Ellopia Press Issue 33 September

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EDITORIAL by Athina Krikeli

Καίγονται!. Η Ελλάδα την στιγµή που γράφονται αυτές οι γραµµές φλέγεται! Εµείς χιλιάδες µίλια µακριά, βουβοί! Στο δικό µας πένθος για τους συνπολίτες µας που απανθρακώθηκαν στο πέρασµά της φωτιάς. Σηκώνουµε το τηλέφωνο και προσπαθούµε να µάθουµε για τις µοίρες των ανθρώπων µας που σαν κυνηγηµένοι καταφεύγουν στους ναούς και τα ποτάµια για να σωθούν. Είµαστε τόσες χιλιάδες µίλια µακριά κι όµως είναι σαν να τρυπώνει στα ρουθούνια της ψυχής µας όλη η µαυρίλα και ο θάνατος! Μοιρολόι για την πανέµορφη πατρίδα. Κατάρες στην αδράνειας και την αδιαφορίας του κράτους. Αρχαία Ολυµπία. Μια χούφτα πυροσβέστες, µια χούφτα κάτοικοι σώζουν την παγκόσµια κληρονοµιά. Άνθρωποι και όνειρα ένα µε τα αποκαΐδια της καταστροφής. Η φωτιά δεν έκαψε τα έδρανα των βουλευτών. πύρινες φλόγες δεν µαύρισαν την ευθιξία τους. Καµµία παραίτηση. Οι εκλογές ζυγώνουν σαν τις φλόγες... Ellopia Press Page 3


ΣΑΕ:ΕΠΕΙΓΟΥΣΑ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΟΜΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ Εθνική Τραγωδία από τις πυρκαγιές στην Ελλάδα Αγαπητοί συµπατριώτες,

Βιβλική είναι η καταστροφή που υπέστησαν πολλές από τις περιοχές στην Ελλάδα από τις πυρκαγιές που ερήµωσαν δασικές εκτάσεις, έκαψαν εκατοντάδες σπίτια και κατέστρεψαν περιουσίες. Πρόκειται για τραγωδία χωρίς προηγούµενο καθώς θρηνούµε µέχρι στιγµής 17 νεκρούς στις περιοχές της Ηλείας και Λακωνίας ενώ γίνεται λόγος για δεκάδες εγκλωβισµένους συµπατριώτες και πολλούς τραυµατίες µε εγκαύµατα. Εκφράζεται δε ο φόβος ότι ο αριθµός των θυµάτων θα αυξηθεί. Τρεις τουλάχιστον νοµοί, Μεσσηνίας, Λακωνίας και Ηλείας έχουν τεθεί σε κατάσταση εκτάκτου ανάγκης. Είναι ιερό χρεός µας να ενώσουµε τις δυνάµεις µας και να ανταποκριθούµε στις επείγουσες ανάγκες που δηµιουργούνται στην Ελλάδα. Στο παρελθόν έχουµε αποδείξει πως ενωµένοι µπορούµε να πετύχουµε πολλά. Αυτή ίσως είναι η µεγαλύτερη καταστροφή που έχει υποστεί η πατρίδα τον τελευταίο µισό αιώνα. Έχασε τους πολύτιµους πνεύµονες οξυγόνου µε ανυπολόγιστες ζηµιές γενικώτερα για το περιβάλλον και το κλίµα της χώρας ενώ πολλοί συµπατριώτες µας έχουν χάσει τις περιουσίες τους και έχουν µείνει δίχως σπίτια. Το Σ.Α.Ε. Η.Π.Α. απευθύνει έκκληση σε όλους τους οµογενείς να καταθέσουν ότι δύνανται στον τραπεζικό λογαριασµό που αναγράφεται παρακάτω για την άµεση οικονοµική ενίσχυση των πληγέντων οικογενειών µέσω του Υπουργείου Εσωτερικών και για την αναδάσωση στις πληγείσες περιοχές µέσω του προγράµµατος του Σ.Α.Ε. Η.Π.Α. “Φύτεψε τις Ρίζες Σου στην Ελλάδα”. Payable to “Plant Your Roots in Greece” Chicago Community Bank Acct: # 459-0070-59 234 S Wabash Ave FL2-Chicago, IL 60604-2365.Εκφράζουµε τη συµπαράστασή µας στις οικογένειες των θυµάτων και συγχαίρουµε τις υπεράνθρωπες προσπάθειες τόσο του πυροσβεστικού σώµατος, στρατού αλλά και όλων των πολιτών που δίνουν µάχη για την κατάσβεση των πυρκαγιών. Η ανταπόκρισή µας και η συνδροµή µας στη γενέτειρα είναι επιτακτική. είναι ιερό µας χρέος να ανακουφίσουµε ορισµένους συµπατριώτες µας και να προσπαθήσουµε µε αναδασώσεις να αναπληρώσουµε µέρος της τεράστιας οικολογικής καταστροφής της πατρίδας.


MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY ELLOPIA MEDIA GROUP Ltd. Printed per month 7,000 copies Via Emai 5.500 copies Free of charge Publisher Editor in Chief USA Athina Krikeli Creative Art Director Hellas Costas Krikelis Creative Art Director USA Anna Paidoussi Advertising Director Irene Stathakis Senior Editor (English) Anna Paidoussi Maria Petrou Music Editors Tassos Papaioannou Petros Hatjopoulos Contributors S. Papathemelis (Greece), Arkas (Greece) G. Kalaras, (Chicago) Titos Christodoulou, (England) Writers G. Skabardonis (Greece) Costas Krikelis (Greece) Elena Kavvadia (Luxemburg) Greg Michaelides (USA) Publishing coordinator HELLAS Ourania Poulopoulou Lia Delkotzaki Cover Design: Gianni Sotiriou All opinions expressed in the articles are their authors’ own.

Ellopia Media Group Ltd. USA KAUFMAN ASTORIA STUDIOS 34-12 36th str Suite 123 Astoria NY 11106 Tel: (718) 545-9788 info@ellopiamediagroup.com www.ellopiamediagroup.com

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Wildfires Burning in Half of Greece, at Least 62 Dead By Nathan Morley

Wild fires in Greece have torn through villages and forests over the past few days, killing at least 62 people and triggering a nationwide state of emergency. On Sunday August 26th, as Greek authorities fought the blazes, fires drew perilously close to the town of Olympia, a major archeological site where the ancient Olympic games took place. Fire department helicopters and planes sprayed tons of water on areas of the Peloponnese as massive fires raged out control across Greece, sweeping into mountainous towns and villages and killing scores of people in the south of the country. The fires, which started Thursday August 23rd, are being fanned by gale-force winds, scorching heat, and suspected cases of arson. Harry Tszanis of the Athens News Agency tells VOA that Greece has never experienced a disaster on this scale.“This is an unprecedented series of events that has occurred in Greece, upwards of 170 individual wildfires, mostly in the south of the country,” Tszanis said. “The brunt is being born by the fire brigade and certain disaster crews.Of course, the military has been called and there is quite a good number of foreign assistance pouring in,especially in terms of aircraft and firefighters.”

The most threatening blazes were centered in the southwest Peloponnese, but fires also were reported on the island of Evia, north of Athens. Police say it is not clear how many people are unaccounted for and say they fear an even higher death toll. As authorities evacuated hundreds of people trapped by flames in their villages, dozens were hospitalized. Thousands of hectares of agricultural land and pastures have been scorched. On Saturday August 25th, police arrested a man and charged him with arson and multiple counts of homicide related to a deadly fire. Harry Tszanis says the police are searching for more suspects. “There are leads that they are following and evidence that have been found at the site of wildfires. There have been a couple of arrests for unintentional arson,” Tszanis said. Prime Minister Karamanlis has declared a nationwide state of emergency and has promised hefty financial assistance for fire-ravaged victims and regions.The European Union, Cyprus and Israel have responded to Greece’s appeal for help, sending more than 30 firefighting aircraft and helicopters.

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International Movement

Tom Lantos & Chris Spirou

Free Agia Sophia Council of America The President of the “Free Agia Sophia Council of America” international movement, the Honorable Chris Spirou, testified before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus of the United States Congress. The Public Hearing took place on Wednesday, June 20, 2007, in Room 2200 of the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. The Public Hearing was Chaired by Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA), Chairman of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Congressman Lantos serves as Chairman of the powerful Committee on Foreign Affairs of the United States Congress. The Public Hearing dealt with the escalating violations of Agia Sophia, the Mother Church of Christianity and the Cathedral of the Orthodox

Chris Spirou

Christian faith, which is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Also testifying at the Public Hearing were the Honorable Raymond Buckley, former Democratic Leader in the New Hampshire House of Representatives and the current Chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party. Chairman Buckley testified as the Vice President of the “Free Agia Sophia Council of America.”

sional Human Rights Caucus has examined in the 25 years of its existence, the most important have been violations relating to Religious Freedom.

Rhode Island State Senator Lou Raptakis also testified, as did attorney Steven Schneebaum, Legal Counsel to the “Free Agia Sophia Council of America.”

The situation with Agia Sophia ranks amongst the most important issues to have come before our Caucus.”

At the end of the Public Hearing, Chairman Lantos stated among other things: “Of all the Human Rights violations around the world that the Congres

“The Public Hearing will remain open for now, so as all interested parties may submit additional written testimonies. We will continue our interest with Agia Sophia.”

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The Caucus has paid particular attention and concern to human rights violations which deal with forced conversions of Holy Places and Holy Sites.

SAE's Urgent Appeal to U.S. Hellenes:


Please make your contributions payable to

“Plant Your Roots in Greece” Greece is up in flames!

Your help is needed now IT is now a catastrophe of Biblical proportions. Fires in almost all regions in Greece have decimated forests, torched hundreds of homes and wiped out the entire livelihood of hundreds of families. It is an unprecedented tragedy. We are already lamenting 17 dead in Eleia and Laconia. The estimate of people trapped by fires or suffering severe burns is much greater and we fear that the number of victims will increase dramatically. At least three prefectures, Messenia, Laconia and Eleia, have been declared disaster areas. Greek media are talking about “a national tragedy” and portray a nightmarish picture of the fires that have reached 170 in number in the past two days. It is our sacred duty to unite our efforts and to respond to the urgent cry for help. In the past we have demonstrated that united we can accomplish the nearly impossible. This is probably

the greatest disaster that the land of our fathers has suffered in the last half century. Greece has lost priceless resources that have allowed the country to breathe the fresh air of forests. SAE / USA is appealing to all Hellenes to contribute whatever you can to the bank account listed below to provide relief, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to families victimized by the fires and to fund reforestation of devastated areas through the SAE / USA project “Plant Your Roots in Greece.” Please make your contributions payable to “Plant Your Roots in Greece” and send them to Chicago Community Bank Acct: # 459-0070-59 234 S Wabash Ave FL2-Chicago, IL 60604-2365 It is our sacred duty to provide relief to victims and to aid in the reforestation effort to replace all that has been lost in this unprecedented ecological tragedy. Ted G. Spyropoulos

and send them to Chicago Community Bank Acct: # 459-0070-59 234 S Wabash Ave FL2-Chicago, IL 60604-2365

Η ανταπόκρισή µας και η συνδροµή µας στη γενέτειρα είναι επιτακτική. είναι ιερό µας χρέος να ανακουφίσουµε ορισµένους συµπατριώτες µας και να προσπαθήσουµε µε αναδασώσεις να αναπληρώσουµε µέρος της τεράστιας οικολογικής καταστροφής της πατρίδας.

It is our sacred duty to provide relief to victims and to aid in the reforestation effort to replace all that has been lost in this unprecedented ecological tragedy

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Fossella Also Announces Effort to Secure Humanitarian Assistance for Greece

In response to dozens of fires that have devastated southern Greece and killed at least 63 people, Congressman Vito Fossella (R-NY13) today urged residents to contact his office to obtain information on the status and safety of American citizens in the country. Fossella also announced today that he will be making a formal request to the United States Department of State to provide humanitarian aid and other assistance to the Greek government to help families recover from the destruction. “These fires have wreaked havoc across much of southern Greece and destroyed the homes, property, businesses and personal belongings of countless innocent people,” Fossella said. “I am urging residents to contact my office so we can help them get information on the status and safety of their loved ones in Greece. The United States also has a responsibility to provide humanitarian assistance to help the Greek people during this difficult time. I will be asking the State Department to make available both financial aid and other resources to help Greece recover from the destruction.” Fossella said residents should contact his office at (718) 630-5277 in Brooklyn or (718) 356-8400 on Staten Island to obtain information on the status of an American citizen or U.S. permanent resident in Greece. Callers must have the full name, location and contact information of the individual. Fossella’s office will provide the information to the State Department and work to get a status report as quickly as possible.

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STATEMENT FROM MAYOR MICHAEL R. BLOOMBERG ON MEETING WITH 9-11 FAMILY GROUP ABOUT MEMORIAL CEREMONY “In past years, the September 11th ceremony at the World Trade Center site included allowing family members to descend the ramp to congregate in the footprints to pay tribute for several hours during the day. The Port Authority has informed us that this type of observance cannot safely happen this year because of the volume of construction on the site, and we are in complete agreement. At today’s meeting, the families proposed a very limited and controlled level of access to the below grade, and after consulting with the Port Authority, we’ve been told that this type of access can work. We will work with the Port Authority to allow family members safely descend the ramp in a single file stream that keeps moving into a limited area below grade to pay respects, and to then ascend back to street level. “As I have said repeatedly, we will not allow any activity on the site that jeopardizes anyone’s safety. I have asked the Port Authority for assurances that the plan we come up with is feasible from a safety standpoint and for a high volume of people. We plan to have a moving and dignified ceremony across the street at Zuccotti Park, and to providing everyone a chance to pay their respects.”


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Most of our clubs feature 24 HOUR convenience


Today, we announced an important step for our organization. In order to more fully reflect the Memorial and Museum’s commemoration of the September 11, 2001 attacks as an event that affected the entire country and the national response to the attacks, the Foundation and this historic project will now be called the National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center. Our obligation to the people of this country and the world is to build a Memorial & Museum that will honor those killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001--in New York City, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon---and February 26, 1993, while recognizing that the World Trade Center marks a special place in our collective history. September 11, 2001, was a defining event in this country’s history and the building of a national tribute is a part of that story, signifying our response to the attacks. That is why it is important that every American takes part in building the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. We are building a national symbol that, like the Statue of Liberty, will tell us something about who we are as Americans. We are also launching a new website, http://www. national911memorial.org/, to help raise awareness about our national mission. The website will expand on our current site, building a global online community of people who are dedicated to helping build the Memorial & Museum. The website will be a resource to explore the events of September

11, 2001, and February 26, 1993, and will allow the public to draw upon personal memories, sharing stories and photographs of their experiences. In the coming months, we will add a variety of new, interactive features to the website. In order to help reach people across the country, we are bringing a September 11th tribute exhibition to towns and cities this fall to raise awareness and funds for the construction of this national tribute. The exhibition will tell the story of September 11th from the point of view of families, responders, survivors, volunteers and everyday people who came together in the aftermath of the attacks. We are inviting people from across the country to come together again to pay tribute to those who lost their lives on September 11th and asking people to sign a steel beam that will be used in the construction of the Memorial & Museum. We will launch the tour on September 10, 2007, in Columbia, South Carolina when we pick up steel beams from the fabrication plant. From Columbia, the exhibition will travel to the following cities: Raleigh, NC, Charleston, WV, Fort Wayne, IN, Madison, WI, Omaha, NE,Norfolk, VA, Cincinnati, OH, Lansing, MI, Sioux Falls, SD, Wichita, KS,Pittsburgh, PA, Lexington, KY, Aurora, IL, Des Moines, IA This is only the beginning. As the tour progresses, we will post location details and announce additional tour stops on our website, www.national911memorial.org/btm_nationaltour We hope you will join us at the exhibition and spread the word about this important effort to your family and friends. Sincerely, Joe Daniels President & CEO National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center

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“ extraordinary “Compelling!” actors.” Intense full-blooded staging…

—New York Post

—New York Times



Performed in Greek with English Supertitles The international tour of the performance was organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The National Theatre of Greece would like to acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Tourism for the presentation of the performances in New York.

Statement by AHEPA about the devastating fires that have spread across Greece:

“We have all witnessed the incredible images of the damaging forest fires that have ravaged southern Greece. “Currently, we are making inquiries to the government of the Hellenic Republic to explore how we can offer our resources to help the people of Greece. Also, we will outreach to the United States government and to local domestic agencies to see if we can encourage or sponsor their participation.” The AHEPA emergency response team has been asked to mobilize the chapters in an effort to assemble care packages to be sent to the victims of this terrible environmental disaster, and additional implementations will be forthcoming. Supreme President Ike Gulas, on behalf of the entire AHEPA family empathizes with the citizens of Greece. “Our thoughts and prayers are with those families who have lost loved ones or their

possessions due to this tragic event. We commend the valiant efforts of the brave forestry service firefighters and Greek soldiers who are battling these historic fires, protecting the citizens, Greece’s history and her antiquities. “Moreover, we are grateful to Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and to all nations who continue answering Prime Minister Karamanlis’s call for international assistance by providing water-dropping aircraft. “Finally, we hope that the individuals responsible for these deplorable acts are apprehended and brought to justice.” The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), is the leading organization of the nation’s 1.3 million American citizens of Greek heritage. Ellopia Press Page 12

AHEPA is the largest GreekAmerican association in the world with chapters in the United States, Canada, Greece, Cyprus, and sister chapters in Australia and New Zealand. It was established in 1922 by visionary Greek Americans to protect Hellenes from prejudice originating from the KKK, and in its history, AHEPA joined with the NAACP and B’nai B’rith to fight discrimination. The mission of the AHEPA family is to promote the ideals of Hellenism, education, philanthropy, civic responsibility and family and individual excellence. The AHEPA family consists of four organizations: AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles and Maids of Athena. For more information about the AHEPA family, or how to join, please contact AHEPA Headquarters, 202.232.6300, or visit www.ahepa.org.

GOOGLE has seen a major increase in traffic for its mobile applications this summer, a strong indication that mobile web surfing is gaining momentum. The company has seen mobile email and mobile searches increase by 35 percent. Mobile Google maps use jumped 40 to 50 percent following the introduction of the Apple iPhone. Overall mobile traffic is remaining high through August — a time that, in the past, has suffered a summer slump. FACEBOOK is working on a new, targeted advertising system. Using the system, advertisers will be able to target users based on favorite activities, musical preferences, and other personal information revealed in a user profile. The new ads will appear in a user’s “news feed,” which keeps them up-to-date on the activity of their Facebook friends and contacts.

YOUTUBE will unveil a new advertising model today. Semitransparent overlays will appear on the bottom of videos a few seconds after each clip begins.

Viewers will be able to close the overlay, click it to launch an advertisement, or wait for it to fade away. YouTube tested formats with 200 advertisers, and found this approach was 5 to 10 times more effective than other advertising models.

launched a new South Park site meant to spread show-related material across the web. Southparkstudios.com is a new hub for all things South Park, as well as an incubation studio to try out new ideas for characters and possible off-shoots.

THE MAJOR NETWORKS are embracing online video more than ever to help launch their new fall lineups. NBC is out in front with the most aggressive move: offering full downloads of season premieres via Amazon.com and the iTunes Store. The episodes will also be available through VOD on almost 30 cable and satellite systems, and the network is scheduling over 1000 screening parties for the “Friday Night Lights” season premiere using Houseparty.com. FOX is offering streams of its “K-ville” premiere on over 200 sites, along with a 17-minute sample of “Prison Break.” CBS is keeping quiet about its plans so far. ABC is not releasing its premieres online ahead of broadcast. ABC Entertainment Executive VP Michael Benson said “We don’t release full episodes before they premiere on the network unless it’s in a big social setting. It’s just something we don’t believe in.” COMEDY CENTRAL has Ellopia Press Page 13

The site was created as part of a new contract for creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker, which includes a 50% share of advertising revenue. The deal is expected to be worth up to $75 million. DISNEY.com has been seeing rapid user growth, part of a new national advertising campaign and (more recently) the halo effect from the success of High School Musical 2. From June 2006 to June 2007, the site’s unique users grew from 10.8 million to nearly 14 million. On August 17th, the day of High School Musical 2’s premiere, page views surged 72% and unique users increased by 73%.

As The World Churns By Bob Nicolaides

The Coordinating Council of the World Council

of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) for Oceania and the Far East, convened on Wednesday in Sydney, Australia, and focused on issues concerning the promotion of he Greek language, the organization of youth and in general the priorities of the Greek community in countries of the Far East. Discussed at the meeting was the need to create Cultural Centers in Sydney and Melbourne, as well as a series of seminars for the training of Greek language teachers.…..

on property donated by the Papadakis family….

Ari Phoutrides is one of those brave Hellenes who

saw action during WWII onboard the ss Leffe in the Pacific theater. A recent History Channel documentary featured him as a narrator of the action his ship saw during the closing days of the war, which had to withstand a rain of enemy kamikaze planes coming down on it from every side….

From June 23 to July 1, under

the leadership of Joanna Savvides and Jean Marie Marchetto, World Trade Center of Philadelphia members and their spouses were on a mission to seek new markets in Europe. As a result, two companies begun negotiations with new distributors and a third company enhanced their rapport with their current customer. In addition, several market insight briefings were conducted in Cyprus, the US Embassy officials in Athens and Nicosia, and the local Chambers of Commerce. A special tour to observe modern business practices was conducted at Greece’s largest dairy producer, Fage Dairy Industry SA. As a result of its success in the U.S. with its yogurt “Total,” Fage will be delivering product from its new production facility in upstate New York in the very near future. The best of news for Hellenes in the US this month is that Takis Papadakis the entrepreneurial President of Drexel University in Philadelphia, which thanks to his efforts brought under its umbrella scores of Colleges and Universities, is expanding westward. Word came two weeks ago that the college is set to open a Sacramento, CA campus

Minneapolis Interstate W35

By now you know that one of the victims of the

Minneapolis Interstate W35 bridge disaster was a Hellene, Christina Sacorafas, 45, who was heading to St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox church, where she was about to teach a dance class. Several days later, about 70 parishioners gathered at a Greek Orthodox Church in St. Paul. The story is one of

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As The World Churns

many misfortunes for her family. Forty-one years ago, her father, Nick, while driving on a freeway was rear-ended by a truck and hurled backwards with such force that he “broke the back seat in two” with his head. Twenty years ago, the younger of his two daughters, Cynthia, then 22, skidded while driving on a rainy road, was thrown from the car and suffered a head injury so severe that her parents have spent over a million dollars on her medical needs, which they still care for her. As the elder Sacorafases made their way to Minnesota from their home in Encinitas, Calif., they are joining many other families wrenched by the tragedy…

Stacey Sakalis of Long Island had triplets back in

June at the Jewish Hospital by the Miracle Mile, and the real miracle is that the hospital hosted seven sets of triplets within the same month. That, my friends is called procreation………

Speaking of hospitals, Andrew Speaker, 31, the

Georgia lawyer whose travel to attend his wedding in Greece set off international health alarms because he has a difficult-to-treat form of tuberculosis was released from the National Jewish Medical and Research Center Denver, Colorado, hospital where he had undergone treatment……

Significant works of renowned Greek painters

will be included in the next auction “The Greek Sale” of Sotheby’s, which will be held in London on November 14, 2007. Among the works of art will be included paintings by Yiannis Tsarouhis, Constantine Volanakis, Yiannis Moralis, Constantine Parthenis and Theodoros Rallis. …..

The Greek American dance group “Orfeas” from

Chicago are giving performances at Kastro, Kalamata, Peloponnese, and in other areas of Messinia. The one hundred dancers of the group, which was created in 1991 by brothers Yiannis and Costas Iconomou, from Thessaloniki, central Macedonia, Ellopia Press Page 15

ΜΕΣΤΑ ΕΙΚΟΝΑ: Ενα από τα 24 Μαστιχοχώρια του νησιού της Χίου. Μοναδικότητα του χωριού? Κατοικείται ανελειπώς από την στιγµή που πρωτοχτίστηκε. Ξέχασα να σας πώ πως το χωριό είναι ένα...κάστρο!


Τα Μεστά είναι κοµµάτι της Χίου ενός από τα µεγαλύτερα νησιά του Αιγαίου, που η οµορφιά και η µοναδικότητά του στον κόσµο προσέλκυσε πολλούς φίλους και εχθρούς. Ο πρώτος που εντόπισε το κάλος του - σύµφωνα µε την ελληνική µυθολογία - ήταν ο θεός Ποσειδώνας ο οποίος παραπλάνησε µια ντόπια νύµφη, κι αυτή του έδωσε τον Χίο – από τον

οποίο πήρε και το νησί του το όνοµα. Μετά ήρθαν οι Πελασγοί, οι Λέλαγκες, Ιωνες και Πέρσες, Αθηναίοι και Μακεδόνες, Ρωµαίοι, Σαρακινοί, πειρατές, Βενετοί, Φράνγκοι και Τούρκοι. Ολοι γοητευµένοι από το αδαµάντινο δάκρυ του µοναδικού της δέντρου του µαστιχόδεντρου.

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....στο όνοµα της Μαστίχας! Η είσοδος του κάστρου ονοµάζεται “πόρτα του Καπετάνιου” - αρχικά λεγόταν Πόρτα του Κατεπάνου - που ήταν βυζαντινός τίτλος στρατιωτικού. Η σιδερένια πόρτα του διατηρήται µέχρι σήµερα. Στην εποχή της Γενουάτικης κατοχής άνοιγε και έκλεινε µόνο µε την ανατολή και δύση του ηλίου, ακολουθώντας ένα οργανωµένο σύστηµα ελέγχου της παραγωγής της µαστίχας, µια και βάσει της ποσότητας επέβαλαν και τους φόρους.

Πολλές οι ονοµασίες του χωριού στο παρελθόν. Το συναντούµε σε µεσαιωνικά κείµενα που αναφέρεται ώς Αµιστα ή ελληνικά Αµισθα. Αλλοι υποστηρίζουν πως στηρίζεται στην αλλαγή του αρχικού γράµµατος της λέξης Βεστά όπου Βεστάρχης ήταν ο υπεύθυνος ιµατισµού του αυτοκράτορα. ενώ Βεσταρχάτον ήταν το κοµµάτι της γής που ο αυτοκράτορας παραχωρούσε τιµητικά στον βεστάρχη. Οι πειρατικές επιδροµές στην περιοχή των Μεστών ξεκίνησαν την εποχή του Ιουστινιανού αλλά µόλις τα τελευταία χρόνια της Βυζαντινής αυτοκρατορίας γίνονται το µήλο της Εριδος µεταξύ Ανατολής και Δύσης. Η παραγωγή της Μαστίχας ήταν πλέον το χρυσάφι της περιοχής. Αυτή έσωσε και τους Μεστούσους την σφαγή του 1822 από τους Τούρκους αλλά και το ξεπούληµά τους στα σκλαβοπάζαρα της Ασίας. Η γνώση της καλλιέργειας της µαστίχας ήταν το µυστικό της επιβίωσης.

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As The World Churns came to Greece with the contribution of the Panhellenic Foundation of Scholarships, based in Chicago. Foundation President Christos Tomaras said the cultural exchanges with the Greek overseas community, are necessary, particularly for the young children of overseas Greeks. Within this context, efforts are intensified for the attraction of young overseas Greeks to come to their homeland, Greece, through the hospitality programs…..

lawsuit said the movie cost $5 million to make. It has grossed about $370 million in theatrical sales, according to Box Office Mojo, a tracking firm. The plaintiffs however maintain the film’s gross receipts total $287 million, and Scott Niemeyer of Gold Circle has labeled the lawsuit “frivolous” and “completely without merit, (having) already paid plaintiffs a combined total of over $44 million.”. Vardalos’ contract stipulates an 8 percent participation in adjusted gross profits, while the other three plaintiffs are owed one-third each of the net balance remaining after backend disbursements…


ould you believe I have been worrying ever since I learned that in the Eighties, Jennifer Aniston, while waiting for the big time, was toiling as the Nutri-System girl on Howard Stern’s radio show?.....

Have you seen the flick ”Hamburg Cell” ? If you

From the movie "My big fat Greek wedding"

Wait till you

ear about the Big Fat Suit that Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Nia Vardalos the Oscar nominee for the screenplay, have raised against one of the producers of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” alleging they are still owed money from the 2002 sleeper hit. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, seeks unspecified monetary damages and a full accounting of the profits. Vardalos, who wrote and starred in the film, and producers Hanks, Wilson and Gary Goetzman claim Gold Circle Films owes them their percentage “share of net profits.” The lawsuit also names Big Wedding Productions and Vortex Pictures as defendants. The

have, then you’ve seen Greek American actress Agni Tsangaridou portraying a Moslem woman studying at a University in the German City of Hamburg who gets implicated with a Lebanese man who also attends school there, and who, despite his initial opposition to Islamists, he finally gives in and becomes one of the pilots in the 9/11 suiciders…

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As The World Churns as the waitress at a coffee shop called Apollo Café, the owner of which-played by a Latin like Hector Elizondo-portrays a Greek, who also brings his grandmother to watch the register..

To be sure it has been sometime since shoppers at

Bloomindale’s have tasted a Spinach pie, so it was time for such food to be demonstrated by the Department Store’s kitchen. And so, on July 21st the shoppers there had their chance to try this Greek specialty while watching the Chefs prepare them on Closed Circuit TV. Passersby there were alerted by the monitors that some delicacies were being prepared. Not only the husband and wife team of chefs from the Ovelia restaurant located at 34-01 30th Avenue in Astoria, Queens, obliged by demonstrating how to make them and also served them around to onlookers, but those lucky shoppers were in for an extra bonus. Besides the Spinach pies they handed to customers for a taste, Ioannis (John) and Evangelia Giannakas prepared Loukaniko, a special sausage dish that draws raves at their establishment as well as Calamari Croquettes to the delight of the crowd.


he remake of The Postman Rings twice has nothing in common with the original starring Lana Turner. But I can tell you one thing. This newer version is full of tsiftetelli and Greek conversation, since the owner of that eatery-and the husband of the sinister blonde wife who falls in love with Jack Nicholson-is portrayed as a Greek. But there’s more of a comprehensible conversation from the man who plays the priest, since the guy who plays the role is one…..

While on the subject, there’s a flick whose name

John Cassavetes

Telly Savalas

The Dirty Dozen at one time or another, but do you remember that both Telly Savalas and John Cassavetes star in it as two soldiers awaiting execution, the first a Magot, a really twisted inmate and the second as Franco, the convict who refuses to take orders. …

No doubt you’ve seen Greek Food is catching

on with International Festivals in the Village, and proof of it is that between August 27 and 30th there was one such Greek Seafood Fest at 359 Bleeker, near Charles Street…

V i l -Village NY

escapes me now, but in which Michelle Pfifer stars Ellopia Press Page 19

lage NY

Mesta Medieval Castle Suites Hotel Chios Greece Tel. +30 22710 76345 Fax +30 22710 76025 info@medievalcastlesuites.com

Burns to visit Cyprus, backing a fresh effort for just solution

(CNA) –Underecretary of State at the US State Department, Nicholas Burns, has pledged to use his influence both at the UN and with its European partners for a renewed effort to achieve a just resolution to the Cyprus problem. Recalling that he is due to visit Cyprus next month or October, Burns underlined his country’s support to a bizonal, bicommunal federation, noting that the US supports only one government on Cyprus, that of the Republic of Cyprus.“Cyprus is a friend of the US and we very much value that relationship,” Burns told a meeting of Cypriots living abroad, members of the International Coordinating Committee Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA), the World Federation of Overseas Cypriots (POMAK) and the World Federation of Young Overseas Cypriots (NEPOMAK), meeting in Nicosia. “I hope very much that this fall, in September or October, we will establish a date for coming to Cyprus to pay an official visit. We haven’t had a high level visit from the US in quite some time. I think that will change. I look forward very, very much to making my first visit to Cyprus”, Burns remarked. He said the message he will bring “is one of commitment by the US to improve our relationship with our friend the Republic of Cyprus”. Burns acknowledged “it is no secret that we had our share of disagreements over the past few years, particularly over the Annan plan of the UN, but I think what we have to do is to put these disagreements behind us”. He said “we know we have a friend, in the government of Nicosia, the Republic of Cyprus and we have to honour that friendship. That would be the basis of my trip. To say that we will improve this relationship, we will elevate it to a new level and we will put our energy behind the effort to support a settlement in Cyprus”. The State Department high-ranking official said that Americans know that Cypriots are friends of the US because of the presence of the Cypriot community in the country “which has been such a strong and vibrant community throughout the US” and this friendship was even more notable last year during the war in Lebanon when “15 thousand Americans citizens were evacuated from the war zone and managed to get to Cyprus by ship and all of them were greeted by the Cypriot people. They were put up, they were fed, they were clothed, they were received very warmly and managed to get on their way back to the US”. Burns said that both Cyprus and the US have been working together in a very practical manner, for peace and stability in the world. Addressing delegates, Burns said “I know a lot of you are concerned, as you should be, of the lack of peace on Cyprus, the lack of justice”, the fact that the island has been occupied by force and the fact that the island has been divided for so long. “I know many of you have lost your homes, many of your have had families divided. This is a great tragedy and we Americans cannot and should not forget about this tragedy”, he said..

ΓΝΩΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ Τα νέα γραφεία της ELLOPIA MEDIA GROUP βρίσκονται στη διεύθυνση Ellopia Media Group Kaufman Astoria Studios 34-12 36th street Suite 123 Astoria NY 11102 Τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας 718 545 9788

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DECLARATION The Pan-Macedonian Association of the USA in a duly convened meeting at its 61st Annual Convention on June 26 to July 1, 2007, in Baltimore MD, USA declares the following: 1. We strongly oppose the recognition of The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (The FYROM) as the “Republic of Macedonia” by the government of the United States of America. 2. We demand that the continuous irredentist propaganda emanating from The FYROM, including the falsification of the Hellenic heritage of Macedonia, stops immediately. 3. We shall never accept an Orthodox Church with the term “Macedonia” or its derivatives in its name. 4. We oppose the use of the name Republic of “Macedonia” in any legal document within the Hellenic Republic, or by Hellenic interests worldwide. 5. We condemn terrorism in all of its forms.

6. Turkey must respect the territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus, which is a full EU member, it must immediately remove all its occupation troops, it must remove the illegal settlers who were brought to Cyprus from the mainland of Turkey, it must return all properties to the rightful owners and make all reparations to the Cypriots. 7. We regard the continued discriminatory acts, rules, and policy of Turkey against the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, as a violation of freedom of religion that is inconsistent with the country’s aspirations to become a member of the European Union. We demand the reopening of the Theological School of Halki, the restoration of the confiscated property of the Ellopia Press Page 22

Ecumenical Patriarchate and we demand respect for the property rights of Hellenes in Constantinople. 8. We demand recognition by the U.S.A. and Turkish governments of the genocides against the Armenian, Assyrian as well as the Hellenic genocide. We note that the recent decision by Turkish Supreme Court rejecting the ecumenicity of the Patriarch is contrary to European Union Laws. 9. We oppose the continuous violations by Turkey of the Greek territorial space. 10. We demand from the Republic of Bulgaria the return of the Holy Relics that were stolen from the monasteries of Drama and Serres. 11. We demand the return of the

Parthenon Marbles to the place of their origin. 12. The Kalash of the northern Himalayan region of the Hindu Kush Mountains of Pakistan are Hellenic descendants of the armies of Alexander the Great. The Kalash Indigenous people have sustained their ancient culture and traditions since the 4th century B.C., yet they are in dan ger of extinction. Being our Hellenic Macedonian brothers and sisters, we support their efforts to sustain their ethnic values and identity. 13. We support the Kalash proposal to “Bring the Glory Back” which is, to apply the rule of Law of Alexander the Great, as the guideline for the Security Council of the United Nations”. 14. The retrieval of bones of Greek soldiers, who fell during WWII against the Italians in the mountains of Northern Epirus, is not an economic transaction, but a humanitarian issue and our national duty. The road of Albania to the European Union requires the RESPECT of Human, Political, Cultural, Religious and Educational Rights of the Greek minority. 15. The Albanians should cease all propaganda regarding the Chams if Albania is to proceed in its Euro-Atlantic integration. 16. We regard as Hellene whoever wants to be considered as such, regardless of his language.

ELLOPIA PRODUCTIONS FOR ALL YOUR PERSONAL & BUSINESS EVENTS Weddings-Christenings Sweet 16- Company Profiles Privete events Ellopia Media Group Kaufman Astoria Studios 34-12 36th str #123 NY 11106 718 545 9788

17. We urge all Greek-Americans to register to vote and exercise that right in all upcoming elections. We also urge them to influence their local, state and national Representatives to support the Hellenic national issues and specifically support HR 356 regarding the irredentist propaganda of the FYROM. 18. The Greek Parliament should not ratify any agreement for the admission of Skopje into NATO or the European Union even under a temporary name such as FYROM until an agreement is reached on a final name for the country. The Committee: Panos D. Spiliakos Nina Gatzoulis Athanasios Vulgaropulos Dr.Antonios Papadopoulos Ellopia Press Page 23

ΕΚΚΛΗΣΗ ΑΡΧΙΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ ΑΜΕΡΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ Δηµιουργεί ταµείο ενίσχυσης Greek Fires Relief Fund

Προς τον Ιερό Κλήρο και το θεοσεβές Ποίµνιο της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Αµερικής Προσφιλείς Αδελφοί και Αδελφές εν Χριστώ, Επικοινωνώ µαζί σας εκ µέρους της Επαρχιακής Συνόδου της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Αµερικής σχετικώς µε τα τραγικά γεγονότα στην Ελλάδα. Τις τελευταίες ηµέρες µοιρασθήκαµε την βαθειά αγωνία και θλίψη των ανθρώπων της Ελλάδος και της ηγεσίας της Ελληνικής Δηµοκρατίας σχετικώς µε τις καταστροφικές πυρκαϊές οι οποίες εξακολουθούν να µαίνονται και να απειλούν ανθρώπους και σπίτια. Αυτή η τραγωδία µετράει ήδη δεκάδες νεκρούς. Οι πυρκαϊές που κατέστρεψαν κοινότητες της Πελοποννήσου και Ευβοίας απετέλεσαν πρώτο θέµα ειδήσεων και προκάλεσαν την έµπρακτη συµπαράσταση συνανθρώπων µας σε παγκόσµια κλίµακα. Ως Έλληνες Ορθόδοξοι στην Αµερική πρέπει να συνεχίσουµε να προσευχόµεθα ενθέρµως για τις οικογένειες που επλήγησαν από τον καταστροφικό αυτό όλεθρο, µε την ελπίδα ότι σύντοµα θα αποκατασταθουν ευνοϊκές συνθήκες για ανάπτυξη ζωής και προόδου στις πληγείσες περιοχές. Για τον λόγο αυτό κάνουµε έκκληση να αναπεµφθούν δεήσεις την Κυριακή 2 Σεπτεµβρίου σε όλες τις ενορίες της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής υπέρ ασφαλείας και ανακουφίσεως των πληγέντων από τις πυρκαϊές και υπέρ ταχυτάτης καταπαύσεως των πυρκαϊών και των εµπρησµών. Επιπροσθέτως, στο τέλος της Θείας Λειτουργίας πρέπει να τελεσθή Επιµνηµόσυνη Δέηση για όλους εκείνους οι οποίοι έχασαν τη ζωή των στη µάχη µε τις φλόγες.

Παρακαλούµε, επίσης, την ίδια ηµέρα –Κυριακή, 2 Σεπτεµβρίου ή την Κυριακή 9 Σεπτεµβρίου να περιαχθή ειδικός δίσκος για την ανακούφιση των θυµάτων και την προσφορά βοηθείας και ελπίδος στους ανθρώπους εκείνους των οποίων οι κοινότητες και τα σπίτια έχουν καταστραφεί. Όλες οι προσφορές είτε ενοριών είτε ατοµικές πρέπει να αποστέλλονται στην Αρχιεπισκοπή µε την ένδειξη «Greek Fires Relief Fund. Οι προσευχές και η προσφορά της αγάπης µας θα βοηθήσουν τους ανθρώπους που ευρίσκονται σε κατάσταση ανάγκης και θα αποτελέσουν µαρτυρία των ισχυρών δεσµών Πίστεως και Κληρονοµιάς που µοιραζόµεθα µε τους Έλληνες αδελφούς µας, ειδικά σε τραγικές συνθήκες. Είθε να προσφέρουµε την αγάπη και τα δώρα µας στους αδελφούς και αδελφές µας, µιµούµενοι τόν φιλεύσπλαγχνο και ελεήµονα Κύριό µας. Γνωρίζοντας την απεριόριστη γενναιοδωρία και αγάπη σας, ως πιστών της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας της Αµερικής, είµεθα πεπεισµένοι ότι θα ανταποκριθείτε µε µεγάλη γενναιοδωρία στην έκκληση βοηθείας γι’ αυτούς τους ανθρώπους οι οποίοι έχασαν συγγενείς, σπίτια και όλα τα στοιχεία που συνέθεταν τη ζωή των, και γι’ αυτό χρειάζονται την αρωγή και συµπαράστασή µας βραχυπρόθεσµα και µακροπρόθεσµα για να µπορέσουν να συνέλθουν από την τροµακτική αυτή τραγωδία. Mε πατρική εν Χριστώ αγάπη, + ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αµερικής Δηµήτριος

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Kaffes Named Valedictorian of GWU’s Graduate School of Political Management On Saturday, May 19, Andrew G. Kaffes received the Henry D. Paley Award as Valedictorian of the Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM) at The George Washington University. He graduated with a Master’s of Arts degree in Political Management with concentrations in Lobbying and Corporate/Trade Association Public Affairs.

Andrew (at right) is pictured with his daughter, Maria; and Dr. Steven Billet, Chief of Staff and Director of the Legislative Affairs and PACs Program at GSPM. Dr. Billet, a tremendous Philhellene, worked several years for former U.S. Representative John Brade

mas of Indiana. Andrew, a former public affairs director for AHEPA, started A.G. Kaffes & Associates, LLC, a government relations/communications consulting firm, in June.

ÇÑÁÊËÇÓ, ÏÖÇ êáé ÐÁÍÉÙÍÉÏÓ ÈÁ ÐÁÉÆÏÕÍ ÌÐÁËÁ ÓÔÏÍ ÁÍÔ1 SATELLITE Ôá áðïêëåéóôéêÜ äéêáéþìáôá ìåôÜäïóçò óôçí ÁìåñéêÞ, ôïí ÊáíáäÜ êáé ôçí Áõóôñáëßá üëùí ôùí åíôüò Ýäñáò áãþíùí ôùí ÐÁÅ ÇÑÁÊËÇÓ, ÐÁÅ ÏÖÇ êáé ÐÁÅ ÐÁÍÉÙÍÉÏÓ ãéá ôï Åëëçíéêü ÐñùôÜèëçìá Ðïäïóöáßñïõ SUPERLEAGUE 2007-2008 åîáóöÜëéóå ï ÁÍÔÅÍÍÁ SATELLITE. O ANT1 SATELLITE èá áðïôåëÝóåé ôïí óõíäåôéêü êñßêï ôùí ÅëëÞíùí ôïõ åîùôåñéêïý ìå ôï Åëëçíéêü ÐñùôÜèëçìá Ðïäïóöáßñïõ SUPERLEAGUE êáèþò Ý÷åé åðéðëÝïí åîáóöáëßóåé ôçí áðïêëåéóôéêÞ ìåôÜäïóç ôùí åíôüò Ýäñáò áãþíùí ôùí ÐÁÅ ÁÅÊ êáé ÐÁÅ ÐÁÏÊ.

Ìç ÷Üóåôå ôçí ðñåìéÝñá ôçò óåæüí ìå äýï óõíáñðáóôéêïýò áãþíåò! ÇÑÁÊËÇÓ-ÅÑÃÏÔÅËÇÓ æùíôáíÜ óôïí ÁÍÔ1 SATELLITE ôçí ÊõñéáêÞ 26/08 óôéò 12 ôï ìåóçìÝñé. ÏÖÇ-ÁÐÏËËÙÍ ÊÁËÁÌÁÑÉÁÓ óôïí ÁÍÔ1 SATELLITE ôçí ÊõñéáêÞ 26/08 óôéò 2 ìì. O ÁÍÔ1 SATELLITE ìåôáäßäåôáé óôçí ÁìåñéêÞ ìÝóù ôçò øçöéáêÞò ðëáôöüñìáò DISH NETWORK. Ãéá ðåñéóóüôåñåò ðëçñïöïñßåò ó÷åôéêÜ ìå ôï Ðñüãñáììá ôïõ ÁÍÔ1 SATELLITE åðéêïéíùíÞóôå ìå ôï ãñáöåßï óôç ÍÝá Õüñêç óôï ôçëÝöùíï 212 688 5475.

Ellopia Press Page 26

DIRECTV Delivers Even More Greek Programming To Customers Nationwideide DIRECTV, A SAT and MEGA Cosmos celebrate the launch of the New DIRECTV Greek programming package – Greek Direct – The highest quality entertainment programming from Greece. Joined by the Greek Consulate officials, Greek commerce representatives, several Greek organizations and Hellenic press, DIRECTV’s new Greek stations were officially introduced to the Greek community in the USA. Beginning today, DIRECTV will be the only digital satellite television service provider to offer A SAT throughout the United States. A SAT offers an array of popular Greek programming, including entertainment, soap-opera, Greek series and movies, national and international news, sports and lifestyle programs. DIRECTV customers can order A SAT as part of the GreekDirect programming package, which also includes the MEGA Cosmos channel for $26.99 per month, or on a la carte basis for $14.99 per month. “We continue our focus to provide the Greek community living in the United States with quality programming that is relevant to their lives,” said John de Armas, vice president, WorldDirect, DIRECTV, Inc. “Alpha TV’S growing popularity and passion for delivering the best Greek programming available makes them a perfect match for DIRECTV and we are excited to add them to the WorldDirect platform.” A SAT delivers programming for all audiences. For the

most up-to-date news, viewers can tune into Kendriko Deltio Eidiseon, whose popular newscasters Mara Zaxarea, Christos Vasilopoulos, Giorgos Aftias, Nikos Kakaounakis and Giorgos Kirtsos, cover in-depth news in Greece and from around the world. In addition, Greek international star Nikos Aliagas will cover art, showbiz and politics. For the latest in fashion, health, music sports and cooking, A SAT offers a variety of lifestyle programming, including Kafes me tin Eleni, hosted by renowned Greek actress, Eleni Menegaki. WorldDirect customers must first subscribe to DIRECTV BASIC ($9.99/mo) or any DIRECTV base programming package ($29.99/mo or above). For more information on how to receive GreekDirect, customers should call (800) 378-7229. The DIRECTV WorldDirect platform has launched 104 channels that deliver a wide variety of new programming in multiple foreign-languages, including Spanish, Russian, Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Korean, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Caribbean, Ukrainian and Greek, to underserved ethnic markets throughout the United States. DIRECTV will continue to expand its international programming platform to reach more ethnic audiences.

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•OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY The Mount Sinai Medical Center Francesco Callipari, M.D. Anna Kremer, M.D. 23-18 31st Street Astoria, NY 11105 (718) 545-0948 •FLORENTIA CHRISTODOULIDOU M.D. 27-47 Crescent Street Astoria, Tel: (718) 932-3100 Fax: (718) 726-7385 •NIKOS KALOUDIS M.D.Endocrinologist 44-01 Francis Lewis Blvd Bayside NY 11361 718 224 3138 •DEMETRIOS A. KARIDES M.D. P.C Board Certified Neurologist - General Neurology Consultant,AGORA PLAZA 23-18 31st str. Astoria NY Tel: 718 777 7742 •PERICLES M. SPYROP0ULOS M.D. F.A.C.O.G Obstetrics-Gynecology,Pelvic Surgery Astoria Medical Plaza 27-47 Crescent str Suite 104 Astoria NY 11102 Tel: 718 7777236


•DAVID H. ZELEFSKY, M.D CPMR Long Island City Pain Management 32-44 31str. Long Island City NY 11106 Tel: 718 956 1771 •ANDREAS COSMATOS MD Astoria Medical Plaza 27-47 Crescent str Suite 201 Astoria NY 11102 Tel: 718 726 0133 •PETER H. DRAGONAS M.D. Gynecology & endoscopic surgery. 27-47 Crescent str. Astoria NY 11102 Tel: 718 777 7236 •LIVIU GEORGESCU M.D. Internal medicine and Pheumatology 63-21 Alderton str. Rego Park NY 11374 Tel: 718 651 7302 Ellopia Press Page 31

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