At ELS PINS school we try to be eco-friendly. We do different actions that help the planet, for example‌
We recycle different materials:
There’s a paper basket in all the classrooms and in the staff room and the offices too.
We use paper on both sides.
There are yellow containers for plastic in the playground and in the kitchen too.
There’s a special container for recycling batteries in the offices.
The ink cartridges that are empty go to a special container. It’s in the office.
In the kitchen there is a bin for organic waste. There are more bins in the playground.
In the kitchen there is a big barrel to put the oil used to cook.
The 4th of February was a special day at Els Pins: Punt Verd Mòbil visited our school. It is a lorry with special containers for different types of rubbish: oil, batteries, plastic, electrical appliances, paint, clothes and shoes, paper, metallic objects, light bulbs... We brought from home all sort of things to throw in them. Have a look at the pictures!
Vulcano’s class with their teacher, M. Isabel.
Children in Febus class carried old magacines and newspapers to the lorry for recycling.
We take care of the orchard: We plant lettuces, beans, peas, parsley‌ It’s hard work but we like it!!!
Children in Venus class take care of the orchard. They go in small groups with Sara, the teacher in charge.
We water the plants two days every week.
We love working in the garden: planting seeds, watering‌
When the lettuces grow we pick them.
We filled lots of boxes!!!
Look at all the boxes full of lettuces and escaroles‌ they were heavy but we were very happy !!!
A big applause for planet Earth because it gives us these vegetables!
We make compost:
There is a compost bin in the orchard.
We put in it leaves, weeds, grass‌
and organic waste from the kitchen.
We check the composter bin and mix everything well.
We use the compost in the orchard and the garden of the school.
We use breakfast bags:
Children bring their snacks in bags (made with cloth)‌
or in a tupperware to reduce the amount of litter.
We reuse materials: • Every school year parents help us to organise workshops. • All the children in the school participate. • We try to reuse materials to make useful things. • It’s one of the activities included in the project “Agenda 21”. It deals with the environment.
With a brick and tissue paper the children in Pre-school made a little box.
The older children in Primary used oil from the kitchen to make soap.
They had to stir it well.
When the soap was ready their teacher cut it in small pieces.
All the children took one piece home. It’s a very good soap!!!
Children in 3rd and 4th grade did scented sachets with lavender from the orchard of the school.
The sachets were all different and very nice‌ the perfect gift for mum!!!
To be continued‌