IntroductIon to compressIon moldIng process
compressIon moldIng
ďƒź Compression molding tooling is regularly changing because new and cast-off supplies are produced for use in day by day products. ďƒź It is one such method for molding intricate high-strength fiberglass fortification and it is high in volume and involves high pressure system.
ďƒź Also this molding process costs low compared to other processes like injection molding.
the process of compressIon moldIng ďƒź A pre-weighed measure of a polymer assorted with sliced reinforcing fibers, hardening agent, antiadhesive agent and pigment is positioned into the lower half of the mold.
ďƒź The mold cavity is filled by forcing and pressing on the charge and thereby the upper-half of the mold shifts downwards. ďƒź With the help of the ejector pin the molds is opened and the part is removed.
ďƒź For manufacturing buckles, large container, electronic device cases, knobs, buttons, gears, appliance housing, handles and electrical parts the compression molding technique is used.
VarIables of compressIon moldIng ďƒź The compression molding compound differs by two variables and it includes that is the bulk molding compound and Sheet Molding Compound. ďƒź Houston machine shop company provide different molding processes and we complete your project in appropriate days with quality in service and product.
contact us EMD-USA 6302 W. Little York Suite 114 Houston, TX 77091
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