Energy Matters: Issue 7

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ELMHURST ENERGY MATTERS EDITION 7.qxp_Layout 1 12/08/2021 11:40 Page 12

Energy Matters | Issue 7 | 2021



Elmhurst takes up the fight on behalf of DEC Assessors

The existing DEC methodology should be modernised and suitably improved to incorporate the needs mentioned throughout the consultation...

Josh Wakeling, Non-Domestic Support Team Leader

Only 7% of nondomestic buildings are over 1,000m² in England and Wales. However, these buildings account for approximately 50% of the total floor area, and it can be estimated that these buildings use over 53% of the total energy used in nondomestic buildings. Does this mean we should change our approach towards assessing the energy efficiency of larger buildings when trying to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions?

To fully understand the energy performance of any building, we at Elmhurst believe in the “Golden Triangle” of assessment; three key measurement techniques to allow for the best possible understanding of a buildings energy use. By having each of these three measurement tools, you can make the best possible choices when it comes to improving and retrofitting buildings with energy saving and low carbon improvement measures. These have been detailed further in our Manifesto for Growth. Here is a summary: 1. Asset Assessment (SBEM & DSM EPC) - This is a prediction based on standard assumptions and standardised running times to ensure consistency, comparison and benchmarking against other buildings. It is key for simplified building regulations assessments and allows for an assessment based on the activity and building type of the building to compare to similar buildings within the building type and activity. 2. Occupancy Assessment (TBC) - This is the prediction based on the assessed occupancy use of the building.

Basically, what is the building expected to use in terms of energy? 3. Metered Assessment (DEC) This is the actual metered energy use and carbon emissions for the building. It allows comparison against other buildings and can change over time showing the impact of some improvements and changes in energy management. Its calculation is impacted by adverse weather and unprecedented changes in occupancy such as Covid 19. Each of the above allow for an overall assessment or measurement of a building to ensure the best possible decisions are made. Only using one of the three can cause unintended consequences. In October 2019, the government told the Climate Change Committee that it would consult on introducing a new scheme that would rate commercial and industrial buildings based on their actual metered energy consumption and carbon emissions. On 17th March 2021 the Performance-Based Policy Framework in large Commercial &

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