elodi media kit

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elodi magazine media kit 2009 / 2010

Elodi Magazine is a publication showcasing, from around the world, illustrators, fashion designers, photographers, romancers, skaters, somebodies, nobodies, quirky aspect of life that are strangely digestible and all the babes in between the ever illustrious faculty of the arts.

about us We are a full colour, matte magazine, giving our readers not only a public-transportflick-through, but something to put on the floor between the bras and the sneakers for the next guest to pick up and be fully immersed. Elodi is a high quality production that is often handle as a book.

find us

Elodi Magazine, Issue One, is currently stocked in iTrip iSkip and Smiths Bookshop, both in Canberra. We also stock online at www.leeloo.com.au, Ma Gallery in Sydney, Ever After CafĂŠ Bookstore in Cairns, Bird in the Hand Zine Shop in Newcastle and Format Zine Shop in Adelaide. With selling in independent shops around Australia Elodi Magazine has been able to reach our readers in their natural habitats. This has

With our unique stance on sales, the lifestyle that Elodi Magazine divulges and the readership we have generated through Issue One (one that is set to soar with Issue 2, 3, 4 and so on), your advertisement has a place. The people that are reading Elodi

been an excellent way to communicate Elodi Magazine. However, with Issue Two, we hope to expand our distribution further by delivering with Gordon and Gotch, Australia’s largest independent magazine distributor, as well as distributing with even more independent fashion stores.

why us? Magazine are spontaneous, discerning, adventurous dreamers. They want to see your product and service and they want to know your brand. They want to wear your line and associate you with the market of independent magazines and arts.

p h o t o g r a p h s b y l o re n a

artwork specifications full page 240 mm x 210 mm CMYK only 300dpi min requirement for artwork

allow 10mm of space clear of important images and live text around the boarder of the artwork. This avoids important dates, text, or logos from being cut off in the trimming process.

premium marketing If you want a message that is received with big impact, published in a to-keep, high quality production, that will be relished by our reader, and her friend’s, and his brother, and his girlfriend and her best friend, then why not choose from one of the competitively priced premium options below:

costs full page double spread


$800 $990

2 x $750 $850


$650 $800

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