address workforce chal lenges caused by the Appa lachian Region’s drug cri sis and help diversify the economies of communities.Appalachian

suffering from addiction. That is why I am proud to deliver this funding today and why I fought for his toric increases for addic tion services in the COVID relief bills, and why I will keep fighting increases to these federal programs to give Western New York all the resources they need fight the fentanyl fueled opioid“Thecrisis.”pandemic exacer bated our nation’s ongoing substance use crisis and Appalachian communi ties like those in Chau tauqua County have been disproportionately im pacted,” said Senator Gilli brand. “This funding will allow the Mental Health


2 SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 MAIN Wine & Spirits 159 E. Fourth St., Dunkirk • (716) 366-4311 Here’s to a GreatMarauders!DunkirkSeason,Have Marauders!Season,Greata MATT’S NEWS NEWSPAPERS • NEWSPAPERS 93 E. Third St., Dunkirk • 716-366-4909 All Your Favorite Publications, NYS Lottery Games, Scratch-Offs, OTB & More! Your Stop For One Temple Square Fredonia, NY, 1-800-662-1220716-827-090614063TTYRelay: Call Today for More Information SECURITYONSITEdisabledImmediatelyAvailableforperson’sand/oraged62yearsorolder Income*ApplicantMustMeetLevelStandards ONE TEMPLE SQUARE APARTMENTS 2022 Schedule: Thur. 9/1 @6:30pm Dunkirk 20 - Lake Shore 26 Fri. 9/9 @ 7pm Dunkirk 7 - Olean 12 Fri. 9/16 @7pm Away vs. East Aurora/Holland Fri 9/23 @7pm Home vs. Marydale Fri. 9/30 @7pm Away vs. Albion Fri 10/7 @7pm Home vs. HomeFalconer/MapleCassadaga/GroveFri.10/14@7pmvs.CheektowagaFri.10/21@7pmAwayvs.Fredonia HIGHFOOTBALLSCHOOLDunkirk SCHUMER, GILLIBRAND ANNOUNCE $500,000 IN FEDERAL FUNDING FOR SUBSTANCE USE RECOVERY PROGRAMS IN CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand are announcing $500,000 in federal funding for the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County. The funding was allo cated by the Appalachian Regional Commission’s (ARC) Investments Sup porting Partnerships In Recovery Ecosystems (IN SPIRE) Initiative, which aims to fight the substance use disorder crisis across Appalachia. This grant will provide recovery sup port, pre-employment de velopment, and vocational training to individuals

struggling with substance use disorder and establish partnerships with local employers to help these individuals re-enter the

Association in Chautau qua County to continue to provide free, comprehen sive support to individuals struggling with substance use and will give these in dividuals the tools they need to obtain and main tain stable employment and enter long-term re covery.

Monday, September 12,


MHA Executive Director Steven Cobb shared that if Jamestown’s City Hall were the center of a circle that extended a mile in all direc tions, 80% of those deaths were within that circle – and people within that circle who overdosed were twice as likely to die as those who overdosed in the rest of Chautauqua County. At the current rate, more overdose deaths are ex pected this year.

The Bake Sale and the Basket Auction will begin at 9 a.m. The BBQ lunches will be served starting at 11

Fredonia Opera House is a member-sup ported not-for-profit per forming arts center located in Village Hall in down town Fredonia. For a com plete schedule of events, visit

the night before, re freshments were served in the Undercroft after the service, where the art was appreci ated and Cobb offered Narcan training. Narcan is the brand name for naloxone, a safe,


help you find and identify birds along the trail, on Saturday there will be two guided walks, at 10:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

three-story Nature Center building houses interactive displays, a collection of live animals including the Hellbender exhibit and the Blue Heron Gift Shop. Visitors are wel come Mondays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., and Sundays, 1 – 4:30 p.m. Nature Center mem bers and SNAP/EBT card holders have free building admission daily. Build ing admission is also free every Sunday for non-Na ture Center members.

To learn more about Audubon and its many programs, call (716) 5692345, find Audubon Com munity Nature Center on Facebook, or visit Audu, where you will find the most up-todate COVID-19 Notice at the top of the page.

The Art in Recovery Ex hibit was held in St. Luke’s beautiful Undercroft in down town Jamestown on Saturday evening, August 27, to raise awareness for International Overdose Awareness Day, Au gust

3SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 DON’T GAMBLE WITH YOUR SAFETY!!!DON’T GAMBLE WITH YOUR SAFETY!!! B&S DISCOUNT TIRESB&S DISCOUNT TIRES ROUTES 20 & 60, FREDONIA (Right Next to Wendy’s) • 672-4389 Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM; Saturday 8 AM - Noon • NYS Inspections • Astro Lite Batteries (5 Year Warranty) • Complete Brake & Exhaust Service • Windshield Wipers • Lawnmower, Wheelbarrow & Lawn Tractor Tires LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Bald tires are not only dangerous. They can also lead to blowouts and decreased efficiency in handling and braking. STOP IN AND SEE US TODAY FASTCOMPETITIVEFORPRICESANDFRIENDLYSERVICE!! DON’T GAMBLE WITH YOUR SAFETY!!! MHA/St. Luke’s Hold Overdose Awareness Events

Have you ever been cu rious about the birds you see or hear? To learn about them, you can visit Audu bon Community Nature Center (ACNC) on Tuesday or Saturday, September 20 or 24, 10 a.m. to noon, for an “accessible birding” open house and outing.

hope people will come visit us and support the fundraiser when they come downtown for the weekly farmers’ market!” saysTheDavis.1891

A variety of delicious baked goods also will be for sale at the Sept. 17 event. And four baskets created using an “eat, drink and be merry” theme will be raf fled off using a Basket Auc tion format. In addition to the baskets, an original watercolor painting by Ver on display were by participants under the leadership of MHA staffers Sean Jones in Jamestown and Roseann Crocker in Dunkirk. Artists who shared how they celebrate their own creativity and recovery included Diana Bloom, Jessica Boutelle, Car riee Clark, Randal Hallett, Becky Hemmis and Bev Mi chaels, as well as volunteer Diane Valvo and interns Mel ita Lyon, Megann Panek and David Wolcott.

Free Narcan was available as well as fentanyl test strips and Deterra drug deactiva tion bags. The test strips can identify the presence of fen tanyl in unregulated drugs and are recommended in this area even for occasional users. The deactivation bags are a simple, environmentally safe at-home method to destroy leftover prescription drugs so they cannot be misused.

write the name of a friend or family member suffering from addiction on a piece of fabric to be added to the flag.

House Executive Director Rick Davis says that the event is usually held in June just prior to the annual Bach & Beyond Festival. “But this year,” he says, “we postponed it due to too many other similar events happening the same weekend. So, we’re looking at this as maybe being one of the last chicken BBQs of the summer; and we hope we have a good turnout!”

mont artist Gary Eckhart, and an original Lawrence Urbscheit pastel donated by Melissa Sorci Taft are part of the auction.

All Mental Health Associa tion services are free.

BBQ by Hector Alverio will provide the food for the event. Each meal in cludes a half chicken, corn on the cob, baby red pota toes, and a roll with butter. BBQ tickets are $14 and can be purchased in advance from Opera House Board and staff members, at the Opera House Box Office and online at www.fredopera. org. Any unsold tickets can be purchased in the park on the day of the BBQ.

Opera House to Host BBQ, Bake Sale & Basket Auction Fund-Raiser

Other MHA staff and par ticipants had roles in the ser vice, including CFO Jenny Rowe, who closed the service playing a duet of Leonard Co hen’s “Hallelujah” on violin with St. Luke’s Minister of Music Ron McEntire on pi

The Undercroft of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Jamestown was the venue for the recent Art In Recovery exhibit presented by St. Luke’s and the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County. MHA staffer Sean Jones is pictured with Melita Lyon, one of the participating artists, standing in front of her work.

These products can also be obtained free from the MHA.


Audubon Presents Accessible Bird Days, September 20 and 24

The show was coordinated by Jones and The Rev. Jessica Frederick, Curate for Chil dren, Youth, and Families at St. Luke’s. They were also responsible for the special “prayer flag” public art instal lation outside the church. Par ticipants in St. Luke’s Sunday service on August 28 could

Whether you are new to bi rding or are looking to expand your knowledge, come experience and enjoy all that birds have to offer. Both days will include in door and outdoor options for hands-on exploration and the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance from an ACNC educator.Learnabout bird adapta tions by interacting with real bird artifacts such as wings, talons, skulls, and nests. Head outside to explore birds by sight and sound as you pass through ponds and wetlands on a short, flat trail. From the paved trail and Blue Heron Overlook you can view lo cal bird residents as well

West Virginia-based violinist Jennifer Wood is one of the outstanding musicians who come from throughout the country to perform in the Opera House’s annual Bach & Beyond Baroque Music Festival. The Festival is supported by the Bach BBQ, Bake Sale and Basket Auction, to be held this year on Sat., Sept. 17, starting at 9 a.m.


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With programs in both Jamestown and Dunkirk, the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County is a peer recovery center offering sup port groups and individual coaching for people looking to improve their lives, deepen wellness, thrive in recovery, or support those on a recovery path. Peers use their personal stories to help people find re covery in their own lives in their own way.

To learn more about the Mental Health Association, call (716) 661-9044 or visit or

JAMESTOWN, N.Y., –St. Luke’s Episcopal Church recently hosted the work of ten artists from the Mental Health Association in Chau tauqua County (MHA) Art in Recovery classes in both Jamestown and Dunkirk.

The 1891 Fredonia Opera House will hold a chicken BBQ fund-raiser on Sat., Sept. 17, in Fredonia’s West Barker Common near the Gazebo. A Bake Sale and Basket Auction also will be a part of the event. All proceeds benefit the Opera House’s annual Bach & Be yond Baroque Music Festi

as those passing through on their way south. Bring your own binoculars or borrow a pair from Audu bon.To

Jones delivered the ser mon at that service, during which candles were lit and bells tolled to honor the 53 people who lost their lives to drug overdose in Chautauqua County over this past year.

Community Nature Center is located at 1600 Riverside Road, one-quarter mile east of Route 62 between James town, N.Y., and Warren, Pa. You can visit the nearly 600-acre nature preserve


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The first walk will focus on birding by sight, while the second will focus on birding by sound. Out door portions of this pro gram will be available in all but the most inclement weather. This program is free for both children and adults. Reservations are appreciated and can be made by calling (716) 5692345 or through the Pro grams and Events page at Walkins

easily administered medica tion that has saved hundreds of lives in Chautauqua County from possible opioid overdose.

and visit with Audubon's three live birds of prey, en joy the native tree arbore tum, gardens, picnic areas and natural play space and hike the six miles of trails dawn until dusk daily for free.The

of adulthood, namely hyper tension, diabetes and high cholesterol, offers the Mayo Clinic. To reverse course, parents, guardians and edu cators can focus on helping children become more phys ically fit. The following are a few ways to do so.

CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY - Through the month of September, Ollie’sceptedtowels,linens,underwear,food,hairducts,poo,itemslowing:desperateter.HouseyouthcollecthostingOpportunities,ChautauquaInc.isasupplydrivetoitemsforhomelessservedattheSafeemergencyshelTheSafeHouseisinneedofthefolpersonalhygiene(toothpaste,shamsoap,feminineproetc.),hairbrushes,ties,non-perishablepillows,socks,twinsizepaperproducts,andwashcloths.DonationswillbeacinDunkirkatBargainOutlet,

And pumpkin picking sea son aligns perfectly with each of these holidays, typ ically beginning in early or mid-September and extend ing deep into October.

JAMESTOWN, NY - The Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County (MHA) has a special rea son to celebrate Septem ber as National Recovery Month this year.

The MHA is a peer re covery center offering sup port groups and individual coaching for people look ing to improve their lives, deepen wellness, thrive in recovery, or support those on a recovery path. Peers use their personal stories to help people find recov ery in their own lives in their own way.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, and Holy Tri nity Church – as well as all COI locations in Ja mestown and Dunkirk. On Friday, September 16, staff will be collecting donated items outside of Walmart in Fredonia.

• Encourage participation in sports or other physical activities. Sports practices, games, competitions, and other activities may keep children moving for an hour or more several days per week. However, the Amer ican Academy of Pediatrics states that only 25 percent of children get the recom mended 60 minutes of phys ical activity per day. Em phasize a fun activity with a focus on movement that pro duces shortness of breath, body warmth and sweat. These are indicators that the heart rate is really pumping.

Childrencalories.may need a little extra help getting fit, espe cially if they gained weight during the pandemic. Teach ing healthy habits now can help kids enjoy healthy fu tures.

• Apples: Apple-picking season typically begins in late summer and extends into fall. Many farms offer a variety of apples, which may be harvested at different times. For example, in the northeastern United States, Gala apples tend to be har vested in late summer, while Granny Smith apples may be best picked in early October.

• Pumpkins: Thanks in part to Halloween decor and the popularity of pumpkin pie as a Thanksgiving des sert, pumpkins are synony mous with the fall harvest.


coli, The Old Farmer’s Al manac recommends doing so in the morning when the buds of the head are firm and tight.•Cabbage: If you’re look ing to do some late fall pick ing, cabbage might be for you. The online resource Harvest to Table notes that cabbage can survive under snow without being harmed, making it an ideal late fall vegetable. Spoiled outer leaves can be pulled away after harvesting without af fecting the quality of the re maining cabbage.

The public is invited to join community leaders on Tuesday, September 20, for an open house in celebration of a $500,000 INSPIRE grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission to the MHA for workforce develop ment and its social enter prise

habits. A Harris Poll survey conducted on behalf of the American Psychological As sociation found that 61 per cent of respondents age 18 and older reported a median weight gain of 15 pounds during the pandemic. Teach children that weight loss is accomplished when more calories are burned than consumed. Pay attention to portion sizes and explain how beverages like fruit juices can be sneaky sources of extra

• Teach healthy eating

Safe SupplyHouseDrive

Fall is a great time of year to pick fresh fruits and vege tables at a local farm.

4 SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 Custom Embroidery & Imprinted Apparel Servicing All Your Needs Carrying full line of Lacrosse boots. Full line of Muck Boots for women, men, and children. TONY’S SHOE REPAIR AND SALES 12 N. PORTAGE ST. WESTFIELD, NY littleshoe@fairpoint.14787net716-326-2040 Repair or Replace Zippers, Shoes, Boots, Heels, Baseball Gloves, Even Your Boat–Cover Repairs! LincolnHousingArms 430 Main Street, Dunkirk, NY 366-1613 For Your Senior Housing Needs ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

As a social enterprise – a business with specific so cial objectives that serve its primary purpose – Fa ther Bernard’s Blessed Bis cuits furthers the mission and vision of the Mental Health

• Limit screen time. Chil dren may be inclined to entertain themselves by heading for the television, mobile phone or tablet first, especially after a year-plus of being stuck indoors. But par ents can make a concerted ef fort to limit kids’ screen time in favor of more physically challenging pursuits.

An open house will be held at the MHA North County offices on Wednes day, September 28, 4 – 5:30 p.m., at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 601 Ea gle Street, Dunkirk.

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Father Bernard’s Blessed Biscuits will be spotlighted at the open house and news conference at the Mental Health Association on Tuesday, September 20, 4 p.m. A UPMC WCA Hospital therapy dog will demonstrate the tastiness of the biscuits when officials announce a major grant that will support the social enterprise. The canine pictured here enjoyed some Father Bernard’s at downtown Jamestown’s Saturday Public Market.

• Beets: The Spruce: Eats notes that beets may be in season in temperate climates from fall through spring.

All Mental Health As sociation services are free. To learn more, call (716) 661-9044 or visit

The Safe House is a voluntary, short-term, crisis intervention shel ter program for youth under the age of 18. Ser vices include emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth, counse ling, Life Skills training, health and mental health services, and more. The Safe House serves an average of 60 youth an nually.

Childhood obesity is a se rious medical issue affecting children around the world, but notably in North Amer ica. While the issue has been around for decades, the Cen ters for Disease Control and Prevention says American children and teenagers have witnessed a significant in crease in weight gain since the COVID-19 pandemic be gan.Younger

• Offer a variety of foods. Kids who eat a variety of foods are more likely to get the nutrients the body needs, according to Kids Health® by Nemours. These healthy foods should include at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, with an em phasis on vegetables.

• Broccoli: Fresh broccoli makes a healthy addition to any dinner table, and Pic notes that broccoli can have a lengthy harvesting season. Early harvesting may begin in May in some regions, though it’s still possible to pick fresh broccoli in late October. If you want to pick fresh broc

• Peaches: People who can’t wait to whip up a peach cobbler may need to do so before fall even begins. Ac cording to Pickyourown. org, peaches can be ready for picking as early as July in the northeastern United States, and the picking sea son generally ends around mid-September. The season is even earlier in places like Georgia, a state known for its peaches where the pick ing season can begin in midMay and extend through early August depending on the variety.

will strengthen Father Ber nard’s Blessed Biscuits (FBBB), a partnership between the MHA and Jamestown’s St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. A social enterprise, it was created to support people in recov ery as they return to work.

covery-to-work programs with a full spectrum of coordinated support ser vices, and more.

Food is a big part of fall, and farms play a significant role in seasonal celebrations. Each fall, families plan ap ple picking excursions with their eyes on baking home made apple pies. And while Halloween is made even more fun when carving jacko’-lanterns, savvy celebrants know that carving sessions are not complete without some roasted pumpkin seeds.The fall harvest is a great time to indulge in some freshly picked healthy foods. While the picking season may vary depending on where you live, and specifi cally the climate in your re gion, the following are some fruits and vegetables that might be ripe for the picking this fall.

WCA Hospital’s therapy dog will demon strate the tastiness of Fa ther Bernard’s Blessed Bis cuits.Apresentation of swag bags will follow the final blessing by The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West ern New York.

The reception begins at 4 p.m. with a 4:30 pro gram at the MHA’s James town facility in the Gate way Center, Suite 7, Door 14, 31 Water

• Use exercise as a reward and not a punishment. Make exercise something kids can look forward to. Reward a job well done on a test with extra time biking with friends or a hiking trip to a scenic national park,. Kids will be begin to associate ex ercise with fun.

Reception for MHA Receiving $500,000 Workforce Development Grant

The MHA also recog nized the need to expand its vision to include rede fining the possibility of recovery and striving for a community of wellness. The result is their new Vi sion Statement: “The Men tal Health Association in Chautauqua County envi sions a time when the peer recovery model is widely relied upon as a foundation of support and advocacy to address the total needs of all individuals and their families challenged by the effects of mental health and/or substance use dis orders. We will persevere in changing our local cul ture to one of hope, kind ness, and justice, rede fining and expanding the possibilities for a rich and satisfying life for people in recovery.”


Get kids on a healthy track

Ex ecutive PJ Wendel, New York State Assemblyman Andy Goodell and New York State Senator George Borrello will join MHA Executive Director Steven Cobb and FBBB Founder The Rev. Luke Fodor for the check presentation by Southern Tier West Ex ecutive Director Richard Zink.UPMC

The purpose of INSPIRE (Investments Supporting Partnerships In Recovery Ecosystems) grants is to create or expand recov ery programs that will lead to workforce entry or re-entry, by training and certifying recovery specialists, establishing cross-sector partnerships, expanding peer support networks, launching re

WithAssociation.inputfrom staff and the MHA’s Advisory Committee, last spring the MHA board adopted a new Mission Statement: “The Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County commits to radical accep tance, empowerment, and advocacy for our commu nity members who strug gle with mental health and substance use.”

Fall harvest fruits and vegetables

school-aged chil dren have been among the hardest hit during the pan demic. A study published in September 2021 found the percentage of obese chil dren and teens increased to 22 percent compared with 19 percent before the pan demic. The CDC looked at the BMI of study subjects between March 1, 2020 and November 30, 2020. One of the study’s authors, Dr. Al yson Goodman of the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, described the results as “substantial andBeingalarming.”lessphysically ac tive, overweight and eating the wrong foods can start children on a path toward problems that once were only considered conditions

The September 30, 2022 edition of the Erie Catta raugus Chautauqua Community Source will include a special page dedicated to the Forestville Fall Festival and all of it’s events and activities.

Local residents and businesses are invited to join world’s largest event dedicated to Alzheimer’s care, support and research

This year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s is presented by Uniland. To register and receive the latest updates on the Chautauqua County Walk, visit Chautauqua. To learn more about the planning com mittee or sponsorship opportunities, contact Lynn Westcott at or 716.440.4251.

More than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease – a leading cause of death in the United States. Additionally, more than 11 million family members and friends provide care to people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. In New York alone, there are more than 410,000 peo ple living with the disease and 580,000 caregivers.

Chautauqua County Walk to End Alzheimer’s is October 1

The Forestville Fall Festival will be held on October 1st & 2nd at the Forestville High School. There will be a craft show both days,produce & food vendors. There will be a chili cook-off on Saturday. Enter your chili before 12 noon in a minimum 5 quart crockpot. The Catholic Church will have a pork dinner from 12 – 6 on Saturday and there will be a Meat Party at the Ameri can Legion at 7pm. The Forestville Fire Department will have a chicken barbecue on Sunday from 12 pm – until sold out. There will be a parade on Sunday @ 1 pm – line up at 12:30 at Legion Hall. Decorate your bike contest for parade and dress up your pet contest.

Applications for vendors are still available . For in formation, call Carol at 716-965-2675 or 716965-4262.

10378 Bennett Rd. Rt 60 • Fredonia, NY 1 0 3 7 8 B e n n e ttR d R t 6 0 • Fr edoni a , N Y 716-672-4365 • 716-672-4367 Visit out website at Your 1 0 3 7 8 B e n n e ttR d R t 6 0 • Fr edoni a , N Y 716-672-4365 • 716-672-4367 Visit out website at Shop Monday - Saturday 9am-5pmWeServiceWhatWeSell!! Great Products... Great Prices at Have Hillbillies!Season,Greata 716-672-4050 Top Soil, Mulch, StumpStone BrushHeavyLandLandDrainageExcavationGrindingGradingClearingandLightChoppingHydroSeeding BeachLandscapingPondsDrivewaysSiteWorkDemolitionCleanUpErosionControlSurgeRock-InstallationGrapeVineyardRemovalInsuredFully Commercial & Residential CLEANING, SERVICE AND INSTALLATION FURNACES, BOILERS, AIR CONDITIONERS, HOT WATER TANKS, DUCT WORK, SPLIT SYSTEM, AND GAS LINES Services: OIL, PROPANE AND NATURAL GAS 716-296-1022 534 Maple Ave. Cherry Creek, NY 14723 CLASSIFIEDS SERVICES WINTER STORAGE AVAILABLE: Large garage available for storage of your car or boat. 400.00 for cars for season. Boats to be determined by size! October 1st to April 30th 2023. Call 716 907 5300! DFSC 9.2.22 2022 Schedule: Sat. 9/3 @7pm Fredonia 34 - Akron 13 Fri. 9/9 @ 7pm Fredonia 26 - Allegany-Limestone 3 Fri. 9/16 @7pm Away vs. Tonawanda Fri 9/23 @7pm Home vs. Salamanca Fri. 9/30 @7pm Home vs. Silver Creek/Forestville Fri 10/7 @7pm Away vs. Southwestern Fri. 10/14 @7pm Away vs. Chautauqua Westfield/BroctonLake/Fri.10/21@7pmHomevs.Dunkirk HIGHFOOTBALLSCHOOLFredonia

The Alzheimer’s Association, Western New York Chapter, is inviting Chautauqua County residents to join the fight to end Alzheimer’s by participat ing in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® on October 1 at Point Gratiot Park in Dunkirk. The Walk will begin at 11 a.m., with check-in beginning at 10 a.m.

On Walk day, participants come together to honor those affected by Alzheimer’s and raise funds that ensure the programs and services provided by the Alzheimer’s Association are free to all who need them. In addition, participants honor those affected by Alzheimer’s with the poignant Promise Garden ceremony, with the colors of the Promise Garden flowers representing people’s connection to Alzhei mer’s – their personal reasons to end the disease.

Around Town

The Friends of Anderson-Lee Library is comprised of community members who support the local library. Membership is ongoing and more information about becoming a Friend can be obtained by calling 934-3468 or by stopping at the library on Main Street in Silver Creek.

Anderson Lee Library Book Sale

5SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

Forestville Fall Festival

The Friends of the Anderson-Lee Library in Silver Creek is announcing that the annual Used Book Sale will be held in September again this year. There are books for everyone.

The three-day sale will begin on Thursday, Sept. 15th from 10 AM - 8 PM. It will continue Friday, Sept. 16th from 12 PM - 5 PM, and on Saturday, Sept. 17th from 10 AM - 2 PM with the BAG SALE starting at noon.All proceeds from this sale are used to enhance li brary collections, equipment, and programs.

Roasted Broc coli with Grapes and Al mondsPrep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 12 minutes Servings: 6

4 Free Concerts provided by The Festival of Grapes in front of the Youth Rec. Building

Midnight Recovery

In Smoked Paprika Lamb Chops with Fresh Grape Sauce, grapes provide a delightful sweet-tart ac cent to the savory meat.

1 tablespoon olive oil3/4 cup dry riesling wine2 shallots, minced 1/2 cup reduced-so dium chicken broth 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme 1 1/2 cups seedless Grapes from California, rinsed1 tablespoon un salted butter

Joe and the Shmoes

In shallow, 9-by-13-inch baking dish or rimmed baking sheet, toss broccoli spears with oil then spread in single layer in center of pan. Roast 7-8 minutes un til broccoli begins to brown on edges. Remove from oven.Drizzle hot honey over broccoli and sprinkle with salt. Scatter grapes and al monds on top of broccoli and roast 4-5 minutes un til broccoli is crisp-ten der, almonds are toasted and grapes are warmed through.Transfer

Photos and Recipe Cour tesy of: California Table Grape Commission

Nutritional information per serving: 359 calories; 31 g protein; 14 g carbohy drates; 17 g fat (42% calo ries from fat); 105 mg cho lesterol; 565 mg sodium; .9 g

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus additional, to taste, divided 4 boneless sirloin leg lamb chops (3/4-inch thick each, about 1 1/2 pounds total)

Fall for Comforting, GrapeInspired Recipes

In cup, combine honey, vinegar and crushed red pepper flakes; microwave

about 4 minutes. Stir in grapes and butter; swirl to melt butter. Season with additional salt and pepper, to taste, then pour sauce over chops and serve.

Juicy grapes also help bal ance the spicy kick of Hot Honey Roasted Broccoli with Grapes and Almonds.

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Playing from 1:00-4:00 PM

Youth Parade 2pm

In same pan, add ries ling, bring to boil and scrape up any browned bits from bottom of pan. Cook until wine is reduced to glaze, about 5 minutes. Add shallots, broth and thyme; cook until reduced by half,

Reset 2 Vinyl

10 seconds until mixture is warm enough to stir to blend; repeat if necessary. Set aside and keep warm.

Playing from 7:30-10:30 PM


Children’s Events 12pm Under the Tent

Playing from 6:00-9:00 PM

Ion Sky

September 24-26

Friday, September 16th

Village Ball Park

Saturday, September 17th

In addition to their deli cious taste, fresh texture and vibrant color, grapes of all colors – red, green and black – are a heart-healthy food,Findtoo.more flavorful fall recipe ideas at taste,salt,,todivided

In small bowl, combine paprika, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Rub chops with paprika mix ture and set aside.

broccoli and grape mixture to platter or individual plates and serve warm or at room tempera ture.Nutritional information per serving: 110 calories; 3 g protein; 18 g carbohy drates; 4.5 g fat (37% calo ries from fat); 7 g saturated fat (8% calories from satu rated fat); 0 mg cholesterol; 125 mg sodium; 3 g fiber.

Playing from 1:00-4:00 PM

1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon apple ci der1/4vinegarteaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1 pound fresh, trimmed broccoli spears 1 tablespoon ex tra-virgin olive oil 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt3/4 cup black Grapes from California 1/4 cup sliced natural almondsHeatoven to 450 F with rack in center.

In large cast-iron or other heavy skillet over medi um-high heat, heat olive oil. Add chops and cook to desired doneness, about 4 minutes per side for medi um-rare. Transfer to platter and keep warm.

Sunday, September 18th

(Family Features) As days get shorter and cooler weather sets in, the crav ings for hearty, comforting meals often follow. Tradi tional fall fare, including roasted meats and veggies, can be enhanced with a de licious and compatible fall fruit: fresh grapes. Grapes work well with a variety of ingredients to make meal times more enjoyable.

Silver Creek, NY

Saturday, September 17th

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