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Editorial and journalism are underlying aspects

I have fully immersed myself and concentrated in within my studies due to my keen researching and copyrighting skills.


Scoping into punk fanzines enlightened me since I could compare their approaches to marketing and promotion with a modern-day prototype. Importantly, I thought it would be interesting to observe their layout and discern if this could be employed into my work as a greater nod to the subculture.

This module, particularly, I am driven to looking under the carpets for exciting and innovative ways of conducting work and researching into this topic may assist me in doing so!

Figures 8 and 9 demonstrate what punk fanzines looked like within the 1970’s. Quite disparate from our typical magazine, these were “selfwritten, published and distributed “magazines” that were created by fans out of love and the desire to share” (Montana State University, 2022).

I have great appreciation for this since these edits would have been wholly factual and contained an infused passion from individuals who embraced being different and wanted to share their voice. I love how un-neat and reckless they look in perception- it really represents what the punks were like themselves. There is a rawness to them, especially in relation to the handwritten aspects and crossing outs. For me they demonstrate an uncanny ugliness, yet an artistic flair through collaging, photocopying and black and white imagery. Leaning in on this, I should consider enveloping this “unusual” and creative freedom in my outcomes and editing. Today, society is entirely fixated on perfection- I would love to disrupt this notion in numerous forms- establishing my own fanzine can be one of them!

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