Topic Guide: Explaining Colposcopy
Colposcopy is a type of test performed to examine cervical cancer in order to get a close-up look at your cervix. The procedure is performed to easily and quickly find changes in the cell of your cervix turning into cancer. Colposcopy is a type of women’s health exam performed by a doctor using a tool called a colposcope. The test is a magnified visual inspection of the cervix that helps test and provides a magnified and illuminated view of the vaginal walls, vulva, and uterine cervix. In general, colposcopy is often performed after an abnormal pap test or pap smear. According to the reports and Dr. Elsa, a Gynaecology Surgeon in Dubai Colposcopy and pap tests are both related to cervical cancer and the identification of changes in the cell of the cervix, people often tend to mix the concept and consider both the same. But in reality, both are distinct from each other. A Pap test involves gathering a sample of cervix cells and testing them to detect the early changes leading to cervical cancer if any whereas a colposcopy is performed when the results of the pap test are positive. A colposcopy helps diagnose and confirm potential problems, signs if possible, etc. Points to Know Before Appearing for a Colposcopy Nothing huge is required to be done before appearing for a colposcopy. The below-mentioned 2 things can be done to make things easier and slow down your nervousness.
1. Schedule your colposcopy appointment when you are not having your periods or the flow of your periods is light. 2. Avoid indulging in vaginal sex or putting anything into your vagina a day before the appointment. How is Colposcopy Done? Process of Colposcopy The process takes only 15-30 minutes but is distributed into 2 parts: Step 1: Before the exam The test is done in a doctor’s clinic where you should enter after you are done emptying your bladder and bowels. Avoid indulging in any sexual activity, using vaginal medicines before the appointment. Inform your doctor if you are allergic to any medicine, latex, or if you are pregnant. Step 2: During the exam You are asked to lie face up on the exam table, bend your leg, and place your feet in stirrups. Now, the doctor will put a speculum into your vagina to open it, the speculum helps the vagina walls to separate and get a good look at the cervix. Now the doctor applies a solution of vinegar or iodine with a cotton swab on your cervix to make abnormal tissues turn white and looks at your cervix through the colposcope. The doctor takes photographs with a tiny camera and the samples collected are sent to the lab to examine. Step 3: After the exam Following the exam, it is normal to have mild cramps or feel pressure. It is advised to take some medicine to help relieve the pain and ask your doctor about the care, how to do it, when to take care of it, etc. The tool used in Colposcopy The whole procedure of Colposcopy is performed by a microscope tool called Colposcope resembling a pair of binoculars. The Colposcope consists of different magnification lenses and different color filters that help doctors detect abnormal blood vessels on the cervix.