After 10 DPO Pregnancy Symptoms to Be Aware Of
At 10 days post ovulation, there are two significant situations that happen. Either you will get your periods around 14 to 15 days after ovulation or you need to watch out for the signs of early pregnancy followed by a pregnancy test.
The common symptoms after 10 DPO are: 1. Fatigue: During the period, increased levels of progesterone trigger fatigue, nausea, and symptoms related to exhaustion. Watch out for the symptoms and try to overcome them by indulging yourself in relaxing activities. 2. Digestive issues: Leading to symptoms like occasional gas, constipation, and bloating the elevated hormones impact the digestive system and slow down digestion. 3. Backaches: Due to a spike in progesterone, a woman may develop back aches caused by softening the supporting discs and ligaments at the back. 4. Nausea: When coupled with gas, bloating, constipation and other similar symptoms progesterone is yet again the culprit. It leads to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and others. 5. Breast tenderness: Due to the increased blood flow to tissues in this region both pregnancy and PMS are marked by swollen or tender breasts.
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