Boys Training Centre ANNUAL 2015
issue # 2015/1
January to December 2015
MANAGER’S THOUGHTS Given the huge mandate of the Saint Lucia Boys Training Centre (BTC), we strive to conduct programmes and activities that are geared towards the rehabilitation, integration and discipline of the youth at risk in Saint Lucia. Despite the numerous challenges that we face daily, management and staff work very hard to execute programmes that touch all facets of the lives of wards in our care.This is achieved through the reinforcement of positive behaviour and the development of inter and intra personal skills, which aid the young men to cope with different situations upon their release from the BTC. As the manager of this facility, it brings me great joy to set the tone for the implementation of the various programmes and activities that help us realize our mandate as an agency of the Ministry of Social Transformation, Local Government and Community Empowerment. It is our hope, that each young man who leaves the BTC, becomes a success story and makes a positive contribution to his respective community.
EDITOR’S NOTES Thank you for taking the time to read and educate yourself about the Saint Lucia Boys Training Centre. It is my pleasure to publish this newsletter, which includes the activities, programmes and projects that directly and indirectly influence the youth at risk in our nation. Furthermore, it is the passion and dedication of the management, staff and volunteers that continue to be instrumental in changing the lives of wards at the Boys Training Centre (BTC). It is my hope that individuals and agencies get involved in the rehabilitation process of the wards, eventually galvanizing all our resources to cultivate positive, law-biding and creative young men to lead the Saint Lucian society. Happy reading.
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A BRIEF HISTORY Her Royal Highness, Princess Margaret, officially opened the Boys Industrial School, on February 20th 1960 at Massade, Gros Islet. At that time, it housed seventeen (17) delinquent male juveniles and was staffed by three (3) persons. The school was the brainchild of Sir Stanislaus James. Sir James was the first trained Social Worker and first Probation Officer in Saint Lucia, and he brought about the establishment of this institution through sheer perseverance and determination. In 1974, on the recommendation of a Government appointed advisor, the Boys Industrial School was renamed Saint Lucia Boys Training Centre and its mandate was changed to include boys in need of care and protection.
ADMISSIONS All wards are committed to the Centre by an order of the Family Court in two categories: • Children in conflict with the law: boys under the age of 16 who have committed crimes. • Care & Protection: Boys who have not committed any crime but who have been truant at their schools; are disruptive in the home or school environment; or children who do not have parents/guardians with the ability to meet their needs. BTC ward range in age from 10 to 18 years. However, a ward is not admitted once he has attained the age of 16 years.
THE STRUCTURE The Centre currently operates programmes, which are synchronized with the mainstream school timetable and every ward is expected to attend vocational training and/or remedial education classes. At regular breaks in the school year, wards are allowed home leave- a privilege earned for good behaviour. As each ward’s abilities are identified, he is given extra support with these specific abilities. The Centre is now looking to the wider community to develop formal apprenticeship programmes. Apprenticeship is mostly within the fields of Auto mechanics, Welding, Agriculture and Woodwork. In additon, there are intra and extra mural activities and programmes in which the wards participate in throughout their stay at the BTC.
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Contents United States visit to the Boys Training Centre........p6 BTC Educators and Instructors Retreat.......p9 Monthly Birthday Party.......p10 2015 Independence Chess Tournament.......p11 Parental Skills Workshop.........p12 UN World Poetry Day Festival........p14
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Editors: Elvin Ryan Germain Graphic Designer: Elvin Ryan Germain Photographers: Elvin Ryan Germain Randel Harry Solange Alfred Cover Page: Elvin Ryan Germain Writers: Patrick Fearon Elvin Ryan Germain Lousie Ann Albert Priscilla Nelson Adhara King
SALCC Nurse Visit to BTC..........p23 Good News Project..........p23 Aggression Replacement Training: Pilot.......p24 World Environmental Day........p26 Digicel & BTC Christmas Party.......p28 2015 Sponsors........p30 Faces of Boys Training Centre......p32
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United States W
ednesday 14th January 2015, the Boys Training Centre was graced
by the visit from the United States of America Ambassador to the Eastern Caribbean, Dr Larry Leon Palmer and US Embassy delegates. His Excellency Dr Palmer was greeted by Ms. Juliana Alfred Permanent Secretary in Ministry of Social Transformation, Local Government and Community Empowerment ,Mr Leonard Terrence Manager of the Boys Training Centre and Mrs Lyndon Archibald, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States JJRP Coordinator. The visit coincided with a series of projects and programmes financed by US Aid and OECS in regards to JJRP Project. Dr Palmer visited of vocational areas that wards participate in
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Ambassador to O.E.C.S
Visit to Boys Training Centre by Elvin Ryan Germain
everyday, especially the areas to which the US Aid donateds equipment and tools During the past year the BTC has received equipment, resource material and administrative training support through the JJRP through the OECS and US Aid. The visit was hosted by management and staff of the Boys Training Centre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US Embassy in Barbados.
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n Friday 20th March 2015, the education
individual contribution to life of the wards at the
department of the Boys Training Cen-
Boys Training Centre. During the day sessions offic-
tre hosted a retreat for its instructors and
ers in Ministry and Manager of the BTC, Mr Leon-
teachers. The one day retreat was held at the confer-
ard Terrence observed the members of the educa-
ence room of the Ministry of Social Transformation,
tion department renew their spirits and purpose to
Local Government and Community Empowerment
enhance the rehabilitation of the boys in their care.
(M.O.S.T) under the theme’ Dare to Change Lives’. The day’s program comprised topics such as Spiritual Leadership (presenter Mrs Ann Yarde); Educational Needs of children with learning difficulties (presenter Mrs. Karleen Mason) and working with children with mental illness and behaviour disorders (Mr. Patrick Fearon).
With renewed spirits and cheerful hearts the members of the department sharpened their focus on new projects and instructional methodologicals for remedial and the respective vocational areas. The department will embark on implementation of the 2nd chance program, which provides person between the
The retreat provided the instructors and teachers
ages of 15 and 35 years the opportunity to receive
the opportunity to reflect on the past year and their
certification in a variety of subjects. In addition, the
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BTC will be certified as a 2nd chance institution that will also provide other persons besides the wards opportunity to receive certification.
If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. -Chinese Proverb
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Monthly Birthday Party
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2015 Independence Chess Tournament by Elvin Ryan Germain
ebruary 26, 2015- The National Community Foundation hosted the first Independ-
ence Chess Tournament at Castries City Hall, which comprised Junior and Senior divisions. The Boys Training Centre was represented by two wards in Junior and Senior divisions. At the end of the tournament, the wards received tremendous support and encouragement for their participation, especially their level of skill. National Community Foundation continues to foster the development and nurturing of chess in primary and secondary schools. Through its coordinators, tactical,
“I don’t believe in psychology.
persons game
cognitive and social aspect of their lives.
I believe in good moves” (Bobby Fischer)
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n March 2015, the counsel-
tinue with their participation in an
lors and social workers of
effort to offer support to new par-
the Boys Training Centre
ents and to build on their acquired
(BTC) embarked on a new ap-
proach to rehabitation; not only
Parenting is one of the most dif-
the boys but their natural care-
ficult and complex task. Parents,
taker- parents and families tha they return to after their tenure at the BTC. Entitled “Parental Skills Training Program” this program is geared towards assisting parents in acquiring the necessary skills needed to make them better and more involved parents. It is being held bi-weekly from 10:00 - 1:00 pm on Wednesdays at the Carielle Garden Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC). It will be moved to Boys Training Centre conference in the second phase. The program adopts the National Parenting manual, which is deBTC Annual
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signed specially to educate and guide parents on some of the best practices, that can enhance their quality of parenting. The parent skills training program is being facilitated by the staff of the Social Work and Counseling Department. However, professionals from other fields are brought in to support the quality of the training. After successful completion of a twenty (20) week program, parents will receive a certificate of participation and attendance. They are also encouraged to con-
even the most knowledgeable ones, can easily become frustrated and overwhelmed with their children’s maladaptive behaviours if
January to December 2015
by Mrs. Priscilla Jean Nelson
they do not have the necessary or
work, personal, professional and
ing developmentally-appropriate
effective coping skills. This train-
family obligations. It teaches the
physical contact and affection.
ing provides the avenue for sup-
It gives clear and developmentally-
port, education and socialization
appropriate di¬rections; setting
in a non -threatening environ-
limits and rules; stating behavioral
ment. It is very interactive and
expectations and consequences.
parents learn from each other’s
Parents learn new skills through
mistakes and strengths. The pro-
role-play, modelling and group
gram covers a wide range of top-
discussions. They are also given
ics to encompass the demands of
importance of positive interactions with children using skills that promote positive parent-child interactions demonstrating enthusiasm, following child’s interests, offering appropriate recreational options and providing positive attention. It also teaches parents how to respond with sensitivity to child’s emotional
needs (e.g., soothing); provid-
behavioural assignments to complete between sessions.
Some aspects of the training will focus specifically on strengthening the parent self awareness. Topics such as, “Who Am I” will be explored. Self Care is also a critically aspect of the training. In a nutshell “being the best parent that you can be, when nothing seem to be working.”
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arch 19 2015, The Boys Training Centre hosted the 2nd Annual World Poetry Day
activity. The day’s celebrations showcased increase participation from seven (7) wards in 2014 to thirteen wards in 2015. In addition, in observance of the day special invited guests made a brief presentation and performances of their literary work-Glen Charlery (member of headphunk); Naomie ‘Naozi” Grandison (member of headphunk and local recording artist) and Kevin Desir (local published writer). Other invited personnel were volunteers of BTC and members of Amy Gift to Saint Lucia Music Project Committee.
World Poetry Day was celebrated on March 21 and was declared by UNESCO in Paris, 1999. UNESCO recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind. One of the main objec-
dance, music and painting, and to support small publishers and create an attractive image of poetry in the media, so that the art of poetry will no longer be considered an outdated form of art, but one which enables society as a whole to regain and assert its identity.
“Every poem is unique but each reflects the universality in human experience, the aspiration for creativity that crosses all boundaries and borders, of time as well as space, in the constant affirmation of humanity as a single family.” Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
tives of the Day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities. The observance of World Poetry Day is also meant to encourage a return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals, to promote the teaching of poetry, to restore a dialogue between poetry and the other arts such as theatre,
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A Little Guy
I am a little guy, that when people look into my eyes Sometimes I tell a lie. And if I tell a lie I cry. Then I fly into the sky with my little lie. I don’t know why I tell a lie But I know for sure I won’t tell a lie anymore. Then I said goodbye to my little lies And I will always try and try to never say a lie. Ward AG
I See Something New While life is sometimes hard, not all the time you get your way in life. That’s why you need God. Only God can save us, that’s why we are on earth. That’s why am trying not to stay behind in life. That’s just me. Not everyone has a shot in life like some people do. Everyone needs somebody. No man is an island. That’s where God comes in. I give trouble but I need help in the end. With more encouragement once in a while, I will be good Thank you staff at the Boys Training Centre. Ward CA BTC Annual
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The Deep Blue Sea I am so excited about the deep blue sea She always comes running back to me.
Boy Who Wants to Change
Boats dancing too and thro for there are so many places to go.
How I wondered to catch a rainbow
I dive and swim into the treasure store
When the wind blows
of the shimmering big blue sea.
Good morning sunshine
Filled with many creatures
Fly away home east of the sun
down below, some unknown to me
West of the moon
Oh I love the beautiful deep blue sea.
Over the mountain under the sea My experience at Boys Training Centre I thought it would be easy but God didn’t give up
Ward DM
on me So I told myself I need to change my life at the BTC. I cannot change one time
Is About Love
So people are helping me to see a better side of me I know am not the best of person at all times But try to work with me that is all I ask of you.
Ward CA
Would you catch me if I fall in love with you? When you kiss me, I evaporate like rain upon your lips. I feel comfort of your heart beating when I hold you close to me. If life puts us on hold, I would like to hold on to you forever. Would you catch me if I fall in love with you. Ward DJ Page 17
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The Blue Sky and the Blue Sea
Spirit of Love
I got up I saw the blue sky,
Love and hatred are two different feelings.
While I was dreaming deep inside
Love comes with things like peace, kindness and respect.
On the way to the beach I saw the sea
Some people want love but they can’t get it.
it was beautiful
Some people have love but they don’t want to share it
And I felt beauty within me
with mankind.
And when I look at the sky I thought I was in paradise.
Hatred comes with things like For example men and women that on the street all alone,
Ward AH
People watch them like they should have to die, because they have nothing doing on this planet. But if the rich people were in their shoes, what they will say they won’t do nothing for me. So I won’t be on the road like this, But in this life I wish that everyone had the same positive mind. So that the world would be a better place for life and peaceful as we sleep in the spirit of love.
Ward DC
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I’m Sorry Mya life is not a bed of roses And am holding on your rope And you got me ten feet off the ground
Why Am I On Earth
And am hearing what you have to say But I just can’t make a sound You tell me that you need me
I am on earth because God sent me or, Because God sent me to be who I am… NO I am on earth because
Then you go and cut me down
Of life, I am on earth because God sent me
But wait you tell me that you’re sorry
To make a change in this world
But I didn’t think of turning around
God made this world with peace, love,
And you say to me that it’s too late
kindness, trust and happiness.
to apologize and I say to you that I love you
He wants us to have hope in Him and trust There are no good or bad people
My love for you is like
we all are the same
The stars in the sky at night
we can choose to be good
And the great light tells you
or we can choose to be bad
How much I love you
Will God get to know us
And the lesser light tells you
Yes He will but God is our friend
How much I need you
since when we were babies, God has made a difference in everyone’s
In the beginning there was God and I
life today
And in the end was God, you and I
We must try to pray everyday
Spiritual love for me you and every body
Ward AH
Ward EB Page 19
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Touch My Heart
The Things I do
Touch my heart, feel the beat
I don‘t know what happen to me
Tell me how I am so sweet.
When I do the things I do
I am your child
I feel cursed in the things I do,
I am wild
when they are done.
I never wanted to be wild
Some things come!
Take my hand help me through
And some things go!
Make me feel that you love me too
But some things still stay the same
God above send your love
I feel so hurt by the things I do.
Touch my heart
I know I have to change.
and that of my mother’s too.
It would not be easy to change the way people see me.
Ward JM
I want to change, so people can see the change in me.
Ward NW
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The Moments of Life You look forward to reach the years when you are a teen, But these bring about experiences you‘ve never seen. There are days that seem hopeless, you wonder if you can cope. You pray to God oh Lord let me not reach Golden Hope.
I am a Child of God
You need to play your part too, because you may need adjustment in what you say or do.
Take my hand and lead the way.
Tell me all what you want to say.
Always remember to choose friends that are good, for they have lots to affect your behaviour and
Whisper slowly in my ear.
These things I may want to hear
Life is just beginning there is no time to rush so
Bring out my passion deep within me, pull
why kill yourself over a crush.
me close to you.
Always think of what lies ahead, take time and
And hold me near in the brightness of the
think dearly while you sleep in your bed...
sun; Show, me that you are the one.
Ward LC
I am a child of God, so you make me laugh and smile ; tell me. I am your child I love you mum from your son I will be your son for life.
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It’s All About Jesus Roses are red as red as the blood of Jesus Christ When it was shed on the cross for all our sins If wasn’t for the evil in this earth We would have been with Jesus Christ But we are still with him in spirit
Under the sea at BTC I see everything That’s within me and when I look down in the sea I can see God’s creations God is in me god is in you God is in all of what we can be.
Wards EB
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S.A.L.C.C. Nurses Visit Seven (7) student nurses from Sir Arthur Lewis Community College visited the Boys Training Centre (BTC) on Thursday 19th March 2015. The student nurses annual visit completes mandatory research and clinical work at social and health institutions like the BTC. During their visit the student nurses received a glimpse into the daily operations at the lone juvenile detention centre on island. In addition, they received a guided tour of the property, the vocational areas (welding, agriculture and woodwork) and participated in one the activities that aid in rehabilitation of the boys .
Good News Project The Good News Project continues visit the Boys Training Centre providing volunteer services to the staff and wards. Good News Project began with a pioneer group of five musicians from Wausau who wanted to share their talents with people in the West Indies. In 1983, the first year, they traveled to St. Lucia with their instruments, voices and open minds. As they traveled around, the St. Lucians would wave and call “Workshop!” as a way of greeting the group (The group gave music workshops to local institutions). A better name was needed and they quickly decided on ‘Good News’. Talking with St. Lucian leaders, those musicians realized that the country could use much more than music-sharing, and so a planning group returned in 1984. The first official group of Good News Volunteers returned in 1985 to start a legacy of hands-on volunteering and relationship building that has continued ever since. Page 23
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If you patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. -Chinese Proverb
Aggression Replacement Training: Pilot test at BTC by Mr. Patrick Fearon
asseterre, St. Kittis-April 20th - 24th. Twenty-four (24) representatives from the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) were trained and certified as Group Facilitators in the highly esteemed cognitive-behavioral program—the Aggression Replacement Training® (ART). The training was made possible through the sponsorship of the regional body’s Juvenile Justice Reform Project (JJRP). Dr. Barry Glick, who co-founded the ART® program with the late Dr. Arnold P. Goldstein over a quarter century ago, was the chief facilitator for this training. His wife, Joan Glick, was the co-facilitator. Dr. Glick and his wife were ably assisted
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administratively by Velita Heholt of the OECS Commission in the capacity of Administrative Assistant of the JJRP. Her tireless work (most of it behind the scenes), ensured the smooth running of the training. Numerically, the trained group facilitators of the ART program represent six member states as follows: Antigua & Barbuda (4), Commonwealth of Dominica (4), Grenada (3), St. Kitts & Nevis (5), Saint Lucia (5), St. Vincent & The Grenadines (3). Members of the Saint Lucia contingent who will now serve as local group facilitators of ART® are Patrick Fearon (Boys Training Centre), Shahini Gravillis (Family Court), Marian Modest (Upton Garden
Girls’ Centre), Maria Flavien (New Beginnings Transit Home) and Alina Auguste (Department of Probation and Parole Services). In a specific sense, ART® seeks to teach skills that clients never previously acquired (Habilitation), as opposed to attempting to reinstate previously learned skills, qualities or behaviours that have gone into disuse (Rehabiliation). ART® is recognized as a very effective intervention for juveniles at risk who display aggressive behaviour, as well as for adults. ART® is described as a cognitive-behavioural, multimodal curriculum that is composed of three interdependent components: 1. Social Skills
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(Behavioural), which teaches clients what to do in anger-producing situations. Teaching this component includes the use of the tools of Modeling and Role Playing. 2. Anger Control Training (Affective), which seeks to diminish the occurrence of anger arousal in chronically aggressive clients. Essentially, clients become equipped with the means to acquire self-control to deal effectively with an impulse whenever anger is aroused. In Anger Control Training, persons effectively learn what not to do when angry. 3. Moral Reasoning (Cognitive) is based on Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Stages (specifically the first four stages, namely, Power, Making of Deals, Mutuality and Systems. The
Moral Reasoning component is facilitated through the use of Problem Scenarios in which choices, which typically range from Immature Moralities through Mature Moralities, are made by peers in the group. Consequently, particular emphasis is placed on the role of peers throughout the Moral Reasoning component of the program. In order to maintain the fidelity and integrity of the ART® program, certain factors must be adhered to throughout its implementation. An ART® group should comprise twelve (12) clients (minimum 10) and should run for a period of ten (10) weeks—a total of thirty (30) group hours. Group sessions should take
place three times per week at regular intervals, for example, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The sessions each week follow a particular order, namely, the first session of the week is Social Skills, the second is Anger Control Training, while the third is Moral Reasoning. Physical resources such as Flip Charts, Note Cards, Home Work Assignments, Projector, etc., are essential. It is imperative that ART® group facilitators be afforded a minimum of six hours per week for program preparation and actual group facilitation in order to run the program effectively. Two trained facilitators are normally needed to conduct each session.
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n June 5 2015, a total of five (5) staff members and sixteen (16) wards of the Boys Training Centre embarked on the physical and pyschological challenge of climbing Gros Piton. This is was to observe World Environmental Day (WED) under the theme ‘Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care’. World Environment Day is an annual event that is aimed at being the biggest and most widely celebrated global day for positive environmental action. World Environment Day activities take place all year round and climax on 5th June every year, involving everyone from everywhere. The World Environment Day celebration began in 1972 and has grown to become one of the main vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and encourages political attention and action.
Environment Programme is able to personalize environmental issues and enable everyone to realize not only their responsibility, but also their power to become agents for change in support of sustainable and equitable development. World Environment Day is also a day for people from all walks of life to come together to ensure a cleaner, greener and brighter outlook for themselves and future generations.. The Management and Staff of the Boys Training Centre would like to extend special recognition to Consolidated Foods Limited: Super J and Blue Waters for their sponsorship of the annual Boys Training Centre WED activity. Also, special recognition is extended to the staff of the Gros Piton nature trail for their professionalism and assistance in making this year activity a awesome experience for the staff and boys.
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Digicel & Boys Training Centre Christmas Party
Castries, Saint Lucia. December 18 2015: The Serenity Park in Castries came alive to melodies of Christmas mu- The climax of the evening did not come before a full sersic, laughter, gifts and all the joys of Christmas as the
vice Christmas Feast was enjoyed by all. Then, it was time
island’s leading telecommunications company, Digicel for dancing. BTC staff joined the boys front stage to take partnered with the Boys Training Centre (BTC) to host in Ricky T’s performance, creating new dance moves and the Annual Wards’ Christmas Party.
encouraging the boys to “freestyle” alongside the Soca
The day’s program showcased the talent of the BTC Artiste. The evening ended with encouragement to the band, their Amy Winehouse Foundation music teacher
aspiring BTC artistes from Ricky T to be respectful, am-
Lestan Celestin, guest band Kosmik Riddim, and official bitious and determined in following their dreams. Digicel guest artist: three 3 time Soca Monarch of St Lu- The Boys Training Centre is grateful for the kind support cia ‘Ricky T’.
of Digicel, the Amy Winehouse Foundation, volunteers,
Digicel staff, including Marketing Executive Fiona Smith, staff, and friends of the BTC who contribute to rehabiliwere on hand to deliver personalized gifts to the boys, and
tating the juveniles in our care.
to spread good cheer. The BTC wards, who were asked in advance to send a “wishlist” to Digicel, were delighted to open their gifts and find the items they had hoped for. Members of The Lions Club of Castries were also part of the action- bearing gifts of cologne and other items for the already ecstatic young men.
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015 SORS The Management and Staff of the Saint Lucia Boys Training Centre would like thank the corporate and public sector partners for their continued support in the programs and activities which rehabitat tand develop the young men during 2015.
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Mrs. Priscilla Nelson Senior Social Worker
Ms. Regina Sydney Security Officer
Mr Alvin Xavier Coach
Ms. Mary Alexander Cook
Ms. Joanna Joseph Data Entry Officer BTC Annual
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Mrs. Beverly Emmanuel Executive Officer
Mr Kim Willie Security Officer
Mr. Dorian Joseph Maintenance Officer
of B.T.C. Mr Marlon Williams Agriculture Instructor
Ms. Emma Emmanius Domestic Worker
Mr Windel Bertrand Warden
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Mr. Callistus Jn. Louis Counsellor
Mr. Kirby Charles Security Officer
Mr. Denver Reynolds Security Officer
Mrs. Patricia Colvis Cook
Mr Neil Lafeuille Warden Page 33
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Mrs. Theresa Daniel Cook Mr. Mandel Thomas Security Officer
Mr. Keith Fontenelle Security Officer
Mr. Kayal Gilbert Vocational Apprentice
Mr. Kent Laurencin Groundsman BTC Annual
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Ms Krissa Virgile Cook
Mr. Keith Smith Warden
Mr. John George Warden
Mr.Tony Monlouis Warden
January to December 2015
Mr. Michael Alfred Security Officer
Ms. Andrea Alcide Social Worker
Mr. Jonathan Alcide Security Officer
Mr. Osmund Jules Security Officer
Mr. Vincent Samuel Welding & Auto Mechanics Instructor
Mrs Michelle Desir-Auguste Housemother
Mr. Thomas Placide Special Reserve Police 26
Ms. Marian Mathurin Security Officer Page 35
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Ms. Janica Alexander Secretary
Ms. Nepher Lansiquot Warden
Mrs. Patricia Daniel Assistant Housemother BTC Annual
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Ms. Samantha Joseph Teacher
Mr. Khalid Pompey Security Officer
Mr. Elvis Charles Security Officer
Mr. Hilary Calixte Driver & Office Assistant
Mr. Dwight Francis Security Officer
Mr. Kieran Valcin Special Reserve Police 31
January to December 2015
Mr Cuthbert Henry Acting Assistant Manager
Ms. Louise Ann Albert Social Worker (study leave)
Mrs. Ann Yarde Remedial Teacher (retired)
Mrs. Lucia Leta Yarde Assistant Manager (transferred)
Mr. Leonard Terrance Manager (transferred)
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Ministry of Social Transformation, Local Government & Community Empowerment 758 450 8336 (direct) 758 450 9611(fax)
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