Take Notice - Deal Of The Year The content in this preview is based on the last saved version of your email - any changes made to your email that have not been saved will not be shown in this preview.
Dear Nabil, Announcing the biggest promotion of the Year - 50% OFF CAROMA toilets Last year many of you have missed the Caroma special manufacturer promotion. We have been talking to Caroma about a repeat and they have listened. Caroma has agreed to slash its prices by 50% through the end of June 2011. The promotion applies to all Caroma toilets and sinks. Caroma is the wolrd's first company to develop and commercialize reducedflush water efficient toilets. For more about Caroma the company, click here
Plus for a limited time, through April 30, and in conjunction with Earth Day celebrations (April 22nd ) , we are also shipping All Caroma promotional items FREE, Yes FREE. The Energy Conscious is proud to be one of two online retailers in the country participating in this promotion. All you have to do is choose the toilet you want and apply the coupon code "50offCaroma" at the check out and you will get your discount instantly. For a link to our in stock Caroma products click here.
We highly recommend you take advantage of this offer as it is below wholesaler prices. If you need one or more toilets, grab them now. For volume purchases we suggest you call our staff at 888-405 6064. There might be more benefits waiting for you. I am Water Conscious, Are you? Sincerely, Nabil Estefan The Energy Conscious
The Energy Conscious
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Caroma Toilets Caroma Sinks Caroma Toilet Accessories
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Take Notice - Deal Of The Year
Offer Expires: June 30 2011 Forward email
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The Energy Conscious | 1753 18th Street NW | Washington | DC | 20009
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