Head and neck cancer squamous cell carcinoma pipeline review, h1 2016

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Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline Review, H1 2016 Report / Search Code: WGR495862


1-user P DF : $ 2000.0


Publish Date: 11 May, 2016

Site P DF : $ 4000.0

Enterprise P DF : $ 6000.0

Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline Review, H1 2016 Summary Global Markets Direct’s , ‘Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma Pipeline Review, H1 2016’, provides an overview of the Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma pipeline lands cape. The report provides comprehens ive information on the therapeutics under development for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma, complete with analys is by s tage of development, drug target, mechanis m of action (MoA), route of adminis tration (RoA) and molecule type. The report als o covers the des criptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics , its complete res earch and development his tory and lates t news and pres s releas es . Additionally, the report provides an overview of key players involved in therapeutic development for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma and features dormant and dis continued projects . Global Markets Direct’s report features inves tigational drugs from acros s globe covering over 20 therapy areas and nearly 3,000 indications . The report is built us ing data and information s ourced from Global Markets Direct’s proprietary databas es , company/univers ity webs ites , clinical trial regis tries , conferences , SEC filings , inves tor pres entations and featured pres s releas es from company/univers ity s ites and indus try-s pecific third party s ources . Drug profiles featured in the report undergoes periodic review following a s tringent s et of proces s es to ens ure that all the profiles are updated with the lates t s et of information. Additionally, various dynamic tracking proces s es ens ure that the mos t recent developments are captured on a real time bas is . The report helps in identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their portfolios , enhances decis ion making capabilities and helps to create effective counter s trategies to gain competitive advantage. Note*: Certain s ections in the report may be removed or altered bas ed on the availability and relevance of data. Scope - The report provides a s naps hot of the global therapeutic lands cape of Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - The report reviews pipeline therapeutics for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma by companies and univers ities /res earch ins titutes bas ed on information derived from company and indus try-s pecific s ources - The report covers pipeline products bas ed on various s tages of development ranging from pre-regis tration till dis covery and undis clos ed s tages - The report features des criptive drug profiles for the pipeline products which includes , product des cription, des criptive MoA, R& D brief, licens ing and collaboration details & other developmental activities - The report reviews key players involved Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma therapeutics and enlis ts all their major and minor projects - The report as s es s es Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma therapeutics bas ed on drug target, mechanis m of action (MoA), route of adminis tration (RoA) and molecule type - The report s ummarizes all the dormant and dis continued pipeline projects - The report reviews lates t news related to pipeline therapeutics for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma Reas ons to buy - Gain s trategically s ignificant competitor information, analys is , and ins ights to formulate effective R& D s trategies - Identify emerging players with potentially s trong product portfolio and create effective counter-s trategies to gain competitive advantage - Identify and unders tand important and divers e types of therapeutics under development for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Identify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic

- Develop s trategic initiatives by unders tanding the focus areas of leading companies - Plan mergers and acquis itions effectively by identifying key players and it’s mos t promis ing pipeline therapeutics - Devis e corrective meas ures for pipeline projects by unders tanding Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma pipeline depth and focus of Indication therapeutics - Develop and des ign in-licens ing and out-licens ing s trategies by identifying pros pective partners with the mos t attractive projects to enhance and expand bus ines s potential and s cope - Modify the therapeutic portfolio by identifying dis continued projects and unders tanding the factors that drove them from pipeline Contents:

Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Lis t of Tables 8 Lis t of Figures 11 Introduction 12 Global Markets Direct Report Coverage 12 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma Overview 13 Therapeutics Development 14 Pipeline Products for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Overview 14 Pipeline Products for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma Comparative Analys is 15 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Therapeutics under Development by Companies 16 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Therapeutics under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes 23 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline Products Glance 24 Late Stage Products 24 Clinical Stage Products 25 Early Stage Products 26 Unknown Stage Products 27 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Products under Development by Companies 28 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes 37 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development 38 AB Science SA 38 AbbVie Inc. 39 Acceleron Pharma, Inc. 40 Advaxis , Inc. 41 Altor BioScience Corporation 42 Amgen Inc. 43 As traZ eneca Plc 44 AVEO Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 45 Bayer AG 46 Bionovis SA 47 Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH 48 Bris tol-Myers Squibb Company 49 CEL-SCI Corporation 50 Cellceutix Corporation 51 Celldex Therapeutics , Inc. 52 Celltrion, Inc. 53 Centros e LLC 54 Critical Outcome Technologies Inc. 55 Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited 56 Debiopharm International SA 57 Eis ai Co., Ltd. 58 Eli Lilly and Company 59 Etubics Corporation 60 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. 61 G& E Herbal Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 62 Genexine, Inc. 63 Genmab A/S 64 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 65 Gliknik, Inc. 66 Glycotope GmbH 67 Hanmi Pharmaceuticals , Co. Ltd. 68 Horizon Pharma Plc 69 Immunomedics , Inc. 70 Immunovative Therapies , Ltd. 71 Incyte Corporation 72 Innate Pharma S.A. 73 Inovio Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 74

IRX Therapeutics , Inc. 75 Kolltan Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 76 Laboratoires Pierre Fabre SA 77 Loxo Oncology, Inc. 78 Mabion SA 79 MacroGenics , Inc. 80 Mars ala Biotech Inc. 81 MedImmune, LLC 82 Merck & Co., Inc. 83 Merck KGaA 84 Merrimack Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 85 Millennium Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 86 Mirati Therapeutics Inc. 87 Molecular Partners AG 88 Molplex Ltd. 89 Novartis AG 90 Oncobiologics , Inc. 91 Oncolytics Biotech Inc. 92 Onconova Therapeutics , Inc. 93 OncoSec Medical Incorporated 94 Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 95 OXiGENE, Inc. 96 Panacea Biotec Limited 97 PCI Biotech Holding ASA 98 Pfizer Inc. 99 Sanofi 100 Shanghai Henlius Biotech Co., Ltd. 101 Shenzen SiBiono GeneTech Co., Ltd. 102 Shionogi & Co., Ltd. 103 Sillajen Biotherapeutics 104 Symphogen A/S 105 Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp. 106 Takara Bio Inc. 107 Thres hold Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 108 UbiVac, LLC 109 Vas Gene Therapeutics , Inc. 110 VentiRx Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 111 Virttu Biologics Limited 112 Viventia Bio Inc. 113 Vyriad 114 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Therapeutics As s es s ment 115 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products 115 As s es s ment by Combination Products 116 As s es s ment by Target 117 As s es s ment by Mechanis m of Action 130 As s es s ment by Route of Adminis tration 137 As s es s ment by Molecule Type 139 Drug Profiles 141 ABBV-221 - Drug Profile 141 AdIL-24 - Drug Profile 142 afatinib dimaleate - Drug Profile 144 alis ertib - Drug Profile 149 AlloVax - Drug Profile 154 alpelis ib - Drug Profile 156 ALT-803 - Drug Profile 158 AMG-319 - Drug Profile 161 Antibodies to Inhibit FRMD4A for Oncology - Drug Profile 163 Antis ens e Oligonucleotide to Target EGFR for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 164 AV-203 - Drug Profile 165 avelumab - Drug Profile 167 axalimogene filolis bac - Drug Profile 169 AZ D-5069 - Drug Profile 174 AZ D-6738 - Drug Profile 176 AZ D-9150 - Drug Profile 178 bleomycin s ulfate - Drug Profile 179 BMS-986016 - Drug Profile 182 BNV-003 - Drug Profile 183 buparlis ib hydrochloride - Drug Profile 184 cabazitaxel - Drug Profile 188 capmatinib - Drug Profile 190 Cellular Immunotherapy for Oncology - Drug Profile 193 Cellular Immunotherapy to Target EGFR for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 195 cetuximab - Drug Profile 196 cetuximab biobetter - Drug Profile 203 cetuximab bios imilar - Drug Profile 204 cetuximab bios imilar - Drug Profile 205

cetuximab bios imilar - Drug Profile 206 cetuximab bios imilar - Drug Profile 207 cetuximab bios imilar - Drug Profile 208 cetuximab bios imilar - Drug Profile 209 copanlis ib hydrochloride - Drug Profile 210 COTI-2 - Drug Profile 214 dalantercept - Drug Profile 217 Debio-1143 - Drug Profile 219 depatuxizumab - Drug Profile 222 DNA IL-12 - Drug Profile 223 DPV-001 - Drug Profile 226 DTP-348 - Drug Profile 228 durvalumab - Drug Profile 229 durvalumab + tremelimumab - Drug Profile 234 E-10A - Drug Profile 236 E-7046 - Drug Profile 237 EBC-46 - Drug Profile 238 EDC-2 - Drug Profile 239 elgemtumab - Drug Profile 240 enoblituzumab - Drug Profile 242 epacados tat - Drug Profile 244 ETBX-041 - Drug Profile 246 everolimus - Drug Profile 247 ficlatuzumab - Drug Profile 254 futuximab - Drug Profile 257 ganetes pib - Drug Profile 259 gedatolis ib - Drug Profile 263 Gene Therapy to Activate p53 for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 265 Gene Therapy to Activate p53 for Oncology - Drug Profile 266 GL-0817 - Drug Profile 268 golvatinib tartrate - Drug Profile 270 GS-10 - Drug Profile 272 GSK-2636771 - Drug Profile 274 GSK-2849330 - Drug Profile 275 GSK-3174998 - Drug Profile 276 GX-051 - Drug Profile 277 HF-10 - Drug Profile 278 HSV-1716 - Drug Profile 280 IC-1001 - Drug Profile 283 INCB-50465 - Drug Profile 284 INO-3106 - Drug Profile 285 INO-3112 - Drug Profile 286 interferon gamma-1b - Drug Profile 288 IRX-2 - Drug Profile 291 JX-929 - Drug Profile 293 KGP-94 - Drug Profile 294 KM-3174 - Drug Profile 295 KTN-3379 - Drug Profile 299 lenvatinib mes ylate - Drug Profile 301 Leukocyte Interleukin - Drug Profile 308 LGK-974 - Drug Profile 311 lirilumab - Drug Profile 312 LN-145 - Drug Profile 314 LOXO-101 - Drug Profile 316 lumretuzumab - Drug Profile 318 mas itinib - Drug Profile 320 MEDI-0562 - Drug Profile 326 meres tinib - Drug Profile 328 MGCD-265 - Drug Profile 329 MGD-009 - Drug Profile 332 monalizumab - Drug Profile 333 Monoclonal Antibodies to Antagonize Frizzled Receptors for Breas t Cancer and Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 335 Monoclonal Antibody to Target CD147 for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma and Head and Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 336 motolimod - Drug Profile 337 MP-0250 - Drug Profile 339 nilotinib - Drug Profile 341 nimotuzumab - Drug Profile 345 nivolumab - Drug Profile 349 NP-001 - Drug Profile 357 olaparib - Drug Profile 358 Oncolytic Virus to Activate IFN-b for Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 362 Oncolytic Virus to Target CD46 for Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma Head and Neck Cancer - Drug Profile 364 palbociclib - Drug Profile 365

panitumumab - Drug Profile 370 patritumab - Drug Profile 374 pelareorep - Drug Profile 376 pembrolizumab - Drug Profile 381 PF-04518600 - Drug Profile 392 PF-06801591 - Drug Profile 393 poziotinib - Drug Profile 394 prexas ertib - Drug Profile 396 Recombinant Peptide to Target EGFR for Oncology - Drug Profile 398 Recombinant Protein for Oncology - Drug Profile 399 rigos ertib s odium - Drug Profile 400 S-488210 - Drug Profile 406 s acituzumab - Drug Profile 407 SB-01 - Drug Profile 409 s eribantumab - Drug Profile 411 SF-1126 - Drug Profile 414 Small Molecules for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 416 Small Molecules to Inhibit 16S rRNA for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Oral Cancer - Drug Profile 417 Small Molecules to Inhibit CREB Protein for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 418 Small Molecules to Inhibit IL-6 for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 419 s olaris e - Drug Profile 420 Synthetic Peptide for Head and Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Drug Profile 421 tarloxotinib bromide - Drug Profile 422 tis otumab vedotin - Drug Profile 424 trametinib dimethyl s ulfoxide + upros ertib - Drug Profile 426 UBS-109 - Drug Profile 428 urelumab - Drug Profile 430 utomilumab - Drug Profile 432 varlilumab - Drug Profile 434 Vas -01 - Drug Profile 437 VB-4847 - Drug Profile 439 vinflunine ditartrate - Drug Profile 441 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Recent Pipeline Updates 443 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Dormant Projects 687 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Dis continued Products 691 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Product Development Miles tones 693 Featured News & Pres s Releas es 693 Appendix 702 Methodology 702 Coverage 702 Secondary Res earch 702 Primary Res earch 702 Expert Panel Validation 702 Contact Us 702 Dis claimer 703 Lis t of Tables Number of Products under Development for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma, H1 2016 24 Number of Products under Development for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Comparative Analys is , H1 2016 25 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 27 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..1) 28 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..2) 29 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..3) 30 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..4) 31 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..5) 32 Number of Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 33 Comparative Analys is by Late Stage Development, H1 2016 34 Comparative Analys is by Clinical Stage Development, H1 2016 35 Comparative Analys is by Early Stage Development, H1 2016 36 Comparative Analys is by Unknown Stage Development, H1 2016 37 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 38 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..1) 39 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..2) 40 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..3) 41 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..4) 42 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..5) 43 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..6) 44 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..7) 45 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..8) 46 Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 47 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by AB Science SA, H1

2016 48 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 49 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Inc., H1 2016 50 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 51 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Corporation, H1 2016 52 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 53 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 54 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 55 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 56 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 57 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Ingelheim GmbH, H1 2016 58 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Company, H1 2016 59 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell H1 2016 60 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Corporation, H1 2016 61 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Therapeutics , Inc., H1 2016 62 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 63 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 64 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Technologies Inc., H1 2016 65 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Company, Limited, H1 2016 66 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell International SA , H1 2016 67 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 68 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Company, H1 2016 69 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell H1 2016 70 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Roche Ltd., H1 2016 71 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Biotechnology Co., Ltd., H1 2016 72 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 73 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 74 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell H1 2016 75 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 76 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell 2016 77 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Pharmaceuticals , Co. Ltd., H1 2016 78 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell H1 2016 79 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell H1 2016 80 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Therapies , Ltd., H1 2016 81 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell H1 2016 82 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell H1 2016 83 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 84 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Inc., H1 2016 85 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 86 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell

Carcinoma - Pipeline by AbbVie Inc., H1 2016 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Acceleron Pharma, Carcinoma - Pipeline by Advaxis , Inc., H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Altor BioScience Carcinoma - Pipeline by Amgen Inc., H1 2016 Carcinoma - Pipeline by As traZ eneca Plc, H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by AVEO Carcinoma - Pipeline by Bayer AG, H1 2016 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Bionovis SA, H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Boehringer Carcinoma - Pipeline by Bris tol-Myers Squibb Carcinoma - Pipeline by CEL-SCI Corporation, Carcinoma - Pipeline by Cellceutix Carcinoma - Pipeline by Celldex Carcinoma - Pipeline by Celltrion, Inc., H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Centros e LLC, H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Critical Outcome Carcinoma - Pipeline by Daiichi Sankyo Carcinoma - Pipeline by Debiopharm Carcinoma - Pipeline by Eis ai Co., Ltd., H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Eli Lilly and Carcinoma - Pipeline by Etubics Corporation, Carcinoma - Pipeline by F. Hoffmann-La Carcinoma - Pipeline by G& E Herbal Carcinoma - Pipeline by Genexine, Inc., H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Genmab A/S, H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Carcinoma - Pipeline by Gliknik, Inc., H1 2016 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Glycotope GmbH, H1 Carcinoma - Pipeline by Hanmi Carcinoma - Pipeline by Horizon Pharma Plc, Carcinoma - Pipeline by Immunomedics , Inc., Carcinoma - Pipeline by Immunovative Carcinoma - Pipeline by Incyte Corporation, Carcinoma - Pipeline by Innate Pharma S.A., Carcinoma - Pipeline by Inovio Carcinoma - Pipeline by IRX Therapeutics , Carcinoma - Pipeline by Kolltan Carcinoma - Pipeline by Laboratoires Pierre

Fabre SA, H1 2016 87 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Loxo Oncology, Inc., H1 2016 88 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Mabion SA, H1 2016 89 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by MacroGenics , Inc., H1 2016 90 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Mars ala Biotech Inc., H1 2016 91 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by MedImmune, LLC, H1 2016 92 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Merck & Co., Inc., H1 2016 93 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Merck KGaA, H1 2016 94 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Merrimack Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 95 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Millennium Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 96 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Mirati Therapeutics Inc., H1 2016 97 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Molecular Partners AG, H1 2016 98 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Molplex Ltd., H1 2016 99 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Novartis AG, H1 2016 100 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Oncobiologics , Inc., H1 2016 101 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Oncolytics Biotech Inc., H1 2016 102 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Onconova Therapeutics , Inc., H1 2016 103 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by OncoSec Medical Incorporated, H1 2016 104 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., H1 2016 105 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by OXiGENE, Inc., H1 2016 106 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Panacea Biotec Limited, H1 2016 107 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by PCI Biotech Holding ASA, H1 2016 108 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Pfizer Inc., H1 2016 109 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Sanofi, H1 2016 110 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Shanghai Henlius Biotech Co., Ltd., H1 2016 111 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Shenzen SiBiono GeneTech Co., Ltd., H1 2016 112 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Shionogi & Co., Ltd., H1 2016 113 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Sillajen Biotherapeutics , H1 2016 114 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Symphogen A/S, H1 2016 115 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp., H1 2016 116 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Takara Bio Inc., H1 2016 117 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Thres hold Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 118 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by UbiVac, LLC, H1 2016 119 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Vas Gene Therapeutics , Inc., H1 2016 120 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by VentiRx Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 121 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Virttu Biologics Limited, H1 2016 122 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Viventia Bio Inc., H1 2016 123 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Pipeline by Vyriad, H1 2016 124 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products , H1 2016 125 As s es s ment by Combination Products , H1 2016 126 Number of Products by Stage and Target, H1 2016 128 Number of Products by Stage and Mechanis m of Action, H1 2016 141 Number of Products by Stage and Route of Adminis tration, H1 2016 148

Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Type, H1 2016 150 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma Therapeutics - Recent Pipeline Updates , H1 2016 453 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Dormant Projects , H1 2016 697 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Dormant Projects (Contd..1), H1 2016 698 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Dormant Projects (Contd..2), H1 2016 699 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Dormant Projects (Contd..3), H1 2016 700 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Dis continued Products , H1 2016 701 Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Dis continued Products (Contd..1), H1 2016 702 Lis t of Figures Number of Products under Development for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma, H1 2016 24 Number of Products under Development for Head And Neck Cancer Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Comparative Analys is , H1 2016 25 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 26 Number of Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 33 Comparative Analys is by Late Stage Development, H1 2016 34 Comparative Analys is by Clinical Stage Development, H1 2016 35 Comparative Analys is by Early Stage Products , H1 2016 36 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products , H1 2016 125 As s es s ment by Combination Products , H1 2016 126 Number of Products by Top 10 Targets , H1 2016 127 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Targets , H1 2016 127 Number of Products by Top 10 Mechanis m of Actions , H1 2016 140 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Mechanis m of Actions , H1 2016 140 Number of Products by Top 10 Routes of Adminis tration, H1 2016 147 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Routes of Adminis tration, H1 2016 147 Number of Products by Top 10 Molecule Types , H1 2016 149 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Molecule Types , H1 2016 149

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