Elo Cole – Discipline Makes A Man Perfect

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Elo Cole - Discipline Makes A Man Perfect Discipline means training or way of life aimed at self control and conformity to any given guidance. Obedience is what required from the person who intends to be disciplined. It is assumed that the one who disciplines another has already attained the top position or perfection in all respects. In other words, a person is taught how to behave with others, how to come up with the surroundings and situations, from his/her childhood. The first persons who teach discipline are mothers and fathers. From them everyone learns how to eat, walk, sleep, speak, and how to behave with other. With this initial stage of discipline we learn how to behave in school.

In school we are taught discipline of a higher degree, in order to learn self control, respect teachers, do our daily chorus at school and at home. We are taught discipline to study and play. Without this discipline, it would become difficult for the students and teachers to cope up with each other. Many professionals like Elo Cole who is self driven person prefers motivation with better discipline because discipline which keeps us going. At every level of a man he or she is taught discipline. Apart from home and school, discipline has to be followed in work places, offices shops and in all public places. The military of every nation has a highest degree of discipline. Without discipline no military could win a war. To put in a nutshell, without discipline, success in all walks of life is not possible. Discipline helps us to be organized. Put the things in their proper place, arrange events at the right time and acquire the required strength by means of politeness and friendship. An organized person can

handle anything of his interest. Discipline helps us to acquire respect from others. Disciplined people become trustworthy, noble and honored. At the time of marriage proposals for anyone, his/her disciplined way of life is always looked into before accepting the same. For a disciplined man or women love and respect from others is imminent thus their matrimony becomes easy. A happy home always would have a disciplined husband and a disciplined wife. If the children too are disciplined in such a way, no doubt the family becomes a beacon of discipline to others. The learner of discipline is called a disciple. The religious disciple are the example for us to see that they reached to their highest degree of honor and respect due to their undergoing of disciplined life style. People like Elo Cole prefers discipline as it also brings the courage to do new things in life. Hope you understood the importance of discipline in our life. If you are feeling down and knocked out then you should go for motivation to start again and discipline to keep on going. Never make excuses instead bring discipline and implement in every activity of your life.

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