MAGAZINE Au tumn 2018 Issue
08 - 09
02 Contents
12 - 13
18 - 19
03 Guest Editor Simon Tate Head of Sales Elmtronics
WE ALL WANT TO DRIVE A CAR THAT MAKES US FEEL GOOD! As we mark the second issue of the Hubsta magazine I find myself asking… “If I’m confused, what does the average person on the street think about electric vehicles?”
Quite frankly, I think at this moment in time some just don’t care, they’re still tied in by ownership and logistics, so for them the concept simply doesn’t work. Then there are those who are intrigued, curious to know what it’s like to drive and potentially own electric cars. Finally, there are the early adopters, the evangelists, your ‘Nissan Leaf and Renault Zoe drivers’. Ask any of these drivers about their car and they’ll tell you they love it and they wouldn’t go back to a traditional engine powered vehicle. So how does the automotive industry convert those curious and captive drivers? In my view it’s pretty simple really, somehow pursue dealer groups at ground level to stop, ‘selling’ and ‘jumping’ all over these people when they enter a show room, creating an uncomfortable and intimidating environment. The media need to stop confusing the hell out of these people too, blogs and articles with complicated jargon the likes of ‘BEV’s, KWs, Hybrid, ULEV, PHEVS’ and statements that have zero substance or content resulting in a negative affect, as opposed to an informative one. There’s a huge amount of interest in electrified vehicles, dealerships need to seriously follow the Tesla and Apple store concepts, not showrooms, by creating an environment where the consumer feels confident and a part of something exciting. Get bums on seats and let people live with these fantastic cars for more the 24 hours, a simple spin around the block will not suffice. The media, both written and social, play a huge role in creating consumer demand and yes, Hubsta plays a part in this too. Let’s keep it simple, share our experience honestly and most of all keep it fun.
We hope you enjoy the magazine and the topics we have covered, if you would like to feature in this magazine or have any suggestions we would love to hear from you. Email us at
RAPID & FAST CHARGERS EXPLAINED... WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? Charging your vehicle When buying an electric vehicle, you will have a home charger fitted, allowing you to charge your vehicle each night using the correct amount of power your battery needs to fully charge each day.
Topping Up When driving your electric vehicle during the day, you may need to top-up your battery to ensure your journey home has sufficient range – if you’re lucky enough your work place will have a fast charger available to use to charge your car at work. You will also find fast chargers at places such as shopping centres, local Hospitals and town centres. So you can also charge your car whilst visiting places like this. To find out more about charger locations visit:
When to use a Rapid Charger Most rapid chargers are often found in motorway services or in locations close to main roads, these are for long distances journeys. They need to charge and return to the road within a short period of time. Rapid charging allows an
EV to charge to 80% within 20-40 minutes, depending on you EV battery. The last 20% of your battery will drop to a slower rate to preserve and maximise charging levels.
Also, rapid charging is quick, but it will only ever charge your battery to 80% at a quick rate, to achieve 100% this will take much longer. Not all electric vehicles are compatible to charge from a rapid charger so make sure you check before making a long journey!
Should I buy an EV? There’s no denying that owning an electric car needs more forethought than a conventional petrol or diesel model requires. Even if you’re confident about how to charge your car and how long this is likely to take, journeys that exceed the batteries’ range will require longer or more frequent pit stops than you might be used to.
In Summary Although rapid chargers currently are the fastest way to charge your vehicle – it’s not essential to use this method if: • You have a home charger and can drive to and from work on one full battery usage and; • You have access to a charging station at your work place to top up during the day giving you sufficient battery to get home, to then fully charge at home during the night/ day. Remember if you need to detour from your normal journey to the shop, for example, you can also top-up your battery to give you sufficient charge to get home.
For more information about charging at home or work email us: or talk to us on: 0191 417 3719.
ENERGY STORAGE MAKES THE HAGUE FOOTBALL STADIUM SELF-SUSTAINABLE HAT-TRICK OF GREEN GOALS FOR SELF-SUSTAINABLE DUTCH STADIUM Alfen delivers smart solution with integrated energy storage and EV charging hub to Cars Jeans Football Stadium. The Hague, is now self-sustaining thanks to an innovative smart energy solution provided by Alfen. On-site batteries store energy generated, by existing solar panels on the stadium roof, allowing evening games to be powered by renewables, and an integrated EV charging hub enables sports fans to charge their cars during the game. Alfen delivered the project for their client, Scholt Energy Control, with support from grid operator, Stedin, and the municipality of The Hague. ‘Through this initiative, renewable energy can be used locally for the electric vehicle charging hub. We hope this will further stimulate the use of electric vehicles and consequently improve the air quality in our city,’ said Ton Koning, Program Manager of Air Quality for The Hague. Charge your EV during the match While the 700kW of solar panels on the stadium’s roof generate energy during the day, the highest demand for energy use is in the evening when the stadium is most frequently used. Alfen’s batteries now store the solar energy so it can be used when required and its integrated EV hub provides 20 charge points for fans to charge their vehicles during the game. The project was also grid connected by Alfen and incorporates its load balancing and remote management platforms to optimize energy use and minimize impact on the grid. The smart communication this offers also allows the energy generated to be traded if required, to provide an additional income stream. ‘This project provided an excellent opportunity for us to combine Alfen’s expertise in grid connections, EV charging equipment and energy storage. Integrating products and services this way will become increasingly important to minimise grid impact as the volumes of renewables and electric vehicles continue to accelerate’ said Andreas Plenk, Global Sales Director Energy Storage at Alfen. Everyone’s a winner • Optimises use of self-generated renewable energy in a high demand location • Reduces and smooths the effects of demand on the grid, helping to avoid grid reinforcement • Allows energy to be traded at optimal market prices • Promotes use of electric vehicles (powered by renewable energy
THE ELECTRIC NEWS Stagecoach reveals ambitious £56m plans to deliver Europe’s biggest investment in electric buses for Greater Manchester The first of the planned 105 new zero emissions double-decker buses and associated infrastructure is hoped to go live from summer 2019, delivering a massive boost to local air quality and UK manufacturing, with the new fleet fully in place by early 2020. Stagecoach is already the UK’s biggest investor in hybrid-electric bus technology and have invested more than £1billion in new greener buses over the past decade. The new e-bus fleet for Manchester, would significantly outstrip plans recently announced by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, for 68 new electric double-decker buses in the capital.
CENEX-LCV SHOW WHAT WE THOUGHT? “WOW this year was of the busiest events we have attended so far. We left the event filled with so much enthusiasm about the electric future”.
E-VEHICLES SALES REACHED 14,084 In the UK, electric vehicles reached 14,084 units in the first quarter of 2018. Plug-in hybrid vehicles accounted for 71% of the sales. The market share of electric vehicles increased from 1.5% a year ago to 2%.
• Full electric vans • Tippers • Lutons • Dropside • Available for immediate delivery •120 Miles Range • 1.5 Hours (80%) Fully Charged High-capacity Lithium Ion Battery • 56 kW battery • 92 kW Motor • Charge plug, CCS combo / type 2 Visit our website for your nearest Electric Vehicle Dealer. Franchise opportunities available. Images depicted are for illustration purposes only and may not be the exact model.
Commercial Premises
Car Parks
Local Towns and Cities
Hospitals NHS Trust Facilities
Workplace Charging
Retail Outlets
‘With Hubsta you’re always in Control.’
10 Review by Lyndsey Hetherington North East.
BMW i3 “I WAS SO EXCITED TO GET BEHIND THE WHEEL”. Design and Technology I want to start with my first impression of the vehicle. When I found out I would be driving the BMWi3 I was so excited to get behind the wheel. I got a pleasant surprise at the first initial look of the car…it is really quirky and definitely a head turner! That’s what I love in a car… something different that really catches people’s eye. The one feature that I absolutely love, is the way the rear doors open. They open the opposite way round, which is great for getting kids, dogs or shopping bags in the back! The interior of the car was quite…unique! Like a varnished oak and cream leather spaceship, the dashboard was really roomy and the view is clear, out of the large windscreen. The technology in the car is awesome… like a giant iPhone and really easy to navigate! I especially loved the Sat-Nav. Compared to other Sat-Nav systems I have used, I found this one to be the easiest and the least frustrating…which is a big bonus in my book!
Plugging in & charging! As my first experience of an electric vehicle, I was a little apprehensive of plugging it in to charge. It was a simple, touch and release to open the cover, then open the socket. A very similar look to a petrol or diesel cap. A handy colour guide to charging is inserted in the inside of the cap, indicating the charging status by light colours, a really great feature for beginners. The charging cable was lightweight, but still felt sturdy, plugging in… The charging point, flashed blue whilst charging, then turned to a solid green once the vehicle was fully charged. I then locked the car, feeling reassured that the car was securely charging and admittedly a little smug, that I was plugging in a BMWi3, whilst people were pulling up in petrol and diesel cars, looking intrigued and amazed at this modern, electric model! When 5.30pm hit, the car was fully charged and ready to go. I firstly disconnected the plug from the car, then swiped my card on the charging station to release the other end. I simply wound the charging cable up, popped it in the boot and felt that instant delight, that I hadn’t spent any money on petrol and had a range of 60 miles!! For free!! And that wasn’t all… As I was driving home, the range didn’t really drop, sometimes it increased, making me drive more efficiently! As I got home, I didn’t have to plug in, I felt content that I had plenty of miles, to nip to the shop and then to work again the next day.
“Now lets get on to the driving experience… Loved it!” Driving the BMW i3 was so easy…I felt as though I had a safer driving experience because it was so simple to drive. Stop… Start…Stop…Start… from going from a manual car…this really was a dream come true! Not having to think about the gear change really made the whole driving experience for me! There was no loud, roaring noise when pulling away…no jerking and certainly no stalling! There was a few different features, that took me a while to grasp…As soon as I took my foot off the accelerator pedal, the car felt as though it was breaking and slightly halted, it also took me a while to understand the car had no ‘rolling point’ which I think really comes in handy when your approaching a junction or parking. The car itself was really nippy. It also didn’t make that awful vibrating and load noise (as if it is going to blow up!!) When driving on the motorway…it was pretty much silent! I ’m not t h e be s t at par k i ng and fe lt e xt ra ne r vo u s in a ne w c ar…I ’m o ne of t h o s e , w h o par k t h e fu r t h e s t away i n a c ar par k , j u s t fo r e as y par k i ng ! Yo u c an ima g ine my h o r ro r, k now i ng t h at I wo u l d ne e d to re ve rs e pa r k into a s pace , to c h arg e t h e ve h i c l e . To my l u ck , t h e B MW i 3 h as par k i ng s e ns o rs to o ! It wa s al s o pret t y e as y to par k w i t h o u t t h e s ens o rs , a s yo u h ave a re al ly g o o d v i e w o u t of t h e ve h i c l e , wit h t h e wide w i nds c re e n and w i ng m i r ro rs …anot h e r bi g t h u mbs u p! Th e car h as t h re e dr i v i ng m o de s to c h o o s e fro m, CO MF O RT, ECO P R O and t h e ECO PR O + , wh ic h i ncre as e s t h e dr i v i ng rang e by abo u t 24 % co mpa re d wit h CO MF O RT. Wi t h i n my te s t dr i ve , I t rave l l e d to t h e L iv ing No r t h Spr i ng Fai r at Ne wc as t l e Race co u rs e , G o s fo r t h Pa r k, bu t w as a l i t t l e di s appo i nte d to f i nd t h e y h ad no c h a rg ing s t at i o n w h e n I g ot t h e re ! I al s o v i s i te d t h e Met ro ce nt re and Ike a fo r a s pot of s h o ppi ng and k ne w f ro m t h e Zap- Map A pp, t h e y h a d c h arg i ng po i nt s and a qu i ck ch arg e r (o nly 20 minu te s fo r a f u l l ch arg e ) fo r t h e pu bl i c to u s e , t h e y we re a g a in s i m pl e to u s e . Th e be s t t h i ng abo u t i t , I a lways g ot a l arg e par k i ng s pace , r i g ht ne xt to t h e do o r, wit h lot s of ro o m to re ve rs e i n! I co u l d g et u s e d to t h at ! I s ave d aro u nd £ 5 0 i n t h e we e k w h i l s t te s t -dr iv ing t h e B MW i 3 , w h i c h I am e c s t at i c abo u t , i t m e ant me a nd my Hu s band co u l d g o o u t fo r a m e al at t h e we e ke nd, fro m t h e m o ne y s ave d. I di dn’ t w ant to g i ve t h e B MW i 3 back i t wa s a lit t le bit of l u xu r y ! It w as pai nf u l to g et i n my pet rol, ma nu a l c a r and dr i ve s t rai g ht to t h e pet ro l s t at i o n, f ill u p my t a nk, s pe ndi ng £ 6 0 . I co u l d h ave bo u g ht £ 6 0 wo r t h of fo o d s h o ppi ng ! Co m pare d to my pet ro l c ar, t h e BMW i3 wa s l i ke a bre at h of f re s h ai r ! Si m pl i s t i c and e as y, w i t h g re at te ch fe atu re s . It re a lly acce nte d my l i fe s t y l e and m ade e ach day a lit t le bit e as i e r and de f i ni te ly m o re f u n!!
I d i d n’ t w a nt to g i ve the BMW i 3 b a c k… i t w a s a l i ttl e b i t of l u x ur y
WHAT TO CONSIDER BEFORE GOING ELECTRIC? The drive behind the shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) is now stronger than ever. Electric cars have increasingly been making the headlines in recent months. Major car manufacturers are announcing that every car they launch from certain dates will have an electric motor, and that the current UK Government wants to see our roads free of petrol and diesel cars by 2040. Electric vehicles, sometimes referred to as EVs, are set to be the norm but what does this mean for us? The majority of us don’t own an electric car yet, but what are the real advantages and disadvantages to owning and driving an electric car?
No Fuel - No Emissions! This is one of the key factors that attracts us to buying an electric car. With the price of fuel on the rise, not paying for petrol or diesel to keep your car running. Can save you a lot of money on fuel! Even better if you charge your electric car at home and your home runs on renewable energy from Good Energy, then your carbon footprint decreases dramatically!
Performance The best part of owning an electric car comes from getting out on the roads and putting it to work. To start electric cars are lighter and – as all of there power is generated from a standing start, the acceleration of an electric car is better than most high performance petrol or diesel cars, achieving 0-60mph in seconds.
Smart driving. Zero Emissions So, as we digest the implications of the government’s announcement on a 2040 cut-off point for sales of petrol and diesel vehicles, there are many unanswered questions. We do, however, know the answer to one of them: “Are electric vehicles here to stay?” It’s a simple “yes”.
Educating consumers is a major part of driving the future forward Quentin Wilson, Award winning motoring journalist, author, TV presenter and campaigner. Driving Range The term ‘range anxiety’ is familiar to those who’ve done their research on electric cars. The average electric vehicle range in the UK is around 133 miles fully charged. But when we talk about long distances that you’d get out of a fossil-fuelled car, people are turned-off from switching to electric. The distance you can travel on a single charge is improving and will continue to do so. However, most trips made in a car are less than 30 miles, which most EVs are able to do without issue. Similarly, the way that you fuel the car requires a different mentality to a fossil fuelled engine. Rather than filling up infrequently, you simply charge the car regularly – like your mobile phone!
A QUICK GUIDE TO CHARGER LEAD PLUGS ELMTRONICS GUIDE TO YOUR EV CHARGING LEAD PLUGS: FAST CHARGING (AC) TYPE 1 The main choice for Asian vehicle manufacturers including the Generation 1 Nissan leaf, Mitsubishi PHEV Outlander. A good deal of US vehicles use this connection but we are seeing a shift (including by Nissan for their generation 2 Leaf) toward the type 2 connection.
TYPE 2 Most manufacturers to the market are adopting the Type 2 as standard for all new models in particular the German & European manufacturers such as BMW, Audi, Mercedes & Porsche. Its believed that this connector will become the standard.
Where and how we will charge in future There is a lot of debate about different models for charging EVs in future. Half of households in Great Britain don’t have off road parking, this presents a very practical issue in terms of charging a vehicle at home! There are already more than 130,000 electric vehicles on the UKs roads, a figure that could pass 190,000 this year, as new models come to market and consumers reap the cost saving benefits of electric driving. The forecourt model is another option. We are all used to the concept of filling up the family car, even if the experience of negotiating the queue for the pumps is not always the most enjoyable. Electric charging stations may well follow a similar set-up, although motorists would want to be able to charge their vehicles quickly and as easy as possible, much like filing up a fossil fuelled vehicle.
Is an electric car for me? There has been a shift in balance for electric vehicles, with more advantages than disadvantages. Even with some limitations many people are finding with an electric vehicle they are quickly being reduced – the driving ranges keep on improving, the electric car charging system is growing, the batteries are lasting longer, the cars themselves are becoming more attractive and affordable, plus the Government is slowly pushing towards EVs being the go-to option. Ultimately, it’s all about the bigger picture. Electric vehicles are a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly way to travel. Passenger cars and vans contribute to 17% of all carbon dioxide emissions in the UK.
RAPID CHARGING (DC) CCS (Combined Charging System) Adapted by European manufacturers such as BMW, Jaguar & Volkswagen as the standard for rapid charging. Rapid chargers have the cables attached to the units (rather like a petrol pump so need for a rapid charger cable to be carried on the vehicle. The CCS gets its name from combining the type2 AC charging standard with two rapid charging pins.
CHA-de-MO A rapid charging only connection, popular with Asian vehicles including Nissan & Mitsubishi. The electric highway in the UK, which is a network of rapid chargers at every service station in the UK , has rapid charging standards.
LACK OF AWARENESS IS SURPRISINGLY STILL THE BIGGEST PROBLEM FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE ADOPTION! The electric vehicle market has been growing rapidly for the past five years, with all manufacturers committing to offering an EV option on all new models from various dates in the near future, this follows the demand from the government to ban all petrol and diesel cars by 2040. The electric vehicle market has been growing rapidly for the past five years, with all manufacturers committing to offering an EV option on all new models from various dates in the near future, this follows the demand from the government to ban all petrol and diesel cars by 2040. There is a lot of speculation in the industry that the lack of take up on electric vehicles is due to not enough models being released by car manufacturers or there are not enough charging points to facilitate the electric vehicles already on the road. What we are finding, is the lack of knowledge around both topics, the main issue and more needs to be done in terms of development and clarification for consumers, before a widespread EV adoption is achieved. Although there are plenty of facts and figures on what sales are being made and what new EVs are due at our showrooms, the lack of information around charging your vehicle, the battery and range anxiety is cause for concern. There is a need for more simple guides to owning and preparing for an electric vehicle, as once you have the information it seems quite simple. To the thousands already using an electric car in the UK, the only change they have noticed is the saving in petrol – so what is the problem? Why do so many people have anxiety over swapping to electric – the answer is simple – lack of knowledge and awareness. We are all so quick to jump on the negatives, “100-mile range before needing to charge, with no chargers nearby? “ So, ask yourself how often in one day do you exceed the 100-mile range? Saying this, if you do commute to work on a daily basis or you need the reassurance that you have the ability to charge when arriving to work or part way through your journey, with more awareness of the charge points within your area, this could ease your concern, but the stopping time to charge is still a worry for most and the lack of awareness around charging costs is not clear.
Improvements are being made More and more businesses are starting to adopt workplace charging for staff and visitors, making it more accessible for consumers with an EV to travel between work and home. The home charge market is also growing with new EV manufacturers entering the market, making it more accessible for people to get home chargers installed at a competitive price. For more adoption across the UK, more businesses, need to invest in an EV charging infrastructure, not only future proofing their fleet to ensure they comply with air quality targets but setting the bar for their employees. The government will continue to focus on reducing emissions, therefore increasing taxes on diesel and petrol cars, it makes sense for businesses wanting to save costs, they should switch to an electric fleet now and stop seeing this as a long-term fleet strategy, early adoption is necessary as without local businesses switching and without workplace charging in place the perception of range anxiety will not disappear for many consumers anytime soon! Victoria Lewis Marketing Manager Elmtronics Limited Passionate about expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure, Elmtronics will support you every step of the way.
“Businesses wanting to save costs, they should switch to an electric fleet now”.
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Small compact design. At less than a 1 metre in width and 1.5m high this is one of the SMALLEST 50kW rapid chargers on the market.
A revolutionary new line of DC Rapid charging equipment for the new era of electric vehicles.
This station is ideal for: • Highway rest stops • Petrol stations • Car dealerships • Busy urban areas • EV Infrastructure operators and service providers • Retail / fast food outlets
Contact Elmtronics for further details, email:
FULLY FUNDED CHARGING For more information about rapid charging or to become a host call Elmtronics on:0191 417 3719
• 50kW charging to 80% in only 20 minutes, 16 times quicker than standard fast chargers • 100% funded equipment and installation, with zero costs upfront • long-term ongoing rental income
• Contributes to better local air quality • Industry-lead equipment that’s proven and reliable, safe and future proof • Friendly 24/7 support with simple payment terms by the kW unit
ELMTRONICS SUPPLY SMART CHARGERS FOR NORTH SOMERSET COUNCIL’S FLEET ELECTRIFICATION. North Somerset Council is leading the charge to the electrification of its fleet with the support of Elmtronics - the UK’s largest independent supplier and installer of charge points for electric vehicles (EV) – using intelligent EV chargers from Alfen. The Department for Transports Office of Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) recently announced the Go Ultra Low (GUL) project which aims to convert 25% of all government small van and car fleet, including pool vehicles, to electric by 2021. And North Somerset Council is charging ahead, having already converted a higher proportion of its fleet to electric – well ahead of the 2021 deadline. Thanks to nearly £130,000 received in funding from the GUL project, the council has converted 48% of its light van and car fleet to electric vehicles and now has 34 electric vehicles which staff can use. Carl Nicholson, fleet manager at North Somerset Council says: “The transition to Pure Electric vehicles has been a unique journey for the Authority who have a diverse range of services, such as supplying community meals or highways inspections. Analyses of our systems showed that the vast majority of our fleet is ‘return to base’ with relatively low mileage journeys. The highest mileage vehicles seldom cover more than 100 miles per day, making it almost impossible to ignore the reliability and significantly lower whole life cost savings that go hand in hand with running battery powered vehicles. The running costs of the EVs are typically at least a third cheaper than a conventional ICE vehicle whilst the employee reaction to driving EVs has been overwhelmingly positive. The council is estimated to be saving over 5000kg of CO2 per month at present and the residual values of our used vehicles are actually rising with the ever-growing interest in EVs.” Mr. Nicholson stressed the importance of getting the right charging infrastructure and working with an experienced EV charging supplier, such as Elmtronics, to ensure good quality equipment is installed with the right specification, in the right place and in the right way. Nicholson: “Everything about EVs was new to us at the start, so working with Elmtronics throughout the whole journey has been invaluable. Having experts who understand all the various requirements around EVs and EV infrastructure and working with an organisation that reacts quickly and effectively to any questions or issues we experience is absolutely vital to ensure driver satisfaction and swift EV uptake.” Elmtronics installed Alfen smart chargers for North Somerset Council’s EV fleet. Dan Martin, Commercial Director of Elmtronics, says: “Smart and reliable chargers are an essential component of successful EV fleets. As. well as having very high uptime, Alfen chargers allow remote access and detailed diagnostics of any issues that do arise, which allows us to react quickly and effectively, even sometimes before there is any impact on the drivers.” Mr. Martin also highlighted that having charge points with access control and detailed transaction data is important for organisations like North Somerset Council in order to manage their user base and monitor the respective usage which is key for fleet monitoring as well as to keep track of employee benefits-in-kind. Mr Nicholson added: “The ability to remotely log in and manage a chargepoint in real time makes the control and audit of the estate easy and it is essential to the successful deployment for a larger fleet.” Alex Earl is the UK Country Manager of Alfen: “We have been working with Elmtronics for a number of years now. They clearly understand the importance of intelligent, dependable charging infrastructure as well as the necessity for the highest level of customer service. Importantly they are able to communicate the associated benefits to their customers and it’s great to see that organisations such as North Somerset Council are now reaping the benefits of working with them.” Earl also mentioned that Alfen’s smart technology allows chargers to be load-balanced depending on the availability of power at any given moment which can potentially save organisations many thousands of pounds for expensive electricity supply upgrades.
Smart driving. Zero Emissions
THE WORLDS SMALLEST HOME CHARGER ON THE MARKET • Starting from £199 • OLEV Compliant • 3 year product warranty • Available in Power Rating: 3.6kW - 7.2kW • Installation from our fully qualified regional installers.
The EO MINI Smart driving...home charging