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Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010• Año I • Nro. 10 • Edición 10 • 28 Páginas • Circulación Mensual
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
BREATH DEEP and enjoy ......, a Breath of FRESH
AIR come to the Emerald Casino
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Publisher/Editor: Nancy Esteves
Nancy Esteves
Breast cancer awareness month….my hat goes off
dedicate this editorial to my mother who had breast cancer and was saved by the “League against Cancer” an organization of 350 Florida physicians, who volunteer their services in this fight to save lives. I ho pe this editorial will enlighten and motivate women of all ages to take early preventative measures and for those of you who can, donate time and money to the fight to find a cure for this disease. My hat goes off to all the people involved in creating and maintaining Breast Cancer Awareness Month not only alive in October, but throughout the whole year. Any women from any country should give serious attention to breast cancer. Unfortunately, it is not the standard in many countries to check women under 40. And there is not enough emphasis placed on things that we put into our bodies such as hormones, cigarettes, alcohol and non-organic products that are loaded with too many growth hormones (especially chicken) that can literally kill us. Stress has also been linked to cancer. Well, the alarming facts show that last year, in the U.S. alone, there were more than 250,000 women who were diagnosed with breast cancer, and about 40,000 died from this disease. Women under 40 years of age were diagnosed 1 in 229, and worst of all, mostly with the more aggressive type of malignant cancer. Pretty darn alarming? Obviously no woman wants to think about this, but you can prevent and fight this disease thru education and preventative healthcare. For young women especially, by the time a lump in a younger woman’s breast can be felt the cancer often is advanced and aggressive. Generally speaking, early breast cancer does not cause pain. Many women assume they are too young to get it and tend to assume a lump is a harmless cyst or other growth. Some doctors dismiss breast lumps in young
women as cysts and adopt a “wait and see” approach. Screening mammograms should be done on younger women with a family history of breast cancer and other risk factors. Annual clinical breast exams should be performed for all women beginning as early as age 20. If your mammogram shows calcifications, try to get an ultra sound, or a biopsy especially with dense breasts. A word of advice, ask for that biopsy, they need tissue to confirm as it can go unnoticed and ultimately advance to a critical stage as in the case of actress Farah Fawcett. Today we can thank many organizations such as, The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) which partners with national public service organizations, professional medical associations, and government agencies to promote breast cancer awareness, and provide screening services for those that can’t afford it. They have helped save many lives every year. The millions of dollars donated for research and science has now brought a lot of hope to those cancer cases that were hopeless. Thanks also to every celebrity who has raised their voice to increase breast cancer awareness and generate millions of dollars for free mammograms and as a result saved the lives of our loved ones. In recent years, more than 100 music celebrities have supported NBCF by contributing autographed memorabilia, recording public service announcements and helping to promote events. There are also a lot of websites devoted to information on proper nutrition and staying cancer free such as: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/4/t040300.asp. I have a wealth of information I can offer women. If you would like more information on this subject, please send your queries to Nancyholacaribe@gmail.com.
nancyholacaribe@gmail.com. Gerente General: Alfredo Esteves Alfredo.Esteves@elvenezolanonews.com. Directores Principales: Nancy y Alfredo Esteves. Mercadeo: Jennifer Rodriguez Jennifer.Rodriguez@elvenezolanonews.com. Director de Producción: Steve Keith. Stevodigitalfly@gmail.com. Portada: Miss Universe 2010, Jimena Navarrete. Cortesia Portada: Business-Aruba.com, patrocinantes, American Airlines, Nature Valley, Arizona, Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Aruba Trading Company Retail Store, La Vista Restaurant, Simply Fish Restaurant y Aruba Airport Authority. Diseñador: John Chacin, Johndesign2010@gmail.com. Noticias de Venezuela: Economía y negocios: Luis Prieto Oliveira Luis.prieto@elvenezolanonews.com. Opinión: Eli Bravo. Nancy Esteves. Humor: Nelly Pujols Colaboradores de noticias locales Aruba: Rosalie Klein, rosalie.klein@gmail.com. Hector. M Mercado, sismercado@gmail.com Curacao: G. Ortega, guillermortegac@gmail.com.
Caldo de Cultivo
Elí Bravo
Distribucìon: Aruba: Business-Aruba.com, Curacao: FMF Courier & Hauling services, info@fmfcourier.com.
Por bolsas na maravilla la bolsa plástica. Conveniente, gratis y siempre allí. Con razón circulan anualmente más de 500 mil millones de bolsas en el planeta. ¿El problema? apenas 2% terminan siendo recicladas. En el mejor de los casos, la bolsa plástica del automercado se reutiliza en la cesta del baño antes de parar en el basurero, donde le tomará más de 180 años descomponerse en pequeñas partículas que jamás desaparecerán. Con frecuencia el destino final son los ríos y mares. Sin duda es el producto humano de mayor ubiquidad en el planeta. Y también uno de los más contaminantes. En Ciudad de México entró en vigencia esta semana una ley que obliga a los establecimientos a cobrarle a los clientes por las bolsas, y estas deberán ser biodegradables. Al igual que en otros países de Europa, se acabaron las bolsas plásticas gratis en supermercados y abastos. La idea es reducir los desechos sólidos y promover el uso de plásticos verdes. La ciudad de San Francisco maneja una propuesta más agresiva: prohibir las bolsas plásticas, regular el uso de bolsas de papel y promover las bolsas reutilizables. Irlanda cobra un impuesto de 33 cts. al uso de bolsas plásticas y desde el 2002 el consumo se ha reducido en un 90%. Las
Bonaire: Oficina de Turismo.
Venezuela: Dicvilpress
bolsas plásticas son un problema serio. A comienzos de los 90 mi esposa viajó a Yemén, donde recién se habían popularizado. Tapizando las calles de tierra corría un río multicolor. Eran las bolsas que la gente lanzaba al suelo sin pensar; un fenómeno similar al ocurrido en India con la llegada del vaso desechable: acostumbrados a vasijas de barro, los indios toman chai en un vaso plástico, y como es costumbre, lo lanzan al piso. Imagine la postal, con vaca incluida. ¿Hay que acabar con las bolsas plásticas? Probablemente. El reciclaje se ha promocionado mucho, pero resulta poco eficiente y controversial. Las bioplásticos son la alternativa más prometedora, pero sus ventajas son cuestionadas en términos del manejo, degradación y costos. Las bolsas de papel lucen más naturales pero requieren más energía en su producción. La verdad, no hay salida fácil. La bolsita en cuestión guarda un reto complicado que involucra la conveniencia, sentido económico, sostenibilidad y tecnología. Pero algo está claro: el uso que le damos es una basura. Por ello llevo en mi carro bolsas reutilizables para las compras. Para decirle al cajero “gracias, pero no necesito mas bolsas plásticas”
Tiara Air. Imprenta: Southeast Offset, Miami. Arte Electronico: artesholacaribe@gmail.com. News/Noticas: noticiasholacaribe@gmail.com
PUBLICIDAD: Miami:786-487-4347. ventasholacaribe@gmail.com GerenteVentas Bonaire y Curazao: G. Ortega, guillermortegac@gmail.com +5999-517-6361
Representantes de venta: Aruba: Gwen Wever: 593-7366.Jones Publicidad y Business-Aruba.com 567-1798/561-2885. Cartas a la editora: editoraholacaribe@gmail.com Hola Caribe no se responsabiliza por el contenido de los anuncios publicados en este medio. Prohibida la reproducción total y parcial sin autorización por escrito de sus Directores.
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Qué pasa Aruba
Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Aruba Gana La Serie Mundial De La Liga Infantil De Baseball
Bienvenidos a Casa Campeones!! Aruba wins the Senior League World Series
Welcome Home World Champions!
By: Rosalie klein
ue un sueño hecho realidad para los 14 jóvenes atletas y sus entrenadores que viajaron a Bangor, Maine con otros Diez equipos de todas partes del mundo para competir en la serie mundial infantil que es la división más vieja de la liga internacional de menores, jóvenes de 14 a 16 años. Este año Aruba fue el anfitrión del campeonato Latino Americano un mes antes y los Caribeños llenaron el estadio de Santa Cruz y festejaron la victoria de su equipo que gano el titulo. Este fue el segundo ano consecutivo que los jugadores jóvenes de Aruba han recibido el honor de representar a la región en el Estadio Shawn T. Mansfield en Bangor. El Primer Ministro Mike Eman ya había condecorado al equipo cuando ganaron el campeonato Regional, un recibimiento de héroes los esperaba cuando regresaron de los EEUU el 23 de Agosto, bandas, música, y un gran grupo de espectadores los recibieron para felicitarlos. Funcionarios del gobierno los agasajaron en el salón de personas importantes del aeropuerto International de Aruba antes de que fueran presentados a sus admiradores. Luego fueron transportados con un desfile que lo llevo al
centro de Oranjestad donde fueron felicitados por todos su compatriotas. Solo tres veces en cincuenta años de la historia de estas series mundiales, equipos de América Latina han conquistado este título, 2 veces por Venezuela y 1 por Curacao en el año 2006. Casi toda la isla celebró el regreso de estos jóvenes campeones: Jermain Manuel, Ray-Patrick Didder, Jiandido Tromp, Mitchell Martes, Jose-Luis Gonzalez, Shawn Duinkerk, Milton Croes, Jr., Albertico Noguera, Richinell Matos, Abraham Taveras, Juan Carlos Moncion, Marvin Brown, Miklos Petronia, Mark Danies, Chadwick Tromp, Dwayne Luidens, y su entrenador y gerente Milton Croes, Rayborne Dider and Gregory Manuel.
t was a dream come true for the fourteen young athletes and their coaches who had traveled to Bangor, Maine with ten other teams from around the world to compete in the Senior League World Series, the eldest division of the International Little League, for youth ages 14 to 16. This year, Aruba hosted the Latin American championship playoffs one month prior and islanders packed the ballpark in Santa Cruz to cheer their team on to the title. This was the second consecutive year young Aruban ballplayers had earned the honor of representing their region at the Shawn T. Mansfield Stadium in Bangor, built with a donation by the town’s most famous resident, bestselling author Stephen King. The team had already been honored by Prime Minister Mike Eman when they won the regional championships, but an oldfashioned hero’s welcome awaited them upon their return from the U.S. on Monday, August 23, with bands playing and cheering crowds. Government officials greeted them in the VIP room of the Reina Beatrix International Airport before they were presented to their adoring public. The team was then transported by parade from the airport through the town of Oranjestad where they were hailed by their proud countrymen all along the way. Aruba’s team squared off against the undefeated Bangor All-Stars during the final game on Saturday, August 21,
with one loss on their record on their way to the finals. Aruba managed to score three runs in the first inning; the game was distinguished by a nearly perfect performance by Aruba’s pitcher, Shawn Duinkerk, who also helped win the title during the final game of the Latin American Championships. He delivered only 78 pitches throughout the entire game; the 4th and 5th innings finished with only nine pitches combined, a remarkable accomplishment by any standard. Aruba’s young athletes continued to hold their lead, with Bangor scoring only one run in the fifth inning. They clinched their total victory by scoring five runs during their final turn at bat, with a two-run homer by Chadwick Tromp helping to bring the score to 8-1, Aruba! Teams from the Latin American Division have taken home the title only three times in the fifty-year history of the Senior League World Series; twice by Venezuela, and once by Curacao in 2006. The entire island celebrated the triumphant return of these young players: Jermain Manuel, Ray-Patrick Didder, Jiandido Tromp, Mitchell Martes, Jose-Luis Gonzalez, Shawn Duinkerk, Milton Croes, Jr., Albertico Noguera, Richinell Matos, Abraham Taveras, Juan Carlos Moncion, Marvin Brown, Miklos Petronia, Mark Danies, Chadwick Tromp, Dwayne Luidens, and their coaches and manager Milton Croes, Rayborne Dider and Gregory Manuel.
Nightlife Aruba
Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
After the Aruban sunset....
By: Rosalie Klein
acations are a time for indulgence; not only do Aruba’s beaches and environs offer tons of fun during the day, but the nights are alive with endless options for entertainment. Whether you are grown-ups looking for sophisticated shows, or seek family entertainment for all ages, you will find it on Aruba in abundance. Aruba is home to some remarkable entertainers who make the rounds of the casinos, lo-
unges and restaurants. C-Zar Olarte and his band can be found entertaining at Grand Café 21 in Palm Beach on Friday nights, or several venues through the week. Alternating with C-Zar during happy hours at La Cabana pool deck and on the weekends is one of Aruba immortal Carnival Roadmarch Kings, Claudius Phillips. This dynamic entertainer’s repertoire spans cool Motown to his famous original composition of island music. Alternatively, if your
Sword Trick at Adam Steinfeld’s Magic Live at the Westin Resort
Musical review at Zizzles in Paseo Herencia Mall
idea of a fun night is dancing to great music while basking in the ocean breezes under a tropical moon, check out either MooMba Beach Bar, located between the Holiday Inn and Marriott Surf Club, or Bugaloe Beach Bar, on the De Palm Pier next to the Radisson Resort. Both feature fantastic bands and have a special ambiance that appeals to both locals and island visitors. These are definitely the places to mix and mingle with the natives. Aruba boasts two formal shows at present, Adam Steinfeld’s
Magic Live! at the Westin Resort and D’Licious at Zissles in the upper level of the Paseo Herencia Mall; both are located in Palm Beach. Regular visitors may remember Adam’s entertaining mix of magic and comedy as it was a very popular show at the Alhambra Casino for five years. He has returned to make a home at the Westin, with new routines and great fun for all the family. If you enjoy audience participation and lots of laughs, with some amazing magic mixed in, this is the show for you!
Nightlife Aruba
Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Endless options for excitement and family fun
issles offers a choice of show alone or dinner theater with their dance and musical revue D’Licious Sunday through Friday. Sign up to enjoy a tempting 3-course gourmet dinner, or select the show alone at half price. This professional troupe from Holland has wonderful singers and dancers who take you on a musical journey through time and
around the world, punctuated by exciting dance numbers. The Occidental Grand, an all-inclusive resort, opens their doors on Wednesday night for a buffet dinner and show combination featuring Cirque Caribe. Tickets can be purchased at De Palm Tours desks in most hotels. One of Aruba’s all-time favorite night spots, Senior Frog’s, can now be found on
Adam Steinfeld’s magic live at Westin
the bustling Palm Beach strip. Other spots within walking distance of the “High Rise” resorts offering great nightlife are Soprano’s Piano Bar, Confessions Night Club and Arawak Gardens, which features fine entertainers under the gazebo, to be enjoyed with dinner or while lingering on the terrace of any of 5 restaurants located within their complex. South Beach Center also has some elegant and cozy night spots where one can enjoy the various events in their central plaza. In the low-rise area, the place to be on Wednesday night is Matthew’s Seaside Restaurant, where lovers of Karaoke can sing their hearts out and dance on the bar. In Oranjestad, Mambo Jambo features live music on the weekends and provides the perfect venue for polishing your Latin dance steps. Local professional dancers will often go there after hours to provide an impromptu show and give lovers of Salsa a thrill. Confessions Nightclub, located across the Radisson, has a great Latin Fever night on Fridays featuring typical music such as “merengue’, “salsa’, “bachata’, “valle-
nato’, ‘cumbia” and “reggeaton” of the different regions of Latin America and the Caribbean. They also have a great Ladies Night on Wednesdays.
Cirque Caribe at the Occidental Grand Aruba
Grand Cafe 21
Aruba Green Energy Conference and Trade Fair features Former VicePresident and Nobel Peace Laureate Al Gore as Keynote Speaker
By: Rosalie Klein
eptember 29 to October 3 Aruba will host “Our Future with Green Energy” Congress and Trade Fair, with former Vice-President and Nobel Peace Laureate Al Gore as keynote speaker. Gore, author of “Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis”, “The Assault on Reason”, “Earth in the Balance” and “An Inconvenient Truth,” is internationally renowned for his environmental advocacy and Aruba’s Minister of Finance, Communication, Utilities and Energy, Mike de Meza, host of the event, was honored to announce he will lend his presence to the conference, along with a dozen noted speakers from around the world. “Vice President Gore is one of the most important driving forces behind the green awareness movement,” commented Minister de Meza. “The wisdom of Mr. Gore’s words will be of great value to our delegates.” Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 jointly with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract
such change”. His campaign to educate the public regarding climate change during more than 1000 lectures was recounted in the 2006 documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” and debuted at the Sundance Film festival; it won the Academy Award as Best Documentary Feature. It will be screened at local cinemas prior and during the energy conference. Vice President Gore is Chairman of the Alliance for Climate Protection a n d Current TV, an Emmy award winning, independently-owned cable and satellite television nonfiction network. Their news stories and documentaries are often based on viewer-created content and citizen journalism posted to their website. He also serves as Chairman of Generation Investment Management, a firm that is focused on a new approach to sustainable investing.The Aruba Green Energy Conference and Trade Fair taking place at the Renaissance Convention Center, will consist of 3 days of lectures and workshops beginning on September 29, followed by 3 days of fascinating public demonstrations during the Trade Fair; October 1 through 3, including a Science Fair for island students. For an agenda and detailed information, visit the conference website: www.greenaruba.org
10 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
4th Caribbean Sea Jazz Festival ARUBA Issac Delgado, Marcus Miller, Tizer
l cuarto festival del Caribbean Sea Jazz se presentara en Aruba el 8 y 9 de Octubre y tendrán una semana de preparaciones antes del festival. Se presentaran en la Casa de la Cultura como de costumbre. Este evento ha crecido durante los últimos años. Artistas reconocidos mundialmente participaran en este evento del 2010. Nombres como Issac Delgado, el virtuoso de la salsa; Tizer con el virtuoso violinista internacional Karen Briggs; Marcus Miller y su gran orquesta y muchos otros además de grupos locales. También conseguirán cantidades de pinturas
de arte, rifas, poesías, instalaciones y comida en abundancia. Cosy Cotton se ha presentado en Aruba en los últimos tres años y le podemos decir que a los fanáticos de los blues se vuelven locos al oírlos. Esta es tremenda banda. Pero el festival no estará completo sin los talentos de los conjuntos locales, tal como Sason Cubano, Mystical Connection, El Prove Timbache, Muziekschool Band, Sergio Jansen, Ivan Jansen, y Data Panik que en estos momentos es reconocida internacionalmente. Todos ellos tendrán su lugar en el escenario de la Plaza de la Cultura.
Issac and conga
Qué pasa Aruba
he fourth Caribbean Sea Jazz Festival will take place on October 8 and 9, with a weeklong pre-heating warm-up preceding the festival. Held at Cas di Cultura, as is customary, the event has grown to full adulthood through the years. This means that worldclass performers can be attracted to the event and thus the 2010 edition will be filled with the names of enormously talented artists. Names like Issac Delgado, the salsa virtuoso, Tizer with international violin virtuoso Karen Briggs, Marcus Miller and the big band Swing Design will be the festival’s headliners without contest, but Cosy Cotton with singer Grana Louise is sure to attract a wide audience as well. Cosy Cotton is performing on Aruba for the third year now and we can tell you:
it makes the hearts of local and visiting blues fans beat faster. This band is truly something else! But the Caribbean Sea Jazz Festival would not be complete without the considerable talent of local bands like Sazon Cubano, Mystical Connection, the Muziekschool Band, El Prove Timbache, Serghio Jansen, Ivan Jansen and Data Panik, which is now getting international recognition. All of the above will get a spot in the spotlight on one of the stages at the Plaza di Cultura and they will surely impress. The weekend of the 8th and 9th October will furthermore be replete in art: paintings, installations, drawings, poetry, theater and mime belong to the list of performances that can be expected. To make the festival complete there will be a terrific food court.
Ticket (Boletos) : Friday, October 8, 2010 – MAIN ACT Entrance: US$ 32.00 | AWG. 55.00 Saturday, October 9, 2010 – MAIN ACT Entrance: US$ 32.00 | AWG. 55.00 EARLY-BIRD PRICE* Friday USD 21.00 | AWG 37.00
Saturday USD 21.00 | AWG 37.00 *LOCAL / EARLY-BIRD PRICES are applicable until September 15, 2010 Compras por adelantado solo se aplican hasta el 15 de Septiembre 2010. For more information,(Para más información) visité: http://caribbeanseajazz.com
Karen Briggs
Swing Design
Grana Louise
Publicidad Aruba
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
12 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Refinería de Aruba Abre Sus Operaciones
Qué pasa Aruba
Aruba Refinery to Re-open This Month
alero Energy Corp. Tiene en proyecto comenzar de nuevo sus operaciones que permanecieron cerradas por más de un año debido al poco margen de utilidad. Ahora esperan que los casi 240.000 barriles
de producción diaria les permita un margen de ganancias. La refinería fue cerrada en julio de 2009 por razones económicas pero sus empleados conservaron sus puestos mientras Valero consideraba opciones estratégicas para su refi-
nería. Estas consideraciones continuaron, pero en estos momento la condición económica ha mejorado por lo tanto comenzar y operar de nuevo la refinería se ha hecho factible según lo señalo el ejecutivo de Valero, Bill Klesse. La
refinería no puede terminar los productos de combustibles, por lo tanto lo envían a Estados Unidos para completar su proceso. La incapacidad de completar los productos fue la razón de que Valero fue incapaz de vender la refinería.
alero Energy Corp. plans to restart its shut almost 240,000 barrel-per-day Aruba refinery at the end of the month on the hopes that it will be profitable, as it had been shut down due to poor profit margins for over a year. The refinery was shut down due to economic reasons in July 2009 and employees had remained on the payrolls while Valero has reviewed strategic options for the refinery. Economic conditions improved to the point where restarting and operating the refinery has become feasible as per Valero executive, Bill Klesse. The Texan oil company has been seeking a buyer for the refinery since late 2007.
A deal in early 2008 with Brazil’s state-owned oil company Petrobras fell through after a fire at the refinery. Early this year, PetroChina, Asia’s top oil and natural gas producer, was said to be interested in the refinery, along with Colombia’s state-run oil company EcoPetrol and Petrobras. The refinery cannot produce finished motor fuels, but makes mid-stream products that are shipped to U.S. refineries for completion. The inability to make finished products is considered one of the reasons Valero has been unable to sell the refinery, according to brokers of refining assets. Purchased in 2004 by Valero, the Aruba Refinery has been
through significant upgrades since it was recommissioned in the early 1990s. The Aruba refinery processes lower-cost heavy sour crude oil and produces a high yield of finished distillate products and valuable intermediate raw material that can be marketed in the U.S. Gulf Coast, Florida, the New York Harbor,
the Caribbean, South America and Europe. Because the refinery’s product slate matches up so well with the rest of Valero’s system, the company is able to move produced raw material to its refineries in the Gulf Coast and West Coast, as well as Paulsboro, N.J., and refineries on the East Coast.
Regulación de Visas para Los Colombianos
Entry to Aruba for Colombians made easy
partir de Agosto, las personas de nacionalidad Colombiana que posean una visa de entrada múltiple para los Estados Unidos, Canadá y el área de Schengen, no necesitaran mas visas para entrar a Aruba o a las Antillas Holandesa. Estos ajustes facilitan a los viajeros de Colombia poder visitar a Aruba y las Antillas Holandesas y les provee al turismo de estas islas un estimulante. Anualmente, la embajada Holandesa en Bogotá procesa aproximadamente 15,000 aplicaciones de colombianos que desean viajar a Aruba.
ersons with the Colombian nationality in possession of a valid multiple entry visas for the Schengen area, the United States or Canada will no longer need a visa to enter Aruba or the Netherlands Antilles as of August. According to the government spokesperson, Prime Minister Mike Eman and his Antillean colleague Emily de JonghElhage , this will make it easier for travelers from Colombia to visit Aruba and Netherlands Antilles, and gives the tourism to these islands an extra stimulus.”On an annual basis, the Dutch embassy in Bogota, Colombia handles approx. 15,000 visa applications from Colombians for entry to Aruba. The number of applications for traveling to the Netherlands is approx. 3,000 per year.
Publicidad Aruba
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Bellezas latinas 14 Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Gente Latina
Bellezas Latinas en el consurso de Miss Universo 2010 en Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas
Eva Arias, Miss Republica Dominicana Foto: Business-Aruba.com
Debora Lyra, Miss Brazil Foto: AP photo
Jimena Navarrete, Miss Universo 2010 Foto: AP photo
Jessica Scheel, Miss Guatemala Foto: AP photo
Gente Latina
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Latin Beauties
Quite a number of Latin Beauties at the Miss Universe Competition at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas
Marelisa Gibson, Miss Venezuela Photo: Business-Aruba.com
Anyoli Abrego, Miss Panama Photo: AP Photo
Yohana Benitez Olmedo, Miss Paraguay Photo: AP photo
Priscilla Lee, Miss Aruba Photo: Business-Aruba.com
16 Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Mariana Paola Vicente, Miss Puerto Rico Photo: AP Photo
Gente Latina
Natalia Navarro, Miss Colombia; Yesica Di Vincenzo, Miss Argentina; Sonia Cruz, Miss El Salvador / Photo: AP photo
Lady Mina, Miss Ecuador Business-Aruba.com
Qué pasa Bonaire
Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Campeonato Mundial Juvenil Windsurf Estilo Libre en la Sorbon, Bonaire
2010 IFCA Pro Kids Junior and Youth Freestyle World Championships in Sorobon, Bonaire. esenta participantes de edades entre los 9 y 19 anos compitieron por el titulo mundial de Windsurf. La isla de Bonaire les dio la bienvenida a estos jóvenes compe-
tidores que vinieron de todas partes del globo. Este evento que dura una semana incluyó competencia, música, comida y diversiones en la playa y lo celebran todos los años en el mes de Agosto. Taty Frans gano la corona este año.
ixty participants between the ages of 19 and 9 years competed for the title of World Champion Freestyle. The Island Of Bonaire welcomes competitors from all over the globe to the STARBOARD PROKIDS IFCA Youth/Junior Freestyle World Championship event every year. Bonaire has a week-long event that includes competition, music, food and beach fun every year close to August. Taty Frans claimed the crown at the The 2010 Podersdorf Surf World Cup with emphatic style ahead of Belgian, Steven Van Broeckhoven, and the 2009 world champion, Jose ‘Gollito’ Estredo, at the
first stop of the world tour on Lake Neusiedl. Following a year break from freestyle, the town of Podersdorf played host to the PWA’s finest style masters for their first event of 2010. The PWA’s stars flaunted their best moves to plenty of beachside spectators. A lot of flipping, sliding, and styling took place. The stylish, Taty Frans (Starboard, MauiSails), stormed his way to victory on the final day of the Surf World Cup, Podersdorf, to make it two in a row, following his previous event win in Sylt. The riders put on a crowd pleasing performance rotating round some fantastic air jumps and perfect forwards.
Photos by: Hector Marcelo Mercado
18 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Qué pasa Curaçao
Curacao Marriott Beach Resort y Emerald Casino Anuncian La Apertura de Su Cocina Kosher
Curacao Marriott Beach Resort & Emerald Casino Announces Opening of Kosher Kitchen uracao Marriott Beach Resort y Emerald Casino Anuncian La Apertura de Su Cocina Kosher totalmente equipada. La cocina oficialmente comenzó sus servicios el 1 de Agosto y el resort ahora podrá tener eventos y grupos Kosher. Durante los últimos tres meses, los empleados del hotel trabajaron mano a mano con el
Rabbi Ariel Yeshurun de la comunidad Ortodoxa Shaarei Tsedek Ashkenazic, que está ubicada en Curacao en el centro Judío Herman y Miriam Tauber. La sociedad ha creado un lugar que le pueda proveer a la comunidad Judía con comida Kosher. El equipo de cocineros ha sido entrenado por el Rabí y están ansiosos de recibir grupos y preparar
eventos. Durante la construcción de la cocina, los técnicos del hotel instalaron equipos nuevos y una variedad de finos platos, cubiertos y vasos que utilizaran estrictamente para las funciones Kosher. Los $100,000 que se invirtieron en este proyecto hacen que el hotel tenga una opción viable para tener eventos kosher de grupos de 20 a 200. El hotel tiene la
perfecta ubicación para los eventos y reuniones Kosher. “Este proyecto ambicioso tiene la capacidad de proveerle a los clientes una gran experiencia en comidas, bebidas mientras les enseñan el alto nivel de respeto y entendimiento de sus tradiciones y requerimientos, según las palabras de José Castillo, director de ventas.
he Curaçao Marriott Beach Resort & Emerald Casino is excited to announce the newly built kosher kitchen. The kitchen officially began service as of August 1, 2010, and the resort is now able to host kosher events and groups. During the last three months the hotel’s staff worked hand-in-hand with Rabbi Ariel Yes-
hurun from the Orthodox community ‘Shaarei Tsedek’ Ashkenazic, which is based in Curacao at the Herman and Miriam Tauber Jewish Center. The partnership has created a facility that can provide the Jewish community with Glatt kosher food. The kitchen staff has been trained by the rabbi and is excited to receive groups
and host events. During the construction of the kitchen, hotel technicians installed brand new equipment and a fine variety of china, glasses and silverware that will be used strictly for kosher functions. The $100,000 worth of development makes the Curacao hotel a viable option for larger, kosher events of 20 to 200 guests. The
hotel offers the perfect location for kosher, Curacao meetings or events. “This ambitious project has the capacity of providing customers a great food and beverage experience while showing them a high level of respect and understanding of their traditions and requirements,” said Jose Castillo director of sales.
Hyatt va verde
yatt Regency Curacao, Spa y Marina y el Hyatt Regency Trinidad recientemente anunciaron su programa, “Meet And Be Green,”que fue creado para estimular a los huéspedes y personal de planificación para que tomen decisiones ecológicas cuando planean sus reuniones. En orden de reunirse en forma ecológica, los que planifican y los participantes en estas reuniones se les exige que apliquen métodos ¨Go
Green¨ en sus reuniones. Durante las reuniones ellos deben de reciclar, usar productos que sean 100% de materiales reciclables, imprimir material localmente, reducir los costos de embarques, mantener la temperatura adecuada, eliminar el uso de botellas desechables y productos desechables, usar productos locales por temporadas y finalmente proyectar las reuniones con tiempo, para facilitar más usos ecológicos.
Hyatt goes green
yatt Regency Curaçao Golf Resort, Spa and Marina and Hyatt Regency Trinidad recently announced their ‘Meet and Be Green’ program, which was created to stimulate guests and planners to make ecological choices when planning meetings. In order to meet ‘in an ecological manner’, planners and participants of these encounters are required to take ‘go green’ steps during the meetings. They must recycle during the meeting, use products made of 100-percent recyclable materials, print
materials locally, minimize shipping, place writing materials and paper in a central location instead of handing out such individually so that only the most necessary materials are used, maintain an adequate room temperature, eliminate disposable water bottles, minimize use of disposable products (plates, cups, napkins and cutlery), use local products available per season when drawing up menus, and finally plan meetings far in advance in order to guarantee the degree of ecological choices.
Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Septiembre 2010
September 2010
ARIES: 21 March - 19 April ARIES: del 21 de marzo al 20 de abril No retrocedas en tus propósitos si enfrentas situaciones raras o extrañas. Conserva tu ritmo en la marcha hacia el cumplimiento de tus objetivos. No hables más de lo necesario y cuida tu imagen pública. No te desesperes si tienes que esperar más de la cuenta para la solución de un problema que es aparentemente sencillo. TAURO: del 21 de abril al 20 de mayo Las dudas no te dejan en paz y al final de cada día sólo lograrás sentir más cansancio sin que haya ninguna solución. No pierdas el tiempo en actividades que no te dejan utilidades o en proyectos inciertos que no tienen garantía de éxitos. Saca de dentro de ti todos los resentimientos. Tendrás menos cargas y más agilidad para avanzar. GEMINIS: del 21 de mayo al 20 de junio Conocer nuevas personas te permitirá ampliar tu círculo de amistades, lo cual será muy positivo para ti. Olvídate de los reconocimientos honoríficos y exige la compensación económica que merece tu trabajo. Un buen socio, amigo o consejero será determinante en el logro de las metas inmediatas que te has propuesto lograr. CANCER: del 21 de junio al 22 de julio La fortuna te acompañará en los juegos de azar, pero debes estar más pendiente del bienestar de tus hijos y familiares más cercanos. No asumas el papel de víctima en ningún caso y menos cuando te sabes culpable de los acontecimientos que te afectan. Tu vida afectiva necesita refrescarse, trata de dedicar tiempo y voluntad para revivir tu amor. LEO: del 23 de julio al 23 de agosto Tus compromisos sociales inmediatos te proporcionarán un gozo extraordinario. Tus relaciones están signadas por la armonía y la facilidad para acercarte al sexo opuesto. Estos días son propicios para hacer más efectiva tu creatividad. Los pequeños cambios que puedas introducir en tu vida cotidiana te proporcionarán mucha satisfacción. VIRGO: del 24 de agosto al 23 de septiembre En esta etapa despliegas una mayor energía física y mental. Eso te ayudará a resolver problemas con mucha facilidad y emprender de una vez el trabajo que has ido dejando para después. La influencia lunar determinará que te sientas más feliz realizando trabajos en grupo o compartiendo momentos de distracción con los amigos. LIBRA: del 24 de septiembre al 23 de octubre Con un poco de diplomacia conseguirás todo lo que te propongas y evitarás conflictos innecesarios que sólo sirven para exacerbar el mal humor y dar paso a la negatividad. Encontrarte con un viejo amor te hará muy feliz por instantes, pero muy rápidamente sentirás la satisfacción de no haber anudado tu vida a esa persona. ESCORPIO: del 24 de octubre al 22 de noviembre Es necesario que acentúes tus niveles de autoconfianza. Evita reaccionar muy rápidamente ante situaciones que pueden ser mal interpretadas. Reflexiona y da tiempo. Todo quedará aclarado satisfactoriamente. Trata de controlar tu sensibilidad ante todo lo relacionado con la espiritualidad. Esta es una buena etapa para la reflexión. SAGITARIO: del 24 de noviembre al 23 de diciembre Preocúpate por lo que sucede en el mundo. No puedes continuar llevando una vida aislada. El no estar al día con los acontecimientos te hará aparecer ante los demás como persona inculta y poco informada. Una persona informada tendrá un mayor sentido de pertenencia a la vida, ejercita sus reflejos y responde con audacia. CAPRICORNIO: del 24 de diciembre al 20 de enero Eres el soporte de la familia, pero para desempeñar mejor tu papel tienes que comenzar por cuidarte tú. De tu fortaleza depende la estabilidad de los demás. Tómate unas vacaciones que por muy cortas que sean te permitirán despejar la mente, aclarar los pensamientos y relajar las tensiones. Lo ideal sería un día de pesca. ACUARIO: del 21 de enero al 19 de febrero Cuando sientas deseos de matar a alguien piensa que esa persona no se merece que desgracies tu preciosa vida por la miserable de él. No pierdas tiempo con relaciones inconvenientes. En el trabajo debes jerarquizar las labores para ganar más dinero. Es mejor hacer lo más productivo antes de hacer lo que más nos gusta. PISCIS: del 20 de febrero al 20 de marzo Te conviene planificar. No te lances a disparar primero y apuntar después. Tus esfuerzos producirán los beneficios deseados. Te esperan grandes y satisfactorias sorpresas con una actividad espiritual que estás por iniciar. Debes pensar o reimaginar tu futuro con un poco más de ambición y fantasía. Grandes logros de hoy, antes fueron ilusiones.
Relationships are a strong focus for you in September, dear Aries. Tending to a partner’s needs is important now, and it would be wise to put some of your own personal projects on the back burner in order to focus on a significant partnership. The 8-14 brings romantic excitement, important news, and money opportunities. Past efforts on the job pay off this month. Some of you may find that your career is moving towards a more service-oriented direction. Increased public recognition and professional success can be had now.
TAURUS: 20 April - 20th May
In September, there is a scurry of activity surrounding work and health matters, dear Taurus. Nevertheless, romantic matters are strong, and might be found on the job. Income from foreign sources could also figure this month. The 10-14 is a strong period for work, health, romance, and money. Take advantage! While your work demands a lot of attention in September, you are also more able to get away from the daily routine--more transportation options open, for example, or you have (or create) more free time to do so.
GEMINI: 21 May -21 June
Romantic and creative energy runs very high this month, dear Gemini. Financial gains may come through a partnership or there may be an increase in a partner’s income in September. A partnership benefits from more expansive, warm, and intimate energy. A friend comes to you in the first week of the month, whether this is a new friend or one from your past. The 12-14 represents an opportunity period for you, particularly in the areas of romance, children, and friendship. Important decision making and presentations should be scheduled before the 24th.
CANCER: 22 June - 22 August
A busy home life figures strongly this month, dear Cancer. Entertaining in your home is especially successful now. Relationships and partnerships benefit from expansive, warm energy, or successful new ones are entered in September. The lines of communication open up between you and a special someone. Sharing daily events and goings-on with one another gives you much pleasure. Income from work activities is strong and could increase. Pleasant and surprising news arrives around the Full Moon on the 15th, and has to do with travel, legal, or educational matters.
LEO: 23 August - 22 August
Practical matters and communications are a big focus for you in September, dear Leo. More security in your job is likely to boost your confidence. Your natural talents are more likely to be appreciated by others, particularly on the job. You have a stronger desire than usual to communicate your ideas, and siblings, relatives, and neighbors tend to play a stronger role in your life this month. The 4-5 brings romantic and creative opportunities; while the 12-13 can be tricky when it comes to relating with a significant other.
VIRGO: 23 August - 22 September
Finances are in focus and strong in September, dear Virgo. You might find that expressing yourself creatively really helps to define yourself and to understand yourself better, and it could lead to some profits as well! You have a stronger ability to hold the attention of an audience in September. Children and romance thrive this month. Love, love affairs, and other social activities help to enhance a healthy self image. You are feeling less private and more open about your opinions and experiences now. The 15th brings surprises from a partner.
LIBRA: 23 September - 22 October
A very busy month is in store for you, dear Libra. Opportunities seem to fall into your lap this month, particularly involving education, travel, and relationships. Material profits come from communications projects. Home improvements, such as real estate or renovation purchases, are favored, as is moving to a new dwelling if applicable. The 10-14 presents stellar opportunities for partnerships, negotiations, and positive reinforcement in general. The 15-16 brings surprises surrounding work and health matters. The 22-23 is strong for personal finances, gifts, and acquiring new possessions.
SCORPIO: 23 October - 21 November
Although you may find yourself in demand socially from time to time in September, dear Scorpio, most of your activities are behind the scenes. Relationships with a partner and with friends are low-key and private. A scurry of activity surrounding romance or children occurs around the 15th. Chances are excellent that you will find a lovely confidante this month--someone to share your daily activities and thoughts with. Gifts or opportunities may come through visits, short trips, messages, emails, or they could come through contacts with siblings, classmates, and neighbors.
SAGITTARIUS: 22 November - 21 December
Stimulating friendships and group activities, as well as increased energy, figure strongly for you in September, dear Sagittarius. Personal projects bear fruit, and practical matters are especially favorable. It’s an excellent period in which to ask for a raise, before the 24th. You may have more resources to invest into your career or business. Being in a position of responsibility or authority is something you place a high value on this month. Partnerships are friendly, and singles are more likely to find romance in group settings or through friends.
CAPRICORN: 22 December - 16 January
Others are likely to turn to you for advice this month, dear Capricorn, as all eyes turn to you. If you feel that others are judging you for what you have and haven’t done this month, you’re probably correct! Trips could be especially rewarding for you right now--they can provide a pleasant breather from pressures in your life. You are feeling especially proud and even buoyant in September, and this confidence enhances all areas of life. Romance may be found through your career and business activities. A private project can pay off now.
ACUARIUS: 20 Janurary - 18 February
A spirit for adventure and intrigue takes hold in September, dear Aquarius, when the humdrum simply doesn’t satisfy! Friendships move forward, and you may be repaid if you’re waiting on a friend. A partner is craving more intimacy this month. Singles will find romance when they are out and about, away from home and typical activities. Help seems to be magically there when you need it, and your own awesome strength and faith is always there to draw upon. An epiphany regarding money or possessions occurs around the 15th.
PISCES: 19 February - 20 March
Dear Pisces, career matters moves forward this month, and the focus is on increasing business income. Success is indicated. Money from other sources than personal income, such as through a partner or bank loan, is also strong. A partnership is especially intimate in September. An awakening of emotional consciousness occurs around the Full Moon in your sign on the 15th. Stellar days on the 17-22 offer opportunities in the areas of relationships, negotiations, personal income, and family. Partnering with a friend in some tangible way can be part of the picture this month.
Qué pasa Curaçao
20 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Un nuevo Curaçao Octubre 10, 2010 The dawning of a new Curaçao October 10, 2010
ada isla tuvo su referéndum. Bonaire, Saba y San Eustaquio, decidieron pasar a ser parte de Holanda. Curacao y Saint Martin, aprobaron ser cada uno independientes y, conformarse como país autónomo dentro del Reino de Holanda. Octubre 10, 2010 marca el final de las negociaciones para el nacimiento de Curacao y San Martin como países autónomos dentro del Reino de Holanda. Las leyes de consenso regulan sobre aspectos de los países que por acuerdo y negociación, deben seguir en cuanto a su relación dentro del Reino de Holanda. Este nuevo referéndum dicta desmantelar a las Antillas Neerlandesas y el surgimiento de entidades estatales nuevas para Curacao y Saint
Martin, como países autónomos dentro del Reino Holandés. La autonomía de estos países deriva del STATUUT, que fue un acuerdo de cooperación entre los países en el Reino Holandés, en 1954, producto de la negociación entre la colonia (antes de ser Curacao) y el Reino de Holanda. Al inicio del STATUUT, Aruba formaba parte de las Antillas Neerlandesas, que eran 6 islas. Luego, en 1975, Surinam se separó del Reino Holandés como país independiente. En 1986 Aruba logró su autonomía, como país dentro del Reino Holandés, quedando conformada la estructura del Reino Holandés como sigue, Holanda, las Antillas Neerlandesas (Curazao, San Martin, Bonaire, Saba y San Eustaquio). Sólo
al Reino de Holanda le corresponderá exclusivamente las siguientes leyes, nacionalidad: nacionalidad, a Curacao le corresponderá la del Reino Holandés y la de la Comunidad Europea ;Defensa Exterior y Relaciones Exteriores. Holanda no hará leyes para Curacao. Para el 10-10-10, el nuevo país Curacao será gobernado por un Gobernador, un Gabinete de 9 Ministros. El Gobernador lo propone Curacao y el Reino de Holanda lo designa. El Parlamento, será el encargado de promulgar y discutir las leyes de Curacao, estará integrado por 21 miembros, senadores. En cuanto a la nueva Constitución del Nuevo País Curazao, se observa que para que el país nazca como tal, es necesario que
fuera aprobada primero su Constitución. La Constitución es su marco fundamental, son las normas base de la construcción del país. Con el nuevo país se creará una nueva moneda, un nuevo Banco Central de Curacao y San Martin, cuales políticas monetarias serán similares a las actuales, manteniéndose la estabilidad fija en la paridad cambiaria Florín con respecto al Dólar Americano. Se mantendrá la misma política, los billetes y monedas del Banco Central de las Antillas Neerlandesas que finalmente resultará extinguida, seguirán circulando sin ningún problema, hasta agotarse su existencia. Ellos trabajarán con el dólar directamente, no va a ser con el euro.
very island had its referendum. Bonaire, Saba, St. Eustatius, decided to continue to be part of the Netherlands and Curacao and St. Martin, decided to go for a separate status just like Aruba. October 10, 2010 marks the final negotiation in the birth of the countries of Curacao and St. Martin. This new referendum call for the dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles and the emergence of these two new au-
tonomous countries: Curacao and St. Martin.The autonomy of these countries is based on what’s called a STATUUT which is a cooperative agreement between the countries of the Kingdom of Holland made in 1955. In the beginning of this STATUUT, Aruba was part of the Netherlands Antilles but in 1986, it achieved its autonomy from the Kingdom. Surinam, which was also part of the Netherlands Antilles, achieved its
autonomy in 1975. What does this mean? That Curacao and St. Martin will only have the following ties to the Netherlands: the nationality, the National Defense and Foreign Relations. In 10-10-10, the new Curacao will be governed by a Governor with a cabinet of nine ministers. The governor proposes his cabinet and Curacao and the Kingdom of Holland appoint them. Parliament will be in charge of setting laws for the new
Curacao, which will be comprised of 21 members. The Constitution will mark the dawning of the new Curacao. With this new country, a new currency will be created, a new central bank which will be based on same monetary standards and at the same current exchange rates that currently govern, and the guilder will continue to circulate until it becomes obsolete. The dollar will be used instead of the Euro.
CURACAO INFORMATION Language: Dutch is the official language, but English and Spanish are widely spoken. The majority of islanders speak Papiamentu, a Creole language. Currency: The official currency is the Netherlands Antilles Guilder or Florin (ANG or NAFl), which is divided into 100 cents. US currency is accepted everywhere and the Antillean guilder is tied to the US dollar at the rate of 1.77 to 1.80. Communications: The international dialing code for Curaçao is +599. The outgoing code is 00 followed by the relevant country code. There are no internal area codes. All local telephone numbers begin with 9 and are typically seven digits. The island is covered by a GSM 900/1800 network. Internet cafes are available. Duty Free: Travelers to Curaçao may import 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco; two liters of alcohol; perfume; and gifts valued up to 100 Guilders without paying customs duty. Tourist Office Curaçao Tourist Board, Willemstad: +599 9-434 8200 or www.curacao-tourism.com Emergency: 917 Ambulance: 912 Police: 911 Coast Guard: 913 Hospital: 910/462--4400 Roadside service: 199 Animal Amublance: 465-1616 Embassies United States Consulate General, Curacao: +599 9 461 3066. Venezuela Embassy , Netherlands Antilles Handelskade No 12, Floor 2, Building Industrial Development Bank of Venezuela Willemstad Curacao
Phne:+599-9-4614140/+599-94613100/+599-9-4613291 Fax:+599-9-4613179 Email:Consulvenecur@cura.net Tipping: A 10% service charge is usually added to restaurant bills, but a few extra guilders as change is appreciated. Most hotels add a 12% service charge, and porters are usually tipped one or two guilders. It is customary to tip taxi drivers 10%. Curaçao International Airport Airport Code: CUR Full Airport Name: Curaçao Internternational Airport Location: The airport is situated six miles (10km) from Willemstad. Phone Number: Tel: +599 (0)9 839 1000. Ground Transport: Taxis and buses run between the airport and Willemstad. Airport Facilities: The airport has a 24hour automatic currency exchange machine, banks and ATMs. There is also duty-free shopping, bars and restaurants, a post office and a business center. Departure Tax: US$32 (International), US$8 (domestic). Website: www.curacao-airport.com Banks: 466-1111 from 8:00-3:30 AIRLINES: Aeropostal: 463-6305 Aires: 839-1208 American: 869-5707 Avianca: 868-0122 KLM: 736-0444 DAE: 868-2233 Divi Divi: 839-1515 Insel Air: 737-0444 Martin Air: 746-0007 Surinam Airways: 868-9600 TAP: 888-8880 Tiara: 839-1234
Publicidad Curaรงao
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
22 Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Qué pasa Curaçao
La bella Safira de Wit, Miss Curacao 2010 le da una buena representación a su bella isla en el concurso de Miss Universo.
Lovely Safira de Wit represents her lovely island quite well in the recent Miss Universe Pageant in Las Vegas.
Boca Gentil Resort Curaçao
When the sun sets, and all the birds sing joyously’, a beautiful place in paradise remains ave you been on the lookout for perfect late afternoons in a tropical villa or stylish apartment on Curaçao? Are you someone who knows how to value peace and quiet, sea view and luxury? Boca Gentil is an oceanfront resort at the Jan Thiel-bay with its own private beach. Three important principles for this resort are: privileged surroundings, comfort and safety. The choice of plot and favorite model dream house including sea view is up to you. The sun, the sea and the cooling Caribbean trade winds are for free. Boca Gentil is a tropical, quiet ocean front resort with many conveniences, made up of attractive tropical villas and deluxe apartments. The essence of living at Boca Gentil is found in the feeling of freedom, comfort and safety. Freedom of choice of an available plot: Ocean front or higher up on the site with sea view? Turned to the winds or rather seeking shelter? Freedom in choice of type of villa or apartment. And last but not least,
freedom in choosing a specific use for your property: will it be a permanent residence, a vacation villa or an investment? A swimming pool and outside kitchen are optional for those among you seeking extra comfort and luxury. Boca Gentil can accommodate 109 housing units: tropical, luxury and comfortable villas and apartments. Accommodations will vary in size, lay-out and position. Standard comfort can be enlarged with a number of choices, ranging from a swimming pool and outside kitchen to a carport. What makes Jan Thiel so special, besides all its comfort, is the abundance of peace and quiet and nature to be found in the immediate vicinity. The well known salt pans of Jan Thiel are a popular destination for walking trips. This large nature reserve also offers plenty of opportunity for some undisturbed mountain biking. Large parts of Jan Thiel have been indicated as a green zone for numerous native bird species like pelicans, flamingos and hummingbirds.
Publicidad Curaรงao
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
24 Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Publicidad Curaรงao
Publicidad Curaรงao
Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
26 Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Publicidad Curaçao
Aruba, Curaçao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010
Kentucky Fried Chicken /Hucor Holding N.V. Entregan Fabuloso Carro a Pareja Ganadora Kentucky Fried Chicken/Hucor Holding N.V. Give Prize Winners New Car
l pasado 10 de Agosto la familia Hucor N.V. Holding Co. Y Kentucky Fried Chicken Curacao hicieron la entrega de un fabuloso auto Nissan Tida a los ganadores del mes de Julio de Gameshow BAIÉ televisado por TeleCuracao . Los afortunados ganadores, Sr. Gregori Ignatia y la Sra. Sheridan
Gerard recibieron el hermoso carro en el estacionamiento de KFC de Santa Rosa, donde los invitados festejaron con gran alegría. El brindis estuvo animado por un conjunto musical local y los invitados pudieron degustar de un gran agasajo de la rica comida que ofrece KFC. Felicitaciones a los Ganadores!!
entucky Fried Check and Hucor Holding Company gave prize winners a gorgeous Nissan Tida this past August 10th for being the winner in the July Game show BAI’E, televised by TeleCuracao, the local station. The fortunate winners, Gregori
Ignatia and Sheridan Gerard received a fabulous car delivered to them at the parking lot of KFC in Santa Rosa where they also had a great party with live music and great food provided by KFC. Congratulations to the winners from Hola Caribe!!
28 Aruba, Curaรงao y Bonaire, Septiembre de 2010