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Message from the Director
B E H I N D T H E S C E N E S I S A D E P A R T M E N T O F P U B L I C W O R K S S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T T E A M D E D I C A T E D T O E N S U R I N G E L P A S O C O U N T Y R E M A I N S I N C O M P L I A N C E . . . H O W E V E R , T H E Y C A N N O T D O I T A L O N E .
J A C K L A D L E Y - I N T E R I M D I R E C T O R
There could be a lot of reasons why the water flowing down the stream is not the color you think it should be. Perhaps there has been mud washing off a construction site, or some kind of spill has occurred and reached the stream through the stormwater system. Regardless, El Paso County’s Stormwater Management Program wants to know about it.
The Clean Water Act provides the framework for water quality regulation in the United States. In Colorado, the Water Quality Control Commission is the agency which has the authority to establish water quality standards consistent with the federal Clean Water Act.
Local Permit holders, like El Paso County, must comply with regulations in the form of Stormwater Permits. The stormwater systems that carry runoff away from roads, parking lots, and buildings through a series of pipes and detention basins before discharging into creeks is the system that is regulated through the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit process.
Behind the scenes is a Department of Public Works Stormwater Management Team dedicated to ensuring El Paso County remains in compliance with its MS4 permit and, ultimately, the Clean Water Act. However, they cannot do it alone. Each of us can help this team by doing the following:
Help keep pollution out of storm drains Report spills by calling 719.520.6460 Always put trash where it belongs Recycle appropriate items Fertilize caringly and sparingly Carefully store and dispose of household cleaners, chemicals, and oils Clean up after your pet Practice good car care Stay water efficient Volunteer - attend clean up events/adopt-aroadway Educate your family, friends, and neighbors about the role everyone plays in protecting our waterways
Information for this message was gathered from the Colorado Stormwater Council. For more information, visit https://colorado-stormwatercouncil.org/.