Conservation Labor

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L ABOR ( Af t erMi er l eLader manUkel es)

Ant honyWar ni ck El s ewher e2017

Warnick' s work at Elsewhere was the conservation of Ay o Janeen Jackson's p ieces, Black Lights Matter and A Comp ilation of Comp lications. Through viewing labor as a p olitical tool, artists can utilize this to call better futures into being. This p ublication is a product of a discussion and collaboration with Warnick, Elsewhere, and the Greensboro community.

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Whatk i ndofi nvi s i bl el abordoyou exec ut edai l y? ( Phys i c al ,Emot i onal ,what ev eryouar e c omf or t abl es har i ng)

Whatwoul dhappeni fyouort heper s on youdes c r i bedchos et onol onger exec ut et hei ri nvi s i bl el abor ?

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