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For all the incoming folks into the MA program we would like you all to take at least the following two courses: ECO 750 Math for Economists and ECO 713: Political Economy. These are our two foundational courses on which we build our other courses. If people take only two courses, it should be these two. If folks only take one course talk to us about it. In the past students who were weak or nervous about Math delayed taking the course and this is something we would like to avoid as it puts students way behind of what courses they can take afterwards. If you feel a bit nervous about Math, we would recommend that you, by yourself or in your own study groups, work on some basic Math foundations. There are a few useful sources online including Professor Leonard , whose videos are the best math videos available on youtube. He has complete courses on math (pre-calculus, calculus, linear algebra, etc). Our "normal" 2-year 12 course curriculum would be as followed: Semester 1: ECO 750; ECO 713; and an Elective Semester 2: ECO 751; ECO 720; and an Elective Semester 3: ECO 752; ECO 725; and an Elective Semester 4: ECO 799; ECO 740; and an Elective You can go slower or faster. For the college, 12 credits is full-time. Most students in our program are part-time and take 9 credits. Incoming students should not take microeconomics except if they have a strong math background; incoming students should not take ECO 752: Research Methods II unless students are well versed in R, statistics, and Econometrics. Electives: We rotate electives each semester and we will offer two or more electives each semester depending on enrollment. For our planning purposes and negotiations with the administration, please sign up for classes sooner than later, otherwise some classes will fill up and we won't have time to add new classes. If you have any questions about advising or anything else and would like to talk to us please contact Ian Seda ( iseda@jjay.cuny.edu) or Geert Dhondt (gdhondt@jjay.cuny.edu).