Toothpaste for sensitive teeth

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Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth "Elsenz is a unique toothpaste with fluoride containing bioactive glass that puts back the lost minerals from tooth enamel, helps to prevent tooth decay and treats sensitivity"

DENTINE SENSITIVITY Tooth sensitivity is the condition of a short, sharp pain experienced on consumption of hot or cold food or/and beverages. The outermost layer of our teeth is enamel, covering the crown of tooth, the cementum covers the root of the tooth and dentine is the inner layer. Tooth sensitivity is caused when the tooth enamel is worn away and the dentine is exposed. There are several ways in which tooth enamel can be worn away, thereby exposing the dentine, leaving the teeth prone to sensitivity.

The most common causes are

Gum recession

Grinding teeth

Vigorous brushing

Consuming acidic foods and drinks

What triggers sensitive teeth? When exposed dentine comes into contact with anything hot, cold, sweet, or sour, it can trigger the nerves and cause a short sharp pain. Even breathing in cold air can trigger pain in sensitive teeth.


WHAT IS ELSENZ? Elsenz is comprised of Fluoro calcium phosphosilicate which is an improved form of bioactive glass. Elsenz forms acid resistant fluorapatite as well as releases fluoride over a period of 8 – 12 hours. This combined action of apatite formation and ion release makes Elsenz a unique toothpaste to use for remineralization and treating teeth sensitivity.

PRODUCT FEATURES Fluoride Incorporated into Bioactive Glass: Elsenz contain fluoride containing bioactive glass. The addition of fluoride into bioactive glasses can provide numerous advantages. Elsenz dissolve in the mouth releasing calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions and form fluorapatite which is more resistant to acid attack than hydroxyapatite and hydroxycarbonate apatite. Incorporating fluoride into the glass also speeds up the apatite formation process. For these reasons, fluoride is incorporated into bioactive glasses. High Phosphate Content: Elsenz contain almost three times high phosphate than that of conventional bioactive glass. High phosphate in bioactive glass forms apatite faster which helps to relieve sensitivity quicker than currently available bioactive glasses and forms fluorapatite rather than fluorite with the minimal possible pH rise. Smaller Particle Size: The particles of Elsenz are designed to be small enough to enter into the dentinal tubules where they convert to either fluorapatite or apatite mimicking the natural biological mineralization process of enamel. Smaller particle size also reduces abrasivity of toothpaste which results in less enamel wear. pH Sensitive: Elsenz is designed to dissolve faster under acidic conditions offering added protection when teeth are directly challenged with acidic food or drinks. Elsenz dissolves quickly raising the pH and releasing calcium, phosphate and appropriate quantity of fluoride ions to minimize the acid dissolution of the apatite crystals.


CHEMICAL BONDING Elsenz particles chemically bind to tooth surface.

RELEASE OF MINERALS Slowly dissolve to release Calcium, Phosphate, and fluoride ions into saliva.

RAPID APATITE FORMATION Ions precipitate & crystallize to form Fluorapatite over dentin surface and within the dentinal tubules.

ENAMEL REMINERALIZATION Sustained release of fluoride ions, rebuilds and strengthens enamel day & night



Long Lasting Relief & Protection from Tooth Sensitivity Elsenz slowly dissolves to release calcium, phosphate, and small concentration of fluoride ions, up to 12 hours onto the tooth surface to form a acid resistant apatite layer on the enamel for long lasting protection. The slow release of calcium and phosphate helps the natural saliva to replace the minerals lost when consuming acid drinks and foods. Elsenz forms fluorapatite which is more resistant to acid attack than hydroxyapatite and hydroxycarbonate apatite.

Rapid Relief with Minimal pH Rise "In addition to fluoride, Elsenz has high phosphate content almost three times that of conventional bioactive glass and a much lower silica content. High phosphate content in bioactive glass forms apatite faster which helps to relieve sensitivity quicker than currently available bioactive glasses.

Prevents Acid Dissolution During Consumption Of Acidic Foods Or Beverages Elsenz dissolves faster under acidic conditions than neutral or basic conditions. Thus when faced with an acid challenge as a result of bacteria metabolizing sugars or drinking an acidic beverage, the glass dissolves quickly raising the pH and releasing calcium, phosphate and appropriate quantity of fluoride ions to minimize the acid dissolution of the apatite crystals. Elsenz is designed to dissolve more rapidly with lower pH, offering added protection when teeth are directly challenged with acidic food or drinks.

Promotes Remineralization & Prevents Dental Caries Elsenz slowly releases calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions over an 8-12 hour to form fluorapatite to remineralize, strengthen and protect tooth structure. Sustained release of fluoride ions helps to prevent dental caries and acid erosion. Using Elsenz toothpaste makes teeth more resistant to acidic soft drinks like fruit juices and sodas.

Less Enamel Wear During Brushing Elsenz contains smaller particle size than conventional bioactive glass, which helps the bioglass better penetrate dentinal tubules to occlude open dentinal tubules. Smaller particle size also reduces abrasivity of toothpaste and enamel wear during brushing.

Superior Than Conventional Fluoride Toothpaste Conventional fluoride containing toothpaste use soluble source of fluoride which are washed away rapidly by the salivary flow in the mouth. In contrast Elsenz contains a polymer that binds to tooth surface, preventing the bioglass from being washed away. This innovation makes the bioglass-based protection last longer.

FREQUENTL FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTIONS What makes Elsenz toothpaste unique? Elsenz contains Fluoro calcium phosphosilicate which is an advanced bioactive glass. Elsenz forms acid resistant fluorapatite as well as releases fluoride over a period of 8 to 12 hours. This combined action of apatite formation and ion release makes Elsenz a unique toothpaste to use for remineralization and treating dentine hypersensitivity.

How does Elsenz toothpaste work? During brushing, Elsenz chemically binds to tooth surface and slowly releases calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions, which together with a slight pH rise, result in super saturation of the saliva with regard to apatite and subsequently precipitation of apatite crystals over dentin surface and within the dentinal tubules. Such a mechanism relieves sensitivity and promotes remineralisation.

How does Elsenz differ from toothpaste containing conventional bioactive glass ? 

Elsenz offers fluoride containing bioactive glass (Fluoro calcium phosphosilicate) which forms acid resistant fluorapatite crystals for long lasting relief.

Elsenz has an increased phosphate content which increases the amount and speed of apatite formation.

Elsenz particle size is smaller than conventional bioactive glass, so it's less abrasive towards the enamel.

Elsenz has higher fraction of particles that can easily penetrate into the dentine tubules, so it makes more effective in tubular occlusion.

Why fluoride is incorporated into bioactive glass? Incorporating fluoride into the bioactive glass speeds up the apatite formation process rather than forming hydroxycarbonate apatite, forms fluorapatite, which is much more durable in the mouth. The fluorapatite is highly resistant to acid attack than hydroxyapatite and hydroxycarbonate -apatite. For these reasons, fluoride may be incorporated into bioactive glasses

What is the significance of smaller particle size of bioglass in Elsenz toothpaste? Elsenz contains smaller particle size than conventional bioactive glass, which helps the bioglass better penetrate dentinal tubules to occlude open dentinal tubules and relieve sensitivity. Smaller particle size also reduces abrasivity of toothpaste and enamel wear.

What are the advantages of Elsenz over other fluoride containing toothpaste? Conventional fluoride toothpaste use soluble source of fluoride such as sodium fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate which are washed away rapidly by the salivary flow in the mouth. In contrast Elsenz dissolves slowly, releasing controlled level of fluoride for up to 12 hours and protect teeth day and night from acid attack.

What are the benefits of Elsenz over conventional bioactive glass toothpaste? 

Elsenz forms fluorapatite which is chemically stable and highly resistant to acid attack than hydroxyapatite and hydroxycarbonate apatite.


High phosphate content in Elsenz result in reduced pH rise and more rapid apatite formation which helps to relieve sensitivity faster than conventional bioactive glass.


Smaller particle size of Elsenz penetrates deeper into dentinal tubules better than conventional bioglass which helps to relieve sensitivity for longer period.

How does Elsenz prevent or minimize acid dissolution during consumption of acidic foods or beverages? Elsenz prevents acid dissolution by acting quickly during consumption of acidic foods/drinks. Elsenz dissolves quickly raising the pH and releasing calcium, phosphate and appropriate quantity of fluoride ions to minimize the acid dissolution of the apatite crystals.

How long Elsenz should be used? Elsenz can be used every day twice in a day even after the pain in sensitivity disappears. Elsenz will give continuous protection from tooth decay and sensitivity on prolonged usage.

How Elsenz should be used? Elsenz should be applied on the sensitive tooth with a finger. Leave it for 2 to 3 minutes and brush with a super soft toothbrush as usual for 2 minutes and spit out.

CONTACT US #521/A, 2nd Block, 2nd Main, 2nd Stage, Rajajinagar, Bangalore –560055, India

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