Design Guidlines

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Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

Design Guidelines

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


Design Guidelines for the

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011 These Design Guidelines are intended to help all National Contingents to the 22nd World Scout Jamboree with marketing and promotion for the event. The Design Guidelines contain all the design elements, including the official logo, several alternative logos, guidelines for layout of the logo, the colours, and the fonts. These elements together make up the Jamboree Design. All the design elements shown in these Design Guidelines are available electronically on the accompanying CD. We have also included templates for some marketing materials which may be used as they are, or customised to suit local needs. If you would like more information about the Jamboree Design, please contact the Jamboree Office: info @ World Scout Jamboree Svenska Scoutr책det Box 12280 10227 Stockholm Sweden

The Official Logo


The Alternative Logos


The Colours of the Logo


The Logo in Black or Greytones


Backgrounds to the Logo


Placement of the Logo


The Size of the Logo


The Pictograms of the Logo


Usage of Fonts


Copyright of the Logo


22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


The Official Logo

The pictograms represent feelings and ideas behind the 22nd World Scout Jamboree.

The slogan of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in both English and French.

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

The WOSM emblem symbolises that the 22nd World Scout Jamboree is an event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011

The official name of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in both English and French.


The Alternative Logos

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

1. The official Text Logo, to be used in letterheads, badges, brochures etc.

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme 2. The Slogan Logo, to be used on banners, exhibition materials, clothes etc.

3. The Cloud Logo, to be used in free design on clothes, exhibition material etc. 22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011

4. The Square Logo, to be used on flags, banners etc.


The Colours of the Logo

Water blue - PMS 289 C - C:100 M:60 Y:0 K:56

Sky blue - PMS 276 C - C:69 M:34 Y:0 K:0

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

WOSM purple - PMS 527 C - C:79 M:94 Y:0 K:0

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


The Logo in Black or Greytones

Black - Process Black 100%

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

Grey - Process Black 50%

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

Black - Process Black 100%

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


Backgrounds to the Logo Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

On a white background the logo should always be used with the WOSM emblem in WOSM purple.

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

On a water blue background the logo should always be used with the WOSM emblem in white.

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

On an image background, the logo should always be used in an inverted white version. On other coloured backgrounds, the WOSM emblem should be white, and the text and pictograms may be blue or white.

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


Placement of the Logo x

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme



Upper left corner placement

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme




Lower right corner placement


Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme




Centre placement 22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


The Size of the Logo Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme





When the logo is placed in a corner, the normal size is 1/2 of the paper width minus x.

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme




When the logo is centred, the normal size is 3/4 of the paper width.

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme




When the logo is placed at the top of a page across the full width of the paper, the margin around the logo is x/2. 22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


The Pictograms of the Logo

The official logo of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree has 10 pictograms, each in a cloud or bubble shape. The pictograms can be used individually or in groups, free from other elements or in conjunction with the logo. The cloud represents the ideas and the dreams of Simply Scouting. Both versions of the cloud shown here (the outline and the solid shape) can be used as independent design elements or can be a part of a new pictogram.

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


Usage of fonts Jamboree Roman This is the regular font for introductory text, body copy,

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890

captions, footnotes etc.

Jamboree Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890

This is the bold font for headlines.

Jamboree Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVXYZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890

This is the italic font for highlighting individual words or texts. It can also be used for separating a second language in a layout.

Jamboree Script

This is the script font for highlighting individual words or sentences. It should stand for itself in the layout and shouldn’t be mixed with Jamboree Roman in texts.

ABCDEFGHIJKLNO PQRS T U V X YZÅÄÖ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö 1234567890

These fonts have been produced specially for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree. They may be found on the CD accompanying these Design Guidelines, and may be used by any National Contingent and any National Scout Organisation for the purpose of marketing the 22nd World Scout Jamboree.

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


Copyright of the Logo General principles

Derivative Jamboree design

All design elements of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree can be

The 22nd World Scout Jamboree design can be used in any ex-

used unchanged as described in these Design Guidelines by

isting form as described in these Design Guidelines, or can be

any National Contingent attending the 22nd World Scout Jam-

incorporated as part of a derivative Jamboree design produced

boree and any National Scout Organisation for the purpose of

by a National Scout Organisation.

marketing the 22nd World Scout Jamboree. No licence is required from the Jamboree Office for a National All commercial use by any National Scout Organisation or any

Scout Organisation to use a derivative design (commercially or

non-Scout actor needs a licence from the office of the 22nd

non-commercially), providing the derivative design is signifi-

World Scout Jamboree.

cantly different from the original Jamboree design.

All use of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree design must be

If the derivative design includes the World Scout Emblem,

consistent with the good image and the values of Scouting.

please request permission to use it by contacting the World Scout Bureau at : brand @

All products featuring the Jamboree design must show clearly that the design is protected.

Protection The 22nd World Scout Jamboree logo has been registered as a

Non-commercial use

trademark with the World Intellectual Property Organization

Any National Scout Organisation may use the 22nd World

(WIPO). This protection allows the office of the 22nd World

Scout Jamboree design on items which are used to promote

Scout Jamboree to take legal action against any individual or

and communicate the 22nd World Scout Jamboree without

entity for unauthorised reproduction of the logo.

financial gain. The World Scout Emblem is a registered trademark, property National Scout Organisations are requested to send a copy of

of the World Scout Bureau, inc. The World Scout Bureau may

all items featuring the design of the 22nd World Scout Jambo-

take legal action against any individual or entity for unauthor-

ree to the Jamboree Office for the official record of the event.

ised reproduction of the Emblem. National Scout Organisations are encouraged to register and

Commercial licences

protect the 22nd World Scout Jamboree design and any deriva-

Any commercial use (Scout or non-Scout) of the design of

tive Jamboree design in their own country.

the 22nd World Scout Jamboree must be authorised by the Jamboree Office. Licences for commercial use of the Jamboree design will only be granted where items will be sold to raise


money on behalf of Scouting.

For more information and to obtain a licence, please contact the office of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree.

To obtain a Commercial Licence, please apply to the Jamboree Office, including the following information:

info @

• A description of the product (including pictures or samples

World Scout Jamboree Svenska Scoutrådet

where possible) • Quantity to be produced

Box 12280

• Name and contact details for the manufacturer

10227 Stockholm

• Estimated manufacturing cost and selling price


• Name and contact details for the distributor

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


Electronic files On the CD you will find the following materials:

Accompanying this document there is a CD containing promotional material.


These materials may be used as they are, or customised to your own needs.

Text logo

National Scout Organisations are requested to send a copy of all items produced to promote the 22nd World Scout Jamboree to the Jamboree Office for the official record of the event.

Slogan logo

Including logos designed to be correctly placed across an A4 or letter-size sheet. Square logo Cloud logo Pictograms Tree Elk Star Dove Music Boat Unicycle Fire Tent Candle Cloud solid Cloud outline Fonts Jamboree Roman Jamboree Bold Jamboree Italic Jamboree Script Templates Letterhead (A4 or letter size) Whitepaper (A4 or letter size) Newsletter (A4 or letter size) Brochure (A4 or letter size) Postcard (A6) Poster PowerPoint presentation Web banners Film Promotional Film for the Jamboree in VCD format (please note that this is the same film as on the accompanying DVD, but in a much lower quality). Software to show the VCD film.

22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011


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