– ITS IMPACT ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Energy Matters / Summer 2016
Welcome to the Summer Edition of Energy Matters which we hope you will enjoy.
This is my first opportunity to introduce the magazine since taking over from Stephen O'Hara as Managing Director of Elmhurst Energy. I have been with Elmhurst since 2013, originally as Operations Director, then Commercial and Operations before taking overall responsibility in April. Prior to Elmhurst I have really only ever had three jobs; initially a mechanical engineering apprentice making pressure vessels, pumps and motors for the nuclear industry. Twelve years at BSI assessing construction products and
Energy Matters / Summer 2016
culminating as General Manager for their Management Systems business and then 12 years as Operations Director at the BBA, testing, assessing and certifying Construction products. In many ways Elmhurst brings the best of these roles together; science, construction and energy. I am grateful that I have inherited a team of true practicing experts at Elmhurst; all of which are committed to delivering excellent customer service to you, our valued members. During the last three months we have delivered some great new products, including;
• new free to use mobile software for Legionella assessments - Search ‘Elmhurst Legionella Mobile’ or click here ( ) • a very straightforward but effective drawing package for presenting the design of water systems. - Search ‘Elmhurst Legionella Mobile’ or click here ( ) • improved online software and new mobile software for completing Inventory Inspections - search for ‘Property inventory Inspection’ or click here ( ) • an Air Conditioning Inspection Scheme - search ‘Elmhurst Air Conditioning Inspection’ or click here ( ) • a great tool for identifying properties that you have assessed that may now be unsuitable for private rental because they achieved an F or G rating - Search for ‘Elmhurst Data Unlock / Domestic MEES’ or click here ( )
As you may have noticed the magazine itself has been refreshed. Hopefully it will still give readers the latest news that you find both interesting and easy to digest. As well as the regular features, we have included a few new sections such as an index to the many technical bulletins that we offer members, and a new section which attempts to present market data in a form that might help you understand your business better, and plan for the future.
If you have any views or opinions about Elmhurst Energy, this magazine or the services we offer then I would be very pleased to hear them and so, please feel free to email me directly at I wish you a good summer, both in business and pleasure. Yours sincerely.
In an article that looks forward to changes over the next 12 months you can see that there are both challenges and opportunities ahead. We cannot predict but we do commit to lobby and influence the decision makers to create an energy efficient society and to protect the interests of our members.
Energy Matters / Summer 2016
2 Foreword 5 Stay with the best to be ahead of the rest! 6 EU Referendum – its impact on Energy Efficiency 8 Generate more business through DATA Unlock Domestic MEES 9 Technical Bulletins- Only available to Elmhurst Members 10 Smart Auditing Update 12 Game, Set and Match – the Government finally put to bed Zero Carbon Homes (or have they?) 14 AN INNOVATIVE WAY OF AIR TIGHTNESS TESTING – PULSE 16 WHAT’S ON THE HORIZON FOR ELMHURST MEMBERS? 20 Market data 22 Energy – Design, Buildability and Compliance
Energy Matters / Summer 2016
We are pleased to release the latest version of 'Energy Matters' to our members. At Elmhurst we put our customers first and over the past financial year we have continued to invest in and support our members, offering:• Excellent Technical Support. Our team of qualified assessors provide the highest level of technical support to ensure members can complete jobs quickly. • Fair and supportive Quality Assurance. Our Quality Assurance process is not only consistent but it also promotes a level playing field for our hard working members. • Improved and enhanced Software. Elmhurst’s intuitive mobile and desktop software is developed and enhanced through member feedback in order to create software that suits our end user.
• Marketing material for our members - helping you increase your sales With guides and fact sheets readily available, Elmhurst assessors have a better opportunity to drive their services to new and existing customers. Feedback we received from one of our assessors stated that “The fact sheets regarding MEES, have been a valuable tool, when explaining the possible future implications to my clients”. • Lobbying and voicing our members concerns. Elmhurst will always lobby on behalf of our members, having voiced our opinion on the latest, DEC and ECO2 consultations. • Technical Bulletins - e.g. assessing a room in a roof. As part of our extensive support, we provide a wide range of Technical Bulletins, written by in house experts in a style that is easy to read and understand. • Competitive lodgement fees. The more you lodge, the cheaper it becomes! • Newsletters with real value. Our Quarterly Newsletters provides members with the latest in industry news, and technology available to them. • Regional and online training and CPD courses (Discounted for members). Elmhurst's wide variety of Training and CPD courses are delivered by experts, with course information presented at a pace suited to our trainees. We very much value our customers and being part of the Elmhurst Energy Accreditation Scheme will provide you or your business with the right tools to maximise your business gains.
Energy Matters / Summer 2016
EU REFERENDUM – ITS IMPACT ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY STUART FAIRLIE W Stuart Fairlie, Head of Technical at energy performance measurement specialist Elmhurst Energy explains why his organisation won’t be sitting on the fence when it comes to the upcoming EU referendum. At the time of going to press, energy efficiency has not been discussed in any referendum debates. Of course, it’s unlikely to be – when is energy efficiency ever debated at the national level? However, Elmhurst Energy believes that the European Union has done well in raising awareness and giving member state governments an opportunity to devise a long term strategy, tackling 6
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important issues that cannot be fixed in any one parliamentary term. When the EU delivered the Energy Performance in Building Directive (EPBD) it required all member state governments to create an independent, objective and straightforward method of communicating energy efficiency performance to benefit consumers by allowing them to make intelligent buying decisions. What was delivered? 1. A simple rating system that people could understand and raise consumer awareness of energy efficiency in all buildings.
2. Comparative methodologies with other member states, so we could learn from each others’ experiences. 3. A regime that required all buildings to have an up to date assessment giving consumers real benefit. 4. Innovation and improvement in building products, a sector where UK industry leads the world. 5. A facility to devise a long term view consistent across all member states. 6. Over 17 million Energy Performance Certificates have been delivered in the UK alone, identifying hundreds of millions of pounds worth of cost efficiencies and CO2 savings.
The good news is that the consumers are starting to see their benefits, in fact a recent study by Go Compare Mortgages for the Daily Mail showed that warmth and energy efficiency were the top two items valued when looking at purchasing properties. With the whole of the European Union focussing on energy efficiency we have a real chance to reduce the demand for energy, which will; • Create warmer homes and buildings with lower fuel bills • Reduce the need to build new and replacement power stations • Slow the impact fossil fuels have on climate change, and • Reduce our dependency on all imported fuels. We believe that the UK is likely to be in a better position to push for improvements and influence the EU future energy challenges and policies from within, rather than in isolation. The country has a big decision to make soon. We hope that we make an informed choice based on facts.
to do with Europe, for example, we recently signed up to reduce our carbon emissions by signing up to a UN climate change commitment. The Government will still need policies and tools to enable the country to use less energy and save people money. Consumers now expect information on everything they buy and buildings are no different. That demand will remain. If you buy a fridge or car and see an energy rating, why would consumers not want to know the same for the single biggest investment in their lives, their properties? In our view a British exit from the EU will not be a disaster for energy assessors, but it will create uncertainty and ultimately may allow the Government to rethink the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations, which were the UK response to the
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. It is difficult to be sure whether the EU has led the UK, or vice versa, but, whatever the answer, because of the poor state of our housing, the high proportion of people in fuel poverty and our dependency on imported energy, it is important that the UK is at the top table when it comes to driving energy efficiency. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, or the decisions that follow, you can be sure that Elmhurst Energy will be lobbying the decision makers to ensure the good work Elmhurst Members do is understood, and that the value of EPCs is fully appreciated.
If however the referendum does decide that the UK should leave the EU it will be just the start of the process to unravel legislation that the politicians want to keep, from that which they consider an imposition from Europe. A good example is that the Building Regulations/Standards require an EPC to ensure that the property satisfies the Regulations/Standards. Most observers want to keep industry standards and so the EPC helps this process. Energy rating is not an invention of Europe and has been used to assess UK building stock for many years, and will continue with or without Europe. The Standard Assessment Procedure and the reduced version were invented in the UK for UK buildings and climate conditions. Many commitments that the Government make have nothing Energy Matters / Summer 2016
The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 will attempt to phase in new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) in the private rental sector over the next few years. As a result of this Landlords need to review their current housing stock to determine if their properties are up to the required standards. At Elmhurst we are helping our clients to quickly identify properties that are below the required standards through our latest software development, Data Unlock Domestic MEES. This software enables assessors to unlock their existing EPC and EPR data, lodged or submitted through Access Elmhurst. Assessors who use this product will have access to a variety of reports which detail how to improve F & G properties. This will not only support assessors in generating more business for themselves by encouraging demand for an up-to-date EPC but will also provide added value to landlords who will need to be ready for the new regulations.
Data Unlock Domestic MEES available for £99 plus VAT per year. Companies can also purchase this software for just £499 plus VAT per year. Soon to be launched is Data unlock for commercial properties to help the commercial assessor target F & G EPCs lodged. For further information please contact the relevant support team on 01455 883 250
Energy Matters / Summer 2016
TECHNICAL BULLETINSONLY AVAILABLE TO ELMHURST MEMBERS At Elmhurst Energy we are proud of the quality of technical support we provide to members. One of the most beneficial and proactive ways we support them is through a wide range of Technical Bulletins, all written by our in house experts in a style that is easy to read and understand. Elmhurst Members can access any Technical Bulletin appropriate to their accreditation through Access Elmhurst/ My Documents. If you are not currently an Elmhurst Member and wish to access our first rate support, including this extensive list of Technical Bulletins, why not Switch today at
Our most popular Technical Bulletins include: Existing Dwellings TB05 Listed Buildings TB06 Secondary Heating TB07 Storage & Electric Heating TB08 Sheltered & Alternative Walls TB09 Room in Roof Flats TB13 Tenure, Trans Type & Disclosure TB24 RdSAP Convention TB46 Use of Non-Default U-values TB51 Solar PV TB52 Biomass TB54 CPD Guide TB56 Guide to Electric Meters TB58 DEA FAQs TB60 Measurement Guide for DEAs TB61 Identifying Lighting TB71 Flue Identification Non Domestic TB10 How to lodge a Non Domestic EPC using iSBEM TB11 How to lodge a Display Energy Certificate TB41 Identification of Atria TB42 Display Lighting TB43 Split System Efficiency Calculation TB44 Lighting Identification TB47 Boiler Efficiency TB48 iSBEM Conversion Tool TB49 Multiple HWS Storage and Instantaneous TB62 DECs Verification of Floor Areas TB65 Identification of PV Features TB67 Effective Recommendation Reports using iSBEM TB68 Producing a Potential Asset Rating for EPCs in Scotland On Construction Conversion Calculations Bulletin TB21 SAP Conventions OCT 2013 TB22 Technical Guidance on Air Pressure Testing TB57 Design SAP 2012 Enhancements TB64 SAP Conventions v6 TB70 OCDEA Room in Roof Energy Matters / Summer 2016
Elmhurst Members will be aware that, with the backing of DCLG, accreditation schemes are currently trialling a new ‘Smart Audit’ process and, if successful, it is likely that this new approach to Quality Assurance will be adopted within the next version of the Scheme Operating Requirements. Elmhurst has continued to receive an extremely positive response from its members who understand the many benefits this type of auditing will provide compared to the current Quality Assurance (QA) regime which often focuses more on the QA process itself rather than the actual quality of the EPC. The current system is also overly-complex and slow to react to specific industry concerns unlike Smart Auditing which, by its nature, is reactive and takes a risk-based approach to QA. With the help of defined ‘smart rules’, Schemes can target areas of concern, including unusual data inputs or lodgement patterns, and target specific EPCs for audit. Examples include no heating controls to the main boiler, large numbers of EPCs with ‘no loft access’ declared or U-Values which have been overwritten by the assessor. Where technical errors are identified, Schemes would ensure that appropriate corrective action is completed by the assessor to ensure 10 Energy Matters / Summer 2016
It is also hoped that Smart Auditing will more effectively highlight malpractice and fraudulent activity, in which case a strict disciplinary procedure would lead to the assessor being ‘struckoff’ where justified.
these mistakes are not repeated and, over time, this will help to increase the quality and consistence of EPCs lodged on the Central Register. It is also hoped that Smart Auditing will more effectively highlight malpractice and fraudulent activity, in which case a strict disciplinary procedure would lead to the assessor being ‘struck-off’ where justified. It is also worth noting, however, that assessors who produce EPCs to the required standard by following correct RdSAP methodology, Conventions and evidence requirements, are likely to see a reduction in the number of audit requests they receive whilst attention is focussed on areas of more immediate concern. Two months of the trial have now been completed and the results so far indicate that the new approach to auditing does help to identify higher numbers of defective EPCs (compared to the current random approach) and this ‘smart’ method will help schemes to assist the assessors most in need of
support, training or corrective action. Whilst it was originally intended to run the trial for three months all schemes agree that, in order to test the Smart Audit process fully, it may be necessary to extend the trial by a further three month period. We are currently awaiting a decision from DCLG regarding this proposed time extension and will provide a further update to Members in due course.
Should you have any questions regarding the Smart Audit trial please do not hesitate to contact our Existing Dwellings Team on 01455 883257 or e-mail existingdwellings-support@
Full details of the Smart Audit trial can be downloaded here. To obtain a copy of DCLG’s letter please click here ( ) The accompanying Annex can be viewed here ( )
Energy Matters / Summer 2016
Over the past 12 months the House of Commons and the House of Lords has played ‘political’ tennis with its stance on zero carbon homes.
Smash: On the 10th July 2015 the Government (House of Commons) unexpectedly scrapped the zero carbon homes standard, which was planned to be introduced in England via Building Regulations in 2016. On the back of this HM Treasury grabbed headlines that they were removing bureaucracy and red tape for house builders – so they can get Britain Building again. The move was lambasted by green groups and house building organisations, as the road map towards low carbon homes was planned and invested in for many years preceding this and all this investment was now wasted. Volley back: The House of Lords, twice revoked the Government plans and on the 26th April 2016 they stated that “all new homes in England built from 1st April 2018 should achieve the carbon compliance standard”.
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This came hot on the heels of the current Government agreeing to tough new carbon targets set out in Paris COP21. The House of Lords was intent that the standard was good for Britain and would allow us to meet our new commitments to the UN climate change agenda. Set and Match: The Government finally defeated the amendments to the Housing and Planning Bill by only 4 votes and therefore the Bill received royal assent on Friday 13th of May (was this date an omen?). Relief then for the Government, and an easier route to comply for the house builders; but not so good news for home owners or the energy efficiency industry. Is the door ajar for a comeback? The Government have however agreed to introduce a 12 month review of energy efficiency standards for new homes in building regulations.
The Government believe that they are already building energy efficient buildings and agree that the extra changes would stop the industry hitting its new target of one million new homes in this parliamentary term. It is also believed that the extra changes would be too costly for house builders. Recently the House Building Federation (HBF) made a statement saying that they would make this agreed target; agreeing that they were unfortunately off the one million target, but would catch up. One can imagine when the industry issued results showing that they were behind the new targets, that Mr Osborne was none too happy! So the door is left slightly ajar to review standards, but with no appetite to get in the way of building new homes; it looks likely that up to one million homes will be built which could have been improved. As a result these new homes will lock in longer term carbon and pricier fuel bills for the new occupiers.
EU Referendum There is a long standing EU requirement within the Energy Performance on Buildings Directive (EPBD) to ensure that all new buildings built in the EU are to be ‘nearly zero-energy buildings’ from 2020; so assuming we stay in the EU, the current Government will have to quickly change their mind and come back around to introducing reduced energy targets on the house building sector before the end of this parliamentary term. So what is next? No joined up thinking, changing of policy over night, no investment in new technologies. Higher fuel bills for members of the public. But the current Government can say that they ‘may’ achieve the 1 million new homes they desperately want to build. The current Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) are intent on delivering new
Nuclear Power stations and fracking opportunities – whilst imploring people to switch providers to get cheaper bills. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) which issues the Building Regulations is drawing up the draw bridge on regulation changes with an emphasis to get building more homes. Rematch: Elmhurst believes that the cheapest form of energy savings is that of which we do not use. The building regulations changes (planned for this year) would have been dealt with comfortably by the industry and those homes will last into the next generation. If we save energy as a country, maybe we don’t have to build so many new nuclear power stations and find more wells to frack. So this tennis match is currently over, but it will definitely be back for a rematch. Stuart Fairlie – Head of Technical Energy Matters / Summer 2016
Uncontrolled air leakage in buildings can account for a significant percentage of the total heat loss. Currently, airtightness testing largely involves the use of the ‘blower door’ test which fixes a large heavy fan within one of the property’s outside doors. This system is timeconsuming, usually taking around 30mins per property. The equipment is heavy and cumbersome and difficult to transport. Further to this, the results are often inaccurate and specific measurements are almost impossible to repeat.
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Originally part funded by InnovateUK, PULSE has been developed by Elmhurst Energy and a consortium of leading specialists and academics in the energy efficiency industry with the vision of a more efficient, accurate, assessor and occupantfriendly means of air tightness testing all buildings.
Build Test Solutions (BTS) is a joint venture formed to develop and commercialise the PULSE technique. This includes Elmhurst Energy, The National Energy Foundation and Absolute Air and Gas.
The solution This innovative system centres on the use of a low-pressure air pulse, which is passed through a dwelling to provide a more accurate measurement of the way in which pressure drops and air infiltration occurs. Not only is the approach more accurate but, by using low pressure, it offers the following benefits over conventional tests: • Carried out using a relatively small, lightweight composite pressure vessel, which is standalone and portable • Unobtrusive for occupants as the test is quiet and will not disturb household objects. • Provides a more accurate measurement of fabric infiltration. • Reduces the time taken to complete a test. • Reduces the need for site preparation – further reducing the overall time taken to test
• The equipment is simple to operate so there is less scope for user error • Designed to enable a low unit price. Our research shows that this new method will dramatically improve the accuracy of baseline performance assessments as well as the applicability of impact modelling and upgrade recommendations. When will it be ready? Whilst further product development is in progress, working prototypes are now commercially available with the intention to revolutionise the way air tightness testing is done. For more information and a short video, we now have a website in development You can also find out more by contacting Luke Smith at
Energy Matters / Summer 2016
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WHAT’S ON THE HORIZON FOR ELMHURST MEMBERS? MARTYN REED W Writing this article in early June, the events, challenges and opportunities before us appear both exciting and frightening in almost equal measure. Here I will outline my views on those likely to have the biggest impact.
EU Referendum - June 2016 The first event on the horizon is obviously the EU referendum on 23rd June. Elmhurst has written numerous articles on the subject and whilst we believe that he EU has been good for energy efficiency, and to that end we believe that it is better for the UK to remain, the reverse is not necessarily all bad. SAP, RdSAP, SBEM & DEC assessments are a UK invention, and are written into UK law to deliver our international (not European) Climate Change commitments. However it is isn’t all push via legislation, as we know that homebuyers, landlords and property investors value the information that Energy Certificates provides, in the same way that consumers value information on fridges, light bulbs and televisions, and use it to guide their home/building buying decisions. If there is an exit MPs will undoubtedly look at all UK laws that originate in Europe, but we believe that the Energy Efficiency of Building Regulations are of significant valuable and will be retained. Impact on Elmhurst Members: The outcome of the EU referendum will be of major interest to all energy assessors, to remain will secure Energy Certificates as a legal requirement, but an exit changes nothing in the short term. Energy Matters / Summer 2016
New Build Housing - 2016 and beyond The Conservative Government has committed to build tens of thousands of new homes per year (1 million new homes in this parliamentary term), and in the recent London Mayoral Elections house building was a key issue with both sides committing to large house building programmes. The data produced by Government, both in terms of residential starts and completions, and the increasing volume of new build EPCs, show that the growth has started; but it is yet to achieve its target and therefore the demand will be at least 30% more work coming through. Impact on Elmhurst Members: great news for our On Construction Assessors. Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) - Major impact in 2018 The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards apply to both the domestic and non domestic rental sectors and effectively outlaw the rental of poor performing properties & buildings (F or G rated) from 2018. Whilst the legislation is currently hampered without an effective pay as you save solution for domestic properties (see ‘Every Home Matters’ below) there is real evidence of private landlords updating EPCs to ensure that their assets are capable of being rented, and to identify cost effective improvements to achieve compliance. For more information visit: http://www.elmhurstenergy. Impact on Elmhurst Members: great news for our domestic and non-domestic energy assessors working in the private rental sector.
Sale of Existing Dwellings - July 2016 Despite recent press reports, the sales of residential dwellings is significantly increasing year on year, for example March/ April 2016 was 12.5% up on the previous year. Circumstantial evidence from the market suggest the EU referendum is creating a bit of a slow down, but it is expected that post referendum, whatever the result, we will see a large increase in houses coming on the market, and banks wanting to lend to homebuyers with renewed confidence. There is also accepted wisdom that any influx of new build houses coming onto the market will also create a domino effect with existing dwellings. Impact on Elmhurst Members: good news for our Domestic Energy Assessors as the demand for EPCs to support the sale of existing dwellings is likely to increase significantly.
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Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Deemed Score Implementation - April 2017 Elmhurst has been aware of the proposed introduction of deemed scores into the ECO Policy, and made its view well known in articles that it published in February, March and May. Although it is “out for consultation” we believe that there is commitment to introduce deemed scores to replace RdSAP assessments and ECO scores. With a reduced sum to spend on energy efficiency measures we understand that there is a need to take cost out of the process, but without measurement ECO, the Industry will return to be an exercise in spending public money, rather than creating measurable improvement. Elmhurst is campaigning to keep the EPC as a key component in the process, so to focus improvement where it is most needed, to measure that improvement and to raise householder awareness of further improvements they should make. Impact on Elmhurst Members: Bad news for DEAs involved with ECO funded improvement. Elmhurst believe this proposal is a retrograde step that requires serious consideration, which with unintended consequences that it will create, and the opportunities that will be lost.
Every Home Matters / The Bonfield Review- June 2016 Elmhurst Energy understands that the Bonfield Review, now known as Every Home Matters, is ready to be published and the delay from March 2016 has been caused by ‘purdah’, the six week period before the local elections, and then the referendum, during which Government is restricted on what it can announce. Some snippets have been presented at various meetings and seem to surround the quality of installation more than anything else. Elmhurst expressed concern that the funding mechanism, which was unattractive to many householders, needed careful consideration. We understand that this is being addressed by all the working groups and a special policy group within DECC. The good news is that we have been assured that EPCs will be part of that solution. Regrettably the report is likely to recommended an implementation project that could take up to 1 year to complete its work, and that aligns its self with both the launch of ECO 3 in April 2018, and the statement made by Lord Bourne that “ full detail of new domestic energy efficiency strategy is not due until 2018” Impact on Elmhurst Members: Good news they are still planning a ‘Pay-As-You-Save’ solution and that EPCs are thought to be part of the solution, disappointing its taking so long.
Further ahead we are due to have an update to SAP in 2017, probably followed by RdSAP in 2018 but no details have yet been made public. What you can be sure of, is that Elmhurst will be pushing for both pragmatic and effective policies that further the interest of energy efficiency. As always Elmhurst will keep its Members fully updated as soon as information is available. Energy Matters / Summer 2016
MARKET DATA Here at Elmhurst we collect and analyse data from many sources in the belief that it helps us make better business decisions. Turning this data into a digestible form takes time and requires a detailed understanding of context. Each edition we will provide you with a snapshot of this data which we hope you find of interest, and maybe help you prepare for the future. Existing dwellings
Volume of residential property sales in the UK on a rolling 12 month basis
Volume of EPCs lodged on a rolling in the UK 12 month basis
Commentary Volume of EPCs peaked in 12 months to May 2014, driven by ECO and to a lesser extent Green Deal. Trend suggests reverting back to March 2013 volumes. Increase of EPCs required by house sales and rentals masked by fall off of EPCs issued for other purposes.. Outlook • Demand for EPCs for sale and rental will grow to match buoyant house market. • Predicted growth in new build EPCs is likely to have a domino effect on sale of existing dwellings.
20 Energy Matters / Summer 2016
New build / On Construction
Volume of residential house completions on a rolling 12 month basis, to Sept 2015
Volume of on construction (new build residential) EPCs in the UK issued on a rolling 12 month basis
Commentary Housing market recovering after 8 years of low activity. Volume of EPCs issued is tracking growth in new build completions. Appears to be a high proportion on non compliance with in excess of 25% of new build houses non compliant. Outlook Good news for Elmhurst’s OCDEA members as the volume of new build EPCs is on the increase, and levels of compliance is high.
Non Domestic /Commercial buildings
Non residential (commercial) property sales in the UK on a 12 month rolling basis
Volume of Commercial property EPCs in the UK on a rolling 12 month basisUK issued on a rolling 12 month basis
Commentary Commercial property sales continue to grow. Volume of EPCs issued falls which may mean reliance on old data, or high levels of non compliance. Outlook A mixed message. Volumes increase but levels of non compliance are unacceptably high. It is believed that the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards will stimulate demand and levels of compliance.Â
Energy Matters / Summer 2016
Four very simple terms but each complex in terms of content, meaning and deliverables.
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As professionals we are more than aware of the pressures placed upon us to engineer and secure the effective use of resources and recognise the need to maximise their use whilst minimising the impact of that use. Success is often reflected through the development of an effective balance between; • The use of fossil fuels and the development, capture and use of renewable energy • The effective sourcing of materials relative to their location and end use • The embodied energy involved in the creation of the end products and their transportation to the point of use and incorporation within the development of a sustainable built environment.
Governments and Legislators at Local, National, European and the Global level all appear to show an acknowledgement of the growing demands and need of energy and recognise its use and the impact of that use on “individual country development” and resultant issues such as “climate change”. Debates will continue and in the interim it is down to the individual governing bodies to create legislation that will be effective and support the longevity of resources with an expectation that “society will comply with the legislation and meet their goals”. Guidance may be provided by the legislative body but in reality it is often “an individual” that is left to
seek engineered thermal solutions utilizing the inherent properties of a material whilst seeking to maximize the benefits of the end product and minimizing the impacts of developments both now and for the future. In reality the legislative body seeks and to a great extent relies upon the support of groups such as likeminded individuals, professional and registration bodies, manufacturers and insurance groups etc. to disseminate the legislative expectations to designers, builders and their clients and thereby achieve the goals set out within the legislation. Focusing on energy and its use or misuse within the built environment it is essential to recognize three key areas;
• The design construction and use of new buildings • Extensions and alterations to existing buildings including a change of use and Consequential improvements/ enhancement There is an accepted recognition that all new work should comply and wherever possible the existing built environment should be upgraded/enhanced within the guidance provided and the limits of practicability. It is recognised that new buildings should have no problems in terms of design to achieve the legislative criteria, however, recent experience has shown that many of the design criteria, whilst achievable on paper and proven by computer program, provide major difficulty in terms of buildability and compliance on site.
A key area is orientation where buildings are designed in terms of degrees and minutes whilst failing to recognize there are occasions where the builder “may be lucky to get it in the right field” an example being a failure to correlate the actual site and its location to the design proposals. A second area being the use of multi-layered constructions relying on sealants or similar systems to maintain the thermal integrity of a structure, the greater the number of layers the greater the possibility of failure and the expense that may be incurred as a result of that failure. This is often a reflection of both the materials available and the labour resource and skills available within a location - there is still an argument for the “keep it simple” approach. I feel it is appropriate at this stage to comment on what appears to be happening within the approach to existing properties and consequential Energy Matters / Summer 2016
Building Control Bodies operate within a competitive environment however, they are all charged with the provision and certification of compliant buildings and development. Problems recognized within the legislation are shared by the Building Control Bodies through the Building Control Alliance.
Developments and demands continue at a pace and as professionals it is essential that wherever possible we contribute to both the development of the legislation and supportive guidance, take ownership of our responsibilities and disseminate, wherever possible, that guidance and continue to engineer compliant solutions.
Where a “full plans – certification approach” is followed I am noticing more and more that the proposals are being designed to achieve acceptance and suggest compliance, often regardless of the client requirements or expectations. The Building Control Body having to resolve issues relating to material availability and changes
These situations are exacerbated as many builders do not understand the legislation or its expectations - no two projects are identical in respect of materials used or the percentage of glazing/roof-light areas or the relevance to the existing building and the need for “mathematical proof and justification”.
The Alliance seeks to achieve common levels of understanding, interpretation and application and through the generation of guidance and support to all parts of the industry in meeting the government goals in terms of energy, performance and compliance.
However, there is also an increasing trend for clients to adopt a “building notice approach” within both the public and private sectors where clients, or their designers, are providing very limited information with an expectation that the Building Control Body will solve any issues on site – almost to the point of taking on the design role.
in respect of both materials, window areas, areas on site – a recent occurrence was reflected in the words “if my assumptions are found to be wrong on site have a word with the Building Inspector and they will sort it out”
improvement. Experience shows a somewhat positive move within the industry that reflects the nature and complexity of the legislation and the creation of designs required to achieve and show compliance.
David Gibson BA MSc DMS PEng FSPE MRICS C.BuildE FCABE MWOBO Hon.FWABO Hon.FABEI Vice President International, Society of Professional Engineers
24 Energy Matters / Summer 2016
Energy Management Services
Building Regulations Compliance
• Elmhurst EnergyCheck • ISO 50001 • Implementation of energy reduction initiatives • Strategy • Defining energy policies and strategy
• SBEM and SAP Expert advice • Air Tightness • Specification Review • SAP Optimisation
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Energy Matters / Summer 2016
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ALL TRAINING Book and Pay for an Elmhurst Training course* in July to qualify for a 12.5% discount for any training/CPD course up until March 2017.
*Booked through the Elmhurst Training Calendar 01455 883 250