Street Art-Mexico City

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Ani m a Mus l s eum S of tree t Ar t


Elly Chen

Contents 03 F O R E W A R D

04 A N I M A L S T E E T A R T


Foreward Street art has been a part of contemporary art culture in many countries. It can be modified as a way to show the feeling or a movement to do something. Some people painted street art to show messages and some can just paint for fun. There’s no real definition for what street art actually are, but people do it for many reasons they have. Street art in Mexico city especially is an important part of their culture. Mexico city consists many types of street art and is painted all over the city. They painted in several famous cities like La Romita, Plaza Luis Cabrera, Museo del Juguete Antiguo, Avenida Reforma, Calle Zacatecas, Coyoacán, Centro Histórico, etc… 03



Queretaro, Mexico

s s o r c a g n i y l f l w o f o t r a t e e . g n i n This str a e m f o t o l a s w o h . l s t w r o e l s u e f i d t u a e the b s i h t f o s s e n d l i m w o e d h e t e , r y f l t s hi f o Firs f e i l e b m r i f e h t s w o h , s y l e d y n e o e c e h S T . e l b a p p o t s n u e e b k o i t l s s i m r e e e h s t a e f and e h t f o s e r u t x e t e h t t s a ’ t g I n . i y k t u a loo e b f o d n i k l a i c e p s , r a e t h a c t g a n c i m a e look r d a f o s e r u t x e t e h t o d t o o r g a l i d n m a si s m a e r d d o o g s g e n i h r t b f o g n n i a h i t d r a the u g e h t s i l w o e h t , y l r d o r i y t h i T c . e k h c t lu g n i t c e t o r p s i t a h e t h y t t i o c t o y t c i r e p Mexi s o r p r o k c u l d o o g f g o n i s z t i o l l o e b v a h sym y l u r t n a c t r a t e e e h r t t s n s e i e h w T t e b e l city. c r i c w o l l e y e h t , o r s e l w A o . p g f n i o n a m s i l me o b m y s a e b o s l a o t s m e e s s e y e . l w o e h t r o f n o i t i s o p or

Coyote Emplumado

Instead of painting the whole body of this wolf-like creature, he only painted the head. The attention should be mostly focused on the eyes for the painting because looking at the eyes again, it truly shows lots of emotion. Everyone could get a different emotion by looking directly into the eyes. Again, the yellow circle appears in this painting too. The texture for this painting is more of an ocean kind of feeling and could be seen as a guardian for the ocean or water base on the circle accessory on the head. 05


Monterrey, Mexico

The painting is showing a type of animal that kinds of look like a raccoon. Often raccoon is known as very sneaky and mean. But looking at this painting, it kind of shows the friendliness of this animal. The painter might want to shows the idea of not every person seems just like what their outside looks. Maybe it is telling about Mexicans as friendly as this raccoon and they don't look mean. Also, by looking the head of the raccoon, it has the similar accessory as the other animal painting. The accessory may symbolize some kind of a sign of Farid Rueda’s artwork or the sign for Mexican. 06

Night Watcher

Looking directly into the eyes of the owl, it feels like it is really sincere. Adding to the texture surrounding the owl, it is like a party. The color of this street art is really multicolored. Cutting the art into left and right, the color directly reflected each other. Which may mean sometimes we see something but actually, the reality isn’t as what we think. This street art collaborates the color very well even though is an opposite color from left to right. Mexico has a lot of traditional celebration and this painting is like an invitation to Mexico. The street art is saying “come to 07 Mexico” .

Life is not a Trophy Uruapan, Mexico

This street art is a buck with no body on it. Looking at the antler of the buck, it is giant and impressive. Again, the texture for the buck is similar to the traditional texture for Mexican original totem. It is the representing of Mexican street art. The color doesn’t seem very different from left to right. This buck also have the same thing that almost appear in every Rueda’s street, which is the feather and head accessory. It is like a representing of the feeling like having power. Adding on, the buck may symbolizes the king for Mexican. 08


For this street art, it’s a giant sea monster jumping out of a river. The fish beside the monster seems to follow the path of where the monster is going. The monster may symbolize some kind of Mexican faith and the fishes are the representing of Mexican citizens, so Mexican are following what they believe in. Or maybe another purpose for this painting is the belief of sea monster coming to Mexico. Through time, Mexico has many different interesting showing up on their bays, so maybe they believe that the sea monster really exist. 09



Dalmatian are the type of dog appearing in the street art. Instead of having the black spot on the body, it has the rainbow spot all over it. Farid Rueda decided to paint rainbow instead of the normal black dot may also symbolize something else. Rainbow color appearing on the dog is really beautiful and unusual because normally people want to paint as real as they can be. Looking at the way the painter painted this, which is unique from other dog artworks. The look of the dog also looks unhappy and express the emotion like feeling about different than others. When the dog tail is above their height, it means that they are friendly. To conclude, this street art is likely to say “even I’m different don’t leave me alone”. Being different is really a good thing because this means special.

Sea turtle doesn't just appear randomly around the sea, they appear in warm water and sometimes they don’t show up. For this street art, the turtle has some kind of vine growing out from it. It also have the pink smoke above the carapace which let the turtle seem really fantasy and kind of holds a magic power. In fantasy movies, there’s always creature that looks cool and fantastic, and this sea turtle seems like one too. But the eyes for this sea turtle also appear a little bit of sad, so maybe it can be perplex by the vines. Another meaning can also be the human-made factor that causes some animals to be trapped by garbage or plastic bags. Animals sometimes accidentally eat something they shouldn’t which causes harm for them.

n w o n k



This street art appears to more than just special, it is not normal. This kind of creature only appears in fantasy dreams. It seems to consist the wings of a butterfly, the sting of the bee, the flowery body, and a cool creature-like face. The painter may want to portray all those beautiful dream consists of many different elements can also be a part of our world too. For example, people don’t always have to believe what is real, sometimes they can also believe in fantasy things. Being realistic or pretend to be not always are the best thing to do, it’s the most important to believe the thing they believe because that is what makes us special. 12

From the place that you never think of...


Compose with the most significant Street Art Works

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." - Audrey Hepburn



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