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Published in New York City by EMG (Ellopia Media Group OCTOBER 2013 - Issue 80




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Politics talks 10 ways a government shutdown will affect your daily life Democrats and Republicans were unable to resolve their differences over Obamacare and now the government is shut down. And at a time when the economy's finally showing signs of life, that could be troubling. Shutdowns don't come cheap. Federal agencies have to use up time, energy and resources to plan for one. Shutting down and then reopening the government also costs money.

By David Simpson and Saeed Ahmed, CNN 10. Vacation all I ever wanted: Need to get away? Well, you can't. At least not to national parks. Or to national zoos. Or to national museums. They'll be closed. That's 368 National Park Service sites closed, millions of visitors turned away. Were you thinking more along the lines of a trip to France? If you don't already have a passport, you might have to bid that adieu -- you might not get your blue book in time. The last time the government threw a hissy fit, 200,000 applications for passports went unprocessed. Tourism and airline revenues

reeled. But according to the State Department's current shutdown plan, offices will remain open because they generate enough in fees to support their operation. Any offices located in a federal building affected by the shutdown, however, may not be able to open. 9. Holiday. Celebrate: Don't go to work if you're a federal employee. You're on furlough. (Offer not valid for workers in "critical services," such as air traffic

Politics talks

ontrollers, hazardous waste handlers and food inspectors.) Do take some time to celebrate. In previous shutdowns, everyone who stayed home was paid retroactively after peace returned to Washington. 8. I won’t back down: The men and women in uniform will stay on the job and be paid, according to legislation approved by Congress in the run-up to the shutdown. Scenarios of the shutdown 7. If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street: You may be thinking, “No functioning government, no need to pay taxes.” Think again. The Man would continue to collect taxes. U.S. bonds would still be issued. And other essential banking functions will go on. 6. Wait a minute, Mr. Postman: You know that whole “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night” thing? Apparently, the U.S.

Postal Service works through shutdowns as well. Sorry, you won’t catch a break from the junk mail. But hey, you may already be a winner! 5. I want a new drug: Oh, the irony. The Republicans still want to defund, delay or otherwise chip away at Obamacare in exchange for funding the government. But the health care act at the center of this storm would continue its implementation process during a shutdown. That’s because its funds aren’t dependent on the congressional budget process. 4. Pass the ammunition: Not so fast. A shutdown would affect the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Translation: That gun permit you wanted processed won’t happen anytime soon if this goes on for a while. 3. Money (that’s what I want): Well, if you own a small business and needed a loan from the government, you’ll have to wait, depending on how long this lasts.

Politics talks

If you were planning to buy a house and needed a federal loan, you’ll have to wait. If you’re a veteran, you might have to make a few trips to the mailbox before that check arrives. If you’re on Social Security, however, don’t worry -- probably. Social Security payments were sent during the last shutdown. President Barack Obama’s expected to keep workers on the payroll to process checks. But would there be enough employees to process new benefits for the newly retired? 2. Anything dirty or dingy or dusty: Oscar the Grouch is a company of one. No one loves trash. But if you live in Washington, expect it to pile up if there’s a shutdown. There wouldn’t be anyone to collect your garbage. Washington’s budget has to be approved by Congress. No budget for the city = no trash collection. And, according to The Washington Post, D.C. produces about 500 tons of garbage each week.

1. I’m proud to be an American: Perhaps the biggest hit would be to the collective psyche. America is the largest economy in the world and a beacon for how democracy ought to work. To watch elected lawmakers engage in a high-stakes staring contest with no one willing to blink is no way to do business. A recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll found that 51% would blame Republicans for the shutdown. The United States has operated without a budget since 2009 and has avoided a government shutdown with last-minute deals. It’s been one stomach-turning sequel after another. Not only did the government run out of money on Tuesday, the nation is set to hit its borrowing limit and potentially default on its debt in mid-October. Together, they serve -- in the words of CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta -- as a dysfunction double whammy.

κάθε Σάββατο και Κυριακή

Politics talks

Greek neo-Nazi group ‘Golden Dawn’ opens two new chapters in U.S.

By Scott Kaufman October 11, 2013 The Anti-Defamation League reports that American members of Greece’s neoNazi “Golden Dawn” party have created chapters in Los Angeles and in what they’re calling “the Regional League of the Western States USA.” These chapters join the New York chapter founded last year. All openly “sup­ port the ideas and goals of the Golden Dawn Party in Greece,” which claims no affiliation with neo-Nazi movements. However, in 1987, the founder of the movement published an article for its eponymous magazine entitled “Hitler for 1,000 years,” in which he wrote that “[w]e are the faithful soldiers of the National Socialist idea and nothing else … we exist, and continue the battle, the battle for the final

victory of our race.” In September, a number of high-ranking members of the group in Greece were arrested after an anti-racist rapper was murdered. The New York chapter has posted articles attacking Jews, including one on October 10 that claimed “Jews were so com­ fort­able in recent decades with the cor­rupt polit­ic­ al sys­tem and it served their inter­ests per­fectly. Now they have begun to trem­ble in fear because of the rapid rise of Golden Dawn.” Craig Cobb, the North Dakota white supremacist seeking to create an all-white enclave in Leith, has offered members of the Golden Dawn plots of land in the town.


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Malala Yousafzai Continues Her Fight For Education One Year Later

“I think that death didn’t want to kill me,”


Malala Yousafzai Continues Her Fight For Education One Year Later By ALEXA VALIENTE via 20/20 Malala Yousafzai nearly died a year ago this week because she wanted the right to go to school. Last year, the 16-year-old was singing with a group of other girls on their school bus, when a gunman boarded the bus and shot her point blank in the face. The bullet missed her brain, and Malala survived the Taliban assassination attempt. Today, Malala is now an international symbol of girls rights’ for education and security through her efforts to fight extremism and oppression. “I think that death didn’t want to kill me,” Malala told ABC News’ Diane Sawyer in an exclusive interview. Malala, a school girl from the Swat Valley region in northwest Pakistan, spoke out against the Taliban after they issued an edict in 2009 banning all girls from going to school in Swat. At the age of 11, Malala began blogging for the BBC about her life under the Taliban, denouncing their attacks on schools, teachers and students. She also

appeared in a New York Times documentary by Adam B. Ellick, “Class Dismissed,” which detailed her fight against the Taliban. “We are starving for education,” Malala said. “For us, it’s like a precious gift. It’s like a diamond.” However, the Taliban sent warnings to Malala and her father to be silent at the penalty of death. “They cannot stop me. I will get my education, if it is in home, school, or anyplace,” Malala said. Malala told Diane Sawyer that, before the attack, she planned what she would say if an attacker did come. “I will tell that man that I even want education for your daughter,” Malala said. She said she thought words and pens were more powerful than guns. On Oct. 9, 2012, two men with guns approached Malala’s school bus. One of the men climbed onto the bus asked, “Who is Malala?”


Malala Yousafzai Continues Her Fight For Education One Year Later Malala said she didn’t remember what happened next, but the two doctors who helped to save her life said that in the 72 hours that followed, Malala was close to death. “The chances of being shot at point blank range in the head and that happening, I don’t know,” Dr. Fiona Reynolds told Diane Sawyer. “I don’t know why she survived.” “The fact that she didn’t die on the spot or very soon thereafter is to my mind nothing short of miraculous,” Dr. Javid Kayani told Diane Sawyer. Malala woke up in a hospital in England, with a long road to recovery ahead of her. She had to undergo several surgeries, including one to reconnect the nerve on her

face. Although the hearing in Malala’s left ear was lost forever, she received a cochlear implant. “I have never seen Malala cry,” Dr. Reynolds said. “She didn’t even squeeze my hand when they were sticking needles into her.” Eventually Malala made a full recovery and was ready to appear in front of the world once again. “Doctors are still working on my physiotherapy and still thinking about the left side of my face and also thinking about my jaw,” Malala said. “But that’s just small things. I’m recovered.” On her 16th birthday, Malala addressed the United Nations on the importance of education.


Dear friends, We are writing to let you know about the fund raising campaign from Theater ALPHA in Athens (Greece) and to ask for your kind support. Theater ALPHA was founded in 1958 and it has been operated by Stefano Linaio and Ellie Fotiou. It has always been a place of artistic expression for every artist who approached its stage. Theater ALPHA needs our help to preserve his precious archive and cover the production cost for the next season.

Please take a moment and check the fund raising campaign at the following link and learn how you can contribute to this cause. http:// www.indiegogo.com/projects/alpha-theater-ahistorical-place-in-athens/x/4761197 If enough of people get behind it, this campaign will raise the money and achieve its goal, so please share it with your friends and write a comment on Facebook and/or Twitter. Your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you

New York - Our City

ΠΡΟΒΟΛΗ ΤΟΥ “Αν’” ΣΤΗΝ ΝΕΑ ΥΟΡΚΗ γράφει η Αθηνά Κρικέλη Στα πλαίσια του Νew York Greek Film Festival παρακολουθήσαμε και την ταινία του Χριστόφορου Παπακαλιάτη “Αν” Φεύγοντας από την αίθουσα ήταν ανάμικτα τα συναισθήματα μας, όχι για την ποιότητα της αλλά για την ρεαλιστική προσέγγιση της Ελλάδας του σήμερα Τελικά όσο σκοτεινιάζει η χώρα, τόσο λάμπει η ψυχή της. Ξεχυλίζει χρώματα και αλήθειες μέσα από αυτούς που τάχθηκαν από την φύση ή την ανάγκη τους να ξεμπροστιάσουν τα εσώψυχά τους μέσα από την τέχνη' Κατάμεστη η αίθουσα από ελληνες και μή που "ρουφούσαν" Ελλάδα. Μια ταινία γλυκά σαν μαρμελάδα καυτερή σαν πιπεριά. Αλήθεια και μυθοπλασία, χαμόγελα και δάκρυ, έντονη φωτογραφική προσέγγιση και μουσική που δαμάζει. Ενας "χορός" γοητευτικός και επίπονος με μοναδικές ερμηνείες. Στροβιλίζει ο σκηνοθέτης την ζωή τον έρωτα τα συναισθήματα, το χτές το σήμερα , σε ένα βαθύ χαστούκι ζωής που το γλυκαίνει ο ήχος της λατέρνας. Ανάβουν τα φώτα της αίθουσας και φεύγεις γεμάτος ζωή, αισθήσεις , λύπη ελπίδα και Ελλάδα....και αρχίζεις να χτίζεις το δικό σου σενάριο! Αν......."

φωτο 2: Από την συνέντευξη τύπου που παραχώρησε πριν την προβολή ο ηθοποιός σκηνοθέτης φωτό 3 Με την Αθηνά Κρικέλη και εκπροσώπους του Γραφείου Τύπου της Νέας Υόρκης


Elassona: The secret path to mountain Olympus Most people know how to get to Mt. Olympus. They start from Litochoro, stay for one night at the shelter and continue the second day to reach the highest peak, Mytikas. Ellopia TV USA we are producing a documentary called "Elassona: The secret path to Mt. Olympus. It takes approximately 4 hours and you are at the top of the most famous Mountain in the World. Coming soon via Ellopia TV USA

Ψηφιδωτά για εκκλησίες, ναούς, μοναστήρια, εξωκκλήσια. -Ψηφιδωτές διακοσμήσεις Με την υπογραφή του Γρηγόρη Καλαγιά Για πληροφορίες και αποστολή φωτογραφικού υλικού ellopia@aol.com




Το αθώο αίμα του Παύλου Φύσσα Δρ. Ντίνος Αυγουστή Ζούμε την εποχή του απόλυτου παραλογισμού και της πλήρους κατάρρευσης κάθε έννοιας δημοκρατίας. Το δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα κομμένο και ραμένο στις ανάγκες των διεφθαρμένων, κατέρρευσε σαν χάρτινος πύργος, αφού προηγουμένως οι πολιτκοί ταγοί φρόντισαν να μας φορτώσουν με αβάσταχτα χρέη και πολλές ψεύτικες ενοχές πως τάχατες όλοι μαζί τα φάγαμε!!!! Και έτσι φθάσαμε εκεί που όλοι οι λογικοί απεύχονταν και που θαρρώ το κράτος δεν έκανε τίποτε ποτέ για να το αποτρέψει. Αθώο αίμα έβαψε τα χώματα μας και σίγουρα αν δεν αναλογιστούμε όλοι τις βαριές ευθύνες μας, δεν αποκλείεται πολύ σύντομα να ζήσουμε και να δούμε και πολύ χειρότερα πράγματα. Χάσαμε την μπάλα γενικώς όπως λένε στην ποδοσφαιρική διάλεχτο. Με την χώρα να μετατρέπεται μέρα με την μέρα εκτός

από ένα απέραντο φρενοκομείο και σε ένα φτοχωκομείο, όπου η πολιτική ελίτ, όμως, εξακολουθεί να απολαμβάνει προκλητικών υπερπρονομοίων, την ώρα που κατά τα άλλα προασπαθεί να πείσει τους νηστικούς πολίτες της για την ανάγκη της οικονομικής ανάκαμψης, η οποία μπορεί να έρθει μόνο μέσα από σκληρή δημοσιονομική πειθαρχία και κυρίως με αυστηρότατη λιτότητα. Εν τω μεταξύ την ώρα που οι αριθμοί ευημερούν οι πολίτες παίνονται και η ανεργία έχει εκτοξευθεί σε ασύλληπτο μέγεθος, με την πατρίδα μας να μην παρουσιάζει κανένα σημάδι ανόρθωσης. Αντιθέτως μάλιστα οδηγείται με γοργούς ρυθμούς στην αναρχία και στην πλήρη κατάρρευση. Με το παλαιοκομματικό κατεστημένο να αποδυκνύει στην πράξη πως δεν καταλάβε ποτέ την σοβαρότητα της κατάστασης, αφού δεν μερύμνησε όσο θα έπρεπε για να αποφύγουμε τον διχασμό και την κοινωνική αποσύνθεση. Και εκεί που οι αγανακτισμένοι


Το αθώο αίμα τουΠαύλου Φύσσα καθημερινοί πολίτες ήταν έτοιμοι να τους πάρουν με τις πέτρες, ήρθε το αίμα του Παύλου Φύσσα να απασφαλίσει την χειροβομβίδα που γέμισε με θραύσματα όλη την επικράτεια. Με τους πολιτικούς να μετρούν εναγωνίως τα νέα ποσοστά τους και την Νέα Δημοκρατία να παίρνει κεφάλι στις σφυγμομετρήσεις και να παρουσιάζεται ενισχυμένη, αφήνοντας στην δεύτερη θέση τον Σύριζα! Και τα εκλογικά της επιτελεία σήκωσαν τα μανίκια και ετοιμάζονται για παν ενδεχόμενο.... Το αθώο αίμα του Παύλου Φύσσα φαίνεται να δίνει ισχυρές ανάσες στο διεφθαρμένο κομματικό κατεστημένο (απολύτως υπεύθυνοτο για όσα ακραία φαινόμενα μονοπωλούν την πολιτική σκηνή του τόπου μας), που περίμενε στην γωνία και δεν έκανε δυστυχώς τίποτε για να προλάβει και να αποτρέψει όσα επικύνδυνα απειλούν την Εθνική

συνοχή. Κάποιοι φαίνεται να αδιαφορούν για το εμφυλιοπολεμικό κλίμα που μέρα με την μέρα γιγαντώνεται. Από την άλλη η δικαιοσύνη σε ρυθμούς χελώνας προσπαθεί να στρογγυλέψει όσο γίνεται τις αιχμηρές γωνίες. Και ως γνωστό η ατιμωρησία λιπαίνει την αγανάκτηση των πολιτών και ενισχύει την ρήξη του κοινωνικού ιστού που μοιραία οδηγεί σε πολύ, μα πάρα πολύ ακραία φαινόμενα.... που παρ΄ολα αυτά εμείς οι απλοί πολίτες πρέπει επειγώντως να αποφύγουμε... διότι ως γνωστό η διχόνοια και ο εμφύλιος σπαραγμός στον οποίο είμαστε επιρρεπείς ως Έλληνες, είναι ο μοναδικός υπεύθυνος για όλα τα δεινά (στους αιώνες των αιώνων) του Έθνους μας.... Δρ. Ντίνος Αυγουστή Εκπαιδευτικός στο ΤΕΙ Λάρισας Από το Μονάγρι Λεμεσού a.avgoustis@hotmail.com


Dear friends, We are writing to let you know about the fund raising campaign from Theater ALPHA in Athens (Greece) and to ask for your kind support. Theater ALPHA was founded in 1958 and it has been operated by Stefano Linaio and Ellie Fotiou. It has always been a place of artistic expression for every artist who approached its stage. Theater ALPHA needs our help to preserve his precious archive and cover the production cost for the next season.

Please take a moment and check the fund raising campaign at the following link and learn how you can contribute to this cause. http:// www.indiegogo.com/projects/alpha-theater-ahistorical-place-in-athens/x/4761197 If enough of people get behind it, this campaign will raise the money and achieve its goal, so please share it with your friends and write a comment on Facebook and/or Twitter. Your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you

Από την συλλογή Ντοκυμαντέρ της

Ellopia Media Group "ταξιδεύοντας τον κόσμο"

tech talks

Arik Hesseldahl

By Arik Hesseldahl The New York Police Department has more of a relationship with Apple’s iPhone than merely performing crowd control at and around Apple stores on iPhone launch days like yesterday. A new iPhone model also means a probable uptick in attempts to steal them. And since Friday’s launch of the iPhone 5s and 5c also happens to coincide with the launch of Apple’s iOS 7, which has some new security measures intended to deter theft, New York’s finest and other police agencies around the U.S. are making an effort to get people to download it. The new feature is called Activation Lock and basically what it does is force anyone who has the phone — including anyone who has stolen it — to enter an Apple ID and password before they can turn off the “Find My Phone” security feature, erase it or reactivate it.

The new feature is called Activation Lock and basically what it does is force anyone who has the phone — including anyone who has stolen it — to enter an Apple ID and password before they can turn off the “Find My Phone” security feature, erase it or reactivate it. Naturally, this feature is helpful to police who are often called upon to locate stolen phones, so they’re pushing iPhone owners to download the new OS. My friend Jim Rosenberg just Tweeted this picture of a handout his partner Santiago was given by an NYPD officer outside a subway station on 168th St. in Manhattan.


OCTOBER An ultimatum was delivered by Italy to Greece at 0300 on the 28th October and expired at 0600. The Greeks refused the terms and invoked Great Britain’s assistance. Artillery duels lasted till 1800, and the Greeks, retired from several advanced posts to previously prepared positions. The Italian forces on the Greco-Albanian frontier comprise seven divisions, with a considerable amount of artillery and A.F.Vs. Operations have begun slowly, and the principal Italian advance is directed from the south-western corner of Albania along the western coast of Greece. It is possible that this is intended initially as a diversion, and that an attack from the Koritsa area towards Fiorina and Salonika may develop later when certain Greek forces are engaged in the Epirus. - See more at: http://ww2today. com/28th-october-1940-italy-invadesgreece#sthash.adgug4vX.dpuf

R 28, 1940 At 2:50 am on Sunday, 28 October 1940, General Ioannis Metaxas, Prime Minister of Greece , was awoken in his Athens home. At the door was the Italian Ambassador, Count Emmanuelle Grazzi, with a written ultimatum to the Greek government demanding that Italian forces be given free passage into Greece from Albania and that they be allowed to garrison certain unspecified "strategic points of Greek territory". Italy claimed that its request for this "temporary" occupation was the result of British attempts to involve more and more countries in the war. If Greece refused to comply then resistance would be "broken by force of arms". A reply was demanded by 6.00 am, but Metaxas gave it at once — "Alors c'est la guerre" (well, this means War, in French). At 5.30 am Italian troops crossed the Greek–Albanian border and Greece was at war with Fascist Italy. The Italian Ultimatum: "The Italian Government has repeatedly noted how, in the course of the present conflict, the Greek Government assumed & maintained an attidute which was contrary not only with that of formal, peaceful, good neighborly relations between two nations, but also with the precise duties which were incumbent on the Greek Government in view of its status as a neutral country. On various occasions the Italian Government has found it necessary to urge the Greek Government to observe these duties and to protest against their systematic violation, particularly serious since the Greek Government permitted its territorial water, its coasts and its ports to be used by the British fleet in the course of its war operations, aided in supplying the


British air forces and permitted organization of a military information service in the Greek archipelago to Italy's damage. The Greek Government was perfectly aware of these facts which several times formed the basis of diplomatic representations on the part of Italy to which the Greek Government, which should have taken consideration of the grave consequences of its attitude, failed to respond with any measure for the protection of its own neutrality, but, instead, intensified its activities favoring the British armed forces and its cooperaticn with Italy's enemies. The Italian Government has proof that this co-operation was foreseen by the Greek Government and was regulated by understandings of a mllitary, naval and aeronautical character.

The Italian Government does not refer only to the British guarantee accepted by Greece as a part of the program of action against Italy's security but also to explicit, precise nengagements undertaken by the Greek Government to put at the disposal of powers at war with Italy important strategic positions on Greek territory, including air bases in Thessaly and Macedonia, designed for attack on Albanian territory. In this connection the Italian Government must remind the Greek Government of the provocative activities carried out against the Albanian nation, together with the terroristic policy it has adopted toward the people of Ciamuria and the persistent efforts to create disorders beyond its frontiers. For these reasons, also, the Italian Government has acceptedthe necessity, even

though futilely, of calling the attention of the Greek Government to the inevitable consequences of its policy toward Italy. This no longer can be tolerated by Italy. Greek neutrality has been tending continuously toward a mere shadow. Responsibility for this situation lies primarily on the shoulders of Great Britain and its aim to involve ever more countries in war. But now it is obvious that the policy of the Greek Government has been and is directed toward transforming Greek territory, or, at least permitting Greek territory to be transformed, into a base for war operations against Italy. This could only lead to armed conflict between Italy and Greece, which the Italian Government has every intention of avoiding. The Italian Government, therefore, has reached the decision to ask the Greek Government, as a guaranty of Greek neutrality and as a guaranty of Italian security, for permission to occupy with its own armed forces several strategic points in

Greek territory for the duration of the presert conflict with Great Britain. The Italian Government asks the Greek Government not to oppose this occupation and not to obstruct the free passage of the troops carrying it out. These troops do not come as enemies of the Greek people and the Italian Government does rot in any way intend that the temporary occupation of several strategic points, dictated by special necessities of a purely defensive character, should compromise Greek sovereignty and independence. The Italian Government asks that the Greek Government give immediate orders to military authoritles that this occupation may take place in a peaceful manner. Wherever the Italian troops may meet resistance this resistance will be broken by armed force, and the Greek Government would have the responsibility for the resulting consequences"

ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΙΔΗΣ Ζωή γεμάτη εικόνες

Με σπάνιες όσο και ιστορικές φωτογραφίες απο δουλειά εξι δεκαετιών , του Κυριακίδη: Πρωθυπουργοι, βασιλείς , πολιτικοί ηθοποιοί, και πανω απ όλα άποκαλυπτικά φωτορεπορτάζ, γειτονιές, ανθρωποι του καθημερινού μόχθου. ΔΕΘ, φεστιβάλ, γήπεδα, πρώτα μετφυλιακά χρόνια, Μακρόνησος, θεομηνίες, μεγάλα κοινωνικά γεγονότα.. Επίσης φωτογραφίες απο τις πολλές αποστολές του μεγάλου φωτογράφου της Βόρειας ΕλλάδαςΓράφουν για τον Κυριακιδη με πολλές μνήμες και "στιγμιότυπα":

Ερευνα - Επιμέλεια Κώστας Μπλιάτκας. Εκδόσεις Μίλητος

Ευάγγελος Βενιζέλος, Γιάννης Μπουτάρης, Ντίνος Χριατιανόπουλος, Πάνος Θεοδωρίδης, > Λευτερης Παπαδόπουλος, Χριστος Ζαφείρης, Χρίστος Τελίδης, Γερ. Δώσσας, Νικόλαος Μέρτζος, Σταύρος Τζήμας, Αλέξης Δερμεντζόγλου, Γιάννης Λογοθέτης, Λευθέρης Κογκαλίδης, Γιάννης Παπαμίχος, Μπάμπης Μπαρμπουνάκης κ.α, Ερευνα-επιμέλεια Κώστας Μπλιάτκας. Εκδόσεις Μίλητος


"Super Heroes”

By Anita Diamantopoulou Entering One Art space for Maria Fragoudaki’s first Solo art exhibition in NYC, I couldn’t refrain myself from reading out loud “Some Times I Cannot Control Myself”, which was written on one of her paintings. Maria combines words and super heroes in an attempt to portray her feelings and struggles, along with the need to find balance and connection with her family and friends. This is actually the message she wants to relay to the viewers at her New York City debut. Her work indicates a preference towards Hulk. As Maria always says: “ In my studio I created a “hulk nest” where I could lose myself, let go of everything and transform every raw canvas in front of me into a Hulk painting.” Maria uses a variety of media, including oils, acrylics and the technique of

collage. Her artwork has been displayed in many significant exhibitions. Prior to her debut in NYC, Maria’s creations were displayed in Art Gent in Belgium, the Art of Giving auction in The Historical and Folklore Museum of Aegina and the Fundraising Art Auction of the Goulandris Natural History Museum; just to mention a few. She had her first ever solo exhibition back in 2011, when she presented “Namesake” in Skoufa Gallery, Athens, Greece. Her current exhibition “Super Heroes” is taking place between the 3rd and the 26th of October in One Art Space, in Tribecca (NYC). In case you miss the chance of visiting her work in Tribecca, you can always attend her next two man exhibition, which will be between the 20th and the 26th of November,in South Hampton’s 4 Main Gallery.

American Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street New York, NY 10024-5192 Phone: 212-769-5100 Open daily from 10 am - 5:45 pm except on Thanksgiving and Christmas

first aid talks

Πως (δεν) θα σταματήσει η αιμορραγία …

Πρωτες βοηθειες: Αν έχετε ρινορραγία Μήπως νομίζετε ότι η πρώτη κίνηση που πρέπει να κάνετε αν ”ανοίξει” η μύτη σας είναι να ξαπλώσετε ή να γύρετε το κεφάλι προς τα πίσω; Λάθος! Αν γύρετε προς τα πίσω θα καταπίνετε το αίμα και θα νομίζετε ότι έχει σταματήσει η ρινορραγία, ενώ στην ουσία δεν θα έχετε καταφέρει τίποτα. Η σωστή κίνηση είναι να γύρετε το κεφάλι σας μπροστά κρατώντας το μέτωπο σας πιέζοντας δυνατά το μαλακό μέρος της μύτης πάνω στα ρουθούνια με το δείκτη και τον αντίχειρα ώσπου να σταματήσει η αιμορραγία.

Αν παθατε έγκαυμα Μήπως έχετε τη συνήθεια να βάζετε οδοντόκρεμα στο έγκαυμα; Μάλλον δεν θα ανακουφιστείτε από αυτήν την κίνηση, ενώ επιπλέον υπάρχει ο κίνδυνος να ερεθίσετε περισσότερο την περιοχή προκαλώντας και χημικό έγκαυμα. Ιδιαίτερα αν η οδοντόκρεμα έχει άρωμα μέντας ή ευκάλυπτο είναι πιθανό να σας ερεθίσει περαιτέρω. Το πρώτο πράγμα που πρέπει να κάνετε είναι να βάλετε το χέρι σας ή το μέλος που έχει υποστεί το έγκαυμα κάτω από τη βρύση την οποία θα έχετε ρυθμίσει στο κρύο. Η δροσιά θα σας ανακουφίσει από τον πόνο και το κάψιμο. Ακόμη στα φαρμακεία θα βρείτε ειδικές αλοιφές και σπρέι για τα εγκαύματα.

Αν έχετε ποτέ κόψει το δάκτυλό σας με το μαχαίρι και μετά το βάλατε κάτω από τη βρύση, ίσως να παρατηρήσατε ότι η κίνηση αυτή δεν είχε κάποιο αποτέλεσμα. Βάζοντας το δάκτυλό σας κάτω από νερό, δεν βοηθάτε να σταματήσει η αιμορραγία όπως είναι το επιθυμητό σε αυτήν την περίπτωση. Μην βάζετε το χέρι σας κάτω από τη βρύση αν έχετε αιμορραγία. Αυτό που πρέπει να κάνετε για να σταματήσει η αιμορραγία είναι να πιέσετε την περιοχή για μερικά λεπτά με μια γάζα και όταν το πετύχετε αυτό να απολυμάνετε την πληγή π.χ. με λίγο ιώδιο.

Λιποθυμία: Τι δεν πρέπει να κάνετε … Ποιο είναι το πρώτο πράγμα που θα κάνατε αν κάποιος δίπλα σας λιποθυμούσε; Μήπως να τον σηκώσετε, να τον βάλετε να καθίσει και να του δώσετε να πιει νερό; Αν και πολλοί πιστεύουν ότι αυτές οι κινήσεις μπορούν να βοηθήσουν στην πραγματικότητα είναι λάθος.Καλύτερα μην τον σηκώσετε αμέσως. Επειδή συνήθως η λιποθυμία συνοδεύεται από πτώση της πίεσης , υπάρχει το ενδεχόμενο, αν αμέσως μετά το άτομο προσπαθήσει να σηκωθεί, είτε να ζαλιστεί πιο πολύ είτε να πέσει κάτω και να χτυπήσει. Επίσης υπάρχει κίνδυνος πνιγμού από το νερό που θα του δώσετε καθώς μπορεί ακόμη να μην έχει ανακτήσει πλήρως τις αισθήσεις του ώστε να ελέγχει τα αντανακλαστικά του. Καλό είναι λοιπόν για να αποφύγετε όλους αυτούς τους κινδύνους να του σηκώσετε τα πόδια ψηλά ώστε να διευκολυνθεί η κυκλοφορία του αίματος και να ανακτήσει σταδιακά τις αισθήσεις του.

GREEK talks

DID YOU KNOW ABOUT IT? Blue colors of Aegean. Ellopia Media Group baptized the area of Agiokampos, Sotiritsa, Velika by giving the name "Seven Blue Miles" ( 12 kilometres to be ecxact from one end to the other) Visit us on facebook under “seven blue miles”

Αγιόκαμπος, Σωτηρίτσα και Βελίκα, είναι τα παραλιακά χωριά της Λάρισας. (Κεντρική Ελλάδα) . Αν κάποιος κατοικεί ή παραθερίζει εδώ είναι πολύ δύσκολο να προσδιορίσει την τοποθεσία. Ξεκινά με το 'Στα παράλια της Λάρισας" - η απάντηση είναι "έχει παράλια η Λάρισα χα χα?" Μετά δοκιμάζει με γεωγραφικές

συντεταγμένες: Πρόποδες Κισσάβου, πίσω από τα Τέμπη, απέναντι από την Χαλκιδική κλπ... είπαμε λοιπόν να τα ονοματήσουμε για να μπορεί να δημιουργηθεί ένα brand name και να γίνουν γνωστά μ αυτό. Νουνός ή νουνά : Εllopia Media Group. Copyright 2012-13 (facebook: seven blue miles)


Under our current law, a suspected terrorist on the FBI's No-Fly List can't board an airplane -- but they can still legally purchase guns and explosives. This loophole, known as the “Terror Gap,” is a threat to public safety that Congress needs to address immediately. Demand Action: Click here to tell Congress to close the terror gap. The events in Boston last week reminded us that people on the FBI's terrorist watch lists -- such as Tamerlan Tsarnaev -- can be extremely dangerous. We don’t yet know how Tsarnaev purchased his gun, but we do know that people on the FBI's terrorist watch lists tried to buy guns and explosives 1,453 times between February 2004 and December 2010.1 Suspected terrorists should be prohibited from purchasing guns and explosives just like

felons, domestic abusers, and the severely mentally ill. And we should require a criminal background check for all gun sales to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Click on the link below to automatically sign our petition telling Congress to close the terror gap immediately: http://www.terrorgap.org/sign/terror-gap/ For more than five years, legislation -- originally drafted by the Bush Administration -- has been pending in Congress that would close the Terror Gap. But the NRA has fought to keep this dangerous loophole open. It’s time for Congress to stand up to the gun lobby and put public safety and national security ahead of a special interest. Thank you, Mayors Against Illegal Guns

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