Water Based Versus Steam Based Central Heating By Melodie Hayden
Plumbing heating refers to the installation and repair of central hot water or steam heating systems, the installation and repair of appliances that provide water for domestic use and repair and replacement of peripheral appliances that use and dispense hot water, such as sinks, showers, and dish washers. One important question in the area of plumbing heating concerns the pros and cons of central hot water heating.
While more and more homes have switched to hot air heating, in the last 50 years, many older homes still use a boiler system. There are two types of boiler heating, those that convey heat through steam, and those that convey heat through hot water. The two forms of heating are very different. The steam used for steam heating is generated when water in the boiler reaches the boiling point. The released steam then flows through the closed loop heating system warming the whole house and then after circulating returns to the boiler. By necessity, the steam remains at a temperature at or slightly above the boiling point. Hot H2O, on the other hand, is heated to below the boiling point. It is driven through he closed loop via a pump, and can be used at a variety of temperatures. Because of the structural differences between heated water heating and steam heating, there are certain advantages and also disadvantages of using hot water as a medium to transmit the heat. The advantages include the following:
1) Since the sub-boiling temperature heater runs at lower temperatures, it is more fuel conservative than steam boilers. 2) Since the temperature of the hot aqua is not fixed the heat coming out of the radiators can vary depending on the need, which is not the case with a steam heating system. When the steam flows, it is coming out at boiling point, and the house is thus subject to the extremes of too much heat when the boiler is on at night, and too little heat, when the system is off. 3) Elevated temperature water boilers can be maintained on a low flame at night, as opposed to steam boilers which must be kept at a high flame to boil the water. 4) The warmed water based central boiler is small and more durable than a steam boiler. 5) Because they run at lower temperatures, hot water boilers are considerably safer than steam boilers.
Heating systems using water at elevated temperatures also have some disadvantages, compared to steam heating systems.
1) A direct warm water heating system, provides no ventilation. 2) Because the water temperature is lower than steam, the size of the radiator is proportionally larger. 3) There is a danger of the water in the hot water system freezing, although keeping the boiler on all night can prevent that. 4) A heated water central boiler requires more fittings than a steam boiler, and thus more parts that can break. These breakable parts include: a flow check valve, a circulator, an expansion tank and most importantly, a pump. 5) Additional problems, that can occur with both hot water boilers, and steam boilers include: insufficient heating surface, insufficient boiler power, and imperfect circulation.
As you can see there are both pros and cons to this question and each homeowner has to decide for themselves which type of heating system will work best in their home. Plumbing heating refers to the installation and repair of central hot water or steam heating systems, the installation and repair of appliances, which provide water for domestic use and repair and replacement of peripheral appliances that use and dispense hot water, such as sinks, showers, and dish washers. One important question in the area of plumbing heating concerns the pros and cons of central raised temperature water heating. In this article we present inforrmation on the topic, kindly provided by A-1 Plumbing of Baltimore, a Baltimore plumbing company that fixes and repairs plumbing heating installations. While more and more homes have switched to hot air heating, in the last 50 years, many older homes still use a boiler system. There are two types of boiler heating, those that convey heat through steam, and those that convey heat through raised temperature water. The fundamental difference between steam heat systems and warmed water heating systems is the temperature. The temperature of a steam heated system, by definition, must be raised to boiling point to generate steam. A elevated temperature water system, on the other hand, can utilize water heated to a variety of temperatures. The water must be drawn through the closed loop circulation via a pump, whereas steam flows by its own power once it is generated. Because of the structural differences between hot water heating and steam heating, there are certain advantages and also disadvantages to using hot water as a medium to transmit the heat. The advantages include the following:
1) Since the hot water heater runs at lower temperatures, it is more fuel conservative than steam boilers, 2) Since the temperature of the hot water is not fixed, the heat coming out of the radiators can vary depending on the need, which is not the case with a steam heating system. When the steam flows, it is coming out at boiling point, and the house is thus subject to the extremes of too much heat when the boiler is on at night, and too little heat, when the system is off. 3) Hot water boilers can be maintained on a low flame at night, as opposed to steam boilers which must be kept at a high flame to boil the water. 4) The hot water boiler is small and more durable than a steam boiler. 5) Because they run at lower temperatures, hot water boilers are considerably safer than steam boilers
What are the disadvantages of a hot water boiler?
1) A direct heated H20 heating system, provides no ventilation. 2) Because the water temperature is lower than steam, the size of the radiator is proportionally larger. 3) There is a danger of the water in the hot water system freezing, although keeping the boiler on all night can prevent that. 4) A hot water boiler requires more fittings than a steam boiler, and thus more parts that can break. These breakable parts include: a flow check valve, a circulator, an expansion tank and most importantly, a pump. 5) Additional problems, that can occur with central heating mechanisms include: insufficient heating surface, insufficient boiler power, and imperfect circulation.
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