Elliott Hughes Industrial Design Portfolio

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elliotthughes designportfolio



Education BA Degree in Industrial Design Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia (2005-2010) BA Degree in Design (2nd year completed) Curtin University, Perth, Australia (2002 - 2004) Foundation Diploma in Art + Design (1995) Wimbledon School of Art, London, UK Computer Skiils Microsoft Office 2010, Word, PowerPoint, Excel Adobe CS4, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Flash Solidworks 2010 Rhino 4.0 3D Studio Max Sketchbook Pro + WACOM tablet

0405 306 534 elliott@elliotthughes.com elliotthughes.com 93 Wilson Street South Yarra VIC 3141 Australia

Professional Strengths Logical Methodical Analytical Dedicated User Orientated Environmentally Conscious Aesthetically Aware Sketching & 3D Visualisations Hand Making Skills

Very good knowledge Very good knowledge Good Knowledge Some Knowledge Some Knowledge Some Knowledge Personal Skills Open Minded Flexible Curious Intuitive Responsible Helpful Approachable Humorous


As the son of a an ques dealer, I have always had a so spot for fine furniture and furnishings but my passions go past that. I have affec on for everything 3D from the simplicity of scissors to the sophis cated structure of Sydney Opera House. I also have a penchant for allitera on. I have a curious nature that drives me to

understand the world around us, by which I mean not just the built world but the people that inhabit and interact with it and the ways in which they do. Designing for a global audience is not just profitable but prac cal. Apprecia ng our differences and embracing them is the key in designing a new world.

elliotthughes The new intoto kettle/toaster combines stylish elegance with sustainable logic. Not only is it made entirely from reused components, this machine uses the same energy to toast your bread as it does to make your morning cuppa. Working on the principle that heat rises, the bread is slotted into the side instead of the top so no heat energy is wasted. What’s more the top of the toaster uses super heat conductive copper, with an enlarged surface area, allowing for heat to be transferred to the kettle more efficiently. Intoto fulfills all of todays requirements with it’s convenience, style and energy efficient design.

in association with



The intoto ke le/toaster came into being a er an extensive exercise that involved me taking photographs of everything I touched for an en re day. When analyzing the photos I realised I was using many appliances either simultaneously or within a close me frame of one another. The most obvious of these was my toast with

my morning cup of tea. A er a number of fairly crude experiments followed by some more solid research and reasoning I discovered it was possible to use the extra energy lost from toas ng bread to boil water in roughly the same me period. Breakfast anyone?




One of my first projects at Cur n was to inves gate the different individual styles furniture shops in Perth pervaded. The task was to then design a piece of furniture that would suit a specific store’s style. (There’s that allitera on again). The Domain store, located in fashionable Highgate, sold an que furniture sourced

from the Shanghai Market alongside modern design classics. I took my cues from both sides of the showroom to design a stool that wouldn’t look out of place on either.




Youse was my first step into conceptual furniture. Conceptual in the sense that the furniure is built not from a need or desire, for example to sit or lie down but from a idea or no on. The project had to encapsulate what Western Australia meant to me as well use materials WA produced in abundance.

For me, WA is a wonderfully warm and comfortable place but that, coupled with its isola on, makes it an incredibly difficult place to leave. The resul ng design reflects that of a trap. There is the lure of comfort and relaxa on but once there you might not want to, or find it very difficult to escape it’s clutches.




The purpose of the ‘situate surface’ studio was to take the idea of a surface, deconstruct and evaluate it and reconstruct the material into various manifesta ons based on the learnings of it’s par cular peculiari es and proper es. Veneer was my chosen surface as it is o en used to mask and cover up ugly,

inferior wood so as to give the illusion of a more solid construc on. It was that dishonesty that I pursued and sought to make obvious. The primary outcome was an ironic veneer cushion emblazoned with well known mo f by William Morris, a man renowned for his stance on the honesty of materials.




Another leap into a conceptual world saw the advent of the wine table. The premise of this studio was to design a “container for living”. My conceptual focus was centred on shadows, the connec on they have with the object and the spaces they assume and occupy.

In my house the proverbial coffee table is rarely, if ever used to sit coffe on. It’s primary use is for somewhere to put that bo le and glass of red a er a hard day. The wine table accomadates for your pple of choice by incorpera ng wine and glass storage. While those features are hidden the rug alludes to the tables purpose.




The Barsikl Bike was a highlight of my me at RMIT. The challenge was to design and make a bicycle that could be used for a viable business. My partner and I chose to build a mobile bar - obviously! The process involved stripping parts from defunct bikes and reassembling them within a plywood frame. The structure

was then strengthened by bending the plywood horizonally around a central spine. The bar area at the back could carry up to four nineteen litre kegs which would easily be cooled by surrounding them with ice. Beer and bikes, does it get any be er?



PAUS is an innova ve, integrated, immobilisa on system which anyone can easily use to help prevent their bicycle from being stolen. The system employs coded wireless technology, hidden within the bikes head stem, that locks the bicycles own immobilisa on system – the brakes. Coupled with that is a mo on sensi ve alarm that sounds should the thief then

try to pick up the bike and run away. PAUS aords the user the freedom to park on the y without the hassle of carrying cumbersome, heavy locks and having to look for somewhere suitably strong to lock your bike to. Alterna vely, it can be used in conjunc on with lock as a second line of defence.

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