Connections Magazine 2015 First Edition (Winter)

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2015 ISSUE 1

CONNECTIONS An ELTHAM College Publication



Guiding the Way


Growing Hearts and Minds


Philosophy and art collide at the Philosothon


Students rev up for F1 in Schools


Amazing Race for City Campus

8 9 11

Connecting with leading world thinkers Lasting Connections Class of ‘95 - 20 Year Reunion Class of ‘05 - 10 Year Reunion

13 ExECS News

Our ExECS Sporting Clubs

15 Swipers Gully Feature Recipe Foundation News


ECCA - Supporting ELTHAM Checking in with friends

19 Junior Years Playground 21 Connections Magazine Supporters


JUL 31

One Voice Concert

JUL 28

Year 12 Dinner

JUL 30

Junior Musicians Concert

AUG 18

Musical (The Wiz) Opening Night

OCT 10

Class of 1985 - 30 Year Reunion

OCT 12

Senior Years Celebration Night

OCT 16

ELTHAM on Film

NOV 21

Class of 2014 - First Reunion


Junior Years Celebration Evening


ELTHAM College Volunteers Thank You Evening

Music and Performance Centre, 7.30pm

Swipers Gully Restaurant, 6.30pm

Music and Performance Centre, 6.00pm

Music and Performance Centre

Swipers Gully, 7.00pm

The Centre Ivanhoe, 8.00pm

Kino Cinema, 7.00pm

Swipers Gully, 7.00pm

Junior Years, 3.30pm

Swipers Gully, 7.00pm



GUIDING THE WAY These elements serve as a beacon to guide us, and as a reference point to remind us of our intent as we evolve and grow.

Over the past 12 months the College community has invested much time and effort to develop a charter that will lead us in the years ahead. I am pleased to present, on the following two pages, the ELTHAM College charter. The evolution of this guiding document has arisen as a result of extensive consultation with the College Board, Executive, staff, and students. We believe it captures the essence of ELTHAM College and reflects our culture in a purposeful manner. The primary goal of ELTHAM College will focus on “Growing hearts and minds”. This celebration of the emotional, physical and intellectual growth of our young people will be the key driving force of the College. The additional purpose of the charter is to establish guiding principles for ELTHAM College and provide a basis for our operational program.

Over the coming months members of the College Executive, together with other staff, will further define each element into an operational document. This operational plan will set forth the College’s strategies for implementing the principles set out in the charter. It will provide the College community with strategies and corresponding benchmarks to meet the targets we will set at the start of each year. We look forward to presenting the operational plan to the College community in the new year. The College Charter is a very exciting development in the journey of ELTHAM College.

Mr Simon Le Plastrier Principal ELTHAM College




GROWING HEARTS AND MINDS THE COLLEGE CHARTER ELTHAM College has indentified eight key elements of focus, which together will “grow the hearts and minds” of our students. Each of these acknowledge our heritage and inspire our future. We are proud to share them with you now.

1. A THINKING CULTURE The thinking culture at ELTHAM College ensures students are equipped to extend their learning within an interdisciplinary, forward thinking, technology rich environment; a place where students develop passions and strive to maximise their potential. An ELTHAM education provides experiences that encourage unlimited learning – where the bounds of knowledge and discovery can reach as far as a student’s imagination.

2. WORLD READY STUDENTS ELTHAM College students develop the wisdom, confidence, optimism, curiosity, flexibility and resilience to become passionate, active and engaged citizens of our ever-changing world.

3. A SUPPORTIVE AND EMPOWERING CULTURE At ELTHAM College students are supported by a caring community that promotes trust and respect, valuing interpersonal and community relationships. The College values a strong student voice, and its leadership program builds responsibility and empathy, encouraging older students to be positive role models for younger students.




ELTHAM College offers students opportunities beyond the traditional academic domain, with exceptional visual and performing arts, sport, technology, hospitality, outdoor education, international exchange and inter-cultural connection programs that challenge and inspire.

ELTHAM College strives to be a centre of excellence and a valuable resource for the local community. The College engages with our local, regional, national and global community to ensure students value their ethical and responsible contribution to our world.


ELTHAM College has a vibrant and passionate parent community, who support the distinct values and spirit of the College. Past ELTHAM students, staff and families are supported by an active alumni body, who strive to foster a global community network. The College is also well supported by its strong relationship with the ELTHAM College Foundation.

The ELTHAM College staff embrace excellence, encourage new ideas and foster collaboration. All staff lead by example and are committed to the culture of unlimited learning.

6. OUR UNIQUE ENVIRONMENT ELTHAM College’s bushland setting provides a unique opportunity for students to gain respect for, and an understanding of, the natural environment. From its foundation the College has fostered a culture of sustainability and responsibility for its footprint and impact. ELTHAM College aspires to provide innovative and flexible learning spaces that have been designed to reflect world-leading thinking, while creating the most effective physical environment for teaching and learning.

8. OUR KIND OF LEADERSHIP OUR STUDENTS The students of ELTHAM College are working with a team of young people to build a worldclass leadership program. The roles delegated to our students give them responsibility for building relationships and leading by virtue of their example and service. OUR EXECUTIVE ELTHAM College is led by a Principal and Executive team dedicated to a forward thinking program. This group embrace contemporary educational thinking with a desire to invoke change while acknowledging proven educational strategies. OUR BOARD ELTHAM College is governed by an elected Board which is representative of the College community. It sets the direction of the College, strives to ensure sound financial management, good governance and has the exibility and capacity to develop and support an ongoing and innovative, strategic planning agenda.

John CitizenFiculiis ocusquod sus ggh fomnequam ocaetrae ocrivvdssoludam fbetilibut arid Catique in popotiu quit;




ELTHAM College students have once again participated in the annual Philosothon at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). The event is a collaboration between the NGV and the Victorian Association for Philosophy in Schools (VAPS). It is theaudanducium second year that ELTHAM has been Recus re quam qui ut min ped involved, with 10 students from Year 4 joining 10 quae provitatem aut fugia esequae ne nus other schoolsvolupient from around Melbourne. sin conseque as renimpo rerores et remodit voluptiament rem ut omnis Two ELTHAM students join each groupdolor of 10 alibeaqui cor autinvidelenit, assum expernam, children seated front of an artwork at the quia sjndthey sdjsnd sjndsthe ss ssm. NGV.quatur? Led by asdsjkd facilitator, discuss “big issues”etor that thetisitatquis artwork evokes, and Ilignis abquestions imusda volupta dit express their own views and opinions. as aut lacearcia qui te voloris nemporporiam is voluptae estio. Et mi, oditiam fugia sum eri For example, an abstract Salvador Dali painting anda aliqui optas voluptas nisciis mightas prompt the question “What is nis realipienieni and ul pelLuptaspi endaerum ipsamendit estincit what is a dream?”, or a Rembrandt portrait may re simus esstudents vollitem to hitwonder ipicte estiore encourage “Whatvelia is theiunt man laborro ea si tem velicatem rero oditat qui in the painting hiding?” optaturHarum, consed quistotas eaquasIquatat. In the discussion, there are no right and wrong Lenditati arumquae sam qui dolum eatis answers, but the emphasis is on listening to voluptam fugiatemquae excea prepratia sum others, taking on board different points of view erspid quatio evero consequi blabori beatem

and confidently expressing an opinion in a safe environment. The overall paradigm shift with this program is to focus on teaching the skills of how to think, rather than what to think. Program coordinator Cath Howard said students who participated in Philosothon were developing valuable life skills.

“Being able to recognise that they have an opinion and someone else might disagree with that opinion, but that’s okay. If someone disagrees with them, it doesn’t mean they’re attacking them – that separation of self from opinion is fundamental to the teaching of philosophy. It’s a skill that many adults could benefit from developing.” By participating in the Philosothon, students learn the ‘etiquette’ of discussion – how to listen, take turns in conversation and how to say what

they think, giving examples to back up their opinions. “Unlike debating, where it’s about winning, this isn’t about convincing anyone. It’s about sharing your views with other people and being able to build on your own world view by taking into account what someone else has said,” Cath said. “It also develops in students the skill to recognise that their own life views aren’t static – they won’t be the same tomorrow, or perhaps even at the end of the session.” The visual setting of the NGV and the focus on discussing works of art – portraits, abstracts and landscape paintings – means that students also have a fantastic exposure to the visual arts and the NGV setting.

STUDENTS REV UP FOR F1 IN SCHOOLS The thrill of Formula One racing is known worldwide by motorsport fans for its speed and excitement. But behind the glitz and glamour is a world of technological and engineering skill. Students at ELTHAM College now have a glimpse into that world through the F1 in Schools program. Introduced to the school last year, the program sees teams of five to six students, ranging from Years 5-9 design, build and race model F1 cars against other schools. F1 in Schools organiser Mary Reynolds said each team designed their F1 racing car using a CAD package, with cars to be machined using the school’s Computer Numerical Control (CNC) router. Once built, each car is powered by a carbon dioxide cartridge to propel it down the track. As well as the design and construction of the cars, teams must also collaborate with outside professionals, and market themselves to gain sponsorship for their team uniforms and banners, to display in their ‘pits’ during competition. Last year’s event saw the ELTHAM ‘Quantum Leap’ team awarded State Champions of the Cadet Class category, while ‘Team Beluga’ was awarded the Best Team Poster and Best Designed Car. Students have already begun preparing for this year’s state competition, due to be held in late November, with teams meeting twice a week during lunchtimes to work on their cars.

“It’s great for students to see the other teams and what they’ve achieved, and see if their designs can outperform their competitors,” Mary said.

F1 in Schools inspires students to make links with industry partners, and offers the chance to practically apply their skills in physics, mathematics, aerodynamics and design. The program also empowers students by giving them experience in project management, leadership and teamwork, media/marketing, public speaking and time management. Year 8 student Joshua Wu said he enjoyed many elements of the competition. “I chose to join the F1 in Schools program because I have an interest in the engineering and design side of things. It’s a great opportunity to not only improve on my interests, but life skills as well, such as teamwork and communication,” he said. Year 8 student Jack Duncan is his team’s design engineer. “I love using the CAD design program because it gives you the power to design anything you can think of,” Jack said. “The best part of the whole year though is the amazing feeling you get when you see the car you’ve designed race,” he said.




AMAZING RACE FOR CITY CAMPUS Melbourne’s incredible history came to life in March when ELTHAM College Year 9 students and their parents participated in the annual City Campus Amazing Race. The event saw teams of parents and students race around the city, solving clues at different checkpoints manned by Year 9 student ‘marshalls’. The race was held across four different areas, representing Melbourne’s historical, cultural arts and architectural precincts, with parent teams required to solve four different clues or challenges at each checkpoint. This year’s event saw 16 teams dash between the Chinese Museum in Chinatown, the Immigration Museum, the ‘Love Lock’ Bridge on the Yarra River and the City Square. Year 9 students based this year’s race on their Term One Humanities studies, which introduced them to the history of Melbourne, including the founding of the city by Batman and Faulkner, and its traditional owners, the people of the Kulin Nation. Lessons were held in key locations around the city, including Flagstaff Gardens, which was originally an Aboriginal meeting place and sacred burial ground. City Campus Year 9 teacher Jodie Potter said the students are responsible for designing all the clues and mapping out the race each year. Jodie said the event was an important part of the Year 9 city experience for ELTHAM students. “The race gives students the chance to become familiar with the city, to get to know how to move around independently in a busy environment and be able to identify interesting locations which are relevant to their learning. But most of all it builds a confidence which is needed for the rest of the year as the learning takes them outside their comfort zone,” she said.


The race is another example of the ELTHAM commitment to an active ‘thinking culture’, with skills and knowledge gained in the city environment contributing to the students’ overall learning experience, and broadening their horizons. The event is also a wonderful opportunity for parents to experience the City Campus and meet other ELTHAM parents. “I see the race as not only being a day for students to show their families all of the skills and knowledge they have gained in their first term at the City Campus, but as a community day where parents, teachers, students and friends of the City Campus come together as one,” Jodie said. The winning team of this year’s race was Reuben Hawkes and his mum, Eugenie, along with Wayne and Helen Woodman. Second place went to parents Graham and Sharon Bowen and Christine Toppi, with students Elisha Brown, Alana Brodie and Lucas Toppi, while the third placegetters were a student team of Tom Turvey, Devlin Stewart, David Collis and Wyatt Raynal. Winning parent Wayne Woodman said the race was extremely well organised. “The transition between the different precincts was seamless – heaps of fun,” he said. Fellow winner Helen Woodman said her favourite checkpoint challenge was at the Chinese Museum. “We had to smell all of the different teas and try to guess which type they were,” she said. “That was really fun and interactive.”


CONNECTING WITH LEADING WORLD THINKERS ELTHAM College’s commitment to creating a thinking culture and nurturing lifelong learners will see students engage with some of the world’s leading thinkers outside the classroom. In March a group of senior students and their parents attended the annual Graeme Clark Oration, a prestigious lecture open to the public, delivered each year by a global leader in science. The Oration honours Australian researcher Graeme Clark AC, who developed the bionic ear, or Cochlear Implant, which has brought the gift of hearing and speech to more than 200,000 people. This year’s Oration was delivered by geneticist and cell biologist Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society and recipient of the 2001 Nobel Prize for Physiology, for his discovery of key regulators of the cell cycle. His speech focused on how science can play a greater role in improving our economy, and tackling global problems such as food, water and energy security, climate change and ageing. Sir Paul also highlighted the impact that persistence and thinking critically, widely and

differently has had on his own personal journey. ELTHAM College Head of Mathematical and Scientific Thinking, Darren Smith, said this resonated with students, and gave them a window to a possible career path in the future. “Events like the Oration illustrate and highlight future career paths and connect their school experiences to the real world,” Darren said. “For instance, our biology students have been studying cell biology and they were able to see how a lot of the concepts they’re presented with at school are used in the daily lives of the world’s top scientists,” he said.

It was really exciting to be able to see theories that we’d just studied in biology put into perspective, and really encouraging to know that we already had the basis of knowledge to do our own ground-breaking research. -Bronwyn Kealy, Year 12

Linking students with leading world thinkers in the field of science and technology will continue to be an important part of learning at ELTHAM. “One of the things I’m keen to do is make those deeper connections with our academic community to really raise the profile of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at our school,” Darren said. Part of this will be enabling students to attend “open to the public” lectures at our major universities.

This year’s Graham Clark Oration really emphasised the years of effort that one must devote to a new creation or discovery, highlighting the importance of dedication.



LASTING CONNECTIONS Two past students join us to reect on their schooling experiences, life and career achievements and what it’s like to now have their own children attending ELTHAM College.

Matt Luttick After finishing Year 12 at the College Matt Luttick spent the next two years completing an associate diploma in horticulture whilst working part time in nurseries and running his own gardening business. After this he decided to embark on an overseas trip and during a five month journey stopped off in London. Matt spent time with a customer that worked closely with the family’s meat trading business. This stay was the catalyst for a career change and a move into the family business upon his return. After years learning about foreign trade, logistics, finance and all the nuances of operating an

international trading company Matt eventually took over the running of the company which has grown steadily to now serve over 42 countries. During this time Matt played football for 12 years with the Eltham Collegians (with a brief stint coaching the reserves), met his wonderful wife and now has three daughters attending the College. Matt has managed to keep his horticultural interest going through a small vineyard, olive grove and organic vegies (with chooks on the way) and still keeps in touch with a number of close friends who he met during school and playing football at ELTHAM.

Willy McCarroll (Sibbel) Wilhelmina (Willy) McCarroll is the founder and head designer at Zuster Furniture, a family business in operation for over 20 years, that she shares with her sister Fleur and father Meyer. Zuster has showrooms in Melbourne and Sydney with a manufacturing facility in Thomastown. The company designs and manufacturers all of its furniture in Australia and is one of the few classic modern furniture companies to continue to do so. Willy attended ELTHAM College from Prep to Year 4 and after completing a Furniture Technology course at RMIT in 1994 created her first furniture range using the resources from her father’s building business. The range was immediately taken up by several inner city retailers leading to her developing the business further with her father. Willy credits ELTHAM College for her early development. “The school was different to other schools with an architectural, naturally beautiful, inspiring

environment and wonderful, kind teachers. I still remember the orienteering courses and close relationship I had to my house teacher Miss Nichols.” “ELTHAM College was my first school experience and it was through my time at the College that I developed my creativity and confidence in myself to continue with my passion for design. This led to my further studies and launch of my own business.” Willy’s children, Finn and Aliyah, have attended ELTHAM College since ELC. “ELTHAM College has evolved over the years but still holds the same values with the same natural creative environment. My children love going to school and I know they are at a place that will bring out the best in them.” Willy’s designs and story have been featured in local and international magazines, blogs and television shows, and she continues to be an inspiration to young designers around the world.

John CitizenFiculiis ocusquod sus ggh fomnequam ocaetrae ocrivvdssoludam fbetilibut arid Catique in popotiu quit; 10









20 Year Reunion A. Chris Lethlean, Julia Green B. Mel Hollingworth (Gassin), Timothy Conway, Chris Beckwith C. Erynn Hines (Binns), Brett O’Toole, Cara Webber D. Britt Finlay, Deborah Cormack (Shepherd), Michelle Schofield (Farkas) E. Nina Cunningham, Benjamin Cook, Matthew Reeve F. Simon Le Plastrier, Keith McKechnie, Cara Britton, Ian White, John Brenan, Ian Whitford G. Chris Cornell, Susan Eady (McCabe)



10 Year Reunion A. Amanda Vrecko, Mark Ruffels, Warwick Hill, Lauren Mackey (Walton) B. Kristian Kimonides, Cameron Horvat, Glyn Hill, Benjamin Fowler C. Caitlyn Broberg, Louisa Conti, Laura Johnston, Leah Thomson, Ashleigh Cole, Lisa Torelli D. Luke Mackey, Carly Tilley, Bianca Kreuzer (Sly), Reischa Jury, Jess Stevens E. Lesley Moulin, Simone Kenny, Matthew Canty, Luke Mackey F. Vicki Smith, Ben Moore, Rohan McCarthy, Daniel Erna, Kate Browne G. Christopher Caton, Leah Thomson, Mark Ruffels













Networking ELTHAM College Alumni


ExECS President, Justin Littlefield, provides an update on the direction and initiatives of our Alumni organisation. We are excited to announce that the ExECS membership base has now grown to over 6,500 past students and nearly 2,000 past teachers. We welcome Meghan Tozer (Class of ‘87) who will maintain the day to day communications and activities of the ExECS Office, having taken over from Ann Plush in late 2014. We wish to whole heartedly thank Ann for her amazing dedication, organisation and knowledge which helped grow the ExECS community over many years. ExECS remains very busy with networking activities through reunions, our Facebook page, updates such as this and Business Mentoring via LinkedIn.

Time to get LinkedIn with ExECS As the name of this publication suggests ‘Connections’ is what it’s all about. Maintaining, creating and expanding connections via networks to share knowledge, ideas and opportunities has become a necessity in business and in life. Rather than trawling through old school, static business directories (where information is often out of date), it is smarter for us to use the global power of LinkedIn. In 2014 we took steps to create a larger profile and network on LinkedIn, with a view to involve the entire ELTHAM community. Why LinkedIn?

Our major initiative for 2015 is to connect with all past families and invite them back to the school to help celebrate its ongoing development. Please contact us via email, Facebook or LinkedIn with your details. This information is vitally important to ensure we properly acknowledge our history and the dedication of our founding families.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 300 million members and is growing rapidly. It is easy to use and update, searchable, dynamic, global and has something for everyone; current and past students and staff, parents, grandparents and groups alike.

This edition of Connections recognises past students who are now parents of current students. There are currently 31 past students with 41 children attending ELTHAM College. This is a fantastic acknowledgement of the respect our alumni community has for their experiences at the school.

We strongly encourage everyone to join LinkedIn, create a profile and join the ExECS group where we can all connect, creating an extensive professional network.

We would also love to hear from you if you have any great ideas or new initiatives you would like to see ExECS embark upon. It’s easy to get in touch. execs




Get in contact Eltham Collegians Football Club Contact Ron Chapman - Club President on 0410 446 614, or visit

Research Eltham Collegians Cricket Club (RECCC) Contact Sebastian Fitzpatrick on 0497 839 609 or visit



Season 2014 will go down as a watershed year for the Old Eltham Collegians Amateur Football club (the Turtles), with our captain winning the VAFA Division 2 Best and Fairest and the club featuring on the front page of the VAFA record.

The 2014 / 2015 season was another great success for the Research Eltham Collegians Cricket Club with two Junior Premierships being won in the Under 12 and Under 14 age groups, and the Under 16s competing in the Semi Finals.

The highlight of the season was our seniors winning their first Division 2 semi final. The following week’s preliminary final was a battle, with the Turtles leading right up until the 10 minute mark of the final quarter, only to go down by 10 points to the ultimate Premiers.

Our senior teams performed well throughout the grades with our third Eleven making it through to the Grand Final, with Shannon Malone again being named in the Association Team of the Year.

This is the highest the club has finished in its history and with season 2015 well underway; this year the club is aiming to achieve a grand final berth and promotion to Division 1. The Turtles field two teams in the VAFA Division 2 and new members are always welcome. Membership is not only open to ExECS, but anyone who loves to play football. For further details go to www.elthamcollegiansfc. com or follow us on Facebook @elthamturtle

Season 2015/2016 is shaping up to be the biggest year in the association’s history, with many clubs recruiting quality cricketers from around the world ahead of a restructure of the competition in season 2016 / 2017. We look forward to another big summer of park cricket and would encourage players of all ages and skill levels to join in a wonderful community club. We are leaders in the development of girl’s cricket and have the first all-girls team competing in the Northern Region. Pre-season training and registration commences in August, with the playing season running from October-March. Club website: researchelthamcollegians.vic. Secretary Email:




BAILEYS CRÈME BRÛLÉE TART This indulgent tart is a beautiful dessert and great for a dinner party. It features on the Christmas in July menu at Swipers Gully Training Restaurant.

Baileys Crème Brûlée Filling:

Sweet Pastry: • 300g plain flour

• 150g butter

• 110g caster sugar

• 1 egg

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in eggs and flour and bring the mixture together. Wrap in cling wrap and allow to rest. Grease and line a 23cm/9 inch loose bottomed flan ring with the sweet pastry. Blind bake the tartlet case. Brown Sugar Meringue: • 2 large egg whites

• 100g caster sugar

• 100g soft dark brown sugar

• A pinch of table salt

Preheat the oven to 110°C and line two large baking trays with non-stick baking paper. Place the egg whites, both sugars and the salt in a large saucepan. Place the saucepan over a very low heat and melt the sugar. Cover one of your hands with a clean, disposable glove and mix the egg white mixture with you hand. By using your hand you can control the heat, as you should not heat the egg whites and sugar above 37°C. Continue to stir until the sugar has dissolved. Once the temperature has reached 37°C, transfer the mixture to the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with a balloon whisk, and whisk until stiff peaks form. Transfer the meringue mixture into a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle and pipe the meringue into 20 cent piece sized droplets (pulling the bag upwards to create peaks) onto the prepared baking trays. Leave sufficient gaps between each one as they will swell as they cook. Bake the meringues in the oven for about one hour or until they are dry. Check that they are cooked by touching their outsides; they are done if they are firm on the outside but still slightly gooey in the centre. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely on the baking trays.

• 600ml pouring cream • 100ml Baileys

• 6 egg yolks • 150g caster sugar

Preheat the oven to 150°C. Put the cream and Baileys into a small saucepan and heat until boiling. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until they are light and creamy. Pour the boiled cream into the egg yolk and sugar mix and whisk until combined. Allow to rest for a few minutes until the froth settles, or alternatively scoop the froth off. Pour the mixture into the prepared tartlet mould and bake for 45-50 minutes until just about set. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Store in the fridge until required. Poached Rhubarb: • 500g fresh rhubarb • 250g caster sugar • 250ml cold water Trim, wash and cut the rhubarb into 5cm long pieces. Place the rhubarb in a saucepan, then sprinkle over the sugar and add the water. Cover and bring to a gentle simmer, then cook gently for about 10 minutes or until the rhubarb is tender and soft, and the syrup has turned bright pink. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Once cool, use a slotted spoon to remove the poached rhubarb to a dish, then cover and chill in the fridge until needed. To Serve: Dust some caster sugar over the top of the tart and use a chef’s blowtorch to lightly glaze the top of the tart. Serve with poached rhubarb and brown sugar meringue. Enjoy!

TREAT YOURSELF AT SWIPERS GULLY RESTAURANT For great food and excellent value phone 9437 2222 for bookings.




Only the curious will have something to learn.

Children live in awe of everything around them. It is new. It is exciting. Their world is as big and limitless as their imagination can take them. ELTHAM Foundation’s Little Flyers Learning Centres, located in the CBD, Eltham North and Laurimar, are at the forefront of Early Childhood Education. We know that a child will learn most effectively when they are inspired, encouraged to be curious and feel supported – we create an environment that offers every child just that; an open ended learning environment which empowers children to discover and explore using sight, sound, touch, smell and even taste.

The National Quality Framework governs all practices of our centres. Using the outcomes of Identity, Community, Wellbeing, Learning and Communication, our educators aim to develop the whole child. Every child in our care knows that they belong, knows that they are respected and knows that they will be supported. Our role is not simply to answer a child’s question, but to nurture their curiosity and encourage them to find their own solutions. It is this partnership that will create effective learning into the future.

The children in our care are our partners in education. We learn together. The children decide what we learn and how we learn it. It is then up to our skilled educators to nurture the children’s ideas, encourage questions, scaffold learning and assist children to find the answers they seek.

John CitizenFiculiis ocusquod sus ggh fomnequam ocaetrae ocrivvdssoludam fbetilibut arid Catique in popotiu quit; 16



ECCA PARENTS SUPPORTING ELTHAM Highlights of events organised by the ELTHAM College Community Association (ECCA) – the College parent association.

ECCA ROUND UP MOTHER’S DAY Each year the College parent association (ECCA) host a variety of events to welcome students and parents to the ELTHAM College community. These events provide a wonderful opportunity to bring both new and existing families together at the start of the new school year. The Junior Years morning tea held on the first day is always a buzz of excitement as old friends reconnect and new friends are made. After completing their first week of classes, the Year 7 students, parents and staff take the opportunity to enjoy a Sunday afternoon BBQ and reflect on their start to the Middle Years program. Fun for the whole family occurs at the Junior Years Welcome Picnic held annually at the Eltham Miniature Railway. Train rides and face painting provide a great day for all.

John CitizenFiculiis ocusquod sus ggh fomnequam ocaetrae ocrivvdssoludam fbetilibut arid Catique in popotiu quit; 17

This year’s Mother’s Day Stall was a great success. The delight on the children’s faces as they scan the tables for the perfect present is truly wonderful to behold. There is a sensational atmosphere at the various tables of gifts, with all the children putting much thought and reflection into what would be most appreciated by mum. We are very thankful to the wonderful committee and volunteers who work hard in the months leading up to the stall, creating, decorating and even growing the gorgeous gifts for the students to select from. We hope that all our mums got to enjoy their special day.

TRIVIA NIGHT Even Andrew Lloyd-Webber couldn’t have conceived an event as grand as the 2015 musical themed Trivia Night. Our fabulous host “Mary Poppins” (aka Janet from Melbourne Trivia Company) entertained the crowd with witticisms and brain teasers. As the Age of Aquarius dawned, the Pink Ladies and T-Birds were facing-off against a table of Opera Phantoms, who were awarded Oscars for their academic performance as winning trivia table. The Lion King table roared while the Cats lapped up their milk and Whiskas. The gangsters from Chicago and Bugsy Malone flouted the 1920s prohibition laws for the evening and the Oklahoma! cowboys and girls worked the ranch. The champagne was flowing at Ascot for the refined My Fair Lady table (pictured above) who celebrated race day and their win for the Best Themed Table.


Friends of Groups

CHECKING IN WITH FRIENDS Find out more about the great activities our Friends of Groups have been involved in recently.







The 2014 season of tennis saw the Saturday morning juniors do well in Section 6, but just miss out on the finals. Well done to the boys whose commitment and fair play reects well on the ELTHAM community.

EC Waves continues to compete at local, state and national levels with great success. Our younger swimmers have also been learning the ropes and competing at many local Encouragement Meets.

ECCA Tennis enters teams in senior and junior competitions. The club is active three nights a week, and Saturday mornings during the two tennis seasons each year. We have terrific opportunities for younger junior players and even a few positions for seniors (anyone over 18). With the emphasis on participation, tennis is a great way to keep active and make friends. We also need leadership skills from parents within the College community to promote tennis as a great opportunity for ELTHAM students. With some commitment, a few organisational skills and a bundle of enthusiasm, you can help create the future tennis culture. For more information contact Mike Dove 0418 359 711.

Along with our monthly PB Challenges, including our last one on ELTHAM College Open Day, and social events, we provide our members with a comprehensive swimming and club program.

The ever growing Kayaking Team has been attending races and training in the College pool under the expert guidance of ELTHAM College graduates. With Olympian Warwick Draper, Australian Slalom Kayak Champion Alastair Anderson, together with Lewis Wylie, who has been training at the Penrith Whitewater Stadium and Tim Lau, who will compete in the Freestyle World Championships, our team really is in excellent hands.

A. Callum Northover B. Madison Borgeest, Jenna Fehring, Mia Taranto and Aimee Hart at EISM C. Ben Owen competing at Yarra Series 2 at Westerfolds Park

Many of our members represented the College this year at District and Regional levels in the Junior Years and EISM Meet and EISM Champions in the Middle and Senior Years. With over 60 competitive members, of which 25 are State and 4 are National representatives, our swimmers are well on their way to achieving their aspirations through their personal achievements. Find out more about EC Waves by contacting Kris Paterson at

The Kayaking Team has members from Year 5 to 12. Alec Watt, Ben Owen and Marcus Pelly have been standouts in the Under 16s in the local Yarra Series, while Oli Faulkner and Cambel Sheppard have been leading the way in the Under 12s. Ada Whitwell, one of our newest paddlers has also been achieving outstanding results. Students are encouraged to try out during lunchtimes at the College pool. The team will attend the Victorian Schools Event in September. Contact Warwick Draper friendsofkayaking@ for more information.



JUNIOR YEARS PLAYGROUND We are excited to share some images of our newly redeveloped Junior Years Playground. OďŹƒcially opened in July 2015 this wonderful area will provide a unique place for adventure, imagination, discovery and contemplation for our younger students.


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GET CONNECTED ELTHAM COLLEGE Enrolments and Tours: 03 9437 1421 Swipers Gully Restaurant : 03 9437 2222 Find us on Facebook. ExECS Enquiries 03 9433 9959 ECCA Enquiries 03 9433 9920 ELTHAM COLLEGE FOUNDATION Enquiries 03 9437 1421 LITTLE FLYERS LEARNING CENTRES Eltham North 03 9431 4947 Laurimar 03 9717 3741 Melbourne City 03 9614 3011 Kids on Collins 03 9629 4099 FRIENDS OF: Aerobics EC Waves Swimming Equestrian Football Great Victorian Bike Ride Hockey Kayaking Music Snowsports Tennis

Cover artwork by Kelly Peck.

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