Various Types of Renewable Energy By Dowl White
When you hear the term renewable energy, you may be surprised to also hear that there are many different types of renewable energy. In essence, renewable energy means energy that can renew itself indefinitely. Hence unlike non-renewable sources of energy (like fossil fuels), renewable energy sources will regenerate themselves indefinitely. For example, solar power is dependent on the sun and wind power is dependent on the wind. However, neither sun nor the wind will diminish, as they will continue to be present as long as Earth exists. Hence you don't need to worry about renewable energy sources from being depleted. In addition, all renewable sources of energy are in general environmentally friendly and thus you will also be a participant in protecting your environment.
The various types of renewable energy sources are:
1) Solar Power 2) Wind Energy 3) Geothermal Energy 4) Wave Energy (From the oceans) 5) Tidal Energy 6) Hydro electrical Energy 7) Biomass energy
As you can see, the types of renewable energy that you can use are quite diverse. Of these various renewable energy types; solar power, wind power and geothermal energy can be used individually to supply power for your home. You can see many homes that have solar panels to produce electricity and hot water and you can also see homes that use geothermal pumps for heating. However, the real salvation on the global scale depends on using these energy sources to generate electricity and other forms of energy on a massive scale. Thus in order to achieve this, there are various types of renewable energy plants all around the world. The most common type of renewable energy
plants are probably hydroelectric power plans which are assembled near rivers and other flowing bodies of water.
In addition to this, wind energy plants are also becoming popular all around the world. Wind farms are constructed so that 20 or more wind mills are constructed together in order to maximize the electrical output of the wind power plant. Of course, other forms of renewable energy are also harnessed. There are geothermal distribution plants in some parts of the world and tidal energy and the wave energy are harnessed in some ocean coasts around the world. Design and installation of renewable energy solutions in Yorkshire and surrounding areas :