Atherosclerosis pipeline review, h1 2016

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Atherosclerosis - Pipeline Review, H1 2016 Report / Search Code: WGR495864


1-user P DF : $ 2000.0


Publish Date: 11 May, 2016

Site P DF : $ 4000.0

Enterprise P DF : $ 6000.0

Atheros cleros is - Pipeline Review, H1 2016 Summary Global Markets Direct’s , ‘Atheros cleros is - Pipeline Review, H1 2016’, provides an overview of the Atheros cleros is pipeline lands cape. The report provides comprehens ive information on the therapeutics under development for Atheros cleros is , complete with analys is by s tage of development, drug target, mechanis m of action (MoA), route of adminis tration (RoA) and molecule type. The report als o covers the des criptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics , its complete res earch and development his tory and lates t news and pres s releas es . Additionally, the report provides an overview of key players involved in therapeutic development for Atheros cleros is and features dormant and dis continued projects . Global Markets Direct’s report features inves tigational drugs from acros s globe covering over 20 therapy areas and nearly 3,000 indications . The report is built us ing data and information s ourced from Global Markets Direct’s proprietary databas es , company/univers ity webs ites , clinical trial regis tries , conferences , SEC filings , inves tor pres entations and featured pres s releas es from company/univers ity s ites and indus try-s pecific third party s ources . Drug profiles featured in the report undergoes periodic review following a s tringent s et of proces s es to ens ure that all the profiles are updated with the lates t s et of information. Additionally, various dynamic tracking proces s es ens ure that the mos t recent developments are captured on a real time bas is . The report helps in identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their portfolios , enhances decis ion making capabilities and helps to create effective counter s trategies to gain competitive advantage. Note*: Certain s ections in the report may be removed or altered bas ed on the availability and relevance of data. Scope - The report provides a s naps hot of the global therapeutic lands cape of Atheros cleros is - The report reviews pipeline therapeutics for Atheros cleros is by companies and univers ities /res earch ins titutes bas ed on information derived from company and indus try-s pecific s ources - The report covers pipeline products bas ed on various s tages of development ranging from pre-regis tration till dis covery and undis clos ed s tages - The report features des criptive drug profiles for the pipeline products which includes , product des cription, des criptive MoA, R& D brief, licens ing and collaboration details & other developmental activities - The report reviews key players involved Atheros cleros is therapeutics and enlis ts all their major and minor projects - The report as s es s es Atheros cleros is therapeutics bas ed on drug target, mechanis m of action (MoA), route of adminis tration (RoA) and molecule type - The report s ummarizes all the dormant and dis continued pipeline projects - The report reviews lates t news related to pipeline therapeutics for Atheros cleros is Reas ons to buy - Gain s trategically s ignificant competitor information, analys is , and ins ights to formulate effective R& D s trategies - Identify emerging players with potentially s trong product portfolio and create effective counter-s trategies to gain competitive advantage - Identify and unders tand important and divers e types of therapeutics under development for Atheros cleros is - Identify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic - Develop s trategic initiatives by unders tanding the focus areas of leading companies - Plan mergers and acquis itions effectively by identifying key players and it’s mos t promis ing pipeline therapeutics - Devis e corrective meas ures for pipeline projects by unders tanding Atheros cleros is

pipeline depth and focus of Indication therapeutics - Develop and des ign in-licens ing and out-licens ing s trategies by identifying pros pective partners with the mos t attractive projects to enhance and expand bus ines s potential and s cope - Modify the therapeutic portfolio by identifying dis continued projects and unders tanding the factors that drove them from pipeline Contents:

Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Lis t of Tables 7 Lis t of Figures 9 Introduction 10 Global Markets Direct Report Coverage 10 Atheros cleros is Overview 11 Therapeutics Development 12 Pipeline Products for Atheros cleros is - Overview 12 Pipeline Products for Atheros cleros is - Comparative Analys is 13 Atheros cleros is - Therapeutics under Development by Companies 14 Atheros cleros is - Therapeutics under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes 18 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline Products Glance 20 Late Stage Products 20 Clinical Stage Products 21 Early Stage Products 22 Atheros cleros is - Products under Development by Companies 23 Atheros cleros is - Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes 27 Atheros cleros is - Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development 29 Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos S/A 29 advanceCor GmbH 30 AFFiRiS AG 31 Amgen Inc. 32 Aris aph Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 33 Artery Therapeutics , Inc. 34 As traZ eneca Plc 35 Athera Biotechnologies AB 36 AtheroNova Inc. 37 Bayer AG 38 Campus Technologies Freiburg GmbH 39 Cardax Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 40 Cerenis Therapeutics Holding SA 41 ChemoCentryx, Inc. 42 CohBar, Inc. 43 Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 44 Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited 45 DoNatur GmbH 46 Dybly AG 47 Exicure, Inc. 48 GenKyoTex S.A. 49 Jenrin Dis covery, Inc. 50 Johns on & Johns on 51 KineMed, Inc. 52 Kowa Company, Ltd. 53 La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company 54 Lead Dis covery Center GmbH 55 Merck & Co., Inc. 56 MI.TO. Technology S.r.L. 57 Omeros Corporation 58 OPKO Health, Inc. 59 Ots uka Holdings Co., Ltd. 60 Res verlogix Corp. 61 The Medicines Company 62 Therapix Bios ciences Ltd 63 Tolerys SA 64 Vas cular Biogenics Ltd. 65 Vericel Corporation 66 Vitae Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 67 XBiotech USA, Inc. 68 Atheros cleros is - Therapeutics As s es s ment 69 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products 69 As s es s ment by Combination Products 70 As s es s ment by Target 71 As s es s ment by Mechanis m of Action 75 As s es s ment by Route of Adminis tration 78 As s es s ment by Molecule Type 80 Drug Profiles 82 AEM-28 - Drug Profile 82 AG-01 - Drug Profile 84 AHRO-001 - Drug Profile 85

AHRO-002 - Drug Profile 87 AHRO-003 - Drug Profile 88 AM-0010 - Drug Profile 89 anacetrapib - Drug Profile 91 Annexin A-5 - Drug Profile 93 apabetalone - Drug Profile 95 APTA-5278 - Drug Profile 98 ARI-1778 - Drug Profile 99 Artpep-2 - Drug Profile 100 ATH-04 - Drug Profile 101 ATH-06 - Drug Profile 102 AZ -876 - Drug Profile 103 BAY-606583 - Drug Profile 104 BSN-272 - Drug Profile 105 CCX-771 - Drug Profile 106 CDX-085 - Drug Profile 107 Cell Therapy for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 109 Cellular Immunotherapy for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 110 CER-209 - Drug Profile 111 CM-7 - Drug Profile 112 COR-2 - Drug Profile 113 D-4F - Drug Profile 114 DIAS-2 - Drug Profile 115 Dipep - Drug Profile 116 Drug for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 117 Drug for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 118 Drugs to Activate TLR3 for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 119 DWJ-210 - Drug Profile 120 DYB-186 - Drug Profile 121 EP-80317 - Drug Profile 122 Gene Therapy for Arterios cleros is and Endothelial Dys function - Drug Profile 123 Gene Therapy to Activate Follis tatin for Sarcopenia and Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 124 Gene Therapy to Activate Interleukin 10 for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 125 Gene Therapy to Activate Telomeras e for Alzheimer’s Dis eas e and Atheros cleros is Drug Profile 126 Gene Therapy to Target miR-145 for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 127 GKT-831 - Drug Profile 128 GYY-4137 - Drug Profile 129 Humanin - Drug Profile 131 INV-88 - Drug Profile 133 ISIS-APOARx - Drug Profile 134 ITP-01 - Drug Profile 135 ixmyelocel-T - Drug Profile 136 JD-2000 Series - Drug Profile 139 JD-5000 Series - Drug Profile 140 JD-6000 Series - Drug Profile 141 K-312 - Drug Profile 142 K-877 - Drug Profile 143 KM-011 - Drug Profile 145 leucine + niacin - Drug Profile 146 LJPC-6417 - Drug Profile 147 LPC-01 - Drug Profile 148 MCS-18 - Drug Profile 149 MDCO-216 - Drug Profile 151 melittin - Drug Profile 153 Monoclonal Antibodies to Inhibit IL-1a for Myocardial Infarction and Atheros cleros is Drug Profile 154 Monoclonal Antibody to Inhibit CD3 for Cardiovas cular, CNS, Gas trointes tinal, Immunological, Infectious and Metabolic Dis eas es - Drug Profile 155 Monoclonal Antibody to Inhibit Endothelial Lipas e for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 157 Oligonucleotide for Hyperlipidemia and Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 158 Oligonucleotides to Agonize SRB1 for Atheros cleros is and Lymphoma - Drug Profile 159 P-16 - Drug Profile 161 PC-mAb - Drug Profile 162 Peptides to Inhibit Calcineurin for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 164 PR-15 - Drug Profile 165 Recombinant Protein for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 167 Recombinant Protein for Atheros cleros is and Hepatic Steatos is - Drug Profile 168 Recombinant Protein for Cardiovas cular Dis eas es - Drug Profile 170 Recombinant Proteins to Inhibit Serine Proteas e for Thrombos is , Is chemic Stroke and Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 171 rPAI-123 - Drug Profile 172 Small Molecule for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 173 Small Molecule for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 174

Small Molecule for Atheros cleros is and Ins ulin Res is tance - Drug Profile 175 Small Molecule to Activate NF-E2 Related Factor 2 for Central Nervous Sys tem, Metabolic Dis orders , Cardiovas cular and Ophthalmology - Drug Profile 176 Small Molecule to Agonize Liver X Receptor for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 177 Small Molecule to Inhibit IKK and TBK1 for Cardiovas cular, Gas trointes tinal and Metabolic Dis orders - Drug Profile 178 Small Molecule to Inhibit microRNA-223 for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 179 Small Molecule to Target GPR132 for Cardiovas cular Dis eas es - Drug Profile 180 Small Molecule to Target GPR176 for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 181 Small Molecules for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 182 Small Molecules for Atheros cleros is , Inflammation and Metabolic Dis orders - Drug Profile 183 Small Molecules for Ophthalmology, Cardiovas cular, CNS and Metabolic Dis orders Drug Profile 184 Small Molecules to Agonize GPR81 for Atheros cleros is and Obes ity - Drug Profile 186 Small Molecules to Inhibit Chymas e for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 187 Small Molecules to Inhibit Lipas e for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 188 SPX-7233801 - Drug Profile 189 SR-9009 - Drug Profile 190 Stem Cell Therapy for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 191 Synthetic Peptide to Inhibit F11R for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 192 Synthetic Peptides for Cardiovas cular, Gas trointes tinal, Metabolic Dis orders and Infectious Dis eas e - Drug Profile 194 Synthetic Peptides for Oncology, Seps is and Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 196 Synthetic Peptides to Activate Apolipoprotein for Atheros cleros is and Inflammation Drug Profile 197 Synthetic Peptides to Activate CD36 Receptor for Cardiovas cular Dis eas es and Macular Degeneration - Drug Profile 198 Vaccine for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 200 Vaccine for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 201 Vaccine for Atheros cleros is - Drug Profile 202 VB-201 - Drug Profile 203 VTP-4 - Drug Profile 205 Atheros cleros is - Recent Pipeline Updates 206 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects 235 Atheros cleros is - Dis continued Products 246 Atheros cleros is - Product Development Miles tones 249 Featured News & Pres s Releas es 249 Appendix 256 Methodology 256 Coverage 256 Secondary Res earch 256 Primary Res earch 256 Expert Panel Validation 256 Contact Us 256 Dis claimer 257 Lis t of Tables Number of Products under Development for Atheros cleros is , H1 2016 19 Number of Products under Development for Atheros cleros is - Comparative Analys is , H1 2016 20 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 21 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..1) 22 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..2) 23 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..3) 24 Number of Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 26 Comparative Analys is by Late Stage Development, H1 2016 27 Comparative Analys is by Clinical Stage Development, H1 2016 28 Comparative Analys is by Early Stage Development, H1 2016 29 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 30 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..1) 31 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..2) 32 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..3) 33 Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 34 Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 (Contd..1) 35 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos S/A, H1 2016 36 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by advanceCor GmbH, H1 2016 37 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by AFFiRiS AG, H1 2016 38 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Amgen Inc., H1 2016 39 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Aris aph Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 40 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Artery Therapeutics , Inc., H1 2016 41 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by As traZ eneca Plc, H1 2016 42 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Athera Biotechnologies AB, H1 2016 43 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by AtheroNova Inc., H1 2016 44 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Bayer AG, H1 2016 45 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Campus Technologies Freiburg GmbH, H1 2016 46 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Cardax Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 47 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Cerenis Therapeutics Holding SA, H1 2016 48

Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by ChemoCentryx, Inc., H1 2016 49 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by CohBar, Inc., H1 2016 50 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., H1 2016 51 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited, H1 2016 52 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by DoNatur GmbH, H1 2016 53 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Dybly AG, H1 2016 54 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Exicure, Inc., H1 2016 55 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by GenKyoTex S.A., H1 2016 56 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Jenrin Dis covery, Inc., H1 2016 57 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Johns on & Johns on, H1 2016 58 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by KineMed, Inc., H1 2016 59 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Kowa Company, Ltd., H1 2016 60 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company, H1 2016 61 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Lead Dis covery Center GmbH, H1 2016 62 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Merck & Co., Inc., H1 2016 63 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by MI.TO. Technology S.r.L., H1 2016 64 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Omeros Corporation, H1 2016 65 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by OPKO Health, Inc., H1 2016 66 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Ots uka Holdings Co., Ltd., H1 2016 67 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Res verlogix Corp., H1 2016 68 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by The Medicines Company, H1 2016 69 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Therapix Bios ciences Ltd, H1 2016 70 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Tolerys SA, H1 2016 71 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Vas cular Biogenics Ltd., H1 2016 72 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Vericel Corporation, H1 2016 73 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by Vitae Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 74 Atheros cleros is - Pipeline by XBiotech USA, Inc., H1 2016 75 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products , H1 2016 76 As s es s ment by Combination Products , H1 2016 77 Number of Products by Stage and Target, H1 2016 79 Number of Products by Stage and Mechanis m of Action, H1 2016 83 Number of Products by Stage and Route of Adminis tration, H1 2016 86 Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Type, H1 2016 88 Atheros cleros is Therapeutics - Recent Pipeline Updates , H1 2016 213 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects , H1 2016 242 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..1), H1 2016 243 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..2), H1 2016 244 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..3), H1 2016 245 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..4), H1 2016 246 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..5), H1 2016 247 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..6), H1 2016 248 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..7), H1 2016 249 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..8), H1 2016 250 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..9), H1 2016 251 Atheros cleros is - Dormant Projects (Contd..10), H1 2016 252 Atheros cleros is - Dis continued Products , H1 2016 253 Atheros cleros is - Dis continued Products (Contd..1), H1 2016 254 Atheros cleros is - Dis continued Products (Contd..2), H1 2016 255 Lis t of Figures Number of Products under Development for Atheros cleros is , H1 2016 19 Number of Products under Development for Atheros cleros is - Comparative Analys is , H1 2016 20 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 21 Number of Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 25 Comparative Analys is by Clinical Stage Development, H1 2016 28 Comparative Analys is by Early Stage Products , H1 2016 29 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products , H1 2016 76 Number of Products by Top 10 Targets , H1 2016 78 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Targets , H1 2016 78 Number of Products by Top 10 Mechanis m of Actions , H1 2016 82 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Mechanis m of Actions , H1 2016 82 Number of Products by Routes of Adminis tration, H1 2016 85 Number of Products by Stage and Routes of Adminis tration, H1 2016 85 Number of Products by Top 10 Molecule Types , H1 2016 87 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Molecule Types , H1 2016 87

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