The energy conscious to partner with dow building solutions yahoo

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The Energy E y Cons scious to Parrtner w with Dow w Build ding So olution ns A Comp plete Rang ge of Dow Energy Effficient Pro oducts Now w Available e Through Its First Au uthorized Online O Disttributor Press Releas se: The Energyy Conscious – Thu, T Apr 25, 20 013 10:37 AM E EDT Email






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Washingto on WASHING GTON, Aprill 25, 2013 /PRNewswire// --


The Energ gy Conscious,, a rapidly grrowing e-marrketplace


for energy efficient and d sustainable products is p partnering w with Dow Buildiing Solutionss, a business unit of The D Dow Chemiccal Company (DOW), ( to brring Dow's w wide range of weatherizatiion products to o its DIY, tra de profession nal and reselller clients.


"Such a partnership p is i a natural fo or our compa any," said Naabil Estefan, Founder F and d CEO of The Energy Consscious. "Weaatherization and the building b enveelope are the most importtant aspects o of energy efficiency y, and Dow Building Soluttions is the premier p comp pany in the industry. We are prou ud and very pleased p to be the first web b based authorizeed distributorr for Dow Bu uilding Solutions." The partn nership betw ween The Energy Consciou us and Dow B Building Solu utions is the rresult of careeful considera ation derived d from the strrengths of each company.. The Energyy Conscious h has deep knowledg ge and a singu ular focus on n energy efficcient productts. Like the teeam at The E Energy Consccious, Dow Buillding Solution ns understan nds that theree is a significcant opportun nity for savin ng energy and d improvin ng comfort through efficieency improveements in hom mes and builldings.

"Dow Building Solutions is excited to join forces with The Energy Conscious to provide greater education on and access to products that can help improve lives," said Kaethe Schuster, Market Manager for Dow Building Solutions. This distribution agreement will enable The Energy Conscious to service its clients with a complete range of Dow products including Froth Pak, Great Stuff, Weathermate, Enerfoam, Thermax and Styrofoam. A Dow portal has been developed specifically for this purpose. The Dow portal includes energy saving ideas, action and safety plans to weatherize a home, product comparison between categories of products and against the competition. Live training sessions will be offered at no charge to DIY and Trade Pros on weatherization and the use of Dow Building Solutions products. These programs will appear several times a week on the company's blog. "Our highly trained sales staff and superb customer support, continuously rated at the top of the web e-tailing business will help deliver a great customer service, only matched by the best brands of Dow Building Solutions we now represent," said Nabil Estefan. He adds, "A dedicated distribution center with a local customer pickup has been set up in Gaithersburg, MD to service our burgeoning business." Contact: Scott Glickman, 202-640 2570


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