Elon University Arts & Sciences 2013 accomplishments 2013

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African and African-American Studies Our faculty are

Our students are

Renowned scholars and researchers, award-winning teachers, writers and artists, who have »» published books, book chapters and journal articles on slavery, religion, the media, education, postcolonialism, racial diversity, intercultural competency and a textbook for Elon’s nationally renowned “The Global Experience” course. »» received the Daniels-Danieley Award for Excellence in Teaching. »» earned grants, fellowships, scholarships, and residencies from organizations like the Oak Foundation, Fulbright and Project Pericles.

Recipients of lucrative awards, scholarships, and fellowships, who have »» populated the Elon College, Honors, Leadership and Teaching Fellows programs, and served as Civic Engagement and Periclean Scholars, Rangle Fellows, Lumen Scholars, a Truman Finalist, a Boren Scholarship recipient and Perito Awardees. »» been inducted into prestigious honor societies like ODK, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Kappa Delta and many more.

Leaders on campus, in their disciplines, communities and the world, who have extended their expertise at home and abroad and have »» directed more than a dozen interdisciplinary programs, chaired their departments and important university committees. »» served on boards and hold memberships in national and international organizations in their disciplines. »» coordinate and lead education, literacy, library, health and other initiatives to benefit domestic and international communities; projects include the Elon-EPS Project (Johannesburg), the Global Links Library and Literacy Campaign, The Village Project and the Sokode Development program (Ghana). Two faculty have been installed as development chiefs in Ghanaian communities. »» have developed and led Elon’s most popular short-term study abroad programs to South Africa, Ghana, and more recently, Brazil.


Campus & National Leaders who have »» started campus chapters of national organizations like Invisible Children and STAND and their own nonprofit organizations. »» served as officers in Model UN, as S.M.A.R.T. mentors, writers for The Pendulum and in the Student Government Association. »» volunteered with Elon’s Campus Kitchen, NC African Services Coalition, lead and participated in service trips to Ghana, Jamaica, Malawi Morocco, and Uganda.

Conducting, presenting and publishing research and securing prestigious internships locally and globally. Our students often »» present research at conferences such as Elon’s Student Undergraduate Research Forum, the National Conference on Undergraduate Research and have won prizes for their work at the Lily South Teaching and Learning Conference. »» conduct research in the international and domestic nonprofit sectors, human rights, refugee populations, protest and reconciliation movements and slavery in places like Ghana, Malta, Senegal, South Africa Uganda and the United States. »» publish in journals like South African Geographic Journal, Progress in Development Studies and Africa Media Review »» intern with organizations like the United Nations, the Genocide Intervention Network, and US and international government agencies, social service providers, orphanages and sports agencies.

Our graduates are Rewarded with highly selective postsecondary learning and volunteer opportunities, and »» work for Habitat for Humanity, the Peace Corps, Teach for America and are social entrepreneurs. Working and excelling in a variety of careers like »» Education, journalism, library science, law, public health, publishing, the nonprofit sector and social work. Admitted to prestigious and competitive graduate programs like »» Central European University, Georgetown University, The University of Texas, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Loyola University and SUNY-Albany.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

American Studies American Studies is the first interdisciplinary field of study ever created in the U.S. At Elon, American Studies promotes the study of culture and life in the U.S. and provides a place for investigating American culture in the rest of the world and throughout history. Rapidly expanding program:

Active, accomplished faculty

Since fall 2012: »» The number of declared minors quintupled. »» A program record, double digit number of graduates with an AMS minor. »» A new, forward-looking curriculum nationally recognized at the Caucus of AMS directors and coordinators of the American Studies Association. »» A total record of 42 students enrolled in Concepts in American Studies: Introduction to American Studies offered for the first time both in the fall and spring semesters. »» A dozen affiliated faculty representing two schools, eight departments and a variety of disciplines.

Our faculty regularly presents its work and delivers invited talks at national and international conferences and symposiums. This past year, they presented at the following conferences/seminars: »» American Studies Association General Meeting »» The Futures of American Studies Institute »» Italian American Studies Association »» Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Southern Historical Association »» Society of Civil War History »» American Philosophical Association »» American Society for Ethnohistory »» Southeast Indian Studies Conference »» Lambee History, UNC Chapel Hill »» Indian Residential and Boarding School Narratives »» University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Outstanding students »» Our students holds majors and minors in management, marketing, political science, international studies, entrepreneurship, communication, exercise and sport sciences, media arts and entertainment, criminal justice, psychology, women’s studies, anthropology, English, history and Asian Studies. »» Our graduates work as journalists, in museums, local and federal government, record companies; pursue graduate degrees in law, acting, English, interactive media; intern at the prestigious The American Scholar; published in undergraduate journals.

Conducted archival and field research at/in: »» The Special Collection of the University of Rochester Rush Rhees Library »» The National Library of Jamaica »» The African Caribbean Institute of Jamaica »» The Special Collections at the University of the West Indies at Mona »» The North Carolina Baptist Historical Collection »» The Southern Historical Collection (at UNC) »» Moore Town and Accompong, Jamaica »» The Paley Center for Media, New York City Published: »» the 6th edition of Introduction to Sociology with BVT Publications


»» the first edition of Essentials of Sociology »» a chapter in Millennialism and Providentialism in the Civil War Era (Louisiana State UP) »» a chapter in The Civil War in Indian Territory (Oklahoma Historical Society) »» Received a Hultquist Award, FR&D and New Faculty Summer Research funds »» Awarded the 14th Elon University Distinguished Scholar Award »» reviews and articles in Italian Americana, LIMINA: A Journal of Cultural and Historical Studies, American Historical Review, Journal of the Civil War Era, Italian American Review, Journal of Southern History, North Carolina Historical Review, Journal of Southern Religion, Native South and Apalachee Review

Cultural Programming Our culture events included: »» Campus lecture by newly inducted American Academy of Arts and Sciences member Frank Lentricchia. »» Campus lecture and reading by novelist and California State University Professor Mary Bucci Bush. »» Round table discussion of Professor Charles Iron’s book in progress led by Professor Keith Harper of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. »» Philip L. Carret Thomas Jefferson Prize. As the new home of the Elon Students essay competition on the work and life of our second president, AMS organized the 2013 competition. The three winners received prizes of $1000 and summer trip to Monticello, $500 and $100 respectively.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Art and Art History Diverse Curricula »» Elon’s innovative Art History program has earned a national reputation for its focus on a three-part thematic foundation series that introduces students to visual culture from pre-history to the present, as well as the history of Art History. This broad foundation is developed through rigorous upper-level courses that encourage student research projects and standards for professional research presentations. »» Two degrees in studio art offer different experience for Art students. The B.A. in Art features studio instruction across media or focused in an area of concentration. A studio-intensive B.F.A. in Art offers a focused program of study with an emphasis on studio practice and contemporary art designed for students who want to pursue advanced studies in art. »» The recently introduced minor in digital art will provide a media-focused course of creative study to complement several majors at Elon.


»» Given papers and organized sessions at national and international conferences including the International Medieval Congress in England and the Asian Studies Conference in Japan.

»» Art & Art History faculty and students regularly participate in Elon’s undergraduate research initiatives. In 2011, a history major student was selected for the prestigious Lumen Prize.

Art Faculty have: »» participated in national exhibitions in ceramics, installation art, painting, photography, digital art and new media; »» received the Elizabeth and Mallory Factor Prize from the Gibbes Museum of Art, exhibited in international venues, and have sculpture on permanent display for Detroit’s Public Art Collection; »» presented at conferences on sustainability, art practice, theory and pedagogy.

Well Prepared for Further Academic Challenges

Amazing Opportunities »» Last year, 100% of the graduating Art History majors participated in shortterm study abroad or semester abroad programs. Also, more than half of the Art and Art History faculty have led a shortterm or semester abroad program. »» All Art & Art History students participate in public presentations or exhibitions of their research and/or artwork. Art and Art History students regularly present at national exhibitions and in national academic conferences.

Engaged Faculty Art & Art History faculty are active scholars. Recently Art History faculty have: »» Penned chapters and journal articles including essays in Representations of Pain in Art and Visual Culture and Saintly Bishops and Bishops’ Saints;

»» Art & Art History students are accepted to the top programs in their fields of study. In the last year, students have been accepted to, or are concluding degrees from, American University, University of Colorado, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, School of Visual Arts-NY, Florida State University, Sotheby’s Institute of Art and SUNY-Stonybrook. »» 100% of our Art History students have been accepted to at least one program, and often the top program, to which they have applied.

»» The department sponsors an Exhibition Series that includes visiting artists, juried shows and student exhibitions, and an Art History Speaker Series that brings engaging scholars with international reputations to our campus. »» Thanks to the generous support of an anonymous donor, the Arts West Gallery will be renovated and expanded for exhibitions by visiting artists and department faculty and students.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Arts Administration Offered for the first time Fall 2011, Elon’s arts administration major aims to provide the best undergraduate experience possible for students interested in pursuing this field of study by building on strong interdisciplinary connections, requiring an internship and preparing global citizens. Innovative curriculum

Outstanding possibilities for students

Students pursuing an arts administration major will complete a strong curricula where their learning develops in a structured progression through:

Students graduating with this major are well prepared to enter the professional artistic field and employ their expertise to bring artistic events to the public. They are also well-prepared for graduate school, including programs such as those at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Drexel University, New York University, Boston University and many others. Arts administration students complete internships with museums, galleries, regional dance companies, PR firms, regional theatres and state government agencies.

»» introductory 100-level arts administration (AAD) courses »» 200- and 300-level courses focused on the theoretical groundings of the field. The program combines coursework in the arts disciplines, business and law to prepare students to pursue careers in various performance venues, theater, museum and gallery settings. These experiences result in a major that is very attractive as a double-major to complement another disciplinary field, such as acting, art, art history, business, dance, music performance, music production or recording arts, music theatre, or theatrical design and production. In only one year, the program has grown to 14 declared majors.

Experienced faculty Our faculty are: »» actors, directors, choreographers and designers with national and international credits; »» legal experts, managers and administrators; »» award-winning sculptors, painters, photographers and digital artists; »» published and respected authorities in art history and fine arts; »» recording artists and world-renowned concert musicians and conductors; and »» leading business scholars and arts administration professionals.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Asian Studies The Asian Studies minor is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the history, geography, religions, languages, philosophy, economics and societies of this vast, diverse continent. Rapidly Expanding Program

Active, Accomplished Faculty

Vibrant Cultural Programming

Since 2009: »» declared minors increased more than 250% »» curricular offerings increased more than 380% »» affiliated faculty increased 100%

This year, our affiliated faculty: »» Published two scholarly books on Japanese Buddhist art (Oxford University Press) and African-Asian popular culture (University of Mississippi Press) »» Published three peer-reviewed articles on topics such as The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the history of medicine in Japan and Buddhist iconography »» Received six grants and fellowships from the Association of Asian Studies and Elon University »» Self-published 12 digital essays as a part of the pioneering K-pop Kollective »» Presented 12 papers or panel responses at professional conferences domestically and in the Philippines »» Delivered four invited talks on topics such as Buddhism and the state, Chinese women and Korean popular culture

»» Annual Lunar New Year Celebration »» “Cultural Sustainability in Tibet? Religion, Art and Identity in the 21st Century.” Interdisciplinary panel and reception featuring Leigh Sangster (Maitripa College, OR), David Crowe (History), Safia Swimelar (Political Science), Pamela Winfield (Religious Studies) »» Campus visit by the Honorable Arjia Rinpoche (student luncheon, Spring Convocation remarks, dharma talk and meditation session with Elon’s Iron Tree Blooming meditation group) »» Interdisciplinary Fairs in fall and spring semesters »» Inaugural Meet and Greet Spring Social »» SURF reception for Asian Studies presenters

Exciting Study Abroad Oppportunities »» 18 study abroad programs including the Pacific Rim, India, China, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore and Bhutan »» In 2012–2013, 163 students studied in one or more Asian countries

Excellent Mentoring This year, our Asian Studies students presented their mentored undergraduate research on topics such as Jain nuns, spirit possessions, animal shelters and “womb rental” surrogacy in India. They presented at the following conferences: »» Southeast Commission for the Study of Religion (SECSOR) conference (2) »» National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR) conference (2) »» Elon’s Spring Undergraduate Research Forum (SURF) conference (2) »» Southeast Women’s Studies Association (SEWSA) conference (1) »» One student had two separate articles published in ASIANetwork and the TAK Journal (the national honors society for Religious Studies) with other articles in progress for The Huffington Post, CrossCurrents Journal, and several Jain publications.

Dr. Pamela Winfield with “Sages and Samurai” students at Duke Gardens Tea House.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Biology Accomplished students and alumni

Interactive and exciting curriculum

»» Approximately 250 students were declared biology majors in 2012–3, including 31 students who graduated as part of the Class of 2013.

»» Biology students learn and explore in high-tech spaces such as McMichael Science Center, which was renovated for three new teaching labs and classrooms. The new space will also feature enhanced undergraduate research areas.

»» Of those in the Class of 2013, 14 are enrolled in graduate school or health science programs, 15 are working in research environments and in other professions and seven are preparing for health science programs. »» Each year, 35–40 majors participate in on-campus research experiences and present their research at national conferences and many have won awards. Two students won awards for their research presentations at the NC Academy of Sciences meetings this year. A biology student won the William Moseley Brown Leadership Award and ODK leadership award. »» During the 2012-13 academic year, 19 students presented at SURF, three presented at NCUR and 11 presented at regional professional biology meetings. »» All biology majors complete at least one internship or an independent research project. »» Annual alumni panels are held so current biology majors can talk to alumni biology majors about opportunities after graduation.

Outstanding faculty »» In 2012-13, our faculty participated in 20 professional presentations, 14 of which were co-authored with students.

»» During the past year, a new exciting curriculum was introduced that created three biology concentrations for students to choose from Integrative Biology, Foundations of Medical Sciences, and Biotechnology/Molecular Biology. »» Two Elon 101 courses focused on biology careers.

»» The many professional conferences attended by faculty were the North Carolina Academy of Science, Association of Southeastern Biologists, National Science Teachers Association, Midsouth CompBio Society Meeting, Health Professions Advisors of North Carolina, Ecological Society of America, Society for the Study of Evolution and Regional Society of Microbiology and Experimental Biology.

»» The department also received a grant to purchase a digital, inverted fluorescent microscope and the introductory cell biology lab classroom was fully renovated with new state-of-the-art equipment.

»» Biology faculty mentored 39 undergraduate research students, including two Lumen Scholars, four Honors Fellows and 12 Elon College Fellows. Faculty also mentored seven Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) projects.

»» The department held three science cafes to raise awareness about biologyrelated issues with members of the larger community. »» The Elon Biology Department is one of just a few undergraduate programs in the United States with a human cadaver lab for learning human anatomy.

»» Faculty had seven grants funded to support research and teaching here at Elon from both external and internal funding sources. »» Faculty authored two peer-reviewed articles and submitted an additional three for review. »» Many faculty were named directors for programs within Elon and in recent years, two biology faculty have won Elon College teaching awards. »» Faculty held professional leadership roles including, president of the NC Academy of Sciences, two NCAS Board of Directors members, chair of an ASB Committee, and chair of the Yarbrough Research Grants Committee.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Center for Environmental Studies Promoting Community Outreach and Education »» Fall Environmental Forum – Annual attendance of 200 to 400 people including students, faculty and community leaders. Past conferences have focused on building sustainable communities, production of and access to sustainably produced foods across North Carolina and sustainable furnishings. »» Professional Development Workshops – Topics have included the ecology and management of cougars, tracking, management of local food systems through gardens, inviting disadvantaged communities to the table through community gardens, environmental education, and life cycle analysis for manufacturing.

Championing Conservation »» Haw River Riparian Corridor Environmental Assessment and Protection Plan for the NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund. This research guides NC conservation initiatives in this critical watershed.

»» Farm Incubator Program – Working with local governments, other Universities and nonprofits to established a training program to assist new farmers, with a focus on sustainable food production and economic development.

Outstanding Research »» 53 students doing research and internships, including research on riverbank assessment, algal toxin production, wetlands ecology, invasive plant species, water contamination in Ghana, biogeochemistry of stream soils, economic impact of Haw River conservation projects, water/energy conservation projects, the new Shallow Ford County Park and Elon Forest.

More student initiatives »» Support for more than 30 student projects in Environmental Studies Senior Seminar, including establishment of new riverfront parks, assistance to farmers markets, business plans for nonprofits, environmental impact statements and chicken tractors. »» Elon Environmental Center at Loy Farm – students are developing a demonstration farm focused on biointensive food production, including the design and construction of a “green roof ” for farm structures.

»» Regional sustainable food systems – working with local and state government, other universities and nonprofits to evaluate the value of local foods in central N.C. and to assess resilience to economic stress from local foods. »» Assessment of sustainable agriculture for the protection of water quality.

»» Haw River Conservation Corridor project, a partnership between Elon University, the cities of Burlington and Graham and Alamance County. Read more at thehaw.org. This work has led to the creation of 7 new river front parks, 10 miles of recreational trail, and conservation of hundreds of acres of critical river front land. »» Haw River Land Stewards – EPA grant to provide conservation opportunities to landowners throughout the Haw River watershed »» Shallow Ford Park, Altamahaw Paddle Access, and Great Bend Park – three new parks on the Haw River for recreation and research. Read more: alamance-nc.com/d/recreationandparks/ parks-and-centers.html


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Chemistry and Biochemistry The Chemistry Department at Elon offers an engaging, challenging and rewarding curriculum geared toward postgraduate success in graduate school, professional school or professional work. Professors with a focus on educating eager and open minds

Students and faculty continuously engaged in novel, noteworthy scholarship

»» Faculty annually attend and make presentations at regional, national and international conferences.

»» More than $250,000 in funding awarded to support mentored undergraduate research in the past three years.

»» All full-time faculty continuously mentor multiple undergraduate research projects.

»» In the past three years, students and faculty have made over 30 research presentations at local, regional, national and international professional conferences.

»» In the last three years, departmental faculty have published 16 research articles in respected peer-reviewed journals, five of them with student co-authors. »» The chemistry department dedicates one section of general chemistry and two sections of lab to exploring innovative teaching in the discipline. »» National leadership: Elon faculty member is currenty serving as president of the prestigious PLU (Phi Lamba Upsilon), the Chemistry Honor Society. »» In the last three years, new faculty members were hired in biochemistry, physical chemistry and analytical chemistry. »» In the past three years, faculty mentored in research more than 35 students including nine Lumen scholars, eight Honors Fellows and eight Elon College Fellows.

»» Nine Lumen Prizes were awarded. »» More than $10,000 in research and travel grants awarded to students.

»» In the past three years, eight students have co-authored peer-reviewed publications with faculty mentors.

Successful graduates

»» The department received a CATL grant to equip the biochemistry lab. »» First-flight status was received for Elon’s Writing Excellence Initiative.

»» The department had 55 graduates in the past three years. »» A total of 41% went on to graduate schools. Every student who applied to graduate school was accepted at one of their top three choices.

»» One student was awarded a Goldwater Scholarship and two received Honorable mentions.

»» A total of 20% went on to health-related professional schools.

»» Student researchers were recognized institutionally for the past three years:

»» There are 35% who are employed in a chemical/biochemical profession.

»» Over 35 majors participated in undergraduate research experiences.

»» The department holds a graduate school night with three alumni panelists.

»» Three students received awards for research presentations at professional meetings.

»» In 2013, the third class of PLU scholars was inducted.

»» The department had the largest enrollments ever in most courses and most declared majors in chemistry and biochesmistry. »» National Science Foundation recently awarded a grant of $38,685 to the department for a multimode spectrophotometer for use in teaching and research labs.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Classical Studies The Classical Studies program at Elon gives students an opportunity for concentrated study of “classical” ideas and practices, which form an important part of Western civilization. In addition, the program examines the ways that these ideas and practices have influenced and been modified by later generations. A growing program

Expert faculty

»» New courses include advanced Latin (Rome: Myth & Empire) and Winter Term GST (Mirabile Visu: Rome in Text and Television)

»» Faculty in the Classical studies program have given lectures, attended professional conferences and published work within the past year

»» Revised curriculum to debut in spring 2014

»» Faculty engaged in research – running the gamut from archaeological digs, CATL scholar, article publications, conference presentations and workshops

»» 2013 graduates went on to graduate school in other fields (e.g. biochemistry, religious studies, anthropology, math/ statistics) and took jobs (e.g. with a theatre, in business, physical therapy) »» Brought speaker to campus to talk about ancient myth and modern film »» Group of Latin students took trip to Washington D.C. to see modern performance of Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Mary Zimmerman as director), which they were reading in the original language »» In an effort to engage current and prospective students, Classics Club for students was created, as well as Twitter and Facebook accounts for the program

»» Faculty engaged with other Elon programs – Honors, Study Abroad, Elon 101 »» Hybrid elementary Greek course featured three professors (Rhodes College, Center for Hellenic Studies, Elon) »» Past and current students appreciate close faculty-student working relationships and class size; impact of language learning on their thinking and writing; study abroad experiences; research (SURE, directed research, Lumen Prize); connections to present day cultures

»» Students engage in undergraduate research that reflects work and interest in Classical Studies »» Exciting partnership with national consortium of Classics program Sunoikisis Sarah Simmons ‘09, who minored in Classical Studies at Elon, went on to graduate school to pursue her master’s and doctoral degrees.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Computing Sciences Students »» 2013 graduates were hired by companies including Red Hat, Credit Suisse, Prometheus Group, JP Morgan and the Department of Defense. »» 2013 graduates will pursue graduate degrees at institutions including North Carolina State University and Clemson University. »» Current majors are interning at businesses including Credit Suisse, Google, Prometheus Group, New Breed, Fidelity, Caterpillar and New Century.


»» Current students are engaged in undergraduate research that has resulted in published articles and presentations.

»» Moved to the renovated area with a student engagement space on first floor of Duke Building.

»» Students include Fellows and Lumen Scholars.

»» Maintain a dedicated computer lab for student use.

»» Two recent alumni were admitted to a Human Computer Interface master’s program at Carnegie Mellon University.

»» We have expanded the space dedicated for students (i.e. Carpenter Lab).

»» An Elon team of students finished 22nd of 173 in the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Mid-Atlantic Regional Programming Contest



»» We teach state-of-the-art courses in mobile, cloud and game development.

»» Computing Sciences faculty are active scholars publishing and presenting work in specialty areas.

»» The new ISC major is uniquely positioned to help students become leaders in the use of big data.

»» An Elon Computing Science faculty member was awarded the Computer Educator of the Year award from the International Association for Computer Information Systems. »» Another Elon CS faculty is a regular program evaluator for ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.) »» Another Elon CS faculty was awarded the first Sustainable Faculty Fellow position on campus. »» Elon CS faculty lead and serve in many aspects of campus life including admissions, technology, curriculum, athletics, sustainability and others.

www.elon.edu/ e-web/academics/elon_college/computing_sciences

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Criminal Justice Studies Innovative curriculum

The Criminal Justice Studies minor provides students with a balanced, multi-disciplinary background in the nature of crime and the workings of the criminal justice system. Accomplished students

Expert faculty

Our students:

»» CJS faculty published in such academic journals as Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice and Social Behavior and Personality. Students collaborated on some of these publications.

»» Conducted research in a variety areas, including perception of alibis, legal decision-making and beliefs of jurors. »» Participated in internships in several CJS-related areas.

»» One new course was offered: Organized Crime »» One new course was approved: Multiple Murder

Alumni success Recent CJS alumni:

»» CJS faculty gave conference presentations.

»» Engaged in an independent study experience (The Psychology of Multiple Murder).

»» Work in the National Security Administration, the NC Dept. of Corrections, and law firms. »» Received acceptance to graduate school at such institutions as the University of Wyoming and the University of Houston.

»» Received recognition for achievement, including one student who received the Outstanding Criminal Justice student award.
Participation in the Crime Studies Club, which co-sponsored an invited speaker who addressed issues of careers in forensics.

CJS faculty served as panelists for “Caught in the Crossfire of Misunderstanding,” an exploration of the shootings in Kandahar, Toulouse and Florida.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Environmental Studies Engaged Learning

Community Interaction

A new home in McMichael Science Building offers exceptional experiential classes and interdisciplinary learning opportunities meant to expose students to professional activities and allow them to gain real skills. »» In Diversity of Life students assess the microbial ecology and water quality across a local urban watershed. »» In Wetland Ecology students assess wetlands (including hydrology and vegetation), using standard field techniques and write professional-style reports. »» In Wildlife Ecology students learn about inter- and intra-specific animal interactions and conduct and analyze standardized field surveys for vertebrates. »» Environmental Law and Policy familiarizes students with the role of government in managing environmental resources & quality in the United States. »» Many students complete research projects or internships. In 2012-13, internships included the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Applied Research Associates, Inc., Texas Grassland, Soil and Water Laboratory, American Forests, New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance, Western North Carolina Nature Center, Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association, Save the Bay-- Narragansett Bay, The Billfish Foundation, »» Geo-Technology Associates, Inc., Student Conservation Association and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. »» Senior Seminar provides seniors the opportunity to take on real projects related to the environment and sustainability. »» Many students in Environmental Studies continue their studies in graduate school. Recent graduates are currently enrolled in graduate programs at institutions including Old Dominion University, University of Georgia, North Carolina State University, Rutgers University, University of Texas- Austin and Pennsylvania State University.

The Department partners with a variety of outside entities to create learning opportunities for students and citizens. »» Faculty members are often involved in public outreach and educational seminars regarding topics related to the environment. »» Faculty work with Elon University’s Center for Environmental Studies to organize educational workshops and seminars for the general public, as well as professionals in the fields of environmental science and ecology. »» Through courses and research, students frequently partner with agencies such as the City of Burlington, Alamance Country Recreation and Parks, the North Carolina Zoo, and the Carnivore Preservation Center to address environmental challenges.


Scholarship & Research »» During the 2012–2013 academic year Environmental Studies faculty were awarded 4 grants, gave 8 professional presentations, published 15 papers and held 2 professional exhibitions. In many cases students were co-authors and co-presenters. »» Received prestigious professional recognition and awards. »» During the 2012–13 academic year, Environmental Studies faculty served as external program reviewers, consultants, invited panelists, reviewers and editors for journals, president of the North Carolina Academy of Science and members of executive boards and boards of directors for several organizations. Students are involved in projects including: »» Coastal restoration in North Carolina’s Outer Banks. »» Exploration of environmental issues in Africa. »» Investigating the impact of human scent on wildlife capture rates with motion sensing camera traps. »» Researching topics, including ecophysiology of wetland plants, habitat and range of colubrid snakes, agroecology and green design and environmental security. Exciting new opportunities include: »» Elon’s Environmental Education Center at Loy Farm, that offers teaching, research and service opportunities. »» Elon’s Peace Corps Prep Program, an academic and service oriented program to prepare students to work in international development fields.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Elon College Fellows Elon College Fellows is a four-year program for students who are passionately committed to the Arts and Sciences. Fellows classes, an annual scholarship, a travel grant, research funding, events and mentoring are just some of the benefits of being an Elon College Fellow. The program focuses on inquiry and leads to a two-year research apprenticeship with a faculty member. See the application process for additional information. There are currently approximately 180 Elon College Fellows. While the accomplishments of each year are significant, the accomplishments below represent those of our most recent graduates—the Class of 2013. Profile of the Elon College Fellows Class of 2013 »» 44 Elon College Fellows graduated in 2013 representing 16 academic departments. 16% had double majors. »» 75% had at least one study abroad experience in locations including France, Italy, Greece, Ghana, India, Peru, Sri Honduras, Spain, Ecuador and London. »» 41% enrolled in one or more courses of foreign language above the 122 level. »» 36% completed an internship, co-op, practicum or student teaching experience.

»» Positions reported by 2013 Fellows include: teaching for Teach for America, working at theaters such as the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, working for Apple and doing biomedical research at UNC, Chapel Hill. »» Immediate post-graduate studies reported by 2013 Fellows include programs in veterinary and biomedical science at the University of Georgia; folklore at UNC Chapel Hill; optometry at the College of Optometry, University of Missouri St. Louis; physical therapy at Northern Arizona University and Indiana University; and law school at Berkeley.

»» 100% did a two-year research experience in the major. »» Examples of research topics include: »» Tourism as a Force for Economic Growth and Cultural Revitalization: A Case Study of the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation (Erin Mellett / Anthropology) »» Engaged Jain Traditions and Social Nonviolence: Ethnograhic Case Studies of Lay Animal Activists and Service-Oriented Nuns (Brett Evans / Religious Studies) »» Comparing the Seminonparametric Survival Function Estimator to the Kaplan-Meier Estimator for Right-Censored Data (Alison Miller / Statistics) »» 100% did a professional presentation or performance of their research. »» 25% participated in Elon’s Summer Undergraduate Research Experience. »» 91% presented their work at Elon’s Spring Undergraduate Research Forum. »» 34% presented their work at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research. »» 8 were Lumen Scholars and 2 were Periclean Scholars.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Dual-Degree Engineering Program An innovative approach to becoming an engineer

The dual-degree experience is best summarized by an alumnus:

As the world’s problem solvers, engineers are called upon regularly to apply their knowledge in science and mathematics to address vital global issues. Elon’s engineering dual-degree program offers students an outstanding opportunity to earn two undergraduate degrees and launch a career in this challenging, lucrative and dynamic field. Students typically can complete both degrees within five years. The program is distinguished by: »» A curriculum that combines courses in engineering (taught by engineering faculty), the sciences and the liberal arts »» Broad offerings which prepare students for various engineering disciplines »» Engineering faculty who teach all Elon engineering courses and personally advise and mentor all students

Program graduates have opted for graduate study in engineering at top engineering schools such as Northwestern, University of Illinois, NC State, Virginia Tech and Georgia Tech. Others have opted for employment at places such as Boeing, International Paper, Michelin Tire, GM, Lexmark, and civil and structural engineering firms in Wilmington and Raleigh, N.C.

»» Hands-on and outreach projects to link theoretical concepts covered in class to practical applications »» A low student-to-faculty ratio »» Computing and workshop facilities exclusive to students and faculty in the dual-degree program

“It is uncommon to find an engineering program with such small class sizes and dedicated professors who become lifelong friends and mentors. The courses provided me with a taste of each major engineering discipline, which proved helpful when choosing my concentration at an affiliated university. My experience at Elon has made me a more well-rounded engineer.” – Dr. Ashley Davis, ’08 Significant 2012–2013 Highlights: »» Alumnus earns Ph.D. »» Record number of students transfer to engineering schools »» New engineering faculty hired »» Undergraduate engineering research projects launched »» Engineering engagement suite established »» Hosted TEAMS Competition for high school students

Affiliate engineering programs at: »» NC State University »» Washington University »» Georgia Tech »» Virginia Tech »» Columbia University »» Penn State »» NC A&T State University »» Notre Dame »» University of South Carolina


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

English Our faculty are

Our students are

Our graduates are

Award-winning teachers

Receiving prestigious scholarships and fellowships

Rewarded with highly selective post-secondary learning and volunteer opportunities

»» Five faculty members have received the Daniels-Danieley Award for Excellence in Teaching—more than any other department on campus. Essayists, novelists, poets, literary critics, legal experts, editors, textbook authors, as well as language, writing and rhetoric scholars »» In 2012–2013 faculty published 47 peer-reviewed publications. »» In 2012–2013 faculty presented 37 conference papers and 3 faculty gave public readings of their creative works. Leaders on campus and in their disciplines »» Faculty led or participated in the following interdisciplinary programs: Professional Writing Studies, American Studies, African & African-American Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies and more. Extending their expertise abroad »» During the 2011-12 academic year, English faculty led study abroad classes in South Africa, Ireland, Poland, Germany, England and Alaska.


»» Including awards associated with Elon College Fellows and Honors Fellows.

»» Fulbright U.S. Student Grants and Teach for America appointments.

Lumen Prize winners working on topics including

Working and excelling in a variety of careers

»» Jane Austen and young adult literature, and doing revisions in a manual of mental disorders.

»» Graduates from 2013 have positions with Teach for America, public school teaching positions, Verve International and Digital Infuzion.

Conducting, presenting and publishing research »» In the past two years, more than a dozen students have presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research and the Sigma Tau Delta National Conference. Writing and editing campus publications »» Including Colonnades, Elon’s literary journal, and The Pendulum, Elon’s student-run newspaper. »» They also work with the Center for Undergraduate Publishing and Information Design and Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring.

Admitted to prestigious graduate programs »» Graduates from 2013 with majors in English are going to law school, in creative writing programs at Portland State and into the Organizational Science Ph.D program at UNC Charlotte. »» Graduates from 2011 and 2012 who have applied to graduate school for 2013 have been accepted into creative writing programs at Chatham University, UNC Wilmington and George Mason.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Exercise Science Outcomes for our majors

Achievements of our faculty

»» Cap & Gown data from 2012 indicates that 48% of seniors had jobs after graduation and 52% of our graduating seniors had been accepted into graduate or professional programs including exercise science, athletic training, nutrition, physical therapy, physician assistant, medical school, occupational therapy and nursing.

»» Exercise Science faculty published 5 peer-reviewed articles and chapters and made 23 presentations at professional conferences during 2012-2013

»» 15% of Exercise Science majors participated in undergraduate research in 2012-2013, presenting at a variety of conferences, including 27 student coauthors on peer-reviewed publications or presentations. »» 34% of seniors completed a field-based experience. »» Among Exercise Science majors in 2012 – 2013 were Phi Beta Kappa members, Elon College Fellows and Honors Fellows and Glen Raven Scholars.

»» Faculty research was supported by Summer Fellowships in 2012 and faculty mentored undergraduate research as part of Elon’s Summer Undergraduate Research Experience or SURE. »» Exercise Science Faculty received teaching and learning grants, and diversity infusion grants to make significant changes to curriculum. »» The Coordinator of Elon University’s Health Professions Advising Program is a faculty member in Exercise Science. »» Exercise Science faculty service also included service as a Service Learning Fellow for 2012 – 2013 and service as a faculty in residence for the spring Elon in London program. »» Our faculty have been selected to leadership positions at the regional and national levels in organizations including: American College of Sports Medicine Research Awards Committee, Southeast American College of Sports Medicine Executive Board, Council on Undergraduate Research Executive Boards, NCAA Academic Cabinet, NCAA Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports, QEP consultant to Longwood College and Chair for the pre-ISSoTL CUR Undergraduate Research Workshop.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

German Studies Business German

Through interdisciplinary coursework, undergraduate research, internships and fellowships, study abroad and our innovative Business German option, the German Studies program emphasizes the practical and intellectual utility of studying German language and culture.

Elon has developed two tracks for students to study Business and German: a dualdegree partnership with the European School of Business in Germany and a Certificate in Business German (granted by the German federal government).

Our faculty

Undergraduate research

»» publish in top teaching and learning journals, including Foreign Language Annals, The Language Educator, and Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

»» Lumen Scholar investigated Christianity under the Third Reich, and another Lumen Scholar researched bridal imagery in a medieval mystical treatise.

»» present at national and international conferences, including the American Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages, the German Studies Association and the CIBER Business Language Conference.

»» SURE recipient analyzed the portrayal of Germany and the Germans in social media.

»» conduct research on curriculum development; new approaches to teaching Business German; culture-based approaches to language teaching; and 3D game-based language learning.

Our students and alumni

»» three co-authored articles targeted for top German Studies journals: the portrayal of Holocaust perpetrators in the 1961 film Judgment at Nuremberg; the role of Islam in 21st-century Germany; the portrayal of Germany and the Germans in social media.

»» Both tracks feature business-specific language and culture study, providing students linguistic and cultural skills needed to navigate German work environments and communicate effectively in German with clients, business partners and colleagues. »» Our first dual-degree student is now enrolled at the European School of Business, with at least two per year expected in the immediate future. »» For more information, visit our website www.elon.edu/businessgerman

»» one single-author article on Günter Grass’s novel Peeling The Onion, targeted for the undergraduate research journal Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review.

»» earn internships and fellowships in various disciplines: a community service internship in Berlin; the yearlong Congress-Bundestag Exchange for Young Professionals. »» receive scholarships and grants, including Fulbright awards and highly competitive German Academic Exchange Service grants to support language study. »» pursue master’s and doctoral degrees, including European Studies at the Hochschule Bremen, International Affairs at American University, German at UNC-Chapel Hill and History at George Washington University.

A partnership with the European School of Business in Germany allows students to pursue a dual-degree.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Health Professions The Health Professions advising program is designed to help students identify and take responsibility for an academic path which: »» provides a foundational liberal arts education »» helps them explore, nurture, and expand their interests »» helps them identify their strengths and weakness and set plans to work on both »» guides them to experiences that help build or expand their passions (internships, undergraduate research, study abroad, service learning, leadership) »» provides guidance so they can hit developmental and procedural milestones and be prepared to apply for graduate and professional programs

Our students at a glance »» More than 50 first-year students are enrolled in Health Professions Elon 101 sections each year and hundreds are involved in the Health Professions Advising Program. »» They majored in art, biology, biochemistry, business, chemistry, communications, economics, environmental studies, exercise science, human service studies, math, statistics, psychology and public health.

»» They had additional Elon experiences such as alternative break outreach programs, Fellows programs (civic engagement, Elon College, leadership and Honors), internships, Lumen Prize, medical brigade, Project Pericles, study abroad, Summer Undergraduate Research Scholars (SURE), undergraduate research (URP) and local, regional, national and international conferences. »» A percentage of students successfully compete for additional experiences after graduation before applying to health professions graduate programs including, NIH Fellows Programs; clinical/ research positions; CNA Positions; post baccalaureate and master’s degrees and Teach For America.

Medical School Success rate 2002–2012 »» 100% of students with a GPA > 3.6 and MCAT scores > 29 were accepted »» 93% of students with a GPA > 3.3 and MCAT scores > 29 were accepted »» 91% of students with a GPA > 3.6 and MCAT scores > 26 were accepted For more information, contact Dr. Caroline Ketcham, cketcham@elon.edu or visit the program’s website.

»» In 2012, students were accepted to attend a number of outstanding health profession programs at the following schools: University of North Carolina, University of Connecticut, University of Maryland, West Virginia, Wake Forest, Shenandoah University, Hofstra University, East Carolina University, Elon University, University of Miami, George Washington University, Emory University, NY Medical College, Duke University, Belmont University, John Hopkins University, Columbia University and Medical University of South Carolina.

»» In 2012, graduates and alumni have gone to health professions graduate programs including, medicine (MD, DO), dental medicine (DDS), veterinary medicine (DVM), physical therapy (DPT), occupational therapy (OT), nursing (ABRN, RN, MSN, NP), nutrition (MS, PhD, RD), physician assistant (PA), clinical psychology (PsyD) and social work (LSW).


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

History and Geography Outstanding Faculty

Global Approach

»» Our award-winning faculty members have been the recipients of all major Elon honors. Within the last three years, they have received the Elon Medallion, the Daniels-Danieley Award for teaching and the Senior Faculty Research Fellowship.

»» More than three-quarters of our faculty teach abroad, offering students chances to learn about the history, geography and culture of Brazil, Germany, China, Honduras, Costa Rica, Ghana, Greece, Italy, Turkey and the United Kingdom from faculty who speak foreign languages and have lived overseas.

»» They are professionally active in scholarly communities as conference organizers, expert witnesses, guest speakers on radio and television and editors and manuscript reviewers of national and international journals. »» They are primary authors of more than two dozen published or contracted books in English and foreign languages, including two published last year on the oral histories of lung transplant survivors and the World Wars in North Carolina. »» During the 2012–13 academic year, more than half of our full-time, permanent faculty served as mentors for Honors, Lumen, Project Pericles, Elon College Fellows, SURF, SURE, students applying for National Fellowships or giving papers at regional- or national-level conferences. »» The department hosts a Brown Bag lecture series, an event devoted to promoting departmental faculty scholarship and student research.


»» Last year, the department provided students with global opportunities through study abroad courses in China, South Africa, Ghana, Greece and Costa Rica, as well as a U.S. History study travel course. »» Courses offered with a global focus included: • Modern Middle East • Africa’s People & Environments • The Mediterranean World • World Religions • World in the 20th Century • Modern Mexico • History of the Holocaust • Russian 1801-the Present • Caribbean History • Modern Latin America • Ancient Rome • China: Empire and Revolution, 1800-1948 • Great Explorers and their World • Senior Seminars with an international theme (Mexican Revolution and The Victorians).

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Human Service Studies The Human Service Studies Department provides innovative pathways to prepare students to address social issues in local, national and global communities as both professionals and citizens. The program enables students to understand and intervene in human problems and prepares them for work with diverse communities. Human Service Studies is an interdisciplinary program, based primarily on the epistemology of the social sciences and emphasizing the critical role of evidence-based practice in achieving effective outcomes. Engaged faculty

Outstanding students

During 2012, our faculty:

During 2012, HSS students:

Continued research on topics such as:

Conducted undergraduate research on topics such as:

»» The experiences of mental health providers serving in the military »» The transition of youth living with HIV from pediatric care to adult care clinics »» Domestic and sexual violence »» Perceptions of maternal control during labor and delivery »» Social entrepreneurship »» Disproportionate minority contact in the Juvenile Justice System »» Community action agencies and social activism. Worked in local and international communities to help build the capacity of nonprofit social service agencies: »» Worked with a coalition of social service and educational professionals to identify and apply for grants and other resources »» Developed a client interview simulation for training students and professionals »» Participated in training and services for local children »» Served as faculty fellows for civic engagement and service learning »» Served in policy making commissions at the local and state level.

»» Disproportionate minority contact in the Juvenile Justice System »» Perceptions of campus sex ratio on dating practices and sexual decision making »» Community food justice »» Skin whitening practices in the Philippines »» Latino adolescent self-esteem »» The effects of budget cuts on dual diagnosis juveniles. All majors completed internships with organizations in local and International settings, including: »» Alamance and Guilford County Departments of Social Services »» Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention »» Alamance Regional Medical Center »» Alamance Burlington School System »» Family Abuse Services »» Crossroads Sexual Assault and Resource Center »» American Red Cross »» Hospice of Alamance County »» Alamance Eldercare »» United Way »» Head Start »» Women’s Rural Health Project, India »» Pro Niño, Honduras


HSS Students take part in an internship in Honduras.

Many of our graduates have been accepted to the nation’s premier institutions to continue studies in fields such as social work, counseling, public health, law, nursing, occupational and physical therapy. They find jobs in social services, human resources, policy institutes and government offices. Graduates also serve in AmeriCorps, Peace Corps and Teach for America.

HSS students traveled to NY to participate in Occupy Wall Street.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

International Studies Elon’s International Studies major is an interdisciplinary program that combines a broad knowledge of international affairs with focused study of one region of the world. Balancing study abroad experiences, foreign language study and other Elon coursework, the program fosters an understanding of emerging global issues along with respect and appreciation for other peoples and cultures. With faculty advice, each student designs a curriculum tailored to her or his interests. For many students international studies offers an attractive double major or minor. A dynamic program

Committed, distinguished inter-disciplinary faculty

»» Established in fall 1995, the international studies major has proven a dynamic program, developing new regional concentrations and a sustained growth in student interest. In spring 2013, there were 190 international studies majors and 105 minors. »» Since its inception the major’s curriculum development has benefited from four successful grants from the U.S. Department of Education’s Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program. The most recent grant supported the development of Middle East and Arabic studies at Elon as well as study abroad opportunities in Egypt, Israel and Jordan.

High student achievements »» International Studies remains one of the top 10 majors at Elon University. »» Nearly half of International Studies graduates in 2013 had a second major. Examples of the second major include political science, economics, environmental studies, a foreign language, human services, journalism, psychology and religious studies. »» 31% of International Studies graduates in 2013 were inducted into the university’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.

Chris Jarrett ’11, an international studies major, received a Fullbright award for research in Ecuador.

»» 2013 International Studies graduates included Honors Fellows, Elon College Fellows, Lumen Scholars and Periclean Scholars. »» 2013 International Studies graduates will work or pursue graduate degrees abroad in countries including Great Britain, France and China. »» Significant awards received by International Studies students in the past year include a Princeton in Africa Fellowship to work in Kenya, a Pickering Fellowship to pursue a master’s degree at American University and a Boren Scholarship to enable a student to do research in Senegal. »» Postgraduate plans of international studies graduates in 2013 include: studying law at UC Berkeley, international affairs at George Washington University and Arab Studies at the University of Edinburgh.


»» Members of the interdisciplinary international studies advisory committee play active roles in advising and mentoring our students. They lead related area of studies minors at Elon, serving as coordinators of minors in African & African-American, Asian, Latin American and Middle East studies. »» They advise international-oriented student organizations, such as the Model UN and Sigma Iota Rho, and have been recognized with Elon awards for teaching, mentoring, scholarship and service. »» The program’s faculty have published texts and articles on international relations and economics, presented papers at international conferences, received awards such as the FulbrightHays seminar abroad and held leadership positions in the International Studies Association (ISA). »» Elon’s international studies faculty have been actively involved in our nationally recognized study abroad programs, including teaching study abroad courses in Costa Rica, the European Union, Ghana, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Italian Studies Our Faculty

Our Graduates

»» Published two articles, three encyclopedia entries and two reviews.

»» Are working in Italy for Italian-owned companies, such as FIAT and Salvatore Ferragamo and teaching English in Italian schools.

»» Brought several esteemed guest speakers to campus. »» Supervised honors theses for several students. »» One Italian Studies faculty member selected as the new faculty-in-residence of the Honors Pavilion.

Our Accomplishments »» Establishment of the Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society at Elon. »» Held Second Annual Italian Studies Festival. »» Increased on-campus visibility of the Italian Studies program. »» Continued to increase enrollment in the Italian Studies minor. »» Graduated 24 Italian Studies Minors in 2012. »» Our students in the Italian Club and the Casa Italiana hosted several Italianthemed events throughout the year, including authentic Italian meals, movie nights and conversation hours.


»» Have gone on to pursue Master’s degrees in fields such as Italian Renaissance Art. »» Are working with native Italian exchange students in local high schools and in student ambassador programs. »» Are working as au pairs in Italy, Switzerland and in other European regions with Italian populations.

Our program The Italian Studies minor provides students with an interdisciplinary knowledge of the Italian language and culture. It focuses on the study of Italy from a variety of perspectives: linguistic, literary, cultural, historical, artistic, philosophical and political. Study abroad in Italy is strongly encouraged and well-supported by our faculty. This year, we received approval to establish an Elon chapter of the only National Italian Honor Society that exists in the United States.

Real contact with the language In Italian Studies, many of our professors are native speakers of Italian. Outside of the classroom, our students come in contact with many other Italian native speakers through a variety of special events, guest speakers and now the addition of a native Italian living in our on-campus Learning Community: La Casa Italiana.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Jazz Studies Jazz Studies instruction creates an environment where life-long habits for active listening, natural inquisitiveness and individual and group expression are developed—and future professional performers, outstanding teachers and ongoing consumers and creative participants are inspired. Innovative program

Successful alumni

Expert faculty

»» The Jazz Studies program embraces the key stylistic ingredients of “America’s Classical Music” through courses such as Improvisation, Jazz History, Theory, Arranging, Private Lessons and Three Ensembles. Ensembles are open to all students, majors and non-majors alike.

»» Our graduates have produced awardwinning albums and are performing in ensembles and bands across the country and the world.

Our faculty have:

»» For the past 17 years, the program has sponsored The Elon Jazz Festival, an on-campus event that welcomes large and small jazz ensembles from across the state for three days of workshops and critiques by jazz performers and educators.

Proficient students »» Students in the Jazz Program are skillful singers and play instruments such as saxophone, flute, clarinet, violin, trombone, trumpet, piano, guitar, vibes, bass, drums and congas.

»» They are collaborating with wellknown jazz performers such as Lee Konitz, Freddie Redd, Butch Warren, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Janis Siegal, Al Jarreau, Antonio Hart, Mark O’Connor and Ted Brown.They are working as music teachers, band directors and educators at schools across the nation, and founding jazz programs, bands and nonprofit music organizations. »» Many of our graudates are also pursuing graduate degrees at schools such as UNC School of the Arts, Queens College and William Patterson University.

»» They receive invitations to and standing ovations at European Jazz Festivals in Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands and Denmark. »» They get to study and perform with renowned international guest artists including Joe Lovano, Barry Harris, Ingrid Jensen, Mark Levine, Carl Fontana, Freddie Cole, Jack Wilkins, Skip Gailes, Howard Curtis and dozens more.

»» Performed throughout the U.S. and Europe, served as a jazz ambassador and cultural envoy in more than 20 foreign countries under the auspices of the U.S. Department of State, and recognized by Downbeat and Jazztimes critics’ and readers’ polls; »» Presented hundreds of master classes and clinics at more than 40 prestigious U.S. conservatories and universities, as well as at the Percussive Arts Society’s International Convention and the International Association of Jazz Educators Conference; »» Authored a method book, appeared on more than 35 recordings for VSOP, Soul Note, Jazz Karma, Summit and Elon Improvibes labels that included two Grammy nominations; »» Published more than 50 compositions and received numerous awards, including the North Carolina Miles Davis Jazz Education Service Award and 26 consecutive ASCAP Plus Awards.

»» Each semester, they perform at an area jazz club, state and regional jazz festivals, and at swing and salsa dances. In addition, they get to perform in two combos and an 18-piece big band.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Jewish Studies The Jewish Studies minor at Elon explores the historical and contemporary experience of the Jewish people. Jewish Studies courses consider Jewish history, language and literature and the diversity of Jewish religious, cultural, philosophical and political traditions. Our expert faculty

The Jewish Studies program sponsors

have authored books such as The Holocaust: Roots, History, and Aftermath and Twice-Dead: Moshe Y. Lubling, the Ethics of Memory, and the Treblinka Revolt and articles on topics such as Judaism and Islam and Jewish views of love and empathy.

many events that engage students in conversations about history, politics, literature, and ethics, such as a recent lecture by Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat on “The Future of the Jews: How Global Forces are Impacting the Jewish People, Israel, and Its Relationship with the United States”

Our interdisciplinary program incorporates courses from departments including Religious Studies, Foreign Languages, Philosophy, History and Geography, Political Science and Policy Studies, Sociology and Anthropology and English.

Internship opportunities allow students to apply knowledge learned in Jewish Studies courses and gain experience in a range of areas, including grant writing, marketing education and research.

Jewish Studies courses include “Literature of the Holocaust,” “Themes in the Films of Woody Allen,” “The Spirit of Israel,” “Judaism and the Environment,” “Messiahs, Martyrs, and Memory,” “Jews and Muslims: Symbiosis, Cooperation, and Conflict,” and courses in Modern Hebrew language

Elon-run study abroad courses in Jewish Studies include a course in Europe focusing on the Holocaust and a new course focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Other study abroad opportunities include programs in Haifa, Jerusalem, and Prague.

Dr. Pamela Winfield with “Sages and Samurai” students at Duke Gardens Tea House.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Latin American Studies The Latin American Studies minor offers an opportunity to study one of the most diverse and fascinating regions of the world. It enables students to supplement their major with coursework in two or more disciplines that explore the ways in which Latin Americans have expressed their culture and identity through language, literature and the arts. Innovative, Engaging Curriculum Courses in the minor investigate the collective aspirations of Latin Americans through their social and political behavior, cultural priorities and responses to community, national and international issues as well as the physical environment.

Renee Zale ’11, a Lumen Scholar, conducted research on Chilean exiles under the guidance of Latin American Studies Faculty.

Appropriate courses in many disciplines – taught at Elon and abroad – can fulfill the requirements for the Latin American Studies minor. Those requirements are: »» 20 semester hours selected from a list of courses and others approved by the program coordinator. No more than 12 hours may be chosen from any one discipline. Up to 12 hours of study abroad courses that emphasize Latin American subject matter may count for the minor as approved by the program coordinator.

Amazing Opportunities In recent years, students and faculty in Latin American Studies have: »» Engaged in research, including on topics like inequality and language acquisition in Peru, development and modern food security in Costa Rica, and the correlation of the immigration debate, public climate and self-esteem among young Latinas.

»» Studied abroad in Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Spain and Mexico. »» Served the Latin American community locally and abroad. »» Presented at, organized and supported the International Week celebration focused on Mexico. »» Won Fulbright Study Grants and English Teaching Assistant Grants.

»» Completion of the Elon foreign language proficiency requirement in Spanish.

Becca Berube ‘12 was one of two students to receive the inagural Latin American Studies Prize


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Leadership Studies Leadership for All Majors The number of minors continues to grow - in 2013, the number of declared minors exceeded 120 for the first time. A core message of Leadership Studies at Elon is that leadership is applicable to and necessary in every field and that students should be prepared to be leaders in their fields. Recent minors represent the entire gamut of majors from the schools of Arts & Sciences, Communication, Business, and Education. Recent and current minors include Academic Fellows from Elon’s various schools as well as Lumen Prize winners. Many minors have been elected to their specific majors’ national honor societies, as well as to the highly prestigious and selective Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa chapters. In addition, minors have been elected to Omicron Delta Kappa, the national honor society for leadership.

Stronger and More Flexible Curriculum In Spring 2013, curricular modifications were made to further strengthen the minor as well as offer students more course options. Creating new courses and finding ways to deepen leadership education while offering students greater scheduling flexibility continued to be the primary objectives of the Leadership Advisory Board.

electives, as well as more opportunities to satisfy their major requirements at the same time. This program and these courses further emphasize the points that leadership is applicable to and has a home in all disciplines.

Recent Scholarly Work on Leadership A key to the program is maintaining an active presence in leadership research. A highlight of 2013 was having Elon faculty members publish two articles in a special issue on leader integrity in Leadership Quarterly, one of the premier academic journals in leadership research. Student minors were similarly active, participating in SURE, SURF, and collaborative research efforts with faculty. Some current student projects include the impact of student-leaders’ core-self evaluation and overcoming adversity, the examination of competencies of new leader-lawyers, and the creation of competency model for entry-level professionals.

Partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) Located in Greensboro, NC, CCL is one of the world’s premier leadership research and consulting organizations. Elon students continue gain tremendous real-world experience through internship opportunities here. Dr. William Gentry, Senior Research Scientist at CCL, served as the Elon’s 20122013 Isabella Cannon Visiting Leadership Scholar. Dr. Gentry delivered a number of talks to various student leadership groups and academic classes. Topics included team leadership, leader self identity, leader nonverbal communication, and leadership characteristics that employers look for in new graduates.

Faculty Leadership Scholars To further infuse leadership education in the classroom, in 2012 the new Faculty Leadership Scholars program was initiated. Twelve faculty members from a diverse set of departments (Environmental Studies, English, Math, Sports & Event Management, Communications, Psychology, Political Science, Philosophy, Economics, and Athletics) engaged in a yearlong series of leadership education workshops. The result was a new set of leadership-infused courses in their respective disciplines. These courses offer minors more choices for leadership


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Mathematics and Statistics Department Accomplished Students and Alumni »» Our approximately 106 majors and 112 minors include Honors Fellows, Elon College Fellows, Lumen Scholars, Teaching Fellows, Periclean Scholars and Presidential Scholars. Our students are routinely inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Mu Epsilon. »» Two students published research papers in high-quality, peer-reviewed journals. »» For the third year in a row, a senior mathematics with teaching licensure student received the Outstanding Mathematics Education Student award from the N.C. Council of Teachers of Mathematics, while another senior received the Arnold Strauch Student Teaching Award from Elon’s School of Education. »» A senior statistics student received the Undergraduate Student Presentation Award at the 8th Annual Regional Mathematics and Statistics Conference at University of North Carolina at Greensboro. »» A statistics student was awarded an $8,336 grant to attend the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program, and in the past three years, seven out of eight NOYCE Scholarship recipients receiving $21,000 for two years have been mathematics majors. »» Eleven mathematics majors and faculty members attended the Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, S.C. Two students and two faculty members presented their research at this meeting. »» A survey based on 23 out of 25 math/ statistics graduates from the Class of 2012 revealed that 65 percent had secured a job and 30 percent had been accepted to a graduate or professional school. »» Many of our graduates are enrolled in prestigious graduate schools such as N.C. State University, Duke University, Wake Forest University, UNC-Chapel Hill, Ohio State University, University www.elon.edu/math

of South Carolina, University of Texas at Houston, Emory University, Baylor University, Syracuse University, Texas Tech University, Georgia Institute of Technology and Virginia Tech. »» A 2002 mathematics alumna was awarded the Distinguished Alumna Award in Natural, Mathematical and Computing Sciences from the College of Arts and Sciences. »» Our alumni have been hired by companies such as the U.S. Census Bureau, Americorps, Credit Suisse and SAS.

»» One faculty member was selected to serve as the 2013–17 assistant director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, while another was selected as a 2013–14 Fulbright U.S. Teaching Scholar to teach courses in Sri Lanka in spring 2014. »» The number of service learning scholars in our department increased from three to four, as one member of our faculty was selected as a 2013–14 Service Learning Scholar.

Focus on Engaged Learning »» In addition to highlighting mathematical and statistical theory, our curriculum is designed to train students in real-world applications of mathematics and statistics through access to appropriate computing power and software such as Mathematica and SAS.

Engaged Teacher-Scholars »» In 2012–13, our faculty was quite active in all facets of academia. They received more than $1.7 million in grants to provide scholarships and research opportunities for students. »» Ten of our 16 full-time faculty members mentored 23 unique students in undergraduate research during the 201213 academic year, including Elon College and Honors Fellows. »» They authored or co-authored articles in 14 peer-reviewed publications and gave 17 presentations at local, regional and international conferences.

»» In fall 2012, the department began full use of our Cooperative Learning Lab. All statistics courses are taught in computer labs and many upper-level mathematics courses regularly access labs. »» All of our majors must complete capstone experiences in research or internships as appropriate for their selected postgraduation pathways.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Middle East Studies Elon’s new Middle East Studies minor offers students an interdisciplinary program, designed to foster greater knowledge of the area as well as deeper understandings of regional perspectives. A dynamic international program The minor’s interdisciplinary curriculum includes courses in religious studies, foreign languages, political science, history, art history, literature and philosophy. The Department of Foreign Languages offers classes in both Modern Hebrew and Arabic. Elon’s approved semester study abroad programs in the region include: »» Egypt, Cairo: The American University in Cairo »» Israel, Haifa: University of Haifa – International School »» Israel, Jerusalem: DanceJerusalem »» Jordan, Amman: Language & Culture and Diplomacy & Policy Studies

Expert faculty

Successful Students

»» Elon faculty have lived in the Middle East and studied at its institutions of higher learning such as the American University in Cairo.

»» Students are active in Elon groups such as the Arabic Language Organization and Hillel. »» Students engage in undergraduate research about the Middle East both at home and abroad and have presented their research at conferences. Recent research topics include motivations behind the colorful hijab, impacts of presidential addresses on the Middle East peace process, and the Egyptian Revolution and the East-West narrative.

»» They conduct research and lead study abroad courses in the region. »» Recent awards include: • participation in the Fulbright-Hays

»» Turkey, Istanbul: Koç University Students interested in pursuing further study of the region beyond the minor often consider an international studies major with a Middle East regional concentration.


Seminar Abroad program in the Arabian/Persian Gulf; • Summer funding from the National

Endowment for the Humanities for research on the relationships between the Jewish and Muslim communities of the Mediterranean and Near East in the Middle Ages.

»» Students have participated in internships while in the Middle East. »» A recent graduate who majored in International Studies with a regional concentration in the Middle East received a Fulbright award to teach in Bahrain.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Multimedia Authoring

Real-world value A minor in Multimedia Authoring provides students with the tools to land careers in a variety of fields, including:

Program Overview

Hands-On Experience

»» The Multimedia Authoring minor at Elon provides an interdisciplinary approach to the development of successful and persuasive digital content for all disciplines.

»» The multimedia minor allows students to integrate the study of digital design and writing with a solid technical foundation.

»» publishing

»» Students in the program have the opportunity to develop communication, design and technology skills in the context of disciplinary content. These skills are beneficial for graduates in a variety of fields, but are especially relevant in publishing (both new electronic media, as well as traditional media), business marketing and business consulting.

»» business marketing »» business consulting.

»» Students learn document design and content from the English department where they will address the theory and challenge of developing multimedia with rich technical writing. These design skills will be complemented with courses in Information Science focusing on webbased databases and web servers.

For additional information about the program, visit the website.

»» In the final Multimedia Authoring Studio course, students will address a variety of multimedia challenges as well as become production designers for Visions magazine, a peer-reviewed publication written by and for Elon students. ts.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Neuroscience »» Alzheimer’s disease: Analysis of amyloidbeta aggregation

Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field of study that provides students the fundamental knowledge and exposure needed to pursue careers and postgraduate studies in fields related to psychology, human development and aging, health and disease, rehabilitation, biomedical research, humanmachine interactions and many other emerging disciplines. The neuroscience minor at Elon requires a minimum of 24 semester hours drawn from a variety of disciplines, including biology, psychology, chemistry, exercise science and computer science, among others. The minor culminates with NEU 495 – Seminar in Neuroscience.

137 minors from the following disciplines: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Applied Mathematics Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Communication Science English Exercise Science Music Performance Physics Political Science Psychology Statistics

In 2013, 37 students graduated with the neuroscience minor.

»» An investigation of the relationships between low total cholesterol levels and executive function »» The influence of congruent information on associative memory in young and older adults

Neuroscience students have presented their research at the following conferences: »» Society for Neuroscience »» Symposium for Young Neuroscientists And Professors of the Southeast (SYNAPSE) »» CUR Posters on the Hill »» Other regional, national and international conferences in their disciplines

»» Relationship between information processing and postural stability in collegiate and high school athletes »» Effects of acute exercise on retention and learning »» Effects of oral 5-HTP administration on Tower of London task performance »» Anxiolytic effects of kava and magnesium citrate

Examples of undergraduate research in neuroscience at Elon:

»» Investigation of the potassium leak parameter in a mathematical model of epileptic seizures

»» An investigation of audiovisual integration in speech perception »» The influence of multiple repetitions and perception of control over memory on memory performance »» Exercise and cognition: Effect of lowvolume exercise on executive function in older adults »» Motor planning and end-state comfort in children with autism spectrum disorders

Students graduating with a minor in Neuroscience have enrolled in graduate programs in the following disciplines: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Biochemistry Chemistry Dentistry Kinesiology Medical School Neuroscience Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physical Therapy Physician Assistant Psychology Public Health

Students graduating with a minor in neuroscience have been accepted to research positions and fellowships at the following facilities: »» »» »» »»


Massachusetts General Hospital National Institutes of Health Veteran Affairs Medical Center Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Peace and Conflict Studies The Peace and Conflict Studies minor is a broad and interdisciplinary program designed to promote a critical, holistic, and intellectually rigorous understanding of the causes and nature of violence and conflict and the theory and strategies of peace and non-violent action. We seek to explore the conditions to create and promote peace, justice, and conflict resolution. A minimum of 20 semester hours are required, including PCS 350 – Foundations of Peace and Conflict Studies.

Successful students

Innovative Program

»» Multiple refugee organizations both domestic and international (e.g. International Rescue Committee)

We currently have almost 40 minors and our program is growing every year. We offer more than 40 courses to choose from, including: Ethical Practice, Non-Violence of the Brave: From Gandhi to King, International Human Rights, History of the Holocaust, India and Pakistan, Conflict Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Religion in the Global Context, Environmental Ethics, Buddhist Traditions, Christianity and Social Justice, Community Organizing for Change, and many more. The program also offers many opportunities for student participation outside the classroom. The program sponsors events such as: »» Workshops on conflict mediation and conflict resolution and diversity »» Panel discussions on careers and postgraduate options for Peace and Conflict Studies Minors »» Numerous film screenings and discussions »» Guest lectures on numerous topics such as the ethics and politics of humanitarian intervention

Our students have conducted study abroad and service-related internships around the globe, including in Ghana, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Italy, Guatemala, Malta and Lithuania, to name a few. Stateside, they have served as interns with: »» The District Attorney’s Domestic Violence program (Alamance county, N.C.)

»» Amnesty International »» Women’s institute for Freedom of the Press, Washington D.C. »» Humane Borders – BorderLinks »» Habitat for Humanity »» YMCA »» Many of our minors are part of the Elon Honors Fellows and Elon College Fellows programs.

»» Social activities, group dinners and the Jim Pickens Award for Outstanding student Peace and Conflict Studies

Accomplished Alumni Our alumni have successful careers, including:

Engaged faculty The faculty in the Peace and Conflict Studies program seek to create courses and activities that challenge students intellectually and personally to understand the dynamics of conflict and violence in all its forms and to seek paths toward a more peaceful co-existence with other peoples, cultures and the natural environment. They serve as mentors for undergraduate research, which has been presented at national and international conferences and at local community organizations on topics related to human rights, genocide, arms control, religious studies, photography, and more. PCS faculty are also the recipients of numerous grants and awards for pedagogy, scholarship and leadership.


»» Program Coordinator for the Global Village Project, a middle school for refugee girls »» Executive director of United Methodist Urban Ministries »» National Volunteer Center of the English Opens Doors Program in Chile (sponsored by United Nations Development Program) »» Community Health Organizer with Ameri- Corps VISTA »» Some of our alumni have also attended graduate school. For more information about our program, contact our program coordinator, Safia Swimelar, at sswimelar@elon.edu or 336-278-6630.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Performing Arts Conservatory-style training in a liberal arts setting. Professional quality productions We produce a wide range of exciting, professional-quality productions that serve as a laboratory for what our students learn in the classroom. Our season typically includes: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Three comedy/dramas Three musicals Three dance concerts Two music theatre revues Several student-directed plays(one-act, full-length, and original works) and two student-choreographed dance concerts First-year showcases for acting & music theatre Senior thesis productions for each major An improv performance PLUS – numerous student-generated productions.

Accomplished faculty We have a dedicated team of 19 full-time and numerous part-time faculty members, all of whom maintain active lives as artists as well as educators. Their resumes include theatre, dance and music credits on the regional, national and international levels – and since coming to Elon they have maintained their professional activity directing, choreographing, designing and performing.

Innovative training programs »» »» »» »» »»

Winter Term in New York City Winter Term in Italy Summer in LA (includes internship) London Theatre Internship Dance Study Abroad in Jerusalem.

Student success

Recent events and accomplishments »» Laid the foundations for a professional, Equity Summer Theatre »» Launched a new arts administration major »» Created a new interdisciplinary program/ major in dance science »» Added new light lab in the design and production classroom »» Began construction of an additional facility that will provide us with another Studio Theatre, a large rehearsal hall, and student practice rooms.


Our students are active performers. More than 50 percent work professionally each summer. Examples of recent summer theatre job placements for current majors include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Contact with professionals Each year we host a wide variety of master classes and seminars. Recent guests have included: »» Olympia Dukakis (Award-winning Actor) »» Hal Prince (Broadway Producer/ Director) »» Dave Clemmons (Casting Director) »» John Basil (Shakespeare Master Teacher) »» Andrew Lippa (Broadway Composer) »» Lenard Petit (Master Chekhov Teacher) »» Paul Russell (Casting Director) »» Liz Maxwell (Choreographer) »» John Bucchino (Broadway Composer) »» Scott Eck (NYC Improvisation Artist) »» Craig Carnelia (Master Voice Teacher) »» Susie Cordon (Broadway Stage Manager) »» Michael Kirsten (Casting Director) »» Rachel Hoffmann (Casting Director) »» Leslie Scott (Artistic Director, BodyArt, NYC)

Successful alumni Our alumni can be found: »» »» »» »»

At the nation’s top graduate programs On Broadway and Off-Broadway In NYC dance companies In regional theatre & dance companies all over the country »» On national & regional tours »» On series television and in national commercials. »» Two alumni have received Tony Award nominations.

Santa Fe Opera Heritage Festival Theatre California Int’l Theatre Festival Hangar Theatre Cirque de Soleil Mystere Flat Rock Playhouse Georgia Shakespeare Festival American College Dance Festival The Lost Colony Mac-Hayden Theatre.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Philosophy What does it mean to pursue wisdom? At Elon’s Department of Philosophy, it means to build an intellectual community where critical and creative thinking are cultivated, enduring questions are rediscovered and reanimated, and theoretical and practical knowledge enhance each other. The Department of Philosophy at Elon is known and celebrated for: Innovative approaches to learning

Influential, high-quality scholarship

»» Students in an American Philosophy class wrote essays related to Ralph Waldo Emerson, and then edited and published the best of those essays in The Only Sin is Limitation: Essays on R.W. Emerson’s Multifaceted Influence on America.

»» During the past academic year, faculty in the Department of Philosophy published three books and 13 articles, book chapters, book reviews or translations, and presented 22 conference papers – an astonishingly prolific rate for a department of six full-time and two limited-term members.

»» As part of a class assignment, students undertook a service-learning project, building bunkbeds for a local homeless shelter. »» Students taking an Environmental Ethics class interacted with servals as part of their final exam. »» An Elon philosophy professor crafted a class, Reclaiming Democracy, in which students and faculty from several local universities and local activists discussed the region’s struggle with civil rights, social justice and democratic practice.

»» Faculty also obtained funding for two Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) applications. »» The department houses two winners of the university’s Distinguished Scholar Award, plus a Senior Faculty Research Fellow. Below: Students taking an Environmental Ethics class interact with servals as part of their final exam. Above, right: The Only Sin is Limitation, a compilation of student essays.


An emphasis on philosophy as a way of life »» Understanding the importance of being part of the public discourse, philosopher majors have published in external venues. »» A recent philosophy graduate was accepted into the Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute, a competitive two-week seminar held at the Rock Ethics Institute at Penn State, designed to encourage members of groups currently underrepresented in philosophy to consider graduate careers in the field.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Physics World-Class Research With Students

Leaders in Physics Outreach

Innovative Physics Curriculum

Our faculty recruits physics students, including freshmen, into research programs such as nanotechnology, high-energy astronomy, and theoretical physics. All physics majors conduct research by their junior year. Recent graduates have won research awards from the Goldwater Scholarship program, the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities and gone on to graduate school at places such as Notre Dame, the UNC-Chapel Hill, and North Carolina State University.

Faculty members in the Department of Physics specialize in many areas of physics outreach both internationally and within our local community. Projects include traveling science museums in rural India, after-school robotics programs, roleplaying games to teach science, books on science and spirituality books, engineering programs for K-12 students, and creative writing that features real astronomy and physics. Frequently, these faculty involve research students or full classes in these science outreach endeavors.

Elon University uses the new Matter & Interactions freshman physics curriculum, making it the first private college in the state to do so. Students learn relativity and computing as freshman where most traditional programs do not cover this until the sophomore and junior years. Students interested in astronomy can take classes in the new astronomy minor, including Introduction to Astronomy, Galactic Astronomy, Life in the Universe, and Modern Astrophysics. These classes include hands-on use of telescopes oncampus and remote-control of telescopes across the globe. In-class activities, from lab work to role-playing games, help students understand both the scientific and cultural aspects of astronomy.

»» Physics Majors Present at International Biophysics Conference »» Physics Student Wins Prize for Science and Creative Writing Project

»» Professor Receives Grant to Study Science and Religion »» Elon University Hosts High School STEM Competition

»» Professor Publishes Article on Experiential Education in Astronomy Class »» Professor Presents at Physics Education Conference

Students participate in the Great Pumpkin Smash.

A physics student presents his research.

A robotics class offers students hands-on experience.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Political Science and Policy Studies Our department shelters two dynamic programs of study: political science and policy studies. The department approaches the discipline of political science as an integrated field of study providing programs focused on government, politics and public affairs as an essential aspect of a broad liberal arts tradition. The department helps students understand their civic rights and responsibilities, and prepares them for their potential roles in local, national and world affairs. Successful and committed alumni

Expert faculty

»» Over the past 10 years, the political science major has doubled in size.

»» The number of departmental faculty has tripled in 15 years.

»» Students develop research and writing skills that culminate in an original senior research thesis.

»» Faculty expertise covers the broad landscape of political science and policy studies areas: »» Congressional politics »» Presidential politics »» Environmental politics »» State and local politics »» Racial and ethnic politics »» Public opinion polling »» Law (domestic and international) »» Media and politics »» Political theory »» Religion and politics »» International cooperation »» International human rights »» International organizations (IMF, UN, etc.) »» International security (crises, conflict, war) »» Regional politics (including politics of Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East).

»» More than 400 students across campus take part in public opinion polling with the Elon University Poll each year. »» About 80 percent of students in the department complete internships in locations all over the world.


Wonderful opportunities for students »» In May 2012, 69 students graduated with a major in political science or public administration. »» Many students are headed to graduate school, at places such as William & Mary, Duke University, UNC-Chapel Hill, Elon School of Law, George Mason University, George Washington University and Boston University, to name a few. Others are taking jobs working in politics for U.S. senators, state representatives, and the Republican National Committee, or with nonprofits such as the Borgen Project, Fund for Public Interest and Teach for America.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Pre-Law Program Law School Preparation and Advising

Pre-Law students accepted to

»» Dedicated: Every Pre-Law student has a dedicated pre-law advisor for all four years.

»» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

»» Individualized: Advisors develop personalized LSAT study plans for each student. »» Experienced: Our advisors have combined 30+ years of pre-law advising experience. »» Connected: Advisors have strong ties with regional and national law schools. »» Engaged: Our students have multiple internship and outreach opportunities.

Duke Columbia Berkeley NYU Georgetown Cornell Virginia Michigan Vanderbilt Emory Washington (St. Louis) »» William & Mary »» Southern California

»» UCLA »» George Washington »» Wake Forest »» UNC »» Richmond »» Elon »» Campbell »» American »» Boston College »» South Carolina »» Florida State »» Tennessee »» Case Western »» Colorado

Dion Farganis, Ph.D. Director of Pre-Law Program dfarganis@elon.edu Michael Koeltzow Mock Trial Coach mkoeltzow@elon.edu

»» Successful: Most pre-law students are admitted to at least one of their top three schools, often with scholarships.

Elon Mock Trial Team »» Nationally recognized Mock Trial team »» Students learn about the work of trial attorneys and the judicial system »» Excellent way to develop critical thinking and enhanced communication skills »» Travel to local, regional and national competitions »» Elon hosts annual Carolina Classic Tournament, attracting top programs from all over the country

Going Places Each year, pre-law students travel to law schools, where they sit in on classes, meet admissions representatives and law students, and see firsthand what law school is like on the inside. Future trips will include visits to law schools in Atlanta.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Professional Writing Studies Minor

PWS students actively write in their communities. Students in the PWS minor are actively engaged in their communities through service-learning and client-based writing projects in their courses. This year students completed research and documents including communication plans, marketing proposals and samples, grants, newsletters, press releases, and social media plans for organizations including Conservators’ Center, Family Abuse Services of Alamance County, Friendship Adult Days Services, Loaves & Fishes Christian Ministry, Alamance Cares, the Association for Business Communication and Noble Academy of Greensboro.

PWS students intern at or work for a variety of organizations.

PWS faculty are active and engaged scholars.

What are PWS graduates saying about the minor?

Faculty who teach in the PWS program contribute knowledge to the discipline in a variety of ways. This year our faculty »» Presented at numerous national and regional academic conferences including Association for Business Communication, Conference on College Composition and Communication, National Council of Teachers of English, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Council of Writing Program Administrators, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Broadcast Educators Association and DICTION Studies.

»» “I believe PWS is an exceptionally useful and practical minor. It allowed me to be creative while also helping me develop rhetorical strategies that enhanced my writing. I know the experience will benefit me in the professional world. Pairing the minor with my communications majors was the best decision I ever made regarding my education.” »» “Professional Writing Studies is about more than just writing. It is understanding the how and the why of all forms of premeditated communication.”

»» Published work in books, handbook, and academic journals including Business Communication Quarterly, College Teaching, Composition Forum and Journal of Faculty Development.

Internships and research experiences allow PWS students to apply their writing skills in a professional setting. This year, for example, two students interned with CrossRoads Sexual Assault Response and Resource Center planning and executing a 5K fundraiser. Another student worked with CommonHealth Community Gardens in Marion, S.C., to develop two grant applications and a social media marketing plan.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Psychology Using scientific expertise to make discoveries about human beings and applying psychological science to better the human condition. Expert Faculty

Outstanding Facilities

Engaged Students

Faculty expertise in subfields including »» Social/Personality Psychology »» Developmental/Cognitive Psychology »» Neuroscience/Clinical Psychology »» Organizational/School Psychology »» Experimental Psychology For more, see our faculty page.

Research takes place in five separate laboratory suites occupying more than 2,300 square feet. This past year we renovated Long 201 to add additional research space. We are currently making plans to move our department to larger facilities on south campus.

»» More than 50 students mentored in undergraduate research last year

Faculty who are Teacher-Scholars

Innovative Curriculum

Our faculty have been recipients of Elon College and university awards in teaching, scholarship and service/leadership. In the last year, they have achieved the following: »» 24 scholarly publications »» 22 professional presentations »» Campus leaders: Associate Dean of Elon College, the College of Arts & Sciences, Director of the Honors program, Director of the Lumen Prize program, Coordinator of the Criminal Justice Studies minor, Coordinator of the Leadership minor, Coordinator of the Civic Engagement Scholars program, Associate Director of Center for Advanced of Teaching and Learning, Editor-in-Chief of Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring.

»» 9 students mentored in internships last year.

Accomplished Students

Our innovative curriculum includes: »» 200-level foundations courses in Lifespan Development, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, and Behavioral Neuroscience

»» 300-level advanced topic courses and »» Senior Capstone Seminar.

»» 7 students mentored in Summer Undergraduate Research Experience last year »» Our students gave 20 presentations at undergraduate conferences last year

Students are fully prepared for graduate school or careers in many fields such as psychology, counseling, education, law, social work and others. Visit our website for more.

»» Experimental and Nonexperimental Research Methods courses

»» 8 to 10 Honors and Elon College Fellows and Lumen scholars mentored each year

»» Elon psychology seniors outperform 80 – 85 percent of students across the country on national tests »» 31 students and alumni co-authored professional presentations and scholarly publications with faculty »» Approximately 31 percent of our Elon seniors in 2012 have been accepted into graduate programs such as Auburn University, Brandeis University, Pepperdine University, University of California – Riverside and Wake Forest University »» Elon psychology graduates enter a variety of careers, including Family Services Coordinator, Program Analyst, Risk Management Analysts, Intake Interviewers and Outreach Associates for health and rehabilitation facilities, Teachers, Police Officers, and AmeriCorp and Peace Corp Members.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Public Health Studies Public Health Studies (PHS) prepares students with the knowledge and skills to address the public health problems of the 21st century. Elon has offered a minor in PHS since 2008 and a major since fall 2011. PHS is a rapidly growing major. A multidisciplinary approach

Engaged Faculty

Future Opportunities

»» PHS majors complete 28 hours of core courses including Global Health and Introduction to Epidemiology

»» Because PHS is an interdisciplinary program, students have the opportunity to take courses from nationally and internationally recognized faculty in a variety of disciplines including Human Service Studies, Exercise Science, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Public Administration.

»» The outlook for careers in public health is strong and continues to expand. Majors are prepared to enter the workforce in local, state, national or international public health organizations, or to continue on to graduate study in public health or related disciplines.

»» They complete a three-week, field-based Public Health Practicum in local agencies including Planned Parenthood, Hospice and Palliative Care of Alamance County and Alamance County Children’s Dental Clinic. They complete 16 hours in a focal area: socio-cultural context of health and illness or biological aspects of health and illness. »» They have the flexibility to double major in a complimentary discipline (approximately half of PHS majors are also double majors).

»» Recent graduates of the PHS program have been accepted into graduate programs at top schools including UNC Chapel Hill, Emory, Boston University, Johns Hopkins University, Ohio State University and University of Virginia.

»» Faculty are engaged in scholarship related to alcohol expectancies among college women; fertility intentions and desires of young adults with perinatally-acquired HIV; influence of athletes’ concussion history on long-term cognitive functioning; and effects of pharmaceutical drugs on the environment

Student Research

Global Opportunities »» Students can take PHS practicum abroad in India during Winter Term. This course will immerse students in the work of the Comprehensive Rural Health Project (CRHP) in Jamkhed, which promotes health and provides access to health care in underserved, rural communities. »» Students can also earn credit for PHS core courses while spending a semester abroad with DIS’s program in Copenhagen. More global opportunities are becoming available every semester.

»» PHS students are engaged in exciting research projects across campus. Current PHS students are studying topics including: oral hygiene among children in Burundi, Africa, breastfeeding narratives of WIC recipients, preferential binding of functionalized magnetic microspheres to malignant cells, transition of pediatric patients to adult care, the role that medical providers play in the reproductive decisions of young people living with HIV, and food justice and food insecurity in Alamance County. »» Students have presented their research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research as well as at national and international disciplinary conferences. PHS students have also been recipients of the Lumen Prize, the Ward Family Learning in Action award, the Thomas Barnett Breaking Down Barriers award and been inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.

www.elon.edu/ e-web/academics/elon_college/public_health

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Religious Studies The field of Religious Studies provides you with an important knowledge base and helps you acquire a valuable skill set that can be used for adaptive problem solving, ethical leadership and engaged global citizenship in an increasingly interconnected world. Great opportunities for students

Expert faculty

Successful alumni

»» Students in the program have the opportunity to conduct, present and publish undergraduate research mentored by religious studies faculty and to participate in monthly colloquiums where faculty present their research.

»» Our faculty have worked, taught and presented research in 18 countries, and are recognized nationally as experts in their fields of study.

»» At least 40 percent of our graduates in the past five years have attended graduate schools, such as Duke University, Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton Theological Seminary, UNCChapel Hill School of Law, Wake Forest University and Emory University.

»» They can take part in interdisciplinary department events such as “Religious Studies at the Crossroads,” a lecture series that aims to foster conversations across different academic disciplines. »» They can also take advantage of activities sponspored by Theta Alpha Kappa, the national honor society for religious studies and theology.

»» During the 2012–13 academic year, they wrote/edited a book, published 10 book chapters and journal articles, presented 20 conference papers and received 6 grants to support their scholarship and teaching. »» Faculty have received numerous institutional and college awards for teaching and scholarship, and many faculty hold leadership positions in regional, national and international organizations.

www.elon.edu/ e-web/academics/elon_college/religious_studies

»» They have worked for Ameri- Corps, Peace Corps, Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteers, Jesuit Volunteers, Mennonite Volunteer Service and Teach for America. »» They have made careers in diverse fields including business, chaplaincy, community organizing, government, higher education, IT, law, ministry, social work, library science and teaching.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Sociology & Anthropology Expert faculty

Accomplished students

Innovative curriculum

»» 90 percent of the faculty in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology are involved in undergraduate mentoring. Department faculty mentored 34 undergraduate research experiences in 2012-2013.

»» Our program provides international opportunities for students to travel and study in places like Australia, Belize, Ghana and South Africa.

»» Courses in the department are integrative, showing students not only how societies are connected in a wider global context but also how the different elements of each society are woven into complex cultural patterns.

»» A faculty member was recognized as the 2013 Elon Distinguished Scholar, representing the fifth time that a faculty member in Sociology and Anthropology has received a distinguished university-wide award. »» Department faculty attended and participated in 20 professional academic conferences. »» Department faculty published 14 scholarly articles. »» They are also active scholars. In 20122012, they have: »» revised two textbooks »» continued work on a four-volume encyclopedia on sexuality »» published book chapters on social psychology and environmental health »» written books on sacred revelation and the self and emotions. »» They are interdisciplinary leaders, serving in positions such as: »» (former) dean of international programs; »» (former) dean of Social Sciences; »» associate dean of Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences; »» co-chair of the task force on scholarship; »» founder and director of Elon University’s Project Pericles; and »» director of the Social Sciences Fellows Program, a branch of Elon College Fellows.

»» Students have the opportunity not only to collaborate with faculty on existing research projects but also to generate new research ideas and topics under faculty mentorship. Recent projects that foster this collaboration include: »» anthropological work in Central America »» Internet-based breast milk sharing in the U.S. »» recording welfare narratives in Alamance County. »» Our students have received the Lumen Prize, Elon’s premier award to support and celebrate academic research and creative achievement and published their findings in academic journals. »» After graduation, they have joined the PeaceCorps, worked for the National Institutes of Health and Teach for America »» Three students were accepted into graduate programs in 2013. »» A student worked with the Occaneechi tribe in developing a museum exhibit (read the e-net story.)


»» The Archaeological Field School in Belize allows students to conduct fieldbased anthropological research in the Eastern Petén Forest of Northwestern Belize during the summer.

Engage in research projects with the community that involve students: »» A joint project between Elon University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is studying midwifery at a local Women’s Birth and Wellness Center. »» The Program for Ethnographic Research and Community Studies (PERCS) is in its second year of a multi-year, collaborative research project that brings faculty, students and community members together to address the perceptions of welfare in the local community and across the nation. Community partners include the Department of Social Services, Allied Churches, the Open Door Clinic, the Burlington Housing Authority and the United Way. Students and faculty have been accepted at three conferences to present on the project this year and continue to work on academic publications, print and online materials for the general public and reports for specific community agencies. »» Additional information about the PERCS project can be found on our website.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Sustainability Education and Research »» A full-time Education and Outreach Coordinator was added to the Office of Sustainability to further develop and implement programs to increase the practice of sustainable behaviors and enhance awareness of sustainability initiatives and accomplishments. »» The Sustainability Faculty Scholars Program was re-initiated and welcomed eight scholars from diverse disciplines. The Program helps faculty incorporate or enhance a focus on sustainable principles and practices in their courses. »» Two students received $1,000 scholarships through the Sustainability Research Scholars Program, funded by the Class of 2010’s gift. The Program awards scholarships on a competitive basis to students doing research related to sustainability at Elon.

The Gerald L. Francis Center is LEED Silver certified.



»» Several construction projects received LEED certification: Gerald L. Francis Center – LEED Silver, the Depot at the Station at Mill Point – LEED Silver, 4 residential buildings at the Station at Mill Point – LEED for Homes Gold and three residence halls in the Colonnades Neighborhood (Kivette Hall, William W. Staley Hall and William A. Harper Hall) - LEED Gold. As of July 2013, the university has 17 LEED certified structures totaling over 250,000 square feet of building space.

»» Elon was ranked number 29 on the Sierra Club’s list of “96 Cool Schools” published in Sierra’s September/October 2012 magazine and was once again included in The Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Colleges. Elon has been in every edition of the Guide and currently has a Green Rating of 93 (scaled from 60 to 99).

»» For the second year, the Community on the Commons event during Orientation Weekend was a nearly zero landfill event. Over 1,800 meals were served and 84% of the waste was composted, 15% was recycled and 1% went to the landfill.

Kivette Hall is LEED Gold certified.


The Depot at the Station at Mill Point is LEED Silver certified.

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

Women’s and Gender Studies Women’s and Gender Studies at Elon is a long-standing, dynamic program with a significant endowment that supports student, faculty and campus initiatives. As one of Elon’s flagship interdisciplinary minors, WGS at Elon represents a diversity of departmental affiliations across campus. During the 2012–13 academic year: »» Independent major, Alanna Vagianos ’13 presented research at NCUR, SURF, and SEWSA in addition to successfully completing her independent major project. »» Offered 29 classes over the course of fall 2012-spring 2013 for WGS credit from various departments. »» Offered fall and spring sections of WGS 110: Sex and Gender. Had maximum enrollment in each section. »» Partnered with various organizations across campus to help sponsor and co-sponsor programs. »» Continued to strengthen alumni connections with our program by inviting them back to talk to our students. »» Offered internship opportunities to students, including independent major Alanna Vagianos, who interned at Lillian’s List of NC.

administration, social policy, divinity and law, to name a few. »» Work for Equality North Carolina, the Orange County Rape Crisis Center, UNC Women’s Center, NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina, AmeriCorp Vista, the Prisoners’ Education and Advocacy Project, the chaplaincy department at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Los Angeles, Calif., Alexander Street Press and The Children’s Aid Society-Carrera Program.

WGS faculty are active and innovative scholars. »» WGS faculty publishes on topics ranging from American impressionist painting, rape, critical feminist pedagogy and objectification, to the Book of Revelation, sports history, gender and media.

across the United States and abroad in countries such as the Kingdom of Bhutan, India and Canada.

The WGS program brings speakers of international renown to campus while working to create a campus community that fosters tolerance and promotes equity. »» Last year, the program sponsored 11 events on campus that featured an academic discussion of relevant issues and co-sponsored the theatrical production “The Vagina Monologues” with a student group. »» Every year, we sponsor a film series with feature films followed by faculty panel discussions with the audiences.

»» They participate in art exhibitions and theatrical productions at national venues, and present their research at conferences

»» It also coordinates a Belk Library display highlighting feminist scholarship for Women’s History Month and support student groups, such as EFFECT, SPECTRUM, and Sparks.

WGS minors are outstanding students who make outstanding contributions at Elon and beyond. Our minors: »» Are Honors Fellows and Elon College Fellows and are elected into Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Lambda Pi Eta and Omicron Delta Kappa. »» Have participated in mentored undergraduate research, internships and study abroad. »» Volunteer at Elon and in the surrounding communities and have participated in service-learning projects across the globe. »» Have gone on to pursue graduate study in social services, sociology, women’s and gender studies, higher education


Author and playwright Kate Bornstein during a visit to a WGS class

Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

World Languages and Cultures Creating Global Citizens and Scholars: From French and Spanish film festivals to Italian music concerts, from celebrations of the Chinese New Year to modern versions of Ovid, the Department of World Languages and Cultures brings the global community home to our Elon community. Our multi-lingual, multi-cultural faculty hail from nine different countries and teach eight different languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Latin and Spanish), offering students international prospects for their future academic and professional lives. Our faculty: »» Many have been recognized for outstanding teaching and service to the community by the university, and for service leadership and excellence in teaching by the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as received multiple internal and external grants to fund their disciplinary research, their scholarship of teaching and learning and programs to enhance students’ exposure to world languages and cultures. »» Several have published textbooks for language teaching, books of literary criticism, a book on how witchcraft gave cultural minorities a voice in society, and a three-volume encyclopedia on hispanophone writing. »» They regularly publish peer-reviewed articles in books and in top journals and frequently present their research at major national and international conferences.

Our Students

Our recent graduates

»» Many students have gained cultural and linguistic competency abroad in non-Anglophone countries.

»» Students have interned in web design at the U.S. Holocaust Museum; worked for an international education company; taught English in Italy and Spain; worked for a social media company in Italy; worked in the Peace Corps in Madagascar; worked on travel documentaries at a television station in Germany; worked at Orange telecommunications in Paris; and taught in U.S. high schools.

»» Students engaged in undergraduate research mentored by DFL faculty have presented at SURF, many in their foreign language of study, and several more have presented at national or international conferences. »» Recent students include Elon Fellows, Lumen Scholars, a Fulbright recipient and members of Phi Beta Kappa. »» Several students have pursued graduate study using their language skills in language and literature, international relations, business, law, etc.

»» Recent graduates have been accepted to programs at American University, the College of William and Mary and Wake Forest University. »» Several have completed master’s degrees at UNC-Greensboro, Florida State University and Hochschule Bremen in Germany.

»» They are outstanding mentors to Elon College Fellows, Honors Fellows and budding undergraduate researchers. »» Many travel abroad frequently, developing and leading study abroad programs in Mexico, Honduras, Spain, France, Peru, Costa Rica and Japan.


Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences

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