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For the 2025-2026 school year

Welcome to D205

Student Journey of Excellence

By the Numbers

New Student Registration (K-12)

Registration Documents

Health Requirements

Transportation Information

Student Fees

Financial Aid

Kindergarten Daily Schedule

Support Services

Dual Language

KIDS: Every Child Ready for Kindergarten

Curriculum Information

Elementary Schools

Staying Connected/D205 Apps


Dear Kindergarten Families,

Welcome to an exciting new chapter in your child's journey – the beginning of their kindergarten adventure in Elmhurst District 205! We are thrilled to have your family join our community, and we look forward to a year filled with growth, discovery, and joy

At District 205, we believe that each child is a unique individual with unlimited potential. Our dedicated team of educators is committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where your child can thrive both academically and socially We understand that the transition to kindergarten is a significant milestone for both children and parents, and we are here to support you every step of the way

Throughout the kindergarten school year, your child will engage in a variety of activities designed to foster a love for learning and build essential skills From hands-on exploration to creative arts and collaborative play, the District 205 curriculum is designed to capture the curiosity and imagination of young minds. We believe in creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere where every child feels valued, respected, and encouraged to express themselves.

Communication is key to a successful partnership between home and school We invite you to actively participate in your child's education, and we will keep you informed about their progress, achievements, and upcoming events Our doors are always open, and we welcome your questions, ideas, and involvement in our district and school community

Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of nurturing your child's growth and development We are confident that kindergarten will be a memorable and enriching year for your family, and we can't wait to embark on this educational journey together.

Here's to a fantastic kindergarten year of learning, laughter, and lasting memories! 1



Communicate effectively

Think critically & analytically

Collaborate & problem solve

Contribute meaningfully to community & society

Affirm diverse perspectives

Foster global citizenship

Explore purpose & career pathways

Demonstrate empathy & practice selfreflection

Persevere to achieve goals & aspirations


Achieve academic excellence by ensuring all students master essential skills and content.

Support individual student academic and social-emotional needs through varied programs and supports, based on progress monitoring and assessment data. Align curricular resources, programs, and instructional practices to research, standards, and data.

Engage all students in a diverse offering of learning experiences.

Provide all students a variety of pathways to identify and explore their passion and purpose.

Build meaningful and trusting student-staff relationships

Develop opportunities for meaningful peer-to-peer relationships

Create, welcoming, affirming, and engaging learning environments.

Establish and uphold high expectations for students and staff that foster intellectual development and growth.

Attract, continuously develop, and retain high-quality, purpose-driven educators to serve the diverse needs of all students.

Engage staff to ensure appropriate collaboration in decision making and collective responsibility of the culture and climate.

Modernize and maintain high-quality facilities

Project staffing needs and maximize resources to achieve excellence

Administer and maintain a sustainable asset replacement plan aligned with our instructional programs

Generate financial projections that provide long-term financial sustainability. Utilize procurement procedures aligned to best practices to promote financial stewardship.

Ensure the safety and security of all students, staff, and facilities.

Provide clear, accessible and consistent communications to the entire community through the use of a wide variety of tools

Identify and consistently promote District successes aligned with the Journey of Excellence

Build positive community partnerships that provide opportunities for student engagement and enhance student learning

Establish protocols and procedures for two-way communication with all stakeholders. Engage family and community members in learning opportunities aligned to District priorities.




Year-over-yearincreaseinboth MathandELAProficiency across all demographic groups




Therewasa7.5% decreaseinthedistrict averageofstudents chronicallyabsentin the2023/2024school yearascomparedto 2022/2023.

Thegreatest percentageof D205studentsingrades3-8 achievingMath&ELA proficiencysince IAR was establishedin2018-19.


Increaseinscienceover 22-24-The greatest percentage of D205 students District-wide achieving proficiency in science since 21/22


Thegreatest percentageofteacher retentionsince 2017.



Thegreatest percentageofEighth Graderspassing Algebra1since 2021.

7.4Percentageincrease since2022

Thegreatest percentageof proficiency for studentswithIEPs andLowIncome studentssince 2022.



CreateyourPowerSchoolEnrollmentaccountbyvisitingourstudentregistration pagewhichcanbefoundundertheresourcestabofourDistrictwebsite, wwwelmhurst205org Thisbeginstheonlineenrollmentprocess

IfyoureceiveanerrorwhencreatingaPowerSchoolEnrollmentaccountthat states'Youremailaddressisalreadyinuse',pleaseclickonthe'ForgotPassword' link YouwillreceiveanemailfromPowerSchoolEnrollmentwithalinktocreate anewpassword OnceloggedintoyourPowerSchoolEnrollmentaccount, pleaseclickon'AddStudent'.Pleasenotethatfamilieswithstudentscurrently attendingMadisonEarlyChildhoodCenterareconsideredreturning studentsandshouldusethesamePowerSchoolEnrollmentaccountthat youpreviouslycreated.

Pleasebesuretofillintherequiredfieldsoneverypage.Whenallfieldsare completed,thesummarypagewillhavegreencheckmarksforeachformand youwillbeabletosubmityourregistration.Oncesubmittedyouwillreceivea confirmationemail.


After filling out the online registration you then need to bring all required registration documents into your neighborhood school. A list of all required registration documents can be found by visiting our student registration page and clicking on forms All documents must be submitted in person

Registration documents include residency verification, health documentation, age verification and other important information Your registration is not complete until all required documents have been submitted to your school

If you are unsure which school is your neighborhood school, please visit the registration page on our website to view our interactive boundary map

Please note that this tool is for informational purposes only If you are unsure, please contact the District Office at (630) 834-4530 to confirm your boundaries


Onceyouhavesubmittedalldocumentstotheschool,andyourstudent’sregistrationis confirmed,youwillreceiveanemailwithalinktocreateyourofficialPowerSchoolParent Portalaccount (Parents/guardianswillnotreceiveanemailwithinstructionstocreatea PowerSchoolaccountand/ortolinktheirstudent(s)intotheiraccountuntilearlyAugust)

PleasenotethatthecontactinformationusedtocreateyourPowerSchoolParentPortal accountisthenautomaticallyusedtocreateyourParentSquareaccount-themass communicationstoolforallDistrictandschoolcommunications,andyourPushCoin account-theD205studentfeemanagementsystem

Ifyouhaveanyquestionsthroughouttheprocess,pleasecontactyourneighborhood school



A total of three proofs of residency, outlined below, are required for all new students, incoming 9th graders, and parents with expiring verifications Please contact the school if you are having trouble collecting the required documents

Documents must be physically presented to school staff. If you have questions about when the best time to visit the school you can visit the school website for school office hours or call the office to arrange a time to bring in the required paperwork.

One of the following for the residence at which the student(s) reside(s):

A current real estate bill showing parent/guardian as the owner

A current original signed lease showing the parent/ guardian as the tenant

A current mortgage statement showing the parent/ guardian as the owner - AND -

Two of the following showing the address for the residence at which the student(s) reside:






Please note:






Copies of original documents will be made and returned to you. Partial documentation will not be accepted. All documents must be presented in order to be processed.



If there are any legal documents pertaining to custody of the student, you must provide a copy of that documentation This includes divorce decrees and temporary legal guardianship papers If the student is their own legal guardian, they must be present to register If student is over 18 this documentation is not necessary


A signed Illinois Transfer Form if the student is transferring from an Illinois public school



A copy of the student's birth certificate with embossed seal must be presented Students entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1 of the school year for which they are being enrolled.


The parent will complete a Release of Information form to be sent to the school they last attended to obtain student permanent records.

Consent For Release of Student RecordsPDF (English) Release of RecordsPDF (Spanish)



In compliance with State-mandated physical examination/ immunization requirements all students entering Early Childhood, Kindergarten, sixth and ninth grades must have a physical examination by a doctor

To ensure adequate protection and a positive start to the new school year for all of our students, the nursing staff asks that ALL required physical examinations/ immunizations be submitted to the District or your child's school as soon as possible (Please make a photocopy of all submitted exam forms to keep for your own records) At the high school level, forms may be mailed to York High School Health Services, 355 W St Charles Road, Elmhurst, IL 60126

The Certificate of Child Health Examination, Proof of Dental Examination and Proof of Vision Exam may be picked up at your child's school office, the District 205 Center, 162 S. York Street, or downloaded by scanning or clicking on the QR code. Questions may be directed to your child’s school office/health office.

Due to the high demand for medical appointments with local physicians, it is recommended that you schedule appointments as soon as possible.

Following are the immunization/medical examination guidelines required by school policy and State law:

All health examinations must be dated within one year before entering Madison Early Childhood Education Center, Kindergarten, sixth and ninth grades

All health examinations must be dated within one year of entering school when a student transfers from another Illinois school district and is entering Kindergarten, sixth or ninth grade

Health examinations are required whenever an out-of-state student first enrolls in a District 205 school, regardless of the student’s grade

Failure to comply with the above requirements by October 15 can result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required completed health forms are presented to the District

Certificate of Child Health Examination, Proof of Dental Examination and Proof of Vision Exam



In addition to the physical examination and immunization requirements, the Illinois State Board of Education requires proof of a vision exam for all Kindergarten students, as well as for any new student entering the District for the first time Vision exams must be documented on the Illinois Department of Public Health vision form Parent(s)/guardian(s) must present proof of their child/children having been examined by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist before October 15 of the current school year for students entering Kindergarten and new students to the school district


Dental exams are also required for students entering Kindergarten, second and sixth grades Dental exams must be documented on the Illinois Department of Public Health dental form Parent(s)/guardian(s) must present proof of their child/children having been examined by a licensed dentist before May 15 of the current school year

Dental Examination Form

Formulario Comprobante Del Examen Dental Escola


All students who are required to take medication (over-the-counter or prescription) during school hours (including inhalers, Epi-Pens, and insulin) must have a completed Medication Authorization Form on file, which is signed by the doctor and Parent/Guardian. The Medication Authorization Form must be completed annually or whenever there is a change in medication and/or dosage.

Medication Authorization Forms

The Illinois State Board of Education requires the school district to notify parents of the medication policy within 15 days of enrollment


Elmhurst School District 205 has an Exclusion Policy requiring all students to be in compliance with state mandated physical examination and/or immunization requirements by October 15th of each school year Those not in compliance by this date will be excluded from school This policy applies to all students entering Early Childhood, Kindergarten, 6th, 9th and 12th grades, as well as to students transferring into Illinois from outside of the State or outside of the country



Bus transportation is available to students residing at a distance of 15 miles or more from school, measured by the shortest and safest walking distance between home and school. Elmhurst 205 uses a specialized transportation software with maps from the County to determine walking distance. Students are also eligible for free transportation if their walking route includes a hazardous condition or crossing, as determined by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Regular bus transportation is provided through a contract with First Student of Villa Park. Transportation for students with IEP's requiring special bus arrangements is provided by Cottage Hill Transportation Co.

Parents who have questions or concerns regarding bus routes, problems at bus stops, or student discipline on the bus should contact the student's school principal to discuss



Once the new school year is set up in PowerSchool, you will receive an email with a link to a PushCoin registration code - this typically occurs in late July .

PushCoin is the program that D205 utilizes for payment of all fees. Your account, once created using the registration code that is sent to you, will automatically link to your student.


Fees are assessed in early August before school starts You pay your fees through your PushCoin account


Registration fees can be found on our website Fees cover technology, online resources and consumables for the classroom


Kindergarten fees are assessed through PushCoin and payment is made through the portal. You can view the fees page on our website by scanning or clicking on the Fees QR Code

What is the cost for all-day kindergarten?

For the school year 2025-26, the tuition for the all-day kindergarten program is $2,700 per student, which can be paid in full or in monthly installments of $270 a month Each year, the District will use the Financial Assistance Waiver process to determine if a student is eligible for reduced or free ADK tuition If eligible for reduced tuition, the tuition is $1,350 per student, which can be paid in full or in monthly installments of $135 a month

Special Education Self Contained programs do not require tuition

There is also a student registration fee for all kindergarten students For the 2025-26 school year that fee will be $177



The application for fee waiver will not affect the process that is currently in place for students qualifying for free or reduced meals through the National School Lunch Program. You will still need to complete a separate application for free or reduced meals through the National School Lunch Program. The fee waiver application and instructions are available below

Financial Assistance Waiver Application

Request For Financial Assistance - Waiver of Student Fees: Applications are accepted from July 1 through November 30 of each year

Solicitud Para Asistencia Financiera Y La Exención (Fee Waiver) Del Pago De La Matrícula


Free and Reduced Lunch – Families that meet the federal guidelines are entitled to free or reduced lunch. To receive assistance, the Free and Reduced Lunch form must be completed and returned to the District Office

You can fill this out by scanning or clicking on the QR codes below You can also fill out a paper application and turn it in to your school front office

Free and Reduced Lunch Application

Solicitud de Almuerzo Gratis y Reducido

Families that receive the Direct Certification and Categorically eligible letter during the week of July 20th stating their child is free will not need to fill out the free application They should receive a letter for each child in their family and if they do not please call Food Services at 630-617-2467 so we can make sure all family members are included Please keep this letter as you may need for other programs and benefits (Comcast, Park District etc)




Each Elmhurst District 205 elementary school offers both all-day kindergarten and half-day kindergarten programming options. All-day kindergarten provides a full day of instructional time and mirrors the schedule of elementary students in grades 1-5. All-day kindergarten arrival begins at 8:15 am and dismissal time is 3:00 pm Halfday kindergarten arrival begins at 8:15 am Dismissal times for half-day kindergarten vary, depending on the specific elementary school

Both all-day kindergarten and half-day kindergarten programming is designed to provide young learners with opportunities to develop academic skills such as literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional development All students, whether in full or halfday programming, work towards the same core content standards All-day kindergarten provides extended learning experiences that promote physical and creative development Please note that, based on school-specific schedules, students that participate in half-day programming may not engage in specials classes including PE, music, art, or library media

During the registration process, you will be asked to indicate your kindergarten program choice of full-day or half-day



District205isproudoftheculturallydiversepopulationofmultilinguallearnersinourcommunity Weareexcitedtosupportstudentsontheirjourneytobilingualismandempowerthemtoachieve theiracademicgoals

UponenrollmentinDistrict205,parentsofkindergartenstudentsmustcompleteaHome LanguageSurvey Ifafamilyindicatestheyaremultilingual,abriefEnglishlanguageproficiency screenerwillbegiventostudentstoensuretheyreceivethelanguagesupportstheyneedtobe successful ELservicesareprovidedforeligiblekindergartenstudentsasdeterminedbytheEnglish languageproficiencyscreener Theselanguagesupportswilloccurduringtheaccelerationblock andwillnotcausestudentstomisscoreinstructionorspecials


IfyourchildreceivesspecialeducationservicesatMadisonEarlyChildhoodprogram,thestaffwill workwithyouandtheschooltofacilitatethetransitiontotheappropriatekindergartensetting If yourchildreceivesservicesinaneducationalsettingoutsideofthisDistrict,District205staffwill workwiththatschooltotransitionyourchildtotheappropriatekindergartensetting


Numerousspeechsoundsandlanguagestructuresaretypicallylearnedinkindergarten,with furtherdevelopmentcontinuingintothefirst,second,oreventhirdgrade Ifyouhaveany concerns,pleasecommunicatewithyourchild'steacher


Ifateacherorparentisworriedaboutachild'sacademic,social-emotional,and/orfunctional development,theycanreferthechildtotheIndividualProblemSolvingTeam(IPS) Thegeneral educationteacher,parents,andbuilding-levelspecialistswillworktogethertoidentifyandcreate aplantoassistthechild Ifthereareconcernsaboutapossibledisability,whetherfromschoolstaff orparents,aspecialeducationevaluationmayberequested Parentscaninitiatethisprocessby submittingalettertothebuildingassistantprincipaloutliningtheirconcerns


Elmhurst D205 is committed to providing the best possible education for all students We are excited to offer dual language programming at Conrad Fischer Elementary School A dual language program is an instructional model that provides a challenging, enriched curriculum in two languages This special program begins in Kindergarten and continues through high school The goal of dual language is for students to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural

The mission of the Elmhurst District 205 Dual Language Program is for all students to develop biliteracy and bilingualism, obtain high levels of academic achievement, and foster cultural competence in order to succeed in a global society and be college, career and life ready

La misión del programa del lenguaje dual en el distrito 205 es que todos los estudiantes desarrollan bilingüismo y bialfabetismo, obtienen niveles altos de rendimiento académico, y cultivan competencia cultural para ser exitoso en una sociedad global y listo para la universidad, la carrera y la vida

The dual language program in District 205 is a two-way immersion program in English and Spanish In kindergarten, dual language programming provides 90% of instructional time in Spanish and 10% of instructional time in English The table below outlines the language allocation across the elementary and middle school grades

Mission | Misión


During the registration process, you will be asked to indicate if you are interested in the dual language program In dual language classrooms, student composition is 50% Spanish speaking English Language Learner students and 50% English speaking students

Please note that priority for enrollment in the dual language kindergarten programming is given to Spanish-speaking English Learner kindergarten students from within Conrad Fischer Elementary School residency and then to English-speaking kindergarten students from within Conrad Fischer Elementary School residency This is to ensure that a balance of 50% Spanish speaking English Language Learner students and 50% English speaking students is maintained in each dual language classroom

If additional enrollment and space is available, spots for the dual language program are then offered to Spanish-speaking English Learner kindergarten students from outside Conrad Fischer Elementary School residency and then offered to English-speaking kindergarten students from outside Conrad Fischer Elementary School residency. A district-wide lottery is conducted for the remaining spots in March and families are notified by mid April if they are granted a spot in the dual language program.

Families outside of the Conrad Fisher boundaries will have the opportunity to enter into a lottery for the Dual-Language program To be considered for the Dual-Language lottery, you must register by April 1, 2025


During the beginning of your child’s kindergarten year, educators utilize an observational tool, The Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS). The KIDS tool is designed to help teachers, administrators, and families better understand the unique needs of each child in the areas of language and literacy, math, and social emotional development Developed by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), the KIDS tool supports educators in tailoring instruction to meet individual student needs throughout their kindergarten year.

Included in this guide, beginning on page 28, are activities that reflect the specific domains that are addressed on the KIDS tool This information is shared to provide you with helpful background information about the KIDS tool as well as to help families learn more about what their child is learning in kindergarten and ways to support their child’s learning at home.

There is also a series of short videos aligned with the measures of the Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) that feature real families sharing ways to support their 3- to 5-year-olds as they develop socialemotional, math, and literacy skills. The videos can be viewed by scanning or clicking on the QR code below. Families can use the activities and videos to boost their child’s learning at home throughout the kindergarten year



Literacy, aligned with Scarborough's Reading Rope which is illustrated below, can be defined as the multifaceted ability to proficiently engage in reading through the seamless integration of word recognition and language comprehension skills. Literacy encompasses the capacity to decode written words accurately, recognize high-frequency words swiftly, and, simultaneously, comprehend and derive meaning from the text through background knowledge, vocabulary, and the understanding of language structures. A skilled reader is not only capable of decoding and recognizing words but also possesses the comprehension skills necessary to extract meaning from written material, making reading a comprehensive and meaningful activity

For Language Comprehension, District 205 utilizes Wit & Wisdom and Dual Language Units of Study to develop the knowledge and skills they need to be successful readers, exceptional writers, and effective communicators

In kindergarten Wit & Wisdom, students grow their knowledge and explore the world around them through investigation of topics such as: the five senses, farm life and animals, and America past and present.

In kindergarten Dual Language Units of Study, students grow their knowledge and explore the world around them through investigation of topics such as the plants, animals and the environment, rules and their role in the community, and what makes a good story

For Word Recognition, District 205 utilizes Fundations and Estrellita which both establish a strong foundation for reading, spelling, and handwriting through a structured literacy approach

In kindergarten Fundations, students will develop their phonemic awareness, alphabetic knowledge and phonics skills in order to identify and manipulate individual sounds and eventually read and spell words fluently

In kindergarten Dual Language Fundations & Estrellita, students will develop their phonemic awareness, alphabetic knowledge and phonics skills in two languages simultaneously through a balanced biliteracy foundational skills scope and sequence.


Social Studies is a multidisciplinary field that explores various aspects of human society, including history, geography, economics, political science, sociology, and cultural studies. The study of social studies focuses on helping students develop critical thinking skills, the ability to analyze primary and secondary sources, and a deep understanding of the social, cultural, and historical contexts that shape the world. The district utilizes InquirED in the elementary grades as its social studies curriculum. InquirED inspires inquiry-based learning by engaging students with investigations that build knowledge in History, Civics, Geography, and Economics.

In kindergarten InquirED, students will learn to navigate their school environment by investigating the role they play in the school community They will also gain a greater understanding of their own personal identity in order to help them recognize how they can contribute as a team member of their classroom community Through an inquiry-based approach, students will work to answer two essential questions throughout the year

By exploring the question of “How can we make school a great place for everyone?”, students will: unpack what it means to navigate school physically and socially learn about the various locations around school understand how to move around the school and show appropriate behaviors for different parts of the school environment conduct an interview with a school staff member in order to learn more about the people and the work that help make school a great place investigate common problems that arise at school, analyze the possible causes, and brainstorm ways to solve them

By exploring the question of “How can we unite to build a powerful class community?”, students will: study famous self-portraits that highlight both outer and inner characteristics, then create selfportraits to reflect their own identity describe how their outer features and inner characteristics, such as interests and personality traits, make up who they are explore the types of behaviors and mindsets associated with teamwork discover the importance of combining their strengths to build a successful class team complete team-building exercises and explore the gifts they each have to share


Math is the systematic study of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns, along with the logical relationships between them One hallmark of mathematical understanding is the ability to justify, in a way appropriate to the student’s mathematical maturity, why a particular mathematical statement is true or where a mathematical rule comes from There is a world of difference between a student who can summon a mnemonic device - remember FOIL or Keep-Flip-Change - and the student who can explain why the rule works Students who understand why the mathematics works have a better chance to succeed at less familiar tasks such as one they might encounter in the real world Mathematical understanding and procedural skill are equally important, and both are assessable using mathematical tasks of sufficient richness

Elmhurst D205 uses Eureka Math in grades K-8 In kindergarten Eureka Math, your child will focus primarily on two important areas. The first is learning numbers and what numbers represent. The second is addition and subtraction. Students will also learn to identify and work with shapes. Activities in these areas include:

Counting how many objects are in a group and comparing the quantities of two groups of objects

Comparing two numbers to identify which is greater or less than the other

Understanding addition as putting together and subtraction as taking away from

Adding and subtracting very small numbers quickly and accurately

Breaking up numbers less than or equal to 10 in more than one way (for example, 9=6+3, 9=5+4)

For any number from 1 to 9, finding the missing quantity that is needed to reach 10

Representing addition and subtraction word problems using objects or by drawing pictures

Solving addition and subtraction word problems involving numbers that add up to 10 or less or by subtracting from a number 10 or less


Science, engineering, and technology permeate nearly every facet of modern life, and they also hold the key to meeting many of humanity’s most pressing current and future challenges. By the end of 12th grade, all students have an appreciation of the beauty and wonder of science; possess sufficient knowledge of science and engineering to engage in public discussions on related issues; are careful consumers of scientific and technological information related to their everyday lives; are able to continue to learn about science outside school; and have the skills to enter careers of their choice, including (but not limited to) careers in science, engineering, and technology.

Elmhurst D205 uses Mystery Science in grades K-5 to support student learning of science and engineering In kindergarten Mystery Science, students learn about weather patterns and how to prepare for inclement weather They learn about the cycle of seasons including how the Sun’s energy drives it Students learn about forces and how humans use machines to amplify their abilities Lastly, students learn about where animals and plants live and why different types thrive in different places

How can you get ready for a big storm?

How many different kinds of weather are there?

How do you know what to wear for the weather?

Why do birds lay eggs in the Spring?

How could you walk barefoot across hot pavement without burning your feet?

How could you warm up a frozen playground?

Why does it get cold in the winter?

Why do builders need so many big machines?

How can you knock down a wall made of concrete?

How can we protect a mountain town from falling rocks?

Why do woodpeckers peck wood?

How can you find animals in the woods?

How do animals make their home in the forest?

How do plants and trees grow?

Why would you want an old log in your backyard?



Visual and performing arts education in D205 encompasses a commitment to fostering creativity, critical thinking, and cultural awareness in students. The goal is to provide a well-rounded and enriching educational experience that enhances core academic subjects and deepens students’ intellectual, emotional, and social skills. Arts education promotes self-discipline, self-confidence, and self-reflection, while at the same time teaching students how to empathize with others and communicate effectively.

In Kindergarten Art and Music, students will learn the foundations of creating, performing, responding, and connecting as artists and performers They will begin to explore artistic media and gain the knowledge and skill to express themselves in the arts



Physical Education and Health is intended to proactively develop physically fit individuals, strengthen minds, and promote positive attitudes toward life-long fitness while shaping individuals to become positive, impactful members of society. Similar to the Arts, “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity” (John F. Kennedy).

In Kindergarten PE and Health, students will learn the foundations of movement, teamwork, and physical fitness through motor skill development, team and individual sports-related activities, and personal and social health concepts


Kindergarten students attend class in the Library Media Center at least once a week where they explore literature and nonfiction texts and participate in related hands-on activities. Students also pursue individual interests as they learn how to self-select from thousands of curated, professionally selected titles to think, create, share, and grow together! Included in this experience are lessons and standards for introducing some of the following topics:

Elmhurst D205 Introduces Internet Safety lessons beginning in Kindergarten. Adapted from Common Sense Media, Kindergarten students learn how to:

Be safe and responsible with their District device

Become a digital superhero for themselves and others

Practice media balance - including when to use their device

All kindergartners also participate in the Illinois State Reading Book Award by reading several nominated books throughout the school year and then voting for their favorite!

All Kindergarten students participate in at least one Makerspace opportunity. Supported by Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Launch, students apply an understanding of the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object to analyze a design solution. At the end of the unit, students will able to share their learning about:

How forces impact their daily life

How are pushes and pulls related

How a step-by-step process helps you design or improve a solution to a problem



246 Fair Ave


Principal: TBD

Assistant Principal: Beth McDonald

Lead Admin: Evelyn Rodriguez


400 N. West Ave.


Principal: Sheleen DeLockery

Assistant Principal: Jessica Chmura

Lead Admin: Ann Burton


295 Emroy Ave.


Principal: Heidi Thomas

Assistant Principal: Katie Stachura

Lead Admin: Melissa DeCarlo


888 N Wilson Ave


Principal: Dr Efraín Martínez

Assistant Principal: Jill Zapata

Lead Admin: Yolanda Ramos


145 Arthur St.


Principal: Tim Riordan

Assistant Principal: Samantha Skaradzinski

Lead Admin: Lori Jordahl


925 Swain Ave


Principal: Dr. Krista Rajanen

Assistant Principal: Caitlin Collins

Lead Admin: Jacki Lawrence


360 E Crescent


Principal: Lori Sweeney

Assistant Principal: Pia Bartolai

Lead Admin: Michelle Guerino


565 Fairfield Ave.


Principal: Kalissa Smith

Assistant Principal: Maureen


Lead Admin: Mary Kay Malone



This is the student information system for D205 This software acts as the main hub of all student and family information

District-Wide Communication Tools


Combines instructional tools, lessons, student portfolios, and inclusive messaging features for classroom level communication for EC-5 students and families


Learning Management System used for classroom-specific communications from the teacher to students and/or parents as it pertains to assignments, student work, etc in 9-12

Schoology is owned by PowerSchool and communications from within Schoology might appear to be from PowerSchool.


This is the communications tool used by the District , building principals and some teachers to communicate directly with parents and students

Classroom Communication Tools

Google Classroom

Allows students and staff to easily organize, distribute, and grade classroom assignments allowing for easy student and staff communication in grades 3-8. Families can also receive a summary of student assignments.


Scan the QR Code below to access videos of the presentations that were shared during the Kindergarten Information Night.


Scan the QR Code below to access videos that will walk you through the registration process for both new and returning students.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.