Systemic lupus erythematosus pipeline review, h1 2016

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - Pipeline Review, H1 2016 Report / Search Code: WGR495865


1-user P DF : $ 2000.0


Publish Date: 11 May, 2016

Site P DF : $ 4000.0

Enterprise P DF : $ 6000.0

Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline Review, H1 2016 Summary Global Markets Direct’s , ‘Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline Review, H1 2016’, provides an overview of the Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us pipeline lands cape. The report provides comprehens ive information on the therapeutics under development for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us , complete with analys is by s tage of development, drug target, mechanis m of action (MoA), route of adminis tration (RoA) and molecule type. The report als o covers the des criptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics , its complete res earch and development his tory and lates t news and pres s releas es . Additionally, the report provides an overview of key players involved in therapeutic development for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us and features dormant and dis continued projects . Global Markets Direct’s report features inves tigational drugs from acros s globe covering over 20 therapy areas and nearly 3,000 indications . The report is built us ing data and information s ourced from Global Markets Direct’s proprietary databas es , company/univers ity webs ites , clinical trial regis tries , conferences , SEC filings , inves tor pres entations and featured pres s releas es from company/univers ity s ites and indus try-s pecific third party s ources . Drug profiles featured in the report undergoes periodic review following a s tringent s et of proces s es to ens ure that all the profiles are updated with the lates t s et of information. Additionally, various dynamic tracking proces s es ens ure that the mos t recent developments are captured on a real time bas is . The report helps in identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their portfolios , enhances decis ion making capabilities and helps to create effective counter s trategies to gain competitive advantage. Note*: Certain s ections in the report may be removed or altered bas ed on the availability and relevance of data. Scope - The report provides a s naps hot of the global therapeutic lands cape of Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - The report reviews pipeline therapeutics for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us by companies and univers ities /res earch ins titutes bas ed on information derived from company and indus try-s pecific s ources - The report covers pipeline products bas ed on various s tages of development ranging from pre-regis tration till dis covery and undis clos ed s tages - The report features des criptive drug profiles for the pipeline products which includes , product des cription, des criptive MoA, R& D brief, licens ing and collaboration details & other developmental activities - The report reviews key players involved Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us therapeutics and enlis ts all their major and minor projects - The report as s es s es Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us therapeutics bas ed on drug target, mechanis m of action (MoA), route of adminis tration (RoA) and molecule type - The report s ummarizes all the dormant and dis continued pipeline projects - The report reviews lates t news related to pipeline therapeutics for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us Reas ons to buy - Gain s trategically s ignificant competitor information, analys is , and ins ights to formulate effective R& D s trategies - Identify emerging players with potentially s trong product portfolio and create effective counter-s trategies to gain competitive advantage - Identify and unders tand important and divers e types of therapeutics under development for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Identify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic - Develop s trategic initiatives by unders tanding the focus areas of leading companies - Plan mergers and acquis itions effectively by identifying key players and it’s mos t

promis ing pipeline therapeutics - Devis e corrective meas ures for pipeline projects by unders tanding Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us pipeline depth and focus of Indication therapeutics - Develop and des ign in-licens ing and out-licens ing s trategies by identifying pros pective partners with the mos t attractive projects to enhance and expand bus ines s potential and s cope - Modify the therapeutic portfolio by identifying dis continued projects and unders tanding the factors that drove them from pipeline Contents:

Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Lis t of Tables 7 Lis t of Figures 9 Introduction 10 Global Markets Direct Report Coverage 10 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us Overview 11 Therapeutics Development 12 Pipeline Products for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Overview 12 Pipeline Products for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Comparative Analys is 13 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Therapeutics under Development by Companies 14 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Therapeutics under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes 19 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline Products Glance 20 Late Stage Products 20 Clinical Stage Products 21 Early Stage Products 22 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Products under Development by Companies 23 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes 29 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development 30 4SC AG 30 AbbVie Inc. 31 Ablynx NV 32 ACEA Bios ciences , Inc. 33 Actelion Ltd 34 AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG 35 Alpha Cancer Technologies Inc. 36 Amgen Inc. 37 Anthera Pharmaceuticals ‚ Inc. 38 arGEN-X BV 39 Argos Therapeutics , Inc. 40 As tellas Pharma Inc. 41 Baxalta Incorporated 42 Biogen, Inc. 43 Biotes t AG 44 Bris tol-Myers Squibb Company 45 Celgene Corporation 46 Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc. 47 Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Corp. 48 Eis ai Co., Ltd. 49 Eli Lilly and Company 50 F. Homann-La Roche Ltd. 51 Genos co 52 Genovax S.r.l. 53 GlaxoSmithKline Plc 54 ImmuNext, Inc. 55 Immungenetics AG 56 Immunomedics , Inc. 57 Immupharma Plc 58 Invion Limited 59 Johns on & Johns on 60 K-Stemcell Co., Ltd. 61 Kadmon Corporation, LLC 62 Karyopharm Therapeutics , Inc. 63 Kolltan Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 64 Lead Dis covery Center GmbH 65 LSK BioPartners , Inc. 66 MacroGenics , Inc. 67 MedAnnex Ltd 68 MedImmune, LLC 69 Merck KGaA 70 Millennium Pharmaceuticals , Inc. 71 Mits ubis hi Tanabe Pharma Corporation 72 Neovacs SA 73 Nippon Chemiphar Co., Ltd. 74

Plexxikon Inc. 75 Principia Biopharma Inc. 76 RedHill Biopharma Ltd. 77 Redx Pharma Plc 78 Res olve Therapeutics , LLC 79 Sanofi 80 Sarepta Therapeutics , Inc. 81 SBI Biotech Co., Ltd. 82 Seattle Genetics , Inc. 83 Stemline Therapeutics , Inc. 84 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 85 TheraMAB LLC 86 Therapix Bios ciences Ltd 87 UCB S.A. 88 Xencor, Inc. 89 XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. 90 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Therapeutics As s es s ment 91 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products 91 As s es s ment by Combination Products 92 As s es s ment by Target 93 As s es s ment by Mechanis m of Action 97 As s es s ment by Route of Adminis tration 100 As s es s ment by Molecule Type 102 Drug Profiles 104 (clarithromycin + clofazimine + rifabutin) - Drug Profile 104 abatacept - Drug Profile 107 ABBV-084 - Drug Profile 110 ABS-11 - Drug Profile 111 AC-058 - Drug Profile 112 ACT-101 - Drug Profile 113 AGS-009 - Drug Profile 115 AIC-284 - Drug Profile 116 ALX-0061 - Drug Profile 117 AMG-557 - Drug Profile 120 AMG-570 - Drug Profile 122 amis elimod hydrochloride - Drug Profile 123 anifrolumab - Drug Profile 125 Annexuzlimab - Drug Profile 127 Antis ens e Oligonucleotide to Inhibit TLRs for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us and Graft Vers us Hos t Dis eas e - Drug Profile 128 ARGX-113 - Drug Profile 129 AT-791 - Drug Profile 131 atacicept - Drug Profile 132 baricitinib - Drug Profile 134 BB-004 - Drug Profile 137 belimumab - Drug Profile 138 BIIB-059 - Drug Profile 142 blis ibimod - Drug Profile 143 bortezomib - Drug Profile 146 brentuximab vedotin - Drug Profile 152 BT-063 - Drug Profile 159 CC-220 - Drug Profile 160 Cellular Immunotherapy for Autoimmune Dis eas es and Trans plantation - Drug Profile 162 Cellular Immunotherapy for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us and Eps tein-Barr Viral Infections - Drug Profile 164 Cenerimod - Drug Profile 165 CKD-506 - Drug Profile 166 CS-20AT04 - Drug Profile 167 dapirolizumab pegol - Drug Profile 168 Drug to Inhibit PAD for Autoimmune Dis eas es , CNS Dis orders and Oncology - Drug Profile 170 E-6446 - Drug Profile 172 edratide - Drug Profile 173 forigerimod acetate - Drug Profile 174 GNKS-356 - Drug Profile 176 GX-101 - Drug Profile 177 HCI-1401 - Drug Profile 178 IGM-001 - Drug Profile 179 IMP-10 - Drug Profile 180 INV-103 - Drug Profile 181 INV-17 - Drug Profile 183 ixazomib citrate - Drug Profile 184 JB-6121 - Drug Profile 188 JBT-101 - Drug Profile 189 JNJ-55920839 - Drug Profile 191 KD-025 - Drug Profile 192 KPT-350 - Drug Profile 194

lulizumab pegol - Drug Profile 195 M-2951 - Drug Profile 196 MGD-010 - Drug Profile 197 milatuzumab - Drug Profile 199 Monoclonal Antibodies to Inhibit IL-3RA for Autoimmune Dis orders - Drug Profile 201 Monoclonal Antibody Conjugate to Inhibit TAM RTK for Cancer, Inflammation, Auto immune dis eas es and Infection - Drug Profile 202 Monoclonal Antibody to Inhibit CD3 for Cardiovas cular, CNS, Gas trointes tinal, Immunological, Infectious and Metabolic Dis eas es - Drug Profile 203 Monoclonal Antibody to Inhibit ILT7 for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Drug Profile 205 NC-2400 - Drug Profile 206 NCS-613 - Drug Profile 207 PRN-1008 - Drug Profile 208 RCT-18 - Drug Profile 209 RDX-002 - Drug Profile 210 Recombinant Proteins for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Drug Profile 211 RO-5461111 - Drug Profile 212 RSLV-132 - Drug Profile 213 RSLV-133 - Drug Profile 214 SAR-113244 - Drug Profile 215 SBI-3150 - Drug Profile 216 SKIO-703 - Drug Profile 217 SM-03 - Drug Profile 218 SM-101 - Drug Profile 219 SM-934 - Drug Profile 222 Small Molecule to Inhibit NFkB for Ophthalmology, Oncology and Immunology - Drug Profile 224 Small Molecule to Inhibit RORgammat for CNS, Autoimmune and Gas trointes tinal Dis orders - Drug Profile 225 Small Molecules for Dermatology, Immunology, Metabolic and CNS Dis orders - Drug Profile 226 Small Molecules for Res piratory and Immunology - Drug Profile 227 Small Molecules to Inhibit FMS Kinas e for Central Nervous Sys tem, Gas trointes tinal, Immunology and Res piratory Dis eas es - Drug Profile 228 Small Molecules to Inhibit NET Formation for Seps is and SLE - Drug Profile 229 Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Dis eas es - Drug Profile 230 Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Pals y and Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Drug Profile 231 Stem Cell Therapy for Mus culos keletal, CNS Dis orders , Dermatology, Immunology and Cardiovas cular Dis eas e - Drug Profile 232 Synthetic Peptide for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Drug Profile 234 Synthetic Peptides for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Drug Profile 235 TAB-08 - Drug Profile 236 TAK-079 - Drug Profile 238 TAK-114 - Drug Profile 239 TAM-01 - Drug Profile 241 us tekinumab - Drug Profile 242 Vaccine for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Drug Profile 246 Vaccine to Target IFN-Alpha for Chronic Viral Infections , Dermatomyos itis and Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Drug Profile 247 venetoclax - Drug Profile 250 VISTA-Ig - Drug Profile 254 XmAb-5871 - Drug Profile 255 Y-27 - Drug Profile 256 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Recent Pipeline Updates 257 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dormant Projects 343 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dis continued Products 349 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Product Development Miles tones 351 Featured News & Pres s Releas es 351 Appendix 359 Methodology 359 Coverage 359 Secondary Res earch 359 Primary Res earch 359 Expert Panel Validation 359 Contact Us 359 Dis claimer 360 Lis t of Tables Number of Products under Development for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us , H1 2016 19 Number of Products under Development for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us Comparative Analys is , H1 2016 20 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 21 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..1) 22 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..2) 23 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..3) 24 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..4) 25

Number of Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 26 Comparative Analys is by Late Stage Development, H1 2016 27 Comparative Analys is by Clinical Stage Development, H1 2016 28 Comparative Analys is by Early Stage Development, H1 2016 29 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 30 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..1) 31 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..2) 32 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..3) 33 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..4) 34 Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 (Contd..5) 35 Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 36 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by 4SC AG, H1 2016 37 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by AbbVie Inc., H1 2016 38 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Ablynx NV, H1 2016 39 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by ACEA Bios ciences , Inc., H1 2016 40 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Actelion Ltd, H1 2016 41 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG, H1 2016 42 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Alpha Cancer Technologies Inc., H1 2016 43 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Amgen Inc., H1 2016 44 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Anthera Pharmaceuticals ‚ Inc., H1 2016 45 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by arGEN-X BV, H1 2016 46 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Argos Therapeutics , Inc., H1 2016 47 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by As tellas Pharma Inc., H1 2016 48 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Baxalta Incorporated, H1 2016 49 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Biogen, Inc., H1 2016 50 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Biotes t AG, H1 2016 51 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Bris tol-Myers Squibb Company, H1 2016 52 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Celgene Corporation, H1 2016 53 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc., H1 2016 54 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Corp., H1 2016 55 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Eis ai Co., Ltd., H1 2016 56 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Eli Lilly and Company, H1 2016 57 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., H1 2016 58 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Genos co, H1 2016 59 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Genovax S.r.l., H1 2016 60 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by GlaxoSmithKline Plc, H1 2016 61 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by ImmuNext, Inc., H1 2016 62 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Immungenetics AG, H1 2016 63 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Immunomedics , Inc., H1 2016 64 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Immupharma Plc, H1 2016 65 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Invion Limited, H1 2016 66 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Johns on & Johns on, H1 2016 67 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by K-Stemcell Co., Ltd., H1 2016 68 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Kadmon Corporation, LLC, H1 2016 69 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Karyopharm Therapeutics , Inc., H1 2016 70 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Kolltan Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 71 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Lead Dis covery Center GmbH, H1 2016 72 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by LSK BioPartners , Inc., H1 2016 73 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by MacroGenics , Inc., H1 2016 74 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by MedAnnex Ltd, H1 2016 75 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by MedImmune, LLC, H1 2016 76 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Merck KGaA, H1 2016 77 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Millennium Pharmaceuticals , Inc., H1 2016 78 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Mits ubis hi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, H1 2016 79 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Neovacs SA, H1 2016 80 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Nippon Chemiphar Co., Ltd., H1 2016 81 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Plexxikon Inc., H1 2016 82 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Principia Biopharma Inc., H1 2016 83 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by RedHill Biopharma Ltd., H1 2016 84 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Redx Pharma Plc, H1 2016 85 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Res olve Therapeutics , LLC, H1 2016 86 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Sanofi, H1 2016 87 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Sarepta Therapeutics , Inc., H1 2016 88 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by SBI Biotech Co., Ltd., H1 2016 89 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Seattle Genetics , Inc., H1 2016 90 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Stemline Therapeutics , Inc., H1 2016 91

Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, H1 2016 92 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by TheraMAB LLC, H1 2016 93 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Therapix Bios ciences Ltd, H1 2016 94 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by UCB S.A., H1 2016 95 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by Xencor, Inc., H1 2016 96 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Pipeline by XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd., H1 2016 97 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products , H1 2016 98 As s es s ment by Combination Products , H1 2016 99 Number of Products by Stage and Target, H1 2016 101 Number of Products by Stage and Mechanis m of Action, H1 2016 105 Number of Products by Stage and Route of Adminis tration, H1 2016 108 Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Type, H1 2016 110 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us Therapeutics - Recent Pipeline Updates , H1 2016 264 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dormant Projects , H1 2016 350 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dormant Projects (Contd..1), H1 2016 351 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dormant Projects (Contd..2), H1 2016 352 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dormant Projects (Contd..3), H1 2016 353 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dormant Projects (Contd..4), H1 2016 354 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dormant Projects (Contd..5), H1 2016 355 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dis continued Products , H1 2016 356 Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us - Dis continued Products (Contd..1), H1 2016 357 Lis t of Figures Number of Products under Development for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us , H1 2016 19 Number of Products under Development for Sys temic Lupus Erythematos us Comparative Analys is , H1 2016 20 Number of Products under Development by Companies , H1 2016 21 Number of Products under Inves tigation by Univers ities /Ins titutes , H1 2016 26 Comparative Analys is by Clinical Stage Development, H1 2016 28 Comparative Analys is by Early Stage Products , H1 2016 29 As s es s ment by Monotherapy Products , H1 2016 98 Number of Products by Top 10 Targets , H1 2016 100 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Targets , H1 2016 100 Number of Products by Top 10 Mechanis m of Actions , H1 2016 104 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Mechanis m of Actions , H1 2016 104 Number of Products by Routes of Adminis tration, H1 2016 107 Number of Products by Stage and Routes of Adminis tration, H1 2016 107 Number of Products by Top 10 Molecule Types , H1 2016 109 Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Molecule Types , H1 2016 109

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