Human Street Art- Mexico City

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Human Street Art

First of all, this is an artwork for “the great Callegenera Festival of Urban Expressions”. The painter is Stinkfish and he often portraits bystanders in his artwork. As you can see, there is a male with a cup painting on the wall. The male is wearing clothes that people will wear in summer with flip flap. The style of this street art is like Colombian style. It uses yellow for skin part and they also use really bright or strong color to paint.

This is also a Colombian style street artwork. The girl is looking up. It feels like she is thinking of something that is depressed. The facial expression shows not only sadness but also strong faith. Although the girl looks really depressed, colorful lines that grow out of her face make the artwork look not that sad and depress.

In the picture , there is a skeleton and a women dancing together. This will make peop l e connect to Day of the Dead whi ch people dress u p and commemor a t e the souls. Alth ough the femal e that is dancin g looks like sh e i s a human, it loo ks like she is going to die at anytime any second. The fem ale seems to be attracted by th e dead person. O n the top left co rner, it says “t h e last dance� wh ich also can re f e rs to the idea of d eath since it i s the last dance.

This artwork is similar to the artwork, the last dance. The difference is the woman is the skeleton and the male is a real human. The man doesn’t seem like he gets attracted by the girl skeleton. The skeleton doesn’t look like it died. This artwork as a whole, it doesn’t show the atmosphere of death, but the atmosphere of joyful, happy moment.

The girl has a really colorful hair and eyes, but her face is only black and white. There are a lot of color on the girl’s hair, blue, green, red, and yellow. Inside her hair, there are small white people. The little white people on the right down corner is different from the other two. It is using spray paint to paint. The other two little white people have their arms up like they are winning. It also looks like the people is running.

The girl’s eyes in the middle of the artwork shows some kind of depressing ideas and observing things. But the mouth is a bit towards up, so it doesn't look so depressing. Flowers and lines around the face of the girl shows a contrast atmosphere of the girl’s facial expression. The flowers and lines shows energetic feeling.

This is a revolutionary artwork. There is a girl in the middle of the artwork. The facial expression of the girl is angry and shock. Her eyes are staring at one place and she seems like thinking about something that is very important. The hair flying around her face make the angry atmosphere stronger because she looks bigger and more aggressive.

El silencio mata means silence kills in Spanish. This artwork wants to send the message of woman need to stand up and call for their rights. The woman in the artwork repeats a lot of times. As we can see, the woman is wearing a veil. Maybe she is someone from middle east or Muslims. Lots of woman from that area doesn’t have good civil rights, so this is to encourage women to speak out and to take action to get better civil right.

This artwork is from the story “Alice in wonderland”. Alice is painting the white roses to red. This related to a part of the story that cards are painting white roses to red because the queen of hearts will off with his or her head. The sentence “Alicia estuvo aquí” on the top of the artwork is in Spanish which means Alice was here.

He is a Me xican rev olutionar leader Em y iliano Za pata. He l Liberatio e d n Army of the South Mexican r i n the evolution . In the artwork, he looks v ery stron unbreaka g, ble and d e termined artist pu . The t green an d bright p show stro ink to ng contra st to make look even h im stronger. The black around hi s eyes als o make hi looks str m ong and h ave stron g faith.

This street art shows Philip Seymour Hoffman, which is an American actor telling death he's on his way by Smithe. Philip died in 2014 February 2nd at his house which located in New York Manhattan West Village. He was famous for the movie “Capote.” Philip died because of drugs. The word that Philip say on the artwork “Flaco” means really skinny. It shows a little sarcasm because in the artwork he looks a little fat and it also shows how he died.

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