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According to the United States White House, more than 5 million veterans-across all generations-may have been impacted by toxic exposures while serving in the United States Military.
On August 2, 2022, the United States Congress passed bipartisan legislation known as the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act (PACT Act). President Biden signed the PACT Act into law during a ceremony at the White House on August 10, 2022. The Act will provide affected veterans, their families, and caregivers with health care and benefits.
According to the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics Fiscal Year 2021 report, the United States Veteran population is 19,088,805. Colorado is home to 387,618 veterans. The report also indicates El Paso County is home to 94,483 veterans, approximately 24% of the state’s veteran population.
More than 5 million veterans are estimated to be exposed to toxic substances and eligible for benefits under the new PACT Act. That means approximately 26% of all United States veterans can now capture previously unavailable generational benefits. Similarly, about 24,000 veterans in El Paso County could be eligible for new benefits.
PEl Paso County Veteran Service Officers are dedicated to helping veterans and dependents maximize benefits. As accredited Veteran Service Officers in El Paso County, you can trust that you will be heard, understood, and provided with the highest quality of service.
Recently, we sat down with Veteran Service Officer Richard Gagne and Surviving Spouse Michelle Hill, to understand the PACT Act and the impact it has made and can make on the lives of veterans and their families. To hear the full conversation, listen to the Beyond the Dais: Stories of El Paso County podcast episode: https://www podbean com/ew/pb-z22vs-14172ad
Richard, what makes El Paso County different in terms of how you help people realize those benefits?
I think the first thing that really helps is all of us here are veterans ourselves. We all have been through the process. So, we kind of understand those aches and pains that we went through to transition from being in the military and filing our disability claims.
Michelle, what is your involvement with the PACT Act?
I am a surviving spouse of an Army veteran, James Hill; he served 23 years. He passed away in October of 2017 of cancer. He served in three tours and was diagnosed with leukemia and lymphoma, caused more than likely from the burn pits and chemical fires that he would fight. He was denied for disability on multiple occasions in the claims after he passed; I also tried to act on the claims as well and had been denied
A friend of mine had reached out to me late last year and had mentioned the PACT Act and had I heard of it, and I said no So, I reached out to Rich, and he made time for me I just wanted to have somebody sit with me and give me a little bit of their time because I didn't know. You know, please don't send me home with another website or another phone number or here are the 15 forms that you need and good luck finding them.
Rich said, I'm going to stay here with you and we're going to do this together And it took about 45 minutes, and he was compassionate and caring and patient as I broke down a couple of times and lots of Kleenex, lots of Kleenex, right.
The money that's coming isn't going to make me wealthy by any means, but it gives me peace of mind and comfort to know that I don't have to worry about my house going into foreclosure You know, I can pay my bills, my mortgage and that that is peace of mind and that brings me some closure, you know.

Veterans and the military community play an important role in the life, economy, and culture of El Paso County. With 24% of the state’s veteran population within our borders, we make every effort to come alongside those who have served our country. We know that the mental and physical health challenges that face our community of veterans are not trivial, and at El Paso County, we seek to do everything possible to serve these valued residents. In this month’s Nine to Five, we want to highlight what the county is doing to enhance the lives of our veterans and active-duty military as well as share some highlights from around the county. Enjoy relevant content from the Department of Public Works, El Paso County Public Health, Parks & Community Services Department, and the Board of County Commissioners.