Erie Cattaraugus Chautauqua County Community Source 12/23/22

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022 2022 2022


Gowanda Gowanda Sports Sports Report Report Become a Foster or Adoptive Parent

January Events at Anderson-Lee Library

needs in May, and their newborn

Collins onNorth June Collins 2 onsister Junein 2December). These three dison Kota both dison doubled, KotaNorth both doubled, PEGLOWSKI BY BILL PEGLOWSKI


Library, choice! Limit of 10 children

at Ken-Ton Parker at Ken-Ton Field. Parker Field.of with Kota’s hit with scoring Kota’s hit scoring beautiful children adopt-of Gowan— A handful Gowan— A were handful located at 43 Main Street in and pre-registration is rethe spring of 2019, team almost members EdenIn did While scoreEden dided in score two Gowanda runs. two Gowanda In Whileruns. da track team members da track Silver Creek has announced quired. nda Varsity Gowanda base- Varsity basesix years after being placed in first, Gowanda the bottom of thethe inning, bottomfirst, of theGowanda inning, answered were answered atourthe Section were VI at the Section VI am had a Class ball C team Fi- had a Class C FiCredit Scores and Recare. In the spring of 2022, their programming for chilthat goal just seconds goal just 22&seconds a bad throw to third a badbase throw to third base22that Track Track & Field weField adopted another child. After dren for the month of Janu- ports, Tuesday, January 17 me May 28nal against game May 28 against later with Chloe later Luther’s with Chloe allowed Falconerallowed to scoreFalconer to score ary.June Programs are free and at 3pm. You’ve probably spending her on entire four years in on StateLuther’s Qualifier State June Qualifier Portville atNo. James1 Portville at Jamesgoal of her own. goalEden of her own. Eden a run. Another a run. Kota Another Kota open for to the public. Regis- heard about Credit Scores foster care system, she offi3 and 4.the The highlight 3 and 4. forThe highlight Community townColCommunity Colwent oninning to take awent 3-2 lead on tothe take a 3-2 lead double in the 2nddouble inning in the 2nd cially became part of our family. tration is required unless and Reports. But maybe Gowanda’s boys thewas Gowanda’s a boys was a Unfortunately lege. for Unfortunately for My Eden husband and I are passionate stated otherwise, to ensure you’d like to learn more! If an 8-4 advantage. to an Eden 8-4 advantage. scored two morescored Gowantwotomore Gowan13th place finishfor for 13th Noah place finish for Noah nda, Portville Gowanda, was Portville was advocates adoption; every enough went into with into a halftime with ain the da runs taking the da runs score taking the halftime score went Vogtli (18-5.5) Vogtli (18-5.5) in the Longseating and materi- so, please plan on attending 11-game winning on an 11-game winning child is worth theLong wait. als for all patrons attending this free and informative fi9-5 lead. 9-5 lead. Jump. For the Jump. to 4-1. to 4-1. GowanFor the Gowanand had astreak 6-foot-6 and had a 6-foot-6 Having a strong support sys- the program. To register for nancial education workshop In were the second In the the second half, the da Both teams Both ableteams able half, da girls, Scanlan girls, Crissa Scanlan nded pitcher left-handed who pitcher who were temCrissa through the Department programs, call the library brought to us by M&T Bank. score went to 11-7 score with went to 11-7 with to score single to runs score in single runs in Health Human Services placed of15th in and the placed Shot15th in the Shot ready getting waslooks already getting looks at 716-934-3468, stop by 43 Pre-registration is requestEden’s before 11th point being11th being 3rd teams. inning the before 3rda inning a Eden’s made every step our adoption Putpoint (27-6.75). Put of (27-6.75). major league from teams. majorthe league Main Street, message us on ed. process a bit easier. We learned scored on a falling scored shot on a falling shot scoreless 4th. Gowanda’s scoreless 4th. Gowanda’s r two scoreless After two scoreless Facebook, or visit www. Stuffed Animal 16:05disleft with in the 16:05SCOREBOARD left that in our thecaseworkers and sup- and three-run advantage three-run dis- with advantage s, Portville innings, got Portville got hourNY round hour round trip i port groups SCOREBOARD were (and are) GOWANDA, our NY –GOWANDA, – trip including Sleepover, Friday, January game. minute later, A a minute later, a appeared in theappeared 5th in- in the A5th in- game. click tab for strongest advocates. started inthings the 3rd started in the 3rd a layover at the village a layover at the v Thethe New Yorkon& our Lake Theevents New York & Lake Baseball Baseball Since 27-Saturday, January 29. card yellow calledcard foulbeginning called of ning with Falconer ningscorwith yellow Falconer scor-foul our journey, we easy (NYLE) online registration. when a Portville inning when a Portville of South Dayton for of an South Dayton Erie Railroad Erie is Railroad (NYLE) is Have you ever wondered Sunday,Gowanda May 28been provided Sunday, with May 28 on Eden on Eden gave ing three runs. With ing three the runs. Withgave the Gowanda have parent- You can also sign up for was put batter on first was put on first “Father’s Day outside “Father’s continuing the tourist continuingoutside the tourist about what happens at the a five, two-minute, a two-minute, one-playscore tied at five,score Gowantied at Gowan- one-playing advice, 0education, behavio-Portville 9, Gowanda -Portville 9, Gowanda 0email/text reminders Lunch”. when fter being base hit by after a being hit by a A few vendors Lunch”. A fewWe ve season with their season special with their special library when it’s closed? ral training er advantage, er advantage, they and they resources, and emo- you register online! da moved back into da amoved two- back into a two- and An errantpitch. pickoff An errant pickoff will be set up in the will be set up in t will share our secret world “Father’s Day” excursions. “Father’s Day” excursions. tional support. These children made both good Steuse of made it. Lugood use of it. Lurun lead after both run Stelead after The will be closed t at second attempt sent at second sent village for passengers passen with yourvillage stuffedforanimal have taught Softball Train rides arelibrary scheduled Train rides are scheduled Softball ther doubled scored to on ther the folscored on the fol- us to be vulnerable vens and Nagel doubled vens and to Nagel in obserand take risks for them, for and to Monday, January nner to third. the runner That to third. That friends atto browse Anderson-Lee to browse and explore! and exp for June one2Saturday: June free shot. lowing Beforefree shot.May Before get on base and eventualget on baselowing and eventualTuesday, 31 Tuesday, May 31 one Saturday: vance of New Years Day and love big. llowed by was another followed by another Library’s Stuffed Animal 18th, and will depart 18th, and will depart Tickets and “Weidners Tickets and “W children (two biological and four ran ran the out, advantage out, ly score. ly score. the advantage January 16 in ob- Sleepover! On Friday from 8, Some Gowanda -Falconer 7 adopted 8, Gowanda say our kids are 7Monday, throw at third, missedalthrow at third, al- Photo Submitted adopted) unconditionally.-Falconer Gowanda’s train station Gowanda’s BBQ” train meals stationmay be BBQ” meals may Loveagain folLuther scored again Luther folscored The 7-5 score held Thefor 7-5 score held for so lucky to have us. The truth is servance of Martin Luther 3-5, drop off your stuffed Portville lowing to scorePortville to score at 11:00am and 2:00pm. at 11:00am purchased and 2:00pm. is compassion action, and by Lily online purchased at online lowed goallowed byinLily by a goal that we are the luckiest parents King Day. into the Gowanda 7th in- into theby 7tha ainHeather andGowanda Kevin Kyser and their six children. animal, create a name tag, irstPhoto run.ofPortville their first run. Portville takes lot of work. If we can proAlso, one train will Also, depart one train will depart “” “ Boys Lacrosse Boys Lacrosse on Earth who get the privilege of Scanlan. Gowanda was unGowanda was un- Scanlan. Pre-school Storytime for19th, readata goodnight story and vide stability and security for a on to score wentfour on ning. to score four ning. June 19th, on Sunday, at June Lapsters (2 & under) Lapsters will (2 & und having an adopted child on callSunday, us Classhad C Finals Gowanda Gowanda pulled pulled Class C Finals ableinning to increase able to lead increase their childlead in had need, then we know we children ages 2-5 on Thurstuck your stuffed animal n the inning runs and in the and their 2:00pm only. All trains Mom and Dad, to celebrate2:00pm victo- only. All trains ride free, Fathers will ride free, Fathers havea done our part for that one day mornings January 12, in for the night. On Saturto within point to of within Eden a point of Eden bringing up Falconer’s bringing up Falconer’s -Lake Shore East and Aurora -Lake 5Shore Easttravel Aurorato 5 the village ooked back. never looked back. ries11,with, to give and11, receive will will travel of to thefree. village of window ride Ticket ride free. Ticket MAYVILLE, N.Y.: – final Chau- chance. caring foster or adoptive parchild. 19, and 26 with Miss Jill day at 10am, Come pick up at 11-10, at would 11-10, but thataffection. would If adoption is South Their finalfirst chance. Theirbut firstthat some- Dayton. The South NYLE Dayton. Theyour NYLE le Portville rolled Portville rolled is located at the Train is located at the tauqua CountyWhile Department of ents to welcome them into their Adopting a child is an amazat 10:30 am. Children will stuffed animal and en-T be as close into as they be would as close as theything would batter blasted a triple batter into blasted a triple you would consider, the train station is located trainat stationsingis located Health and Services enlives.” ching a Human on shutout, pitching a shutout, andaat will Station openand atanda will Lacrosse ing That journey with four successes and joy slidebe show lightb love four you willGirls haveLacrosse for your child participate in reading,Station get.field. Eden scored get. EdenGirls scored right center field. right That center courages to consider 50 Commercial Street, 50 Commercial Street, nda piledresidents up Gowanda six erpiled up six ersetbacks. An open mind and 10:00am on Saturday 10:00am and on Satu will outweigh every struggle ing, rhymes and fun crafts. breakfast. Pre-registration 2 Thursday, June 2 unanswered goals unanswered while Thursday, goalsJune while was by was a double followed by a double giving a precious gift, the giftfollowed ¼ mile There east ofisRoute mileofeast of Route the game rors helping in the game helping onrequired. Sunday. 1:00pm NYLE on Sunda The Department’s home find- being adaptable help navigate you will experience throughout a¼ limit 101:00pm chilis One animal per managing to control managing theway. toThe control the10 -Eden 15, Gowanda before two singles before of family and home to a and child,two singlesand -Eden 15, Gowanda 10Gowanda, the trials along the 62 in NY. 62 in Gowanda, NY. ing and adoption teams and comthe adoption journey. Adopting lle to pile up Portville a total to pile up a total asks that passengers asks with that passeng dren and pre-registration is child please. teen, or group of siblings here in ball. With 5:30 ball. left With in 5:30 left in Gowanda locked Gowanda down a locked down a adoption process is filled with munity agencies work diligently a child won’t change the world. eChautauqua runs. Gowanda of nine Gowanda pre-purchased tickets pre-purchased The scenic train ride The scenic train ride requested. County thisruns. holiday Anderson-Lee Library tic is emotions of them. are was Eden was the game, con-There Eden confirst out. The score first was out. the Thegame, score was- all at recruiting But for that child, the world will were put batters down inwere put down in new foster parents days of exhaustion, depression, bring confirmation bring ofa confirma season. willStorytime be a 2approximately a2 & Field Track underestimate & Field will be approximately School Age for a open to the public Monday tent to just pass the ball to justTrack pass the ballNever 8-8 with runners 8-8 them with onwith two runners on tent andtwo equipping the change. n the order inning in the and finaltools inning their with their them. purchase w “Likefinal gifts, gatherings, fear, love, happiagepurchase and Tuesday from 12-8 pm, needed base. to succeed and find- Falconer the away difference you 3 & 4it June 3 &can 4 make in children 6-12 years of around to anger, keep but around it also away toJune keep base. The next Falconer The next 0 loss. a 9-0 loss. to ing forever homes for children ness, laughter, and hope. There the life of a child. good tidings,for family is central on Thursday mornings JanThursday 10 am to 8 pm, Gowanda. The fromtime Gowanda. TheBoys time batter was intentionally batter wasfrom intentionally -Gowanda – Noah -Gowanda Vogtli, Boys – Noah Vogtli, the holiday season,” said Leanna in Chautauqua County. is gratitude towards the bioLast month, in celebration of uary 12, 19, and 26 at 10:30 Friday 12-5 pm, and Saturran out with a 15-10 ranfor Eden out with aLong 15-10 Eden walked loading the walked basesloading the bases Luka-Conley, Deputy Commislogical parents giving your 13th, Jump, 8-5.5 13th, Long Jump, 8-5.5 Local Heather andLeading National Adoption Month, the am with Miss Amy. Stories, day 10 am-2 pm. The library he No.of 3Children Gowan— The No. Gowanwin. Gowanwith3 one out. family The withnext one win. out. The sioner and Family childnext thethe chance atLeading life, and the at Gowan-Gowanda Girls – Crissa -Gowanda Scanlan, Girls eight – Crissacrafts, Scanlan, Kevin Kyser share their adopDepartment recognized games, and other ac- is closed Wednesday and sity softball da of Varsity team softball Services. “Many us havebatter treasthe same deep youChloe Lueffort was time, Chloe dathe effort Lu- hurt was hit ateam single, batter ending hit ada single, ending tion story, which is written by families who adopted 14 27-6.75 chil- tivities are offered. There Sunday. Fax and copy ser15th, Shot Put, 27-6.75 15th, Shot Put, ured 1holiday familyNo. know thosegoals parents are often ex- goals and No. Falconer faced inmemories 1 Falconer with seven ther with and seven the game as in an the 8-7 game Fal- ther as an 8-7 FalHeather Kyser: dren in Chautauqua County over is a limit of 10 children and vice is available anytime the from fromCwatchperiencing. And the assists. moment ofCreekother -Silver Boysyear. – Alex -Silver Proknal, Creek Boys – Alex Proknal, ass C childhood, finalsthe on or Class May finalswin. onWe May three assists. The three other coner coner win. the past began our adoption jour- exhilaration and overwhelmingThe ing the faces of our own children 11th, 400M Dash, 54.19 11th, 400M 54.19 pre-registration is request- library is open. Visit our Allegany-Lime31 at Allegany-Limethree Gowanda three goals Gowanda goals To learn more aboutDash, becomlight up with holiday joy. For ney as foster parents through joy when that precious child beed. website at www.andersonAfterchildren Gowanda’s stone. Gowanda’s were by Ke’Ya wereof Stescored by Ke’Ya Stethe Department of Health and scored ing aGirls foster or adoptive -Silver Creek – Grace -Silver MulCreekparent, Girls – Grace Mulmany in ourAfter commua member our forever — The No. 2 Gowan— The No. 2 comes GowanLego Club for ages 5-12, or our Faceour(1 family. pleaseLily contact the Chautauqua isa:s Stevens Gao:wisa:s wasserve Stevens wasServices. Whenvens goal, 1 assist), vens Lily (1 goal, assist), nity, the holidays can a Human len,1 8th, Discus, 87-1; len, Alivia 8th, PenDiscus, 87-1; Alivia Pen- January 14 at 11 book page at https://www. daasVarsity girls da lacrosse Varsity girls lacrosse Saturday, children finally stood beCounty Department of Health dpainful as thereminder first walked at-bat, the firstfoster at-bat, of theasdifficulScanlon (1 goal) and Scanlon Aaigoal) and AaiThe legal process of (1 adopting man, 11th, Triple Jump, man, 30-9 11th, Triple Jump, 30-9 team played the team Class played D the Class D fore the our and Human Services at (716) 661- am. Build the challenge of facebook .com /A nder sonties that theyCameron have Adendured. Too and on Nagel and Nagel Ad-judge and received lyah Stevens goal). lyah Stevens (1 goal). a child (1 from the foster care systhe day, pick a challenge LeeLibrary for the latest up finals against No.finals 1 Eden/ against No. 1 Eden/

ANDA — TheGOWANDA No. 2 — The No. 2

“Father’s “Father’s Day Da BBQ Train” BBQ Train”

many children have suffered last name, it was worth every tem can be lengthy. In 2013, we 8212 and visit its website https:// abuse, neglect, and abandon- tear, obstacle, and frustration. received three biological siblings, and they urgently need My husband and I love all of our (two toddler boys with special vices/children-family-services.

card or free build.

Your to date information.



DECEMBER 23, 2022

The Most Popular Gift 25 Years Ago It’s easy for adults to experience a little nostalgia when holiday shopping for their children. The holiday season has long been considered a special time of year, and much of that magic can be traced to the joy kids feel when unwrapping gifts from mom, dad and, of course, Santa Claus. Many parents who now have youngsters at home grew up in the 1990s. When such moms and dads are shop-

ping for holiday gifts this season, they might wonder what was the must-have item for them back when they anxiously awaited the arrival of Christmas morning? According to Insider. com, who worked in conjunction with the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York, 1996 was the year of “Tickle Me Elmo.” This ticklish toy was the most sought-after item of the 1996 holiday season,

and it was so popular that retailers experienced shortages. Those shortages led to some surprising sales on the secondary market, with figures that will undoubtedly drop some jaws even now, a quarter century after the Tickle Me Elmo craze erupted. Though the Tickle Me Elmo doll retailed for around $30 in 1996, some parents intent on getting their youngsters the most in-demand gift that year

reportedly spent more than $1,000 on a single doll. To put that latter figure into perspective, data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis indicates that the average price of a new car in 1996 was $18,525. And according to Yahoo! Finance, drivers in the market for a used car in 1996 could have purchased a 1986 four-door Oldsmobile for just over $2,600.

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DECEMBER 23, 2022


Second Annual Jingle At The Rocks Gathering Raises $1,000 for Toys for Tots

Photo Submitted Photo Submitted Jingle At The Rocks attendees participated in an ugly sweater contest.

Dunkirk, NY (December 14, 2022)- The Northern Chautauqua Young Professionals (NYCP) and Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Club co-hosted the second annual Jingle at the Rocks holiday party on December 8th, 2022. Over 90 attendees gathered at 64 on the Rocks in Fredonia for the event, with all proceeds benefitting Chautauqua County Toys for Tots. Thanks to the generosity of the community members in attendance, the NCYP and Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary club presented Chautauqua County Toys for Tots with a gift of $1,000 to fulfill Christmas wish lists, in addition to over 100 new, unwrapped toys that Toys for Tots will distribute to families in need. Lauren Boyle, Toys for Tots volunteer, said of the event, "Seeing the numbers increase so drastically from last year's event is a true testament to the hard work and dedication the Rotary and NYCP members, especially Dave, Monica, and Leslie, have for our community. I cannot thank our attendees and community enough; the outpouring of support for Toys for Tots this year has been incredible to witness firsthand."

Dave Dengler of the Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Club said, "It was a pleasure for us to collaborate with the Northern Chautauqua Young Professionals on this event again." Leslie Wille, a member of the Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Club and co-chair of the Northern Chautauqua Young Professionals, shared the sentiment. "Any time there is a chance for organizations to come together and collaborate in this way, our community is better for it. I look forward to working on future projects with these two groups." This year, Toys for Tots celebrates its 75th anniversary nationwide, with 22 years in Chautauqua County. The organization provides Christmas gifts for children ages 0-17 throughout the county. In 2021, Toys for Tots distributed toys to 4,392 children from 1,641 local families, and they are on pace to exceed those numbers this year. Toys for Tots relies on donations from public and private fundraising events, such as Jingle at the Rocks, as well as donations of new, unwrapped toys at over 100 collection sites across Chautauqua County. Thank you to all of the

Pictured left to right: Tyler Gotowka, member, NCYP, Board President, United Way of Northern Chautauqua County, Lawley Insurance; Monica Simpson, Co-Chair, NCYP, Partner Engagement Coordinator, Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth; Leslie Wille, Co-Chair, NCYP, member, Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Club, Community Engagement Coordinator, Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation; Lauren Boyle, Toys for Tots volunteer; David Dengler, member, Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Club, Owner/Operator, Larson-Timko Funeral Home.

sponsors for this event: the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG), Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Club, David Dengler of Larson-Timko Funeral Home, Gugino & Ryel Financial, 64 on the Rocks, DFT Communications, Southern Chautauqua Federal Credit Union, United Way of Northern Chautauqua County, Fresh and Fancy Floral Design Studio, and the Chautauqua Center. Additionally, donations for prizes and raffle items were provided by Downtown Brew - Craft Beer Shop & Bar, Aloe Vera Eats, The Hair Bar, Tyler Gotowka, The AG Team, Monica Simpson, Nails Unlimited, and The Peaceful Easel. The mission of Northern Chautauqua Young Professionals (NCYP) is to network and advocate for young professionals promoting awareness of local opportunities and entrepreneurship endeavors. NCYP strategically engages in social and civic practices enhancing the overall quality of life for young professionals and, by

extension, our communities. For more information about how to support NCYP or to become a member of our growing team of innovators, contact co-chairs Monica Simpson (716-363-3770) or Leslie Wille (716-366-4892) or email nchqypro@gmail. com. For information on upcoming events and professional opportunities, we encourage interested parties to visit our website at or request to join our mailing list by emailing nchqypro@ The Dunkirk-Fredonia Rotary Club is comprised of neighbors and community leaders uniting for a common good and taking on the most pressing challenges of our community and our world. The Rotary motto is Service Above Self. For more information on Rotary, please visit our website at dunkirkfredoniarotary. org.

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How to celebrate the holidays away from home A popular Christmas song attests “there’s no place like home for the holidays.” For many people, a truer statement couldn’t be uttered. But sometimes life gets in the way of an old-fashioned holiday spent at home. There are a number of reasons why individuals may not be able to spend the holidays at home. Active military service people may not be able to leave their posts to travel home. Some students studying abroad or even far away domestically may find getting back to their homes can be timeand cost-prohibitive. Some people may not be home for the holidays because work obligations keep them out of town, or because they have planned vacations to serve as nontraditional holiday celebrations. Being away from some familiar sights and sounds of the holidays doesn’t mean celebrations should be any less special. Here are tips for celebrating away from home. • Find people in similar situations. Chances are you

will not be the only person away from home, particularly if you are a student or someone on a business venture. Connect with others who are away from their families and do something together for the holidays. • Partake of local traditional activities. You may be used to baking sugar cookies for the holidays, but in a foreign country, the locals may make another type of dessert. Figure out how the locals celebrate the holidays and then take part in any way you can. • Volunteer your time. If you will be away or alone for the holidays, volunteer your time to help the less fortunate. Deliver meals to those who are not able to leave home, like seniors, or volunteer at a soup kitchen. Visit a children’s hospital and deliver small gifts. • Engage in virtual fun. Connect with people at home through the power of digital technology. Video conferencing services connect people who can’t be together in person. Utilize these apps and services to

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Gift certificates available Located at: 1180 Routes 5 & 20, Silver Creek, NY 716-951-8029 remote into a holiday dinner or when loved ones open gifts. • Cook up your favorites. Evoke traditional holiday celebrations by cooking the foods you would normally enjoy at home. Those tastes and smells can transport you back to grandma’s kitchen or dad’s living room. • Stay off of social media. Being away from home during the holidays can be challenging, and that challenge can be even greater if you see photo after photo on social media of people you know spending time with

their friends and loved ones. Tune out of your social feeds for a few days. • Invite others to you. Maybe you don’t have the means of getting home, but you can bring those at home to you. Find out if anyone can plan a road trip, train ride or flight to where you are and then enjoy the holidays together. Being away from home during the holidays may not be ideal. However, there are plenty of ways to maintain your holiday spirit when celebrating in unfamiliar surroundings.

The origins of “The 12 Days of Christmas” Christmas carols can be heard far and wide from Thanksgiving weekend through Christmas Day. “The 12 Days of Christmas” is one of the most recognizable carols, and for good reason, as the popular song can trace its history back several centuries. Researchers have traced the earliest printed version of the poem on which the song is based all the way back to 1780. That’s three years before the signing of the Treaty of Paris, which officially ended the American Revolutionary War. The song has long been suspected to have been a way for Catholics in Britain to teach their children the catechism, as the 1700s was a controversial period for Catholi-

cism in the country. However, no documentary evidence exists in support of that theory, and many historians feel it is inaccurate. Others indicate that, while 1780 is likely the first time the poem was printed, the poem is likely much older than that, with origins potentially in France or Scotland. What is known is that the version many people recognize today, namely in song form, can be traced to the early twentieth century, when English singer and composer Frederic Austin first popularized the melody for the song. Austin performed that version of the song beginning in 1905, and it was first published in 1909.




DECEMBER 23, 2022

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