General 0

Page 1


Hi ghSpeedCont i nuousMot i on

oft heCHI NOOKCar t oner

6. 5’ /2000mm ext endedcar t onmagazi ne f i t t edwi t hpr esi zedt empl at esf orqui ck andsi mpl ecar t onsi zechangeover s. 2headorhi ghspeed5headr ot ar yf eeder .

Bi scui t s,baker yandconf ect i oner y: Cer ealbar s Cr i spbr eads,cr acker s Bi scui t si nf l owwr ap Past r ypr oduct si nt r ays

Wi pedown;wi t hhosedownopt i on. St ai nl essst eelconst r uct i oni dealf or f oodpackagi ng. Ser vomot or sf orcar t onf eedi ng,car t on t r anspor tandbucketconveyor ;f ul l separ at i onofmachi necont r ol sand dr i vet r ai n. Ful l yi nt egr at edmachi neguar di ng pr ovi deseasyaccesst opr oductpat h andmachi necomponent s. Saf et yconf or mst oCat egor y3asper EN138491PLd( Cont r olRel i abl e)

Fr eshandf r ozenf oods: Readymeal s Fl owwr appedf r ozenf ood Dr yFoods: Snacks Cer eal s Sachet s,pouches Consumergoods: Ai rf r eshener s Faci alt i ssue Heal t hcar e,cosmet i cpr oduct s

AMol i nscompany


Hi ghSpeedCont i nuousMot i on

oft heCHI NOOKCar t oner

6. 5’ /2000mm ext endedcar t onmagazi ne f i t t edwi t hpr esi zedt empl at esf orqui ck andsi mpl ecar t onsi zechangeover s. 2headorhi ghspeed5headr ot ar yf eeder .

Bi scui t s,baker yandconf ect i oner y: Cer ealbar s Cr i spbr eads,cr acker s Bi scui t si nf l owwr ap Past r ypr oduct si nt r ays

Wi pedown;wi t hhosedownopt i on. St ai nl essst eelconst r uct i oni dealf or f oodpackagi ng. Ser vomot or sf orcar t onf eedi ng,car t on t r anspor tandbucketconveyor ;f ul l separ at i onofmachi necont r ol sand dr i vet r ai n. Ful l yi nt egr at edmachi neguar di ng pr ovi deseasyaccesst opr oductpat h andmachi necomponent s. Saf et yconf or mst oCat egor y3asper EN138491PLd( Cont r olRel i abl e)

Fr eshandf r ozenf oods: Readymeal s Fl owwr appedf r ozenf ood Dr yFoods: Snacks Cer eal s Sachet s,pouches Consumergoods: Ai rf r eshener s Faci alt i ssue Heal t hcar e,cosmet i cpr oduct s

AMol i nscompany


Hi ghSpeedCont i nuousMot i on

He i ght Ca r t onS i z eRa nge :L e ngt h ( pt h Wi dt h) De

Di mensi ons-i nches/mm A 7600 299. 21 B 4200 165. 35 C 6235 245. 47 D 2000 78. 74 E 800 31. 49

Al l i nf or mat i ongi venbel owi sdependent uponf i nalmachi nespeci f i cat i on,f eed ar r angement ,pr oductt ypeandcar t on speci f i cat i on.

230V575V/ 3PH,50/ 60Hz Cont r olci r cui t s:24VDC

Conf or mst oCat egor y3Saf et ySt andar ds asperEN138491PLd( Cont r olRel i abl e)

0. 35m3/ mi n@ 56bar 1215cf m @ 7083psi

Appr ox5, 510l b/2, 500kg

Upt o550Car t onspermi nut e

Mi ni mum Ma x i mum

2 . 0 ” 1 2 . 6 ”

Mi ni mum Ma x i mum

0 . 0mm 7 5 0 . 0mm 2 0 . 0mm 3 0mm 3 3 2 0mm 1 6 9mm


www. l angengr oup. com I nf o@l angengr oup. com



2headcar t onf eeder St ai nl essst eelconst r uct i onwi t hbevel l ed edgesf oreaseofcl eanl i ness Dr i vet r ai ni sol at edf r om pr oductf l owar ea. Ser vodr i vest hr oughoutt hemachi ne Car t onpr ebr eak “ Nopr oduct / Nocar t on/ Nol oad”f eat ur e Pr esi zedcar t onmagazi net empl at esf or qui ckchangeover s Gl uecl osur esyst em Over l oadpr ot ect i onf orpusher s Openf l apdet ect i onwi t hai rr ej ectsyst em Adj ust abl ef l i ght st of i tdi f f er entpr oductsi zes Rot ar yf eederandcar t onmagazi ne adj ust edwi t hhandwheel sequi ppedwi t h di gi t alcount er sf orqui ckchangeover s Car t onscar r i edonl ugchai nst omaxi mi ze car t onsur f acepr ot ect i on TouchScr eencont r olpanel

LangenPackagi ngGr oup

. 7 5 ” 0 . 8 ” 2 4 . 5 ” 5 . 1 ” 1

Li nearSer voPakaut ol oader Hi ghspeed5headr ot ar yf eeder Hosedowndesi gn Embosscodi ng Aut omat i ccar t onmagazi nel oader Mul t i st agef eeder / col l at orf orbagsand sachet s( BombBayTowerst yl e) Ser voTr ai ni nf eedsyst em I nLi neover headsweeper Cr ossover headsweeper Over headCompr essi onuni t Over headConf i ni nguni t Modem onPLCandSer vodr i vesf orhel p deskser vi ces Tucki nf l apcl osur e Oper at orpanelmount edonaswi vel i ng ar m I nl i neor90degr eei nf eed Amer i casTel : +19056707200 : +31( 0)246486655 Eur opeTel FarEastTel : +31( 0)246486655 AMol i nscompany

VENTO Compact continuous motion cartoner.

Principle Features Medium to high speed in continuous motion • Pre-sized templates for quick and simple carton size change overs. • Carton length, height and depth adjusted by handles equipped with digital counters for quick size changeovers. • One size adjustment point with digital counter for all buckets. • Extended carton magazine 1,500 mm. Optional automatic magazine loader.

Clean, quiet and hygienic design • Stainless steel construction. • Full separation of machine controls and servos from product flow area. • Fully integrated interlocked machine guarding and large cabinet doors provide easy access to product path and machine parts.

Applications • Biscuits, bakery and confectionery: • Cereal bars. • Crispbreads, crackers. • Biscuits in flow wrap (including variety packs). • Pastry products in trays. • Fresh and frozen foods: • Ready meals. • Flow wrapped frozen food. • Dry foods: • Snacks. • Cereals. • Sachets, pouches (including variety packs). • Consumer goods: • Air fresheners. • Facial tissue. • Health care, cosmetic products. The possibilities are endless.

VENTO Compact continuous motion cartoner.

Standard Carton Size (mm) Length

Pitch 9”











Note: The machine is supplied as standard with a 9" pitch, allowing maximum flexibility in terms of product size range. However, in specific cases alternative pitches can be considered. .

Technical Data All information given in this leaflet is dependent upon final machine specification, feed arrangement, product type and carton specification. Electric Consumption 230V, 380V, 460V, 575V/3PH, 50/60 Hz (other voltages available) control circuits 24V DC, 8.5 KW (typical; includes hotmelt) Compressed Air Consumption approx. 0,35 m3 / min (pn, Tn) / 5-6 bar, approx. 12 cfm / 70-83 psi (depending on options selected)

Standard Features • Stainless steel construction with bevelled edges for ease of cleaning. • Polycarbonate protection covers.

Optional Features • Servo train infeed system. • Multi-stage feeder/collator for bags and sachets (Bomb Bay tower style).

• Servo drives for carton feeding and carton transport with bucket conveyor.

• In-line overhead sweeper.

• Pre-sized carton magazine templates for quick size changeovers.

• Overhead compression unit.

• Carton length, height and depth adjusted with handles equipped with digital counters for quick size changeover.

• High speed 5-head rotary feeder.

• Cross overhead sweeper. • Overhead confining unit. • Date coding (embossing, inkjet or laser).

• Adjustable buckets to fit different product sizes. One size adjustment point with digital counter for all buckets.

• Automatic carton magazine loader.

• 2-head rotary feeder.

• Tuck closure of flaps.

• Carton pre-break.

• Extension of the bucket conveyor.

• No product - no carton feature.

• Additional size parts.

• Hot melt glue closure of flaps.

Approx. 2,000 kg (excl. infeed)

• Modem for PLC and servo controllers.

• Open flap detection with air reject.

• Pneumatic pusher reject for open flaps.


• Overload protection for pushers.

• Proportional valve for glue pressure.

Approx. 200 cartons / minute

• Control panel mounted on fixed place.

• Swivel arm mounted operator panel.

Hot Melt Glue Consumption Average 2 gram / metre Machine Weight

• Outfeed conveyor for non-pushed products 600 mm high.

• Cartons carried on lug chain to maximize carton surface protection. • Reject tray for non pushed products.

Langenpac N.V., Edisonstraat 18, Postbus 417, 6600 AK Wijchen, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 24 648 66 55 - Fax: +31 (0) 24 648 66 51 - E-mail: - © Copyright Molins PLC 2004 - Code: EU A4 LP Vento Eng

BREEZE Compact intermittent motion cartoner.

Principle Features Low to medium speed in intermittent motion • Pre-sized templates for quick and simple carton size change overs. • Carton length, height and depth adjusted by handles equipped with digital counters for quick size changeovers. • One size adjustment point with digital counter for all buckets. • Optional extended carton magazine 1,500 mm. Optional automatic magazine loader.

Clean, quiet and hygienic design • Stainless steel construction. • Full separation of machine controls and servos from product flow area. • Fully integrated interlocked machine guarding and large cabinet doors provide easy access to product path and machine parts.

Applications • Biscuits, bakery and confectionery: • Cereal bars. • Crispbreads, crackers. • Biscuits in flow wrap (including variety packs). • Pastry products in trays. • Fresh and frozen foods: • Ready meals. • Flow wrapped frozen food. • Dry foods: • Snacks. • Cereals. • Sachets, pouches (including variety packs). • Consumer goods: • Air fresheners. • Facial tissue. • Health care, cosmetic products. The possibilities are endless.

BREEZE Compact intermittent motion cartoner.

Standard Carton Size (mm) Length

Pitch 7.5”




















Note: We generally recommend a machine pitch of 15”, allowing maximum flexibility in terms of product size range.

Technical Data

Standard Features

Optional Features

• Stainless steel construction with bevelled edges for ease of cleaning.

• Multi-stage feeder/collator for bags and sachets (Bomb Bay tower style).

• Polycarbonate protection covers.

• Flexible robot infeed. • Overhead confining plate.

Electric Consumption

• Servo drives for carton feeding and carton transport with bucket conveyor.

230V, 380V, 460V, 575V/3PH, 50/60 Hz (other voltages available) control circuits 24V DC, 8.5 KW (typical; includes hotmelt)

• Pre-sized carton magazine templates for quick size changeovers. Each template will have a length of approx. 500 mm.

• Extended magazine allowing a carton stock of approx. 1,500 mm.

Compressed Air Consumption

• Carton length, height and depth adjusted with handles equipped with digital counters for quick size changeover.

• Carton pre-break.

All information given in this leaflet is dependent upon final machine specification, feed arrangement, product type and carton specification.

approx. 0,35 m3 / min (pn, Tn) / 5-6 bar, approx. 12 cfm / 70-83 psi (depending on options selected)

• Leaflet feeder.

• Higher speed 2-head rotary feeder. • Date coding (embossing, inkjet or laser).

• Adjustable buckets to fit different product sizes. One size-adjustment point with digital counter for all buckets.

• Outfeed conveyor for non-pushed products 600 mm high.

• 1-head rotary feeder.

• Extension of the bucket conveyor.

• No product - no carton feature.

• Additional size parts.

Machine Weight

• Hot melt glue closure of flaps.

• Modem for PLC and servo controllers.

Approx. 2,000 kg (excl. infeed)

• Open flap detection with air reject.

• Pneumatic pusher reject for open flaps.


• Overload protection for pusher.

• Proportional valve for glue pressure.

• Control panel mounted on fixed place.

• Swivel arm mounted operator panel.

• Cartons carried on lug chain to maximize carton surface protection.

• Machine pitch 7,5” (standard is 15”).

Hot Melt Glue Consumption Average 2 gram / metre

Up to 80 cartons / minute

• Reject tray for non pushed products.

• Tuck closure of flaps.

• Servo drive on product pusher.

• Pneumatic product pusher.

Langenpac N.V., Edisonstraat 18, Postbus 417, 6600 AK Wijchen, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 24 648 66 55 - Fax: +31 (0) 24 648 66 51 - E-mail: - © Copyright Molins PLC 2004 - Code: EU A4 LP Breeze Eng

AIR Compact cartoning machine for manual loading.

Principle Features Medium speed in continuous motion

Applications • Biscuits, bakery and confectionery: • Cereal bars

• Ease of machine operation

• Crispbreads, crackers

• Manual loading directly into the cartons by 2 people

• Biscuits in flow wrap (including variety packs)

• Adjustable carton magazine for changeover without parts

• Pastry products in trays

• Carton length, height and depth adjusted by handles equipped with digital counters for quick and accurate changeovers • Operator panel with user friendly touch screen • Mobile machine on castors or feet usable at different places

Clean, quiet and hygienic design • Full separation of machine controls and drives from product flow area • Fully integrated machine guarding and large cabinet doors provide easy access to product path and machine parts.

• Fresh and frozen foods: • Ready meals • Flow wrapped frozen food • Dry foods: • Snacks • Cereals • Sachets, pouches (including variety packs) • Consumer goods: • Air fresheners • Facial tissue • Health care, cosmetic products.

AIR Compact cartoning machine for manual loading.

Standard Carton dim. (mm) Length














Remark: This standard machine is offered with a 12” pitch, which creates a very large size range. Upper carton flaps between 15 and 80 mm. Lower carton flaps between 15 and 75 mm. Dust flaps between 10 and 50 mm. Exact carton dimensions to be checked and


approved by Langenpac.


Technical Data


Standard Features

All information given in this leaflet is not binding and is dependent upon final machine specification, feed arrangement, product type and carton specification

• Hygienic construction for easy cleaning

Electric Consumption

• Polycarbonate protection covers

230V/400V + N + PE, 3PH, 50 Hz (other voltages available) control circuits 24V DC, 11 KW (typical; includes hotmelt)

• Working height approx. 950 mm

Compressed Air Consumption

• Cartons carried on lug chain to maximize carton surface protection • Protection level IP 54

• Adjustable carton length, height and depth with handles equipped with digital counters for quick size changeover

approx. 0,25 m3 / min (pn, Tn) / 5-6 bar, approx. 12 cfm / 70-83 psi (depending on options selected)

• Right handed machine (as shown)

Hot Melt Glue Consumption

• Carton pre-break

Average 1 to 2 gram / metre Machine Weight Approx. 1,000 kg (excl. infeed) Output Approx. 90 cartons / minute.

Options • In order to simplify the feeding of products, the machine can be supplied with an infeed conveyor belt, with independent drive and easy speed adjustment through a potentiometer • Photocell control system on the infeed conveyor: a carton will be erected only when a product has been detected • Extended carton magazine with a total length of 1500 mm for approx. 1000 cartons

• One AC drive for carton feeding and carton transport

• Machine realised with a 6” pitch instead of 12” in case only rather narrow cartons need to be packed. This will reduce the chain speed to half, which will make feeding easier. The maximum carton length is approx. 115 mm. In this case the rotary feeder needs to be a 2-head feeder

• Free choice between machine on castors of feet. If speed higher than 60/minute, than only on feet

• Both castors and feet under the machine for maximal flexibility of placement and stability at higher speeds.

• Adjustable carton magazine • 1-head rotary feeder • Fixed plate at the manual loading station for 2 people

• Hot melt glue closure of flaps • Hot melt unit with 4 litre container, 2 glue hoses and single glue guns • Control panel with touch screen mounted next to rotary feeder.

Langenpac N.V., Edisonstraat 18, P.O. Box 417, 6600 AK Wijchen, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 24 648 66 55 - Fax: +31 (0) 24 648 66 51 - E-mail: - © Copyright Molins PLC 2008 - Code: EU A4 LP AIR ENG

HCS Modular build compact cartoner.

Principle Features Versatile flexible design • Compact machine design based upon single station infeed pusher unit.

Applications • Food: • Flow wrap (snacks, biscuits and confectionery). • Trays with pastry.

• Modular build enabling full freedom of design.

• Oval tin cans with coffee.

• Plenty of room for integration of secondary equipment (printers, scanners, leaflet feeders, etc.).

• Sticks and sachets.

• Great flexibility in applications: various product forms and dimensions and various carton shapes can be handled on this machine. . Proven reliability in semi or

fully intermittent motion • Rugged robust construction. • Heavy duty servo drive systems.

• Thermoforms. • Non durables: • Sachets with pads. • Wiper blades. • Baby bottles. • Personal care: • Pantyliners. • Napkins. • Towels.

• Designed for 24/7 operation.

• Blisters containing contact lenses.

• Fully accessible, interlocked guarding package.

• Dental floss. Many other applications are possible

HCS Modular build compact cartoner.

Standard Carton Size (mm) Length

Pitch 3.75”







Technical Data All information given in this leaflet is dependent upon final machine specification, feed arrangement, product type and carton specification. Electric Consumption

Standard Features



























































Optional Features

• Standard carton magazine 500 mm.

• Paddle conveyor infeed system.

• 2 head rotary feeder.

• Bucket conveyor infeed.

• Carton pre break.

• Multi-stage feeder/collator for bags and sachets (Bomb Bay Tower style).

• “No product - no carton - no load” feature.

• Overhead Compression plate.

230V, 380V, 460V, 575V/3PH, 50/60 Hz (other voltages available) control circuits 24V DC, 8.5 KW (typical; includes hotmelt)

• Glue or tuck closure.

• Overhead Confining plate.

• Cartons carried on lug chain to maximize carton surface protection.

• Servo pusher with overload protection.

Compressed Air Consumption

• Robust construction of frame and moving parts guarantees many years of problem free round the clock operation.

• Extended carton magazine 1,500 mm.

approx. 2 m3 / minute (pn, Tn) / 5-6 bar, approx. 70 cfm / 70-83 psi (depending on options selected) Hot Melt Glue Consumption Average 2 gram / metre Machine Weight Approx. 1.500 kg (excl. infeed) Output Up to approx. 60 cartons / minute

• One AC central main drive. • Pmma protection doors with stainless steel on the lower parts.

• Coding. • Spindle adjustment of carton magazine for easy adjustment. • Carton length, height and depth adjusted with hand wheels equipped with digital counters for quick size changeover. • Adjustable buckets to fit different product sizes.All buckets adjust from one hand wheel. • Flip top closure of cartons. • Very small or big products. • Main drive with servo motor. • Control panel on hinged arm. • Open flap detection with reject system.

Langenpac N.V., Edisonstraat 18, Postbus 417, 6600 AK Wijchen, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 24 648 66 55 - Fax: +31 (0) 24 648 66 51 - E-mail: - © Copyright Molins PLC 2004 - Code: EU A4 LP HCS Eng V2

C1 000 Ser voCar t oner


oft heC1000Car t oner

5’ /1500mm l owl eveladj ust abl e car t onmagazi ne Car t onl engt h,hei ghtanddept hadj ust ed byhandl esequi ppedwi t hdi gi t alcount er s andscal esf orqui cksi zechangeover s Si ngl eadj ust mentpoi ntwi t hdi gi t al count erf orcar t ondept handl engt h I nt egr at edcont r olpanel

Bi scui t s,baker yandconf ect i oner y: Cer ealbar s Cr i spbr eads,cr acker s Bi scui t si nf l owwr ap Past r ypr oduct si nt r ays Fr eshandf r ozenf oods: Readymeal s Fl owwr appedf r ozenf ood Dr yFoods: Snacks

Fal l t hr oughdesi gnf oreasycl eani ng Ful laccesst omai ndr i vecomponent s Saf et yconf or mst oCat egor y3asper EN138491PLd( Cont r olRel i abl e) Easyaccesst opr oductpat handmachi ne component s

Cer eal s Sachet s,pouches Consumergoods: Ai rf r eshener s Faci alt i ssue Heal t hcar e,cosmet i cpr oduct s

AMol i nscompany

C1 000 Ser voCar t oner


He i ght Ca r t onS i z eRa nge :L e ngt h ( pt h Wi dt h) De

Mi ni mum Ma x i mum Mi ni mum Ma x i mum

. 3 7 5 ” . 5 ” 4 1 . 7 5 ” 0 1 6 . 0 ” 5 4 . 5 ” . 5 ” 1 2 . 7 mm 1 4 4 . 5mm 1 1 1 . 1 mm 4 0mm 3 4 0 7mm 1 6 9mm

Di mensi ons-i nches/mm A 283. 98 7213 B 83. 82 2129 C 62. 99 1600 981 D 38. 62

Al l i nf or mat i ongi venbel owi sdependent uponf i nalmachi nespeci f i cat i on,f eed ar r angement ,pr oductt ypeandcar t on speci f i cat i on.

Ser vodr i venmai nchai ns Ser vodr i venCar t onFeederuses cam mot i ont oopt i mi zecar t onf eedi ng

230V/ 3PH,50/ 60Hz Cont r olci r cui t s:24VDC

Robustcent er beam const r uct i on

Ser vodr i vent opsquar echai n

Rot ar yst yl ef l apki cker s

Var i et yofI nf eedopt i ons: Ti mi ngscr ew Dr opbox Over headsweep Robot i c Col l at or / accumul at or Smar tbel t

Si dedi schar gebel t s Conf or mst oCat egor y3Saf et ySt andar ds asperEN138491PLd( Cont r olRel i abl e)

0. 40m3/ mi n@ 56bar 1215cf m @ 7083psi

eencont r ol s Touchscr I nt er l ockedper i met erguar di ng Qui ckchangef eat ur es: Qui ckchangemagazi ne Qui ckcar t onl engt hadj ust ment St andar dmachi nepi t chi s12”

Tuckorgl uecl osur e

Tot al l yencl osedcar t onchai ns

Aut ol oadopt i onal l owsmul t i pl e hesi t at i ngst at i onsf orvar i et ypacks

Lowl evelcar t onmagazi ne Appr ox4, 000l b/1, 815kg

Ext endedcar t onmagazi ne

Car t onpr ebr eakf orsquar eor di f f i cul t t oopencar t ons

Mul t i pl epi t chesavai l abl e: 6”and12”or9”and18”

Cont i nuousori nt er mi t t entmot i on Upt o65i ndexespermi nut e Maxi mum 180CPM i ncont i nuousmode ( Mul t i pl ecar t onsperi ndexavai l abl e)

LangenPackagi ngGr oup www. l angengr oup. com I nf o@l angengr oup. com

Amer i casTel : +19056707200 : +31( 0)246486655 Eur opeTel FarEastTel : +31( 0)246486655 AMol i nscompany

HCC Modular build versatile flexible cartoner.

Principle Features Versatile flexible design • Modular build enabling full freedom of design. • Plenty of room for integration of secondary equipment (printers, scanners, leaflet feeders, etc.) • Single or double production versions (1 or 2 carton product chains on one machine). • Either standard or extended carton magazine 1,500 mm. Optional automatic magazine loader. • Levers or spindles for quick and simple carton size change overs.

Proven reliability in semi or fully continuous motion • Robust construction.

Applications • Food: • Flow wrap (snacks, biscuits and confectionery). • Cereal bag in box. • Bottles, jars, tubes. • Trays, sachets. • Non durables: • Light bulbs, halogen lamps • Batteries. • Aluminium foil. • Candles in glass holders. • Camera film. • Firelighter blocs. • Coffee filters. • Personal care:

• Heavy duty main drive shafts.

• Facial tissue.

• Designed for 24/7 operation.

• Napkins.

• Fully accessible, interlocked guarding package.

• Feminin hygiene. Many other applications are possible.

HCC Modular build versatile flexible cartoner.

Standard Carton Size (mm) Length

Pitch 3.75”







Technical Data All information given in this leaflet is dependent upon final machine specification, feed arrangement, product type and carton specification. Electric Consumption 230V, 380V, 460V, 575V/3PH, 50/60 Hz (other voltages available) control circuits 24V DC, 8.5 KW (typical; includes hotmelt) Compressed Air Consumption approx. 0,35 m3 / minute (pn, Tn) / 5-6 bar, approx. 12 cfm / 70-83 psi (depending on options selected) Hot Melt Glue Consumption Average 2 gram / metre Machine Weight Approx. 2,000 kg (excl. infeed) Output Up to 550 cartons / minute

Standard Features

























































Optional Features

• Standard carton magazine 500 mm.

• Servo Train infeed system.

• 2 head rotary feeder.

• Multi-stage feeder/collator for bags and sachets (Bomb Bay Tower style).

• Carton pre-break. • “No product - no carton - no load” feature.

• In Line overhead sweeper.

• Glue or tuck closure.

• Overhead Compression unit.

• Open flap detection with reject system.

• Overhead Confining unit.

• Overload protection for pushers.

• High speed 5 head rotary feeder.

• Cartons carried on lug chain to maximize carton surface protection.

• Coding.

• Robust construction of frame and moving parts guarantees many years of problem free round the clock operation.

• Spindle adjustment of carton magazine for easy adjustment.

• One AC central main drive. • Pmma protection doors with stainless steel on the lower parts.

• Cross overhead sweeper.

• Extended carton magazine 1,500 mm.

• Automatic carton magazine loader. • Carton length, height and depth adjusted with hand wheels equipped with digital counters for quick size changeover. • Adjustable buckets to fit different product sizes. All buckets adjust from one hand wheel. • Flip top closure of cartons. • Very small or big products. • Main drive with servo motor. • Control panel on hinged arm.

Langenpac N.V., Edisonstraat 18, Postbus 417, 6600 AK Wijchen, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 24 648 66 55 - Fax: +31 (0) 24 648 66 51 - E-mail: - © Copyright Molins PLC 2004 - Code: EU A4 LP HCC Eng V1



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