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e g i c P l a n
S e c t i o n 2 . S t r a t
El Paso County works off a regularly updated and detailed Strategic Plan. That plan outlines the organization’s core values, mission statement, and expectations for all employees.
It also includes annual objectives, key results, action plans, monthly monitoring, and department plans
Your volunteer experience is driven by the strategic plan. Every action, activity, or endeavor your group undertakes must fulfill one of the plan’s objectives. Your conduct should also be compatible with the guiding value, principles, vision, and purpose of the plan. Please review and familiarize yourself with the Strategic Plan and let it guide you through your service. Contact county staff immediately if you have concerns about upholding the Strategic Plan.
Core Values
Wemakeadifferenceinour communitybyservingthe residentsofElPasoCounty.
Weareresponsiveto communityneeds Wearegood stewardsofCountyresources.
Weareopen,honest,and respectfulinourworkand communication.
Wefosteracountygovernmentthat worksforall Weinspireemployeesto passionatelygivetheirbestwhile leveragingcommunitypartnershipsfor themeaningfulbenefitofourresidents
Welistentoourcommunityandact withhonestyandrespectinour interactionswithco-workersandthose weserve. Weadheretolaws,policies, procedures,andprofessionalstandards
To learn more about the El Paso County Strategic Plan, please visit: www.elpasoco.com/strategic-plan/
Key Concepts
The work you do on your volunteer board or commission must focus on achieving the specific goals and directives of the Strategic Plan.
The organization expects all employees and volunteers to know and understand our core values, core principles, vision, and purpose.
Contact county staff immediately if you have concerns about upholding the Strategic Plan.
Our community prefers low taxes and limited government that focuses on providing essential and cost-effective public services.