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Juice - Treatment In Different Diseases By Felix Waweru

The usefulness of juice-treatment for some common diseases are numerous e.g. cleansing the body, expelling toxic & other harmful elements from the body, prevent degeneration of the body and procure ingredients necessary for the reformation and regeneration of body cells. That is why either independently or in conjunction with other modes of treatment juices gives sure benefits in almost all diseases. There are several definite reasons for the cause of diseases over and above improper food-habits. A disease can't completely be cured unless such reasons are warded off or prevented e.g. if one is under the treatment for cold but continues taking cold eatables, or does not protect oneself from violent cold winds and rain, it's not possible to get cured. Juice-treatment does not claim to be the only remedy for every disease. It's a fact which can be well understood that in the cases of some diseases & especially when it's a serious one, one has to take the help of other therapies. If a certain therapy has been proven useful and effective in a particular disease, there's no reason why one should be deprived of therapeutical benefits e.g. hip-bath gives benefit in most abdominal diseases. You must not hesitate to accept this sort of treatment. Each therapy has a purpose which is the same to all physicians - to cure the disease completely and as soon as possible. It is necessary to comprehend the disease thoroughly before treatment commencement. Juicetreatment should be planned and finally implemented with regularity, perseverance and zeal. Acidity: Take a mixture of juices of cabbage and carrot. In addition to it, one can take juices of cucumber, potato, apple, mosambi and watermelon. Milk also should be taken. Avoid chillies, fried food and sweets. Acne: Take a mixture of carrot and spinach-juices. Take a mixture of juices of potato, beet-root, cucumber and grapes. Watermelon and papaya-juice may also be taken. Massage papaya or potatojuice on the face. Vapour-bath is advantageous. Do not allow greasiness to remain on the face. Avoid using cosmetics. Anaemia: Mixed juices of leafy vegetables, juice of alfalfa and juices of beet-root, cabbage, bitter-gourd, apricot and grapes are useful in this disease. Aphthae: First of all abdominal disorders, if any, should be cured. Constipation should be relieved. Juices of pot-herb (spinach) and cabbage should be taken. Asthma: Take mixed juices of carrot, beet-root and cabbage. Take a mixture of juices of leafy vegetables or a mixture of juices of potato and apple. Besides, garlic and papaya juices can also be taken.

Bronchitis: Take warm water with ginger, honey and lemon-juice in the morning or take warm water with garlic and onion juices. Besides, take juices of radish, cabbage, beet-root, cucumber and carrot. Avoid smoking. Cancer: Opinions are divided as to which juice gives the maximum benefits in cancer. Normally these juices are beneficial juices of carrot, grape, beet-root, apple, ginger, papaya, tomato and wheatgrass. One should try to maintain the health of the liver. Magnet therapy might prove useful. Cardiac troubles: Take honey, coconut water and juices of papaya, pomegranate, pineapple and garlic. Cholera: Juice of beelee fruit mixed with juices of mint, garlic and onion should be taken with warm water. Coconut water is very much useful in cholera. Cold: Lemonated warm water should be taken. Juices of ginger, orange, carrot, radish, garlic, etc can also be taken. Water vapour is also useful. Colitis: Take a mixture of carrot and spinach-juices. Juices of cucumber, apple, beet-root, papaya, beelee and oranges are also beneficial. Constipation: Raw whole fruits and vegetables are as beneficial as their juices. Proper exercises should be done. One should form regular habits of evacuating bowels. One should take a mixture of juices of spinach and carrot or a mixture of juices of potato, cucumber and apple. One can also take juices of fig, beelee (eagle marmaloss), guava and orange. Contagious diseases: Take on an empty stomach a glassful of lukewarm water mixed with lemon-juice and a teaspoon of honey. Take a of glassful water mixed with a teaspoon of garlic and onion-juices. A mixture of carrot and mosambi-orange juices can also be taken. Cough: Take warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice in the morning. Also take a glassful of carrot-juice added with a tablespoon each of garlic, onion and basil-juices. Avoid smoking. Diabetes: Juices of rose-apple, tomato, cucumber, lemon, bitter-gourd, carrot, spinach, cabbage and French beans should be taken. Diarrhoea: Take juices of beelee fruit, apple, garlic and green turmeric. Juices of beet-root and pineapple are also recommended. Take complete rest. Diptheria: Requires immediate medical treatment. Take pineapple-juice and turn it over and over in the mouth before swallowing it. Take warm water mixed with garlic and onion-juices. Dysentery: Regimen of thick buttermilk is one of the best antidotes. Pomegranate-juice is also effective. Rose-apple juice gives benefits also.

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