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COVER STORY Front Porch Sittin’
Front Porch Sittin’...
Nothing says ‘Spring in the South’ like sitting on your front porch in a wooden rocking chair, sipping on some sweet tea, and finally reading that book you’ve been meaning to get around to since you made your New Years Resolutions. That was the inspiration behind our beautiful cover photo by Andrea Calvery. Spring is the perfect time of the year to refresh, remodel and restore different areas of your life. That is what this issue is all about.
Fresh greens, vibrant blooms, a restored wooden chair and a classic book fully encompasses the feeling of Spring. Andrea Calvery, master photographer and owner of Atelier Antiques in Downtown Waxahachie, captured the meaning of ‘remodel, refresh, & restore’ in this joyous photo. Want to experience this kind of tranquility for yourself? Visit the new Paperleaves Shop on Water Street in Waxahachie, our newest independent bookstore and plant shop. Take a moment to sit outside, feel the warm breeze, pour yourself something refreshing, open up that book and restore your soul this Spring.
Photo By: Andrea Calvery, Master Photographer and Owner of Atelier Antiques in Downtown Waxahachie. Location: Paper Leaves Independent Bookstore & Plant Shop. 510 Water St, Waxahachie, TX