Portfolio Lahbib El moumni

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Lahbib El moumni works

_Housing 32 _The -In-Side architecture school projects

HOUSE +39 Casablanca has been developed massively this past century growing from 200 000 people in 1912 to more than 6 million people in 1913. The most important percentage of this density was concentrated in the slums back in 1942, considering that Casablanca was attracting more people from the suburbs looking for work in Casablanca. Politicians and architects were facing the problem of building shelters for the new comers. In 1956, one of the major operations of housing was designed by ATBAT AFRIQUE, a new generation of modern architects who contributed in making more local concerned housing considering the climate and cultural background of Moroccan habitants than a universal architecture claimed by Le Corbusier. Known as the laboratory of modern architecture, Casablanca has known since then dozens of social housing projects all as the same quality as the first one done in the 50s(Nid d’abeille SÊmiramis). Nowadays, Casablanca is still seeking to remove all the slums, but the result is far away from what the habitants need today letting speculators and promoters gain more profits from this kind of housing by designing the minimum of what a house should be.


Block unit

Create empty parts from the block offering a mixity of apartment typologies



Sun light and ventilation access East

Casablanca social housing 1952

Casablanca social housing 2005

garden roof to collect water and serve for urban agriculture

We tried to look at the history of housing for slums in Morocco in order to project problems and issues concerning this type of housing.

Overall view

1st level

Baseground level

North-west facade / South-east facade

House +39 is a combination of what we’ve tried to solve in term of adaptive and flexible spaces, connection with public spaces, the need of sun light and ventilations, and the budget of construction limit concern. Section


Public space Apartment

Pedestrian an bike access only

View from the publlic terrace

baseground level view

General view of one block

Contemporary art museum in Casablanca Welcoming the new line of TGV in Casablanca, this project manages the renewing of the est part of the city, occupied mostly by industrial factories. The project is composed from two phases. The first phase is a large scale intervention creating connection between the two sides of the city, which are separated with the train line. The second phase of the project is including new programs and functions in the site. The most important program is the museum, offering to Casablanca it’s first contemporary Art museum. The idea was concentrated on making fluent circulation through all the levels of the museum, which create a cinematographic discovery of the exhibited art in the museum and also keeping the view connection with the site.



Urban scale intervention Bench

Amovible vegetation support


new urban furniture that reminds the history of the site Renewing the urban space and developing new pedestrian squares

Weathering steel

Ficus rubiginosa

Aggregate concrete

Jacranda mimosifolia

Arbustes à floraison printanière

Chosen materials


Longitudinal section / Site

Longitudinal section

Principal facade/south

Transverse section

East facade

Exterior view

Exterior view from the panoramic bridge

Lobby view

Museum platform view

MacroLand Graduation project

Casablanca is a city that was developed based on a radio-concentric plan, during the last decade it was developed in two sides, the downtown and the suburbs. The only connections between both sides were large boulevards.

by two major steps: the first one is urban regeneration; we created a large parts of public spaces in different areas which will create different events along this connection and also we projected a new profile along the boulevard.

Nowadays as the city expands, those connections stayed at the same level of development 50 years ago, even if they are considered today in the heart of the city.

The second step of the project is concentrated on creating an “event” in the city, a new monument of Casablanca that can make the boulevard much more present in the development of the economic capital of Morocco, this architectural mixed program project is called Macro-land.

Our graduation project focuses in one of these boulevards, called “Ouled Ziane” we aim to to regenerate its development

Master plan


Visula connexion with the city

Sun light access to the building

Mix programs of public and private functions

EXHIBITION Free soil for exhibitions




10 m


View from the pedestrian square

Boulevard Mohammed VI



Vehicle access underground Boulevard Ouled Ziane

Establishing a connection with the site environment






Emproving the public space access

Capsules composition

” Ventilation Transparence

Living room Transparency and ventilation through the building

Create a new skyline in the site

Bathroom Terrace Privé

Public space

Parent room



Room Metalic structure

Stairs Entry

Entry Use of the ground level as a public space

Public and private composition

Housing models on Cantilever

Ventilation access

Public functions

Functions composition

Capsule model

Museum Exhibition space Office Circulation Shopping Housing Public space/cafe/restauration






a. Principal facade b. The building skeleton c. Patio view from the 20th floor d. different slabs surface for diffrent function allowing view connections e. Overall view


Mix programs and functions (office, hotel, service, playground, public spaces, gardens)

Macroland 2.0 “Macroland 2.0” is a “futuristic” development version of a megastructure created in Ouled Ziane in Casablanca. This project is questioning the density in the city, from the ground density to an “air-density” . This new development will creat a “sky-ground” as a starting point for the development in both gravity side and against gravity side. Macroland 2.0 may appear as an image of how Casablanca is over developed recent decades, offering a new platform of density in the city.

Vertical circulation creating public spaces platforms

Clean energy supply

Water storage/recycle used water

Capsule housing

330 housing capsules (studios/appartement).

Vertical connexion with the site.

the free soil on the ground promote a visual connextion within the site, which creates a 5 hecatres public space.

New transport facilities can be developed in the Macroland 2.0

the development of the megastructure is defined in both gravity side and against gravity side.

_Recycling perspiration, Megaliths in the desert

_Urban miccro suture

to generate a new development of the old medina of tetouan

International Competitions

Recycling perspiration - Megaliths in the desert It makes no sense at all to occupy the desert without first considering the problem of water The Idea here is to use at first a small quantity of water, drawn from underground, to irrigate plants then to recover it cycle after cycle, without loss. So we have imagined that a sealed greenhouse. It would do so by condensing moist air exhaled naturally by the breath or perspiration of the plants. Recycling water Fremen, in Dune (a Book by Frank Herbert - 1965) is a group that survives in dune desert by using waterproof clothes which recycle their water produced by their bodies: urine, sweat, exhaled air. Their bodies produced their own drinking water. Our installation does the same thing. Spatial Refrigerator It is an ancient principle, used since a long time to refrigerate water in hot countries. Insoulate a pot of water of its surrounding. The water will exchange their warm with the most cold thing in the universe : the empty dark outer space at -270째C. (by thermal exchanges)

Put a container of water at the bottom of a deep well so that the sun will not touch it , isolate it from its environment and come back a night later, and you will have cold water, or even ice. Why do we need a refrigerator to recycle water ? Plants exhale moist air, If you let this air go out in the atmosphere, you have lost your water, if you refrigerate it, you can Like the Fremen of Dune you have initiated the recycling of the water and you can now live a long recover the water in it by conden- time in the desert sation, and feed it again to the plants.

The spatial refrigerator works by exchanging hot for cold air

Cold permits the condensation of the water in the Hot moist air

This water is recovered and given again to the greenhouse.

The tower houses dwellings and production rooms made of heavy materials. So that it has a good thermal inertia

Inside, the heat, humidity and light, are tropical

Horizontal panels protect from the hot midday sun, it is possible to add solar panels

A membrane seals the green house so the moist air cannot escape

New air from outside is refrigerated by circulating in pipes before entering the greenhouse

Hot air is ejected by the spatial refrigerator

What can grow ? palm trees, bananas, mangos, tea, vegetables...

The greenhouse benefits from the low temperature of the ground.

Each plants is irrigated by its own pipe of condensed water

A deep well holds the initial contribution of water. The well is closed after use

Section and diagram

Ovrerall view

View from Megaliths

The project proposal can be can be generalized across the medina of Tetouan. It will creat a new maillage for the old town.

Urban miccro suture to generate a new development of the old medina of tetouan

TheThe project proposal can be can generalized project proposal canbebe can be generalized acr across the medina of Tetouan. It will creat a new the medina of Tetouan. will maillage forItthe oldcreat town.a new maillage


the old to

0 10

110.00 m


The site is situated in a place between the fifteenth century and the old town of Tetouan. the Medina was made in the shape of the natural topography of the site. With a very steep inclination, + 11%, the principal road is considered very tiring for the population to cross every day. It is also an attractive square market where merchants just stop by the road, and that makes the passage even harder to residents. another major problem in this piece of the Medina is the high flow of rain that flooded this part whenever it’s hard raining. So we aims to solve this problem and also to reshape this street to make it easier to cross, our objective is to make this part a convivial meeting place.

100.00 m

Section 01


80.00 m 2


60.00 m

Generated process

neighborhood pole


40.00 m


20.00 m 1

Public space (Garden)




Public space (panoramic view on the medina) Urban agriculture


Section 02

Master plan Master plan

Use of Local Materials

stones from the region mixed with concrete

Restitution and Preservation of heritage buildings

Public space above the market

stops for rest Panoramic view on the city

neighborhood pole

Generated propo

We tried to make more lighter slopes and we created sort of small public spaces that could be used as a rest stop (every 50 m) in which little activities could be injected like play tables, ...

Rest stop

Protect building's foundations

Urban agriculture


Rain water storage diagram

Public rest stops

Green space

+ 3.00m


+ 110.00m

Rest stop

Urban agriculture the biggest part of water collected could be used for agriculture.

rain water collector: the principal collctor play the role of a distributor of the water based on needs of the neighbourhood, watering plants, cleaning the streets, ...

Rest stop

Public space

Human interaction diagram

CREATING WATER STOPS AND COLLECTION Creating water collection areas will reduce the flooding and the water collected could be used for watering the plants or cleaning the market at the end of the day.

Water collection stop

PUBLIC SPACES We generated new public spaces and green spaces. As we used also a disaffected natural green zone as a zone for urban agriculture to make social developpemnt (creat new jobs) in this area. Existing market Public square Green spaces (urban agriculture)

_Awards & publications

Interview: How do you define Casablanca ? Made in Casablanca - 2012

1st prize of the international student poster competition at the 4th Holcim Forum in India

Publication: Mohamed V square... A place that speaks ! ArchiAfrika Newsletter - Maghreb in Motion July 2012

Interview: Social housing in Casablanca Documentary by Claude CORBIER French Photographer and filmmaker

Publication: The youngest Architectural guide in Casablanca 3th place at the international competiton Fada Casamemoire Magazine- 2013

Proposal exposed in the Moroccan pavillon at the Biennale di Venezia- 2014

Lahbib El moumni - Portfolio 2014 http://lahbibworks.c.la/ bibelmoumni@gmail.com

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