Connexios life sciences pvt ltd product pipeline review 2016

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Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Product Pipeline Review 2016 Report / Search Code: WGR495881


1-user P DF : $ 1500.0


Publish Date: 11 May, 2016

Site P DF : $ 3000.0

Enterprise P DF : $ 4500.0

Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Product Pipeline Review - 2016 Summary Global Markets Direct’s , ‘Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Product Pipeline Review - 2016’, provides an overview of the Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.’s pharmaceutical res earch and development focus . The report provides comprehens ive information on the therapeutics under development by Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., complete with analys is by s tage of development, drug target, mechanis m of action (MoA), route of adminis tration (RoA) and molecule type. The report als o covers the des criptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics , its complete res earch and development his tory and the dormant and dis continued projects . Global Markets Direct’s report features inves tigational drugs from acros s globe covering over 20 therapy areas and nearly 3,000 indications . The report is built us ing data and information s ourced from Global Markets Direct’s proprietary databas es , company/univers ity webs ites , clinical trial regis tries , conferences , SEC filings , inves tor pres entations and featured pres s releas es from company/univers ity s ites and indus try-s pecific third party s ources . Drug profiles featured in the report undergoes periodic review following a s tringent s et of proces s es to ens ure that all the profiles are updated with the lates t s et of information. Additionally, various dynamic tracking proces s es ens ure that the mos t recent developments are captured on a real time bas is . The report helps in identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their portfolios , enhances decis ion making capabilities and helps to create effective counter s trategies to gain competitive advantage. Note*: Certain s ections in the report may be removed or altered bas ed on the availability and relevance of data. Scope - The report provides a s naps hot of the pipeline therapeutic lands cape of Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - The report provides overview of Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. including its bus ines s des cription, key facts , and locations and s ubs idiaries - The report features des criptive drug profiles for the pipeline products which includes , product des cription, des criptive MoA, R& D brief, licens ing and collaboration details & other developmental activities - The report covers pipeline products bas ed on various s tages of development ranging from pre-regis tration till dis covery and undis clos ed s tages - The report as s es s es Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.’s pipeline therapeutics bas ed on drug target, mechanis m of action (MoA), route of adminis tration (RoA) and molecule type - The report features Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.’s out-licens ed and partnered product portfolio and s ummarizes its dormant and dis continued projects Reas ons to buy - Evaluate Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.’s s trategic pos ition with total acces s to detailed information on its product pipeline - Gain s trategically s ignificant competitor information, analys is , and ins ights to formulate effective R& D s trategies - Identify emerging players with potentially s trong product portfolio and create effective counter-s trategies to gain competitive advantage - Identify and unders tand important and divers e types of therapeutics under development for Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Identify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic - Plan mergers and acquis itions effectively by identifying key players and it’s mos t promis ing pipeline therapeutics - Devis e corrective meas ures for pipeline projects by unders tanding Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.’s pipeline depth and focus of pipeline therapeutics

- Develop and des ign in-licens ing and out-licens ing s trategies by identifying pros pective partners with the mos t attractive projects to enhance and expand bus ines s potential and s cope Contents:

Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Lis t of Tables 4 Lis t of Figures 4 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. Snaps hot 5 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. Overview 5 Key Information 5 Key Facts 5 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Res earch and Development Overview 6 Key Therapeutic Areas 6 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Review 9 Pipeline Products by Stage of Development 9 Pipeline Products - Monotherapy 10 Pipeline Products - Out-Licens ed Products 11 Out-Licens ed Products /Combination Treatment Modalities 12 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Products Glance 13 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Early Stage Pipeline Products 13 Preclinical Products /Combination Treatment Modalities 13 Dis covery Products /Combination Treatment Modalities 14 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Unknown Stage Pipeline Products 15 Unknown Products /Combination Treatment Modalities 15 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Drug ProďŹ les 16 CNX-011-67 16 Product Des cription 16 Mechanis m of Action 16 R& D Progres s 16 CNX-013B2 18 Product Des cription 18 Mechanis m of Action 18 R& D Progres s 18 CNX-1049 19 Product Des cription 19 Mechanis m of Action 19 R& D Progres s 19 CNX-014 20 Product Des cription 20 Mechanis m of Action 20 R& D Progres s 20 CNX-015 21 Product Des cription 21 Mechanis m of Action 21 R& D Progres s 21 CNX-016 22 Product Des cription 22 Mechanis m of Action 22 R& D Progres s 22 CNX-017 23 Product Des cription 23 Mechanis m of Action 23 R& D Progres s 23 CNX-018 24 Product Des cription 24 Mechanis m of Action 24 R& D Progres s 24 CNX-023 25 Product Des cription 25 Mechanis m of Action 25 R& D Progres s 25 CNX-024 26 Product Des cription 26 Mechanis m of Action 26 R& D Progres s 26 CNX-025 27 Product Des cription 27 Mechanis m of Action 27 R& D Progres s 27 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Analys is 28 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Products by Target 28 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Products by Route of Adminis tration 29 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Products by Molecule Type 30 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Products by Mechanis m of Action 31 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Recent Pipeline Updates 32 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Dormant Projects 33

Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Locations And Subs idiaries 34 Head Office 34 Other Locations & Subs idiaries 34 Appendix 35 Methodology 35 Coverage 35 Secondary Res earch 35 Primary Res earch 35 Expert Panel Validation 35 Contact Us 35 Dis claimer 36 Lis t of Tables Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Key Information 5 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Key Facts 5 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Indication, 2016 8 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Stage of Development, 2016 9 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Monotherapy Products in Pipeline, 2016 10 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Out-Licens ed Products in Pipeline, 2016 11 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Out-Licens ed Products / Combination Treatment Modalities , 2016 12 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Preclinical, 2016 13 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Dis covery, 2016 14 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Unknown, 2016 15 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Target, 2016 28 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Route of Adminis tration, 2016 29 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Molecule Type, 2016 30 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Products by Mechanis m of Action, 2016 31 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Recent Pipeline Updates , 2016 32 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Dormant Developmental Projects ,2016 33 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Other Locations 34 Lis t of Figures Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Indication, 2016 7 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Stage of Development, 2016 9 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Monotherapy Products in Pipeline, 2016 10 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Top 10 Target, 2016 28 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Route of Adminis tration, 2016 29 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline by Molecule Type, 2016 30 Connexios Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. - Pipeline Products by Top 10 Mechanis m of Action, 2016 31

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