WHAT CONTRIBUTES TO LATE OVULATION IN WOMEN? MEDICATION Many medications and illicit drugs can prevent ovulation. If you are taking any drugs similar to steroids, antidepressants, thyroid medicines, any cancer treatments, etc., then talk to your doctor.
PCOS The biggest cause of infertility in women is PCOS characterized by multiple cysts in one or both ovaries, the high male hormone, testosterone, irregular menstrual cycle, and others.
STRESS Extreme stress, either physical or emotional, can result in negative impacts like disruptions in menstrual cycles, late ovulation, and others.
BREASTFEEDING It is another main cause of late ovulation because the hormone necessary for breast milk production suppresses ovulation and menstruation.
AGE AND WEIGHT Age and weight are other major causes of late ovulation. At an older age, women have only a few eggs available, which leads to late ovulation. In much the same manner, being overweight also causes late ovulation.