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Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010• Año I • Nro. 11 • Edición 11 • 28 Páginas • Circulación Mensual



Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

BREATH DEEP and enjoy ......, a Breath of FRESH

AIR come to the Emerald Casino


Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010




Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

Publisher/Editor: Nancy Esteves

Nancy Esteves,

Pumpkins, Witches and Goblins, it’s just around the corner


alloween is one world’s oldest holidays and will parted find his or her way home. Relatives also tidy the be celebrated in many countries around the globe grave sites of deceased family members, including snipat the end of this month. Although I must admit ping weeds, making repairs and painting. The grave is then this is my least favorite holiday of all, around the world adorned with flowers, wreaths or paper streamers. Often, a people still love Halloween-- celebrated by trick-or-treat- live person is placed inside a coffin which is then paraded ing and outlandish costume parties that can be fun for all through the streets while vendors toss fruit, flowers and ages. Even as a kid I can remember not liking, not know- candies into the casket. On November 2, relatives gather at ing who was under the masked costumes. And even less, the gravesite to picnic and reminisce. Some of these gaththe indigestion and nightmares I got from all the candy. erings may even include tequila and a mariachi band alLater as a mom, going door to door and inspecting candy though American Halloween customs are gradually taking for hours really convinced me this was definitely not the over this celebration. Celebrating death dates back to early holiday for me. So who can we blame for bringing Hal- civilization. Pagan festivals celebrating death were comloween to America? It was monplace with the Incas and the Celts, although many of other civilizations long before the holiday’s main ideas acthe Celts came. During the tually originated from South Summer Solstice, which is the America. And in many SpanNovember in South America, ish-speaking countries in the Incas would parade out South and Central America, the bodies of their dead rulers Halloween is celebrated quite through Cusco’s main square differently; it is known as “El in their honor. When the Dia de los Muertos.” It is a Catholics came they altered joyous and happy holiday...a the festivities to pertain to imtime to remember friends and ages of Saints for All Saint’s family who have died. OffiDay. Many other rituals horcially commemorated on Norified the Catholic missionarHappy Halloween from Hola Caribe vember 2 (All Souls’ Day), the ies, but as hard as they tried, three-day celebration actualthey were unable to phase out ly begins on the evening of October 31. Designed to honor these traditions that have been celebrated for centuries. I the dead who are believed to return to their homes on Hal- must say the only part I like about Halloween is Pumpkins, loween, many families construct an altar in their home and which originated in the America’s as well. Today hundreds decorate it with candy, flowers, photographs, fresh water of varieties are found throughout the Andes and the Pumpand samples of the deceased’s favorite foods and drinks. kin, or Zapallo, is a favorite ingredient in soups, stews, and There are some, what we Americans would regard as, rath- many hearty dishes. Crema de Zapallo, pumpkin soup is er unusual traditions: Sometimes a basin and towel are left not only a favorite in Latin America but in the Caribbean out in order that the spirit can wash prior to indulging in too. I would much rather eat them than carve them! Happy the feast. Candles and incense are burned to help the de- Halloween from Hola Caribe Gerente General: Alfredo Esteves Directores Principales: Nancy y Alfredo Esteves. Mercadeo: Jennifer Rodriguez Director de Producción: Steve Keith. Portada: Rosalie Klein. Model: Berjheny Perez Diseñador: John Chacin, Noticias de Venezuela:Economía y negocios: Luis Prieto Oliveira Opinión: Eli Bravo. Nancy Esteves. Humor: Nelly Pujols Colaboradores de noticias locales Aruba: Rosalie Klein, Curacao: Guillermo Ortega, Bonaire: Oficina de Turismo.

Caldo de Cultivo

Oye como va


ace un par de semanas lloré, reí y me emocioné como nunca antes con una película. No exagero. For once in my life me sacudió y me hizo ver el mundo con otra sensibilidad: la de un grupo de músicos discapacitados que descubrieron su grandeza interior. Parálisis cerebral, retraso mental, autismo, ceguera, nada de esto ha impedido que la Banda Goodwill sea una celebración al lenguaje universal de la música, pero sobre todo, al poder del ser humano cuando se entrega de corazón. Goodwill es una empresa del sur de la Florida que entrena y emplea a personas discapacitadas para hacerlas independientes. En sus fábricas se hacen uniformes del ejército, banderas para funerales militares y se encartan suplementos para grandes diarios. Son muy populares por aceptar donativos que luego venden en sus tiendas de segunda mano como vía de financiamiento. Hace más de diez años, el venezolano Javier Peña les propuso crear un coro de empleados como una forma de terapia. Luego les enseñó a tocar un instrumento sin importar sus discapacidades. Los resultados de esta labor de amor, paciencia y empoderamiento son la columna de For once in my life, que nos sumerge en la banda y los preparativos para

Elí Bravo

Distribución: Aruba:, Curacao: FMF Courier & Hauling services, Venezuela: Dicvilpress

su primer gran concierto en Miami. Entre ensayos conocemos a los músicos y sus historias. Christian, el pianista ciego y autista, amante del jazz, que desea mostrarle al mundo su talento porque de niño le dijeron que sería un inútil. Melissa, la energética percusionista con Down cuya familia se niega a tratarla de manera distinta. Terry, el saxofonista de voz aterciopelada, ciego desde los 14 meses cuando su padre lo dejó caer al suelo y luego lo abandonó. O Juan y Jary, trombonistas gemelos con retraso mental que viven junto a su padre viudo. Todos ellos se entregan al poder transformador de la música con una intensidad conmovedora, y en el proceso, descubren la autoestima, el respeto y su dignidad como seres humanos. Tras ver la película, y asistir uno de los ensayos de la banda, confieso que todavía no se cómo expresar todas las emociones que estos músicos me han despertado. Es una de esas cosas que hay que experimentar en carne y corazón. No exagero: tienes que ver este film. Tú corazón latirá a otro ritmo. Conócelos visitando http://www.4onceinmylife. com/home.html

Tiara Air. Imprenta: Southeast Offset, Miami. Arte News/

PUBLICIDAD: Miami:786-487-4347. GerenteVentas Bonaire y Curazao: G. Ortega, +5999-517-6361

Representantes de venta: Aruba: Gwen Wever: 593-7366. Cartas a la editora: Hola Caribe no se responsabiliza por el contenido de los anuncios publicados en este medio. Prohibida la reproducción total y parcial sin autorización por escrito de sus Directores.

Publicidad Aruba

Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

Viva Lujosamente en una Isla Paraíso Luxury Living at an Island Paradise


ivi Resorts anuncia su último desarrollo en la isla de Aruba. Las residencias en el Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort! Hemos tenido gran éxito incrementando las ofertas de tiempo compartido en Aruba, sin embargo muchos de nuestros visitantes están solicitando la opción de ser dueños por completo en vez de semanalmente. Para satisfacer la demanda de poder vivir el año completo en un resort del Caribe, estamos ofreciendo ahora lujosos condominios a la venta total, en la residencias de Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort. Las residencias están ubicadas cómodamente en los suntuosos jardines que unen al Divi Aruba Golf course, colindante al nuevo Golf Villa y comparten las muchas amenidades del resort que conocen muy bien: 3 piscinas maravi-

llosas, 3 restaurantes, canchas de tenis, gimnasios con vista al mar y más! Cada residencia se puede conseguir totalmente amueblada, con tenues colores caribeños complementados con una bella madera oscura, la cocina está equipada con electrodomésticos en acero inoxidable y modernos gabinetes. Como siempre nuestros balcones privados les permiten disfrutar de las brizas y la hermosa vista de la isla. Si esta interesado en este excitante desarrollo, los invitamos a visitar nuestra oficina de ventas de condominios, en el 2nd piso que une al Divi Aruba clubhouse, al lado del restaurante Windows. Para concertar una cita llame al 297-735-5252/ 735-5300 o email a sales También nos pueden visitar en línea @


ivi Resorts is announcing its latest development on the island of Aruba - The Residences at Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort! We’ve had great success growing the timeshare offering in Aruba, however many of our visitors are now requesting a full ownership option rather than weekly accommodation. To meet this growing demand for a year round Caribbean resort lifestyle, we are now offering luxury full ownership condominiums, The Residences at Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort. The Residences are nestled within the lush greens of the Links at Divi Aruba golf course, adjacent to the new Golf Villas, and share the many amenities of the resort that you know so well: 3 sparkling pools, 3 restaurants, tennis courts, oceanfront fitness center, and more! Each Residence is available fully furnished, with cool Caribbean colors complimented by rich dark woods.


Kitchens are equipped with stylish stainless steel appliances, and modern conveniences. As always, our private balconies take advantage of soothing breezes and island views. If you are interested in this exciting new development, we invite you to visit our condominium sales office at the 2nd floor of the Links at Divi Aruba clubhouse next to Windows on Aruba restaurant. Contact us for an appointment at +297 735 5252 / 735 5300 or email us at sales@ . You may also visit us online at


Gente Latina


Gente Latina

Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

ennifer López será jueza de American Idol por 12 millones USD

Jennifer Lopez

Terminaron las exigencias de Jennifer López para ser jueza de la décima temporada de American Idol. Aunque hace unas semanas se había anunciado que no habían llegado a un acuerdo monetario, hoy se confirmó el contrato de

la cadena FOX con la esposa de Marc Anthony. La Diva de El Bronx firmó con la cadena por la nada despreciable suma de 12 millones de dólares, según lo dio a conocer una fuente cercana a la negociación. Luis Miguel reaparece: Estoy “encantado de estar vivo” Cinco meses después de que el mundo musical viviera la incertidumbre de saber si vivía o no, el cantante Luis Miguel reapareció radiante y sonriente ante periodistas y fanáticos para presentar su más reciente producción discográfica homónima. Lo que evitó a toda costa contestar fue sobre su rumorado regreso a los brazos de la modelo y conductora cubanoamericana Daisy Fuentes y de sus retoños, Miguel de 3 años y Daniel, de 2, fruto de su relación con la actriz Aracely Arámbula. “No voy a hablar de mi vida privada”, dijo simpleLuis Miguel mente.

Miss Venezuela hubiera escogido como Miss Universo a Donald Trump Tres semanas después de celebrarse el concurso de Miss Universo en Las Vegas, en el que la venezolana Marelisa Gibson no obtuvo ni siquiera un lugar entre las 15 semifinalistas, la reina habló por primera vez de su participación y no sólo confesó que su descalificación le produjo mucha tristeza sino que comentó que Osmel Sousa no le ha dirigido la palabra. Gibson, quien soñaba con llevarle a su país la tercera corona consecutiva de Miss Universo insinúo que la organización de Miss Universo ya tenía planeado no incluirla entre las finalistas y al preguntarle a quién le hubiera dado la corona, le lanzó una pulla al dueño del concurso. “Se la daría a Donald Trump. ¡No, mentira! Hice buenas Marelisa Gibson amigas”.

Paulina Rubio se retira unos meses para esperar a la cigüeña Luego de ser una de las invitadas de honor a las festividades del grito de México en la capital azteca, Paulina Rubio anunció que durante los próximos meses se retirará de los escenarios para esperar con tranquilidad la llegada de la cigüeña. La cantante, de 39 años, quien ya luce una pancita de seis meses de embarazo, se dedicará a preparar todo para el nacimiento de su hijo en noviembre próximo a quien bautizará con el nombre de Nicolás. Paulina y su esposo Nicolás Vallejo-Nájera están felices con su debút como papás y el próximo mes de octubre las amigas y familiares de la intérprete de “Causa y efecto” le harán su primer Baby Shower.

Paulina Rubio

Publicidad Aruba

Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010



Qué pasa Aruba

Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

A.R.C. Gloria Regresa a las Costas de Aruba…. A.R.C. Gloria returns to Aruba’s shores


Por: Rosalie Klein

no de los veleros más impresionantes y altos del mundo de la Armada de la Republica de Colombia, el A.R.C. Gloria visito a las islas de Aruba y Curaçao con sus marinos bajo el comando del Capitán Guillermo Laverde Rendon en el mes de Septiembre. La nave oficial de entrenamiento de la naval de Colombia acepto visitantes y a conducir una gira turística del barco mientras permanecía en el puerto de Oranjestad y Willemstad. La compañía constructora na-

val Española de Bilbao fue contratada en el año 1966 para construir este majestuoso y alto velero que una vez fue el soberano del mar. Su primera navegación fue en Septiembre de año 1968. El A.R.C. Gloria visito´ las dos islas en el año 2007 mientras regresaba de un entrenamiento navegando alrededor del mundo que le tomo casi un año. Después de pasar tres días en Aruba, el barco regreso a Santa Marta y luego al puerto de Barranquilla donde reclutaron nuevos estudiantes y los llevaron en una misión de entrenamiento a la isla de Curacao.


ne of the world’s impressive Tall Ships, of the Armada de la República de Colombia- the A.R.C. Gloria, visited the islands of Aruba and Curacao with fledgling sailors under the command of Captain Guillermo Laverde Rendon during the month of September. The official training vessel of the Colombian Navy, commissioned for the first time in 1968, accepted visitors while in ports of Oranjestad and Willemstad and conducted tours. The Spanish Naval Construction Company of Bilbao was contracted in 1966 to build this replica of the stately tall ships that once ruled the seas; its maiden voyage was in September of 1968. The A.R.C. Gloria first visited both islands in 2007 while returning from a training voyage that circumnavigated the globe taking nearly a year. Last month, after spending three days in Aruba, the ship returned to Santa Marta and then the ship’s home port of Barranquilla to take on new students, after which

they did a short training mission with a visit to Curacao. A regular crew of 70 along with 80 students welcomed visitors while in port to escort them around the environs of the ship and explain the routines of life at sea. The ship is 249 feet in length, (72.6 m), the beam measures 34.8 ft (10.6 m.) She draws 16 ft 4 in (4.4 m) with a rig length of 131 feet. When under full sail observers can see 23 sails unfurled. In the tradition of the classic windjammers and tall ships, the A.R.C. Gloria’s sails and rigging are worked only by hand, no winches are deployed. She is named after Mrs. Gloria Zawadsky de Revéiz, wife of the past Colombian Minister of Defense, General Revéiz Pizarro. Prior to the tours to the islands, A.R.C. Gloria had completed a training mission sailing around the full length of the South American continent and Cape Horn. During the voyage, the ship participated in a number of regattas with ships of similar design.

Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

Qué pasa Aruba

Festival Culinario de Chefs y Estudiantes en Aruba


Get ready for the Chef and Student Culinary Festival


Por: Rosalie Klein

l Hotel Talk of the Town y Beach Resorts es el anfitrión de celebres chefs que visitan la isla. El 7 de Octubre organizaran una espectacular cena preparada por los famosos chefs alrededor de su piscina. Este es un evento público y los boletos lo pueden comprar en el resort o en el EPI School. Aruba es el hogar de uno de los más reputable institutos culinarios del Caribe y están probando a sus estudiantes por segunda vez en esta competencia mundial de profesionales que les ofrecerán gran variedad de platos gourmets para que el público los pruebe. Nueve equipos de estudiantes participarán en este evento, cada uno de ellos auspiciado por un chef reconocido de uno de los finos restaurantes de la isla. De retorno este año como juez de creaciones culinarias estará presente Michael Michael Diehl, chef que atendió al famoso Tiger Woods en el East Lake Golf Club de Atlanta, también es el presidente de la Federación Culinaria Americana. Lo acompañaran en este evento los celebres chefs Christian “kit” Kiefer y el Chef Charles de Vries, los dos ganadores de premios internacionales. El festival comienza el domingo 3 de Octubre y culmina

el viernes 8 de Octubre con una exposición culinaria para el público y tomará lugar en el Renaissance Conference Center de 5 a 8 pm, seguido por una ceremonia de premios. Premios para el primer, segundo y tercer lugar, tanto reconocimiento especial por disciplina determinación y liderazgo serán entregados. Los profesionales de la isla que aceptaron auspiciar a los grupos son: Chef Gilbert Flemming del Restaurante Milano, Chef Jonathan Koolman de Chef Kelly Catering Services, Chef Scott de Aqua Grill, Chef Erwin Huskens de Screaming Eagle, Chef Ever de Pena de Cook’s Restaurante, Chef Oscar Steba de The Old Man and the Sea, Chef Darwin Torres del Westin Resort Aruba, Chef Vincent Ordonez del Holiday In Sunspree Resort, y Chef Gloria Ramirez del Marriott Resort Aruba.

Michael Diehl and Kit Carson


reativity in culinary arts rules Aruba during the first week of October with the second edition of the EPI Hospitality and Tourism Sector Chef and Student Culinary Festival. Aruba is home to one of the most respected culinary institutes in the Caribbean and they are putting their students to the test for a second time in a world class, professional level competition that will offer a number of gourmet dining experiences for the public. Nine teams of students are participating in the event; each mentored by one of Aruba’s renowned chefs from some of the finest restaurants on the island. Returning this year to judge the culinary creations is Michael Diehl, chef to Tiger Woods at the East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta and President of the Atlanta chapter of the American Culinary Federation-ACF. He is joined by last year’s celebrity chefs, Christian “Kit” Kiefer and Chef Charles de Vries, both international award-winning chefs. The festival began on Sunday, October 3 and finishes Friday, October 8 with a Culinary Expo for the public at the Renaissance Conference Center from 5:00 to 8:00

PM, followed by the awards ceremony. Entries are judged by four members of the ACF using international competition standards. First, second and third place awards as well as special recognition for discipline, determination and leadership will be presented. Island professionals who have accepted this year’s challenge to mentor the groups are Chef Gilbert Flemming of Milano Restaurant, Chef Jonathan Koolman of Chef Kelly Catering Service, Chef Scott of Aqua Grill, Chef Erwin Huskens of Screaming Eagle, Chef Ever de Pena of Cook’s Restaurant, Chef Oscar Steba of The Old Man and the Sea, Chef Darwin Torres of Westin Resort Aruba, Chef Vincent Ordonez of the Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort and Chef Gloria Ramirez of Marriott Aruba. `Talk of the Town is the host hotel of the visiting celebrity chefs and will also conduct a spectacular Celebrity Chef’s Cook-Out around their pool on Thursday, October 7. This is a public event; tickets are available at the resort or the E.P.I. School and proceeds will assist the school in continuing to provide a superior level of culinary training.

Haga Su Sueño Realidad

Make Your Dream Come True

anase un pasaje de regreso a Aruba mientras compra en el Renaissance Mall & Marketplace. Piense en esto, no seria maravilloso regresar a Aruba con unas vacaciones totalmente gratis en el Paraíso por el precio de una carrera de taxi? El Renaissance Mall & Marketplace se lo hace posible ya que ahora tiene una promoción por un año de una rifa cada tres meses donde les ofrecen la oportunidad de ganarse un paquete completo para dos personas que incluye pasajes, hotel y $500 para gastar. Para participar lo único que tiene que hacer es tomar un taxi desde su hotel y decir las palabras mágicas: lléveme al Renaissance Mall & Marketplace. Antes de bajarse del taxi en su destino, el centro de Oranjestad, dígale al taxista que les de los comprobantes de la campaña. Llévelos e introdúzcalo en la tómbola ubicada en el Renaissance Mall & Marketplace y cruce los dedos para la buena suerte! La espectacular rifa se llevara a cabo al final de 3 meses para los pasajes, hotel para dos y $500 dólares para gastar. Quién sabe, usted puede ser el ganador. Los ganadores serán notificados y los resultados de la rifa los podrán ver en línea. El Renaissasnce Mall & Marketplace es el principal centro de compras y de restaurantes en Aruba, no se les olvide de preguntar

in a Trip Back To Aruba while shopping at the Renaissance Mall & Marketplace. Think about it, wouldn’t it be great to return to Aruba for a fully paid vacation in paradise, for the price of a taxi cab ride?! The Renaissance Mall & Marketplace will make it happen, as it now offers a year – long promotion raffling a complete package for two, including airfare, hotel, and $500 spending money, every three months. To participate just hop into a taxi cab from in front of your hotel, and say the magic words: Take me to the Renaissance Mall & Marketplace. Just before getting off the cab at your downtown Oranjestad destination, ask your driver for campaign vouchers. Fill them out and drop them into the tombola located in the Renaissance Mall or Renaissance Marketplace, and cross your fingers for good luck! The spectacular raffle will take place at the end of three months for airfare, and resort accommodations for two, and $500 in spending money. Who knows, it might be you. Winners will be notified, and raffle results posted on line. The fun however has just begun. Your time in downtown Oranjestad will be well spent as the Renaissance Mall & Marketplace, is Aruba’s premier shopping and dining destinations. And don’t forget to ask for the mall’s discount booklets bursting with special offers and gifts, valued at more than $150, valid at stores, restaurants, bars, two casinos and a day spa. For your greater convenience, this upscale


por la cuponera con más de $150 dólares en ofertas y regalos que son validos en las tiendas, restaurantes, bares, los casinos y el spa. Para su conveniencia, este súper centro comercial abre de 10 am a 8 pm de lunes a sábado, para darle la oportunidad de comprar sin parar y disfrutar de unas vacaciones reposadas, paseando y curioseando. El Renaissance Mall tiene más de 60 tiendas, gran variedad de restaurantes y entretenimientos. En el mall podrán conseguir marcas famosas, tales como Gucci, Salvatore Ferragamo, Luis Vuitton, Cartier como muchas otras tiendas exclusivas. Si desean cenar les recomendamos L.G. Smith Steak House, Aquarius, y Chophouse donde le garantizan una gran cena. Para relajarse pasen por el Okeanos spa, si quieren probar su suerte entren al Crystal Casino, también pasen por el teatro Crystal donde podrán ver películas, boxeo, football, shows en vivo, conciertos, y exposiciones de moda. En el Renaissance Marketplace podrán conseguir varios restaurantes casuales, unos de los bares más populares de la isla, Starbuck Coffee, los cinemas, joyerías, agencias de viajes, tiendas de suvenir y música en vivo casi todas las noches. No importa a donde o porque viaja, siempre hay algo maravilloso que encontraran en el Renaissance Mall & Marketplace.


shopping Mecca is open from 10 am to 8 pm, Monday through Saturday, for non-stop, shopportunities and leisurely vacation strolling and browsing. Perfectly located in the heart of downtown Oranjestad, Renaissance Mall houses over 60 stores and offers an assortment of restaurants and entertainment options. The Renaissance Mall carries the latest collections of luxury brands such as Gucci, Salvatore Ferragamo, and Louis Vuitton, as well as other high-end lines and one-of-a-kind boutique fashions. The opening of Starbucks’ second location is sure to please shoppers needing a quick pick-me-up, while Aquarius and LG Smith Steak and Chophouse guarantee great dining experiences. An oasis of relaxation can be found at Okeanos Spa, while patrons looking for more exciting entertainment can try their luck at Crystal Casino or check out what’s featuring at Crystal Theater—from movie premieres and boxing, soccer, and football games to live shows, concerts, and fashion shows. The Renaissance Marketplace flaunts a great number of casual eateries and some of the island’s most popular bars including Aruba’s first Starbucks Coffee besides the state of the art Renaissance Cinemas, jewelry and souvenirs stores, a travel agency, beach and vacation gear shops and live music most evenings. No matter where or why you travel, there’s always something wonderfully new to be found at the Renaissance Mall & Marketplace.

10 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

Especial Aruba

Palm Beach y Oranjestad--La Diferencia es como el día y la noche!

De Compras en Aruba The difference is like night and day!

Aruba shopping in Palm Beach and Oranjestad


Story and Photos by: Rosalie Klein

nos de los placeres de viajar es el tiempo que pasamos comprando recuerdos y regalos para nuestros familiares, amigos y para nosotros también. Aruba les ofrece una gran variedad de tiendas y mercancía para aquellos que buscan grandes ofertas y rebajas desde marcas famosas hasta camisetas por libras. Después de pasar el día de compras en los centros comerciales, cualquiera puede regresar con las bolsas llenas y precios sorprendentes. Ustedes


ost see the time spent shopping for souvenirs and gifts for the folks at home as one of the great pleasures of traveling; for some, it will always be a chore. Aruba offers such a diversity of stores and merchandise that bargain seekers are bound to find what they are looking for, from famous designer brands to rock-bottom prices on tee shirts by the pound. After a trip to Aruba’s major shopping areas, anyone can return with shopping bags full of prize goods at surprising prices. You can choose to hop the bus to Oranjestad for only $2.50 round trip, or spend your time trolling the many malls that now populate the Palm Beach resort area. Each has its own distinctive flavor to attract window shoppers and bargain hunters alike, and both go well beyond stores laden with gorgeous garments to offer entertainment, dining and a taste of island culture. The principal and most noticeable difference between the two areas is night and day-literally! Oranjestad shops usually open anywhere from 8:00 to 9:00

pueden tomar el autobús para ir a Oranjestad por tan solo $2.50 ida y vuelta, o pasar su tiempo recorriendo los diferentes centros comerciales que se encuentra en Palm Beach en el área de hoteles y resorts. Cada tienda tiene su forma característica de atraer a los visitantes que andan curioseando las vitrinas o a los que andan en busca de una buena oferta. La diferencia más notable de estas dos zonas es literalmente como la noche y el día! Las tiendas en Oranjestad abren de 8 a 9 am hasta las 6 o 6:30 pm. Ofrecen gran variedad, desde tiendas de famosos diseñadores que las consiguen en el centro comercial Renaissance, como también podrán conseguir tienditas con mercancías y recuerdos con grandes rebajas en el mercadito que se encuentra al lado del muelle. En el centro se encuentran la mayoría de los joyeros aquí consiguieran muchas joyerías finas, tales como la tienda Effy y Colombian Emeralds, que ofrecen un buen

surtido de creaciones en oro, piedras preciosas y semi preciosas. La proximidad de estas tiendas es perfecta para poder comparar precios. Oranjestad les ofrece algo más que tiendas, en el centro de la isla se encuentran tres museos incluyendo a Fort Zoutman donde semanalmente el festival Bon Bini es presentado todos los martes por la noche. Alredor de la Bahía encontraran varios restaurantes con una vista diferente a la del área de los resorts, aquí podrán descansar y refrescarse mientras pasan el día de compras en la cuidad. Si prefieren pasar el día en las bellas playas de Aruba y disfrutar el mar caribeño, luego a la atardecer salir de compras, hay numerosos centros comercial que pueden visitar aparte de otros lugares para divertirse tales como en Paseo Herencia Mall donde pueden conseguir ropa bella en la tienda Havana Nines, Palm Beach Plaza, Hacienda Mall, South Beach Mall, the Village o Arawak Gardens,

todos estos están cerca de los resorts y hoteles en Palm Beach y en ellos también encontraran diferentes restaurantes, night clubs y eventos especiales cualquier día de la semana, particularmente en los días festivos. Casi todos estos centros comerciales abren alrededor de las 3 pm y cierran tarde. Además de mercancía de diseñadores famosos, joyerías, tiendas, vida nocturna con entretenimiento en vivo, y una increíble variedad de restaurantes tales como parrilladas, marisquerías, pizzerías, hacen que las noches de Aruba en Palm Beach sean excitantes e inolvidables. Disfrútenlo…

AM and stay open until 6::00 to 6:30 PM; a rare few close for lunch. The offerings are diverse, from chic designer stores which populate the Renaissance Mall, to bargain basement resort wear and souvenirs in the open air stalls along the wharf. Surrounding the main bus terminal is an area that could be dubbed Aruba’s Diamond District; as a multitude of fine jewelry stores offer stunning creations in gold, precious and semiprecious stones. The wily bargain hunter can make a day of finding the best buy for the brand name watch or a special piece that strikes their fancy. The close proximity of the shops is perfect for comparison shopping. Recommended Jewelry store of repute are Effy Jewelers and Colombian Emeralds where you will find great buys and excellent quality. Oranjestad also offers much more during the day than scores of stores; it is the historical center of the island with three museums located within landmark buildings including Fort Zoutman, where the weekly Bon Bini Festival takes place on Tuesday

evenings. The main streets of the city are filled with structures of historical content, and a stop by Aruba’s Monument Bureau will provide information and maps of what to see. Combine that with several restaurants surrounding the harbor providing a charming change of scene from the resort areas and perfect places to rest and refresh, and you have ample reasons for making the trip to town. If you just can’t be bothered to leave Aruba’s beautiful beaches, and prefer to spend your days gazing at the azure waters of the Caribbean sea, then the numerous shopping and entertainment centers in Palm Beach are ready to accommodate your after dark souvenir hunts! Night time is the right time for shopping at either Paseo Herencia, Palm Beach Plaza, Hacienda Mall, South Beach Mall, The Village, or Arawak Gardens. All are a pleasant stroll from the Palm Beach Resorts, and they provide plenty of dining choices, late night clubs, and special events any night of the week, particularly on holidays. Most shops within the

malls open at around 3:00 PM and welcome visitors until well after dark. You will even find a horse drawn carriage for a romantic ride past all the resorts. Designer goods, jewelry shops, nightly live entertainment and an incredible choice of ethnic dining along with steakhouses, barbecue, seafood and gourmet pizza joints make Aruba’s nights along the Palm Beach strip throb with excitement. The area is great for window shopping while strolling and enjoying the tropical trade winds. Numerous eateries take advantage of the balmy climate, offering outdoor dining in a European café ambiance, allowing guests to relax and enjoy the great show of humanity passing by. Quaint ice cream shops offer the perfect way to pass some time; and there are fabulous bargains to be found among the malls at the numerous pushcart type vendors. However you care to spend your day, or nights, if you are on the hunt for bargains and beautiful buys, Aruba principal shopping areas will suit you to a “T!”

Royal Plaza

Main Street Aruba

Palm Beach Plaza

Publicidad Aruba

Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


12 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


Un Día Perfectamente Balanceado en el Paraíso…

Bellas Playas y Fabulosas Tiendas

A perfectly balanced day in paradise


Beautiful Beaches and Favorite Things…

ada quien tiene un concepto diferente de cómo pasar un día balanceado en el Paraíso.Si se trata de unos días de vacaciones en cualquiera de las islas ABC, te sugerimos que consideres las necesidades de tu cuerpo y mente para que puedas relajarte y descansar. El mejor momento para comenzar el día es visitar una de estas hermosas playas de aguas cristalinas y brizas

Caribeña. Relájese, descanse; y disfrute de ese día tan ameno. Al atardecer podrán ir a comprar sus antojos favoritos y luego una buena cena en uno de los tantos y finos restaurantes y para finalizar el día visite uno de los tantos lugares nocturnos o valla a probar su suerte en uno de los casinos.…. Esta combinación nos da un día perfecto y balanceado en el Paraíso.

veryone’s idea of a perfect day in paradise is different. A perfectly balanced vacation day on the ABC islands should consider the needs of the body, soul and mind for complete rest and relaxation. What better way to start your day than enjoying the outdoor splendor of its breathtaking beaches, quite invigorating for the mind and soul

and later, an indulgent shopping spree for favorite things that suit your body. The combination … a perfectly balanced day in paradise. In the following pages we will show you what a perfect day is made of on the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao featuring the most beautiful beaches and their first class shopping for a perfect balance during your stay.



Amazing Aruba Beaches


urquoise Caribbean waters, cooled by constant trade winds and almost always sun guaranteed, Aruba’s beaches include a wide variety of amazing beaches, from quiet retreats, to great people watching and water sports galore. Much of the seven-mile strip along the west coast is lined with resorts and loaded with activity. Swimming, snorkeling, wind surfing, waterskiing, tubing, parasailing, banana-boating, and all kinds of wet ‘n wild adventures are only a blink away. In contrast, the beaches along the windward coast are in more secluded and undeveloped areas. Here unusual coves carved out of limestone and inlets have been formed by the persistent smashing of waves, all of which are in a unique desert setting. Because of strong undertow and crashing waves, swimming here is not recommended. But the beaches on Aruba’s wild side do afford tranquility, privacy and a unique natural setting. Both coasts offer spectacular Caribbean views and a day of true R&R. All beaches are open to the public. PALM BEACH The renowned two-mile-long strip houses spectacular high-rise hotels and plenty of water sports concessions, piers, beach bars, restaurants and shops. Calm waters make this a perfect haven for swimmers and snorkelers and great for kids. A romantic sunset is not to be missed and you can enjoy a candle-lit, barefoot dining on the beach. It doesn’t get any better than this…

BABY BEACH Baby Beach is located in Seroe Colorado at the southeastern end of the island. Baby Beach is a sandy stretch in a calm lagoon, and has a refreshment stand and huts great for families. The waters are shallow; swimmers can wade out for a long distance and still touch the sea bottom. Where the bay opens out to the sea, snorkelers can find coral and tropical fish, although there are some strong currents to beware of. Adjacent to Baby beach is Rodgers Beach, a narrow powdery white strip close-by, where fishermen anchor their boats. MALMOK BEACH Malmok Beach is a narrow sandy stretch with beautiful homes and a variety of windsurfing residences. Its shallow clear waters make it a very popular snorkeling spot and many of the sailing excursions stop there, it’s absolutely beautiful. Reefs and sunken wrecks nearby afford excellent diving. ARASHI BEACH Arashi Beach is located north of Malmok Beach. It skirts a winding road that leads up to the famous tourist sport, the California Lighthouse. This is a quiet narrow beach with huts and is favorite of locals, Arashi Beach has gentle currents and abundant underwater life, making it a great spot for snorkeling. EAGLE BEACH Eagle Beach is a popular public area right off the main road affording clear sparkling seas, shaded picnic areas, and a variety of water sports available. Several hotels are nearby and just across the road which some provide cabanas and lounges for their guests and you can also pay by the day if you are not a guest. I find the water in Eagle Beach truly refreshing and extremely clean. A walk alongside this beach is one of my favorite things

Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

to do when visiting Aruba. DRUIF BEACH Druif Beach, a long, narrow stretch of ivory sand, is home to the casual low-rise resorts. Here, rooms are just steps away from the relatively calm Caribbean waters. Though not too far from bustling downtown Oranjestad, Druif Beach is a quiet and relaxing spot for sunning. MANCHEBO BEACH Just past the low-rise resorts is Manchebo Beach, a very private, undisturbed area featuring a very wide stretch of flat powder white beach with the most amazing colors of the sea to be seen. It is truly breathtaking here. MOOMBA BEACH Alongside this beautiful restaurant, there is a quaint beach where you can hear nice tunes and enjoy great cocktails while you sun and swim. At night, it’s a majestic place to have dinner or drinks. HADICURARI BEACH Hadicurari Beach (Fisherman’s Huts) is a rocky strip out past the Marriott Aruba Resort, where windsurfers color the horizon with their sails. Once home to the island’s fishermen, it is a popular spot for surfing enthusiasts and competitions throughout the year. MANGEL HALTO Mangel Halto is located in Pos Chiquito on the southeast coast just south of the Spanish Lagoon. It is a perfect sunning and snorkeling spot with calm, shallow waters and surrounded by mangroves. It is a secluded beach area perfect for picnics with white powdery sand and huts for shade. An excellent shore diving site, here you can find an amazing variety of sea life. The reef plunges to depths of almost 110 feet. SAN NICOLAS


You have beautiful beach such as Boca Grandi, Urirama Beach, Beachelor’s Beach which are a bit off the beaten track and give you an opportunity to discover this lovely quaint city. MORE OFF THE BEATEN TRACK The Natural Pool, on the north coast, also known locally as Conchi, which is a formation that over the years after the ocean exploding against the rocks has hollowed out a natural pool. It’s a rough ride to get there and you will need a 4-wheel drive to get there but it is worth it to see the amazing volcanic rocks. DOS PLAYA BEACH ARUBA Dos Playa Beach in Aruba is on the eastern coast of the island. It’s a rocky shore with a sandy little beach and it’s a very rocky trip. The entire eastern side of Aruba is pretty rocky and if you are going to explore a Jeep. Swimming isn’t encouraged by Dos Playa. It is just a little too rough and wild for swimming, but you just might see some surfers while you are there.

14 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


Breathtaking Bonaire Beaches


ou won’t find miles and miles of white sandy beaches on Bonaire. They are more rustic and best of all, not crowded. Swimming on the tranquil leeward coast is very safe, but the east coast is rough and dangerous. Although the waters are sparkling and you’ll want to just dive in, be careful venturing barefoot as the jagged coral bottom can be sharp, and sea urchins if you step on them by accident, can be very painful, water shoes are definitely recommended and most beaches are open to the public. LAC BAY BEACH AND SORBON The water at Lac Bay Beach and Sorbon is only (2 ft.) deep, making it popular with families and windsurfers. In a protected area of Bonaire’s southeast coast, it boasts windsurfing concessions and snack bars on one end and quiet, safe shallow waters toward the point. Tranquil waters, a swimming paradise for everyone. Every weekend there are bands playing from two in the afternoon, drawing locals and tourists alike. Sorobon Beach Resort has always been a naturist resort. As of December 15th 2010 this will no longer be the case. They will open its doors to the general public and nudism will no longer be allowed. KLEIN BONAIRE

Klein Bonaire, less than a mile west of Kralendijk, boasts “No Name Beach”, which features Bonaire’s only classic white-sand strip. A water taxi from the town pier can take you there. No facilities are available and little shade, so bring water, a snack, and a coverup. Great diving and snorkeling can be enjoyed here so bring your gear. EDEN BEACH For a more traditional beach experience with all the amenities, try Eden Beach just north of Kralendijk has a lot to offer. The shallow water is loaded with marine life, so bring a snorkel and mask. The dive shop at the south end maintains a small pier from which you can spot fish, sponges, and coral. There is a restaurant and a beach bar that provides snacks and refreshments. 1,000 STEPS BEACH North of Kralendijk, stairs descend a limestone cliff which offers good snorkeling and diving. There are actually only about 75 steps down to the picturesque coves, but there are no facilities. BOKA SLAGBAAI Farther north, Washington-Slagbaai National Park boasts a number of beaches. Boka Slagbaai, once a plantation harbor is great for snorkelers. You’ll find a 19th-century building with bathro-

oms, showers, a restaurant and bar. Overnight rentals of a room or one of the historic buildings are available but it is very rustic. BOKA COCOLISHI The island’s northernmost beach, Boka Cocolishi, is a perfect spot to picnic, but it’s not safe to swim. Algae make the water lavendar, and the sand, formed by coral and mollusk shells, is black. The water’s treacherous at Playa Chikitu, but the cove, sand dunes, and crashing waves are secluded and beautiful. PLAYA CHIKITU. Located in Washington National Park, Playa Chikutu is beautiful, but swimming is forbidden due to the enormous waves. You would be swept off your feet right after you walked in due to a strong current that passes the island on the north coast, so stay safe and make sure to hold your children’s hands. BOKA KOKOLISHI Also situated on the North Coast, Boka Kokolishi is not suited for swimming, but it is a beautiful place to hike along the rugged shoreline with its typical round shaped pools made of lava stone. BOKA BARTOL This shore dive is the northernmost site in the Marine Park. Advanced divers may encounter strong currents. The recommended depth is from 20-80 feet, with interesting coral formations in the shallows. Many of the larger fish species abound. PLAYA FUNCHI Lying on the Westernmost tip of the island, Playa Fuchi is definitely worth visiting when you want to see iguana’s and lizards that roam around freely. It’s also one of the recommended sites for snorkeling. BOKA SLAGBAAI A beautiful beach, very rustic and rocky . There are buildings dating back to 1869 for the history

Caribbean Sea Jazz Festival Aruba Oct 8 &9



quí podemos apreciar a las competidora del campeonato 2010 de Body Building and Fitness de Centro América y del Caribe que se presento en Aruba recientemente. La representante de Aruba, Jeanette Keith, ganó la competencia en la categoría de 168cm plus y la enviaron a México a competir por el campeonato mundial. Suerte Jeanette…..

Bassist Marcus Miller

he fourth Caribbean Sea Jazz Festival will take place on October 8 and 9, with a weeklong pre-heating warm-up preceding the festival held at Cas di Cultura. Names like Issac Delgado, the salsa virtuoso, Tizer with international violin virtuoso Karen Briggs, bassist Marcus Miller, Cosy Cotton with singer Grana Louise and the big band Swing Design will be the festival’s headliners. Bassist Marcus Miller is best-known for working with trumpeter Miles Davis, singer Luther Vandross and saxophonist David Sanborn. This all-round wizard musician is playing the keyboards, saxophone and guitar as well as the clarinet. Style, soul and intense professionalism have kept him on top of his game for the past three decades. Marcus Miller has won numerous Grammy Awards as a producer. Coming from a musical family, Marcus began writing songs at an early age and he be-

buffs. PLAYAYA FRANS At the North Point near Slagbaai. It’s hard to reach but definitely worth the effort. A very intimate place, with a calm surf. BACHELOR BEACH Just a few hundred yards south of Playa Mangel is a staircase that leads to a thin strip of sand and a really great place for a swim. PINK BEACH A great place to snorkel, picnic or scuba dive. It can be reached by car, taxi or bike. The flamingo pink bus stops here every day if you would like to get a ride there. THE PLAZA RESORT BONAIRE BEACHES The Plaza Resort Bonaire Beaches are a great spot to shore dive and one of the nicest beaches. Nice restaurants and great views.

came a top call session musician in his early twenties. In the late ‘70’s he was a member of the Saturday Night Live band and he toured in Europe and Japan. By now, Miller’s touch on the bass can be heard on more than 500 albums, among them those by Herbie Hancock, Mariah Carey, Frank Sinatra, Chaka Khan, Elton John, Dr. John and Aretha Franklin, just to name a few top-notch artists. For more information, visit: http://


hown here are the competitors of the Central American and Caribbean Body Building and Fitness Championship 2010 that was recently held in Aruba. Jeanette Keith won the Championship of the category 168 cm plus and went to Mexico to compete for the World Championship.

Photos by: Steve Keith


Cozy Beaches of Curaçao


lmost all Curacao beaches are scattered along the sheltered and calm picturesque southwestern coast. At some beaches admission is charged. Curacao has more than 30 public and private beaches, from intimate quiet coves to happening beaches. The northern coast is quite beautiful but not recommended for swimming. BOCA SANTA CRUZ The mangrove swamp surrounding this wide beach is less than ideal for snorkeling but is great bird-watching. Some shade and there’s a small bar and restaurant . From there you can take a water taxi to small secluded private beaches such as Love Beach, Santa Pretu, or Playa Hula -- places that can only

be reached by boat. BOKA ST.MICHIEL Small boats line the bay of this quaint fishing village just west of town. The dive club on the pier has public restrooms and a restaurant. The small beach, also known as Boka Sami, has no shade and little sand, but lovely water, a small fishing pier. There are a couple of modest seafood restaurants nearby. You can also explore the salt marsh or climb a trail that runs up the hill to the west of the beach. CARACASBAAI The beach is made of coarse sand and pebbles and is popular for snorkeling and diving because it’s part of the underwater park. There are several small restaurants, the

Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

water is usually calm and the admission is free. The nearby Baya Beach Club is not free of charge. CAS ABAO Cas Abao has a lovely white sandy beach, crystal clear waters, palm trees and many gazebos for shade. The beach combines a natural rustic setting and has the conveniences of a full service beach. Cas Abao is ideal for swimmers of all ages and its reefs are great for snorkelers and scuba divers. There is a bar, restaurant, showers, massage facility and dive shop and is open daily. DAAIBOOIBAAI A small bay close to town, this beach has good snorkeling along its rocky ledge and a small fishermen’s cove. Pergolas provide adequate shade and there is also a snack bar. JAN THIEL BEACH Is a beautiful open bay, which has excellent diving and snorkeling. Jan Thiel Beach, a great family beach, is located in a new upscale residential area east of downtown. It features a full service dive operation and children-friendly wading area resembling a swimming pool and a small waterpark. There’s also a restaurant that serves food and drinks right on the beach. JEREMI A very quite cove, this is a great location for a real escape from the public but does not offer amenities and no entrance fee. KENEPA These two beautiful coves are among the island’s most popular beaches. Intimate Playa Kenepa is partly shaded by trees. The


snack bar is open on weekends. KLEIN CURACAO Curaçao’s longest and whitest beach is on Klein Curaçao, an uninhabited island eight miles off the southeast coast. Dive operators and charters take passengers out to the huge volcanic rock for beach parties, cookouts, and great diving. The shore is covered in soft white sand and the water is crystal clear. The northeastern side routinely has calm water with gentle waves. You can only reach by boat or helicopter with a little choppy ride but the powder white beach with the ultimate tranquil setting is well worth the ride even though it’s about two hours away.

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EST POINT BAY PLAYA FORTI The view from above Playa Forti is picture perfect, with the small fishing boats and a splendid view of the island’s western tip. Here you’ll find tiny smooth pebbles beach and almost no shade. There are several snack bars and a restaurant at the parking area above Curacao Playa Forti. KNIP BAY Following the road from West Point to Willemstad, you will find Knip Bay which is made up of two tiny coves which can be reached by two trails from the main road. The area abounds with cliffs and beautiful marine and crystal clear waters. PLAYA KALKI Heading west you will this small cove is popular for snorkeling and diving, and has a roped-off area with a floating platform. It is located down steep stone steps from the parking area. PLAYA LAGUN Fishing boats gives this narrow cove a panoramic view. The water is very calm and shallow near shore, with excellent snorkeling. Children will be able to don a mask and see the fish without going in over their heads. There is ample shade. A small snack bar is open on the weekend.

PLAYA PISKADO OR PLAYA GRANDI This tiny fishermen’s beach is also popular for snorkeling and diving. Some shade. A small snack bar is open on the weekend. VARSEENBAAI A Beach for good swimmers, snorkelers and divers that is just west of town. Small children will find entrance to the water difficult, but will enjoy the small play area, wading pool, pier and, and a diving platform. The seaside bar has a large covered terrace. PLAYA PORTO MARI Playa Porto Mari is a beautiful sandy bay to be found on the private estate of “Porto Mari” on the west coast. Its boasts white coral sand beach, with clear and calm water. The unique reef is easily accessible from the shore, providing a fascinating snorkel and dive site. There’s a dive operator at the BEACH AND TWO NATURE TRAILS. Playa Porto Mari is open every day and the beachside bar and restaurant offer visitors a variety of delicious tropical drinks and meals. Open daily. SEA AQUARIUM BEACH East of Willmestad is the Sea Aquarium Beach where you will find the Mambo and Kontiki beaches offering food, fun and entertainment. This beach, right next door

Especial/Special to the Sea Aquarium has all facilities, palm trees and beautiful white sand. During the day it’s the perfect place for children to play in the shallow water. There are shops and several bars, as well as facilities for all watersports. The beach is popular with families and young people. On the weekends it can be a crowded hotspot. There are concerts and even movies on the beach. Caracas Bay and Baya Bay, which are adjacent, is a place where locals meet on the weekend too.

BARBARA BEACH, is where the new Hyatt Regency is and is a very relaxing and spectacularly beautiful property not too be missed while on Curacao. BLUE BAY BEACH Blue Bay Beach is a large shady beach just northwest of Willemstad, near the village of Sint Michiel, with lots of facilities There is a children’s playground, a fairly large pool, and showers. On Sundays they feature a barbeque lunch. An admission fee for Blue Bay, Curacao is charged.

De compras/Shopping curaçao

Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


Terapia de Compras en Curaçao


E COMPRAS EN PUNDA Punda siempre ha sido la principal área de compras de Willemstad. Más allá del puerto las calles eran angostas y había casas y tiendas. Hoy, las calles peatonales de Punda Curazao tienen una atmósfera pintoresca Holandesa con muchas tiendas convenientemente ubicadas en una misma área. Podrá sacar excelentes fotos mientras camina por una de las más hermosas ciudades del mundo. Las graciosas callecitas y callejones, llenas de vida y de color lo llevarán a comercios de calidad. Encontrará una maravillosa selección de ropa europea, perfumes franceses, la tienda de electrónicas Boolchand’s, cristalería irlandesa, porcelana inglesa, fino cuero italiano, manteles chinos de lino bordados, batik indonesio, accesorios y más. En joyería hay de todo lo mejor y para buenas compras deben de visitar a Effy Jewelers. Horarios Las tiendas abren normalmente de lunes a sábado de 8:00am a 12:00pm y de 2:00pm a 6:00pm. También podrán cruzar el puente flotante hasta Otrobanda y caminar hasta el Renaissance o Rif Fort Village para seguir comprando!

EL MALL DE RENAISSANCE En el nuevo Renaissance Mall conseguirás todas las marcas de lujo y al lado tienen el Rif Fort con una variedad de todos tipos de tiendas, buenos restaurantes y sitios nocturnos. En el Renaissance Mall encontraran bellezas en ropa y joyería y allí se encuentra a Colombian Emeralds que tiene muy buenos precios en prendas finas. También no dejen de visitar a la tienda de ropa de sport, Totto, que siempre tienen algo nuevo y lindo. Después pueden disfrutar de una buena cena, un café y tragos también. SALIÑA SHOPPING EN CURACAO Después de Punda, Saliña es considerada el área comercial más grande Curazao. Ubicada en el centro, Saliña consiste en varias áreas de compras donde usted puede adquirir todo, desde hardware, autos, libros. Las tiendas están situadas a cierta distancia unas de otras, de manera que la forma más eficaz es de ir en auto. Saliña Gallery es un pequeño centro de compras con tiendas exclusivas ubicadas en el centro de Saliña. Este centro es multicultural. Sus casas de arquitectura europea son el lugar físico de muchas tiendas. Las Galerías Saliña ofrecen buena ropa euro-

pea. Para acompañar su compra de ropa tiene una preciosa tienda de lingerie, dos tiendas de zapatos, perfumes y cosméticos, y también una joyería. Horario de Compras Las tiendas abren normalmente de lunes a sábado de 9:00 a 12:30 y de 14:30 a 18:30. PROMENADE SHOPPING CENTER EN CURAZAO El Promenade Shopping Center, con sus modernas y atractivas tiendas, está ubicado a tan solo diez minutos de los hoteles céntricos en Piscadera Bay. Usted podrá disfrutar de tiendas para todas sus necesidades de compra. Las tiendas en el Promenade Shopping Center reflejan esa atmósfera, ofreciendo una amplia variedad de productos de las marcas internacionales más importantes. Encontrará moda para damas, caballeros, ropa de marca para niños, zapatos de España, Italia y Holanda; joyería y relojes de Suiza; y ropa de playa, ropa íntima de mujer y también masculina. Horarios Las tiendas abren normalmente de lunes a sábado a su horario habitual de 8:00am a 12:00pm y de 2:00pm a 6:00pm.

ZUIKERTUIN MALL Este Mall antes era una hacienda colonial que ha sido transformada en una boutique mas sofisticada. Hay muchas tiendas de ropa chic con marcas famosas. También tiene un restaurante donde se podrán tomar un “koffie” Holandes.

18 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

De compras/Shopping curaçao

Shopping Therapy Curacao Style



Punda has always been the main shopping area of Willemstad. Walking in this quaint Dutch- looking city, you will find some great picture taking moments. The charming little streets and alleys are full of life and color and aver very picturesque. You’ll find a vast selection of European clothing, many reputable jewelry stores with all the major international name brands from Rolex to Chopard and great buys in affordable jewelry collections available at Effy Jewelers. If it’s electronics you fancy, your will find great buys and all the latest at Boolchand’s. Keep walking and you will find even more beautiful things Irish crystal, English china, fine Italian leathers, Chinese embroidered linen tablecloths, Indonesian batik clothing and accessories, and lots and lots of wonderful perfume and cosmetics. The shops are normally open from Monday to Saturday, and the regular opening hours are 8:00am - 12:00pm, and from 2:00pm – 6:00pm.


If you still have the energy, you can cross the unique floating bridge in Otrobanda and walk over to the Renaissance Mall and the adjacent Rif Fort Village where there’s lot more to see an a great place to walk around even at night. Shopping, dining, entertainment…it’s all there. Exclusive shopping, the finest restaurants and an exciting nightlife too . All this is nestled within and around the historic setting of the Rif Fort Village, a 19th century landmark designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here you will also find a gorgeous restaurant with a spectacular breathtaking view right on the water, Bistro le Clochard, featuring amazing cuisine. At Renaissance Mall & Rif Fort Village, you will find many stores that carry internationally renowned brands in addition to quaint local shops too. You’ll find the latest fashion, accessories, fragrances, jewelry, unique souvenirs and lots more. You must visit Colombian Emeralds at the Renaissance as you will find excellent buys on quality jewelry. For great sports clothes, you should visit Totto,

they always have a great selection of adorable sportswear and are located at the Rif Fort. And with also a variety of restaurants and bars you can have a coffee break, a quick bite, or even a romantic candlelight dinner. SALIÑA SHOPPING

After Punda, Saliña is considered the biggest shopping area in Curaçao. Centrally located, Saliña consists of various small shopping areas where you can purchase anything from hardware, cars, to books. Shops are situated some distance from each other, so you really need a car. Saliña Galleries is a mall with exclusive shops located in the center of Saliña. The mall has a multicultural flair. Its European architecture houses a variety of shops. It offers great buys in European clothing, lovely lingerie store, shoes, perfume and cosmetics, and jewelry too. Shopping Hours The shops are normally open from Monday to Saturday, and the regular opening hours are from 9:00 till 12:30 and from 1:30 till 5:30. PROMENADE SHOPPING CENTER

Promenade Shopping Center, has modern and attractive stores and is located just 10 minutes from downtown hotels at Piscadera Bay. The stores in Curacao Promenade Shopping Center reflect a European atmosphere, offering a wide range of goods and featuring many international brands. You’ll find stylish European ladies’, men’s, and children’s brand fashion; shoes from Spain, Italy, and Holland; jewelry and watches from Switzerland; and beachwear, lingerie, and men’s underwear. You’ll find stores featuring bed & bath and luxury gifts from Europe and Asia. The shops are normally open from Monday to Saturday, and the regular opening hours are 8:00am - 12:00pm, and from 2:00pm – 6:00pm. ZUIKERTUIN MALL

The once impressive colonial plantation has been transformed into a sophisticated boutique mall. There are many chic sportswear stores with all the famous brand names. There is also a nice restaurant where you can enjoy an afternoon Dutch “koffie”.


Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


Octubre 2010

ARIES: del 21 de marzo al 20 de abril Debes tener cuidado, has conocido a una persona que te parece perfecta, pero el empeño que pone en tratar de conocer todo sobre ti es como para asustarse. Dos influencias opuestas, confluyen para proporcionarte la energía coordinada que necesitas para salir adelante. TAURO: del 21 de abril al 20 de mayo Es la oportunidad de demostrar tu buen corazón y espíritu solidario. Te moverás por breve tiempo en ambientes refinados donde tu intuición te permitirá cultivar nuevas relaciones. Un escándalo puede acechar a tu reputación. Mantén tu vida privada a salvo de la curiosidad pública. GEMINIS: del 21 de mayo al 20 de junio Te sentirás con más energía y ánimo después de alejarte un poco de los problemas. Para evitar males mayores, cuida todo lo que dices. Más de una unión afectiva en tu vida podría resultar verdaderamente desastrosa. Tienes que ser prudente.

CANCER: del 21 de junio al 22 de julio Acércate a tus allegados, quienes te aprecian necesitan mayor comunicación contigo. Te involucrarás en una situación excitante, agradable y muy entretenida relacionada con nuevas amistades, pero un poco de cautela te mantendrá en paz. Trata de relajarte. LEO: del 23 de julio al 23 de agosto Ábrete al amor y propicia el diálogo con las personas que amas. No caigas en gastos innecesarios. No arriesgues lo que te has ganado con tanto esfuerzo. En esta etapa todo se presenta propicio para las reconciliaciones dentro del entorno familiar.

VIRGO: del 24 de agosto al 23 de septiembre En la oficina pueden darse cambios drásticos. Tómatelo con calma y deja pasar la tormenta. Todo se acabará resolviendo a tu favor. Eso te permitirá conservar lo más importante que es la salud. Evita los estallidos de cólera o de ira.

LIBRA: del 24 de septiembre al 23 de octubre Disfruta del aislamiento y la soledad. Esos momentos influirán positivamente en tu tranquilidad. Los intereses de tu pareja y los tuyos, son los mismos. Juntos forman la mejor sociedad; por eso tienes que darle prioridad a los asuntos que convienen a ambos. ESCORPIO: del 24 de octubre al 22 de noviembre Promueve reuniones familiares, tendrás la oportunidad de comprobar quiénes son tus aliados naturales. Si observas algo extraño en un rincón de tu casa o en tu lugar de trabajo, elimínalo. Preferiblemente arrójalo a una corriente de agua. No gastes más de lo necesario. SAGITARIO: del 24 de noviembre al 23 de diciembre No pretendas convertirte en la persona más sociable del mundo pues eso te traerá gastos y compromisos que no podrías atender. No se avizoran, por lo pronto, preocupaciones de orden económico. En el trabajo, vigila tu retaguardia.

CAPRICORNIO: del 24 de diciembre al 20 de enero Sientes una gran atracción por ideas o actividades humanitarias, espirituales y esotéricas. Aprovecha ese sentimiento para reflexionar, organizar tu trabajo y tus estudios. Un pequeño viaje de placer o de trabajo facilitará el diálogo y el intercambio de información. ACUARIO: del 21 de enero al 19 de febrero Tu relación amorosa vive una etapa muy fructífera En el trabajo, algunos de tus compañeros no ven con buenos ojos tu determinación de triunfar. Si sientes que todos los caminos se te cierran busca de inmediato una ayuda espiritual. Acude a una persona experta. PISCIS: del 20 de febrero al 20 de marzo Mucho cuidado con abrirte excesivamente a una persona. No descartes la posibilidad de un viaje inesperado. Es hora de comenzar nuevos proyectos. No te quedes encerrado en ti mismo. Toma el control de tus propios asuntos y procura no depender de la actuación de los demás.



October 2010

ARIES: 21 March - 19 April

Close relationships continue to be in focus this month, dear Aries. Emotions run close to the surface midOctober, when the Moon is full in your sign. You may also see the culmination or ìfruitsî of a personal project at this time. The last week of the month is excellent for resolving communication problems that youíve been enduring as of late. A partner is coming around, and sexuality is stronger than usual. The uncovering of important information occurs on the 1-2. The 26-27 is good for foreign affairs and education. The 29-31 is excellent for career and business income.

TAURUS: 20 April - 20th May

Relationships heat up in October, dear Taurus. Relationships are vivacious and dynamic--full of conflicts and resolutions. You are taking things quite personally now, and something that someone says or does now can easily rile you up. A tendency to be more accident-prone could be due to stress or physical exhaustion. Rest and relaxation are especially important now, and events around the Full Moon on the 14th will certainly give you reason to take some time off. Better days for personal magnetism are the 6-8 and 31.

GEMINI: 21 May -21 June

Daily activities, work, and health routines step up this month, dear Gemini. Perhaps you have a larger workload than usual, or your work environment is especially spirited. While you might be busy reworking (or rewording) your creative projects in the first two weeks of October, after the 18th, the creative juices flow smoothly again. Communications with a lover or children improve after this date as well. A friend needs your help around the Full Moon on the 14th. Career and creative opportunities are strongest on the 29-31.

CANCER: 22 June - 22 August

Romance blossoms and thrives this month, dear Cancer. Your special style is appreciated by the rest of the world. You have many admirers! Existing or new relationships sizzle. Your creativity is also above par. Itís an excellent month for entertainment, hobbies, and play time. Itís a good time to do something that requires additional bravery or courage, as some of your inhibitions are released and you are living more spiritedly. Competitive activities, such as sports or business, thrive in October. Career and reputation matters require extra attention around the 14th.

LEO: 23 August - 22 August

Your home life is especially busy and sometimes hectic this month, dear Leo. Arguments with, or on behalf of, family members could be part of the picture, but conflict resolution is bound to be quick and relatively easy. Excess energy is best channeled into constructive home improvement projects. After the 18th, communication problems and red tape seem to clear up, and itís all systems go. The 8-9 is an excellent period for recognition. On the 13-14, money youíve been waiting for could arrive; and the 30-31 is also strong for financial matters.

VIRGO: 23 August - 22 September

Dealing with private matters and personal finances are big themes for you in October, dear Virgo. You could find that your phone is ringing off the hook, personal emails and invitations are abundant, and more than the usual errands need to be run. Communication problems ease after the 18th, and financial matters improve significantly at the same time. Youíll have to deal with overspending on personal pleasures around the 6th and 14th. A stellar period for personal relationships and intimate matters occurs on the 2931, when your personal charm is strong.

LIBRA: 23 September - 22 October

Friends are there for you, and have your best interests at heart, in October, dear Libra. From the 18th, you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and others are beginning to understand you better. Your desire to “plump” your nest this month is strong, and impulsive spending should be watched for. Nevertheless, itís a month in which gifts and income boosts are more likely to come your way, particularly around the 6-8. Better days for romance occur on the 9-10, but disappointments are likely on the 11th.

SCORPIO: 23 October - 21 November

With fiery Mars entering your sign this month, you are making a strong impression, dear Scorpio, and you are enjoying increased energy and stamina. You simply canít sit still in Octoberóyouíre always on the go. Work finds you, whether this means job offers or increased demands from co-workers, particularly around the Full Moon on the 14th. Despite this scurry of activity, much is going on behind the scenes this month, and taking a break from the routine is in order. Power days this month occur on the 1-2, 6-8, and 21-22.

SAGITTARIUS: 22 November - 21 December

Your social calendar is busy this month, dear Sagittarius. Romance is private and may involve making some personal sacrifices, although your charm skyrockets after the 18th, when the planet of love, Venus, enters your sign. Itís a time when job offers come to you and friends find you. Friends tend to have your best interests at heart. A romantic revelation occurs around the time of the Full Moon on the 14th. Stability in career, money, and other practical matters continues this month. The 26-27 boosts vitality and personal charisma.

CAPRICORN: 22 December - 16 January

These days, you are more willing to take matters in your own hands. The ball is in your court now and in the next few months, dear Capricorn. Your desire to go after your wildest dreams is strong. New developments on the domestic front capture your attention mid-month, but professional and public matters are more in focus in October. Social interactions are especially spirited this month, and romance may be found amongst your circle of friends or in other group settings. The 6-7 is excellent for career, business income, and romance.

ACUARIUS: 20 Janurary - 18 February

Career matters keep you on your toes this month, dear Aquarius. Communication plays an especially big role in your job just now, so keep it fresh and interesting. Youíre feeling adventurous and desirous of a break in the routine, and you should do just that! Delays encountered with regards to travel or education lift by mid-month. Itís time to reach for the stars. Romance sizzles after a few minor misunderstandings on the 9-10. An excellent period for career, communications, and money occurs on the 30-31.

PISCES: 19 February - 20 March

Research, investigating, and getting to the bottom of matters are in focus in October, dear Pisces. You are especially perceptive and drawn to all that is taboo, hidden, or mysterious. Your personal stores of energy run high. A partnerís affairs move forward and news about loans or taxes arrives from mid-October forward. Money might come from foreign or faraway sources, publishing, or educational matters this month. A positive experience regarding your work arrives on the 13-14; money comes to you on the 1719; and the 29-30 is strong for partnering, sharing, and intimate discoveries.

20 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

Qué pasa Bonaire

De Compras en Bonaire Shopping on Bonaire


na de las cosas que no se consigue en Bonaire son tantos negocios vendiendo las mismas baratijas y suvenires que nunca cambian de precios. Lo que si conseguirán son comercios en la calle principal, unos cuanto mini malls y bastantes establecimientos interesantes fuera de la zona principal. Cada tienda es inusual y mantienen un inventario de mercancía con precios competitivos y los importan de Estados Unidos y Europa. No solo hay buenas tiendas en el centro, los resorts también tienen sus tiendas don-

de podrán comprar relojes, hay un distribuidor autorizado de Rolex, joyerías que venden oro, quesos holandés, tabacos cubanos que lo podrán disfrutar en la isla, (no se pueden exportar a USA), y bajillas finas a precios razonables. Chequeen nuestra artesanía de artistas locales. Muchas de las tiendas tienen productos hechos a mano localmente y pueden llevárselos como recuerdo de la isla, pinturas, tarjetas, cerámica, pescados pintados, prendas, muñecas de la isla como también prendas de oro de buena calidad.


ne thing that you won’t find on Bonaire are endless shops selling the same trinkets and souvenirs at ever changing prices. What you will find is a main shopping avenue, a few mini malls and lots of interesting establishments tucked away just a bit off the main drag. Each store is unique and stocks merchandise that is competitively priced with goods from the United States and Europe. And, fine shopping is not limited to town. The resorts also have an array of stores. Watches, authorized Rolex dealer, gold jewelry, Dutch cheese, Cuban cigars (enjoy them on-island, not importable into the USA) and fine china can be found at reasonable prices there as well. Check out its local artists and craftsmans. Many

of the gift shops carry locally made items that could be your perfect Bonaire memory - paintings, prints, cards, ceramic tiles, painted fish, costume jewelry, island dolls, and even high quality gold jewelry.

Extrema Carreras de Bicicletas en Bonaire Bonaire X-treme Duo Mountain Bike Race


a competencia de bicicletas comenzara el domingo 24 de Octubre a las 7:00 am. Estas carreras son muy populares en Aruba y Curacao y ahora en Bonaire. Carreteras de una sola via y de tierra cubrirán el 90% en los 75 km de la carrera. El terreno es diverso incluye carreteras de una sola vía en el Washington National Park, pistas de coral por Lagoen y Bolivia y una pendiente por Seru Largu. Los participantes deben tener un equipo de dos ciclistas. Los dos deben terminar la carrera y el tiempo del competidor que termine de segundo es el que cuenta para el equipo. Premios serán otorgados a los cinco primeros equipos, como también se les entregaran trofeos y efectivo. Hay cinco categorías: Damas de edades combinadas entres los 50 y 100 años, caballeros lo mismo. Juveniles de edades combinadas entre 50 o menos, y los seniors de edades combinadas de 100 o más. Los premios para las damas son $400, caballeros $600 y combinados $200. Los participantes deben registrase por adelantado ya que el día de la competencia no habrá registración. Pueden registrarse por email, mencionando el nombre de su equipo, país de origen el nombre de los competidores a Los participantes que lleguen a Bonaire los recogerán en el aeropuerto y luego serán transportados al hotel. El precio de entrada es de 50 fl o $30 por pareja. La carrera comenzara en la calle principal de Sabadeco.

El Divi Flamingo Hotel los recibirá el viernes 22 de Octubre y Sábado 23 de 5 a 7 pm donde los participantes podrán registrarse. El domingo el registro comienza de 6 a 6:45 am seguido con la partida que es a la 7 am. A las 12 del medio día se les ofrecerá un almuerzo a los participantes en el Divi Flamingo Hotel y a continuación será la ceremonia de premios a la 1 pm. Nota: Todos los participantes que viajen a Bonaire con bicicletas para la carrera extrema, tendrán que entregar una lista a la aduana en el aeropuerto donde el leader de grupo debe proveer una lista de los participantes que incluya: nombre, país de origen, número de vuelo, hora de arribo y salida, año modelo y costo de la bicicleta.


he X-treme Duo mountain bike race will be held on Sunday October 24, 2010 at 7:00 AM. These races have become popular on Aruba and Curacao and now on Bonaire. Single tracks and dirt roads will cover 90% of the 75km race course. The course is diverse, and includes single tracks in Washington National Park, windy and rough trails along the east coast, coral stone trails through Lagoen and Bolivia and a ride up Seru Largu. Participants must have a team of two riders. Both must finish the race and the time of the rider who finishes second is the time that counts for the team. Prizes will be given to the top five teams and trophies and cash prizes will be given as well. There are five categories: women with a combined age between 50 and 100 years, men with a combined age between 50 and 100 years, mixed with a combined age between 50 and 100 years, juniors with a combined age of 50 or under, and seniors with a combined age of 100 or over. Prizes for the women are $400.00, men are $600.00 and mixed are $200.00. Participants must register

in advance as there is no registrations on race day. You can register by emailing your team name, country of origin, rider names and category to Participants arriving to Bonaire will be picked up at the airport and taken to the hotel. The entry fee is FL 50.00 or USD $30.00 per duo. The race will start on the main street of Sabadeco. The Divi Flamingo Hotel will host the check-in on Friday October 22 and Saturday October 23 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, where participants may register. Sunday check-in is at the start, 6:00 and 6:45 AM, followed by the 7:00 AM start. At 12:00 PM lunch will be held for the participants at the Divi Flamingo Hotel, followed by the awards ceremony at 1:00 PM. Please note that all participants from overseas flying to Bonaire with a bicycle for the X-treme race will have to be on a list that will be kept by Customs at the airport. All leaders of bike groups must provide a list of participants, including name, country of origin, flight number, arrival and departure time, bicycle year, model and cost.

Regata Internacional de Veleros Octubre 9 en Bonaire International Sailing Regatta 2010 October 9th Bonaire


na semana de muchas actividades acuáticas y competencias. Participantes de diferentes países de alrededor del mundo acudirán a esta celebración. La noche que terminan las competencias la calle principal de Bonaiare se transforma en una calle repleta de personas, música en vivo y comida local. La edición # 43 de La Regata Internacional es un evento de carreras de veleros por las costas de Bonaire y Klein Bonaire. Todo tipo de botes de todas partes de mundo participan en esta competencia. A esta competencia se suman las competencias de windsurfing y estilo libre. Las competencias diarias de varias categorías se programan muy cerca de la costa en Kralendijk Bay, para que los espectadores puedan seguir fácilmente a los coloridos veleros. Las noches es-

tán llenas de actividades en el Festival de Regatas a lo largo del Sea Promenade, Wilhelmina Park y en las calles de Kralendijk. Quioscos con gran variedad de comidas criollas, recuerdos, juegos y artes atraen a los turistas y locales, Bandas locales e internacionales performan en el escenario todos los días de esta semana festiva. Ellos están invitando a todas sus hermanas islas del Caribe Holandés para que los acompañen en esta excitante semana de manifestaciones culturales que culminaran con tributo a las Antillas Holandesas. Esta ceremonia tomara lugar el sábado 9 de octubre justo antes de comenzar el mágico 10-10-10 a media noche, día de la disolución de las Antillas Holandesas y la entrada oficial de Bonaire, St. Estatuís y Saba como municipios especiales en el Reino de Holanda.


week filled with watersport activities and competitions. Participants from around the world come together to join this celebration. At night when all competitions are over, the main street of Bonaire transforms into a street filled with people, live music and local food. The 43rd edition of the Bonaire International Sailing Regatta is an annual sailing event with many races along the rugged coast of Bonaire and Klein Bonaire. All kinds of boats from all over the world participate in this sailing competition. There are even windsurfing and freestyle competitions for the windsurfing buffs. The daily races in various categories are scheduled very close to shore in the Kralendijk Bay so spectators can easily follow the colorful sails. The evenings are filled with the Regatta Festival activities along the Sea Promenade, Wilhelmina Park and on the streets of Kralendijk. Stands with a variety of local dishes, souvenirs, games and handicrafts attract locals as well as visitors. International and local bands perform on stage daily during the week- long event. They are inviting all our sister islands of the Dutch Caribbean to join us in an exciting week of cultural manifestation which will

culminate in a Tribute to the Netherlands Antilles. This ceremony will take place on Saturday October 9th 2010 just before entering 10.10.10 at midnight, date of the dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles and the official entry of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (BES islands) as special municipalities in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Publicidad Curaรงao

Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


22 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

Qué pasa Curaçao

Artista Curazoleño lucha por la protección de los animales

Local Singer advocates for the protection of animals


l intérprete curazoleño Ephrem J comunicó que se ha unido a una nueva campaña de la organización caritativa “Dieren Bescherming” (Protección de Animales), una organización protectora de animales de las Antillas Holandesas que pretende concientizar a la población sobre el correcto cuidado de las mascotas.“Lo que se quiere enseñar a la gente es que un animal en casa es una gran responsabilidad, y que si no pueden hacerse cargo de éste, si no pueden darle todo el amor y tiempo que necesita, que no lo adopten”, indicó el artista. “La meta es hacer entender que las mascotas tienen que ser vistas como parte de nuestras familias”, añadió. En una entrevista exclusiva de Ephrem J en “Pets Talk”, una revista informativa para el pueblo antillano holandés, el cantante narra sus experiencias con los animales y ofrece interesantes consejos respecto al tema que promueve la mencionada campaña a favor de los animales. Ephrem J no solo quiere a los animales pero adora a su país natal. Con un nombre que empieza a resonar con fuerza en diferentes países, Ephrem J mantiene firme la convicción que lo llevó desde chico a los escenarios: “Seré un artista internacional que pondrá en alto la bandera de Curazao”. Aunque naciera en esta pequeña nación antillana, y

ser allí donde ha crecido y desarrollado sus potencialidades artísticas, es un intérprete multicultural con raíces indígenas, latinas y holandesas. “Comencé participando en cuanto concurso de canto se realizaba en Curazao, en donde, para mi suerte, resultaba ganador. De ahí pasé a formar parte de bandas locales juveniles como voz principal”, relata el artista. En su país natal, fue premiado con el “Edgar Supriano” como “Cantante del Año”. Y así fueron llegando otros honores y otros premios. Ephrem J le fue muy bien con su canción “Speransa” (‘Esperanza’), y “Stimabu So” (cuya versión en castellano se titula ‘Me Enamoré’), que se posicionaron muy alto en las listas locales de popularidad y fue segunda finalista en la categoría de “Música Mundial” en el concurso de “Composición Internacional 2008”. Después con su CD “Latín Evolution” entro oficialmente al mercado latino y es reconocido en América Latina y sigue con su meta de que el mundo conozca a Curazao. “Mi nuevo planteamiento es hacer que el mundo completo conozca mi trabajo, se identifique con él y sepan que soy un artista original, al ciento por ciento, no alguien que viene a copiar o repetir lo conocido”, “pero, sobre todo, ansío que todos reconozcan que ha salido un nuevo talento de Curazao para el mundo”.


renowned singer in Curacao, Ephrem J, has started a new campaign for the protection of animals for a local charity to teach the community on how to better care for their animals.“What I want to teach people is that having an animal at home is a big responsibility, and if they are not able to take care of them properly, and give them the love they need, then they should not been adopting them,” he says. “Animals should be considered part of the family.”In a recent interview in the local magazine “Pet Talk”, Ephrem tells of his experiences with animals offering interesting advice on caring for your pets. But his love for animals is not his only passion, his love for his native country, Curacao, is always with him, and ever since he was a child, his goal was to be

an international artist that would bring recognition to the island of Curacao. He started his career by participating in every local singing contest and won many awards, then went on to be part of a local youth band as lead singer. He won the “Singer of the Year” award in Curacao and went on to compete in the International Composition 2008”, which he was second finalist. His CD “Latin Evolution,” officially got him into the Latin American market and once more he was proud to share his heritage and success with other countries.“My new goal is for the world to know my work, identify me as an original artist, 100%, not someone that copies others, but most of all I want the world to know that a new talent has emerged from the island of Curacao.”

Publicidad Curaรงao

Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


24 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010

Qué pasa Curaçao

Publicidad Curaรงao

Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


26 Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


Información Curaçao

Chef del Mes de La Isla De Curaçao


n esta oportunidad queremos felicitar al chef Jean Jeudy y a nuestro gran amigo Jorge Romer del Restaurante Grillking, ubicado en Waterforstraat BG 23. Curaçao Grillking les ofrece unas deliciosas parillas de carnes de primera como otros diferentes platos internacionales y delicias del mar, como las ricas langostas. Aquí podrán disfrutar de una buena cena, con la atención que se merece y con una fabulosa vista del majestuoso mar Caribeño.

Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


28 Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Octubre de 2010


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