France Sales Revenue Market Share of The Cards and Payments Industry by Companies in 2016

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The Cards and Payments Industry in France: Emerging Trends and Opportunities to 2020 Report / Search Code: WGR495852


1-user P DF : $ 2750.0


Publish Date: 31 May, 2016

Site P DF : $ 5500.0

Enterprise P DF : $ 8250.0

Synops is Timetric’s 'The Cards and Payments Indus try in France: Emerging Trends and Opportunities to 2020' report provides detailed analys is of market trends in France's cards and payments indus try. It provides values and volumes for a number of key performance indicators in the indus try, including check payments , credit trans fers , direct debits , payment cards and cas h trans actions during the review period (2011–2015). The report als o analyzes various payment card markets operating in the indus try and provides detailed information on the number of cards in circulation, and trans action values and volumes during the review period and over the forecas t period (2016–2020). It als o offers information on the country's competitive lands cape, including market s hares of is s uers and s chemes . The report brings together Timetric’s res earch, modeling, and analys is expertis e to allow banks and card is s uers to identify s egment dynamics and competitive advantages . The report als o covers detailed regulatory policies , recent changes in regulatory s tructure, card fraud s tatis tics and profiles of card is s uers operating in the country. Summary Timetric’s 'The Cards and Payments Indus try in France: Emerging Trends and Opportunities to 2020' report provides top-level market analys is , information and ins ights into France's cards and payments indus try, including: • Current and forecas t values for each market in France's cards and payments indus try, including debit card, credit and charge cards . It als o includes detailed analys is of the prepaid card market. • Detailed ins ights into payment ins truments including credit trans fers , cas h trans actions , checks , direct debits and payment cards . It als o, includes an overview of the country's key alternative payment ins truments . • E-commerce market analys is and online payment types . • Analys is of various market drivers and regulations governing France's cards and payments indus try. • Detailed analys is of s trategies adopted by banks and other ins titutions to market debit, credit and charge cards . • Comprehens ive analys is of cons umer attitudes and buying preferences for cards . • The competitive lands cape of France's cards and payments indus try. Scope • This report provides a comprehens ive analys is of France's cards and payments indus try. • It provides current values for France's cards and payments indus try for 2015, and forecas t figures to 2020. • It details the different demographic, economic, infras tructural and bus ines s drivers affecting France's cards and payments indus try. • It outlines the current regulatory framework in the indus try. • It details marketing s trategies us ed by various banks and other ins titutions . • It profiles major banks in France's cards and payments indus try. Reas ons To Buy • Make s trategic bus ines s decis ions , us ing top-level his toric and forecas t market data, related to France's cards and payments indus try and each market within it. • Unders tand the key market trends and growth opportunities in France's cards and payments indus try. • As s es s the competitive dynamics in France's cards and payments indus try. • Gain ins ights into marketing s trategies us ed for various card types in France. • Gain ins ights into key regulations governing France's cards and payments indus try. Key Highlights • The French payment cards market has s een the uptake of contactles s technology.

According to the French As s ociation of Contactles s Mobile (AFSCM), the number of contactles s trans actions increas ed rapidly to reach 40.0 million in March 2016 – an increas e of 17.3% over February 2016. The contactles s card payments regis tered a s taggering year-on-year growth of 171% in March 2016. In this regard, banks and telecom operators are launching contactles s mobile payment (m-payment) s ervices . One of the lates t of thes e is the Crédit Mutuel-CIC app introduced by Crédit Mutuel in partners hip with the m-payment s olution provider Airtag in November 2015. Similarly, BNP Paribas expanded its KIX contactles s payments s ervice in April 2014, allowing its cus tomers to make contactles s payments for purchas es of up to US$333.2 (EUR300) with a monthly ceiling of US$1,666.1 (EUR1,500). However, us ers mus t enter their PIN for payments over US$22.2 (EUR20). Thes e moves are anticipated to further increas e contactles s trans actions in France. • To increas e the uptake of mobile POS (mPOS) among s mall merchants , s olution providers are offering terminals at lower cos ts . According to a 2014 s tudy by Vis a Europe, there were 730,000 s mall and medium enterpris es (SMEs ) in the country who are equipped with s martphones but who do not accept card payments . Therefore, POS terminal manufacturers are introducing low-cos t terminals to increas e merchant adoption. For example, iZ ettle launched a card reader exclus ively for s mall merchants in May 2015, allowing them to accept m-payments by s imply connecting the reader to a s martphone. Similarly, Payleven and SumUp offer low-cos t card readers for s mall merchants . The introduction of low-cos t s olutions is anticipated to encourage merchants to accept card-bas ed payments , further driving payment card trans action volumes and values . • Des pite the availability of s ecure online payment s olutions Verified by Vis a and Mas terCard Secure Code, online card fraud grew during the review period (2011 –2015). Card-not-pres ent fraud accounted for 66.0%, the highes t s hare of the total fraud regis tered in 2015. To curb this , banks in France are experimenting with new a technology called ‘motion code’ s olution, under which the three-digit s ecurity (CVV) code on the back of the card is replaced with a mini-s creen which dis plays a code that changes automatically at regular intervals . The project was undertaken by BPCE and BNP Paribas in partners hip with Oberthur Technologies , and is pres ently under pilot. The two banks are planning to roll out the s olution over the cours e of 2016. This additional s ecurity is anticipated to reduce the probability of cards being us ed for fraudulent trans actions online. Contents:

Table of Contents 1 Definitions and Methodology 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Methodology 2 Key Facts and Events 3 Executive Summary 4 Payment Ins truments 4.1 Current Payment Environment 5 E-Commerce 5.1 E-Commerce Market Analys is 6 Alternative Payments 6.1 Alternative Payment Ins truments 6.1.1 Paylib 6.1.2 PayPal 6.1.3 Hype 6.1.4 SlimPay 6.1.5 Starbucks mobile wallet 6.1.6 Mas terPas s 6.1.7 Vis a Checkout 6.1.8 Seqr 7 Regulations in the Cards and Payments Indus try 7.1 Regulatory Framework 7.1.1 SEPA cards framework 7.1.2 Interchange fee regulation 7.1.3 Regulation on cas h trans actions 7.2 Anti-Money Laundering (AML) 7.3 Foreign Direct Inves tment (FDI) Regulations 8 Analys is of Cards and Payments Indus try Drivers 8.1 Demographic Drivers 8.2 Economic Drivers 8.3 Infras tructure Drivers 8.4 Bus ines s Drivers 9 Market Segmentation 9.1 Market Segmentation and Targeting 9.1.1 Cons umer cards 9.1.2 Commercial cards 10 Payment Cards 10.1 Payment Cards Market Analys is 10.1.1 Volume and value of payment card trans actions by type 10.1.2 Cartes Bancaires 11 Debit Cards 11.1 Debit Card Market Analys is

11.1.1 Turnover per debit card and trans action values by channel 11.1.2 Debit card s cheme and is s uer s hares in terms of trans action value 11.1.3 Debit cards comparis on 12 Credit Cards 12.1 Credit Card Market Analys is 12.1.1 Turnover per credit card and trans action values by channel 12.1.2 Credit card s cheme and is s uer s hares in terms of trans action value 12.1.3 Credit cards comparis on 13 Charge Cards 13.1 Charge Card Market Analys is 13.1.1 Turnover per charge card and trans action values by channel 13.1.2 Charge card s cheme s hares in terms of trans action value 13.1.3 Charge cards comparis on 14 Commercial Pay Later Cards 14.1 Commercial Pay Later Cards Market Analys is 14.1.1 Commercial pay later cards comparis on 15 Card Fraud Statis tics 15.1 Card Fraud Analys is 16 Card Is s uers 16.1 BPCE Group 16.2 BNP Paribas 16.3 Crédit Agricole 16.4 Crédit Mutuel-CIC Group 16.5 La Banque Pos tale 17 Prepaid Cards 17.1 Prepaid Card Market Analys is 17.1.1 Prepaid cards comparis on 18 Private Label Cards 18.1 Private Label Card Market Analys is 19 Merchant Acquiring 19.1 Merchant Acquiring Market Analys is 20 Appendix 20.1 Tables 20.2 Contact Timetric 20.3 About Timetric 20.4 Timetric’s Services 20.5 Dis claimer Lis t of Tables Table 1: Key Definitions Table 2: Annual Average Exchange Rate Table 3: France – Key Facts , 2015 Table 4: Regional Benchmarking of France Payment Cards , 2015 Table 5: France – Mode of Entry of Foreign Banks Table 6: Cards for High-Income Cons umers , 2016 Table 7: Cards for Travelers , 2016 Table 8: Cards for Online Shoppers , 2016 Table 9: Cards for Retail Shoppers , 2016 Table 10: Cards for Students and Young Population, 2016 Table 11: Commercial Cards Comparis on and Key Features , 2016 Table 12: CB Cards – Key Indicators , 2010–2014 Table 13: France – Debit Cards Comparis on and Key Features , 2016 Table 14: France – Gold Credit Cards Comparis on and Key Features , 2016 Table 15: France – Premium Credit Cards Comparis on and Key Features , 2016 Table 16: France – Charge Cards Comparis on and Key Features , 2016 Table 17: France – Commercial Pay Later Cards Comparis on and Key Features , 2016 Table 18: France – Prepaid Cards Comparis on and Key Features , 2016 Table 19: France – Private Label Credit Cards Comparis on and Key Features , 2016 Table 20: France – Payment Ins trument Trans action Values (EUR Billion), 2011–2015 Table 21: France – Payment Ins trument Trans action Values (US$ Billion), 2011–2015 Table 22: France – Payment Ins trument Trans action Volumes (Billion), 2011–2015 Table 23: France – Number of Payment Cards in Circulation by Type (Million), 2011 –2020 Table 24: France – Volume of Payment Card Trans actions by Type (Million), 2011 –2020 Table 25: France – Value of Payment Card Trans actions by Type (EUR Billion), 2011 –2020 Table 26: France – Value of Payment Card Trans actions by Type (US$ Billion), 2011 –2020 Table 27: France – Number of Debit Cards in Circulation (Million), 2011–2020 Table 28: France – Debit Card Trans action Volumes and Frequency by Channel, 2011 –2020 Table 29: France – Debit Card Total and Average Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 30: France – Debit Card Total and Average Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 31: France – Number of Debit Cards in Circulation by Scheme (Million), 2011 –2015 Table 32: France – Debit Card Trans action Values by Scheme (EUR Billion), 2011

–2015 Table 33: France – Debit Card Trans action Values by Scheme (US$ Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 34: France – Debit Card Trans action Values by Is s uer (EUR Billion), 2011–2015 Table 35: France – Debit Card Trans action Values by Is s uer (US$ Billion), 2011–2015 Table 36: France – Number of Pay Later Cards in Circulation (Million), 2011–2020 Table 37: France – Pay Later Card Trans action Volumes and Frequency by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 38: France – Pay Later Card Total and Average Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 39: France – Pay Later Card Total and Average Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 40: France – Number of Pay Later Cards in Circulation By Scheme (Million), 2011–2015 Table 41: France – Pay Later Card Trans action Values By Scheme (EUR Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 42: France – Pay Later Card Trans action Values By Scheme (US$ Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 43: France – Pay Later Card Trans action Values by Is s uer (EUR Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 44: France – Pay Later Card Trans action Values by Is s uer (US$ Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 45: France – Number of Credit Cards in Circulation (Million), 2011–2020 Table 46: France – Credit Card Trans action Volumes and Frequency by Channel, 2011 –2020 Table 47: France – Credit Card Total and Average Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 48: France – Credit Card Total and Average Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 49: France – Number of Credit Cards in Circulation by Scheme (Million), 2011 –2015 Table 50: France – Credit Card Trans action Values by Scheme (EUR Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 51: France – Credit Card Trans action Values by Scheme (US$ Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 52: France – Number of Charge Cards in Circulation (Million), 2011–2020 Table 53: France – Charge Card Trans action Volumes and Frequency by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 54: France – Charge Card Total and Average Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 55: France – Charge Card Total and Average Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Table 56: France – Number of Charge Cards in Circulation by Scheme (Million), 2011 –2015 Table 57: France – Charge Card Trans action Values by Scheme (EUR Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 58: France – Charge Card Trans action Values by Scheme (US$ Billion), 2011 –2015 Table 59: France – Pers onal and Commercial Pay Later Card Trans action Volumes (Million), 2011–2020 Table 60: France – Pers onal and Commercial Pay Later Card Trans action Values (EUR Billion), 2011–2020 Table 61: France – Pers onal and Commercial Pay Later Card Trans action Values (US$ Billion), 2011–2020 Table 62: France – Number of Commercial Pay Later Cards in Circulation (Million), 2011–2020 Table 63: France – Commercial Pay Later Card Trans action Values (EUR Billion), 2011 –2020 Table 64: France – Commercial Pay Later Card Trans action Values (US$ Billion), 2011 –2020 Table 65: France – Commercial Pay Later Card Trans action Volumes (Million), 2011 –2020 Table 66: France – Card Fraud (EUR Million), 2011–2015 Table 67: France – Card Fraud (US$ Million), 2011–2015 Table 68: France – Number of Prepaid Cards in Circulation (Million), 2011–2020 Table 69: France – Prepaid Card Trans action Values (EUR Million), 2011–2020 Table 70: France – Prepaid Card Trans action Values (US$ Million), 2011–2020 Table 71: France – Merchant Acquiring Trans action Volumes by Channel (Billion), 2011–2020 Table 72: France – Merchant Acquiring Trans action Values (EUR Billion), 2011–2020 Table 73: France – Merchant Acquiring Trans action Values (US$ Billion), 2011–2020 Table 74: France – Acquirers ’ Trans action Volumes (Million), 2011–2015 Table 75: France – Acquirers ’ Trans action Values (EUR Billion), 2011–2015 Table 76: France – Acquirers ’ Trans action Values (US$ Billion), 2011–2015 Table 77: France – Retail Outlets and Card Accepting Merchants (Million), 2011–2020 Lis t of Figures Figure 1: France – Payment Ins trument Shares by Trans action Value (%), 2011 vs 2015

Figure 2: France – Payment Ins trument Shares by Trans action Volume (%), 2011 vs 2015 Figure 3: France – E-Commerce Value (US$ Billion) and Payment Types (%) Figure 4: France – Total Population and Structure Figure 5: France – Economic Indicators Figure 6: France – Number of ATMs and POS Terminals Figure 7: France – Real Hous ehold Cons umption and Outbound Touris m Expenditure Figure 8: France – Segmentation by Card Type Figure 9: France – Growth in Payment Card Trans action Values and Number of Cards in Circulation by Type, 2011–2020 Figure 10: France – Volume and Value of Payment Card Trans actions by Type (%), 2011–2020 Figure 11: France – Number of CB Cards , Trans action Value and Volume Figure 12: France – Debit Card Penetration and Number of Debit Cards in Circulation, 2011–2020 Figure 13: France – Debit Card, Average Interchange Fees : Intra-Network Trans actions (%), 2011–2015 Figure 14: France – Debit Card, Average Merchant Service Charges and Interchange Fees : Domes tic Trans actions (%), 2011–2020 Figure 15: France – Turnover Per Debit Card and Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Figure 16: France – Debit Card Scheme and Is s uer Shares in Terms of Trans action Value (%), 2015 Figure 17: France – Credit Card Penetration and Number of Credit Cards in Circulation, 2011–2020 Figure 18: France – Pay Later, Average Interchange Fees : Intra-Network Trans actions (%), 2011–2015 Figure 19: France – Pay Later, Average Merchant Service Charges and Interchange Fees : Domes tic Trans actions (%), 2011–2020 Figure 20: France – Turnover Per Credit Card and Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Figure 21: France – Credit Card Scheme and Is s uer Shares in Terms of Trans action Value (%), 2015 Figure 22: France – Charge Card Penetration and Number of Charge Cards in Circulation, 2011–2020 Figure 23: France – Turnover Per Charge Card and Trans action Values by Channel, 2011–2020 Figure 24: France – Charge Card Scheme Shares in Terms of Trans action Value (%), 2015 Figure 25: France – Commercial vs Pers onal Pay Later Cards , Trans action Volumes and Values (%), 2011–2020 Figure 26: France – Number of Commercial Pay Later Cards in Circulation, Trans action Value and Volume, 2011–2020 Figure 27: France – Shares of Various Types of Card Fraud in Terms of Trans action Value (%), 2011 vs 2015 Figure 28: France – Number of Prepaid Cards in Circulation and Trans action Value, 2011–2020 Figure 29: France – Merchant Acquiring Trans action Volume and Value, 2011–2020 Figure 30: France – Acquirers ’ Market Share in Terms of Trans action Volume and Value (%), 2015 Figure 31: France – Number of Retail Outlets and Card Accepting Merchants (Million), 2011–2020

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